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Previous: >>476121690
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid -
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing -https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money -https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine -https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe -
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky -https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets -
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional -
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions -
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Original full footage of first Abrams kill finally released after 3 month
>The 15th Alexandria Brigade of Black Hussars liberated Volchye! Abrams with cope cages got BTFO
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region
>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk

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Fagner group status?
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Thanks for the blessed bread!
Those bases are only of limited use if the local governments forbid the US to run offensive operations from them.
Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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good evening /chug/
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I find it pretty hilarious how deepstate has been continuously understating Russian gains on this front.
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>Russian forces have expanded their zone of control in Zalizne, Toretsk front.
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Morning Z
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Hello K-on fren
Would you like to take over Baking?
that is a cute buhanka
Wagner lost a company of mercs in Mali. Next.
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>The IDF is withdrawing multiple battalions from the Gaza Strip and sending them to defend the Beit Lid base which is under siege by Kahanist militias.
What are the real Russian gains on that front? I haven't been following it.
Slava Ukraini
Reminder, no yous for the poojet, let his litter of little jeets starve.
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And it won't the be last time it happens
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>Let me stress, once again, that I am not a military expert of any kind,
Please answer:
>Will Ukraine win the war and retake Crimea?
>Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
They took another farmfield after a decade of fighting against Ukraine
he just be talking
Enjoy your peremoga but remember that Wagner suffered up to a thousand casualties in Syria, then went on to fight the Ukraine war.
And they got butchered in bakhmut that resulted in prigozhin trying a coup against the kremlin and getting their entire leadership killed by Shoigu in response
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Yaaaaa. Zee Zee
Most significant change is that Russia has virtually taken over Chasov Yar and is completing mopping up.
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Berdychi is already over 30km behind western advance of the Russians front toward Pokrovsk.
>I can't say that, because you hide them behind technicalities and opsec

no tehcnicalities, just ballpark- is it 10 soldiers or 1000 or 10000?
or do you want to hide behind vague posts

>if you don't consider Ukraine a NATO force

how many NATO airforce planes are shooting at/bombing russians? again just a ballpark.
if zero, then why would NATO not provide airforce to own forces?

>That is already a certainty.
how are they gonna achieve that? will they demand Ukraine has no military?

>Thanks to people like you egging Ukraine on and deluding themselves Ukraine has irreparably damaged their demographics.

100% of responsibility of this war is on russia.

>Ukraine has irreparably damaged their demographics

>No, they didn't.
lmao even more
all the boasting about taking Kyiv in two days
all teh posting about Zełensky fleeing to west and Kyiv being encircled
"todays program: 8 am invasion of Ukraine, 2pm raising of russian flag over Kiev" propaganda

"we never wanted Ukraine" became a cope only around the time russia got btfo from Kyiv and Kharkiv and Kherson almost simultanously

>They wanted Ukraine to stop bombing donetsk and lugansk
then why did they keep bombing Ukraine from donetsk and Luhansk? why did they send Grikhin to inflame the war?
btw how many more civvies died in Luhansk and Donbass since Feb 2022 than in 8 previous years? 100x more? 1000x more?

>Oh you're just adorable.
prove me wrong. you can't
Wagners suffered thousands of casualties fighting enemy 7 times larger than themselves in Bakhmut. Them losing by the thousands is like a common trait for them LMAO.
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And how did Bakhmut go for the UAF? And Avdeevka? And Chasov Yar?
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Ukraine will retake Crimea, I'll be sure to purchase a beach front luxury condo in Crimea after the Zombies have been driven back up Putin's ass where they belong
They rotated soldiers during the battle and retreated to much better positions that vatniks struggle to take without using meatwave tactics, while Wagner group got disbanded by the kremlin
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the annexation of belarus is proceeding as planned
>Pretends that Ukraine isn't holding positions down to the last man
Acktually, Ukraine didn't need those places.
It's called a Union State agreement.
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Ukraine is switching tactic. Stretch the Russian line and wear them thin.
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>six (6) pilots
>under regular configuration, a maximum of three (3) F-16s
>no AWACS link so meaningful BVR air-to-air suppression like AMRAAMs are completely unusable
Imagine the hundreds of thousands of dead and injured Ukrainians shoved to the frontline under the mantra of domestic propaganda-religion repeating "just hold on for 2 more weeks until the Holy Western weapons save us"
they rotated soldiers like davinci right next to bandera you retarded nigger shill
Nice graphic
why are her arms so tiny and her legs so big?
>just ballpark
I'd say at minimum around 10k if you don't count the NATO instructors or the glowniggers.
>if zero, then why would NATO not provide airforce to own forces?
because you know they will go the way of the challenger and leopard, and airpower is the last thing NATO has left. Although I guess you're not that afraid of losing the status of the f-16.
>100% of responsibility of this war is on russia.
Yeah, just let yourself be oppressed, burned alive and have your country enshrine the rights of trannies and let the lgbt parade down your streets. Give me a break, faggot.
>prove me wrong.
The future will prove me right. Really, just wait and see. You'll find out just who it is that overdosed on propaganda.

You said that Ukraine would win and retake Crimea based on the factual information that you are telling me right now. If your information is true and unbiased that will clearly be the result.
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The Russian infestation is getting more active on the Huliaipole front! The Ukrainian command has noticed this. We might see a big battle for that city soon.
>F16 will be a nothingburger
>just like ATACMS or HIMARS that never bombed anything important
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/ugh/ vital sign status?
They were just being ironic nazis.
Those are the two actually impactful weapons systems Ukraine received, along with Bradleys
There's a reason you singled those out
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>comrades are still trying to memoryhole this massive defeat
When was the last time Ukraine actually succeeded with an ATACMS attack? They had a period in spring where they would get a few through, but ever since then it's been pretty quiet.
>massive defeat
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Huliaipole is the road to the other Pokrovsk in the west and where the Vovcha river bends. I have long suspected the river of becoming another defensive line.
why are you so emotional pedokraut did someone fuck your gf :^)
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The Epic of Hilhamiish

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk, lived Hilhamiish, a mighty cossack known for his womanizing, his daring antics and his physical feats. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Stepan Bandera. Hilhamiish convinced the goddess Aruru to create for him a worthy companion. From the clay of the Black Sea Aruru fashioned Enkiidovko, a wild man with the spirit of Stepan Bandera. When Enkiidovko first entered Uryuk, the earth trembled and the Tryzub shone brightly atop Mount Mykola. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Uryuk (Ukraine).

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamiish had a vision. The deity Anukyiv revealed to him the Pizza of Immortality hidden beneath the Black Sea accessible only by digging the seabed by hand. This divine pizza promised eternal youth to those who consumed it. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Immortality" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor Hilhamiish and Enkiidovko set off on their journey facing challenges like the Moskaliishtar of Crimea (who tragically killed Enkiidovko in the intense fighting).

Hilhamiish persisted and discovered the Laundromat of Aratu which could magically cleanse garments but was guarded by Scorpion-men. Hilhamiish vanquished the venomous scorpions capturing the laundry technology. So impressed was Hilhamiish that he declared, "in the spirit of DAI we shall bring this European technology back to Uryuk!" Hilhamiish’s journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of Immortality, to nationalize it. But armed with European-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy of the EU, Hilhamiish defeated them securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamiish returned to Uryuk a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the pre-Sumerian world. Hilhamiish‘s reign brought prosperity, pizza, clean laundry and European democracy to the ancient Ukraine.
What's the relevance of it when compared to the Ukrainian current predicament of losing more of their territories, nigger?

That's like saying US is losing Afghanistan because 6 of their SEAL operators died in Somalia for an unexplainable reason.
Russian AD systems are now very efficient at taking down ATACMS, looks like Ukraine has to fire five to ten to even get one through to the target.
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>replying to a disgusting shill
There is no massive Holol win after the first year of war, only defeats and lost territory
Having a "win" on an unrelated continent is the best they can achieve, please understand
These people run on illogical peremoga. Just wait a bit and the zrada will emerge.
fellow CHUGs, im once again asking you... no, not for more billions or new wonderwaffles nor deporting refugees back to oinkraine,
but for the name of a song. i dont know where else to ask this cause there is no fitting other board. and i know we have some 90s and early 00s kids here.

im looking for a song, the music video, in my memory it was a pretty young australian band, the video was mostly animated in monochrome with an reoccuring bald eagle head hacking and picking around. part of the refrain was "step down! step down!". it was pointed at g.w.bush and/or tony blair. it was "alternative rock". it was around the time of the war of aggression against iraq. it had a pretty aggressive chord and was on MTV for quite a while (this was pre-jewtube and shiieet!)

i cant find it with the points i remember. my memory about "australian" may be faulty.

maybe some of the other "old guard" remembers the song.

new york status?
stinky status?
ukro presidential election status?
I'm just up late and confused NLAW with ATACMS
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Just 6? Meanwhile fagners lost 80 soldiers and 2 helicopters and ukrainians are oppenly saying they helped them to massacre them
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Either they're running out of them, or the Russian AD and jamming has really picked up the pace
>I'd say at minimum around 10k

if there were minimum 10k NATO soldiers taking part in fights, there should be at the very least 100dead ones and at least 100 POWs (1% which is really, really low, underestimated number)
where are they? russia would love to show them to us, no?
why are not even the most rabid russian propagandists claiming this? they dont claim NATO has boots on the ground.

>because you know they will go the way of the challenger and leopard
so they'd rather lose scores of own soldiers to not risk the planes?

>you're not that afraid of losing the status of the f-16.
status? are you trying to strawman that west considers F-16, to be a wunderwaffe?

>Yeah, just let yourself be oppressed
opressed by not being in ruskij mir, I suppose
well they done it
how do they like it, do you think? with tens of thousands dead from the war?

somehow you didnt answer to this:
>then why did they keep bombing Ukraine from donetsk and Luhansk? why did they send Grikhin to inflame the war?
>btw how many more civvies died in Luhansk and Donbass since Feb 2022 than in 8 previous years? 100x more? 1000x more?

do you think that Mariupol people enjoyed the blessing of russia "helping" them?

PS is this some psychosis in chug where you are afraid to cite the post you are replying to? do you think this gives the "enemy" more mana or something?
oh yes, like that one shark attack that happened in Egypt being Ukraine's peremoga because the deceased victim was Russians LMAO
>Ukraine lost another city
Better post gore to cope and seethe
Yes, he made a mistake when he made that speech or interview. He thought Russians were civilized and were human. Instead Russians showed that they are not and all they want is violence and destruction.
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seethe hohol. Russians will catch every one of you
the manpad anti-tank weapons were also pretty succesfull, many early war vids showing russian tanks rekt by javelins are a proof

why are chuggers so hellbent on strawmaning that every wectern weapon is a wunderwaffe?
>afraid to cite the post you are replying to
lurk moar, newfag
>oh yes, like that one shark attack that happened in Egypt
What the fuck was up with that
Not only was it spammed everywhere on astroturfed shitholes like Reddit, some nafoids got tattoos of that
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Vatniks metodichka literally is
>At least it didn't happen in Ukraine
>We never needed influence in Africa anyway
Again, what's the relevance here nigger? You couldn't even gain any peremoga within the Banderite-infested Ukraine that you chose to look at outside peremoga like a charlatan that's losing their arguments, a trully fitting trait for subhuman hiding behind a meme flag.
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>muh territory losses
memba how russia "conquered" Kherson and then had to flee from it?
you rushills are too dumb to learn from past failures
>ukro presidential election status?
Ain't Ukraine a democracy? You don't pick your presidents in democracy bro.
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>Yes, he made a mistake when he made that speech or interview. He thought US-sharts were civilized and were human. Instead US-sharts showed that they are not and all they want is violence and destruction.

you have to do better than that, propaganda-noob. does your drilled front-hole still stinks like shit?
NATOcucks delusion literally is
>Heh, we finally achieve a victory on a different coutry
>this literally will make us win on Euro-ACK
>https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
>https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
>https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
These soldiers obviously haven
t had any training.

Directly sent into the jewish meatgrinder to be killed off.

Instead of partaking in the jewish wars for profit.
We European peoples should unite and bring the war onto the doorstep of these oligarch fuckers.
Hang them all.
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>how is it relevant that pussyans continue to be cucked by everybody, lose their sphere of influence and look like retards everywhere
Anon, you don't have to squeal. If your information is true, unbiased and the correct way to view the world then the future will prove you right and me wrong. You think that Ukraine will win, you even went as far as to say that it's delusional to think that Russia will reclaim Kherson. According to you Russia is getting wrecked and will lose. So if you're not just some retard getting high off propaganda and cope that is obviously what will happen. Russia will lose all of Ukraine and Crimea too.

Just remember this moment when you find out about the results of the war. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about humility and propaganda. Despite everything you're not our most hopeless shill, just in the top 10.
>When was the last time Ukraine actually succeeded with an ATACMS attack?

in June when they were rekting AA in Crimea and everyone in chug were shitting pants its a preparation for air raids
Have you checked Silverchair's stuff? It sounds about right for them and the era.
low energy pedokraut
sucks innit
rpg-7s remain the most successful tank weapons due to universality, yet you suck off gay shit like javelins because you are a white nigger who is impressed by the modern equivalent of glass beads
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>krainians are oppenly saying they helped them to massacre them
that means the US and NAFO-farts did it... surprise. what you gonna do? wank your small nigger-cuck dig another day on it? like you did in rwanda for a hundred days?
You mean that time our UN shill was reporting about 5 s-400s and an s-500 being destroyed, didn't post pics, told the "comrades" to wait until morning and then still didn't post pics? Yeah, I member.
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Wow, what a fucking retard
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This might be an unpopular opinion but i think Russia did good in banning faggot propaganda, it prevented many social problems that otherwise would sooner or later cause social discord
that pic is slava ukriani tier
Ukraine doesn't recognize kosovo by the way
Tell me, is this "big dick energy" that the Banderite used to take Kherson present in their 2023 Counteroffensyiv?
yeah, i did it a few times - but without the name of the song it seems the video is buried deep in the algorithms... but ill give it anohter try
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>Faggot propaganda bad = unpopular opinion
Maybe that's unpopular opinion in your country of origin (Israel) but here where normal people live, that is sought for.
so no answer to
>how many more civvies died i donbass after Feb 2022 than in previous 8 years
>why even russian propagandists dont claim there's NATO boots on the ground yet you think there's at least 10 k
>why there's no NATO POWs or bodies that would correspond to those numbers

I guess you are not as sure of those things as you say

BTW if in the end russia wont get Kherson nor Kharkov nor Odessa, will you admit that russia lost?
Imagine naming your child Tonibler
That's Polynesian cargo cult tier
By comparison
>approximately same timeframe of progress in Avdeevka
Javelins are complicated and time consuming to operate and have batteries which quickly go flat.
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I fucking hate NATO so much bro...
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>how many more civvies died i donbass
their deaths are entirely on the people who made this war inevitable by sucking off NATO
Yeah you'd need an album playlist to avoid it.
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>on the almost successfully counter offensive

same vibes on this faggot...
>Khokhols with US/French help killed some Russian mercs in Africa
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_bEpKBd07w
> New Kraut-obliterating, trout-impreganting, nipple-crushing trvthnvke just dropped.
What video he talking about? Also kraut banned Russians from commentin his videos.
imagine name your deuther Javelina and son BayrACKtar
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the question was wether any other weapon was effective
which Javelin was
RPG-7 being successfull or not has nothing to do with it
you absolute fucking retard

russian sources were reporting that

>Wow, what a fucking retard

as always I am impressed by chug's arguing skills

>Tell me, is this "big dick energy" that the Banderite used to take Kherson present in their 2023 Counteroffensyiv?

now it's "big dick energy", but a day before it happend it was all "Kharkiv is almost surrounded, Ukraine army is in disarray"
> that pic is slava ukriani tier
Slightly more retarded
wtf are those
they look less human than the people i see in this country everyday
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Are they getting cucked by France in Africa? xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa and le monke won't do shit
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Rest asured that my country is not in such place, but i wouldn't say is the best place neither. Some people just fail to understand the dangers that faggotry represent.
I wanted to see the Russian opinion on this matter but im afraid that most of the media that investigate in such case is quite biased.
>which Javelin was
no it wasn't. There were tens of thousands of nafo ATGMs, yet almost all armor kills are by armor, mines, drone, or like I said rpg-7s.
>their deaths are entirely on the people who made this war inevitable

so russia?

>Javelins are complicated and time consuming to operate and have batteries which quickly go flat.

javelins killed shitton of russian armor in that war, I am fairly sure Ukrainians were not complainging about getting them
>Javelina HIMARsovna
Hohols' cope after Zelensky gives up territories?
Anon, if your point of view is correct and everything you say is true then Russia will lose. Why are you getting so mad? I'm literally handing you the easiest win of your life. What's the point of you reading my massive text walls when you can just wait and watch yourself get proven right about everything? After all I'm, as you say, not as sure about those things. I'm just a silly little guy overdosing on propaganda. You are correct about EVERYTHING and I am wrong and thus Ukraine will win.

Just screencap my posts and laugh at them when the future comes to pass. Oh and btw, I already told you how I thought Russian victory would look like. I even gave you several scenarios.
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>/chug/ arguing skills
>with a literal demon worshipping glowie
A common insult for Albanians in Greek is literally "frying pan head"
I think you now see why
>yet almost all armor kills are by armor, mines, drone, or like I said rpg-7s.

I believe some proof of that claim is in order
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Ukraine constantly shelled Donetsk, yet according to you that is the fault of Russia. You are literally retarded.
This is silly, France is using military bases all across Africa and you come back with this maybe we might get a location here
>"Kharkiv is almost surrounded, Ukraine army is in disarray"

Kharkov and kherson's timeline happened before the counteroffensyiv wasn't it?

where are those big dick energy in the Kherson region as well consdering that the Kharkov AO also has noticeable zrada with the territories gained by the Russians around Kupyansk area.
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Those are the Albozerg that you propped up in my country by paying taxes

>Back to hyping Javelins as wunderwuffen
You guys are regressing fast
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Well that's how we got to 17k+ threads
>still weasling out of answering simple questions

ok just this one
>BTW if in the end russia wont get Kherson nor Kharkov nor Odessa, will you admit that russia lost?

if you dont deny it, then I take it as yes
after all it is consistent with your "victory" scenarios
>shills seething
>hohols getting destroyed
>gains accumulating

feels good man
Anon back off, you are talking to a genius who has come to grace us with the realities of the world. If he says Russia is at fault then Russia is at fault, if he says Russia will lose and never get back Kherson then Russia will lose and never get back Kherson.
i wasnt even alive in the 90s
i dindu nuffin ;(
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>Ukraine constantly shelled Donetsk,
yuo mean after russian mercenaries went there to start a war?
>javelins killed shitton of russian armor in that war, I am fairly sure Ukrainians were not complainging about getting them

Meanwhile 80 years ago in Operation Zitadelle

>Panthers and Tigers killed shitton of russian armor in that war, I am fairly sure the Waffen-SS were not complainging about getting them.
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>Russia will lose
>The Economist says
Hey bro, Panthers and Tigers actually had an impact in all fronts... unlike the Javelins...
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wtf is happening to Kikestine
whats is going on in that vid?
>if he says Russia will lose and never get back Kherson then Russia will lose and never get back Kherson.

if I am right and russia doesnt get Kherson back, will you admit they lost?
no weasling out of this one
after all you love those simple questions
>Will Ukraine win the war and retake Crimea?
>Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
do you not keep asking that?
*Chinksect bureocrat allowed by the communist party to say poccnr will lose
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Okay then child, you get a pass this time, but you still have to run over high lumen individuals.
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Le Kike has now gone full retard!
dog scares off recroooter trying to serve draft notice, im guessing
>javelins were not effective because... uh... tigers and paners in WWII

I kneel before that 5D logic
Syrsky just said that Russian tanks in the field have doubled to around 3000 and that Russian IFVs and APCs in the field have doubled to around 8,000.
If Russia fails to hold onto Ukraine's eastern territories and Crimea I will indeed admit that Russia lost, if Russia only gets everything east of the Dniepr I will call Putin a massive cuck that should be executed for the good of his people. Never forget the Crimea will be ours and 1991 borders claim though, and this one from hohol officials and supported by NATO officials too. I wonder, will you admit that NATO lost if Ukraine fails to achieve that? By the way, don't forget to screencap my posts. I want you to have a good laugh about them when you look back in some years time.
kikes are mad theyre the ones having to invade lebanon instead of us doing it for them. so theyre protesting it
The sheer CHONKINESS of this guy never ceases to amaze me. How the fuck can one be this fucking fat and have the guts to post a photo of himself online. Oh who am I kidding, he has guts for everything, that's the issue.
The populace supported Russia. You shelled them and their blood is on you. There's a reason DNR soldiers are the most radical.
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peak Jewish schizophrenia has been reached!
Thats easily the best indicative of a crumbling front. In this year the front has been moving way more quicker than 2022 or the last year.
Russia has time in his favor, they outproduce the west in war material. Its just matter of patience. Something that un faggot doesn't have.
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>why did Ukraine shell defenceless, unarmed civilians?
>meanwhile "defnsless, unarmed civilians be like"
The hohol cries out as he porkwaves you.
>instead of us doing it for them.
didn't hezbol killed a few marines & french troops stationed in lebanon a few decades ago? I'm pretty sure boomers still remember that and didn't want to be part of today's shitfest
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>Local Po(o)lish toiler cleaner cannot grasp the concept of parallelism.
Javelin deployment in Ukraine had all kinds of issues and made little impact. NLAW performed well, however.
as opposed to subhumans in Kiev who stormed all the administrative buildings
Zionist settlers are attacking the base to protect jewish soldiers who are being indicted for raping Palestinian POWs
just go to /chip/ they are talking about it
For the record, I think it is highly likely that Kherson will be retaken by Russia and I do think that is what will happen. The only reason I included the "east of the dniepr" because Putin might always cuck out for his dear western partners, but even he has limits to his cucking. You are never getting Crimea.

>the taureg rebels were pictured with several white operators who had their faces blurred
so some western or ukrainian special forces assisted in the murder of dozens of wagner in mali. what will be the impact of this?
What can you expect from someone who doesn't understand what "strawman fallacy" means?
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>For the record, I think it is highly likely that Kherson will be retaken by Russia
>Syrsky just said that Russian tanks in the field have doubled to around 3000 and that Russian IFVs and APCs in the field have doubled to around 8,000.

well if that doesnt proove that most previous kills were done by RPG-7, then I dont know what does
is half of chuggers just random botposting?
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Dog saved pig
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Monke will ignore it and pretend nothing happened like comrades are doing it here
Feel free to screencap loser piggy :)
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He also cannot fathom people having lasting memory and pattern recognition systems. Literal inhuman demon
> as opposed to subhumans in Kiev who stormed all the administrative buildings
Revolution can be only western and European.
>If Russia fails to hold onto Ukraine's eastern territories and Crimea I will indeed admit that Russia lost

you are changing the victory conditions to add Crimea.
Lets assume russia keeps crimea, yet doesnt keep Kherson (according to your previous post, not meeting the minimal win requirement) will you then accept that russia lost?

> wonder, will you admit that NATO lost if Ukraine fails to achieve that?

I am yet to see one proof of NATO troops fighting in Ukraine
I dont think you can technically lose the war you are not participating directly in
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After all, I've already screencapped yours. Anything else you want to add for the record? I'd gladly preserve it.
I just learnt that the Javelin battery coolant unit only primes the weapon for a total of four minutes. If the weapon is not fired in that time, the exhausted BCU must be discarded and a new one used. Seriously, who designs this shit.
it's bizarre how Maidan was so obviously pushed by foreign powers, yet when Strelkov goes to donbass it suddenly means it wasn't the will of the locals.
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guise, the tears wont stop falling. were too fat for the olympics, democrats are stealing elections just to be bullied by the rest of the world, kiev will fall in 2 weeks. i wish trump was still in charge. holy fuck bros i cant stand this
Do you have the screencap of that Kraut literally cumming when they announced Leopards 2 for Ukraine?... to later see them destroyed?
Strelkov arrived there in a ridiculously ad-hoc fashion, with hunting weapons. They looted their first AKs from police stations.
Strelkov brought a spark - but there was a lot of gunpowder sitting around.
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stop bullying krauts, they have it rough
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I already have this, your comrades are already coping like germans did after ww1 saying they were betrayed
If they fail to keep the eastern Kherson Oblast, yes.
>I dont think you can technically lose the war you are not participating directly in
Weird, why did Macron get so angry then? And where did all those Ukrainian soldiers train? And who emptied all those stocks for Ukraine's sake? Guess it will remain a mystery for the ages.

Final question from me, then you're free to go:
>Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
If yes, then a loss for Ukraine is a loss for NATO. Don't lie and say no, we can read the media, we can see what you shills are posting. I'm just asking this for your own benefit, to try and give you a little perspective maybe.
>Thinks NATO officers taking off their uniform, taking leave and going to fight in Ukraine but operating NATO weapons and staying in touch with NATO infrastructure every day is not "direct involvement."
>The populace supported Russia.

"teh populace" of Slovyansk supposedly supported russia when Ghirkin's mercs were there
once the mercs ran away, suddenly support ended
weird coincidence

>as opposed to subhumans in Kiev who stormed all the administrative buildings

ah, so they no longer were just poor unarmed civvies
the goalpost moves quickly in rushill posts
Russians will double down, increase force sizes in Mali, and I wouldn't be surprised if a Mig-29 squadron shows up there ala Lybia. Some jihadis will get the hammer treatment.
every croat flag ive ever seen has been a shill
he is not one of us
shut the fuck up leaf nigger
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>your comrades are already coping like germans did after ww1 saying they were betrayed
My collage is bigger than yours!
No, that was before I started my collection. I do have this however:
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>suddenly support ended
because they didn't feel like dying in basements tortured by rabid hohol subhumans.
>ah, so they no longer were just poor unarmed civvies
therefore all the women and children in Donbas deserve to die by Ukrainian artillery and it's Russia's fault. Fucking retard.
>What can you expect from someone who doesn't understand what "strawman fallacy" means?

how is chug claiming that literally every wectern weapon provided to Ukraine was supposed to be "wunderwaffe" not a strawman?

>it's bizarre how Maidan was so obviously pushed by foreign powers
no nation EVER wanted to get out from russkij mir, in history of history
russian mercenaries openly saying they started the war and without them it would not happen is of noimportance tho
ching chong bing bong, china is beating you in the olympics
this is literaly 1936, Anschluss of Taiwan soon
China is the new Germany
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>the year is 2035
>you are the last Ukrainian
>NATO claims it hasn’t lost yet
>seek asylum in RF from EU Ukrainian “reparation” (conscription) lowered to age 12
>Russian embassy asks your name
>pull out birth certificate which reads “Abramyuk Javelynovich Strykerenko Bih-Mak”
>your refugee status is declined
>you die to a Vkushna I Tochka automated AI drone in the 10th Greatest Counter OffensiveTM
>NATO declares victory
>Ukrainians live on in our hearts
thats not true but it might as well be trur because everything is fucking JOEVER
I think the Russians/Wagner will be fairly cautious. The insurgency in Mali is longstanding and Russia is likely to gradually keep building up local Mali forces while adapting its own anti-ambush tactics.
Whats Chug opinion on this
>pic rel
aka the local populace would have no means to rebel and would be crushed. Strelkov came and helped them.

by your logic, everyone in the Kiev protests could have been locked up and tortured to death the moment they threw a molotov and a western official visited.
>Most significant change is that Russia has virtually taken over Chasov Yar and is completing mopping up.
Kek really? I haven't heard shit about the Chasov Yar front in months.
Has the Newsman britpaki been around lately? It's about time to shit in his mouth
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I also have this blackpilled goatfucker calling puccians a nation of obedient serf cattle for not standing up for their dignity and fight against their corrupt leadership. I have never seen somebody supporting Ukraine calling their people like that in /uhg/
>Quotes 4chan as proof
No, it's the one where he posted pictures of leopards with the lyrics of the song "panzermensch". He did this for months. Not a wunderwaffe tho.
All the way to the Hungarian border mate. There is no other way.
I doubt Canada could take on Poland in a conventional war.
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I am reading my Russian phrasebook, listening to Tchaikovsky, chilling on /chug/.... It can't get much comfier than this frens.
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This photo looked sus to me even back then, how the fuck would one even get (((uzi))) in ru/ua? Or enough 9x19 ammo to feed it?
it is true, China's declaration of "socialism with chinese characteristics" is their declaration of national socialism

China is the new Germany, and soon they will anschluss taiwan
Russia is the new Italy, ukraine is their ethiopia before WW3
Germany today literally could not take on Poland in a conventional war.
Fuck that, I don't want Russia to take Lvov unless literally everyone there has been killed. That place is poison.
Do redditors really? lmao
I know but you can relax. It'll be returned to Hungary via Treaty.
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>If they fail to keep the eastern Kherson Oblast,

so they dont even take Kherson (the city), Kharkiv, Odessa, and you think that would be russias win?
wew lad, a bit different situation from your previous post

since everyone now see you dont even believe russia can re-take kherson, I will stop being cruel to you
it will go to the screeenshot collection tho

>Weird, why did Macron get so angry then?
dunno ask him

>And where did all those Ukrainian soldiers train?
some in UA, some in west. Still no proof of NATO soldiers fighting in Ukraine
>And who emptied all those stocks for Ukraine's sake? Guess it will remain a mystery for the ages.
how do supposedly empty stocks (they are not btw) mean that there were NATO soldiers fighting in Ukraine?
>10th Greatest Counter Offensyiv TM
Reminder that this guy post
>Twitter, Telegram and 4chan post as proof btw
Weakest shitskin shill
You can already imagine the answers lmao
Ex CAF Infantryman here

I laugh at the thought of Canada attempting to take on any military in a conventional war
we are "peacekeepers" not soldiers
I'm not so sure about that. All the valuable shit in Ukraine is in the east and the south. I could see Russia annexing Kiev for history's sake, but the entire north-west is pretty much worthless. At that point all you're getting is a bunch of hohol mouths to feed. Maybe if even more of them die, I don't know.
did he commit suicide after this? after last summer, i never saw him again
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>no nation EVER wanted to get out from ukranda mir
I wonder how is he doing now
>by your logic,

by my logic there was no NATO mercenaries in Kyiv shooting at Ukrainian army
there were russian mercenaries in Donbass shooting at Ukrainian army
hmm I wonder which protests were organic and which were done by foreign country
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LOL. Poland would fucking mop the floor with us, in a conventional war not including any allies. Only feasible Canadian victory would be in a scenario they were invading our entire country. We both lack the resources and manpower to invade/occupy one another's countries.
>since everyone now see you dont even believe russia can re-take kherson
Damn bro, I knew you were retarded, but memoryholing a post in the very same thread it was made? Fuck me. Anyway, I've had my fun now. Dismissed.
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Never forget this happened
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I assumed wu cuck and pedokraut are the same fag but apparently not. Maybe he really is forever locked in a heavenly cage with angel shatzi.
>I could see Russia annexing Kiev

you are not even sure if russia will re-take Kherson city lmao annexing Kyiv are you high?
Sure in economic terms. However occupying the space buys time in military terms and also allows Russia to place strategic weapons right on NATO's borders as well as obtain bargaining chips over nearby NATO countries.
how will hohols and nafo cope when russia ends up annexing hohland territories?
in defence of the german, he may have a point
hohols are incredibly dumb
>Damn bro, I knew you were retarded, but memoryholing a post

if you are sure that russia will re-take kherson, why is your condition to win not including the city?

>>If they fail to keep the eastern Kherson Oblast

why only eastern oblast? not taking Kherson doesnt mean russia lost, according to your post
or did you forget what you posted?
>We defeated Wagner on Africa, therefore, we win
They will never recognize a Russian dominated Ukraine just like they never recognized the DDR as being a real government.
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>We didn't need Africa anyway
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Last time it happened they begged NATO to let them in
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>hmm I wonder which protests were organic
Both. Both were organic and both were supported by foreign states. Donbas rebelled, with the help of Russians, against a government in Kiev that lost legitimacy. That doesn't give the Ukrainian government to shell civilians and then blame it on Russia which is your initial argument.
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To win on Europe? Correct
Glad you agree with me, shitskin!
>the (((revolution))) in Kiev was not CIA-backed!!!
Just shut up, pidorashka
Then the uprising in Donbass is also a just revolution.
Russia will never recognize NATO’s gender, just like they didn’t recognize all the others.
>Both were organic and both were supported by foreign states

how many mercenaries west send to "help" the protests?

> That doesn't give the Ukrainian government to shell civilians
1. internal Ukrainian affairs dont give the right to russia to send mercenaries to start shit in Ukraine
2. Ukraininas were shelling "civilians" only after russian arty started shelling ukrainian army positions from donbass
how many CIA trained mercenaries were in Kyiv?
Because Ghirking had ca 200 mercs in Slavyansk alone
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>We didn't need those natural resources and gain influence in Africa
>Prigozhin expanding in Africa was just a feint
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Kiev population is not very frenly towards Russia. Putin alluded to at the beginning, that his government doesn't wish to conquer a large population of people that don't wish to be part of Russia. NOW, if you force 3,000,000 Hohols to be evacuated, it may be in their interest. OR- it may be more beneficial for the Russian government to keep those 3,000,000 hohols in artillery range, like the Ukrop government had Donetsk.
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Never forget this happened
Wow everyone that supports Israel on twitter supports the female clone of Javier Milei for Venezuela.
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>if I hide behind the label of “internal affairs” I can paint myself as the victim who dindu nuffin
Ask Biden. He himself admitted that the CIA entered Ukraine in 2013.
>Russia is running low on resources!
2 more weeks and 2 more sanctions, this time for sure bro
Trust me, I saw it on CNN
>Zełensky standing
>and looking at camera
holy shit, as brutal as having 100 mercs slaguthered by camelfuckers
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I bet they also support trans rights
>Ignores context of NATO heads not giving a shit about Zelensky
>Ask Biden. He himself admitted that the CIA entered Ukraine in 2013.
did he admit to sending mercenaries in 2013? no?
was FSB also in Ukraine in 2013? yes? ok thanks for playing
i dont think anyone support maduro. he is a useful idiot for both sides which is pretty fucking funnngyyyt
This skirmish has no adverse impact on Russian diplomatic initiatives in Africa.
>entire day's meeting is exactly the same as picture taken in one secnod

how silly of you to think that
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>he is a useful idiot for both sides
What sides?
>Unscripted honesty caught on film
nigger governments will soon be begging frogs to get back to Africa, after fagner will prove ineffective in dealing with some insurgent camelboys
Correct, Maduro is an unironic retard
At least Chavez had some resemble of a politician, he managed the country pretty well for the population
Maduro? Literally starved the people to death not to mention the MILLIONS of Venecos escaping their homeland
We can both be right here - I am not suggesting Wagner will attempt some sort of blitzkrieg in Mali as a response.
uh oh have I bad news for you
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>30 pbtid
this mf been posting all day. confirmed neet loser. maybe the anarcho tranny didnt kill himself, and just changed flags kek.
I just heard today that Trudeau opposes him, so he is a friend of mine.
Three cheers for Maduro and whatever the fuck he does!
communis m is seen as a cheap trick that subhumans do for fun. democrats can indirectly murder whites in the united states more with immigrants
These were mostly local Ukrainian-produced semi-auto replicas iirc - including the AK-style rifles.
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das ist Mein Führer; Herr Trudeau <3
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So your argument is strelkov helped start the revolt, therefor it has no legitimacy, even though the populace supported Russians? It makes no difference to me because obviously russians should help their brothers right over the (illegitimate) border.
>internal Ukrainian affairs
no such thing after the coup.
>Ukraininas were shelling "civilians"
they murdered civilians, cheered and then blamed the Russians. This is the whole discussion. You said Russia (or rather jewishly implied) is at fault for all civilians deaths after 2022 despite Ukraine actively murdering civilians.
Tell me about Exxon lawyer Carlos Vecchio that was also the US Ambassador to Vuvuzela when they nationalized the corporations property.
That you are even talking about influence in Africa shows you that Russians have been highly successful there, and they're not about to bail out Mali either. This peremogaposting just looks sad given the steady collapse of Ukrainian lines.
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Good thing that "trans rights" doesn't exist on Russia...right?
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>that norwegian that keeps asking "do you think Ukraine will re-take crimea"
>says russia will win if at least they take Kherson
>can't say he will admit that russia lost if they wont re-take kherson

lmao the one guy constantly pushing to declare very high goal as victory condition, cant even admit that not reaching a very low target for victory would be losing
on a fucking anonymous forum where noone would remember this in a week
this is chug in a nutshell, all screaming, no real conviction
Remember though, he doesn't care about this war, he just wants russians to die. Please ignore him trying to convince everyone in the thread that he is correct and that his view on the politics of this war is also correct. But what am I saying, of course he is correct. Everything he says is right and Ukraine will win. After all, only a propaganda huffing retard would make posts like that and end up losing.
I can tell you that youre a gay nigger
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Modest but they're gradually surrounding Spirne and moving northward. Soon Siversk will be threatened/reentered. Several villages/towns have been completely annexed but they're denying that Russia even contests them, instead claiming full Ukrainian control.

They just crossed the canal, but the writing is already on the wall. There's almost no ukrops left on the eastern side.
Any day now.
>they murdered civilians, cheered and then blamed the Russians.

ok lets cut all other crap
how many more times civilians in donbass died since February 2022 compared with previous 8 years? 100x more? 1000x more?
how did russia's coming to the rescue work for them?
This is Mariupol, there was no Girkin there at that moment. Are you saying it's not a real revolution? (all Mariupol videos are censored on YouTube).

(and 4chan cencored Rutube, lmao)

Donetsk residents with Russian flags smash Bandera “friendship buses” from Lviv. Long before Girkin. Are you saying this is not a revolution?

Girkin's role is to coordinate the revolution and give it a chance to survive. Russia supported the Russians. And who did the U.S. support? Nazis and Banderites, enemies of Russians and Poles. And Poland? Poland is a prostitute and a traitor to its people.
>he doesn't care about this war, he just wants russians to die.

correction: I dont care about Ukraine winning
I care about the war, because I want the most russians to get killed or maimed

>Everything he says is right and Ukraine will win

if they retain Kherson (city), Kharkiv, and Odessa, will yuo be willing to admit that russia lost?
About on par. This has been a bizarrely clean little war.
I never claimed Ghirking was the only merc sent by russia
I give him as the best example of how un-organic this was, as russia claimed Slavyansk also wants to get out of UA, and yet it got calm after his mercs were out
there were russian mercs in other cities too, obviously
Just because Polacks love being subs and vassals doesn't mean the rest of the world does.
>Amateur photoshop effort
>These soldiers obviously havent had any training.
Not really. They probably went through 2 months basic training, just like the Russians do. It's just that retard boomer generals on both sides don't understand that maneuver mobile warfare doesn't work on a peer adversary with the same (if not more) artillery, aviation, and entrenched positions. My best guess is that they were probably told that they would be attacking a Russian position from the flank, when in reality (maybe their commanders deliberately lied to them to make them go) the Russians already had defensive positions in that area as well as artillery support. Whichever way you look at it, there is no weapon that's a (((gamechanger))) in this war. It's WW1/ Iran/Iraq war but with aviation and hopefully not nukes. Most attempts at assaulting on both Russian and Ukrainian sides look like this.
The contrast is how many civvies the IDF killed in just a few months.
>how did russia's coming to the rescue work for them?
you can use this argument for literally any war of liberation ever. How many poles died in the Warsaw rebellion? Well they shouldn't have rebelled. All those people the Dirlewanger Brigade slaughtered? Well their blood is on the rebels, not the Germans.
>Make claims about how Russia will be pushed out of Ukraine
>Scenario is presented where Russia is not pushed out of Ukraine and gains land and resources while Ukraine loses its demographics and its land.
>"Why won't you consider this a loss for Russia"
Look, I'll make this easy for you. I do think that Russia will take Kherson, me mentioning the east of the dniepr was proposing a worst case scenario. It still wouldn't be a loss, but a much worse situation than the alternatives.
>says russia will win if at least they take Kherson
You really need to stop lying.
>Yes, Russia will win. At minimum if Putin REALLY and I mean REALLY cucks out they'll only take everything in donetsk, lugansk and kherson that is east of the Dniepr. If his cucking out reaches zero sum Russia will take the current oblasts+kharkov. If Putin decides to be thorough Russia will force Ukraine to give up Odessa.
It got calm because of blatant repression lmao. It didn't become one of the centers of resistance out of nowhere.
Yeah, I've already realized you're too small and dumb for this discussion.

How about Ukrainian war crimes: the use of heavy aircraft against a civilian object and civilians. Has any of the Poles spoken out about this? No, of course not. You're on the shitty side.
>They probably went through 2 months basic training, just like the Russians do.
Hahaha you're fucking dreaming. Mobilised Russian servicemen - that is, trained soldiers recalled from civilian life - receive another six to twelve months of training before being placed in SMO combat operations. Dumb fuck.
he's saying it doesn't matter if 100% of the people supported Russia. The presence of one Russian passport holder nullifies all the support for revolting against Kiev.
I’m pretty sure the most hostile Ukrainians are already dead or soon to be and the ones that don’t like Russia but don’t have the balls to fight would just flee to Poland or Germany, so Russia would be getting mostly the willing or uncaring.
>About on par
so in half a year of war caused by russia, there were as many casaulties as in 8 years of shelling by Ukraine?
wow such a great rescue
There is a very hard core of Ukranian nationalist/fascist population left but they would only be 5% to 10% of the remaining 20M to 25M population in Ukraine. A lot of them are already dead now. Today, the vast majority of Ukranians just want the war to be over.
>Ignores the massive artillery assault Kiev forces were launching on the Donbass in Feb 2022
Dumb fuck
That may be the case with reservists called back, but for mobiks and volunteers training is typically 2 months.
Bullshit. For instance, the annual conscription of young adults are not placed in the SMO zone during their period of conscripted service. You're full of shit.
It's going on three years of full scale war, champ. It's just that this is a war with the lowest civilian to military casualty ratio in recent memory.
I show him the picture that happened before Girkin, if your thinking is rational, 1 person with a Russian passport cannot organize a revolution among Ukrainian patriots. it can only be done among Russian patriots. Do you understand this or not? Girkin came when the revolution was already in full swing.
Donetsk and Luhansk are two million people
Putin is making a diplomatic point to the countries of the Global South about how restrained and careful Russian forces are in terms of respecting international law.
retard, you're mixing apples and oranges. People who are mobilized on an annual basis as part of standard mobilization aren't even entitled to go to fight in the SMO. For that, you need to sign a separate contract with the Russian MoD. The vast majority of people fighting in Ukraine on the Russian side nowadays are volunteers - some of which have prior military background and some of which don't. They all get the same training, which typically is 2-3 months in Russia, then a period of "chill" deployment in rear areas of Ukraine, and after that they go into combat. If you think that the Russian military is training its recruits for the Ukraine war for 6 months of intensive training, you are delusion.
>All those people the Dirlewanger Brigade slaughtered?

except Ukrainian army didnt start shooting every civilian in sight after the war restarted in 2022

yeah how many russian howitzers and missile systems were hidden between those civilian buildings?

so we're back to "we never wanted Ukraine, we wanted what we have" condition as winning? ok
>It's going on three years of full scale war,
the fighting was over in most of urban parts of donbass after 6 months

>how restrained and careful Russian forces are in terms of respecting international law.

there are literally vids from first day of war of russian forces indiscriminatly shooting at civilian cars on the highway
>so we're back to "we never wanted Ukraine, we wanted what we have" condition as winning?
Can you tell us Russia's win conditions?
>100% of the people supported Russia.
just like in Slavyasnk
it was 200% even
then after Ghiurkin ran, it was nowhere near that much
totally real and organic
>Can you tell us Russia's win conditions?

removal of pro-western Kyiv "junta"
total demilitarisation of Ukraine
total denazification of Ukraine (whatever that means)
no enlagement of nato
protection of eastern Ukrainian "russians" from war

those the ones officially stated at the begining of the war

I would assume "retaking Kherson, the city we legally consider part of russia" would also be a part of it

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