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Previous: >>476072160
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid -
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing -https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money -https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine -https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe -
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky -https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets -
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional -
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions -
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Original full footage of first Abrams kill finally released after 3 month
>The 15th Alexandria Brigade of Black Hussars liberated Volchye! Abrams with cope cages got BTFO
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region
>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk

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beheading videos soon
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kacaps died defending black men
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Wagners in Mali were ambushed. One of the killed was Zigger telegram channel Gray Zone's admin. The captured Ziggers are to be transfered to Ukraine
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gayzone was a nazi tho
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Thanks for the bread and for your great efforts Irish Fren OP! Keep doing the good work!

I'm taking this chance to denounce the talmud, and shills are kikes.

Having said that, I'll proceed to bless this thread, and everyone on it. Be it fellow /chug/frens and shills, because the love of God is for everyone, but everybody has to take their time to realize the love that the Lord gives us.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



May everyone on this bread have a great day ahead of you all!
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and he loved that chechen cock
nazis are based

they killed hundreds of thousands of Poles
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Thank you for bread
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Yeah and Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine turn into Ukrainians in Russian state media
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread!
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goat fuckers in flip flops>100 battle hardened elite russian troops
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deal with your disease man of doubtfull ethnic origin
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Girkin too turned from hero to shunned after he implied the Russian warfare was not led very good
it happens every now and then
back in 2022 they were showing a burned out tank with a still visible Z painted on it, and telling their audience it is Ukrainian tank lel
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very nice
now let's see Paul Allen's shower selfies
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Shills are mad today, with how much land ukraine is losing you'd think they'd get desensitized at some point.
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>be russian war propagandist
>think the war is just like cowaduty
>get murked by some beige people

lmao why are russians so stupid?
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>25 posts
>3 shills already filtered
End of month, poojet needs poocoins for his little jeets.

oh wow
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>the front is collapsing!
why are zigger shills such liars and retards?
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Hi, thanks for bake
So what's the next two more weeks objective?
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It must really be bad for the hohols in the Ukraine for these diaspora hohols to be seething this much on 4chins
no bunda wtf???
Blessed be the baker and his bread!
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how embarassing
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I wonder what the uhg discord looks like?

Current gains are the fastest since the openning days
> third day of shills whining about africa instead of ukraine lmao
hohols must be getting creamed
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is that why you started talking to yourself out of desperation mr totally irish guy?
by posting in this thread you endorse multiculturalism
went from space traveling proud civilization to mutt brown cock sheathes

everyone gets what they deserve
The Finnish faggot never misses a chance to throat dick for nickels a post
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mehehehehe gupie ruskie kurwy XDDDDDDDDD

such is life of soldiers of fortune
no matter what you did in your life
once you dead some pole is gonna laugh at you on some basket weaving forum
Yeah, I know right.
total hyhyl death is not total enough if you don't have your own Frieren-sama!
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will Trump save russia?
russians desperately cling to this delusion
Fucking AI corrected her ugly face lol
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I do
I want to breed polish women
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That salient approaching Kramatorsk is looking very interesting
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commie trash removed
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post your onions face when he does
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Seems like we have a Poolack infestation going on ITT that replaced the Finn one earlier
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if russia is winning then why so many ziggers commit sudoku?
she looks like shed quickly become Orthodox Russians gf in exchange for being impaled by a 20+cm Orc cock
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I find it sad that Russia's hope clings on whether other countries let Russia win. Doesn't sound very superpower to me
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certyfikowane wykopki
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I being a fag wasn't bad enough, the bengali is also colorblind.
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None of them are poles
>let russia win
>zero sum with russia
i hope you chose the latter

9 May 2025
screencap it
>Doesn't sound very superpower to me

I think even russians have already snapped out of this delusion by now
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If they lived, they would have to return to Russia. They are taking the easy way out.
That's why poles never leave poland or become soldiers of fortune, or really anything.
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>Julian spelling Kiev not as Kyiv
Whats going on
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Ah I see so thats why the shills are seething
I understood that reference
cumchuggers "logic" in one pic
jews rape kids the same way my father rapes me in my sleep though not as he rapes my sister again next door
Why do successful Russians leave Russia and send their kids and wealth to degenerate West?
Weak men create hard times
they know they are losing.
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>Russians lose 50 men per day MAX
Good lord, he is really about to kill himself
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Its over bruv we have lost the football match
>That's why poles never leave poland
Half of there population is scrubbing toilets over here
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projecting, pšonek?
meh they are the same whores just like hohlushkas
a fine pure-blood African negreess that will treat you as an Aryan White God Chad Who Came Directly From The Sky is better for breeding superhuman race!
why do ukrianinans like you move to Western countries and cry about how we need to defend your country in your place you fucking shitmuppet?
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T-that's ok tho, Sweinerenko's about to show up with 10 millions of freshly mooobilized reserves and will turn the situation around!
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I have a micropenis desu
But it won't get in the way of breeding I swear
Kasia my love
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I wonder how many nafo troons are calling him a vatnik now with such claims
Because they have an inferiority complex toward westoids, and the richer they are the bigger this complex is.

But why do Binlanders shill for ukraine and care what Russians do, instead of caring that Helisnki is de jure no longer part of Finland?
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>If they lived, they would have to return to Russia
they prolly dont want to live in such blackified, islamicised country
He's beginning to believe
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I found the perfect representation of the Ukraine situation. The braindead entity at the fore is Ukraine, and behind it are the US and England. This particular piece displays the absence of agency, and the duality of man.
>Half of there population is scrubbing toilets over here
What an accomplishment.
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I'm native Finn though. Are you the kotiryssä who claimed in previous thread having had 4 grandfathers fighting in WW2? :D
those are literal jeets/chinks/ukrainians that have fled here from their stasi shitholes yet refuse to go and die for their cause.

Wouldn't mind slashing their throats IRL if they spoke that shit to my face, they don't deserve freedom to talk about it if they aren't willing to die for it fucking faggots.
We don't like Russia and we enjoy seeing ziggers die.
The fact it's 2 boomers, smiling their satanic smiles behind a brain dead Gen-X just makes this representation even better
>But why do Binlanders shill for ukraine
Because they lost 20% of their country in the winter war
Pretty hard to miss this news the way you go on about it. Isn't it just too bad though it won't change the course of the war in Ukraine
there we go, this guy's a jew loving Ukrainian whore, deserves to be stabbed and send back in a bodybag.
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all ziggers deserve to die

an ebony queen is fine as a consort
no way in hell I'm leaving poor mutts behind to suffer on this gay earth
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>the perfect representation of the Ukraine
So you are the defender of the white race whose hope to save white race lies on brown countries collapsing white countries?
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those that have no loyalty to anything except money, travel the world to worship money (satan)

but once your GDP start going down and your brownification goes up, these people will look to Japan and China to parasite from

don't flatter yourself, you don't have their loyalty, you just bought some whores
hey chug what do I need to attach music to images posted?
because Frieren-sama could totally use a more pompous presentation

its pottery
it rhymes
the way they also keep all this anti-russian shill information to spam /pol/ with and cry about muh ukraine doesn't make them legitimate, no real fin would want to fight for kikes.
But you do love Somalians, and Somalian man finish girl meet up nights.

Sorry bro, i've met some fins, and the type of fin you are, i've only met online.
All of them care more about Russians dying or Russians farting whichever happens, than what your government is doing to your own country.
I mean i wont sit here on a high horse and say my government is any good or wouldnt do the same.
But i don't care what Russians do, and Ukranians are part of the libshit disease.
i don't want to save the white race

in fact if you were brown I'd be happier then if you were white
Heres a hoholina threatning to kill nationalists in my country
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>russians are mutts
>t. owner of russia
if you love ukraine so much you should go die there, better keep your mouth shut about your political beliefs in real from this point on.
I have a 17cm dick, all my ex gf told me it was bellow average, my wife too, but she tells me she loves me nonetheless
>They're still clinging on to retarded numbers
The real question is when Russia is able to launch a successful armored operation that captures +50 kilometers in a single day and completely envelops multiple battalions or even a division. I had kind of given up hope that anything was going to move with any type of speed, but perhaps something will finally happen again.
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Finland simply don't like Russia so Finns like seeing ziggers dying. If you tried to have pro-russia rally in Finland while claiming to be a nationalist, the actual nationalist would beat you up for supporting Russia
choose one
>when an unkown minibus stops before your house
Putin has long ago acknowledged us as the world's only superpower. But at least they don't like our balls like the plumbers do.
can you just post the NITTER link instead and screen shot? Ukrainians are scum that "finnish" guy isn't even white, you can tell the way he talks, he's a slav bitch.
Hahah, we both know why you dare to defend Russia only online and anonymously
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>we will fight to the last xe/xer
no this is not shitposting. This is a post from the actual armed forces of Sweden...
The same nationalist are eerly quiet with the nigger flood, and are the first to sign up for Talmudic retardations.
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>I have a 17cm dick, all my ex gf told me it was bellow average

Whenever I'm told I'm poor I always remember I'm also a dicklet
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You really should find him and thank him for his service.
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More than that, somebody finally decided to find out what happen when you try to hold out for as long as you possibly can instead of running for truce in the first few months and the result is less than stellar. Meaning for Finns, the only way to "win" a war is to lose it as fast as possible without the other side going full hog onto the complete extermination of their entire country's sovereignty as well as titular nation inhabiting it.
Finland simply dislikes Russia that much more :)
no they wouldn't lmao, NATO Cucks are internationalists who love Jews more than the white people, NATO was meant to keep the white people down and it seems to be working, fucking cuckold.

CIA has stopped and prevented every grassroots NATIONALIST party from emerging in any sort of political power, what side are CIA on? NATO.

You simply don't understand shit. Most nationalists have been neutral but willing to co-operate with Russia with business FOR YEARS.

ukrainian scum deserve death.
ffs niggers just tell your wives to buy a horse-size black dildos
we know why you won't show your face and ID right now nigger.
4chan sounds
>no arabs or poojeets

Ohh swede anon they are getting you ready to go and die for SWEDISH NATIONALISM OTHERWISE YOULL BE SPEAKING NOT AMERICAN
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Women are never satisfied with anything. And if your dick is bigger than 16cm, then they complain that it hits the cervix.
I wish. But the pro-Russia Finns don't make their stance public because they know they would be returning home with fewer teeth than what they left with.
>Hate Russia more than anything
>Lose entire country
Many such cases.

hate >>>> self preservation

I can only hope NATO intervenes in Ukarine so you get to enjoy your wish
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>cumchuggers still afraid to address the mali massacre
>instead keep discussing how they have short dicks

I would never ask Kasia for something like that
I have a feeling that the Russian flags in /chug/ are more likely to get sent to Ukraine than any other flag.
This is how you know this person behind this ID is brown and from Ukraine, he deserves to be deported in a bodybag for starting shit here. Working with Russia or co-operating with Russia has never been a problem in Finland prior to NATO cuck jew loving internationalists wanting to milk Russia fear for money and trying to extort people in every way possible here in Europe.
Kek'd. I like how Julian goes from being a complete fucking brainwashed dumbass one day to a doomer that says it's over the next. He's so emotional about everything he reads that he just changes his mind like a schizo
That's just basic symptoms of Bipolar Disorder anon.
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there are 590K Russians in Ukraine and that number is not going down any time soon since only 80K died in 2 and a half years.

So worry not about Russian, worry about what happens to you when NATO intervenes.
He was worse in some aspects in the jihadi days
When you learn why. It will all make sense and it will be even funnier.

It's because his wife is arabs or philipino or something and has children with her, that creates his entire politics and world view

Being emotional and jumping from its over to we're so back is a general trait of this generation, groomed on hollywood people are overemotional and infantile to extreme
The biggest blackpill is that shills are right.
>Are soldiers for hire
>They kill things
>Things kill them
>"mercenaries died"
>can't point to the place on a map
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You're not Finnish, Taras. You shouldn't speak for Finns.
Chemical factory in german Ludwigshafen is on fire
Hello nafo terrorist
that's just amerikan cope, they are all halflings(half midgets half normal), the "everything is bigger in america" only applies to their waists
>inb4 wider than you muhamed
it's true, look at their porn industry, no European male acts since it would look like pedophilia
Still am native Finn.

Why did cow go "Am Am Am" after asking whether it's ok to "moo"? Because it was told "Certainly"

Miksi lehmä ammui "am am am" kun oli ensin kysynyt lupaa ammumiselle? Koska sille vastattiin "Ilman muuta!"
What did he mean by this?

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to the last russian
Dude is aware of the truth he just want Tikkun Olam to win, and his consciously lying is mentally killing him, because deep don he does value truth
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ruske meska kurwa zmuszona chowac sie za Polska flaga bo juz kazdy ma was za podludzi
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I seem to recall Russia recruiting 30K soldiers a month while losing around 1K men a day and the army is not growing in numbers.
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>putin's using german chemical factories as a weapon
Frieren-sama send you her chus
Open the fucking image you cumguzzling retard and read it.
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Yes thats my flag
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The Epic of Hilhamiish

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk, lived Hilhamiish, a mighty cossack known for his womanizing, his daring antics and his physical feats. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Stepan Bandera. Hilhamiish convinced the Aruru Academy of Uryuk to create a worthy companion. From the clay of the Pontic-Caspian steppe Aruru fashioned Enkiidovko, a wild man with the spirit of Stepan Bandera. When Enkiidovko first entered Uryuk, the earth trembled and the Tryzub shone brightly atop Mount Mykola. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Uryuk (Ukraine).

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamiish had a vision. The deity Anukiiv revealed to him the Pizza of Immortality hidden beneath the Black Sea accessible only by digging the seabed by hand—this divine pizza promised eternal youth to those who consumed it. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Immortality" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor Hilhamiish and Enkiidovko set off on their journey facing challenges like the Moskaliishtar of Crimea (who tragically killed Enkiidovko in the intense fighting).

Hilhamiish persisted and discovered the Laundromat of Aratu which could magically cleanse garments but was guarded by Scorpion-men. Hilhamiish vanquished the venomous scorpions capturing the laundry technology. So impressed was Hilhamiish that he declared, "in the spirit of DAI we shall bring this European technology back to Uryuk!" Hilhamiish’s journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of Immortality, to nationalize it. But armed with European-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy of the EU, Hilhamiish defeated them securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamiish returned to Uryuk a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the pre-Sumerian world. Hilhamiish‘s reign brought prosperity, pizza, clean laundry and European values to the ancient Ukraine.
why black, it's not a funeral?
if that were true Russia would have surrendered to NATO long time ago

but if you enjoy losing GDP, money, men and hegemony to lies you tell yourself, do it

let me also hear how Israel is invincible and will BTFO Hezbollah and Iran with one swoop

even with that much less of strong, beautifull, alpha males, us dicklets are still not winning any women
I love you anon, saved.
>that's just amerikan cope, they are all halflings(half midgets half normal)
It's Ellior Rodger's post, he was half-asian half-jew
no you are not, you are a scared bitch boy who is not even fit for military yet you keep spouting all this pro ukraine shit when your side is losing.

People like you should be killed off.
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>22 pbtid
THE PIG IS SHAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you webm this? Also looks like shellshock. Another mercykill.
I'm sorry, but pro-Russia Finns just don't show their stance publicly. They are only comfortable to do it online anonymously
He is also literally banned so make sure to report him for ban evading.
you are bitch ass faggot that takes nigger dicks inside your asshole, typical nato fascist.
it seems you want to kill them?

why are you violent? should you be reported to mental hospital?
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to remind them all the niggres they've fucked before you
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How many times were you raped in military? 0 for me.
Catbox is aids can't watch anything
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It always makes me smile knowing somewhere, someplace, a Jew is scrolling this thread seething.
What the fuck is wrong with you? There's a literal hohol in Finland. A frontline veteran.
he's already on 5+ medications trannies are known to use, his face is ugly as sin, he's not going to show his skin or face.

wow he's literally me
So what you are saying is that Russia was too nice to the Poolish after WW2?
Feel like you might be a tranny and a child groomer. It's just the vibe you give..
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That is not true.
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The pig is trembling!
The pig is quivering!
The pig is shivering!
The pig is vibrating!
The pig is wobbling!
The pig is jittering!
The pig is convulsing!
The pig is twitching!
The pig is shuddering!
The pig is shaking itself!
The pig is rocking!
The pig is vibrating!
The pig is agitating!
The pig is fluttering!
The pig is ruffling!
The pig is jiggling!
The pig is writhing!
The pig is spasming!
The pig is jolting!
The pig is moving erratically!
>not calling it "Uhruk"
I guess Finland is just that anti-Russia that if any Finn would show pro-Russia stance, they would end up hurt.

Putin sold Nato to us better than any Nato country could have done
why is he hiding behind online persona?

why is he not showing his face?

Hey tough guy, lead by example!
he is, he loves ukraine because child porn is produced there.
Which option should I pick from the report options?

3 horsemen of finpocalypse
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>only 80K died in 2 and a half years.

to compare:
30k soviet soldiers died in Afghanistan in 10 years

15k russian soldiers died in first Chechen war in 2 years

both are considered coslty and bloody by russia
but yeah russia is totally winning in Ukraine lmao
You are posting this shit every thread and i cant get the point of this exact picture.
You are happy he did some critics? Iam serious what about it
can you show your face here so that we see that GIGACHAD jawline man telling us how 100% of fins (disaproven by this tread) are anti Russian?

I want to see the igachad talking to me
don't forget the fact that he spends 24/7 of his online time defending NATO and UKRAINE and loves the heeebybeedyjews.

His computer/digital storage is filled with actual child porn I'm betting.
go back to your uhg hole please I'm ashamed of this flag.
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Sold so well a record number of people are leaving the reserves as well as choosing civilian service
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Here's me and my friends Sami and Joni
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openly yes but you are always a dick behind people's back
pic rel as for the first part
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ofugg it binland :DDDD
Intentionally evading filters.
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Brought a smile to me too.
Thank you fren for good vibes.
They are leaving so they can defend Finland online, which is what really matters.

fashion police?
all of this just sure reads like you've been repeatedly raped
What do we call our armed forces now? Shall we just downgrade the name to "the cadets"? It seems more appropriate than armed forces or army.
No, it's Tom of Finland :DD
Came to the conclusion awhile ago that anyone who still supports Ukraine and it's corrupt bullshit by this point is a likely a pedo
> literal gay porn lover.

here, we outed this nigger dick lover.
>0 for me.
of course because it's not rape if you enjoy it
Russia's long range FPV drones are a serious threat
Hard studying pays off!

Uriiik :3
in that case I should get myself a black dildo too
Okey so what you are saying is they were way too nice and should have did a pshekocaust on you?

Thomas of Finland looks like a cool guy
goodest looking kot
Russia no, that's homosexual!
Tom of Finland is most famous Finnish artist on international level :)
the least gay russians
that's not the own you think it is faggot, you are a disgusting pedo gay groomer shit.
>the enemy is using its long range equipment to attack things at long range
top-tier military acumen right here

oh no
I'm no faggot
Omg, the poojet is back! Everyone!
Think it could be classed a gendarme if it keeps losing people.
Finland will be running into our issue if the bleeding keeps happening for 10 straight years.
Labour will just enact conscription though
But yeah, there are some Finns who seem to support Russia but they don't do it public for their own safety. Majority of Finland are anti-Russia
in other news, I've fucking rebuilt all the piping under my sink only to learn the clog is in some other place
fucking 6 bottles of anti-clogging potions did nothing
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>i cant get the point of this exact picture
Well that's the thing with shills, they don't quite have it. I mean I remember them used to post about the Jewish Autonomous oblast. No context, just a screencap of wikipedia article with short description and of it's flag. No argument, no point, just the pic. As if that thing isn't just a remnant of Stalin's attempt to create his own reservation for jews in the Far East. A failed one, at that.
only thing that makes these people so loyal to Tikkun Olam is the fact that they hope globohomo will legalize pedophilia

if they serve hard enough and sell everything to jews, they will be able to indulge in their horrific degeneracy as a reward
I won't comment on Finland but UK army has been a shitshow for decades. Remember that we lost Basra, which had to be recaptured by US and Iraqi army, then immediately went and almost lost Helmand province, where we eventually bribed the Taliban into leaving us alone in our bases until we withdrew.
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It's mostly just ADL collecting fake states to argue for funding.
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They should surrender to save more lives
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>top-tier military acumen right here
It's not Gemdarmerie, it's worse, you'll legit laugh. It's "street wardens".
You more of a Moomin enjoyer?
oh please tell me more and specifics since you are absolute and infaliable

i am all ears
neither will you show your face here because you will be laughed at fucking sóyboy.
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It's usually near the grease trap, in the plumb.
What do zogbots from 'Merica have anything to do with Poopler?
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nope it means you are only brave behind people's backs same as you have to call me pajeet when i come here to talk about your african tier hiv rates from rampant punitive sodomy

moomin no! think of the aids and monkeypox!
Well Finland doesn't like Russia. Some Finns might want to support Russia for whatever reason but if they did it publicly, they would be labeled as kotiryssä, home russian, and the nationalist Finns would beat them up for it.
I want to spurdopost with all my chug friends here, not fight : (((((
daily reminder for nafo shills
if there are no nato troops in ukraine then the "little green men" in 2014 crimea were not part of russian armed forces
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>6 bottles of anti-clogging potions did nothing

aside from destroying pipes somewhere else down the line
I'm pretty sure if there was demonstration for support to Ukraine and I participated, I wouldn't get hurt. I'm also pretty sure if you participated in demonstration to support Russia, you would get hurt.
>Labour will just enact conscription though
We sold off most of the training grounds, barracks, real estate, and facilities in the 90s. We also don't stockpile surplus/older equipment and weapons like other armies do. Also the Vickers factory that made Challenger 2 tanks is now a Barratt new build housing estate, so cant make anything new.

We couldn't conscript even if we wanted to.

that's only propaganda you are spreading, anyone with their own mind can think its not so.

Only people you are deceiving are kids.
Hohols will pay for that. We have to protect our european brethren from the mad pig.
Nazis based for killing hundred of thousand poles
Bandera based for killing hundred of thousand s of poles and cleansing you from Lviw
USSR based for killing hundreds of thousands of Poles and cleaning you from rest of historical polish lands in the east

why are they all so based????!??
grease what?
unknown technology blyat
I kinda know the place tho, it's only like 2 meters span where it can reasonably be (a pipe had a sag in it due to improper installation)
but I fixed the sag and yet the potions and biling hot water didan't work, will have to call a cleaner
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You calling Putin liar?
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they die happily knowing that they die for blak men freedom
Oh yes because the paedophile little bitch is too afraid of little democracy to out your retarded gays.
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its not even same flag






thanks for bread
did not explain anything except that you want death to fins

i support you on that part but explain specifics, not specifics of your physical and mental torture of Finnish citizens
>Only people you are deceiving are kids.

decieving kids is a second favourite things jews do
the first favourite is raping them
So Finns are violent bydlo just like "ryssa"? What a way to shill Finland.
It would be easier for those 20 drones to take a midget each and drop them on a location. Then they would use hammers and chisels to demolish the place.
I'm ready for twitter bros?
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Did he get banned that he suddenly changed IP? hahahahahaha
Can you give any example of Finnish people showing public support to Russia after Russia started its 3 days SMO? I can give you Ano Turtiainen, but for some reason he didn't get re-elected in the next elections.
Polish larping as white and anti-russian propagandist is the most hilarious, you niggers love black cocks and trannies, you love sucking nigger dicks when they are offended online. oh boo hoo muh poor black people of color!!!
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>cumchuggers now post gay drawings in their own thread
everything to not discuss the mali massacre huh?
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only germans did actuall fighting out of those 3
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What happened to the reserve?
They do it for Our Democracy though
it seems like someone could slit your throat and finland freedom index would increase, don't you agree?
Oh, I don't want death to Finns. It's just a fact if some Finn showed pro-Russia stance in public there would be high chance of him getting hurt for it.
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Take the pipe apart until you have a straight horizontal section and feed a hose through as far as you can. Wrap a towel around the hole to form a seal with the pipe and turn the water on full blast. It will be messy but water pressure should work. I cleared up my mum's house doing this when her boomer neighbour told me how to do it. It helps to have a friend looking at the drain to tell you when all the crap comes out.
If the pipes are old as shit and you're worried about wrecking them don't do it.
Frieren-sama has checked the scrolls and says PP is inert to Sodium hydroxide
What fucking grayzone? The real one I know isn't on telegram and the other one hasn't posted
idk seems like you are torturing fins more then any regime in history, even swedes were not as totalitarian as you
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Jews just failed to appear there. Nobody could see that plan failing in such a spectacular way.
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An explosion rocked Germany's largest chemical plant, BASF, in Ludwigshafen.

According to Bild, 14 people were injured.

Germany industry status??????
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queer nigger lovers.
It's just a fact that pro-Russia Finns need to keep lid on their stance for their own safety because majority of Finns don't like Russia. That's why you have vehement Finns supporting Russia in /chug/ because they can't do it public.
Whoa, it’s just like the cartoons

>meep meep
Because people are afraid to support Russia openly. Faggots like you would do everything to cancel them.
>in other news, I've fucking rebuilt all the piping under my sink only to learn the clog is in some other place
>fucking 6 bottles of anti-clogging potions did nothing

do they sell plumbing snakes in rooshia ?
Russia just isn't that popular in Finland
well death of globohomists could liberate those enslaved finns?

yea that is right stop homo totalitarianism oppression and let diplomacy speak
1000 thousand nato proxies to be precise
This one https://t.me/s/grey_zone he did die in thta ambush

I did something like this in BG3
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>We couldn't conscript even if we wanted to.
As if that will stop them.
Conscription here would be a disaster yet I know it will be attempted. Even if it means building barratt build barracks on salisbury plains. Not like the army is going to balloon to 200k or anything, the plan would be to bring it to 100k. Since labour would be the one doing it now I fully expect the conscription law to exempt everyone but the natives. They'll all be allowed to do service elsewhere.
>Germany industry status??????

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Dude, your people are autistic and you would get a heart attack if I sat next to you in an empty bus to talk, no one would "get hurt" for speaking his mind, you would just grit your teeth and come back angry to your home.
I guess the pro-Russia finns have enough self-awareness to not openly do it because Russia is considered bad
I lack the equipment for now, but plan to organize an access so I could clean the shit out any moment in the futuire without disassembling half the apartment
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it was the bestest way to clear the room
You are crying pro democracy and pro west but you just want fascism and death to western countries, liberal homosexual tranny lover.
well thakfully as long as you can beat up and kill fins for diplomacy and anti pedophilia, you are happy

i mean entire regime built upon fin torture, only a globohomo golem would like that
I agree. The Pro-Russia Finns in these threads should definitely do it openly and publicly :)
You're still a nigger and a bydloid. Figures out that a nigger would support a nation of niggers and bydloids called usrainda.
I need to make a proper access for it first, or else I'll end up all covered in that fucking scum

wtf I'm military genious now
niggers like you should post your personal information and face from a Finnish passport so we know who to deal with publicly.
Again, decade of propaganda gives it's fruits.
Yesterday you hated Russia, tomorrow, when Russia would fight against common, with West, enemy, you would love Russia.
Majority is retarded and always would be a herd, with herd mentality.
This is why democracies are doomed to fail
still no specifics, only specifics that you want death to finns
fucking based
Yes they should, why not.
>I need to make a proper access for it first, or else I'll end up all covered in that fucking scum

ok, but it will be your best chance
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Also PMC NATO and friends get killed at trannie rates
>you would love Russia
Let's try to encourage them to do so in the next thread, ok?
Majority will memoryhole. It has always worked like this
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18 year old Boris got turned into fertilizer in Ukraine
while Mbekele fertilizes 14 year old russian girls
a circle of life in a multicultural paradise that is russia
why do you hat erussi

no tiptoeing around

it seems to me you would slit your own throat if it would prevent opening borders with russia so there must be a rational reason
>gay flag instead of swedish flag
Im not Russian, hating Eurogays doesn't make me Russian.
wtf im even more pro-russia now
>Russia BAD
I've heard of master and slave morality but I feel it doesn't fully encompass modern thinking. Is this called reddit morality? It's as if they were talking to young adults as if they were 3 years old. This bad that good!
Damn right. The western establishment says we can never have a right wing government. Right now, my country is trying to elect a right wing leader and theyve already tried to kill him. That was after their attempts to bankrupt him, put him in jail, plague him with four years of riots, cancel all his supporters, and accuse him of being a Russian spy. When Le Pen and Wilders won, they squashed the peoples will and kept the right from power. When nationalists actually get serious about anything, they send in the police. The jew system has done all this, and so they do not deserve even the tiniest shred of loyalty. The life of one white person is worth more than all the governments of NATO. And yes, the russkies are right when they call it the NORTH ATLANTIC FAGGOT ALLIANCE.

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