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Previous: >>476274904
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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More maps:
>Su-25 destroyed by Lancet at Dolgintsevo
>Unpublished footage from 1st day of Avdeevka assault on Waste Heap (volume warning)
>Roasted Leopard Kurakhovsky direction
>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification
>Leopard 2A4 being chased by FPV drone
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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I just want to thank Mr. Putin for both making a two year long happening to watch, and also for the new strippers and streetwalkers.
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it's gonna be a complete shit show after putin dies, the power vacuum he's gonna be leaving behind is going to be insane
how long until fireworks?
Trump always surrounds himself with idiots, aka JD vance this time so its already started. I never voted for a Dem so not going to start with a jeet/nigger chimera of hell.

RFK is actually sound on fire arms and does not want to take them away, got a stacked court anyways so its null and void.
Wants affordable housing solution for millennials and below, actually has a winning track record against pharma and other big companies. Wants to end hohol war.
he doesn't have a chance at all, you're just throwing your vote away like an idealistic retard. but one less vote for trump is a good thing so whatever.
It would be Kino if there was a civil war between commies and far right monarchists. There will be a lot of disgruntled soldiers returning from Ukraine
it's just a matter of time really.
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>open /chug/
>shills still posting non sense
>Holols still losing territory even today
>Argentina younger players btfo the Holols 2-0 on the shitty French olympiads
>allowed me to post Z on /sp/ making them seethe
Have a good day, Zigger bros
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So true sister
then I am voting with my morals against two front runners that are 100% a shit bucket.
Right but I mean if you're gonna protest vote, why not just stay home and eat pizza? Even buying a lottery ticket has more point since there's a chance you can win.
Why would you tell me not to exercise my rights?
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i just think its great that the shills have moved on from crimea beach party 2023 to wishing for a deus ex machina to defeat ruzzia.
he thinks he's the protagonist or something. he thinks he matters kek
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Do the strippers do nude Kazotsky dance?
2A is a right but I wouldn't suggest you put a gun in your mouth.
havent seen many argentine posters in /chug/ since last year, glad to see some during mutt hours
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Vegas, north bound to utah?
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Those two things are not mutual exclusive. Thats a null statement. Im not the one retard from the last thread voting for the nigger/jeet combo so he can brag and shill then wonder where it all went wrong as he stares at the guillotine.

If my vote does not matter then dont worry about it. Let it play out and cast your vote the way you want.
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That would be cool.
>"From the team that brought you CHUD, Monke Putin, and FELLAS, comes the new hit summer forced meme: WIERD!"
>"You don't want to be WEIRD incel so vote for the indian... wait, the BLACK WOHMAN for president!"
It's amazing knowing they spent millions on this
Is it true that all the public busses in Argentina are required by law to have a falklands sticker on them?
>If my vote does not matter
Is that even debatable? Protest votes never matter.
On the whole, I think the Kamala astroturfing is among the more successful psyops we've seen
Being a literal nobody helped here, as they can just paint on whatever skin they like.
How is it a protest vote? Its my moral position.
No Bakhmut?
it was around $8m
Alright genuinely asking, who created alpha?
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>Shahed strikes in the west to pull air defense away from the front
It's genius
havent been keeping up with things. give it to me straight, whats the status of the war?
The commonly understood meaning of a protest vote is when you vote for someone you know won't win.
Russians are taking about a kilometre a day.
Ukraine is winning.
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>Does not understand the moral dilemma of putting up a shithole candidate to rule over you.
Yikes senpai. At the end of the day I dont have to feel guilt for helping a destroyed get into office. You know, guilt right? that feeling that you did something wrong and you can negate that by following Jesus Christ and doing what's morally right?
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Russia is only killing 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers every month
I didn't say vote for anyone, I asked why you're bothering to vote if it's RFK.
And I told you and you keep rehashing the same talking points in a circle.
A fat vatnik who owned a monarchist website called sputnik before he was killed by the kremlin for speaking too much
You still haven't explained but don't worry about it.
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Why shouldn’t Europeans resist the Russian caliphate?
holy fuck, the reading comprehension tonight is rather dim. never visiting during mutt hours again.
It's a shoop, anon
Shilling is so ez. Just post a gore clip with "dead vatnikz lol". I dunno what the point of shilling is on /pol/ since we know better, but it works well on plebbit probably.
Russia's rate of advance is expected to accelerate as Ukraine has less and less meat/materiel with which to plug the holes that Russia's "death by a thousand cuts" strategy is incurring on them. Even now the meat/materiel is of much lower quality than a year before in terms of training and general availability. To wit: Russia's kill lists are getting shorter simply because they are running out of Uki targets to destroy.

I doubt that the war will be ogre in 2025, but it will certainly be in its last throes if NATO (wisely) refuses to deploy their own soldiers in Ukranistan. No new wunderwaffle will be enough to turn the tide due to a lack of manpower short of USA pulling movie-accurate Terminators from its ass by the thousands.

The only real question on my mind is: where will Poot-poot stop his conquest? He would be the world's biggest retard to avoid taking Odessa and Kharkeef.... will he take Keef? Will he march into Western Xoxolistan? I await the news with baited breath mein Fuhrer!
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Oh my fucking god /chug/ please save me from this raid bullshit

has me missiles arrived yet.. any news anywhere?
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Lots of dead Russians
Haven't heard anything myself - it might just have been a provocation.

I had an idea - I've suggested flying Gerans outfitted with speakers over the Ukraine before - why not have them play nightcore?
How long until they use nukes?
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if russia is losing how come the nato police let me go?
No?... where did you got that "information"? lmao
You have some busses with Malvinas stickers but that's up to the driver along Messi or family or wathever
Soon, I hope. Just make sure to fire a second "control warhead" at TelAviv!
Because Europeons are weak, soft, and spoiled. They are destined and roll over and die before the mighty RuZZian H O R D E.
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covid was a lie
jews are bad
liberals are lying child murderers
russia is cool
Vladimir Vladimirovich is best Jo Star
I wish Givi was alive to have met Pringles. I wonder if the two of them would have gotten on.
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How can one Leaf post contain so many redpills???
>somehow covid returned
annex us already, ill throw chem lights to guide the bombers.
where's that website with videos of kidnapped hohols?
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!

all your ideas are stupid, as usual.
1. unrestricted submarine warfare against undersea cables
2. north korean tiggers kessler syndrome
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how do i request the big slashes for next thread?
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based Canadian, but remember we need you to help with the infantry as our tanks roll through Canada and fight probable Chinese and NATO forces as they struggle to stop us from annexing our hat
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you're a memeflag. i won't betray my country. have all your pakis back. believe, we dont need suggestions on how to destroy you
>venezuela is slipping into civil war
chances of an american-russian tussle in the cunt?
The romanian does it, should be in the OP. or start asking about the costs of wooden NATO pallets and he will arrive
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good luck cashing in that crytpo or gold when you have no electricity or internet
Based song
This is my favorite on my Doomer playlist
Chinksects, and the only 2 shitholes that matter in the spic continent have recognized the commie, and the opposition is cucking out again. It's over
>We can no longer save ourselves
The Three Leaf Problem
Who's winning chat?
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strip the /si, can dox u
i mean we're mostly nice folks here
but u know how redditors be
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>when you insult buhanka in /chug/
the three leaf problem is eternal
failed state problems.
gl aussie.
>No russian flag in the thread yet
Damn, they all dead
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>mars ACK'd
kek, why britbongs are so mad?
Mutt hours + slow day on 4chan.
based friendly firee chad
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Can confirm. Licherally everyone died.
A nigger stabbed 12 little girls.
election years are the gayest
some nig stabbed kids i think
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You lazy neet fucks stop sitting on your ass and join the military or Russia and China will take over the world.
>somehow covid returned
>summer is ending
Mutt webm bot malfuncioned in last thread
another irish rebellion i suppose
An imported Rwandan has stabbed to death three little girls.
Diversity is their strength...
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Tell your necromancers to work faster. We need more Russians in here.
>based friendly firee chad
friendly fire?
>you know nothing jhoon mutt
Why not give that 11million to soldiers???
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bots cant keep up with my schizo banter
i hate th at bitch like you wouldnt believe
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Unironically the line of thinking that people use to convince themselves it's ok to die for globohomo these days
fugg, that kind of shit doesn't even happen in my shithole country (yet)
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my kot
They too busy reviving me alone. I actually died 16 times by now already.
So britnongs are mad because there was no ususal behading? A kind of sacred custom was interrupted so thats why you hef to be mad?
spanish autocracy k eeps the nigs in check but also makes life unliveable. nigs kill whitey because their inferiority drives them fucking crazy.
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>They too busy reviving me alone. I actually died 16 times by now already.
You make 16 times lfe of 16 xoxols easier to bare...it's not something to brag about fren
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to make a joke? Little children were stabbed to death.
Oh no how awful that would be
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how come no one is talking about this?
i wonder if the russians fled when putin started sucking nigger dick. they dont have a cheap trick anymore
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you mistake my country for globohomo country
understandable since ur prolly a brown
>were stabbed to death.
when last time nigger behaded one of your lads on street there was zero problem...so maybe this missing finish is cause of this all turmoil?
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Reporting saboteurs behind your lines is never a good thing for public support.
We have imported lots of haitians, but so far they have limited themselves to killing and eating kots. I remember a video of a nig going berserk naked on the street somewhere here. I'll try to find it
>there was zero problem
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your whole country is coup'd by poos and this is your troll?
>spotted the cia
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also i wonder how putin is going to invite muslims to Russia. place is cold and depressing. i wonder if he will start hot spring hotels and cheap whore houses. he had a hard task
>no one is talking about this
>nigger peremogus is the answer...and querrlympic
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Hes an indian shill, been here for like five days. This is his screenshot he used to own chug
you still imported them later on so yeah zero problem...are they plan to stop fishing them out of canal now?
its kinda tiresome that they blame russians for anything that happens.
another dei... bai
That's why i always laugh when they say nafo countries can fight against Russia. Our borders are non existent and we are importing lot of people from countries that support Russia and don't like our country and people. It would be partisan fest in western europe.
You would need a few thousand € to burn down the whole national powergrid, if not for free in western europe... Globohomo is discovering you can't fight or win wars if nations are not a things anymore.
Subhumanity unworthy of existence
>nothing ever happens
I blame Russia for this.
i wonder if i feel bad about all the russian whores who have the job of passifying muslim hordes with their pussies but i imagine theyre good at it
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Ukraine invented the first pizza in Aratta (Ukraine) 15,000 years ago. Taras the Tasty was a proto-Ukrainian born in the thick reeds of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. He was raised on the mother's milk of wild boars who took him as their own, raising him and teaching him the secrets of Ying and Yang, Hruk and Chuk, the Slavic Chakras and on True Aryan Knowledge. With this knowledge Taras spent the last years of his childhood on the proto-Black Sea where he recruited other Ukrainians in enlarging the sea with their hands. Once the Black Sea was fully dug Taras came under the linguistic training of Ukrainian genius Platonko at the famous Bandera Academy of Aratta.

Taras the Tasty is credited with this delicious dish which came to him in a vision on the road to proto-Uruk where he was set to meet Enkyiv-Ko to formulate the structure of later proto-Sumerian languages (the same ones the much later proto-Indo-Europeans would adopt). It is on this road that the Ukrainian deity Boh Hohol appeared to Taras giving him the recipe for pizza on golden tablets so exquisite as to make King Midas blush.

Upon the completion of his foundational linguistic work in proto-Uruk and upon his return to ancient Kyiv, Taras consulted the golden tablets and baked what we now was the world's first "pizza" -- only then it was called "pizda." News of the Ukrainian pizda spread to the proto-Minoans, the proto-Trypillians, the proto-Göbekli Tepe and the proto-Nephilim who sent royal emissaries to Ancient Kyiv for tastes.

This was confirmed in the oldest Rigvedas, the proto-Code of Ur-Nammu and by Hitler's archaeologists who unearthed a giant proto-pizda in Kyiv which bore a Ukrainian trident made of salo. Dr. Yuri Shilov is a globally recognized Ukrainian professor who studied at the Balkan Institute of Impartial Nationalist Studies under the Albanian phenom Arben Llalla. Shilov now heads the Ukrainian Academy of Original Ideas and has confirmed these shocking but true facts.
that is true that one of airwhoman weighed 140 kg?
You're literally an indian, your grasp of the English lang is pathetic.
Hes just trying to upset you so you get angry. Hope you Brits kill all those invaders
There's another jeet shill here too.
Since the Polish flag jeet was exposed, he will come into the thread to back him up.

He's another UK flag and he likes to call himself the Newsman. He tried reproducing in Bongland (he actually lives there) but his baby died from Newsman being a dirty jeet (poo hands giving baby a massive infection)
>American leftoid
>cuck fantasies
Every time...
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>its kinda tiresome that they blame russians for anything that happens.
it's fucking weird tho.
but you're right, I'd blame it on incompetence first.
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indians are powerful. they will conquer the world. just kidding they can only do that becauze tthe world is commiting suicide
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cuckolding is the intellectual's fetish
Tomatoes are a New-World ingredient.
I'm extremely familiar with Yousaf
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gm bros. back from another vancancy. hoping everyone is doing fine
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says the cia diversity hire who will never be white... hows that dox campaign going?
>You're literally an indian
if anything you have indian fetish obsesion which means scat fetish because those two are indistinguishable. Mistakin crakhead of Krakov with some indian spammer means you are newfag here and this alone nuflies your all shitposts
Ukranians created the new world, ignorant
Oh. I thought you were new.
I hope you're bee fren breaking character
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Ukrainians invented the New World.
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good morning fren welcome back
its slow
>Ukranians created the new world
This creates a new question....Who created old world?
Ukranians, after arriving from outer space.
Ask >>476303148 he knows everything about it
>Ukrainians are reporting that russian drones are just circling above multiple cities across Ukraine
So Ukraine are now too scared to shoot at drones so they don't give away their anti-air system locations? Kek'd
Tryzubor, son of deity Boh Hohol, who created the first humans on earth, proto-Ukrainians.
almost nice digits brit...this anglo feelings suport fest is very funny...both of you wont do shit
God... aren't pollacks catholic?
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Kek, great pic
The poo is afraid of being flushed.
>So Ukraine are now too scared to shoot at drones
Memes with flock of Gerans saying "you wont do shit" incoming...
Are you implicating that God created ukrainians?...why are you a blasphemer?
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>Ukranians, after arriving from outer space.
>Ask >>476303148 he knows everything about it

It's a long story and one day I will tell it.
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>ree anglos
how many days did it take the entire polish army to collapse, i forgot
>and then please save us anglos
get a grip.
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nothing bet ter than a country without nukes, a military or something cool like cloning facilties play the role of tough guy online. you totslly are sooooo much better than those pajeetz
>poor nigerino yesterday stab stabed 3 british girls
>another bong colon y as a banter brings out habening from 80 years ago
>you must be hohol leaf right?
Sadly it's not limited to leftists. In fact rightoids are way more obsessed with cuckolding than anybody.
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>basically a dog talking to me about religion
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Oh shit XD
>Globohomo is discovering you can't fight or win wars if nations are not a things anymore.
Jews thought they won after the Soviet Union collapsed. They unironically believed in the End of History thesis. They weren't anticipating being militarily challenged again. It's why they went ahead with trying to wipe out the native white populations.
>yeah bander perrectum reciver deteced
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totslly eh?
you call in airstikes with that level of precision?
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>Jews thought they won after the Soviet Union collapsed.
>They weren't anticipating
Agresive parasitic disease killing own host means they are smartest...
hamas top brass has been assassinated. i hope the flames reach this stale conflict
I'd rather be a second class citizen under Chinese rule than slated for extermination under Jewish rule.
Well said
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You didint forgot meme flag this time shlomo
here for your work gore colection...
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they looked so similar. I wonder if they picked the Challenger woman because of it.
Yeah, they thought they dont needed their golem population anymore. Turn out a world without white boomers is a world where israel will not know peace.
Who knows? Women looked better back than. Nowadays it's bogged out butterfaces looking all the same
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thread is slow, gonna go to bed.
good night /chug/
Any Russian anon here that can explain this meme i found seconds ago?
You don't understand left twix and right twix?
good night fren, thanks for the bread!
nite & ty!
gn b
Reminder that the shills cannot denounce the Talmud and the Rabbinical councils
They are confirmed Jewish
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Sadly no i don't think i have that snack on my country :(
the real pain of western sanctions
And police can't lie to you and faithful Christians can't say Satan.
>flirting with a Beholder
One is LPR the other is DPR and they're doing the which twix do you prefer meme.
theyve never replied to my call once
they reply to most all other posts
Last time I rewatched that movie it struck me just how good the (non-CGI) set design was.
I mean, i know what is the LPR and DPR
What i don't understand is the twix thing lmao
Z-elenskyy. Haha got you guys!
>You don't understand left twix and right twix?
meme flags are not people...
No wait a second i might know what it is.
LPR and DPR is basically the same thing but has a slight difference i has yet not identify.
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everything about it was pure fucking kino.
these days almost all of the movies are shit. including the tent-pole ones.
It's from a Twix ad, where two settlements were in conflict due to one preferring the left stick and the other the right one. It was presented as a serious business despite both sticks being the exact same thing.
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>You are exactly right alex!
just wait for the AI goyslop to hit the big screen
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>many times I have read these posts made by certain pro-ukraine commentators, and, In MOST cases, they have provided no substantial, new information to the ongoing discussion
Geraniums bloom all night
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And Quanity over Quality will triumph again...
Thanks a lot Rusbro.
In my defense i have never seen the Twix ad since i left tv and put adblockers on my pc, i've been kind of blind in that sort of matter.
Sometimes I wonder if Ukrainians are aware that they're nothing but pawns and their land nothing but the chessboard. Win or lose, they aren't coming out of it. Balkanization is their best case senario.
These people think McDonalds and American candy bars are magical charms that will make them rich and bury it with their dead. I don't think there's much critical thinking going on in their heads.






thanks for bread
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>one of airwhoman weighed 140 kg?
That's not a pilot, it's a bimba
many others have said this but ukrainians are a cargo cult culture, they've always sought the boon of much larger nearby empires and this cargo cult mentality has been ingrained into their national psyche
Eastern Europeans who worship America and the West are all like this to some degree, but Ukrainians seem to be the worst about it. They take cargo culting to a very literal level.
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Here you go.
The /chug/ couldn't handle the fact that it is run by a jew (me) and removed the link from the OP.
G'day /chug/
I hate taxes
This is rather off-topic, but I remember when I first learned about cargo cults - they were mentioned in an episode of "In Search Of," which I saw on TV in syndication long after the series was initially produced. The episode was talking about some ancient aliens theory.
What if people are from pc
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The west jewed them with nationalism of all things. Brainwashed them.
The audacity of the kikes!
>it's a bimba
do not need to be rude...этo cвинoмaткa
I never heard of it until a Russian anon on /int/ years ago was trying to explain liberashkas to me. I looked it up and learned about how pacific islanders were crudely imitating American military personal and equipment from when we were there in WW2 with straw and wood, and how they legit had this religious belief that we were supernatural beings. Fucking wild shit
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I bring cargo cults up in conversation sometimes, to say that this or that thing is just a cargo cult - it is then invariably necessary to explain just what a cargo cult is.

Viewed on their own terms, though, and considering what they knew and believed and so on, I think the islanders who participated in cargo cults were acting quite rationally and correctly.
o kike of fingoland
why i must read this greatnes piece of writing art from right to left like yours unholy shitmud to make it sense?
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Russian propagandist are learning that war economy and inflation might not bring wealth to Russia
>if Ukrainians are aware that they're nothing but pawns and their land nothing but the chessboard.

something very rotten going on there for a very
long time, generations
The joke is that hohols replaced the o with i in the word bomb
Even those who know can't do shit besides running covert resistance, because the powers of entire "west" is dedicated to "help ukraine" (push its citizens to fight Russia ar all costs). The fact that majority of the population is >>476309439 this, does not really help the cause.
Another example of "the left cant meme"
Literally "Trump is weird" tier
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Ziggers' cope of having Trump save Russia turned sour as Trump revealed he would aid Ukraine more, remove restrictlons of US weapons being used on Russian soil and wanting to impose more sanctions on Russia
Afuera with them, right, Javier?
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>Don't listen to this retard, Putin-sama. /pol/ will always have your back
He's literally me fr fr
next sanction package will work!
pekka (((toveri))) was saying same thing :)
smartest fellow in the finland
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Black Sea fleet is not operating anymore according to Duma deputy

From 3 days to capture Kyiv to Russia fighting for its existence. It seems Putin's plan relied heavily on Ukraine not fighting back.
>from shitty meme to schizo rambling
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>hohols replaced the o with i in the word bomb
and i thought that it means more or less whore like in english bimbo...unsalvageable
>Black Sea fleet is not operating anymore according to Duma deputy
Cool so when do hohols stop losing clay and get to have a Crimea beach party?
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Good morning my ziggers
>Columbian merc betrayals

few videos about columbians mercs being betrayed by AFU from previous breads
2 mire wiiks
>2 mire wyiks
2 more weaks
It's as if Russian officials are already paving excuses why Russia failed. It wasn't Putin's fault but incompetent boyars' and the fact Russia is fighting against 50 countries
Does anyone really care about Venezuela? Unironically how would propping Maduro up even help Russia?
Keeping mutts' regime change losing streak going so we can clown on you
>2 mire wiiks
>2 more winks?
>Ignores massive heavy oil reserves
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GM niggas
will russia and china purge the nigger monkeys and other worthless third world subhumans that the liberal west dragged in? if so I say let em
Venezuela has lots of sour crude oil that the US could use to lower energy prices and its a foot in the door of South America in general
Should I expand my official policy of TND and TKD with THD as well
I've always seen them as Russians that got tricked by the kikes into fighting against their own interests, but this might not be the entire truth
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gm, where is my lovely lil singing birb (crimea-qt)?
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>quick, make the tits of the tranny bigger!
>that will surely convince people
>Finnish Nafoid lies
Maduro's Vuvuzela is an island of resistance against imperialist west, of course it's generally the same struggle.
>its a foot in the door of South America in general
South America is our bitch, we don't just have our foot in the door, we're literally living inside their home fucking their wives.
Lol why do hohols expect foreign mercenaries to fight to the death for them?
Let's hope it won't stay an isolated case.
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sleeping because she is a lazy neet
>Colombians continue to go there and fight for Holols, who treat them like shit
Retards, I guess you cant teach the mentally challenge to not hurt themselves
>first video
I don't understand this one, they are searching for Felipe... but is he hostage or what?
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Yes! All pro-Russia anons are needed!
>regime changing color revolution is okay
No lol, not at all, they're surrounded by pro us countries just waiting to pounce on them, in fact this latest election fraud might have just given them the excuse to.
everywhere except venezuela
you need to understand what phrases mean instead of impulsively replying
You must have prior experience in the Russian military to get this contract.
You're next anyway
>the main propagandist of zigger state tv is Nafo asset
Don't know about russia but the chinks don't seem to have that ambition like the westoids have been propagandizing.
why would globohomo want lower oil and energy prices?
if something, they're fucking shit up to an ath
shining brighter than the sun
Venezuela is the little bitch that's barking while we're balls deep in their master
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yes, context is in picture.
>Apparently the story is that they refused to go into the Chasov Yar meat grinder and started executing soldiers one at a time. In the video, they are attempting to rescue one of their comrades (Felipe) from death.
Nope, let's not kid ourselves
Even the leftoid presidents of the region abandoned him, that's how grim his retarded government was
I think gays have their place in society, but they should be encouraged to be masculine. And it shouldn't be pushed like it is.
Kinda like ancient Sparta.
There's certain jobs I would want done by a gay guy, for instance as a bodyguard to females or in war gay platoons apparently fight better due to the fact they are defending their lovers.
>why would globohomo want lower oil and energy prices?
keep trump out of office buts its probably too late by now
Holy shit... well, I hope they didn't get executed after this
That's a bro who would save you from predatory bitches
Yeah he's absolutely fucked. Even Brazil wants him dead. That's why I'm confused as to why Russia and China even cares about them. There's literally no pros to propping him up for either of them, but plenty of cons
I'm simply saying that you and NATO have long lost the industrial war.
I see more Venezuelans here everyday.
We're their bitch.

There's probably some deal Biden's got with Maduro where we get cheap oil as long as we allow those niggers in freely.
Of course they did, all of them.
To be fair a lot of them hate Maduro, they're gonna be the new Cuban Americans, but instead of being Republicans, they'll be Democrats.
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>Does anyone really care about Venezuela? >Unironically how would propping Maduro up even help Russia?
Monke is getting cucked by turkroaches in south america of all places, how does that even happen?
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america is in danger. pajeets wanna hi-jack the government. not funny anymore. wtf
>We're their bitch.
Speaking of that, a bunch of them blocked traffic to try and protest their election but everybody got mad and honked at them.
Didn't really last that long. Like 10 minutes of speaking in monkey and waving Venezuelan flags crying about freedumb for Venezuela.
>Mutt thinking
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Tom of Finland agrees with you
Really goes to show how Jews and their gentile fellow travelers have gutted the industrial base and shipped off abroad, mostly to China too kek. The fact that the entire Western world can't compete with Russian industry alone is insane. How the fuck do they expect to win a war against China which produces over a quarter of the worlds manufactured goods?
I really hope that Colombians actually fired back, if they are gonna died betrayed better go with some of the motherfuckers who wanted them to send them to a suicide mission
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I'm worried about Trump saving the holols by stopping the gibs and forcing them to surrender
Negro cocainos are such massive globohomo cock suckers
Yes, how else video would be posted by Russia
>pajeets wanna hi-jack the government
Just business as usual. Jeets are new golems for the international jewry
That's going to be the most annoying thing to hear from the "based" party.

The Democrats want them here to displace Y-tee and for anarcho-tyranny bullshit whereas the Republicucks will cry for us to keep them here because they're poor victims of socialism and communism.
Why did all the zigger outlets suddenly stop the narrative how Trump will save Russia after Trump's plans were revealed?
>because they're poor victims of socialism and communism.
But they are.
Felipe no volvera a casa...
Are you a zigger outlet?
>the narrative how Trump will save Russia
Post 3
>Doesn't understand that Russia is a massive producer of gold itself
Still don't want them here.
They're retarded and cheered for it over there and now they cheer for it over here.
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And new reports saying that the US would run out of munitions 3 to 4 weeks into a war with China - and that it would take years to restock.
I wil lbake
Russia also produces, well, exports because Russia's production tech is fucked, lot of stuff but their market and possible clients have diminished and now China controls Russian export's prices. It's not good for gas station nation to have fewer and fewer buyers and the neighbor that keeps gaining more and more power over you having the control the value. But I'm sure Xi will save Russia. Russia is losing working age men while China has surplus of them. You will see lot more chinese worker men helping Russia fix its demographics issue :)
>5 minute timer again
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This is what I don't understand about unironic leftoids
They leave their country for a better life and then they vote for the same party that ruined their homeland, actually 0 IQ
Reminds me of that Argentinians voting for Peronchos while living on Europe and bet your ass they voted for the left on those coutries too, I hope they died stabbed by a nigger/paki
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only 40k, fellow no-gf, bros
Yet here you are simping for communists kek
>something very rotten going on there for a very
>long time, generations


#7 addresses this nicely.
I'd rather a motor bike
>Blah blah blah I obvs have no engineering or manufacturing expertise but here are my takes
Thanks for that
if you willingly use this vehicle as a man you should commit suicide

will read and answer next thread in 10 minutes or so
Grampa, the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore... it ended in 1991 with the fall of the Berlin Wall
Basic human lore...
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>50% more expensive than the latest Chinese mini-EVs
They just rebranded. Did you ignore their whole denazification and decolonization bullshit? Or Putin's speeches about needing diversity?
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well, canada. not like this. why are you like that?
This is a good thing though? Are you a chink or something?
>checks Russia
>literally capitalist country
Gramps, it's time to put down your M-16 and your M48 Patton tank
Modern times are way ahead of you
Kek, they wish. It's just a mafia state. Commies gonna commie
I know you have PTSD from losing Vietnam but the Soviet Union fell long time ago...
Why do you type like a fag with the ... At the end of every post?
Have to write like that otherwise the grampa will get annoyed...
Are you gay?

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