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Previous: >>476314253
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Air raid alarms

Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Black Bird Group

Livemap (Hohol)


ISW (neocons)


More maps:
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>Columbian mercs betrayed by AFU
>Su-25 destroyed by Lancet at Dolgintsevo
>Unpublished footage from 1st day of Avdeevka assault on Waste Heap (volume warning)
>Roasted Leopard Kurakhovsky direction
>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification

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>>And once again, no matter how much fan fic the UN shitskin writes, the map keep showing gains
truth, bro. Russia's chosen to invest in actual war fighting materiel rather than memes and Twitter bots. They've ceded the vast plains of Wikipedia, forsworn the AP-Reuters mines and focused on killing their enemies.
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Monke's chimpout was a nothingburger again
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American train fail in Iowa.
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Reminder to all the shills.
>Russia humiliated by this Special Ed operation and by niggers in Africa
>Maduro fled Venezuela
>Hamas leader assassinated in Tehran
Looks like things are not looking so hot for the new axis power lol
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
>Three military experts with knowledge of the figures said that Kyiv had been drafting up to 30,000 people a month since May, when a new conscription law took effect. That is two to three times more than during the last winter months, they said, and about the same number that the Russian Army is recruiting each month. That figure could not be independently confirmed.
Hrukstate pov on Toretsk-New York agglomeration
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i ordered a buncha these, big ole variety box and some Hawaiian tuna jerky
it will go good with the maltiest beer i can find






thanks for bread
Why go 6km Norther when you can go 16km West and cut East and South.
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Thanks for the bread!
Any recent news?
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fug :D
I wonder if Israel stopped existing would all the shills stop existing.
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Oh look the kike shills have clocked in
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Thanks for bake
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Oops forgot about Israel airstriking the Hezbollah leader in Beirut

Jesus Christ, imagine being an anti-semite lmao. Must be malding right now
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large drone attack on queef, but no videos yet
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>Maduro fled Venezuela
Worse, he is being friends with a HATO country
Looks like the Chasiv Yar crossing might have failed but I hear things about a "greatest counter offensive" at Zapo. They will have to pull troops from somewhere.
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And this to next OP
>Hohol Tochka-U Missile self-destructs during launch
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just a reminder, russia will get 90's again and this time 10x fold for the next 50 years+
enjoy your youth being fucked by chinks 0.05 rub a piece :D
are we still cocky?
Benis? :D
They had any left?
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did one of the ukrainian crewmen misgender the missile? not very nato democracy of them lmao
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So apparently... yukraine has "strength" to "achieve it's goals"
-Volodymir Zelenskike
Good to know!
A troops still getting trained in NATO countries?
Damn, I loved Malinovka map music in WoT
Reminder, no poocoins for for poobengali and his litter of poojeets.
added, thanks for sharing
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Another peremoga, another zrada
Another spoke on the wheel of saṃsāra
Turkish President Erdogan:

I strongly condemn and denounce the treacherous assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. It is a despicable act targeting the Palestinian cause, and Israeli terrorism in the region must end.
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The true Tribe of Israel, the original Jews, hail from the steppes of ancient Ukraine. A Ukrainian tribe known as the "Cossacks of the Covenant" were an ancient people and unique among all. They were chosen by the one true G-d "Hishem" who decreed that Ukrainians are the direct descendants of the blood of Yakiiv. The Holy Tryzub symbol connects Ukrainians to Hishem (which later Christians stole and rebranded as the heretical Trinity).

The Cossacks of the Covenant were guided by rabbi Moshe Mykola who wielded a holy matzo ball sling made of congealed foreskins taken from the enemies of the true tribe of Israel. The Cossacks used their favor with G-d to create a society of talmudic wisdom and such was their wisdom that Hishshem told them to spread morality to all, to bring Tiikkum Hoylam on earth and to the guide the hoyim to a life of meaning (where there previously was none). With such heavy moral responsibilities Ukrainians didn't work or plow; they simply sat back like an effendi and ate while the hoyim and payed 43% compound interest.

But peace in the chosen land was disrupted by the terrorists known as Hymiz, who drove the Ukrainians into the Black Sea where they swam aimlessly for 40 years. This period is marked as The Great Ukrainian Exodus from the chosen land which Hishem had promised them. It was almost another shoah and after barely surviving for 40 days and 40 nights eating nothing but foreskins and drinking nothing but that which could be extracted via Metzitzah b'peh... the Cossacks set their sights on Jeriisaliim.

It was a miracle! The Holodomorocaust was averted! Hishem showed mercy upon his people. The Cossacks finally arrived in Jeriisaliim carrying with them their foreskins, the Golden Tryzub, and a contingent of hoyim cattle (1,400 for every chosen Ukrainian). Ukrainians then became known as the Israelites and Jews that we know today, but the true origin of the Jews is rooted in their ancient Ukrainian Cossack heritage.

Slava Hishem!
Don't think so. Except pilots for LEGO f16
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i hate pajeets
The goal is THD so he's right
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Good idea tovarish, keep radicalizing the locals and make them declare a holy war against you like last time
russia did too
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>A Ukropian instructor of immesurable intellectual capacity decided to demonstrate the harmlessness of an antitank mine to his students, who happened to be freshly recruited straight out of prison, by jumping on it.
Unfortunately, the mine was not aware it wasn't supposed to detonate on contact with porcine entities, and, correspondingly, it exploded.
>Why go 6km Norther when you can go 16km West and cut East and South.
por que no los dos? They're putting massive pressure on the supply lines, forcing them to choose between defending Pokrovsk, the transit and supply hinge / hub and defending one of two MSRs to Konstantinovka and the Toretsk front.
And at the same time, they're pushing Kurakhovo AND they're going to make a play for Ugledar too.
And that's just this corner of the front.
Gerasimov needs to be promoted to Marshal after this is done.
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"Dozen pressure points" tactics is working fairly well if you ask me, people are speaking about Volchansk - Chasov Yar district fells apart, people are speaking about Chasov Yar - Toretsk breakthrough is happenning, people are talking about Toretsk - New York breakthrough is happening.
So yeah even Zaporozhie pressure helps.
>Russian Foreign Ministry: Those behind the assassination of Hamas leader were aware of the dangerous consequences this would have for the region — Reuters
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>harrysskkykykyky did you put a live anti tank mine in the goblet of conscripted prisoners?!
>dumbledoreskyykyyyykykykyyyykykyv said calmly detonating with the force of an anti tank mine
isn't this.impossible to happen since the detonator only activates at many hundreds of kilograms?
Nice hat, where can I buy one?
Economic situation in Estonia
>inflation rising
>still in recession
>prices are as high as the top 5 richest EU countries while income is low
>more taxes are coming, VAT rising next year, as if this years rise wasn't enough
>companies going bankrupt
>Sweden is squeezing every penny out from our pockets
>very few dare to invest in this shithole
>politicians making money out from all of the situation and then bailing themselves out from Estonia
>government wasting money on fucking climate projects and defense budget and getting kiked by fucking Saudi Arabia
>new laws on surveillances and protest crackdowns
>every single day kvetch about Russia
>people are kvetching over the situation but never taking any action due to our bloodline being an entire slave race
I fucking hate this country... I wish the war escalates into a world war so I can get the recruitment official position and send every pro-war escalating person and their entire family to the frontline meat grinder
dunno who sells them but they are 1 american penny, soley to make them out of reach for the jannies at their current salary
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in regard to the frequency of the recent impromptu bbq parties we have a message from some battalion commander



on the subbing side, should i try for a larger font size with more linebreaks or try and keep to one spoken sentence with a smaller font. obviously icba to fine edit the line breaks to fit the speech, its just automation.
He supposedly jumped on it
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everything will be daijoubu
Tell me little brave internet warrior.Do you do anything in your life other than seethe in this thread?Because you've been posting for 12 hours straight and im guessing you do that every day all day
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>The mobilization push has so far not significantly bolstered Ukraine’s forces on the battlefield, those people say. Many conscripts are still completing the weekslong training process and have yet to reach the front.
WEEKS-LONG TRAINING. For a war with Russia. Its like they're volunteering at an animal shelter or something. Holy fuck the meat arriving at the front line is going to get absolutely minced.
>Mr. Voytenkov, the press officer for the 33rd, said his brigade gave one week of additional training to conscripts to show them the weapons and armored vehicles that they would be using. After just the basic training, he said, “they are not ready to fight, honestly.”
no fucking kidding. The absolute state.
Arsons actually got even worse after this video
Stop being such a self hating zigger cock sucking faggot.
>large drone attack on queef, but no videos yet
Not to worry, they shot down all 89 drones and missiles, nothing to see goyim
thats the wrong question anon. the real question is just how much mass he had for it to achieve the necessary weight after a jump.

aint nothing like a little civil war enticement before the coming autumn.
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Did you vote for picrel?
>I wish the war escalates into a world war so I can get the recruitment official position
Anon, I...
Force = mass x acceleration. It's entirely possible that a decent sized guy wearing equipment jumping up and down might exert the same momentary pressure as a tank track.
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This coward is here 24/7 no matter the time or day i hope on he is here seething.
The only thing I know about Estonia is that you're the Lidl brand Finland except without wood and mines so you finance your gay globohomo projects by hosting shady offshore companies
What does Estonia even produce?
he got that pedophile tranny groomer phenotype goin on
Subs look great
>isn't this.impossible to happen since the detonator only activates at many hundreds of kilograms?
Assuming it's in perfect condition and manufactured to specs. In real life we have safety margins to avoid living on the edge, if a bridge can hold 60 tons we might set the limit to 40 etc
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Why hohols and mutts love jews so much?
Is this proof that doggos are better than kots?
Marvelous, total janny obliteration.
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Because hohols are khazars and mutts are golems. Both are kikes
Based and physicspilled
That's a border colie, it's likely smarter than the average poltard
I just heard Lukashitko pardoned that kraut sentenced to death
Being cucks I imagined he'll be exchanged or released eventually but this kind of cucking surprised even me
But even this is nothing compared to what cucktin will concede in peace negotiations
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And he does it for free
what treasures were inside?
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life is not daijoubu
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>NATO lost to Russia but Putin will save us
Have we reached bedrock cope?
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Look at this lil nigga.
Pallet niggers on suicide watch
Exchange for based guy that killed Chechen terrorist in Germany. And there are rumors about bigger exchange
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Cry about it türk
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looks cool
but what is the purpose of hiding missile in the turret?
The people may die but as long as the culture lives they can be recreated, by evacuating their museum to unknown location Ukraine have already won even if THD becomes reality.
So when is Russia going to take Kiev? It's been almost three years now
She cute. Even has a really nice cope cage around the vulnerable missiles. Did Best Korean engineers predict drone warfare?
I fucking wish

So far what I know is forest wood, mechanical parts and electricity.
Funny enough is that, we sell wool and wood to Finland and then buy the products that they've made out from it.
Don't talk like that
I have a feeling that this guy himself is going to be made an "exhibition" of, one of these days. Plus I heard that his command of spoken Russian in this clip is excellent. Irony.
>what treasures were inside?

goyslop and seed oils
Surprise missile.
2 weeks.
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>ukrainian culture
they are truly fucked arent they becuz their culture never exist
Give me a laser pen and I'll make any kot do 10x more impressive acrobatics
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4 months ago it was supposed to happen in 30 years
Now it'll happen in 2 years
Who knows what the timeframe will be 4 months from now
>only 3 posts from the UN fag
The pig is tired
>what is MacDonalds and Coke
Wait until the truck accidentally backs over them
I think the whole point of creating Estonia in the 90s was to cut Russia off from the Baltic Sea.
Estonian pro-Western oligarchs betrayed the Soviet Union for their personal gains because the Burgers with CIA payed them for that and promised that they will become rich.
They expected to milk Russia in the future by blocking access to the Baltic sea and collecting money simply for allowing Russia to have access to it.
But Russia was not interested in paying such a price, especially to a hostile pro-Western country.
Plus they've became a colony of America and imposed sanctions on Russia, ending all economic relations.
And, of course, Estonia threw away Soviet industry and factories as a bourgeois state.
Producing services without creating goods and expecting to take money from Russia for nothing is suicide.
Yeah they just sold everything as soon as they got the excuse
>20th century studio pottery
>in a museum
Is that a joke?
In case this wasn't obvious, a thin metal tube filled with explosives and propellant doesn't take kindly to being damaged. The turret protects the missiles against small-arms fire and shrapnel.
At least you pushed Kallas out to be everyone's problem
>we're Russian, okay?
>okay... what kind of Russian are you?
>Title Russian? Malorussian? Belorussian?
>Minks? Belorussian... what about you, where are you from?
>Tell em, Olya...
>Donetsk? The "Beating heart of Soviet industry", right?
>isn't that what they call it?
>why do they call it the "Beating heart if Soviet industry"
>i don't know...
>[chuckles] That's title Russian. It is title Russian, 100%
>what about you, where are you from?
>that's what i'm talking about. Russian!
>who's this guy hiding over here? what's your deal, where are you from?
>just open your mouth and tell me where're you from, just make sure its clear fucking Russian
>I'm f-f-from Lvov
>oh, Galicia *shot*
He's being jewish somewhere else in /pol/ due to recent kike activity
outside of bumfuck villages its difficult to find hohols with poor russian. at worst you will find the default 90iq stock that just cant help speaking like hillbillies, but no russian speaker would have trouble understanding them.
as for that exhibitionism fetish of his im not holding my breath, pig catchers having active for years now.
he is a jew who lives in israel
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i never saw S300 in a turret
Pushing people through nothing more than basic training makes them fucking useless. Liabilities who probably can't be used for anything else than manning forgotten sections of the front and/or driving logistic trucks.
Most likely is bullshit , I've never heard about any of these trainings involving live ammunitions neither. There's so many dummy training versions that this sounds like utter bullshit, an instructor being a fucking retard en jumping on a live version to test the detonator is so giga-retarded that it has to be propaganda. Although if it were to happen, I'm sure it would involve a ukrainian.
You balt-niggers are a weird bunch man. Do you even speak a different language or is it all dialect fuckery. All I know is that your main export, like ukraine, are escorts & corruption.
>I think the whole point of creating Estonia in the 90s was to cut Russia off from the Baltic Sea.
Don't look up which ethnicities were over-represented among early bolsheviks, worst mistake of my life
Same pig different stye
I did the maths on this. At this rate, in two months time, it's going to be in six more months. That is, around the end of February.
>Title Russian
First time I heard that term, I guess it's a more humble way to say Great Russian?
That's because the thing has tens if not hundreds of kilometers range, and it can be reasonably expectded not to be shot at with rifles and mortars, unlike the armored car.
Well, if you need to know:
"3 days" - HATO general
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Donbass beating heart of Russia 1921. Filthy timetraveling moskals
>титyльнaя нaция
i did my creative best
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Did someone mention the love of my life?
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They don't have detonators inserted, but still I wouldn't dump them like that
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But what about this
tbqh even if all of jewkraine were leveled entirely today, it would still be a nothingburger to me and I would still see p*tin as a cucked traitor faggot.
And that's with Donbass being an urban quagmire with defensive lines and cities everywhere
Futher west there's nothing to hide behind
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With Frieren-sama life is always MUFUUUU
Zaaaaamn, barren belter NATO roasties look like THAT?!
>just like
>lob rockets at them, okay?
>do it in volleys too
peak Soviet utility engineering desu
>Pushing people through nothing more than basic training makes them fucking useless.
especially when that "basic training" is four weeks at most. It's a bad joke. An African child militia would make short work of them.
daaaaaayumn, she used to be so much better
oh well, the wall...
We unironically need two more years for a total victory to happen at the current pace. Three at worst case.
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um, why do i have to die for israel's right to defend itself?
I thought that's the only reason the amerigolem is bred for
>you just do okay!
>t.lindsey graham
Up to 52km range... Surely it can't be that hard to understand that an armored car, which at the end of the day is a glorified technical, will be more in the line of fire than long range missile systems?
Who's running Egypt again?
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You shouldn't have spent all your salary on beer
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Usual AT-Mine fuse pressure is just 150 kg, so someone 80kg could potentially set one off
How a live AT mine made it into training is a very good fucking question
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yall got nothing on mommy Hidalgo tho
Cool it with the antisemitism.
>Remains undefeated
The same as who's running Australia.
cool antisemitism
Estonia as a country existed in the 1930s...
We wanted independence, but after that yeah, there was a vacuum. Top scums and thieves got out from prison, crime list erased and they went on mass buy, of course this whole thing reeked with mafia. All new soviet ships were sold, railway was sold (later bought back), factories were sold. And then those who scammed Estonia, they became the riches pigs there, including politicians. That's not all, then they've "nationalized" our electricity, infrastructure, transportation. The very big that dictate, how much we're gonna pay them, and added laws which politicians can work as an advisor (literally doing fucking nothing) to those "nationalized" companies and make more money. They are now the top guys and I wish the most cruelest deaths to their deadbeat children.

But I can say this, trade with Russia was and is essential. And those politicians made the most single fucked up move, which you could ever imagine. Cut off trade with Russia without having any backup plan. And we still don't have one. Now we're also cutting the electricity grid, guess what's gonna happen, higher electricity bills.
How many americans died when israel attacked all those iranian proxies in yemen, lebanon and syria all by itself?
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Reject horny.
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Kot. How are you doing?
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horse face
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stop watching... you know...
save it for caturday bros
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>tfw faced with a choice, buy booze for weekend or buy new steam game which I'll play for months
>buy game
>it's fun
>play all night, next day feel sleepy and groggy
Heh just like having hangover
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>How a live AT mine made it into training is a very good fucking question
It happens to the best of us
lol she should have better stayed in Estonia and suffer with everyone else.
Being "pushed" to Brussels for a high position in European Commission, after fucking our country up, is a dream which everyone wanted, getting out of Estonia and sucking our taxes dry. She will later have two fat pensions on her pocket
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>Heh just like having hangover
At least you still have your game
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>In 2023, the United States registered 995 rail fatalities and around 6,700 non-fatal injuries on the railroads.
Are people committing suicide by train or something?
You don't want terabytes of Senate gay sex tapes do you?
Your sacrifice will save the eyes of billions, now go over the hills and far away.
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I have my doubts that Iran will do something or start a war over Hamas leader assanation in Tehran.

They would bomb Syria/Iraq again and claim that "secret kike agent was killed there,revenge has been done"
Altough i'ld like a big war in middle east to derail NAFO money and weapons away from hohols i have my doubts in will happen.
What happened in picrel?
Hopefully next century, I really don't want my taxes rising to rebuild Kiev. Most useless city ever.
quite a few actually you dumb fucking kyke
Mutts still haven't get their shit together? I thought they fixed all their tracks earlier this year
>Please save me israel
>subservient d*gs waiting for their hand out
>based kot taking what is his by right
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>i have my doubts it will happen
i think iran is ready for war
but more importantly, i think israel wants war, netanyahu needs it to hold onto power
so, if this assassination doesn't lead to war, something else will
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kots are so much superior over the fur gopniks the dawgs are
Bro he does not need another cheeseburger
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Norwegian Home Guard soldiers were accidentally issued a live claymore from a crate of training mines which they managed to deployed and detonated against this old womans cabin while she was sunbathing on the deck.
The training claymores are blue.
>Need to hire in the Chinese
Fuck it, I want to FUCK Neco-Arc
we don't and cannot fix shit
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Why did this happen?
>controls are still fucked up
>takes months of training to master flying dynamics
checks out
Israel is like a mad dog right now: "Storming Gaza in 3 days", bombing Lebanon, bombing Yemen, threatening Iran.

It's fascinating how big war hasn't started yet, something with arabs i guess
>Altough i'ld like a big war in middle east to derail NAFO money and weapons away from hohols i have my doubts in will happen.
If Trump wins, it's guaranteed
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The west said they will not allow Kiev or Odessa to fall so cucktin backed out of them.
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What's going on with the Baltimore bridge btw? Did they start to rebuild it?
This is the unfortunate reality of our polity, failing upward to international positions so that no one in domestic politics has to admit giving support to complete morons
i dont remember 2002 looking like that but i get it
>Dagoth Ur fanclub
the what
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Very confused how this happens at all. Finnish dummy AT mines are recognizeable yellow disks, while the live ones are green. How does noone take a look at the color of the mine whilst setting it up?
Why are Dagoth Ur fags like this?
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>from Ukraine in 3 days to Israel will save us
Second strongest military btw
real nice thread. tnx for kallas qt. what an eyecandy she is
pls no kill me fsb when I visit
this is prolly how UN flaggot looks like
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>russian not knowing elder scrolls shit
I’m surprised. He’s the main villain from morrowind
best post
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"I guess they come in green now"
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what would you expect from zoomers
morrowind is a marker of a grown ass man not some yesterday's kindergarteners
>cucktin would rather sacrifice 38000 of his pawns and destroy hundreds of thousands of Russian families than use a single nuke
Speaks enough of him
>bethesdoid slop
>slopslop no friereddit
>How does noone take a look at the color of the mine whilst setting it up?
A lot of grunts and infantry are fucking retards. Barely more conscious than your average shipyard steelworker, construction worker warehouse clerk. Alternatively they were of the thinking variety and their monkey brain went
>I bet we get to finally see what a real claymore explosion looks like
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who in the fuck would make (much less join) his fan club? just call it the Sixth House ffs
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Thermal bomb Odesa military base
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There's a reason why claymores have a fucking "do not eat" warning.
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not off topic! and NO benis! enjoy beutiful 3D bros
2D > 3D lol
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According to Carl Schmitt, small nation-states are formed as a result of the collapse of empires and they immediately become pawns in foreign hands.
So there is no such thing as independence for small nation-states.
Ukrainians also thought they would get independence, but they became pawns for America instantly and their country is much bigger.
Sea powers like the US, Israel and Britain make slaves out of their colonies, land powers like Russia and China make provinces out of their colonies.
When you don't want to be a province for the land powers you become slaves for the sea powers.
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i prefer a well drawn 2d girl over an ai 3d girl… guess I’m old school
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He didn’t beat that shit he straight up murdered it
”Huh, guess they use metal for blanks now”
I’ve tried to play morrowind, got about three hours in total before I turned it off
You can really tell it’s from 2002
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comrades are posting off topic again, i just want to remind them this happened
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Makimafag's absence is markedly felt once again
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I have 1100 hours on skyrim and 300 on oblivion
Have you ever worked in a shipyard or drydocks? I think you'll find most grunts are grunts because they couldn't qualify for an actual trade.
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I don't have autism.
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>i prefer a well drawn 2d girl over an ai 3d girl
hyhyls are kill
>There's a reason why claymores have a fucking "do not eat" warning.

fucking murrifats, they eat anything
specially the niggers
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My condolences
>he doesnt want to eat plastic explosives
we are normal, its everyone else who is wrong
Yids are now protesting for the right to commit male rape. Saw some passionate government speech today of kike official offended he and his fellow kikes might not be able to rape as much as they normally do.

These yids be zesty. Gods chosen fags.
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that's something hitler would have said too, like two peas in a pod
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Do not eat the niggers
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not for the enemies of Russia
>Did they start to rebuild it?
rebuild it? LMAO
what the fuck are you talking about? we still haven't picked up the pieces of the old bridge
jap qt easy
the other hits the wall quite fast and becomes fat
We don't worship egypto-semitic gods here
well, no one wants a modern war
it's insane to want that
israel doesn't want it either, they want us to come fight for them
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Artsy nigger
Actually it's Brittany
The important question is
>How many hours installing and troubleshooting mods
fuck... need to go to donalds mac today
>>he doesnt want to eat plastic explosives
>we are normal, its everyone else who is wrong
I hope hyhyls have absolutely no power this winter
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Brave muslim warriors got FABed today but of course i dont expect anyone to care that some jihadi desert rats died
i need this to be made into a vidya game
They bought some from middle east.
>Artsy nigger
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>Brave muslim warriors got FABed today
no stopping there
the ram has touched the wall, no mercy
Shouldn't have went for the "surprise ied" option
Oblivion was a pain in the ass, but surprisingly Skyrim modding has become pretty streamlined now, just use Vortex and it’s just plug and play
Only some very radical changes require messing with the files
I don’t worship any gods at all. The only religion I have any respect for is Russian Orthodoxy, on the single fact that it hasn’t made Russia zesty like Israel is. If nothing else, religion should promote beauty and traditional morality—everything gods “holy land” lacks. I couldn’t care less about rabbinical sophistry and debating how many yids can dance on the tip of a needle.
2011 Skyrim is highly unstable, pissed me enough to buy the Special edition.
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>american parking skills
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>I hope hyhyls have absolutely no power this winter

we will have to give them some
and HU, and pooolackos too, but they love spread their asses for murrica, so its ok
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I hope North Korea finishes these casino hotel they were making
>When you don't want to be a province for the land powers you become slaves for the sea powers

That's not true, Russia both had provinces and slave states.
In any case, Russian culture and method of statehood doesn't provide the same prosperity as Western one.
China is an option, maybe even preferable to the West, but Russia always failed to win hearts of the people because life under Russian rule proved time and time again to be enormous disappointment ending up in poverty.
New shovel attack technology?
Assad wins again!
What about the "Druzhba" pipeline tho?
They are about to cut gas supply to Slovakia but you stil give them energy?
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The curse is truly merciless.
They have put their differences behind. That differences the anglokikes and amerijews exploited to create diabolical land called pissrael and they are now united against it.
>Assad wins again!

it's over
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>I wish the war escalates into a world war so I can get the recruitment official position and send every pro-war escalating person and their entire family to the frontline meat grinder
i understand your anger but more war is their goal and you will be in a trench not in the recruitment office
always hate the plebs but never forget that the plebs are commanded from above and those who command them will go unpunished
dprk has casinos?
>beat that mission first try
I'm just built different
>hamas and hezbollah are on the ropes in the middle east
>maduro is on the ropes in venezuela
>wagner is on the ropes in mali
russia needs a win
probably americans telling them to do that :)
they're not very smart.
EU/Czech Republic spent something like a BILLION dollars on all kind of "weapon-looking" trash from ME.
>What about the "Druzhba" pipeline tho?
>They are about to cut gas supply to Slovakia but you stil give them energy?

i dont take responsibility for our idiot politicians
i would have cut them off immediately,
but our guys are morons still
That's the fucking MSR for that whole part of the line
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Russia bad
They are literally gaining land every week, retard-chama
Chinese cartoons good
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It's been a good year in the trade, bros
Dude, you get Kamala
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i wonder what viktor is doing
amazing trade :)
Because you’re a yid in your heart of hearts. Russia never was and never will be a mercantile society. Vast riches are celebrated in the west, in Russia excess materialism is looked at with disdain—easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man into the kingdom of God.”

Most people are spiritual Jews, as you are, naturally as a U.S. colony you take on its values. And if you were in America you’d believe in the prosperity gospel.
That movie is pure Nicolas Cage KINO
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Anon, that might not be the best place to go gamble.
>The reason I'll be released is the same reason you think I'll be convicted. I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile, sadistic men calling themselves hyhyls today. But most of these hyhyls are the enemies of your enemies. And while the biggest arms dealer in the world is your boss - the President of the United States, who ships more merchandise in a day than I do in a year - sometimes it's embarrassing to have his fingerprints on the guns. Sometimes he needs a freelancer like me to supply forces he can't be seen supplying. So. You call me evil, but unfortunately for you, I'm a necessary evil.
changed three fucking words
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Orchestra got revenge against malinigs?
baker ?
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Prosperity of Sea powers comes from taking labor results, property and resources from someone else for free and miking their client states.
Burgers are buying property in Argentina and Ukraine for 1$ now just because they put their puppets in power there.
Also Sea powers are located on the islands and they avoid wars every time, so geography is important.
No, kinetic energy=(velocity^2*mass)/2
Assuming a fully grown swine with equipment will easily pass 100 kg, it's not that far fetched.
Not to mention questionable quality of equipment piggers have, especially with no or faulty maintenance and/or bad warehousing.
>sacrifice 38000 of his pawns
I thought it was 6 gorillion?
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hey man, anyone forwarded these videos, the newer ones, to the colombian consulate general? this is fucked up, but I bet the mercs would have a much higher chance of surviving if a consulate was informed...i would but me and Samerican countries don't get along too well
This would be the best opportunity to buck break israel.
There might never come a time where burgergolem is spread as thin as now.
And with upcoming election and the resulting divisions, the response time and quality might be more lacking than it would be at pretty much any other time.
Really hope Iran takes this golden opportunity.

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