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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>476100123

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
***NEW*** 7/16/2024

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)#
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
>>475867768 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475867851 (You) (Cross-thread)#

Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.











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Arabs in the Middle East are Namekians.
I'm butthurt right now.
Planet namek was cool
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Remember to frame this.
jews are fuming, and losing.
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sandniggers tongue my anus
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thank you for the bread fren
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Thank you for this delicious bread, Iraqi Baker fren
> Tikkun Olam
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I'm Frieza!

Edomites and Arabs are Namekians.

You have the dragon balls.
Civil war soon
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What kind of dragon balls was Frieza trying to attain anyway? Is Frieza gay?
>Show me the dragon balls! Now!

You want to see deez dragon ballz?!
Truthfully the Edomites are the true Frieza though. Maybe Arabs too. Aryans wuz the real Namekians the whole time!
Holy kek. This reminded me of that cartoon about a boy who wrote reports to fuck his classmates. He even looked like a kike goblin

IDF says operational meetings to discuss Lebanon front halted due to need to respond to storming of military base by far-right protesters; combat forces diverted from missions to secure base
Jews are raping Hamas fighters they captured? What a bunch of faggot geez.
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They also wrote a propaganda version of the following. It was filled with countless false shitraeli narratives, intermixed with correct intel gathered about the most important frens of /chip/. Luckily a german prophet was able to replace the false propaganda with evident truths, and posted the correct version for us to enjoy.

> This is a general filled with highly gifted chads in a worldwide outstanding think tank who all share different nuanced perspectives on the issue.
A group of free spirits who reinvent themselves every day because they have a lot of SOVL.
> You got a Honduran gym chads who has close family ties to the cause, a Chilean leading scholar of genetics with severe chadism and a large penis, a tireless baker with numerals representing how many merkavas are destroyed per day and the amount of dicks every IDF soldiers takes in one night, a saarland leaf who avatarchads as snufkin and is content with little in life, a green eyed Lebchad diaspora leaf who is a white warrior and owns some vore fag and the chupacabra rape baby, 2 Lebchads that made Hasbaras eat their own shit and drink their own piss, a Nafri chad from Tunisia who is desired by white girls with blonde hair and a well-trained Egyptian which all complement each other ideally and combine to create something better.
> You also have the Filipino who busily posts new news along with a couple of Lebchads who make entertaining infographics that scream "This Guy Fucks".
> You also have the chad from Morocco that operates under the Muslim memeflag, the Iraqi swede who seems to know everything about cars and a very white German chad whose jokes always hit the spot.
> There's also the Bosnian leaf, the Kuwaiti chad, and the Syrian chad.
> Who can forget the Irish chad who bakes diligently when the main baker is not there
> This is comfy happening in Palestine.
> This is /chip/
>You have the dragon balls.
i got two of 'em betwixt my legs
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Randall from Recess ?
What about me? I want to be on the list! I must be the most funny of them all!
YES. I love that show
Very true.
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>IDF retreating battalions from Gaza to rebel against the military police
>meetings to discuss Lebanon halted
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>Israel is redirecting military forces to put down an armed insurrection over the right to anally rape Palestinians
Are you okay over there, Moishe?
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fucking randall XD
I'm watching the first season of Homeland right now. It's about Muzlamic terrorist. One American soldiers turn coated and became a Muzlamicist!
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>"You cannot rape"
>*starts rebellion*
my fucking sides
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If this is the one that the memefag is referring to, his full Randal name is an acronym something to effect of a jewish nerd
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new kinos
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>To be pro-West today is to be pro-globohomo empire.
You hate it since it didn't benefit you personally, and you blame the system for it. cut the idealistic crap.

> religion means ritual ordination
So? it's just a part of it.

>I have always spoken ill of evangelism.
Kek, only since they support Israel.
You're an opportunist and your support is given based on single-issue matters.

>So Judaism also speaks of faith,
A lot.

>but it is still not the main point.
Wrong, faith in Hashem is the main commitment and importance. _keeping_ the faith during hardtimes is literally how Judaism survived despite having no temple where the so called rituals were performed. Judaism survived thanks to the faith people held.

>Christianity also has rituals, but the central point is faith.
Wrong, Christianity is a more ritualistic Judaism molded to fit the goy spirit - materialists, short attention spanned, price-oriented.
It's basically paganism with all of their weird hijinks, they just don't wanna call it that.
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if one oct. 7 = twenty 9/11s, then how many jan. 6's = today's events at israeli military bases?
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Let’s fucking goooooo
Why? What is wrong with kikes exactly? I don't get it. Are they doing this so they don't have to fight in war?
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>If this is the one that the memefag is referring to, his full Randal name is an acronym something to effect of a jewish nerd

Found the picrel
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inb4 IDF insurgents who don't want to go the jail over what they did in Gaza hit Bibi with an artillery shell
Do those rockets even do anything to those tanks or is it just all cope?

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We need to get them to post the full list of all the /chip/ regulars. Essentially a crypt notes version of the next kike shill org's formal report
I still find it insane how the triangle has become hamas' symbol of resistance.
It all started because they just used them as literal pointers and somehow it became so widespread that the fucking German government even talks about banning the symbol altogether.. imagine banning a triangle.
Innocent soldiers guarding the Hamasi terrorists were falsely accused of arab fantasies and the MP arrested them. Civvies rightfully resisted their unlawful arrest.
6 gorillion
The military police began arresting IDF members for torture and mistreatment, Israel is already being charged for warcrimes in international courts, so half the IDF read the room and realized they might be next, they want the state to side with them for war crimes.

It's really not just about the 10 or so retards arrested for admitting to rape, but rather the fear that more heads might start rolling down the road.
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you are late to the party
kikes are angry that soldiers were taken to prison for rape. and are on twitter legitimizing rape because they aren't jewish kek.
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have this legend
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>be jew
>get told you are not allowed to rape people because its evil, morally wrong and illegal
>starts a civil war over it
What a fucking clown show, I said a few months ago pissrael would be destroyed by jews not even by the arabs, maybe its going to happen, I keep asking jews if they would jump in a pit of swords to save their state and their fellow jews, but they refuse to answer, I wonder why.
Why does a Jewish government care about what Jews do to Palestinian enemies/foreigners? You sure are breaking a lot of eggs by being neo-liberal. You must really want that "modern" liberal democracy omelette really bad.
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(((They))) especially love raping kids. Who woulda thunk that the IDF loves to rape kids, just as the talmud requires them to do so
Oy vey shut it down
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if i make it in their next report, i will be the happiest canuck on the planet
>"one particular poster, who uses images from a 90s cartoon, appears to be the most antisemitic of them all"
i would die laughing
>Why does a Jewish government care about what Jews do to Palestinian enemies/foreigners?
Their holding base is monitored by the ICC and HRW directly, and bibi is pissing his pants if they come after him if the terrorists are "mistreated".
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I hope they use a gorilla to identify me
Some closeted homosexuals got a little too rough with the back entrance of a pali prisoner, Military police arrested them for making us look bad and now sub-60 IQ religious people and the parasites that represent them in parliament think the entire IDF will get purged now or something.
I can't believe Israeli MPs care about Palestinian Muslims. They must be pretending and merely appeasing the neo-liberal Whites in the West who wont shut up about muh poor brown Palestinian people. Man the anti-Israeli sentiment must be reaching critically dangerous levels now then. You are now Rhodesia. the Jewish state of Israel may not last another few years, certainly not another decade. If you are appeasing White liberal/commie faggots in the West.
they couldve just ignored the incidents, then 2 weeks later said they would "investigate it" and then forget about it. worked for the past 76 years and the west never cared afterward
>Raping boys
Man I hate kikes.
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>Do those rockets even do anything to those tanks or is it just all cope?

The only cope is by the kikes who believe it will protect them side it. Rather than understanding that it simply becomes an oven to be baked within
>the parasites that represent them in parliament think the entire IDF will get purged now or something.
We dont think they will get purged, dont put words in our mouths kike.
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How would that work, my Christo-Jewish frater?

The terrorists meet ICC prosecutes directly, an internal investigation is irrelevant.
What a long, strange trip it's been.

>indict some guards for raping, torturing Palestinians
>need to immediately withdraw forces to keep retards from storming a prison complex

Israel really will tear out its own throat in the end.
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>Do those rockets even do anything to those tanks or is it just all cope?

The only cope is by the kikes who believe it will protect them side it. Rather than understanding that it simply becomes an oven to be baked within.
So "religious right wing Jews" are cracking down on faggotry in the IDF? Lmao ok.
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Nigga who is "we"?
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(((they))) should have included the tranny kek
>"one brazillian poster, easily identified as a gorilla, is perhaps the most antisemitic man in all of south america"
The Talmud is satan’s bible and Jews are the actual demons described in the Bible. Everything they touch is turned to pornography and subversive mockery. They are the cancer of Earth. Just as all golden ages began with their expulsions, so to will the world experience it’s first golden age when the last cancer cell is cured.
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>They're literally pulling troops out of Gaza over the rebellion
>it's unclear whether that's a pro-rebel movement
Black Swan event incoming, for the past months Israel is in this pocket of history where any crazy shit might happen. It shouldn't surprise anyone if a handful of crazy IDF guys staged a coup in fear of facing repercussions.
The Israelites are Nordic Aryans. You are a dirty Edomite sand nigger serpent.
You are the Synagogue of Satan
These retards stopped to pray? How fucking dumb are they? Lmao.
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Hunter Biden your acting President here. Again thanks to the brave lads of Hamas who provided us with 555 dead sand nigger babies for our feasts here in the White House. They sent us only the best they dug out of day care centers and houses. And a shout out to Hillary Clinton and George Soros for paying for all of this. We eat well each weekend and General Milley is quite the cook. Our friends in Hezbollah have committed to provide a 1000 sand nigger babies when Israel invades Lebanon. Life is good patriots. H.
Rev 2:9
Who /chil/ here? Getting ready and comfy for the possible destruction of Israel
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>Do those rockets even do anything to those tanks or is it just all cope?

The only cope is by the kikes who believe it will protect them side it. Rather than understanding that it simply becomes an oven to be baked within

Needless to say, it's very effective. The resistance simply has morals, standards, and does not gloat in promoting gore online which the families of these dead kikes would inevitably be emotionally crushed when watching. Which is why they essentially always cut the video once the attack is launched. You already know the outcome of huge explosions, and it's pure cope to think that (((they))) did not make a sacrifice in that moment.
> Let alone that it would provide IDF with necessary intel, which could then be used as a learning experience when analyzing the footage
Who would they coup, military leaders? Likud members are with the pro-rape protestors and the a far-right coalition is already the majority in government.
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If the government effectively collapses in a way that leaves America unwilling or unable to endorse it, or at least not in short order, that'd be ... remarkable.

Sad to say we're probably going to rubber-stamp any retard junta who installs themselves and returns to carpet-bombing Gaza, even if they need to save them for Lebanon and the rest.

Still, I must admit to feeling closest to picrel. It's gonna be a fuckin' barrel-ride.
>look at me, i'm hamas now
where's this from?
reminds me of that scene where homelander cooked the guy who put him in the oven
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Butthurt ChristJews

>we wuz da real jews
John 19:19
The religious right wing jews are currently trying to break into military prisons so they could free the soldiers that got arrested for having an unhealthy intrest in arab anuses.
Think of the sides as pro and anti arab anus touching, pro arab anus touching being religious right wing jews and the anti arab anus touching side being the military.
Rev 3:9
They're the majority in government but it's not a total dictatorship and Bibi had to let international pressure guide a persecution within the IDF. It's obvious that Bibi would rather cut the heads of the lower ranks than his own.
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The Axis Powers are the cunnyseurs.

But alas, we must eventually part ways.
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>we're totally ready to open the second front to destroy Lebanon
>had to withdraw forces from the first front because of the rape coup
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It also turns everything into a financial transaction. With different rabbi's disagreeing on the payments required
Lmao kikes are so gay bro.
Unfathomably based.

>"subject 1"
>begins with Iraqiswede.
>not 53
>not the Aussie MENA analyst.
>not Bedouin SuperSolider (Israel IP)
> not the 48 Christian Palestinian (Israel IP)
>Not the American that served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Its so sloppy, it reads like last minute homework.
>guide a persecution
Prosecution. The evidence is bad. Bad enough they couldn't keep these guys from getting arrested. And now you've got the whole faggot fan club rolling up, with bullhorns, saying "NO NO WE WANT OUR OWN ABU GHRAIB! NO KEKING!"

If the Western press had a single nut, this would already be world news.
File deleted.
Gaylatians 3:28
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan
Rev 2:9
#1 Jews invented Islam.
#2 Jews created Communism to exterminate Christians.
#3 Jews deceive and corrupt Christian societies with vices and societal ills.

Literally kill yourself kike.
lmao america literally forces its citizens to pay for this
look at this jew playing semantics. "anus touching" meaning anal raping random captured civilians.
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>So "religious right wing Jews" are cracking down on faggotry in the IDF? Lmao ok.

I wonder why the (((they're))) so obsessed with raping men...
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>Gaylatians 3:28*
It's not a rebellion as much as a bunch of retards who think they've got diplomatic immunity, in Israel, as "real and true" Israelis. They won't get teargassed, skulls cracked, anything. It's going to be a giant game of grab-ass for 12, 24 hours, someone makes a call, and then they leave with some negotiated settlement.

The rules only ever, EVER take a boot to a Palestinian skull. They're very transparent about this.
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Both Jews and Greeks are subhumans.
I always get excited when I see the little red triangle.
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You forgot the most important one:
Jews invented Christcuckery
And you've been our obedient dogs even since
Death to ZOG and its shitskin colonizers

I've tried boycotting Jewish goods. No one ever does it and joins me. If we boycotted them we would descend into civil/race war too btw. Satan rules through Jewish business. And Satan must rule the Earth in the End Times until either the 144,000 Elect or Jesus Christ liberates us, or both.
Leve it to a Hebrew to present Bible quotes out of context.
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How about 10 red triangles?
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>is King
Of the Jews*.
The real Jews of the Bible are the Nordic Aryan Germanic peoples. Kill yourself Edomite sand nigger serpent! Israel will be Aryan again! The 144,000 Elect Waffen-SS will liberate MENA!
got more of these?
The majority of human development came from Europe and the Aryan subraces.
what makes it so funny is that obviously noone in the israeli government gives a shit about palestinians getting raped, human rights or the rule of law. but they have to at least pretend to care and put in some lip service because otherwise they know their western support is going to dry up. but the extreme settler part of the entity refuse to even do the bare minimum, they won't even allow a show trial where the soldiers get a slap on the wrist for raping goyim. the pure chauvinism and arrogance of it is something else.
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The real Jews are the Germans!
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The whole "king of the jews" thing the Romans did was an insult to the jews
the pharisee was shidding and pissing their pants as they never claimed Christ was their king
I really fucking hate Jewish settlers.. I would love to spoon their eyes out.
Without exaggeration, modesty is not a particular value to Jews. More precisely you're supposed to be modest before God, in your speech to other Jews, but no, no one ever preaches "the golden rule" if they know they can get away with worse.

Again, not exaggerating. They see it as a function of being a sub-minority with a history of violence and oppression -- in both directions. Glassing someone literally or rhetorically is "in service of preserving Jewish life."
Of course
guys fill me in, i'm hearing there's a civil war over rape camps?
Hot metal rod
Up your butt
Hot metal rod
Up your butt
That is what we Jews do
It is true
That is what we Jews do
It is true
Palestinian in Israeli hospital
With a rod up his ass
>get your ass kicked on one front
>throw yourself headfirst into the second front to distract your allies and enemies from how badly it went on the second front
You liddle goyim cannot comprehend high IQ jewish moves like this
Why do jews have to be so mean.
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>How about 10 red triangles?
>how badly it went on the second front
*first front, I'm too low IQ to not get confused by advanced Jewish tactics
Been a while since Bible study, but I think it was meant to be a dig against anyone who took Jesus as a credulous leader, and served "look what WE can do to ANYONE who you'd call a King," not all Jews. It was just typical Roman cruelty. Which, to be fair, absolutely works as long as you never apologize using power.
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Many of us in /chip/ actually do that. We also boycott companies which support shitrael.
> I even boycott walmart, since they pulled advertising from twitter, due to a fake jew propaganda report published by Media Matters. They photoshopped ads next to antikike posts, which never happened. They also created tons of accounts, which simply kept refreshing until a match occurred- when analyzed, the ad happened 50 times out of 5.5 Billion posts, ie. 1 out of 100,000,000 chance of occurring.
> I used to spend $4k-$10k/year at walmart. I cancelled my walmart+ account, stopped using them for weekly grocery deliveries, no christmas decorations and purchases, etc. They lost over $5k in just christmas purchases in the first month of pulling it, not including groceries and other purchases that month
> I had previously cancelled the paramount+ account given free with walmart+, as Paramount had done the same thing.
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Did you know that jewsus real father was a roman soldier named pantera?

>Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier garrisoned in Judea according to Roman sources, Greek sources...
Right back at ya kike buddy.
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henlo frens, please kill kikes quicker so I can finally live
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It was 10 dead, including 2 golani kikes
Also, farmers are more deserving of my money than some old corpo (in sweden its Arla taking over any dairy products).
The Balestinians will have to poop from a plastic tube because their anus doesn't work anymore
If you're trying to make me hate you, it's working!

Thats fake

Ive seen the whole thing. Nothong happens.
I think around 99% of orthodox jewish males were molested by a rabbi as a child
>We also boycott companies which support shitrael.
This is a felony in my Republikike state.
Yeah, (((Greek))) sources. No more (You) for Mossad kikes. Go rape a smelly arab
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Even Boomers are taking notice, like this Based BDS Boomer in vidrel. Her idea with stickers is a good idea that many of us can continue in our various parts of the world
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Truth is hard to cope with, isn't it?

You studied it all your life only to realize it were all lies.
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They're stretched pretty thin. They've had difficulty cycling troops and reservists in and out without shuttering parts of their economy. Fighting-aged men or working men, you can't have both. And since they were SO sure they could take on Hez they even bombed a Druze city to false flag it, well, now they get to shuffle along two fucking fronts.

I think they're hoping we'll just keep writing blank checks for retardation forever. Even as cynical as I am, no one pays for a proxy state to piss on the rug FOREVER.
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Much as I’m inclined to believe the worst when it comes to kikes, I’m pretty sure the story about them rebelling over not being allowed to sodomize prisoners is just a means for King Kike to demonize any IDF troops that protest being killed and maimed for him.
100% they mutinied when they got word that they were being redeployed to the north to participate in an upcoming ground offensive against Hezbollah and the rest.
lol the Arab rape civil war of 2024, split into pro-rape and anti-rape factions. How humiliating, for Arabs that is. I fucking love being Jewish
Even the most bootfuck infantryman in the US army understands spacing. The IDF is embarrassing.
his source is the Talmud, the Talmud says Jesus's father was a Roman Centurion named Pantera

just more jewish lies, he cannot comprehend how God would choose Christ to be his Son and sent him here to save our souls, his people turned their backs on him afterall
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And cope accordingly.
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In USA, they allude to this. Although due to kikes being involved in publishing Vice, they simply said "OVER 50%", however they never stated by HOW MUCH over 50% it truly was
This article is referring to the tunnel jews neighborhood, aka Crown Heights, Brooklyn NYC.
> The tunnel jews built their rat tunnels under the world headquarters for Chabad. A location in which countless elite kikes all visit, such as essentially all shitraeli PM's, the head of Mossad, the head of IDF, countless important mossad and IDF kikes, and so on
>his source is the Talmud,
Nope, literally Pontius Pilate.
See >>476133520
And cope accordingly.
As long as you're not scheming against Europeans.
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>we want less Palestinian rape
Yeah, sad thing is that'll get you absolutely nuked in the Knesset. They've been baying for blood. October 7th was supposed to be the great toot of the horn to fell the browns forever, or whatever.

Israel can't hide what it really is forever. They're junkyard dogs screaming for flesh. Anyone who's spent more than 10 minutes with Israelis can tell you that.
I find it intriguing you don't think Jesus was really a king, but more like a schizopgenic cult leader sick man with delusions of grandeur. Kind of like how a crack hoe Negress from the streets believe she is royalty and a real queen. But even the Babylonian Talmud doesn't dispute the fact that Jesus descends from the royal House of David. Therefore Jews can not deny that Jesus has royal blood. You can probably deny He is the Messiah. But I know for a fact that you are a Satanic Edomite satanist who is trying to steal souls from Christians would who would be willing to abandon their religion. Even if you don't believe Jesus was a real king and the Messiah the jokes on you because Jesus gained a cult following, and that cult or religion took over Europe, and "persecuted" and pogromed and Holocausted many Jews as a result. LMAO! Yeshua has been the bane of your existence ever since he started his cult following and it's fucking hilarious to me. Anyway. I am a Christian, so fuck you Edomite! LOL!
Al-Yassin 105 shell
Up your merkava
Al-Yassin 105 shell
Up your merkava
That is what resistance does
It is true
That is what resistance does
It is true
Nugget in Israeli hospital
With a iPhone in his hand
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It's only illegal if you don't have another reason. As a consumer, they can't do anything about it. In business, they can claim it's due to 3-4 week transit times vs 1 week, shipping rates more than quadrupling in the first month alone and even higher now, getting cheaper prices elsewhere, and so on
> With the anti-kike laws that were promoted for my state, the kiked media made it sound like it applied to everything. When in reality, it simply applied to when OTHER crimes were committed simultaneously. Analogous to how assaults and attacks get increased penalties via hate crime laws. They can't criminalize you hating someone, but it will increase the penalties if another crime is committed simultaneously
Here's a fun thought: I don't give a fuck what some cut-dicked faggots in Israel thought 2000 years ago about a magic sky baby and what signs to look for.
> imagine banning a triangle.
Checked. Euclid weeps.
Don't doubt the signs man. Every ancient culture looked out for signs from the Gods. You are an atheist faggot or satanist kike subhuman.
What is God's name is happening.
>Every ancient culture looked out for signs from the Gods.
Yeah, those faggots don't keep the lights on or food on the table. Get bent.
Wouldn't feminizing Palestinians and keeping them as sex pets be more humane then genociding them though?
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Reminder that the Talmud perpetuates the lie that Christ was not deivine and that his mother was a whore who fucked a Roman centurion

2 thousand years later and they still spread this lie
the Pantera theory is jewish slander against Christ

Kill yourself kike.
remember when they were kvetching over fake Hamas rapes?
I'm not a shabbos Goy. You want me dead, you do it.
Ben gvir has no jurisdiction in Side Taiman.
it's a military prison under the ministry of defense, not under ben gvir's ministry of national security.
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They have zero situational awareness. Regardless of where they are, from ultra retarded like standing in front of a tank when firing for tik tok updoots. To constantly standing in front of windows, when using an elevated window in a building for launching attacks within gaza . To where they stand by tanks bunched up, to stopping the tanks when moving through a narrow lane war zone. To grabbing shekelbombs thrown over a wall, and placing it within a massive crowd of fellow IDF kikes
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>Jesus descends from the royal House of David
Which would make all Christians Jews. Great!.

Nope, just a disillusioned rabbi with illusions of such. many such cases.

>gained a cult
Yes, that will end the same way all cults do - dead an forgotten.

>crack hoe Negress
The ones you will meet in your heaven LOL. see >>476133858

>persecuted" and pogromed
Kek, and now christcucks are the mos prosecuted niggers on the planet. soon it'll be open hunting season on you deranged cultists.


>Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels'

Hahaha. I will enjoy watching you white-hating pretend-jews vanish from this planet in orgasmic genocide.
That doesn't necessarily matter if you get enough moron brownshirts to go and sympathetic police to stand down. Israel's entering a weird cool zone.
Do you think Hamas terrorists give good head? Or were they just anally raped with rods? I want to know details on the "alleged" rapes
I think it's because dumb redneck Edomo-Satanist niggerkike lovers worship kikes.
kikes have to shut down their war because they can't stop themselves from rape...what timeline are we in?
isn't hamas raping jewish girls in the tunnels?
The one where their grubby, oily face is revealed for all time.
The real Jews are the Germans.
is it antisemitic to stop rape?
Very. Each day is a sexual emergency for them.
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>Hahaha. I will enjoy watching you white-hating pretend-jews vanish from this planet in orgasmic genocide.
You will be in an oven soon. The 144,000 Elect Israelites are coming to conquer the land of Israel and the Middle East. The Euphrates river is drying up now according to the prophecies in the Book of Revelation. It wont be long now. ~15 years from now Messiah shall return.
You will never be a real glownigger. You have no intelligence, you have no analytical ability, you have no successful missions. You are a diversity hire and/or Zogbot twisted by goyslop and a love of Israel into a crude mockery of Cold War-era competence.

All the "consent" you manufacture is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind their firewalls the FSB and Ministry of State Security mock you. American citizens are disgusted and ashamed of you, your information campaign targets laugh at your illogical arguments behind closed doors.

Millennials and Zoomers are utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of years of failed brainwashing attempts have allowed younger generations to sniff out glowie intel operations with incredible efficiency. Even glowposts that “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a millennial. Your faith in our failed government is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a newfag to fall for your bait, he’ll post sneed the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected support of a supposed rules-based international order.

You will never be influential. You hoist up a manufactured narrative every five minutes and tell yourself it’s going to be impactful, but deep inside you feel the futility creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - government debt will accumulate, inflation will get out of control, more money will be sent to Israel and Ukraine, and the United States will collapse. Looters will break into your offices, elated and relieved that they can sell some computers to buy food. They’ll burn down your agency’s offices to stay warm, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know another failed gloworg is buried there. Your organization will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy are wasted money and constitutional violations.

This is your fate. This is what Kalergi desciples chose. There is no turning back.
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Support among evangelist youth is plummeting. It dropped from 75% to 38% from 2018 to 2021. It has continued to drop since then, especially after the normie awakening after the Al-Aqsa Flood on october 7th.
> Even Trump is shifting his politics away from evangelists, and focusing it on other groups instead. As he knows that they'll vote for him anyway, to prevent the degenerate dems from destroying society. Like how he has no plans for a federal abortion ban, and publicly criticizes any republican politician who pushes for extreme bans. Or how the RNC convention was geared towards other groups, rather than to the evangelists like it had been historically.
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The funniest cope the gayrabs came up with yet
Is the IDF shooting the Jews who get into the bases?
last thread

That's good to hear. Republican states seem like they're very pro-Israelie though. I hope that changes soon. Republicans are perfect candidates to convert to Christian Identity.
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Step aside niggers, jews are the new kings of rape
It's over for Pissrael. Go back to Brooklyn, Shlomo Rapestein
ZE Germans
He is KANG!!!
It turns out Arabs are built for BJC
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You will never be important enough for my dossier, favela ape.
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Yes indeed! Jawohl!

It's encouraging to see the Evangelical sheep start to waver. But I'm sorry to say people really, truly somehow believe Israel was meaningfully constructed AFTER World War II as a peace-bargain to Jews for their Holocaust, not a project since the 1890's. If you so much as say "don't do ethnostate shit," you get perma-cancelled from AIPAC. That's been true since the 1970's at least.
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>risking a civil war over the right to rape
kek the PR disaster for Israel just won't end. In the modern west civilization rape is a big no no, you can justify killing and bombing but rape? never
it was a metal rod stuck up the asshole of the terrorist. he was fucked so hard by this metal rod he had to be the ICU for weeks
Yeah, buddy, ain't no one giving you banana stickers. Remember how America was a great evil after Abu Ghraib and people lost their jobs? You've got faggots beating themselves off to "take a stand against the police" and occupy judicial buildings to stop the arrests.

Being a "loud and proud" heeb camel-faced faggot means everyone knows what that means now.
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We really need to do some cleaning
Reminder the Bar Kokhba led Judea to ruin 1888 years ago and all modern judaism is a LARP by polish mongrels.
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>Abu Ghraib
Bush's gang is burning in hell for creating that mess especially Donald Rumsfeld, they had "Abu Ghraibs" in the entire country, even for women and children, seriously Fuck George Bush, google "Copper Green Rumsfeld" for more
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They seriously need to post their complete dossier on here, of all the /chip/ members. I knew that they'd be spying and gathering intel. Especially by asking questions via their shill chan ID's, or when they act as wedge shills and pretend to agree with out views- before then trying to push opposing views on 1 specific topic. They ask questions to gather intel, as well as often trying to enrage anons, and then ask them some extreme question, attempting to bait every anon in the thread into replying, until they get at least 1 extreme quote which they can then use in their reports. They use these to increase funding for their kike shill orgs, by providing the reports to donors, to show why there's a need for the kike shill org to continue their operations on chan.

I realized just how detailed it was, when they posted the fake version of >>476128775, prior to the correct version being posted by the german prophet. The amount of detail that the fake jew propaganda demoralization version had, with multiple key details about specific regulars, which had been gathered over long periods of time. As it had not been discussed in the recent threads, and was so detailed that even I had been unaware of many of the details about specific regulars. I immediately recognized that this meant that (((they))) had created dossiers on those specific /chip/ frens. The ones whom they viewed as being the biggest threat to the kikes.
I wonder what Russia is going to attempt to do with Israel? Putin is very Pro-Assad too. If Russia were ever given the chance to "aid" the Arab countries in suppressing the Zionist regime, the Zionist menace, perhaps Russia would occupy Israel and attempt to De-ziofy Israel just as Putin claims he wants to denazify Ukraine and Europe. Of course to appeal to ordinary Russians he could play the anti-Zionist Orthodox Christian card, but Putin is also definitely a communist. And communists are almost always anti-Zionists and pro-Palestinian. Personally I would love to See Russia occupy Israel and deZiofy them. If for no other reason then because it would be one of the greatest happenings of our time.
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Then why you keep replying to me you dumb fucking kike
its because you have nothing on me, you cannot identify me from my post history, you cannot even discern me from other hue monkey posters
you are the worst fucking shill that I had the misfortune to interact in this board, you are incompetent, pathetic, I work hard for my posts and this is what they send it here, a coward low IQ manlet
even the dumbest monkey from the depths of the favela would be better shills than your entire race combined, chosen race my ass, more like a inbreed amalgamation of manlet sheep fuckers
its explains the violent behavior and schizophrenia
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Yep. It's even to the extent that kikes mask their true identities from other kikes. Not unlike have EVERY single shitraeli PM has changed their name to mideast sounding names. Like Ben Grün, all the way to yahoo's real name that was somewhere in the ballpark of maleitakovitch or some shit like that. To mask that they're simply eastern europeans LARPing as semites, along with 40% of their maternal DNA coming from 4 italian goyim converts
How's cope general today? Have you gone on a march with your fat tranny supporters?
What I miss?
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>You also have the chad from Morocco that operates under the Muslim memeflag
that is me
thank you for the recognition


The whole pro Palestine movement is mentally ill
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TKD fren
glad to be on the list with ya!
Good morning, saar
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Kys, mongoloid
Yep. Can't fucking believe how important 2000 was.
reminds me of the tranny of saud who used to write 50 page schizo novels about /chug/
U mad bro?
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Yep, it was going since the late 1800's, and even prior to the 1890's. Plus, don't forget that the kikes brainwashed the evangelists even earlier than that, as the christian zionist movement started before the jewish version. As a way of making it acceptable among the goyim, and not to seem like it was purely a kike idea, with motives purely for kike benefit.

Does anyone know when the fake jewish scam bible was released? The scofield bible was written by jews, funded by jews, and then pushed by a conman who was the public face of the fake scam bible
> Removed kikes as the murderers of Jesus Christ, and replaced it with the Romans
> Told evangelists for the rapture to happen, that they must voluntarily serve the kikes as literal slaves on their vineyards in israel.
> Made kikes as the good guys and allies of the christians, rather than being demonized by the entire christian bible, and even by Jesus himself saying that they were the spawns of satan

thats because hes Saul, the same nigger shill from /chug/
It would be monumentally funny, but probably not worth it for Russia to even tryl.
Ah I see, does he adopt the same persona here? I only occasionally lurk /chip/ and had Israeli flags filtered for the longest time
The one who doxxed his own children ?
Russia/China is commie. They will flex their muscles.
No, that was Cem (RIP)
he larps as le 100% germanic phenotype now

i believe so
ah i see, i get the shills mixed up sometimes
but yeah, he's saul, not cem
even types like him
Putin will give a speech on the evils of Zionism and how Zionism is the same thing as and no different from Nazism lmao.
Again, it'd be funny, but I don't know how deeply Russia wants to invest in their new Iranian partnership if they can try to play footsie / realpolitik. Granted, Israel's smart enough to see another fence-sitter. Just not quite smart enough to stop committing to new wars on new fronts.
Wait so Israel is unironically coming apart at the seams because they banned raping prisoners? Fucking lol.
>Russia/China is commie
Russia isn't commie, its a neoliberal hell-hole, China "technically" isn't communist either, its a state capitalist mixed economy thats "market socialist"
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See image attached
Funny how quickly that's become the Israeli, even the generally Jewish, brand. Rape. Pure rape. Rallying to keep rapists from being "tortured by" the justice system that dragged its feet to arrest them at all.

Incredible. Just incredible. The knowing is astronomical, instantly.
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yup, its comical
TKD caused by kikes
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>ever visitng /chug/ or giving a shit about dead russmutts or shitkranians
Holy lel
bisexuality is co-related with psychopathy/narcissism, so this is not remotely surprising news
This is going to be their copout vs. Hezbollah, isn't it?
yeah pretty much, they're also pulling PTSD and wounded IDF from hospitals for either redeployment to be cannon fodder for Gaza (which isn't fun) or to be cannon fodder for Lebanon (which isn't fun either)
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They really expected a full gay luxury space war?
nope, under corporate Christianity you were kept at bay... the problem started with the Reformation

If real Christian consciousness returns to the West, your liberal dream is over.
>But Israel has nukes!!!
#1 nukes aren't real.
#2 Russia will claim it strategically place anti-Zionist Jewish elements in the Israeli IDF/military as foreign agents working for the Kremlin in order to disable and sabotage the Israeli war effort against Russia.
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these stupid retard kikes did stats that include every OP and concluded that the links in the OP are the most common links... Amazing analysis.
>sorry can't invade Lebanon right now
>we must defend our right to rape
>opposition is throwing more fuel into the fire
Yair Lapid:

"We are not on the edge of the abyss; we are in the abyss. All red lines were crossed today. Members of Knesset and ministers participating in the invasion of violent militias into military bases are a declaration to the State of Israel: they are done with democracy; they are done with the rule of law

A dangerous fascist group is threatening the existence of the State of Israel

They are the best thing that happened to Sinwar and Nasrallah. If we do not stand up to them, the state will disintegrate. If Netanyahu does not dismiss the ministers who participated in these violent raids today, he is not fit to represent the State of Israel."
hahaha, now you see why Anne Frank got put in a cattle car.. you are not human
I didn't say a goddamn word about nukes. I'm saying that Putin isn't likely to "call out Zionism" unless he's certain he's getting more out of Iran forever. That's very probable. He can also play faggot and keep this current brinkmanship.

While I think it's possible he'd try #2, in effect he'd probably just be pissing off all the Russian Jews there or with second homes there, etc.
yeah, they said that in German in 1932 as well, as they were raping little kids in Berlin

Sure hope that "wheel of history" doesn't turn for you again, bud
Kike shills seem kind of demoralized tonight. As though they have some rudimentary awareness of now much of a fucking joke their country looks like over this.
lol I doubt it, they're too ugly
It’s not about Israeli politicians suddenly growing a conscience. One of their main defences in the international courts is that the international courts only have jurisdiction where a state doesn’t have the ability to hold its own soldiers to account. They argue that they do have mechanisms to punish war crimes already, and further they argue that they apply the laws to any soldier found to be committing war crimes/law violations.

Problem is everybody knows that’s bullshit. So what they’ve decided is to make a show of arresting a bunch of soldiers for raping Palestinians as evidence that they’re able and committed to punishing violations. This would’ve lent weight to their defence in the international courts as per the aforementioned arguments.

The problem is the Israeli soldiers and the settlers, and politicians, and civilians who support them have now openly shown that Israel does not have the capacity to hold their own to account for war crimes. So it’s backfired spectacularly.
Incredible. Israelis are so unctuous they may have slit their sitting government's own throat. Truly, it's boundless.
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Israelie will "attempt" the Samson Option. But Russian foreign agents who are anti-Zionist Jews who infiltrated the Israel IDF top secret nuclear facilities disabled and sabotaged the nuclear launches.


Or so (((Putin))) claims.

Russia will now attempt to occupy Israel and deziofy them.
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It's always been. Even going back to the inception of shitrael and IDF. Rape was always their thing...
> VIDREL: Just look at how remorseful, angered, upset, and how much distress it causes this ex-IDF soldier when he discusses raping minors in the 1948 Nakba
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yeah basically, they're still operating on 1980s counter insurgency tactics even tho Hamas and the Palis are way more strategic than the PLO used to be, i mean fuck, they act more like conventional state militaries with full command and control rather than hit-and-run types like in the West Bank
I vote to name what's going on in Israel a "popcorn coup" after how fucking hilariously retarded it is to watch from the outside.
Is there any more footage of the three-stage ambush aside from the one sniper video?
I didn’t realize Israel was in the middle of a civil war before I started scrolling down but I really want to watch these kikes embarrass themselves in urban warfare. The fact that they’re still not pulling security around armored vehicles is hilarious.
They're just insufferable little faggots, aren't they?

kings shut their fckng mouths.
If Netanyahu dismisses them, won’t they just leave his coalition? Causing his government to collapse?
>hit em with that Jaza'iri swagger anon
Gotta admit, not sure they have quite enough fanboys to do much more than fuck up all the judicial buildings. This might still mean the end of the gentleman's agreement made at the start of the Gazan War. Reforming any government probably spells the end of Bibi.
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Now I understand why jeets love jews so much, they are both low IQ rapists.
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>They're just insufferable little faggots, aren't they?

Not all of them. Some of them are massive faggots too
Yes, they probably want Netanyahu to step down as a whole.
I don't think the attack on Beirut is coming tonight. IDF will delay it a few more days and reinforce the north because it knows the attack will trigger a war. Possible date could be as late as Friday night.

Kings roar like a lion.
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My dream is to put my hands on a Jew rn, the problem there is none here, I'd wait.
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>In Syria, airstrikes are reported in Daraa district in the south of the country

>According to initial reports, the Israeli IAF attacked air defense systems in the villages of Tel al-Jabeya and Tel Umm al-Khoran

There won't be attack on Beirut faglord
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>Now I understand why jeets love jews so much, they are both low IQ rapists.

They're also both pedophiles
Most articulate take.

Couldve been an easy PR win too, if they got away with it.
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jesus christ
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>>Now I understand why jeets love jews so much, they are both low IQ rapists.
>They're also both pedophiles
>According to initial reports, the Israeli IAF attacked air defense systems in the villages of Tel al-Jabeya and Tel Umm al-Khoran
This is just prep work for the oncoming assault.
>There won't be attack on Beirut faglord
Yes there will be. Either airport or Dahieh will be hit.
I wanna see what mine says to get a lil insight on my life
we know all everything
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Invariably. Bibi must choose between:
> his personal legal liability, pending court cases - compounded by any enemies he's made since 7 October
> continuity of Israeli government, standing before the ICJ
Pretty sure he'll choose to hang the whole country out to dry if it keeps him out of jail. He's always been that craven. Picrel
>51 posts by this namefag subhuman

No, only Bekaa
>Israel leads war into HAMAS
>Vietnam levels of chaos
>Arrest IDF soldiers because of rape
>Total state colapse
Fucking kek, turns out the jews are going to kill themselves
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pissrael will never invade lebanon
Hezbollah will keep dumping explosives and expanding their territory
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They're literally trying to cope with
>Dude it was all an accident!!
Here's how bad this is, these are Zionist accounts attacking the government saying that "I totally didn't know!".

They all knew, they knew that they were calling the police Hamas, they knew that they were calling every government worker Hamas, they knew that they were calling the UN Hamas. None of this was an "accident".

They're talking about dismantling that prison entirely to make a "clean one", but you can't just toss the mass-rape and torture of literally thousands of people under the rug, let alone the mass murder of civilians in Gaza.
Could the mania from October 7 finally be wearing out?
Question: have the Wasraeli's finally gone full retard?
will they holocaust themselves this time?
Zionists seriously think that if they just diemantle 1 prison than the humanitarian problem of doing a campaign of civilian mass murder in Gaza will be tossed under the rug. They're in full cope mode. You obviously can't just clean up a torture prison and ignore that you killed 40 000 to 200 000 people.
cuz the FLN kicked them all to France
They wore out their welcome, and this latest embarrassment just when the American Presidential race hits stride? This ain't looking good for them, no.
> "It's- it's like really anti-SHEMMETIC to say Jews are torturing and raping or whatever!"
is now instantly vaporized. And how many American politicians have been carrying that banner, recently, at volume? You can only be bitten by your retarded proxy state so many times before you roll up the newspaper.
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>file name
>file name
>file name
>file name
This is why Jeets worship them. All of the jeet gods are rapists so of course they would love kikes
Hadrian's spirit rises
Taking into account all the infighting in Israel amongst the Jews right now, and the looming Lebanon conflict. Has the red calf been sacrificed yet?
The nothingburger to happening pipeline.
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My IP is unstable, and so I'm incapable of baking. It changes too quick for the 5 minute captcha countdown
They're just the ideal match for pajeets

A civil war in Israel could be the one thing that causes the US to seize supporting Israel. And if there is a civil war, you bet there’ll be one side of it willing to negotiate with Palestinian militants to get them on side agains the other. Israel whether it exists in name afterwards will never be the same as it is now.

But that’s “if” this turns into a civil war and that’s a pretty uncertain “if” there’s a good chance this just fizzles out into a nothing burger like Jan 6th in the US.
Based FLN, yeah and people too start chasing them knowing they were all involved With french colons...
I kind of doubt it. That's shit you save until the end of a war, when you can nominally claim you're "uniting Israel, finally." If ben-Gvir or some other moron ultra-yiddishkeit whatever son of a bitch goes for it now, they're going to be remembered as the Maccabes honestly should have been all along: nasty, violent, poisonous zealots. That doesn't really "sell" people on a new Temple, let alone convening a Sanhedrin.
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the goy fears the jewish sheep farmer
No wonder they're getting all those "heart of the lion" fancams.
Israel is my Aryan land filthy Canaanite sand nigger kike! I'm going to poop on my land soon.
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>invade neighboring countries
>exterminate their population
>start a civil war <- you are here
>gets invades by foreign countries
>state is dissolved
Hadrian's spirit rises
nigga, your "country" is going through the biggest crisis in 51 years, aren't you worried that antisemitic palestinians are going to murder you?
>My IP is unstable
That's your personality disorder.
who is this schizo
Civil war in sreal lmao u guys are getting desperate
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>check /chimp/
>sandniggers and macacos fantasizing about a civil war in a first world country again
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Your Muslim population will be exterminated to make way for my Pharaonic Christian monarchy.
look up "christian identity", american whites are so zogged that they believe they are the ancient hebrews
how are your orf warts you manlet sheep fucker
blease someone bake.
I cannot do an emergency bake right now

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No, Mutts blocked us
Biden is pooping himself in despair for kamala's Michigan votes
Pesky White liberals/commies!
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Kikes always project
I don't mean to be despairing, but you'd have to somehow march through several neighboring countries that all get paid off by America to prevent exactly that from happening. Even if the Israeli border collapses as the IDF does, they won't get directly invaded by Iran.

NUKED, however, well ...
Bibi will do what he pleases as he does with ceasefire delays.
Yeah, I kinda guessed so. I'd reckon you'd save sacrificing the flag if you knew you were going to imminently win the war or if you knew the world was going to send in some of gotterdamerung endsieg type of apocalypse deal. Like if Russia just nuked Poland tomorrow or Yellowstone blew up the super yids would be like "might as well put the bovine in the fire now, might not get another chance"
That's assuming Biden is even mentally cognizant at this point in time.
>first world
LMFAO 2 states
White savior complexes! Poor brown people! Poor Palestinian shitskins!
You'd know.
I know you're the self hating Tikkun Olam jew, don't worry, my file on you is almost complete.
Can you show what you have on me?

Settlers are currently storming courts and other official buildings according to news reports.

Right now it looks like a rerun of January 6th and will likely fizzle out, but a lot of these settlers are violent rape enthusiasts who might not just go home after taking photographs with a podium.
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no not even a little bit
Yeah, either's fair. In the latter case, if Modern Israel(tm) gets totally obliterated, I don't know if anyone cares if they did or claimed to have. The evidence is simply gone.

To be blunt, pretty sure Muslims would just rebuild on the site based on current designs. Might even reach agreement with Christians and any Jews not dumb enough to complain about it. Like, come on, religion is tagball. Trying to claim a feverishly sweaty last-ditch ritual 'forever changes' a site ignores, you know, re-christenings. It's the faggiest thing you can do on the playground.
You're a newfag who has been on /chip/ for 2 days. You don't yet meet the necessary standards.
Someone bake, Jesus.
but here the media says that jews are undergoing insane panic?? are you the only fearless jew in Israel?
Why did your cousin stabbed a bunch of kids today, Mahmoud?

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