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Previous: >>476086407

▶Day: 887 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>USA has announced a new $200 million aid package for Ukraine
>All the resources in the russian economy are exhausted - Head of russian Central Bank
>Zelenskyy and Syrsky visited forward deployment point near Vovchansk
>Another russian dam broke in (temporarily occupied) Karelia
>More substations droned in Kursk, Orlov and Belgorod oblasts, Russia reported shooting down 41 drones over 6 oblasts
>Trump's Peace plan in a nutshell: TZD - Republican Pincus
>Oil base in Kursk oblast droned
>TZD incident in Mali, involving Wagner
>Romania refused to shoot down russian drones, referring to the impossibility of "shooting over the territory of Ukraine."
>One killed and 13 wounded (including 7 kids) as a result of a russian strike in Sumy oblast
>a Russian Su-34 military plane crashed in the Volgograd region, supposedly the reason was a technical malfunction
>GUR hit three Russian Mi-28 and Ka-226 helicopters on the territory of the Russian Federation — RBC-Ukraine; also GUR drones hit three more Tu-22M3 strategic bombers at the Olenya airfield, — UP
>Explosion of the gas extraction system in Russia's Novy Urengoi
>"Where is the Black Sea Fleet? There is no ego! This is the fact of the victory of the enemy. This is a fact of defeat." - State Duma deputy from "United Russia" Evgeny Fedorov
>In Russia, drones attacked the Ryazan region: the target was the Diaghilev military airfield


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
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All aboard!
i personally think every dictator, autocrat and wannabe dictator should suffer the most painful and humiliating fate humanly possible, total zigger death is inevitable and democracy will be the only way of government on this planet
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Make ziggers fly
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Comrade, two thousand more failed copefensives and we will take Kiev for sure!
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Great day for Ukraine. Russian economy in shambles and getting 200 million dollar package.
Ziggers be malding.
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kill all r*ssians
based Nordic moderates
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Deploying tactical clussy to ward off ziggers
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>Deploying tactical clussy to ward off ziggers
same here
Thats just a clown though
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Total Zigger Death
>All the resources in the russian economy are exhausted - Head of russian Central Bank
anyone have link or qrd on this? seems significant
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Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be Russian. It makes me think about the great paper "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?"
How would one be able to realistically capture or imagine feeling Russian would be like? I cannot, for I am limited by my physical form.
>he is a clown
>he is a pussy
i don't see the problem
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quick question guys
I've seen conflicted reports regarding the attack in Kidal
was it carried out by Azawad rebels or by JNIM?
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We nords stick together. It's only vpn ziggers and beige tranny who support pidorussia.
Nabibulina, someone posted links already in previous rhreads, including .ru ones
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That one will always be my favorite kek.
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Clussy is supposed to be sexy THOUGH
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She actually seems to be doing a great job, considering her stance on the war and economics.
But it's quotes like these that let me think, she's gonna fall from some window soon.
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> How would one be able to realistically capture or imagine feeling Russian would be like?

Russians are a pale version of Asians.
I should know.
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>Clussy is supposed to be sexy THOUGH
say no more senpai
>fagner wrecked in blacked land
>ziggnies outta resources
>All the resources in the Russian economy are exhausted. -Head of Russian Central Bank.


Ziggers are you ok are you ok ziggers ZIGGERS ARE YOU OK ARE! YOU! OK ZIGGER! ziggers are you ok wont you tell us that you're ok! Your black son ran into the bedroom You fall out a window with the bloodstaine on your dirt floor!!
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so brave
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Are you under influence of any drugs or alcohol?
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anyone got some wbms from recent Fagner TZD in Mali? According to youtubes, there are some kino shots. Turns out my gf also enjoys TZD, at first I was hesitant to show her the worst but shes wirdly enthusiastic about zigger gore.
Have my personal favorite one
Do Rusniggas even care about these losses? It's abroad and they were PMCs. However, every dead Wagner is one less to throw into Ukraine
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can TZD be considered as a drug?
Facken saved.
>Do Rusniggas even care about these losses?
They care only about the fact that its humiliating for them
As for the losses itself - no, they dont give a fuck about any losses, i thought that would become evident to everyone these last 2.5 years
ISW was talking about her a few weeks ago. Said that Putin seemed to keep her because he trusted her to tell him things he wouldn't like to hear, unlike all the other sycophants surrounding him.
What did this memeflag russian fuck up this time?
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>can TZD be considered as a drug?
As is a medical drug to cure picrel overgworn cancer tumour? Yes, i suppose you could say so
дepжитecь, cвиньи https://files.catbox.moe/1a8qis.mp4
What is this Blyat Hawk Down?
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then the answer is yes
it's not even in the archives, screenshot?
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Of course.
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Wouldn't be suprised given her outspokenness about the war at the beginning.
I admire her skill, people like her are very competent and therefore very dangerous.
Saying things like they are to Putin directly is fundamentally different from public statements like this. Her playing with fire like that is a good sign.
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Dont have a name, sorry
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>pale version of Asians.
Aren't South Koreans pale? Also, Japan has dozens of ethnicities and some of them are quite white
Holy kek
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>fagner plays dead, then stands up and tries to hit a Touareg with a stone just to get shot
Don't know if this is new or not, but what I know is that it's hilarious kek.
You forgot the Haitian welfare monkey.
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What's the fucking appeal of jewkraine anyways? They were always a region of Russia. Imagine USA losing Texas or Britain losing Wales. It is unthinkable. So Russia should regain ukraine to become a whole nation again.
Getting captured alive was probably the worst option for him though. Being a retard saved him from a lot of pain.
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>known technology blyat'
Gook idols are 30% plastic, 60% makeup and 10% natural beauty.
>Russia should regain ukraine to become a whole nation again.

I agree comrade, when will Russia finally win? It's been TEN YEARS of fighting!!
>retarded opinion
Never change shill
Yeah she reminds me of Albert Speer. He knew better than to talk openly about how Hitler was retarded for invading the USSR and delcaring war on the USA for no reason though.
I fucked up actually. He threw not a stick but a fucking RPG at it. I didn't notice.
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Let's reunite brothers, or I stab you.
Maybe it's the unmatched poverty Russia is so found of spreading.
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You are not wrong, but it's not limited to just Koreans
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imagine the most despicable trailer trash you saw from american movies. Then you are half way there
And how would that fix Russia being ruled by a kleptocrat FSB mafia that have systematically looted their country over decades and spent it on luxury goods in the 'Hated West'?
She is widely considered to be very competent and intelligent. Not just in russia, but in the west as well
She's still hot, I don't see the problem
Which makes her a problem
I mean she's even sexier without make-up.
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Obviously, but I can walk around any European country and find cute girls with barely any makeup on. Koreans are mostly fake and I can't stand the hype around them.
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Definitely. Her ability to prop up the ruble as well as she does is nothing short of astounding.
Still, everyone knows this is merely delaying the inevitable, not making money and resources appear out of thin air.
Clocks ticking and I think maybe this is her flee forward.
>cute girls with barely any makeup on
They way i see it, if youre gonna put paint on your face - might as well go all in
there's also this:
>In March 2022, it was reported that she had attempted to resign her position, only to be ordered to stay in post by Putin.

+1 for right
yeah, i would also go all in (if you know what i mean)
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>if you know what i mean
What did he MEAN by this
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"Saving face" is surprisingly a virtue in Russian society, and mix that with their gay prison culture and it's practically the same with infamous gangland slums of any Asian cities.
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i have to visit such a marvelous art work
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Seems like the smooker is kill :(
Don't forget to visit a giant cock statue made of shit.

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Why is the head of Russia's central bank shilling hohol propaganda?
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>seething roasties and their simps
New window tossing candidate
my nigger, you can see the chinky filter on their jaws.
> Another Day without a success
> Gotta keep recycling the old one
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You fuckers really need to fortify your borderlands with China.

Like, right now.
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A woman is being chased by Jeets and Africans, before being dragged into an alleyway.


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they've run out of tactical assault scooters I see, moving on to tactical assault go-karts. not long before we start seeing tactical assault rollerskates.
Lmao is that a motorized handcart? Please post video.
You mean USA or Russia?

When will Russia win, comrade? Two more weeks?
separatists, but i also heard they also went to "someone else" territory at that was their bigegst mistake
But thats just speculations
>plaster faces
>eye lenses
I don't like fake faces. There are some Asian women that are really pretty but not these ones.
Kill all Ukraine's enemies!
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It's a fucking walk-behind tractor.
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lmao im a retard
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The haitan welfare tranny is beigger/haitano/azuca/niggerpedoscatfaggot/cuck-novelist

I'd say it was azawad trole
When will Ukraine win, sister? Two more weeks?
they will be victorious when Z-lensky becomes dictator in exile in Pissrael.
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holy shit, hes more skinny than the sand people.
Thanks fren.
get out of my country you fucking tool
These are like micro tractors, not even a tractor a lanwmover engine on wheels. Lot of homesteds had these they can pull some small weight but are also extremly primitive
but i remember people had these with a seat here, dont know why its without one
>democracy will be the only way of government on this planet
Democracy is too easily (((subverted))). That's why countries like Russia and China make Jews seethe so much.
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Right, Bongbro?
The seat usually goes with the attached trailer.
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>Democracy is too easily (((subverted))).
Like a decade almost two ive last seen one like this so i may be wrong
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its not even a go-kart. I dont know how to classify it, but its usually used for cultivating small gardens I guess.
>Democracy is too easily (((subverted))).
>that's why we should let some faggot usurpers subvert it and never fight back
>also it's jewish to defend yourself
No, I don't think you can trick me with that.
>33 seconds in
Are those kids socks and feet?
The oligarchs wanted nato protection to embezzle more funds. Commoners didn't want imperialism from mutts. There seems to be a conflict of interest from the jews ruling ukraine and the common folk. Kek, what were they thinking?
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Ethical question: is it OK if I use lethal force to kill my draft officer?
Perfect for a, "I showed you mine, now show me yours" edit.
Does anyone have german gref's analysis on russian economic situation? It was posted here few weeks ago by czhec anon iirc.
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Islamic terrorist are allied with Zelensky clique
What a (non) surprise
Right looks better.
They weren't even eligible to join NATO in 2010, because of that same post-Soviet economy.
Hmm you know this is normal right?
oh hey my neighbor has one of those!
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>traces of Ukrainian involvement in Mali, Sudan and Syria
What is next?
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Sup pigger.
They're not terrorists, they fight them. Get rekt lmao.
Ukrainian people did not see Russia as a threat until it turned out Russia were a threat.
When Russia annexed Crimea and backed completely fake and gay separatists, the desire to join NATO shot through the roof, because Russia had clearly laid it's cards on the table and shown itself to be false and untrustworthy and unable to restrain itself from interfering with affairs that had nothing to do with it.
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Since you're clearly a VPNnigger, do what you think is best, John from Ohio.
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>russia and hamas
>russia and taliban
Ukrainians aren't allies with islamic terrorists, at most they put a liaison there to help them kill fagnerites in Mali
Let's not forget that these russians are terrorists too by the way.
you can now keep pearl clutching, niggerfaggot

rest in piss, vatnikikes
the HOG has its fingers in many pies. sources say they've found salo around massacres committed in burma.
>pidor doesn't know that women do serve in the army and can be drafted

Not surprising. I never met a online vatnigger shill that actually has any military experience. Just fat disabled faggots and literal trannies.
God two different germans defending islamic terrorists.
You deserve the turkish invasion. I bet you were anti assad too, kikebots.
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I'm just highlighting the contradiction, that defending yourself from those that wish to enslave you applies equally to domestic tyrants as it does to foreign powers.
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Don't wanna talk about Kharkiv, huh?
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Wherever there are Russians.
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>I'm just highlighting the contradiction, that defending yourself from those that wish to enslave you applies equally to domestic tyrants as it does to foreign powers.
oh shit this nigger is still alive? what a freakshow.
It would be a fair point if you weren't a communist pidor shill.
enjoy the view while it lasts, soon the ring will be face on and we won't get to enjoy it for a good while
Are you ready to die in Lebanon, (((Misha)))?
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And I'm just pointing out that your facade of "liberty and freedom," falls short when you defend fucking vatnik shit. Patton would've dropped you out of a plane with no parachute.
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A lot of fighting on the Avdiivka axis, some ukie military bloggers have talked about how precarious the situation is there, and that the delaying of mobilization is hurting Ukrainian military capability at the moment.

Also some mumblings of another botched line rotation.
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Of course a draft is just as unethical when vatniks are doing it.
Unlike a tribalist stooges I have some principles
congratulations on electing maduro my friend! i see good things in the future of your country! (like full shelves in stores haha)
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What a blatant lies, it is the most modern ruzzian tank garden-mata T1377!
join g7, ukriane world power 2030
conscription isn't a contradiction
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>I have some principles
I can't stress enough that we really aren't concerned whether you spit or swallow.
Still not defending islamic terrorists
Love it when russian terrorists get ACK'd by islamic terrorist/circumstantial helpers
Keep coping, you disgusting smarmy zigger terrorist hypocrite
I know.
>Of course a draft is just as unethical when vatniks are doing it.

Then why don't you go to /chug/ and shitpost there?
youre literally an algerian muslim lmao
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>Russian Navy day canceled
Zizters?? Our response??
Touraegs are not terrorists
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Replaced with Russian Submarine Day. Most Russian navy assests are underwater now so it just makes sense.
because /uhg/ has more glowies+memeflags
Wasn't maduro a kind of authoritarian prison-state populist dude?
Given what the other faggots did though the most important thing is that the power keeps being transferred orderly and the societal balances don't go totally out of whack like it did in Russia/Belarus and is doing in Georgia
everyone is just leaving the country
now it's everybody's problem
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Looks excellent without makeup.
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>Perfect for a, "I showed you mine, now show me yours" edit.
You mean like picrel?
We didn't need a black sea fleet anyway!
Not only did that guy have a shitty car but they also destroyed it. At least it worked before.

>noooo you can't just fund people that kill my mercenaries abroad

Lmao get fucked, we need global anti-russnigger action. I hope Budanov is responsible for the killing of those Wagner subhumans.
Hey, i see you made it as a gif, as per my recommendation, noice
>Ziggers brag about their based and trad Islamist allies for years
>Grey Zone and a bunch of Fagnerites get massacred by them in a humiliating ambush
>Y-you’re allies w-with terrorists!
Lmao cry about it faggot. Not going to bring those bitches back.
>be you
>wake up
>angry because ukraine still isn't winning
>goto 4chan
>find /uhg/
>reply tzd
>reply with retarded gore cope
>reply with monke man
>reply with meatcube meme
>ukraine is still losing ground
>wtf?!?! The memes though!!
What mental disorder causes this?
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Many of us also has your mum. And no one called her back.
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>oy vey, goy, look
>it's a based nigger
Shlomo, ples.
Indeed they are. They are 2% and want to rule just like Kiev ruthenians want to rule over all of 60% of russians moldovans and poles in 1991 ukrobordrs
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> I dont know how to classify it
single-axle tractor
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>zigger triggered by my memes and gore
>on 4chan
Tourists never change.
wouldn't want to show up to the party empty handed
Is that a rotortiller?
What is that thing?
>ur a zigger!!!
Nah not even remotely. I'm just curious what causes your mental disorder....
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You're bad at this, you should rather mobilize yourself
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Man, I don't know. Maybe it's just the friends I made along the way?
Ah fuck
Well the remaining people better get their shit together... somehow.

>why do you hate ziggers so passionately
2 years of observing these faggot [z]ubhumans will do that to you
total zigger death
nigga the neutrooooler shtick has never worked. why do you fags even bother?
damn, this thread made me attracted to clown girls
Dumb même
Russia is advancing, russian jas the initiative, russia is an unstiopable trolley and Zelenkike is sending millions of hohol to stop the train
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Its only fitting, since we live in a clown world
Were they ok anon?
for me it was the lexi belle clown set, oldfags remember.
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Sorry, not sorry.
Russia is burning through men, material and sovereign wealth, all to keep monke in power.
This cannot last forever.
It's why Russia is desperate for the US to stop supporting Ukraine, because they can't outlast the Western MIC.
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Sure, Russia can uphold its war economy indefinitely, their top economist being completely buckbroken is absolutely no indicator for Russia doing horribly.
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Here's the missing end of that video.
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What a pussies! We even don't post our bloodiest gore!
Everyone should know that war is hell.
Yep, she was The trailblaser in that regard
>Russia is burning through men, material and sovereign wealth
Ukraine does too but got 5X less so russian patriots will win
They certainly are thorough. Have the ziggers ever thought of just going back home??
Its maskirovska, a ruse to confuse europigs
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Of course, as was her desire to quit her position at the start of the war.
I know you can see the writing on the wall too.
They just ate too much flatbread and got sleepy.
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>What is that thing?
single-axle tractor, we fairly extensively use them in the hills and mountains - like with other tractors you can attach various devices for grass cutting, snow removal from some paths, moving cargo and so on. i am sure youtube has videos, they also work when it's VERY steep.

potentially decent to deliver goods with a cargo trailer over uneven terrain but at the speed they tend to be going at driving them near the frontline is just too risky
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reminder and TZD
Ukraine burns through significantly less, due to them being on the defensive and trading land for Russian lives.
Assaults are always going to be more costly and artillery saturation is not as deadly for defenders as you believe.
But please, keep cheering on dirtbike cavalry charges into prepared positions.
There was more shade under the vehicles.
Both. There are pictures and videos on both tuareg and jnim social media. It is quite strange because both groups fought against each other (basically nationalists vs islamists) but it seems common enemy made them cooperate this time.
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>hate for r*zzians is enough to bring even warring africans together
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discount WWII jap, LMAO

Glued them together. It's not perfect as I don't know shit about cutting and stuff, but better than nothing I guess.
This is a fucking Looney Tunes skit
I mean not all that surprising. It's a lesson we learned in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's only surprising to people who thought us leaving the Middle East and Asia wouldnt just result in them still fighting each other. These niggers hate each other only a little less, than they hate an occupier/invader. Kind of makes sense...
And you're a black gorilla nigger
>she's gonna fall from some window soon.
like this one https://www.newsweek.com/top-russian-economist-dies-after-falling-out-window-1929398
Thank you, anon.
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Hmm? What do you mean, the parade was yesterday.
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stay mad zigger
He tried really hard to play dead. Guess he's not playing anymore.
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Z Christ
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Frens, report:

>day status?
>fagner trying to fight off with a rock status
>ass in ass in sand status?
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Because Ukrainians are Cossacks
They guilty of helping russians commit the circassian genocide
Didn't this happened a few months back too?
>Russia being ruled by a kleptocrat FSB mafia that have systematically looted their country over decades and spent it on luxury goods in the 'Hated West'
They say Putin is the riches man on earth (all stolen Russian goods), yet ziggers love him for it.
The previous one threw an RPG on a disabled kamikaze. He's a Darwin award winner. Today.
Just in, sorry about fucked up formating, deal with it

The Pentagon announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $1.5 billion.

It includes:

Ammunition for NASAMS systems;
Short and medium range anti-aircraft ammunition;
RIM-7 missiles;
Electronic warfare equipment;
Ammunition for HIMARS sets;
155 mm and 105 mm artillery shells;
120 mm mortar shells;
Precision aviation ammunition;
TOW anti-tank missiles;
Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems;
Small arms;
Explosives and technical equipment;
Secure communication systems;
commercial satellite imaging services;
Spare parts
skill issue
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>day status?
time for coffee

That's a lot. And I wonder if that commission that allegedly has been asked will decide that indeed $0 book value items are $0.
The winners of Europe,
Russians are scurrying everywhere
They put for themselves in their cars
Vacuum cleaners, candles, wines,
Smoking pipes, skirts and paintings,
Brooches, buckles, plaques, blouses,
The typewriters that are not in Russian,
Cheese and sausages,
Small household utensils,
Forks, glasses, shoes, combs,
Tapestries and scales...

A. Solzhenitsyn
Prussian Nights
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they got Lavrov
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Plz explain
I do know the dude is a gulag/nkvd/kgb survivor and went from being a commie to hating them but that's it.
Siril Al-Buda
are rpgs unironcally good? before the drone shit, you would just see them bounce of tanks and ifvs
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> day status?
It's been a nice day :)

> fagner trying to fight off with a rock status?
> ass in ass in sand status?
pigshit hilarious :DDD
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Drones hit more precisely from topdown and in rear. Even old single shaped charge works good that way.
He wrote Gulag Archipelago and inspired Ernst Nolte.
You must understand, the Wagner convoy was ambushed by whole NATO force and polak mercenaries dressed like Tuaregs.
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Isn't it funny that one day you're going to a foreign capital and just wander around it and then you've been living there for a third year now?
I was maybe to imprecise.
What the fug does his poem mean?
Is it about looting or something along those lines?
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C'est la vie.
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here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

Also note the guy was still too Russian to actually accept even just ideological support for the color revolutions. And I think he just wanted the Serb Christians to win in Kosovo.
That dude didn't actually know of the meme, right?
I mean, given that one dudes phone was newer than mine maybe they are online to a higher than expected degree and do see Ukrochud memes.

suomi über alles :DDD
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I didn't get what he was talking about with his poem.

Did you make that photo?
Yes, I did.
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'ery noice, reminds me of picrel lol
It is, and also about the violence to the civil Germans of East Prussia
It was about Soviets capturing East Prussia.
Now that Ukraine has been confirmed to be terrorists and to support terrorists, how can you still support them?
File deleted.
i'd beat the shit out of each and every one of you weakshit nafo dogs
It would be even funnier if he didn't know the meme, hah
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>The work gives a rambling description of the Soviet invasion of East Prussia in January 1945; atrocities committed against German civilians are the main concern.

> clumsy and disjointed 1400 line narrative which can be called poetry only because it is written in meter and rhyme

the shitskins blasted that resurrected Wagner fag
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One should take i as a reminder that there aren't many certainties in life.
Honestly, this war and its implications taught me a lot about the fragility of my living conditions and how we must protect our way of life against outside interference.
I'm so much more happy than Russians and all they want to do is take us to their level instead of bettering themselves.
Can't wait for this to be over and see Russia in the dirt.
Kalimdor is a continent.
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And that specific section anon quoted was about looting.
That's not (You).
> (free rupees)

Invaders must die.
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problem finpussy?
Is it a current pic? Kinda depressing if it looks like that in the middle of summer.
Your skin looks like poo lol.
No, it's winter of 2018.
>Invaders must die.
Who decided that they are invaders?
100% Prussian ancestry czurwa
Ah shit, well - right idea, other time period.
Plenty of misery to go around among imperialists.
Good thing we have human rights, right? h-haha

thanks for confirming and expanding anon

what's the joke?
that the original photo taker failed to censor the reflection?
or is this some kind of lolcow?
I know, we are brothers after all.
>germ asking what the/a joke is
These questions won't get you any closer to getting into Ukraine.
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kek. have a (you)
That's nice, winters that look like this are nice, although I can't stand the cold.
I prefer -30 to this. My wife disagrees though, despite her being a Finn. :D
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If their invasion is justified then supporting the opposition is morally wrong.
>that looks so comfy
I wish i could live in a comfy place..
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>thanks for confirming and expanding anon
no problem.
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now explain or leave the thread
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i'll choke you germoid
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I'll bake at 300.
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> pic
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> 300th post
Baked - get in.
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Human skulls are worth a lot of money.

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