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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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who was the perpetrator behind the southport stabbings? was it a jeet? none of the articles say who the stabber was
rwandan nigger
A wog, probably his parents were here illegally too..mass deportations is the solution
It was a nigger.

UK finding out: Play nigger games, win nigger prizes.
it was a 'youth'
so there's your answer
muslim convert from rwanda
What, be more specific?
Jeets are rapey not stabbey, it's a nigger or a mudshit
Kill leftists to save democracy
It was a tranny. A black tranny, m2f.
Kill all leftists and send photos to their family
Nigger confirmed.
Maybe this is the century where niggers are cleanse from the Earth?
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they get what they deserve
>He was born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents and moved to Southport in 2013 - in Cardiff, ex-neighbours remember a "normal family" with "normal kids"
from the BBC News website
Didn't this already happen before? People move from Rwanda and their child who probably watched them butcher people, as well as being a nig, goes and murders some white people?
Britain will do nothing.
I hope that anti-white bitch gets enriched next.
Names and addresses...names and addresses
clearly white male
More like stabport. Am I right? Kek
Wow. Digits of being bamboozled.
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Those kids didn't bomb you Hans
>from the BBC News website
Do whye pipo still have BBC websigh in pidgin I can't read in why pipo speak
>epic memes
fuck off spazturd
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Bro you sandniggers gotta learn jeets are above you in every way in social status. Literally the entire world loves watching sandnigger children burn
barely any people or muslims are doing these crimes though. Like I know you see a lot of videos on here but i live in London and while seeing muslims is an eyesore, most are normal people.

>99% white country who believes everything he reads on pol
kek you cant make it up
>who was the perpetrator
Decadent western culture. These girls were taking their first baby-steps that lead to twerking on top of cars. It's a bit sad, kids and all - but this man did society a favor by reducing the number of future thots. These are hard truths and you need to accept them.
>17 yr old BOY

kill the media
>the 9 people stabbed isn't the problem
>the picture of one victim is
Liberal brain rot
Its almost as if their parents voting had consequences.....
born in the UK but both parents asylum seekers from rwanda
Allah will bomb you
it is truly unbelievably flabbergasting how far they will go to prevent justice for murdered children.

just remember everyone, you each need at least 10 liberal scalps before you die.
Who can spot the two glowwies in this thread?
Elhamdulillah brother
White African. The most horrible of colonizers. Pathetic.
Shouldn’t have said the n-word, ginger
>they voted for this
I almost thought they didn't deserve this
thanks for making me aware
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(((fact-checkers))) confirm it's Ali Al-Shakati
add it to the list
lies that's 15,99 years old
cia/fed posting faggot, no one is going to start a civil war for your masters
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I only feel bad about the Spanish one. For the other two - great-grandpa literally bled to make sure that it happened. The genes of the demonic scum who destroyed Europe being wiped out, is none of my concern.
And so were ours.
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Not it’s a nigger not a jeet. Jeets are cowards nigger are wreckless.
Blacks are incompetent at white genocide
WITNESSED. She is going to die in the name of diversity. Some people only learn through pain.
Link, fucker.
Da Silva is portuguese, no spanish
Also fuck janies for the 1 minute post delay
Not wasted, well done anon.
>cia fed poster

Voting is fed posting literally
I thought it was a 17-year-old?
it's always niggers or shitskins.
when you hear that a gun was involved, and that 6 shots fired led to 3 dead and 2 injured, then you know that it was a white man who did it.
>Her parents may have or may have not voted for labour even though voting for anyone else would still yield the same results, so they deserved it
what the fuck are those names though?
>no pics
1000000% a pet of the traitors in power.
Pavement ape, many such cases.
If you don't know the race of the killer immediately, it was some Jewish slave race.
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Just a thought. Is it possible this is some kind of payback situation not just a chimpout. It does seem pretty methodical and all, and specifically targeting of children. Like could it be payback for operation Crimson Mist. Sure it's a bit schizo, but we wouldn't be doing due diligence if it wasn't considered.
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Oh that's a witness of retribution
High IQ. The amount of people who don't understand the context of forced opium / fentanyl between China and the UK / US baffles me. People hold grudges, especially people who don't have cars, playstation5s and smart TVs.
Are you inciting something? What kind of coward are you?
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Hey guys did you know niggers are subhuman animals and the jews that own them are malevolent daemons?
Silence Nafri
Witnessed. I hope its one of the brothers of this rwandan nog
I can tell you who it wasn’t
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It's glownigger you weak faggot. NIGGER glowNIGGER
That is a rough 17 going on 51
Oh but black don't crack guuuise

Stfu we are focusing on Olympics right now and anyway part and parcel you fucking little inglander Tory Skinhead Nazi
Sorry Anglos but this is a necessary sacrifice to protect the Jewish state. If we have to sacrifice a million of your children then it would be necessary. We need to create war fervour against the Muslims and have the west join our wars and the defense of Israel.
> they’re making a movie about Fentanyl Floyd called “Daddy Changed the World”
Unreal. How can you remain optimistic about anything in light of all that happens?
Do it yourself fed faggot.
You losers are probably scared you’ll fuck it up like everything else.
a lot of the articles do
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whats his name?
So if someone stabs a kid, I cannot hate them?
Sure agent hernadez whatever u say
if it's not mentioned then it's a brownoid.
Daily Mail always deleted and turned off comments on an article praising a window cleaner mulatto whose already doing tv interviews who moved kids around who were bleeding out making them die quicker. People brought this up and also that he's a convicted criminal who hasn't saved anyone and they're trying to change the narrative because this so called hero a half nigger.

Now the comments are gone and been turned off. Lol
use the knee, save the world
>accused and attempted
Jeets are violent
this is nowhere near a coherent comment
>implying there were any victims
>the same blokes who staged the Trump assassination staged this to start a civil war
Axel Rudakubana, son of Alphonse Rudakubana and Laetitia Muzayire
it was a second generation Rwandan mooncricket with enough of a negro peanut brain to successfully be converted to islam upon arrival to the UK
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I thought this was about Floyd Mayweather until I read another anons response
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>100% British
This is the attackers father.
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>Babe King
Yes, because blacks aren't violent and no one ever dies.
The stabber was a man with British citizenship, so a British man
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it's time we discover the assailant's identity.
Don't make me do it, I'm Mexican. C'mon Bongs.
Can't some of you niggers with Facebook do some digging?
>y-you shouldnt be allowed to see what a murderer has done to avoid people being angry about it!
>this same woman more than likely voted for these people to flood in
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He was a good boy
Time to do an early life check on the producer and the director
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worry about your own back yard
if the jalisco new generation cartel want to help us out i'd be more than happy to work with them to get rid of these fucking niggers
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Brittania put some extra toppins on your internet loicenses and get us the facts or your future gets even more bleak
>the producer
Barack Obama
>and the director
Malia Ann (Obama)
netflix paid 6 billion dollars for the streaming rights
we don't have that problem here. what can be done to stop the problem you're faced, segregation?
it's always 6 million?
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Why do retards always circle the fucking obvious reply?
Do they think people are retarded?
That guy it not him he also stabbed people but that was in ireland https://x.com/mick_o_keeffe/status/1703740196854915140?s=46K
when they dont point it out, its a nigger, because otherwise, they wouldnt shy away from talking about it.
>he's a hero!
>ppl start saying he's not
>quickly delete the discussion!
This narrative that nigs and browns are the holier than thou is really getting under my skin.
based swede
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A 17-year-old nigger was the perp, but the BLOOD IS ON JEWISH HANDS
Like the blood of every attack.
They are the ones that promote (((open society))) and bring in all the nonwhites.
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Holy kek God bless AI
Some Rwandan who converted to islam, the fact that they needed to immediately say not "terror" related speaks volumes.
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yandex only gives some weird southport amateur footie sites and a online chess account for the guy. greenbank high school is mentioned int he link but that is a girls school.
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Muzzies will pretend to be victims now like usual and the media will rush to their defence.
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Lol no
Starmer the illegitimate "leader" of the UK appeared for 10 seconds and then immediately left


>Was it a jeet?
Niger you're retarded
It was obviously an arab
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Is this guy ...

Also fuck the 77th.
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.. and this guy the same person?
ok. can someone tell what happened there kike medias arent telling a shit..
None of you glowies are clever.
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>that’s not the English stabber! It was the Irish stabber
Police did it and blamed nigger!
those cops are absolutely powerless
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A fucking nigger.
good effort, getting closer
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Burn it?
Mace is awesome
10/10 recommend
Perfect for vagrants, junkies, tweakers and drunks
shoot him
get your fucking billy club
are they blowing him kisses?
why don't they act like men and stomp that fucker?
Why would it incite hatred? Its just a kid stabbed by a non native. Perfectly normal.
Americans are healing the divide, actually. Nice try, zionist agent provocatuer
There is no healing, there is no uniting, there will be no coming together, forget about it lockheim.
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Look back in anger
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Not this film I hope.
Not the Southport guy. Stop lying. It does no good.
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typical kike response. Israel is getting what they deserve because of the way they voted
Ireland guy. Just a different nigger doing nigger things at the behest of kosher pyschopathic genocidal monsters
Pakistani sources claim the killer adn his brither are autistic
>Additionally, both the suspect and his older brother are autistic, a fact that has been verified by sources close to the family.

It is beyond anger, Bergman.
That’s why they want it hidden. They subconsciously do not want to be reminded of the mess they created
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A pathetic show.
I think they're not trained properly.
Watch the video of london 1950, the British cops are basically civil servants that don't have any weapons.
I don't think they have been brought up to speed to this new nonwhite reality.
Our cops didn't use to carry guns either, like UK cops.
But when the nonwhites came, they started to carry them. UK cops should too.

You can't have civil servant cops like that who are not trained in violence in society with nonwhites.
There are only two options
>100% white society, no need for cop combat training
>not 100% white society, need militarized police with guns
Although we have nonwhite criminals now but they dont have so much guns yet as they do in Sweden, so cops dont really use the gun either.
They will simply kick your ass but not shoot you.
Probably though if they keep bringing in more nonwhites so the gang increase in size, they will start getting armed too like they do in Sweden, there they have AKs and grenades.
Which is insane because they used to be the safest and most functional White ethnostate in the entire world.
Now they are rape and murder capital of Europe.
All because nonwhite immigration.
It's like cancer that destroys everything
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>It's like cancer that destroys everything
It seems as though meaningful change is becoming difficult if not impossible to achieve through democratic means.
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It's not subconscious. It is very much deliberate.
After the JEWS flooded Sweden with nonwhites, then this JEW made the police to stop collecting stastistics based on race, because he was afraid the truth will get out and cause "racism".
I remember those days, the Jewish owned papers here in Scandinavia literally lied with straight face that immigration is not causing any troubles.
They've stopped it now because that is too egregious lie to make since everyone can see it with their own eyes.
But they still try to suppress nonwhite crime as much as they can, and if a White person commits a crime it is plastered in national news for a week straight, to give illusion that Whites commit crime and nonwhites not, while truth is the exact opposite of that.

JEW fears nothing more than the truth.
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Longer story in picrel how the Jewish families in Sweden were involved in making Sweden multicultural and nonwhite.
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Every single fucking time, these fucking jews.
does norway and finland have the same issues today
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They destroyed your country too.

USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

Our imported 17 years old are usually like 35
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He was a Hutu from Rwanda. Look up what happened 30 years ago in Rwanda, and EVERYTHING about this will make perfect sense.
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The fuck are you on about? Jeets love stabbing.
Who are these two? One of the murdered girls and her father?
it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a civil war in a melting pot country. people in cities hate each other and people outside of cities get along fine because we aren't up each others' asses 24/7. you low IQ retards need to understand that your only play is WW3 and it's going to surprise you how when you force people to care that they're not going to go along with liberal homo pedo shit. they're apathetic now and i know you don't know what that word means, but "just doing your job" is only gonna work as long as apathy rules

when people care, you lose. even purebred whites like me could be better jews if we want to, we just don't
>vOTe fOr ThiS
my god I hope you get bone cancer and die a slow death
His parents are Rwandan but he was born in Cardiff. Obviously still shouldn't be here but this will be the cope argument by leftists. If it was a legit nigger coming off a banana boat it might of been game over
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Yes, but to a lesser extent.
We are in the same situation that Sweden was maybe 15 years ago.
Virtually all crime is being committed by nonwhites just like anywhere but the gangs haven't got to the assault rifles and grenades level just yet as they have in Sweden.
There are simply less nonwhites still so the gangs aren't as big and only they don't have the numbers yet to completely overtake cities like they have done in Malmö.
But make no mistake - we are on the same road as Sweden - and everyone in the West.
No one is exterminating the Jewish rats and mass deporting the nonwhites, such thing is not even in the agenda.
So their share will be growing and there are already neighborhoods in the capital area that are now majority nonwhite.
So we are in the embers stage of our society burning down.

Before we destroy the Jewish scourge there is no stopping this.
I just hope people can wake up early enough to understand that Hitler was right before everything is lost and the entire world turns into one big India-Pakistan.
>A Nigger

Nothing will come of it. If it was a haji, the bongs would be chirping out right now. Same in America, niggers kills whites by the dozen every month, and nothing comes out of it. But if it was a spic doing so, the white cucks would be chimping out about it.
nigger countries don't keep records, that's a human thing. that's why this "17 year old" has male pattern baldness which means 30-40 at least because it only happens when your test levels start dropping from their peak and that's around age 30 at the earliest
They should all be sent back yesterday.
TND started yesterday
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>Yes, but to a lesser extent.
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They always lie their age because it makes their rapefugee application more likely to be accepted because then the 30-yr-old nigger is a "child" "escaping persecution". They have Jewish lawyers that coach them what to lie so they can slink in.
Same thing is happening in your country too btw, there are Jewish NGOs at the Mexican border who help the border jumpers apply for asylum on bullshit grounds. They just make them give some vague description about "threats" or some bullshit.
Good, serves them right for playing loud music through my walls, keeping me up with parties late at night and stealing things from my garden, fucking niggers.
it was a NIGGER
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A Jewish NGO called "Jewish Family Services" is bringing in illegals through the Tijuana border and illegally giving them CW-1 visas to manufacture a "legal" status for them.

Video: https://gab.com/White__Rabbit/posts/110465845757268129
Leave that poor nigger girl alone, she's already been put in the fatherless stereotype.
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>Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight 'White Supremacy':
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meh, anyways they were so ugly 0 potential of becoming cute wife.
Inshallah akhi
You just reported a glowie post to another glowie. KEK
White people will never wake up and just kill immigrants in the street until they leave. I'd want them all dead if it weren't for niggers and jews inheriting the earth. Nuclear holocaust is the only revenge left for whites.
Norm Macdonald joke, every time.
>The worst part about a Muslim stabbing a dozen little girls is really the Islamophobia
maybe someday the meds will work
jeets love stabbing.
if they cant stab you with a knife
they just stab you with their poo covered dicks
>nigger stabs little girls
>targets European girls
>Jew media on damage control
>can't hate all people cos of one person but it's ok him targeting white girls
>police support officers coach family to give statements saying "it's ok our daughter's died at least we're not racist don't hate black people"
>some other criminal nigger was there and so he is painted as a hero because we love niggers and need more of them
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>amateur provocation.
Just harass UK NAFRI's posing as a brit and insult mohammad a lot.
It was a fucking immigrant, aka not a british person.
This wouldn't have happened if the government hadn't flooded the country with immigrants, outsiders, illegals, foreigners.
>but he was born in
Magical dirt does not exist. He is a Rwandan nigger.
>White African
What? The article says he's a black kid born to African migrant parents

ah nvm you're a retarded fed
>im literally hitler
jewish fantasies are weird.
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here's the faggot
Alice da Silva Aguiar is a Portuguese name. Her parents are from Madeira.

The Portuguese one has a very standard name (Alice)
Safe in a nice and comfy cell by now, maybe even released back on to the streets.
Sources say it was a Ukrainian, he was mad you aren’t giving enough money))
Not him.


>This image is of Kasonga Mobutu who was arrested in Ireland in 2023 for a random knife attack at Dublin Airport.
It was a Rwandan according to the telegraph though (just not that nig).
They are all the same, a nigger will always be a nigger and a nigger is the same the world over, a convert nigger is even worse.
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Niggers are all the same, be they Rwandan or from Chicago, everyone is the same.
>His parents are Rwandan but he was born in Cardiff.
and ? still an ape
That's not the attacker, it's some other Nigger who went on a stabbing spree in Dublin last year
The stabber was Welsh. He grew up in Wales. This is what happens to the cultures of Zionist occupied countries: they breed homicidal maniacs and crossdressers and rape enthusiasts. The British need to let go of Wales and Scotland and N. Ireland and Israel and Canada and Australia and all their other minor islands and Taiwan and let the chips fall.
I know I just want don't want a photo of someone else being spread around. Let's find the right nig.
no it's even worse because he's not even a first generation immigrant and had plenty of time to assimilate
his genotype made him a subhuman, education barely makes a difference

just reinforces the point that racism is truth
Yes, visit a synagogue because our enemies are there you glowie.
Why focus on his race and religion, when it is clear the perpetrator was a male incel.
You should have the same reaction to all niggers, there is no difference to any of them.
>someone else should do it
this is why we are where we are
the only thing the cops will use the guns on is a white revolt. And 90% of the time when the cops show up, the groid has already stabbed many people so its too little too late.
its better if they dont have funs
why do jews want indians all over the west?
Anti-Whites are going to die violent deaths.
because shitskins make for better slaves than whites.
Cool story edgelord, hope your whole family gets decapitated and displayed on a highway overpass.
Cops in the UK love minorities and criminals, they will do anything to protect them.
Important links, thanks for sharing. The whole Amalek thing driving jewish terror comes up so often. Crazy shit.
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If only they banned knives
If only the white rioters were heavily armed and armored.
Bump fuck kikes and niggers
>mass deportations is the solution
>mass lynchings
If mass deportations and lynching were the solutions to you personally, then it would be a correct one.
that's even worse somehow...
Just your average labor supporter
These killings only matter when it benefits the left

He was a welshman, probably had a name like Owen Taffy or Jones the Smoke or something. Actually he was called Ivor the Engine.
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This doesn't happen in DPRK, China or Russia
whomever pushed for mass immigration
all of them
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>This doesn't happen in DPRK, China or Russia
This exact shit happened literally 1 month ago where some chink tried to stab a bunch of Japanese children on their way to school in China. The only person he actually killed though was the Chinese bus driver.
>tried to block him getting on and start some shit
>try shit, get hit

Not my problem, shouldn't have blocked the bus.

It didn't happen. No little white girl would be stabbed at random in DPRK, Russia or China
mashallah broder!
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they all must go.
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Yeah thats why I said he shouldn't of been here anyway
>>tried to block him getting on and start some shit
You are retarded. The driver didn't block him which caused him to chimp out and start stabbing people. The driver blocked him to stop him from stabbing more kids after he already displayed chimp behavior.
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a rat born in a barn isn't a horse

apparently this is an Angolan from a Dublin attack previously

this is the guy who brought a knife to the vigil today, not the original attacker
best moment I've ever seen in a movie. I laughed out loud in the theater and I was the only one.
Because social media is sayinf he’s Welsh. And because he’s not a Muslim and he’s not an immigrant, the argument from the right completely falls apart and this will be swept under the rug
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>just remember everyone, you each need at least 10 liberal scalps before you die.
Before we allow you to leave the city containment zones.
I hope a muslim decapitates you and fucks your corpse.
>rwandan nigger
/thread. I hope Englishmen will do something. Three girls so far.
>mental issues
British courts already setting up his defense. Handful of months in jail and an apology for offending his African roots
>normal family
constantly smoking weed?
24/7 phone calls home to their entire village?
Petty theft?
>"argument from the right"
>son of immigrants from niggerland
>did something niggardly
yeah I guess we have nothing, just pack it up boys
Tutsi or Hutu?
You can’t make NPCs noootice through sheer racism, retard
>croat mong
are you laffin'?
croats/serb roaches are swarthy as fuck, like welshmen or spanish cunts.
Yeah he's Welsh. Name Dafyd Jones.
Hobbies: eating leeks, being shit at football, murdering little girls with machetes.
Wait, I think one of those might be an African hobby
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Not him, but thank you for reminding me of pic related.
I'm not Welsh. Is that a Welsh sounding name?
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>calling people "mudshit" while you're swarthy moor yourself.
Fuck off back to your muslim shithole cunt.
They did the exact same thing with the stabbing in Dublin, a few months back.
He was Rwandan. Both of his parents are Rwandan.
nooo not b.b. king
It was Nigger islamic convert working for the Jews.
Why is the bald pedo getting a handful of the little girl's breasts while she's bleeding out?
Is the UK really this fucked up?
the frequent nigger and paki attacks are doing a good enough job at making normies notice more and more

he tried to make a joke with the Welsh name Dafydd, but he's an English retard :>
He was called Ali shakati or something like that, parents were from rwanda
Some other more African name is floating around pol, the Ali name is being shot down by "fact checkers"
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no wrong name

saw this somewhere tho
>Axel Muganwa Redakubana ...from Rwanda
Address is:

>10 Old School Close, Banks

>His mother lives there and her name is:
Laetitia Muzayire

>Here's evidence she worked in Cardiff at one time, look at page 2 under sport relief fundraising:

>The father's name is:
>Alphonse Rudakubana

>Here's a photo of his dad, with evidence he moved there from Cardiff:
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Just to let any libshits and glowies on here know:

When we kill your bosses and kick out your pet bioweapons, we're deporting all of you along with them.
We're going to drop you into deepest darkest Africa and we're going to tell the locals that there's gold in your heads.

May the odds ever be in your favour, traitor filth.
Yep saw earlier
You know, if someone stabbed me or my friends, I would hate them too.
I would hunt them down and torture them to death.
You are a dumb mutt. The stabber was Rwandan. No magic dirt. Dog born in a stable isn't a horse etc etc etc.
If it wasn't a nigger I'd eat my own foot. Only niggers do shit like this.
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>You voted for this

Literally never been a referendum of open borders or any form of migration ever.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up. With. Your. Lies.
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(older?) brother or suspect?
>or suspect
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We had one once. and a kike judge decided that maybe democracy in this instance wasn't so precious
>You won't do shit
>They voted for it
Might as well be in fluorescent green from their origins
Although there are rare cases like those dykes in Toronto that got beat up by mudslimes that it applies to it is the exception and not the rule
What is the confirmation of this? I'll believe it in a heartbeat if ANY actual connection to the stabbings can be demonstrated.
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A rwandan
>you must not speculate on the attacker on social media.
>the ambulance service (because you like them don’t you, suckers) say you shouldn’t speculate.
>the ambulance service said send all your security camera and dash cam footage to the police in case it can help with their enquiries.
Said the media, as guilty of the attack as the cirrupt politicians who are paid and supported by (((judeo klausite fascists))) to ram invaders into our country, the end goal being divide & conquer and the power to unleash violence against the people any time they choose as we saw in America in 2020.
Not the time that they quietly spilled the beans (cap related).
>he tried to make a joke with the Welsh name Dafydd, but he's an English retard
I've been found it.
The Taylor Swift connection makes me think 'psyop', probably to increase racial tensions.
>not the time
*note the time, rather. Typoo.
> confirmation
Neighbours doorcam caught "someone" pacing in green hoddie with covid mask in front of their door/home "minutes" before the attack. They took attention because the house was raided shortly after suspect was arrested.

At first I thought hoodie was his older brother, but then I found pics showing teen in wheelchair and I think that's his older brother. So could that doorcam have actually caught the stabber before he got into taxi?
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no date with this article.

Slowly I came to hate them (middle-class libs).
But how the fuck does that prove this karate nigger is the father?
At least his sister is good at tennis. Or was, anyway.
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> who was the perpetrator behind the southport stabbings?

The usual FED-sponsored patsy.

Authorities even paid for his ride to the attack scene.
>motive guess, hear me out
yes white victims black culprit
but white was only the spark
>Alex was an introvert
>Neighbours never saw him
no evidence theory 1: Alex had dance aspirations and wanted to transition. The workshop wouldn't let him sign up. He got even.
no evidence theory 2: money or funding somehow went to that workshop instead of something his wheelchair-bound brother wanted. He got even.
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I can't find the photo, but there's one from Sweden 15~20 years ago that looks 100% exactly like the last scenes in that webm, where all the muzzies, mostly female, are gathered in a circular public space like that. Pretty uncanny, really. Stay safe, Finn-bro.
They're whitw, they reap the privileges of colonization, exploitation, murder and rape. They deserved it like all white Nazis do.

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