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Previous: >>476256494
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid -
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing -https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money -https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine -https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe -
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky -https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets -
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional -
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions -
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Air raid alarms

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Livemap (Hohol)


ISW (neocons)


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>Su-25 destroyed by Lancet at Dolgintsevo
>Unpublished footage from 1st day of Avdeevka assault on Waste Heap (volume warning)
>Roasted Leopard Kurakhovsky direction
>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification
>Leopard 2A4 being chased by FPV drone
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region

Yo, checkout these "BEFORE" and "AFTER" pictures.

This is the "BEFORE" picture.
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Shills are niggers
Lmao, where's the pic shill?
Nice job triptard
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>still no porkstate update
Where are my gains hohol? Show them to me.
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Hello K-on want to take over baking for mutt hours?
Here, monkey boy. >>476275348
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Man. Two state solutions.
Love em.
>80 dead russoids and 15 captured and sent to Ukraine
>Retaliates by bombing some kids
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I support Russia because of people like you
Sneed got another one boys

damn i didn't know ukraine was in africa
Oh I get it shill, It is an F16 in the Ukraine filling those monstrous Russians right?
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>be 11th century tribe
>listen to frogs and hohols and do a little trolling
>go extinct
Should've known better.
Woah... completely obliterated. Not even the png survived...
Why can't we see all the bodies?
Can bongs stop pretending they're anything other than a bunch of buck-toothed inbred retards?
Of course you'd think they're dead kids, pedo.
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I should be asking you that about your supposed airstrike lmao. The only pic posted so far is some dead kid.
i dont think the jewish slave caste should talk about bombing kids.
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I could tell.
Takes one to know one after all
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Don't believe your own HATO globohomo dominated eyes
>I should be asking you that about your supposed airstrike
Are you genuinely too retarded to understand why infantry kills are easier to document than airstrike kills?
Shouldn't you be kissing your mother goodbye since you are being deployed to Lebanon to die for Israel?
dont nigger nations have higher standards of living than the ukraine?
i know even the crappiest russian federal subject has a better standard of living than the best oblast in the ukraine kek
is this nigga for real?
Yeah that's 20, not 80
>willingly admits to love being a slave to jews
Figures for a pedo like you.
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what is the mulatto crying about today?
Shouldn't you, goyim? I'm too Jewish to be drafted.

No kids involved by the looks of it, also uh... It was a little more than bombing according to Telegram...

This is a completely normal Tuesday scene in Africa by the way, I've studied that continent for a long time so I would know.
Oh, I'm actually just a Jew. But keep projecting, tranime troon.
Yeah we know you suck baby penis, you've said this multiple times.
>purple socks
Absolutely haram.
>Still posting the pic of Wagner executing civilians out of pure seethe
Lmao, think about the optics, shill
>too Jewish
Show nose shill with timestamp.
Oh your going to the desert to die. In no way are you Jewish.
Why even make that video?
Sneedposting is obscure 4chan lingo that hasn't leaked into the normosphere, even TKD/TND/ACK etc is more widespread because of the sharty
Cem was soul and loved
Pedokraut had a vision and beliefs, despite the cock cage
UN fag is impotent, reinforcing an enevitable defeat. Possibly schizophrenic
Ahahahahhaahaha it's gonna be funny watching you die for Israeli interests against your will
So you're still a subhuman? Nice job, pedo. Gonna go back to your fantasies of dead kids?
>they killed 80 wagners, here's a pucture of 20 dead wagners to prove it
Fucking idiot
yeah i bet you're a niggerologist
>Mali TV confirmed that the Burkina Faso Air Force carried out strikes on Tin Zautin
>Ignores the webm that shows the rest
Russoids really aren't sending their best :/
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do muttsects really?
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Twitter is getting as bad as it was before Elon. I am arguing with the anti Maduro jews and none of my tweets have any engagement.
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What the fuck am I looking at?
Shartinez got cucked by some MAGApede at home and is now doing overtime.... just as the bull was on his wife olololol

Nah, it's just the pro bono brainwashed shills covering for the "professionals" until they get another month's budget in a few days.
Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Utilize Belarussian-Malorussian cooperation for offensive.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!

OK -- here's a sample of Alpha-chan if she had tattoos
Not likely, I'm too old to be drafted for our "Greatest Ally." Your high school as on the other hand......
Waiting for that nose white boy
>Defending Maduro just because he sucks off Putin
Jesus Christ. You know he's a literal communist right?
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Nice comfy happening in Mali thread

™®©. One of those "civilians" has a Ukranian flag in the middle of an African desert, it's under his corpse of you didn't notice...
Is this a fucking drive thru line
>Ukraine living rent free in his head in Mali of all place
Meds, now
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>only 20 died
Pravda news trying hard to downplay this incident
How can you be this fucking stupid. It's not 80 bodies in your videos. Why didn't they film the rest of the bodies if they wanted to make some propaganda?
the poopnited shit of diarrhea
yes, what for?
my guess is a bread line
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America isn't the wealthy country it was in the past. That's a food line for poor people. They're lined up in their cars, enjoying the AC if it works, and waiting for food from that truck.
Gaslighting doesn't work when you're just pretending to be retarded.
Only American flags defend kikepitalism in this board like Pavlovian dogs
Work is to benefit the nation and our people, not foreign profits
>can't form a cohesive sentence now
What's wrong, pedo? Can't handle the heat?
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sure hope those were cope caged and not all destroyed + crew
So what.
Count the bodies yourself, it's not 80
>I'm too old to be drafted
First day here retard? Ukraine has been pulling 60 year olds off the street for over a year now.
Third World retards bragged about what they did on TikTok and geolocation did the rest of the work
>early life dogwhistle video
This coming from a gayreek? LOL
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>Ivan geolocated a fucking bush
Honestly I'm impressed
>unironic communists itt
I knew this place had it rough, but really?
There's not 80 bodies my man
>Third World retards bragged about what they did on TikTok and geolocation did the rest of the work
Zrada must always follow peremoga
Taureg have been ukrainized
My country is being sold to (((hedge funds))) as we speak
It isn't enough to be a captured market, it isn't enough that we work to move profits to goymoney firms, they're now actively dismantling the country as well
A bit sad innit
>westerners and nafo are celebrating ukraine helping islamic terrorists just because russia is the target
people never learn
Reminder: Tel Aviv is the gayest city in the world.
Where is that city located, my dear pedo kike? :^)
i just wanna have sex with ukrainian and russian women.
please, this is the most important thing for me.
i wanna go to ukraine and fuck every women.
please god let this happen
National SOCIALISM board, circumcised golem.
Private enterprise exists to serve the nation
What air force? What did they do this with?
>political infant hasn't realized that all ideological extremes are based
you'll see the light one day, kiddo
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Killing civilians is going to help the fagners look like the good guys in Africa
>boo hoo hoo
Do something about it. Everyone gets the government they deserve.
>be hohol
>fight in toretsk
>die in coprobunker
Speaking of memoryholed events, remember when those islamists shot up that russmutt mall? And then russoids grabbed random chechnyans from the streets and beat them up as revenge? Good times. I wonder why kadyrov is so quiet lately.
ITT: thirdies cope and seethe about the quality of the gear and life of the west.
also ITT: contrarians circle jerk because their society hates them
Many of the corpses are dressed in the camouflage patterns Tauregs wear regularly.
Keep on flushing in the free world!
is mali good for sex??
Dey dindu nuffin! Sheeeeit
>voting is real
Fluoride really did a number on you people
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Flush it.
Sure, if you don't mind the AIDS.
Who said anything about voting?
I am once again calling for the shills to denounce the Talmud and the Rabbinical councils
you country has its own money, owns all the critical infrastructure etc vs jews own it all. choose one
>desperately brings up his previous porn material
We accept your concession, my dear pedo kike.
>Feed plant destroyed
>Shit bunker destroyed
i wanna go to ukraine and fuck every women inside of ukraine
>Burkina Faso bans homosexuality
The west has fallen
Aren't there plenty of expat hoholinas to fugg over there?
Based on retardation lol
Wtf, I thought you guys hated Jews?
Stinky has the right to self determination and defend itself. My support for Stinky is ironclad and unwavering. No ukrano-russian hands shall lay on the sacred land called Stinky
This is Africans being Africans. It appears Burkina Faso launched drone strikes on the militants who ambushed Wagner the other day, Wagner doesn't have it's hands to deeply in this affair from the looks of things at the moment.

Also the UN flag shill is seething because his parade got rained on by a drone
Anal acceptance is a nearly perfect heuristic to identifying globohomo countries
Why do anglokikes love sodomy so much? Is it some sort of satanic sacrament?
>the fencesitters win in the end!
Said no historical record ever.
i wanna fuck every single ukrainian women, all of them from 18 to 60.
Fencesitting was how America became so powerful in the first place lmao
>Russian forces advanced even further toward a 75% encirclement of Konstantinovka.
Awesome. Soon, the Russian Army will take the highway and advance on Vodyane; then the enemy stronghold will fall.

I thought this was based until you said "18 to 60." I prefer 14 to 40.

Lmao the only thing fencesitters get is a sore ass.
aren't you afraid of the superaids?
Do you know what is really retarded? Posting a video in wich there aren't even close to 80 dead bodies as proof of 80 dead bodies
>cum pit
what next?
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Would the U.S. Consider Assassinating Putin?
the site is monitored my nigger
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Based Chad
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Russia's war criminal army caught using BANNED hand grenades in Kharkiiv. Even with all these banned weapons, the Russians still CAN NOT defeat the UKRAINIAN ARMY!
Why? We don't want someone competent in charge lmao
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Hello from /TLV/.
The neo scramble of Africa takes place in Mali this time.
Remember when chug was coping by claiming that these weren't actually Russians? Lmao
>noooooo the poor niggers
Take them in, if you feel so bad for them
So police can use tear gas on unarmed civilians but Russians can't use it on entrenched soldiers.
Nice to see the whole alliance between Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali wasn’t just for show and they will actually assist in killing insurgents across borders.

Russia should really send some jets down there and start dropping fabs.
no, we would never do something like that. we're the good guys :^)
Careful what you wish for
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Comrades are only allowed to believe what Pravda news tells them
>Would the U.S. Consider Assassinating Putin?
Yes. See the absolutely LUDICROUS Castro assassination attempts.
And now mutt embassies get blasted with headache rays whenever they act up kek
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Milk bags for strong sons.
Removing him would risk an actual nationalist taking power who has no issues flooding Americas enemies with weapons, trainers and intel to assist in attacking US and friends.
We couldn't even kill a guy 90 miles off of our coast.
>knock knock
>who's there?
>the sink, let me in
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Need more gains
Visualize the liberation
i eat them all yummy blyat cyka pidaras.
i love women so much you have no idea
Its a different kind of gas and the gas police use is allowed because its not in a war.
All the nationalists are dead like prigozhin or inside the gulag like girkin, note how nobody in poccnr cared when the kremlin took them out
Eh, they wouldn't be competent enough to be able to pull that off.
This is right out of Putin's playbook!
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>Third World retards bragged about what they did on TikTok and geolocation did the rest of the work
It's the bombing of reddit legion 2.0 all over again
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And the age of consent in Ukraine, in line with the laws of Europe, is 14 since 2019.

Even then, honestly, I just date underage girls and don't have sex with them until 18. Can they arrest me for this? It's the perfect solution, because long term relationships are better than brief ones.
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>get a chunk of your city locked
>can't move outside without a QR code
>your own toilets prohibited
>not even allowed to protest.
Pissrisians I swear. I love these Olympic Games
>Russia is beginning to cross the isthmus.
Day made
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> So police can use tear gas on unarmed civilians but Russians can't use it on entrenched soldiers.
It's pretty funny, but actually it is.
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Gotta pump those numbers are, those are rookie numbers in this racket!
Thousands of KIA Russian soldiers for a tiny strip of land.
if you're gonna horny post at least post something attractive
>ziggers were projecting being pedos
Of course lmao.
One ukrainian dying is a tragedy, but thousands of vatniks dying are just another statistic
>that's different chud
rassia is winning aganst hohol nazis the fasist nazis
Lmao, that's actually on you, did you even see the pic? It's literally a dead kid. How you went from seeing a dead kid to pedophilia is baffling really. Unless you were just projecting. Which you are.
>Would the U.S. Consider Assassinating Putin?
I'm sure they consider it daily in their deepest fantasies, but they know he would be replaced by somebody even more dangerous for them, which is why traitors like Analny were shilled so heavily in the hopes of replacing him another way.
Uh oh elites had to convene to outlaw it so soldiers don't survive.
this is russian because mr aerosol grande says so?
Plywood general was demoted to aerosol general.
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that's just a perfume bottle jammed in a green plsatic cup
>CS tear gas
Meanwhile kikes are bulldozing the limbs of children out of future beachfront property but it's okay because it's with kosher American freedom weapons
Lol, you're blind if you think that's an adult. Or maybe you're just a midget and that's normal sized for you. Also you're not gonna call out your fellow zigger for dating 14 year olds lmao? >>476280086
It's always projection with you russmutt dick riders
Ans that Dixie flag poster is someone who wants to turn puccia a catholic nation, make your own conclusions
Inb4 he gets called a Jew for ruining his moral high ground
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>Keep insisting it's not a kid despite the dead kid being like 4ft tall max
This is the weirdest thing to lie about
What does that even mean in 2024? The USSR no longer exists and communism as a worldwide movement is completely dead. It only exists as a cargo cult among some marginalized low IQ leftists in the West who inherited that failed tradition which was unable to camouflage itself into real power structures; and in places like China and Vietnam who retain nominal trappings of it as a gesture to their historical political formula.
Tell that to the communists who replied to me
I remember when the news was telling people that dehumanizing = bad and we shouldn't spread hate about migrants.
You're really bad at gaslighting kek
Apparently they sent their whole army to Africa, so they're losing on the European front. I say keep them in Africa, while we take their homeland.

Is this unattractive to you?

Based yep.

It's the same type of gas and it's literally only legal to use it against civilians and not military. War crimes legislation kinda coddles soldiers.

tbf when I tell them I'm waiting until marriage to have sex and they won't get any dick from me for literal years almost all young women who want me change their mind. It's not even perceived that badly in the US, more like a polite way of telling them to leave you alone.

I love how hard the shills are sperging out. I want all of you feds to hound me and target me. I want you to proclaim me as your #1 enemy. I am the #1 enemy of the United States under Harris and Biden.
Seems like you're just smearing people who are against the US and its retarded foreign policy goals as commies as if this is 1973.
>I know you Jews love to target children in Gaza
>Jews love to target children
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>nominal trappings of it as a gesture to their historical political formula.

I've been thinking about... freedom of speech, protection of private property, equality before the law and privacy.

In general, the same can be said about liberal ideology in its classical sense. But unlike the faded communism, liberalism is so bright that it is now showing its darkest depths.
>Russia is involved in a war and US/NATO is backing the other side
Why are you so surprised that old-school commies are on Russia's side?
>*creak* *creak* *creak*
>Oh no, he's overseas... stationed in Okinawa.
>We'll just say it's his!
>Why yes, he was never good at math, why do you think he joined the army? Heehee...
>*creak* *creak* *creak* *creak* *creak*
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can you show on this map where the communists bombed your house?
Anon, he's a pedophile kike that desperately tries to say the dead Mali terrorists are instead dead children.
>Kamenskyiv seething so much he added explanatory text to his cartoon
is this in relation to something or is it just nonsense fantasy as usual?
>scat fetish hohol shill artist is seething
What else is new?
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Something about getting Russians to work on a nuclear plant or something, Gunther was seething about it too
its boom boom time over the pisskraine
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it must be nice to have nafo retards literally worship you just for being austistic online.
i guess that must be how it feels to be a woman
In any power structure you don't actually have any of those things you listed if the power structure doesn't want you to. Russians know this more than Westerners, since we tend to believe our own bullshit when it comes to liberalism.
some jew was claiming that orban lets russian saboteurs enter eu :D
I haven't been following the thread closely enough, that doesn't surprise me. The barbs they try and throw at /chug/ are pathetic.
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Reminds me of how I felt about a few of my exgirlfriends who basically worshiped me for no reason
compare this to when isis veterans were coming to europe and everything was kosher
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>Pretends to play dead
>Enemy comes close
>Picks stone and tries to kill him
Holy shit, Russians are such badasses
yeah but according to this thread, westoid supporters LOVE terrorists kek, especially ones from the third world
Is Zapo front going to become active? I sense a "greatest counter attack of the Zapo" diversion soon.
>Never heard of Krynki
I wonder how Ukrainians feel when they open DeepstateUA and see Russia gain 5 km2 plot of land everyday
Krynki will be recorded in retconed in history books as the time Russians threw countless soldiers into the Dnipr. I have already seen it represented on Twitter as a successful attempt to keep the Russians from crossing.
Rip to that brave hero, fought till the end
Something might be brewing
Holypolley is looking kind of empty. Deep state marked that a Russian unit left there yesterday. Maybe they want to bait the Ukrainians into trying another counter.
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>Following the recent losses sustained by the Wagner Group in Mali, the Kremlin will need to undertake a large-scale replacement of its mercenaries in Africa with soldiers from the Russian Defense Ministry's African Corps. Meanwhile, part of this corps has recently been redeployed to the Kharkiv region to support the offensive actions of the occupying forces, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

>Several prominent Russian military bloggers critical of the Kremlin claim that the Russian Defense Ministry is taking pleasure in the Wagner Group's losses and suggest that the Russian military leadership may use this incident as a pretext to halt the deployment of Wagner mercenaries in the Sahel and fully replace them with units from the African Corps of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
>It will get worse
For you
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"History is written by the winners." doesn't apply this time, it seems.
>1000 Russian soldiers are psychologically destroyed every day in the Ukraine
>But this video of 20 dead mercenaries is the greatest peremoga ever
Yawn. The Ukraine is losing and you are dilating.
>the civilians begin to fuck themselves
>the russians will come and give us pussy
>smells like fuck
God bless automatic translation software
entire Ukraine under aerial bpombardment, north , south, east, west


20 posts by UN flag typing "puccian"

which side is winning?
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>20 dead mercenaries
all missiles have been intercepted by their targets.
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>that time the queef independent was accused of being FSB
can you give us a timeline whe will ukraine start at least regaining its territory?
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>civilians begin to fuck themselves and tell soldiers to fuck off
>smells like fuck
uh oh stinky
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Its standard NATO attrition warfare doctrine not suicide.
Yeah, certainly takes an arachnophobe to spot another arachnophobe
Poor Vatniks still holding onto hope that Russians can defeat the UKRAINIAN ARMY.
>"The civilians are mad that we are fighting over a border that doesn't matter!"
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This war is going nowhere

Time to go home
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>p-please goyim whatever you do don't look at them maps!
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>border that doesnt matter
no that would be the southern US border
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>russian tank burns outside of krynki
>"V" group sign on it's side
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US southern border matters, where else would Jews buy their kid fuck toys for cheap?
Russia is going home, deeper into the Ukraine.
funny how countries that russia backs always end up failing. Just take a look at venezuala, maduro is unironically gonna get gaddafi'd soon
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Why is it so easy to laugh at Russia?
I never trusted Proton after they changed their logo.
because they keep fucking up in the dumbest way possible.
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Riverine operations are going to be more and more necessary as they approach the Dniepr I hope Russia is prepared
it is very funny..
When you're a retard looking at a bottom tier machine translation I bet you could laugh all day.
I have yet to see a single Venezuelan defending Maduro, so why do you do it? Genuinely curious. Is it really just because he's pro Russia?
this shit looks ai-generated
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Cut Axewound some slack he got stuck on propaganda duty while other Forbes writers get paid to watch anime.
Its all the same war.
i dont think that americans can complain about stolen elections
>this nigga gets paid to watch and write about anime and I work construction
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If you have a shitty day. Remember that hohols always have it worse.
and it is usually vocal minority backed by (((media))) vs silenced majority
fair enough
I'm voting for harris anyway, so I don't really care about democracy. I just do it to piss people off kek.
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>>this nigga gets paid
Mutt journalists have been coping and sneeding about layoffs for years, he'll die not having paid off his college debt, don't worry. Soon enough he'll be replaced by ChatGPT trawling 4chan's /a/ board.
Not sure this guy is lucky.
Watching this anime should be considered torture for how bad it is...
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This faggot is the only thing that is stopping NATO from destroying the pussyans
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I bet that nigger Axewound already regretting getting to write about
>le ships, le planes, le tanks, le drones, le missiles and le satellites
by now and not about something way less easily verifiable like opinion pieces on anime, vidya and stuff.
>God-west didn't want to win anyway
Journos should have never dropped newspapers
A foreign company, from an enemy country, is meddling in their elections... doesn't matter what politician you like, they won't find happiness with foreign glowies.

Also the Venezuelans in the USA are criminals they sent. Venezuela empties their prisons by sending the inmates to the USA.
So if the Venezuelans you know within the USA dislike Maduro, this is a big argument in favor of him.
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>russia run out of men
Top kek
Just has we learned hohols are totaly depleted and has close to 2 times less men on the front.
"No u" really is how this war shill strategy will be remembered...
Ukraine is interfering with our election cycle.
I'm talking about venezuelan flags on /pol/ and the ones I see in runescape. They all hate maduro for ruining their country and economy. Also aren't russians interfering with their elections by propping up maduro?
I suppprt him because his jew opponent is bigly mad
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They have bobs and vagane in Russia too?
Russians control all elections for all nations. Even my union ballet
Did Brazil ever successfully shut down Telegram? I'm watching the Vuvuzelan telegram news channels that were moslty quest for years going berzerk and saying to shoot Maduro.
>venezuelan flags on /pol/
So you are talking about VPN niggers.
There is a venezuelan flag on /sp/ shilling BLACKED and niggers the whole day. I am sure those are very representative.
>Also aren't russians interfering with their elections by propping up maduro?
I don't know a single Russian company that does what those Western companies openly say they do.
The only one who is fucking around in foreign elections here is the West(TM).
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Hello vatniks, what happened to kiev in 3 days? Haha Im not shill, Im totally not a jew or indian! Heres a pic of a Ukra- Russian tank that got blown up! Only took a little hamlet? 8gorillion serfs for a chateu?? Orc bros

I wish I could be hired as a shill, Id be such a good shill.
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I don't know why but I have an uncontrollable urge to give you a (you) for some reason.
Those two tanks are strangely more hypnotising than the usual burning wrecks.
visekike always says the gayest marvel movie stuff in their posts
Dont ever complain when the consequences hit you right in the face then. You make your own shit bed to shill, but one day you will look around and find out everyone was laughing at you and its time to climb the ladder to the guillotine.
kill yourself boomer you arent going to do anything but say cringe larp stuff on 4chan
>> They're lined up in their cars, enjoying the AC if it works, and waiting for food from that truck.
Ironic, isn't it.

Yes, Americans really. I've seen this first hand. I've always heard of food pantries but never actually took the time to even think about checking one out but one time I was driving through Corpus and I took a wrong exit ended up in the older side of town. Saw a bunch of cars lined up in an old shopping center and the line blocked traffic. Most of them looked pretty nice, newer models even. All of them had their trunk open and were waiting in line while they were given a pretty large box filled with food. Honestly those food pantry places only harbor people that take advantage of the system. None of them are actually poor. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give you a box unless you had a car, srs.
>this much seething over which pro israel president we're gonna get
that just makes me want to vote for harris even more
Says the queer using agipop words. Nice try.
back to your israeli containment thread, zion don kike
Look at all the (You)s you've got
Glowniggers take note!
Im voting RFK dingbat fag. Go back to smoking a nigger cock.
>Im voting RFK
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Nice picture.
Here's a (You) on the house go nuts
havent been keeping up with things. give it to me straight, whats the status of the war?
Russians are winning pretty hard
At the current rate of advance they'll be in Kiev in 2 years, but it will accelerate significantly, the war is expected to be over within the year, possibly even before 2025.
The ukrainians are unable to replace their losses of men and materiel, promises of increased production in NATO have turned out to be far less than they could have been, so on and so forth.
Respectable, ( .Y .)ou worthy
enjoy getting dragged to jury duty faggot
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There 300

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