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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Part & parcel innit
Guess the religion?
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Payback for the Manchester airport incident. Never mess with Muslims or you will suffer greatly.
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You dropped this
The true tragedy here is the Islamaphobia this will cause
Let's have 1 minute of silence for the poor Muslims who will be affected by this
Was the knifeman using an assault knife?
You guys really do need to ban knives.
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what the FUCK goes on in merseyside
bongs, explain yourselves
Good. Kids are annoying.
What a waste
shut the fuck up, taig
semi automatic knife with pro scope
at least one dead

Frankly embarrassing for an Australian to perpetuate sectarian nonsense like that.
I wonder what ethnicity is "knifeman"?
it's banter, calm down
Still hearing seethe that they didn't get to piss on more of the dead at Hillsborough.
>Manchester airport incident
I had no idea, thanks for bringing this to my attention. They should've stomped the goatfucker to death, and then they should've kept stomping.
holy digits
8 people treated for stab injuries
OK Moshe.
>goes on in merseyside
a plague of niggers and pakies like everywhere else
>authorities said not to speculate
nigger/paki confirmed
what kind of a vile demonic scumbag targets children?
The only way for Merseyside to recover is to turn Birkenhead into Birkenau
In Israel they kill jews. In India they kill Hindus. In Africa they kill Christians. In Europe they stab white kids to death. In Russia they kill innocent people at the mall. Wherever there is islam there is hatred killing and violence. To top it all they call it the religion of peace. These are the people spreading hate and division amongst all people. Because their goal is to rule the world.
that is part and parcel of being an afroarabian country
he saw the sign that said "bin laden please deposit knife at next location young street" its just a mistake any non native english speaker could make
Can't wait for the footy to start next week lads so we can be distracted from incidents like this.
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>Payback for the Manchester airport incident. Never mess with Muslims or you will suffer greatly.
>Kia boys
>Party goers
>Porch pirates
>Church goers
>Young fathers
>Honda drivers
>Jobless losers
>Gifted athletes
>Gang members
>Trouble makers
>Bus passengers
>Aspiring rappers
>Subway dancers
>Repeat offenders
>Lifelong criminals
>Masked assailants
>Misguided vandals
>Persons of interest
>Lunchtime rowdies
>Restaurant patrons
>Dinnertime burglars
>Unhinged strangers
>Unruly young adults
>Community activists
>Unhappy customers
>Former NFL players
>Black Friday crowds
>Troubled young men
>Spring break partiers
>High school students
>Neighborhood bullies
>Scholarship recipients
>Supermarket shoppers
>Anti-Israel rabble-rousers
>Catalytic converter thieves
Bongland is a shithole.
>Let's play "Is it a Kike or an Arab?!"
Southport is 99% white.
Not saying it's not a Paki, but it's less likely in this case than most others.
the road has a mosque facing it
>The owner of Masters Vehicle Body Repairs on Hart Street, said he believed six or seven "young girls" had been stabbed.
possible misogynist
>Implying these stabby pakis aren't targetting British children
Finally some good news today.
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How many more children must be stabbed before bongs do something
Remove kebab. Remove bagel.
>police officers detained a man and seized a knife
Imagine living 3rd world shit hole Bongistan where based cops aren't free to ventilate psychos, terrorists, junkies, and all aggressive brownoids.
I know what scots want their independence now
Riveting diversity at display.
We need to fight Russia.
For the Queen!
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wtf, is england iraq now?
Shame theylly never get it.
What's crazy is you guys don't realize it's over. They are breeding now, real attack comes afterward.
Part and parcel. Nevermind this never happened 30 years ago.
Muslim taqiyya. Muslim stabs kids to death- blame the jews
Possibly a Taylor Swift party at Hart Space nursery in Southport, so all young girls.
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Let's arrest Tommy Robinson, tho.
This will all be forgotten about by Wednesday. Enjoy diversity goyim.
So they can import even more!
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>commit crimes
>act surprised and resist when you're arrested
mudslims are just kikes with an attitude. There is no real difference between you and a kike. You both go where you're not wanted and force yourselves on the population unfortunate enough to receive you. Just look at the kurds in Japan fight the Japanese because they demand they have their own slice of islamic kurdish lands in Japan.
Add it to the list
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UK bobbys are on the case.
Yeah, something adds up quite a bit here and it's not just those amazing digits.
(((Who))) encouraged them to be in all of those places except the first, which is where they already were?
ok, thanks the heads-up. even more reason to ACCELERATE
knifemen from knifemanistan
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Stop spreading false information
Embarrassing that your ancestors were wayfaring sunburnt criminal pioneers and here you are getting butthurt about nasty words on the internet.
Which victims? The ones who were stabbed or the peaceful Muslims facing a backlash?
Knife control
lol. lmao.
yeah if the women had been trained in knife fighting they could have ended the cunt before it got past stabbing the first child.
I thought you blokes banned knives and other sharp-stabby-wabby items from the continent? You're telling me people still managed to get their hands on some knives and stab a bunch of people to death? Huh. It's almost like banning weapons doesn't stop criminals from obtaining them in the first place.
>still virtually no info
what the fuck is this
how would people feel if the children were trans?

p.s. tragic events, shouldn't have been any kids harmed
was it an incel stabber?
>Is it that hard to show actual compassion to victims?

Evidently it is, as this guy's priority was virtue signalling that he opposes racism, rather than showing compassion for the victims. He's not shown any in that tweet.
As always, as soon I see "girls", I'll wait to see how attractive they were before I give my opinion.
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>wanting to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else means you don't have compassion for the victims
they were children, m8
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makes no different to your average paki or roadman nigger.
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Urban or Turban?
so do these stabbers ever get charged with hate crimes? or is that a crime only white people commit?
No, the grooming gangs were 'hate crimes' but they were never charged with it. The state doesn't recognise hate again the native white population.
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You people have absolutely no concern for the young children/adults caught up in this horrific episode.

No, you're more concerned about the colour of the attacker’s skin.

Absolute fucking ghouls.
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>Islam was founded by a warlord and military general
>Islam initially spread through bloody conquest and slavery
>70% of the Quran is just hatred towards khaffirs and paranoia
>The Quran says to kill khaffirs in battle
>The hadiths literally instruct muslims to kill khaffirs and chop off their limbs
>Muslims have a long history of violence and terrorism

>Muh "religion of peace"
>No Muslim would ever do something violent
>It was le Jews
Yeah, Muslims ARE Jews. Their religion was stolen from Judaism. Muslims used to pray to Jerusalem before Muhammad changed it to the Pagan Cube. They believe in the Jewish prophets, they forbid pigs because Jews do. They cut off their foreskin because Jews do. Their greetings like salaam and ameen are based on Jewish sayings like shalome and ahmen. Muslims are just Arabic Jews. So yes, it was the Jews, because Muslims ARE Jews in denial.

Muhammad WAS literate, there's records of him writing things in the Hadith. And according to Muslim sources like the Quran and Hadith Muhammad was rich and powerful. All of his uncles were rich and Muhammad inherited the business of his rich wife khadija after she died. Muhammad was loaded. Richest person in Arabia.

May a dingo snatch your baby
race of the kids?
I also care about the color of the kids' skin desu
What have they thought will happen if a bunch of "right wingers" march with Israeli flags? How stupid can you be? Cuckservatives will never learn
I wonder if leftist trannies realize they're going to be openly slaughtered and beheaded when the Muslims they support take over.
The common rule is if the victims race is not mentioned there is a 90% chance that they are White. If the perpetrators race is not mentioned there is a 99% chance that he is not White. You should know by know, Ranjesh.
But most importantly, was he a licensed knoifeman?
Different event. A young troon lured a man home for a shag, and the stabber freaked out when he saw the penis
slave morality exhibit A
Riot immidiate?
The BBC says "a man" has been arrested in connection with the attack. That tells me it's a nigger or a sandnigger.
Raj calm down bro no need to be racist.
they've had the guy in custody for several hours, why don't they just say who he is so people stop speculating?
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big if true (possibly falsified & homosexual)
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Southern Baptist?
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>Knife injures six children. Man charged
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I don't care about forrins
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no shit, it's almost like Southport is in ENGLAND and not Gaza
daaaaaaaaaaaamn gottem
fucking right wing nazis caring about their neighbours
he's not wrong, no one cares about the actual victims sadly
>English nationalists care more about English nationals being murdered in England than about non-English nationals being murdered by non-English nationals who the English government gives arms to

This person is also tacitly admitting they care more about Gaza, or at least, that they DONT care about English kids.
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Yeah I do. The perp should be burned at the stake. Nail him to it first though
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possibly fake & gay
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>wants closed borders
aren't those kinds of faggots typically.. you know, faggots?
might be real & straight
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god damn, we're back to chud now
I came into this thread expecting the samuel hyde edits.
Uk anons disappoint.
gayops confirmed
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remember the nigger who stabbed three people to death in Nottingham?
he planned out the attack and targeted white people but wasn't charged with a hate crime, and is now locked up in a hospital because mental health.
Our justice system loves niggers.
Implicit premise.
if the brits would have banned hi capacity knives this never would have happened
Clearly AI
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Sorry to hear about the children though.
More people will be arrested for making social media posts about this incident than will be arrested in connection with the event itself.
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It is
i think even gay-aligned men are sick of muslims
you'd hope
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seriously asking what is that phenotype?
i can't tell
Knives are illegal to carry in UK.
Try again.
At writing all 8 victims are still alive and in hospital.
Would that be the case if the attacker had a gun? I doubt it.
true, children are shot dead everyday in America in schools, it's actually a testiment to how safe it really is in most of Europe that a stabbing event where no one died makes international headlines
I'm so far past giving a fuck about being called racist desu
Dindnu Nuffin
Yeah because hordes of young boys would be attending a taylor swift dance workshop. He's just another Muslim piece of shit nutjob, like they all are.
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Religion means nothing, it's about race.
unalive yourself, and go the fuck back to the desert.
This ain't over yet nigger.. Our turn again. Watch and weep.
lol. We’re a bit more civilised over here. But then most of our pubs are older than your country.
Why don’t you go and eat cheese from a can, or whatever it is you guys do to chill out?
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>unalive yourself
zoomer faggot
>chill out
>your daughter has just been stabbed chill out bro
Cucks like you need to die with the shitskins
How has a description not come out yet?
of peace?
What's the point of being civilised if you're all dead

At least Indians riot when Pakis do something.

Id rather be a pajeet than a faggot under a yoke of non conflict
>Be young and easily influenced
>Let butchers chop off your benis because Jews told you it was cool
>Now have a grotesque axe would abomination
>Have to take constant pills and dilate every 15 minutes
>Pretend to be happy but deep down be in deep despair
>Get stabbed by some shitskin the Jews imported
They confirmed dead children like half an hour ago maybe you two should learn how to read
Feared seriously hurt? They don’t know?
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>still waiting for a fucking update
>Darkskinned, mostly peaceful, knife wielder
Guess the race.
no, your system hates white people, there's a difference.
Why don't you grab some Cheesy Wotsits, watch the Ngubus playing football and pretend that nothing is wrong with the UK?
Both those posts were made more than half an hour ago.
Maybe someone needs to learn how to tell time?
Allah be praised. And also the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS).
They said Banks is a village nearby.
They're covering it up.
Life in the modern West
>17 years old
does that mean he won't be named because underage?
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Worst case scenario you find out in 364 days
irish dispora that hate everyone
This guy thinks we are all psychics knowing its a brown dude lol

Npc are too dumb to nootice
White guys don’t go on stabbing rampages. That’s more Asian, black, or a Muslim thing
the village of banks is 100% white
That list is getting long.
Haha migrant confirmed
No they haven't you delusional halfwit. Stop trying to convince yourself that banning guns doesn't work when the rest of the world can see it does.
hare krishna?
Nope. They don't get. They'd love to destroy citizenship, republic order and free markets because they don't understand what the absence of these means.
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>Never mess with Muslims or you will suffer greatly
shut the fuck up faggot
>We’re a bit more civilised over here.
We aren't. We aren't allowed guns because we would actually use them outside of the pub every saturday night. The fact that there aren't more shootings in America is a testemant to how civilised they actually are. If you could by a Rifle in Morrisons it would be mayhem over here.
I pretty much think the same. When I see Americans saying everyone should have a gun I think, you've never met a chav.
The fact we and every civilised national have banned guns shows we are. How many people in UK want guns legalised? Vs how many Ameritards?
The US is a baby nation that hasn’t grown up yet so they still throw sticks at each other. Except those sticks are lethal.
anon, you fail to realize two things. a) they can't understand that people have different set of values and priorities than them and b) even if you tell them this(not that they would truly understand implications) they would still think that just being nice will eventually make others thing like them. After all, they are right and everyone who is not right is just misguided and needs some guidance
This combination of arrogance and ignorance is why lefties are willing to let foreigners in, just as "alt-right" realizes that bringing in completely foreign people is a disaster waiting to happen for reasons that are rather obvious
Append the litany.
>comments turned off now an immigrant has been arrested for it
>If you let your enemy mercilessly beat you and kill you that's being civilised
What a stupid thing to say. There is nothing virtuous about that attitude. You're just weak and cowardly. Pathetic.
Kill all Shitskins and Niggers.


I'm always disgusted when I see a UK poster seemingly unironically supporting civilian disarmament. The UK deserves infinite muslim and african migration and would be more human as a result.
Right after Labour acceots Arrest warrant for Bibi and threatens suspension of Arms to Israel
Why are mudslimes so thin-skinned and fragile?
I wonder if we will ever see retribution killings. Like maybe one of the parents of one of those kids will hold a grudge and he'll start using arson to burn down buildings full of muslims or something like that. Eventually there is going to be some blowback. I'm curious what it will be.
Whi funded Abdi?...
For the first time, your 'civilized' country has a sizeable shit skin population. You'll understand why guns are necessary within one generation. You should already understand, wasn't Tommy Robinson arrested after a peaceful demonstration? The government in your country is oppressive as fuck.
They can stop you from owning a gun but what isn't illegal to own is a can of gasoline, glass bottles, rags. All totally legal to own.
Nah whites are faggoty pussies and never do this. Even in America with all your guns you never do shit.
He was white. Say something now /Pol/cels
poilce said a 17 year old was arrested and that is not a 17 year old
Where does this fake meme come from. We do shit all the time. Maybe your news doesn't tell it but we do shit ALL THE TIME. I had a good friend who got hacked up into like 15 pieces. I had another one who was shot in the back. We do shit all the time. Whoever told you we wont do shit, lied. And you believed it.
post proof or fuck off
You're literally the same thing, Moishe
>It's OK that kids get stabbed because at least they weren't shot
>children are shot dead everyday in America in schools
joking or retarded? hard to tell on this SHITHOLE of a board
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Blood for the blood god
if you count niggers than it's more or less true
heh, nice remembering
You would likely not hear about it if they did, the establishment wouldn't want anyone getting any ideas.
>Knives are illegal to carry in UK.
Guns are illegal too but you have shootings every day.
> no wider threat
Except all the other terrorists they let into the country.
And the retarded politicians living in the safety of their mansions dictating how you should live your life.
Need to ban assault knives.
White people are so disgusting, they have zero self preservation. Even as am exmuslim I'm glad I'm an Arab so that I'll be spared when Muslims take over. You sissy boys voted for this so I don't see why everyone's complaining, man's just practicing his religion that you said must be respected.
The imported barbarians make a bee line for native children like some /pol/ devised caricature and the cattle population still take it

Ultimate blackpill, dead Civilization
Taylor Swift is responsible....
This is confirmed now
Nope. Ever stopped at the petrol station?
If you doubt the trump assesination

Do not vote for him
You will notice with these type of NIMBY cunts that they start off with:

"Le right wingers are so RACIST, WHERE IS THE PROOF!"

Swiftly followed by:


And finally:


This cunt should have his head caved in with a sledgehammer.

I wish I lived on the Isle of Man.
>Mark Henderson, 38 years, of Albert Road in Southport has been charged with attempted murder.

wait, that's a different stabbing at the same place?
Scouser are basically Irish diaspora and quite violent and prone to crime in general.
The establishment must be seriously worried about escalation after this event because the Scousers are the first to kick off.

>The attacker, described as wearing a face mask, arrived on Hart Street in a taxi and refused to pay the fare, one witness said

This does not sound right at all.
people from southport arent scouse
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Nothing happened at a day-care center look at this instead...
based a f
Why? If the guy just wanted to immediately go on a rampage then it doesn't sound weird to me.
>Be masked man with a knife
>excuse me, do you have change for a 20?
I mean he refused to pay, he probably wasn't hanging around. Also I assume that he didn't whip out any knife until he started the attack but who knows.

Yup, shame i cant put money on it.
The eternal victim
Their prophet. Muslims are called to attack all non-Muslims around the world until they surrender.
Anglos don't care as long as football and beer exists
UK is 6% fucking muslim you prepper.
what the fuck has mark hoppus got to do with this
yeah say that when you are in camps and see your kids being fed to pigs, oh yes and you will whipe your leaking ass with quoran.
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It's important that we don't single out men now. A human did this. A bad human. When will the humans in the UK stop doing crimerinos like this?
All jews will hang
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>might limit weapon exports to israel
>kids get stabbed almost immediately
Almonds are activated
that's a high percentage you silly cunt, those figures are fake anyway, real figure is much higher, plus that 6% is mostly confined to our capital cities you dumb fuck.

I hate you, you must be a refugee

lmao these fucking kike propagandists
I thought pol lvoed dead children?
Atleast, that's tje impression I got after seeing all those threads the past few days. Where charred and mutilated bodies of children and infants are posted and everyone celebrates about it?
Not true. Muslims are told in the Koran when the infidels stop resisting to stop fighting. They consider our US base in Israel to be aggression so they fight us, and then the Deep State labels them terrorists. But if we retreated from Israel like RON PAUL used to say, there would be no terrorist attacks against the Great Satan
>believing official statistics
even if they are true
>not being massively alarmed at 6%
you must be either extremely stupid or suffering some sort of psychotic break
true compassion towards the victims would be to ensure this can never happen again but the real purpose of this post is to just place himself above others in a publicly visible way
so this person is a piece of shit from multiple angles
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is it time for yuropa to ban knives?
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Remember, you can't spell cuck without UK.
It's more likely they'll ban white people.
Wut? is that a new superhero name?
Of the people who mass import them? Jewish.
i bet its one with God
Avoiding the puddle
Literary genius here folks.
Can't spell Hippopotamus with US either, so think on that doofus.
Always the Amish.
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It was a 17 year old muslim immigrant.

Pic related
such goncern, much prayers
Only thing that changes now is the tax money to keep him in high security.
Sickening. All subhumans must go
>This cunt should have his head caved in with a sledgehammer.
This, unfortunately no matter how many spin things a certain some of these people will have to be removed along with all the parasites, preferrably first too so they don't get any funny ideas when things go hot.
a based Indian.
the clown make up needs to be even more obvious thoughever
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These digits rustled my giblets.

oooooh only 6% hmmm ok. Imagine how much worse shit will be when it's 10%, 15% 20% ......

You fucking retarded cunt.
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>The true tragedy here is the Islamaphobia this will cause
well, this is true because it's kind of sad to see all the hate that grows and a never ending circle of hatred and violence.

It will be a matter of time before something with happen with the Muslims and it will be due to your own fault
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the never ending cope of the cucked british.

the current generation will the last one.
Just accuse the bongs with racism and watch them cuck out and start licking the boots of pakis
God's work, as it were, anon.
what the hell
is ths real?

someone post the islamic terrorist bingo, I never saved it.
What kind of man is a knife.

If it turns out muzzle I will kick 10 Muzzies in the head ten times each, trust me I have the XP in Minecraft

Won't be using sandals either

Well no one is deliberately dropping bombs on kids in Gaza. They are the unintentional casualties of war. Meanwhile the brittish kids are intentionally being targeted and attacked in cold blood. Major difference between the two examples.
Don't look back in anger.
care for these new kind of traitors, they hate you
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Add child to that list. My news reports keep calling the stabber a 17 year old child with only one anchor saying man
tower of babel
Zen Buddhist, ainnit

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