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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Everyday I see hot Polish teens fucking the most despicable looking Negroes .. even subhuman Pajeets.

I'm furious inside and I'm considering more extreme options here.
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there are clubs in Poland where they don't let white men in, only black women, white women and black men
maybe you should get some bitches
>maybe you should get some bitches
how? i'm white, not exotic at all. Polish media is 24/7h about BBC and sexy niggers
Imagining what their children will look like gives me shivers. Probably like something out of a Lovecraft novel.
I don't
if they're so standardless that they would fuck some random nigger from another country, what does it say that they don't even look at you? Maybe you're the problem anon
That doesn’t stop you from shilling for Ukraine though
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He's not. Poland is the fucking incel central of Europe. Anyone except polish men gets laid here.
women have amazingly peculiar taste in men
She looks like a solid 7 too. It's such a cope when you guys say it's only the uglies who go black
i think incels in every country say that
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Pajeets are coming here for sex tourism.
Even Blacks flee from Blacks.
They never stay around other Blacks.
They never date them or marry them or think they're attractive in any way.



at least you're not speaking russian
This sounds like a brain damaged / drunk /
dreaming of some shit their retarded refugee brain
thinks would upset White poles. But failing miserably.
>if they're so standardless that they would fuck some random nigger from another country, what does it say that they don't even look at you?
Polish women hate us. You know why? Because we're the most matriachal nation and we've always treated them like queens.
Now, someone would think that women would respect that but they just think we're weak cucks and go for aggressive rapist black negroes.
Women only want two types of men, White Chads and ugly Non-Whites, everyone else is subhuman in their eyes. My god, I fucking hate women so much
damn i didn't realize this was such a specific cultural issue
Slave with slave
You realize this shit has been going on even 20 years ago? We had Black male/White female only clubs back then. It got only worse now

Pic is typical AD in Poland
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Poland is called Thailand of Europe in the blackpill and incel spheres. It's so fucking over I have no words to express how much I hate this shithole and its people. But at least I'm not speaking german.
HHAHAH No wonder the poles are on here every night lashing out at Muslims talking about how Christ is KANG. As long as they are Christian is okay right????
>No wonder the poles are on here every night lashing out at Muslims talking about how Christ is KANG. As long as they are Christian is okay right????
I'm agnostic - don't care about god. if he exists, fuck him in the ass anyway
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