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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A woman is being chased by Jeets and Africans, before being dragged into an alleyway.

These ads dont work because they show migrants as energetic, violent and ready to take what they want while polecucks can only watch.
It's just an ad with diversity like all ads and movies
>wears revealing clothes
>complains when she gets raped
Hello abduls
So beautiful, truly art. BNWO is inevitable. Poland will pay for ethnically cleansing the turks from Austria
and? what's the problem?
guys look, your based sandniggers here to save
I am a proud Frenchmen. I only raise an issue when the boche take a white woman, when it is some thick hung African my baguette rises, as they say
This. This just projects some kind of sexual insecurity and lack of masculinity. No real white woman could realistically be raped by some midget shitskin anyway.

It's better to show brownoid streets, failure, crumbling infrastructure, garbage on the streets etc.
the nigger got scammed
Polish women in reality love black and brown dick and embrace it with a raw passion. So this doesn't make any sense at all, especially when Polish women are the biggest coalburners on this Solar system. Polish women surpass even western women when it comes to coalburning. They hate their own men and complain that they have tiny dicks and can't satisfy women so they go after Black men to satisfy their sexual desires.

"No real white woman could realistically be raped by some midget shitskin anyway."

Lol, what? Are you stupid?

Kill yourself, brown
Lies, come to france and you will see true coalburning and cuckoldry. Polish women wish they fucked like French women
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Based Poland, racism BTFO.
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damn this thread turned into a cuck gathering fast
>captcha KKKXJ
Kek wants to tell me something
My white girlfriend would beat the ever living shit out of most poojeets and apefricans lmfao. I would never respect a woman that got taken by third world trash.
That is a sexy mama.
i will translate what women speak because no eng subtitles:
"Do we want such situations to take place on Polish streets?
Do we want Polish women to feel threatened?
let's not let poland become another france
we will stop the migration pact
we will take care of our security"
Im right though. Here boomers also call shitskin youths 'testosterone bombs' implying there is something wrong with testosterone and that natives are just too weak to stop them.
Jannies bombed the last mudshark thread unfortunately. There were some funny posts
Jannies are so fucking gay its unreal
hello mr arab
Lol surely politics will prevent this.
Kys faggot.
Polish men can control themselves when eye candy appears, unlike these impulse driven savages.
Let us assume, wildly, and pointlessly, that this is true when it clearly isn't.

Okay. Hypothetically, if it's true, their MEN aren't going to let browns do this anymore. White MEN will kill YOU. All you need to really know is, violence waits for YOU to bludgeon YOUR brain in, if you continue the immigration/rape scheme.
Fuck off
They cucked out by having the girl be non-white.
It did under nazi occupation
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Black men are breeding Slavic women as we post right now. There will be no more Slavs in the future as Tyrone and DeShawn will plant their seed into Slavic wombs. And there is nothing you can do about it
>not filtering memeflags
I recommend. Way better expierence
>install u block origins
>go into settings
>enable own filters
>paste this:
Eventually, you'll enjoy it, it's beautiful, like art. White legs spread, a tight pink pussy getting stretched by a huge african cock. We french understand art, the Germans now understand, soon you will too. Welcome to Europe under the The Fifth Republic!
Esl sandniggers detected
>just do nothing goyim it's all lost let us manhandle you
>some people are having sex
>it's over
Most women of any color wouldn't touch a black man with your own dick.
It's not racist if it's true.

Third world shitskins are rapists. It's LITERALLY their culture.
It's already over Timmy Boy. Polish women are getting BLACKED and getting a taste of African seed both on them and inside them.
a) This barely happens. Not saying it's unheard or unseen, but a small ratio of white women are dating black men taken as a pure sample. Something like less than 5%. Who cares.

b)Black men will fatigue societies cultural and historical tolerance of them if they continue to have, on the whole, a bad relationship with whites. The numbers are in, Tyrone: People are tired of hearing about slavery and the chip on your shoulder you have that it happened. "Ayo fuck you homey. Fuck'n azz whyte bitch"
I am not the only person I know, in real life - just where I work, who will tolerate this shit. Friend of mine bludgeoned a nigger in who started shit with him outside of a Gold's gym and I personally carry a serrated combat knife and a .45 concealed, and you come up on me I am already unholstering my weapon and getting ready to send you back to Hell.
I will actually shoot you. I will put you down. Is that what you want? Nobody feels bad for you anymore, just like we don't feel bad about the holocaust. I don't care - old story and Jews became obscene criminals using it, destroying our society and E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E instinctually wants them gone.
Do you really want the building genocide...to include YOU, in the list of targets? You have to seriously ask that question man.
Canadians take the easiest route in anything, even forecasting events. If the crisis demands for them to make an effort, they'll rationalize a scenario where the least amount of action taken is the scenario that'll come to fruition. Just reread his post and think about it for a moment. If you have people invading your country and raping your women, the most reasonable approach is to fight back but because that requires effort and competency, they must find a way to avert to a strategy that doesn't require them to do anything while making it seem that they're making 3 dimensional chess move. In this case, the Canuck has fully come to the conclusion that the women will just defend themselves and as long as it's true to him, it's good enough to take his claim seriously. I hope one day they wake up and realize life isn't easy but I'm not holding out for it, it's better this way anyway.
No just vooote that will do the trick
Hello sir. I post from a shitty xbox after my computer burned out. I don't know if it can take mods like that.
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I assume you are using chrome or firefox
In that case just install the addon.
Nothing more needed really. Or the 4chan x add on
Politics is practically not doing anything. You need to come to terms with the notion that you're going to need to defend yourselves or else you're going to get dominated by muslims via demographics. Stop relying on alliances to fix your problems because they can't do anything.
voting still matters but soon it wont matter if you do nothing about this
In Poland maybe. You have to remember that the immigrants get to vote too.
It isn’t racism if it’s true.
It's Microsoft Edge lmao Let me see if it's in the App section..
thats what i meant, once youre a minority voting no longer matters even if its legit
>if you don't think about women getting raped by invaders 24/7 you're averting the issue
LOlololololol. I don't want to live around third world people because they replicate failure, sin, depravity, crumbling infrastructure, widespread corruption, technical inferiority, dirtiness, spread plagues and STDs.

The fact that you losers need to invoke rape into the conversation just screams more about your sexual insecurity. Brownoids are simply not capable of high civ. Period.
This is the real picture of BMWF
No. I'm stuck with ME bro. I wish I could filter these niggers though
Why don't you just accept it? Remember when the nazis abused you? Why do you continue it to them? You sit on the throne of power but these men crave the warm bosoms of your women. Let hate go, let them in, embrace love
Learn from our mistakes and make sure it doesn't happen to your country. Poland is probably the last place where you'll find a relatively white homogeneous country.
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Polish people are basically niggers anyway.

Their women make decent prostitutes for a year or two but hit the wall hard.
it's too accurate
Nope. Xbox will not let itself be modified. Error applying it, but bro holy shit you did a good job trying to come through for me.

Tell you what, I will cease to respond to memeflags from here on out. But thank you.
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muslims rape kids though, the same will happen in poland as happens everyday here
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aye, sounds shit. Better fix your computer up. Good luck anon
Good luck Austria bro. May God, or whatever the fuck is up there have mercy on us and our countries.
Oh look. Here he goes. Now that I've pointed him out, he starts spitting visceral out and just assumes I'm brown and not another white guy that's just sick of his shit.

That's interesting that you believe that about white civilization. So where were you when I was actively engaged in trying to tell our people of the dangers this immigration would bring us in the mid 2000s? Most likely taking fatty bong tips and blaming the Catholic church for racism? You faggots downright tried to light my house on fire for calling it out.
Quintessentially french post
Uh oh, your bot is broken. Your bot is broken! Oopsie. Someone invoke the owner of this bot to actually start interpreting text correctly.

Browns being incapable of civ =/= me claiming that you are brown.
>Reddit faggotry
Yes, when a race and culture of people have negative birthrates, they begin to become self conscious on how they reproduce. Sounds like someone skipped 10th grade bio...
I bet my asscheeks it was a jeet who programmed it
Was it a mudshit, I know they moved rapefugees there not long ago
Yeah, I may have miscomprehended that considering everytime I point out some bullshit that Canadians do, I instantly get accused of being a Pajeet.

Look, to take your post seriously, you can't just expect the women to fend against men. Women don't have fight responses. When a midget attacks them, they're playing out hypothetical events in their heads where they use as the basis to justify not provoking their assailant. Our propaganda reinforces what people know about brown civilization but it isn't going to put the idea in their heads. I learned that the hard way. A lot of our people are going to have to be put in a state of panic before they realize that they need to start acting fast. The lockdowns were good, but imo, we should have had parliament stormed and the representatives placed under the arrest of its civilians. When we headed back, that's when they advanced to their next tactic which was to open the gates to the barbarians. This wasn't done for some economic opportunity, it was done purely as insurance to make sure that the event of our representatives getting arrested doesn't come to pass.
>Poland Shows Racist Anti-Immigrant Ad
It's not racist if it's true
>Still dating at 36
Holy shit, lol.
>arrest of its civilians.
arrest by its civilians.
so make immigrants harassing female immigrants? why don't they ALL just go back?
Because we're struggling with realizing that we will never get permission to defend ourselves.
>dat sey body
I would bring her in the ally and she would not say no.
Polish women love black cock. They are the purest of Europe submitting to refugee men eager for warmth of love after years of cruelty. I love to watch them satisfy groups. It is like watching a tribe in a passionate ritual of bonding. Creating a united world. It is art
What you miss is that Poland is fighting the real cause of these crimes: The presence of niggers and immigrants. If they don't allow them in, there won't be any crimes.
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Nothing ever happens
maybe they should've thought about mass immigration becoming a problem before sucking america's circumcised cock and getting into NATO/EU
Well, they'll probably need a few aggressive talking heads in order to dispel a lot of the nonsensical arguments that had been developed by Jewish lobbyists in late 2000s and early 2010s. They aren't going to be taking that lightly so expect Poland to get bad publicity. To be honest though, in their case, fuck it. If all the bad publicity comes from degenerate western administrations committing national suicide and despotic oriental regimes whom probably couldn't even tell you what the square root of 4 is, then Poland is likely better off resisting and putting up with the slander. Who knows, maybe one day Poland and Ireland could become a European Great Power if they keep at it.
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>"So what? We'll just spread our legs" said the women
Can facts be racist?
doesn't matter
the women will still vote for migration parites because they love niggers too much
they will just get mad at commercial makers

there is no poland anymore, it's just absorbed into capitalist deathcult that aims to racemix and kill everyone who isn't shade of dark brown

this country died alongside communism, everyone else is just born into hell to suffer for the crimes of their parents
I would like to see a pure Estonian woman sucking a bantu cock. Years of hardships from her ancestors building a home for her to destroy it all in a night of passion and love. Then the negro spreads his seed and vanishes to find another lover. It is more beautiful than any poem. A rogue in the night
sad but true
even arab women want blacks
that's not an ad that just security cam footage that got leaked
>casually trots away from impending attacker
>nonchalant indifferent facial expression to being grabbed
her shitty acting made it look like she actually wanted to be raped
poland is a shithole and polish ppl are the most retarded sub 40 IQ """"humans"""" in europe, couldnt care less about any of their stances.
negros of europe getting what they deserve.
It is the natural order. War and hate between tribes, peace and stability, now a meshing together of genes with the aggressive thrusts of thirsty lovers. No war with guns, only those of women submitting to the raw primal desires of thirsty lovers. Only we French understand this. Those that did not see the way had our negros plunder their women.
Poland will be richer than Italy in about 2 years lol
Richer with black cock penetrating the deep wombs of Polish whores.
Poland flips flops between based and troon more than that whore's flaps in the alley.
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What is it about people with Jewish genetics that makes them like this?

You'll notice legitimate Europeans rarely produce this level of mental illness. But Jewish people often do, and mix at very high rates.
I find it funny that these dudes willingly participated in an advertisement that portrays their entire people as bad.

"Can you guys act like feral niggers for 900 złoty each for this campaign that we're hosting? Thank que!"
> mocking art
People like you need to read a history book. You have no passion, no soul, no wit. Nothing. You have the depth of a insect.
Oh shut up, escpecily as a Pole you have no reason for defeatism, afterall isnt the name of your anthem not "Poland is not lost yet" ? I mean look at me, in germany the problem is much worse, yet i do everything everyday to atleast do something against it
she too swarthy to be Polish.
you can complain all you'd like, but you know when you see a black bantu african with his european milk maid you feel a rush of blood to your penis. As I've said this entire thread, it's art in its primal nature
It's a legitimate question. The few Europeans that mix just do so out of love/partnership. Jews are actually almost psychopathic and write entire elaborate sexually perverse fetishes while mixing at higher rates.
Good. Get them out.
There we go polandd , Welcome to hell
I always wonder what the casting call looks like for an advert like this
>Wanted: African or Indian men for commercial. Your role: chase down a Polish woman as a violent savage rapist.
What's the psychology behind this fetish? A black man having sex with a white woman is no different than a white man having sex with a black woman, and so on. Is it related to how you guys enslaved us back then, but now see this as some sort of "revenge"? I have no fucking clue why this shit specifically gets your rocks off compared to any other interracial porn. I don't bat an eye when a white man marries a woman of my race.
this is a PSA all polish men should already be doing this to polish women
What sub is that? I thought r*ddit nuked posts like that.
They probably just did their shooting on the street knowing full well one was going to appear.
i just fucked a white bitch last week stfu dumb cracker
So did I. What now?
I wouldn't know, I'm not Jewish. I'm French. Frenchness has always been about mixing and integrating. After the revolution it wasn't uncommon for mixed families to be at the helms of the highest levels of French culture. Even the children of African Heroes who had their way with German women during both world wars were given citizenship and welcomed in France with honor. Unless you're a nazi you have to admit there is beauty in this. The world is more peaceful now than it had ever been in history.
>wears female clothes despite being a man
>Complains when he gets mocked
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Polish women love fucking niggers and shitskins. Wasn't there one nigger with AIDS who gave it to like 50 different Polish women in under a month before he got caught and deported? This probably just turns them on. Immcalling backfire. BLM protests and women holding up black dildos in Warsaw imminent. Prepare your anus for some african migrant workers, pollacks. You gonna get raped.
face it white boy... its over for ur kind
You will be shot like a dog
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>let's not let poland become another france. we will stop the migration pact
Kek if true. Frogs btfo
1.) This is based
2.) What is the casting call like?
>"we need some african looking apeman to play the dangerous immigrant rapist in our antiimmigrant ad"
>actual african looking apeman who is a dangerous immigrant rapist: "the perfect job for me"
Notice how they don't put the "No Pollack Women were harmed during the filming of this advertisement."
You just know she banged those actors right after
I was just in Poland. It's wonderful. Lots of Germans there now. Lots.
The border is open. Most of the migrants carry German citizenship
>actual african looking apeman who is a dangerous immigrant rapist
Polaks have plenty to chose from on Belarus border, since the kremlin jew keeps sending them in droves.
On one hand the idea of entitled women that dress like sluts but "don't want male attention" getting gangraped is cathartic, but I also hate immigrants and want them to stay in their own decaying shitholes and slowly starve away from whites....

This is a real thinker.
The sad part is this is true.
It's not the side of the border niggers are coming from into Europe.
It always does. These antiwhite retards are like locusts.
The second they see something that goes against their world view one of them lets off a signal and they descend upon it and infest it until there is nothing but nigger worship and antiwhite nonsense.
But it is. Do you really think all of the migrants in Germany, Italy, and France will not go east for better living and more loving women? Polish women are thirsty for passion, and these men are weary from war and seek refuge.
Prior to Napoleon, Jews were forced to live in ghettos and marked with a star.
I don't think we even need to mark you, since your nose and sexual depravity gives you away. But I do think you need to be physically contained away from actual Europeans.
Migrants that already in Germany, Italy, and France are there for free money. Most flow of niggers that comes into Europe comes from former soviet borders, Belarus and Russia. Those cinematic boats full of niggers are nothing compared to how many of them russia passed through Finland, Hungary and Poland borders.
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>Let us assume, wildly, and pointlessly, that this is true when it clearly isn't.
Except sadly, it is. Slavic women are the biggest coal burners on planet Earth, and that includes Russians and Ukrainians who along with Poles are notorious here for coalburning with the most jet black retard gorilla niggers you can imagine. It's pretty much common knowledge. Remember that time when one AIDS infested n***** gave aids to like 50 Polish women in a month? Also didn't some YouTube nigger just wander around Eastern Europe and get absolutely mobbed in public by slavic women? They couldn't be more thirsty for black dick if they were programmed. They see all the jew media of western blondes getting googly-eyed over superman Tyrone and they have severe FOMO. Second place goes to Scandinavian women. Everybody else is a distant third compared to those two groups, but slavs are a clear number one. They also make up the vast majority of women who do dog porn. Absolute degenerate trash women. If they released a million Nigerians in pooland it would be 80% mulatto within 10 years and their retarded men would all become Eminem clones to try to compete. Polish men need to unironically kill every nigger they see, on sight, or they will cease to exist as an ethnicity as soon as the gates are opened to niggers.
richer after troons roping themselves in Poland 25% of their men must be troons at this point.
>flag checks out
That's pretty rich coming from a Finnish flag
>have 50 million hohols genetically closest to poles and wishes to be polacks
>open border to jeets, black and asians
any polish PAAAN. explain it?
Poland is literally the most homogeneous country in Europe. Both ethnically and culturally. They don't need to explain anything.
Don't be jealous. Russia soon also will be ethnically homogeneous, just like Poland is. There is only one small nuance.
>black anon here
I want to film a movie that takes place in Europe (Paris specifically) where browns and blacks act like mindless ghouls going around killing and raping in hordes. It would be like a Cleon Peterson piece come to life. So basically a zombie movie where non-Europeans are the zombies against humans (Whites).
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Dumb chimpanzigger
>Do we want such situations to take place on Polish streets?
>Do we want Polish women to feel threatened?
Yes, and yes.
Whats that supposed to mean? Trannyism has definitely spread far more in Poland
Last time I saw a tranny IRL was like 10 years ago and it was the only one I've ever seen... and I live in Helsinki, the most degenerate leftist shithole in this country
Americans are mentally ill people that live in taboos and are obsessed about race in an unhealthy way. It's an American disease, they're the ones making up myths and abbreviations about black men, I have no idea how this started.
Imagine being a disgusting simian nigger, or a dysgenic slimy jew.
I hate France
Ads like this don't work because everyone has a positivity bias, which is why people smoke, drink, take drugs and drive. They have to see violence in person for it to have an impact.
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>The Enlightenment will...
> obsessed about race in an unhealthy way

Your whole nation is obsessed about male genitalia and serving the jews.
>let's not let poland become another france
Ok, now it is too much for me to handle
>Approximately 1.14% of the nation's adult population, or 3 million Americans, identify as transgender.
People that can't reproduce are a sustainable threat... Meanwhile i don't reproduce too, but that's other subject.
>bulgaria median IQ is 90
Read the fucking post. One more time. I have a great trust in you.
It's either castration propaganda, or ban on antibiotics. Nature will find the way to heal.
Wow, i was wondering what he is on about too. Your post is saying the same as his post, but he didn't read it well. It happens man.
Yeah, i hope we pass that point in our history and we just laugh at all these freaks that mutilated themselves. You know, like the emo culture of some sort, tho i kind of like the emo culture, far better then the woke one. But one can say emos died out, because their believes were connected with suicide, still, some emos outlived all the self-harm years, still rocking their scars, but are alive and with families around them.
Yes, nature will end the Amerimutt people.
Qui, you got problems my nigger
Poles won’t do shit though. Not militarily, at least. They will blame Russia and send weapons to Ukraine, but they will never publicly show militarism or put boots on the ground with pride.

If white militarism broke out in Poland, Donald Trump himself would discourage it, just like every other NATO leader.

Poland will get niggers. They will absorb the culture of niggers, as part of NATO.
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Now watch five different posts REEEEing about this
Also this is What France looks like election wise
Well to be fair africoons, jeets, and sand niggers are pretty fucking rapey, that's basically their modus operendi for reproduction
I see jeet Bro with a white girl I apply for Visa.
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>I'm not Jewish. I'm French.
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correct take. it's basically fap material

kek they should off supported the turks like the frogs did
fuck youre black arent you
>awww jamal youre so sexy with your carpet on your head, being so energetic and violent
>this is my wet dream dont take my money, take my pussy

the absolute state of women
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bump to make the totally not astroturfed totally not-ziggers cope and seethe
No im white. These ads are aimed at 'concerned' boomers that wont do anything.
>No im white.
Post your hand with a timestamp
The chick at the end in purple would get it too
my guess is that it's old as hell, society was so much different a decade ago
Most Polaks are here in the Netherlands or other parts of western EU.

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