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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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the goy fears the jewish sheep farmer
How the fuck can they teach dogs to herd sheep but we can't teach retards to properly dispense fast food?
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border collies are smarter than mexicans
>outdoor farmer
I'm Mexican, please use a different ethnicity to shit on
Pol will say that this humble farmer secretly controls the world, lol.
Why is goy so close to the word gay?
>jewish farmer
No such thing. Owning a farm doesn't make you a farmer.
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>I don’t know who you are or why you’re being so mean but you need to be nice to me right now
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the truth hurts
i work on the farm and every one else who wroks here is also jewish i know this terifies you, goy
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And the constant grazing will never let trees regrow and regenerate the land.
This is because god didn't like plants as a sacrifice, so now every ignorant desert religion thinks farmers are lower class than cattle ranchers...

Do you observe the sabbatical year for the land?
Do you leave the land alone every seventh year so it can heal?
Or do you " " SELL " " your land to a goy for a year, and you keep working it??
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>constant grazing will never let trees regrow and regenerate the land
the arabs are the ones who cause this problem you can see straight lines around the areas we graze and the areas they grze becuase they let their animals eat all the grass to the point of moonscape
>Or do you " " SELL " " your land to a goy for a year, and you keep working it??
outher than the livestock we only olives are grown in large quantities, no oile is made from the trees on the 7th year
Why do you have to import some dog breed from Scotland instead of having your own Jewish dog master race?
You live in Israel yes? Are we supposed to be shocked that you work with your fellow kikes?
Nah, he's probably a cool dude.
Not all jews are bad. The ones that work and mind their business are fine.
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Don't they have sheepdogs in muttmerica?
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he said their are no jewish farmers in an atempt to cope and i shattered his illusions, nothing terifies the goy more than jewish farmers
Yeah, Cody's family(Cody's Lab) has a small pack of them.
Thats cool can you please nuke Palestine so I can stop hearing about freeing it?
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Hope they have land for it to actually run around on. Sheepdogs don't belong in suburban backyards but thanks to a certain kids cartoon every cunt wants one now.
>Hope they have land for it to actually run around on.
Oh yeah. Like hundreds of acres of prime Utah wilderness.
They seem like really awesome dogs. My grandfather had an Aussie Shep and she was energetic and loved to bark at everything.
yes, quite scared
Man I want a farm. Looks so comfy.
Super comfy till you have to stay up all night under the rain and with nothing but your car's lights on to help one of your goats give birth to a dead kid.
Never again, not comfy.
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i live in what you call palistine(west bank) you can see the local arab beduine village in some of the pics ive posted it just needs ran over with a d9 bulldozer much to close to home for bombs
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> they let their animals eat all the grass to the point of moonscape
Nigga please.
The place looks like hell to me, and I live in Utah!
>outher than the livestock we only olives are grown in large quantities
Typical jewish answer, "we don't make oil on the 7th year"
I'm asking, Do your sheep graze the same land continually over seven years?
Do you leave the land ungrazed on the seventh year??

>nothing terifies the goy more than jewish farmers
Not really, you get land and aid from the state of Israel. The Russian Czar tried to get you guys to farm in Russia, and you killed him and beheaded his son for it.
>Read 200 years together by Solzhenitsyn
Your people couldn't do it because they'd sell the land and go back to the towns to sell alcohol to the serfs...

Look, you think you're good, but you're not. The only reason Israel was created was to secure the minerals and oil in the dead sea
>6 trillion dollars worth!
>The potash alone is enough to supply the world's fertilizer needs for the next 2,0000 years!
There's a million thumbnails and none with a dog in them, I'll just take your word for it.
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That's obvious you're a kike settler.
In fact I can already tell what your hairstyle looks like without you even telling me.
>only greenery is from a farm and a few trees in the town
wow that's depressing, how do you cope living with actual subhumans that completely ruined the land?
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Honestly OP.
idgaf about either you or the Palestinians.
To me, you're two kids fighting over a sand castle on a beach.

You think you're gloating by sharing these pictures of HELL and saying;
>"oh look, I'm farming, aren't you scared!?"

**Good woods burn silently, but thorns crackle loudly, crying out all the time
* We are wood ! We are wood ! * **
“Old Persian Saying
Sheep are the dumbest fucking creatures ever made. Also looks like a shit farm with very little good forage for them. No trees to pick from or decent high protein grasses like alfalfa. Kikes can’t farm
Just telling you who I'm talking about.
It's a great channel to watch if you're into engineering.
>The place looks like hell to me
the arabs use most of the area the palces they graze dont even have grass right now, the little places we use to graze still have grass on them and its the end of summer a few hills even have a couple bushes on them, i see gazels every day>>476150624
>Do you leave the land ungrazed on the seventh year
were aloud to graze were not aloud to plant crops
Sheep are just fuzzy goats. They'll eat anything and make fuzzy and meaty products for our purposes.
Also, it's pretty rough terrain. Don't mock people who make the best of where they live unless you wanna be an ANAL CUNT.
a jew is literally taking my family's house away
Theyre mean and bite
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its brutal i was takeing the herd around a mountain last week and from the top of its backside i looked out and could see the arabs had already decimated the valley below i even saw the fucker with his goats and when he saw me he hoped on his donkey and road away
>No trees to pick from or decent high protein grasses like alfalfa. Kikes can’t farm
thats the natreuale judean desert your seeing not inproved pasture land or an enclosed space on a farm i suspect their was more plantife in the past you can thank the arabs for hundreds of years of disregard and poor land managment
goats are smarter and more athletic
nah hes a good boy
Kek, this is why you live in a desert
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Fuck no goats are a million times smarter than sheep. If goats get out on the fine ce they generally will go right back in. Sheep have no idea what they are doing at all times. When loading trailers goats evenly distribute themselves, sheep fucking squeeze each other to death. Sheep blindly follow Judas goats when being led to slaughter facilities, some goats do in fact fight back against the inevitability of their death.
Are there venomous snakes out there? Nice setting btw.
we are wood = yehud
i get it lel
yes inclueding one witch their is ni anti venom for, i saw one a few weeks ago at night when i was walking home
oh shit, the only good thread on /pol/
I’m here to bash on sheep farming kikes as a good god fearing goat rancher.
Looks like Utah, and you don’t fucking farm in Utah unless you are a dumb injun or have 10,000 acres for your herd of cattle.
Yeah, that's the bred traits, but as far as food and space go, they are the same. That's what I was talking about.
The argument still stands, farming animals is work and jews that do it are fine by me as long as they mind their business.
we have goats as well on the farm but they are nit taken out to pasture they eat only bailed hay and mixed grans, they are used to produce yogurt and cheese, these are the youngins from this season
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Oh hey Matthew
They are very different but go ahead
>a snake for which there is no antivenom
Sounds like you just saw another Jew.
You did good in keep walking.
we're not your sheep moshe
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its afraid
you probably stole that entire farm
it was a mole viper we call it saref ayin getti
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go to sleep fagget
i have insomnia
take diphenhydramine (50mg)

This could very well be a very funny thread to reas, it's an insane subject and on pol it's just that much more insanely entertaining.
getting even simple drugs like melatonin can be a bitch here
pisslamist on rhe other side covering those sheep in strange ways! lol
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im not even jokeing the goyim fear the jewish farmer, i dont know why
יש בזה דיפנדראמין בלי מרשם
iherb nigga
thanks ill check this out next time i go to the city
smokeing the herb dose not make me tired usualy
triangulated location
sending hamas assassins now
TBF border collies are smarter than a lot of white people around here
wut? it's a site where you can supps order online
to jewland as well
oh i miss understood
i bet you just killed the palestinian family that owned that farm this morning.
honestly impressed that you are doing manual labor
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delet this thread shlomo
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the nightmare will stay with you even if i did, every day on after now you will have to know you live in a world with jewish farmers, only death can comfort you now
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I love Jews you guys are really brave and ballsy. I wish we Indians were physically as brave and powerful as you. All we can do is scheming and play politics. You guys truly are the Lion of Judah, as you call it.
i hate idndians you guys worship idols
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:( But I still luv u. Here, a Jew guy from my college back in India

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