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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You have to admit, mestizas can be very attractive. And your kids would be damn near white enough. Also they worship us nerdy white guys.
ja sam ženina kuja poslušna od 0-24, trebalo je dugo da je opustim i da stvarno želi to, a sada svakodnevno oče da joj ližem guzicu i postao sam njen wc,
obožava mi sjediti na licu dok je moj jezik u njenom šupku, pa ako slabo ližem mi nateže jaja do bola digne se s mene počne me triskat i pljuvat i govorit da oče intezivno lizanje šupka, često zna mi vezat glavu za njenu guzicu obožava mi prditi u usta i pišati i tjerati da sve gutam, obožava me nositi na povodcu i kaišat me dok ne pristanem na sve, tjera me da pišam u čašu i daje da pijem, svako protivljenje su šamarčine, toliko se opustila da mi je počela radit strap on, naravno sav dildo koj mi izađe iz šupka moram ustima čistit, obožava da joj noge perem jezikom, svako jutro joj moram lizati guzicu dok se ne razbudi donesti joj kavu u krevet pa ju masirati,
usred dana kaže oču da puziš zamnom po kući sa nosom u guzici, snifat češ moje prdece, kad su joj oni dani u mjesecu i kad ju stomak kida dajem joj višesatno lizanje šupka,
i tako je ijepo sve to, a najbrutalnije je bilo neki dan sjedi ona meni na licu naravno sa dupetom (pičku joj nesmjem pipnut) i kaže ona meni kako bi bilo da mi pojedeš govna? Ja sa prigušenim glasom iz guzice govorim ne ne ne, a ona uzme kaiš sveže mi glavu za njene guzove i kaže ajde pa ti si moj psić moraš slušati, i kaže otvori usta i preestani lizat, kad sam osjetio kako mi govna ulaze u usta a ona se smije i kaže oču jezikom da mi očistiš cjelu guzicu inače se ne mičeš, ona govna koja su mi ispala iz usta ona uzme i natrlja po nosu jeziku i kaže dok ne bude sve čisto ima da pod ližeš, i onda me uhvati za kosu i kaže aj da lakše gutaš otvori ta usta da ti se ispišam pekmezu mali, i od onda skoro svaki dan joj čistim dupe nakon nužde
Njena želja je da me veže da gledam kako ju nekolicina muških jebe
She looks like shit without makeup. Try Desi
Do women have souls? Just look at those dead eyes. How many Jewish cocks did she have to take before landing some background role in a shitty tv show.
Scheiß Jugo.

Desi chicks? Some aren't bad, little too dark for my taste though. They would be my 2nd choice if I failed with a mestiza/
This is NOT political you fucking coomers
Go to /b/
i just want to breed her
>we need more slaves
>we need more consumers
>we need more foreskins
that's not mestiza, that's probably castiza
Actually a lot of Mexicans are white. Those Spanish conquistadores conquered the fuck out of Mexican pussies and conquered their wombs for spain because half of Mexico is as white as my 100% German ass is.
As someone who spent a number of years living in San Diego among a very high percentage of Mexican people, I can say without reservation that they are fine, decent people and there is nothing wrong with intermarrying and breeding with a cute latina. Some hardliners might bitch about race mixing but I'm a centrist and I don't care who you fuck. Find love. Be happy.
That is a Castiza with royal blood in her veins.
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You cant run OP
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Castiza or Mestiza De Sangley is vastly superior

Somewhere between mestiza and castiza, not that there is a difference. She isn't white.
there is a difference and you're retarded
Don’t you mean castizas

25% non european, 30 or 40% non european who cares? Who is counting?
A shit skin is a shit skin. I don't care enough to split hairs over how brown they are
>esse I am Castizo not Mestizo
>saar I am Brahmin not Dahlit
Pajeet of the south
the only thing that matters is Caucasoid, Negroid, or Mongoloid. Castizo are Caucasoid, Mestizo are Mongoloid. White has no actual meaning.

They need our superior white seed to give them more white babies
White means 100% European. I don't care if they call themselves castizo or mestizo as long as they don't call themselves white
Race mixing is wrong
>damn near white enough
You retards act like nobody has ever been in a Walmart before. We've seen what "white" is.
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I think more important than the specific percentages is culture. If you look at the typical Mexican family they tend to be very Catholic and friendly. They cook great food. They like to party. They are generally a good, hard working people. Maybe a bit less intelligent on average but being a big-brain isn't everything. They have heart. The culture of Mexican and Mexican-American people is highly compatible with Western values compared to a culture like Islam which I consider entirely incompatible with Western values. Islam is sword to jihad against all non-muslims so no matter what they say, you know they are an enemy you can never trust. It's literally in their bible to betray us and so we really shouldn't let any muslims into the USA ever at all. Not even one. Islam should be banned in the USA and all who practice Islam should catch a plane ticket to any muslim nation and leave. Permanently.
Too contaminated.
Hey hey hey they got her mewing.
Pajeet of the south
>saar I am descended from Cortez. I am Castizo not Mestizo!
>White means 100% European
You think /pol/ would agree on that?
>ana de armas

lmao, she´s 100% Spanish.
Her family ran away to cuba 100 years ago and didn´t mix with the nigger filth on that island.
fwiw iirc she's spaniard, both parents but born in cuba
there's a spanish word for pure spaniard born in the new world but I forget it. starts with a C I think
Mexicans are clannish and nepotistic scumbags on average. Some of the dudes are bros but so what? Doesn’t mean we should replace our society with them.

nobody from cuba is 100% spanish
They are Pajeets of the South bro. If they wanna go back across the border great.
criollos is what I was thinking of

Its called a crillo/a but nobody really is one, its just what whiter looking mestizos like to call themselves. But if you did a DNA test you would find other things.
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You can date a woman of any race and use IVF to insert a 10/10 White girl egg into her uterus and have 100% White children
Idk about the actress. Spics in america need to go back. Spainiards can go to Spain
there were a lot of people born in south/central america born to two spanish or european parents who were first generation immigrants. not so much anymore
Lmao. I make fun of other races but this is pathetic. You can see the outrage on her sons face

The spanish themselves aren't proper white. They are european sure but not white like an anglo saxon, dane or norwegian.
"White cubans" are often more likely to have hidden negro ancestry than native ancestry.
t. coon
>this is how mestizos see themselves
that's insane
what's your definition of white?
You are just describing human beings. Nothing about that is particular to Mexicans.

Northwest European, protestant. Meds and slavs are Europeans but not "white".
Ana De Armas isn’t mestizo, she’s white you retard.
Go back to India
Has she taken a DNA test to prove she has no native or negro ancestry? You can never trust anyone from Latin America
lol that's retarded
In a small room with no ventilation or A/C. You want to smell what you're stirring up.
what an unflattering image. how old is this lady? she looks like she already hit the wall
Her parents are from Spain, which is in Europe.

She was born in Cuba, but her parents are Spanish (European.)

It’s not hard but I know mutt brains are small.
She's hot, therefore white. Shrimple as.
No her parents are both cuban. Stop simping for spics
you wignats are so fucking stupid
I should add they’re from northern Spain also, the actually white part which was always Christian.

Southern Spain is where you see the Islamic rape babies from the Al-Andalus caliphate.

Imagine thinking this woman is even close to 100% European
except those that moved recently and didn´t fuck the mixed natives.

If I move to the US and keep having kids with Romanians and they have kids with Romanians there is no point where my family becomes American.

This happened btw, a century ago.

>pljuvat i govorit da oče intezivno lizanje
did you just throw together some random consonants and vowels, assign meaning and call it a language? because that's what it looks like. probably sounds even worse.
This tbqh.
wierd incel post
You can find women that look like this in Italy, Spain, Romania.. Not with the gigastacy jaw but similar.
You can say she is an attractive white passing woman. But she isnt white
There’s more than one type of European subgroup. Her parents are from northern Spain, which is a white subgroup. They don’t look like Nords, but they’re still European. Much like the northern Italians.
I just found out that portugese people aren't white. Deport them to mexico.
Eh, Ive met my family from Spain and compared to the other locals (my family on that side are Celt-Iberians/Gauls right on the border of France) they look really White and red-haired. The other Spaniards look a lot like Arabs with a different accent.
The Arab looking ones are from southern Spain which was colonised and raped by Arabs during the Al-Andalus caliphate.

Northern Spain (then called the kingdom of Navarre) remained Christian and resisted Arab occupation. That’s the region where her parents came from.
But what about the Steppe and EEF DNA in modern Europeans, anon?

Meds are a tainted race. Yes, there are some "white" people in north spain and north italy, but they are rare.
I used to live in San Bernardino and I fucked so much Mexican pussy. It's the easiest place for a white guy to get laid. I'm not even a Chad either.
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>point out jeets and spics are the same race and need to gtfo
>some spic-jeet seethes and starts trying to divide and conquer whites

They want our genes, and they will put up with our medium sized cocks, unlike white women who demand huge cocks
Still looks like some of it got in there in her case.
imagine thinking spain is not in europe.
>And your kids would be damn near white enough.

Or they could just be fully white if you do not have them with some disgusting non-white goblina.
You wigtards already began that with your reatrded taxonomy when you yourselves started to exclude Europeans themselves from Whiteness and “actually” European category.
Is that nazi mommy?
but what about the feet?

(and the hands too)
He's just describing his in-group. It's unfortunate that he can only semi-articulate it in terms from inappropriate spheres like taxonomy or theology, but he is referring to something real. He'd be better off just talking about ethnic and geographic things. He means North-Sea (Celto-)Germanics. It's a bit stupid to call my nation "non-white", when we were among those to first make such distinctions as we sailed around the planet, but he is welcome to have an identity that doesn't include me. It would be ideal if he understood that his demarcation exists in an interlocking web of others, each with their own hierarchies, cores and peripheries, but most people can't think that much, and it's not worth wasting mental energy getting bothered about humans being human.
You are a fucking retard, anon.
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I think she’s just a courteous question asker.
The stupid thing is, you can find them in England and Germany too, among pure natives. It's just that sailing over the ocean and living among blacks, Red Indians and then receiving exotics from parts of Europe far from the Anglo region, made US Americans a bit paranoid about racial matters, seeing the alien where there was no such thing at all.
really tired of "white", it's a meaningless term that no one can define consistently.
The more "exotic" element among us are actually remnants of racial phenomena far older than al-Andalus. Refrain from explaining everything you see by means of that tiny sliver of historical knowledge you have, and realise that most stuff is the result of things of which you know nothing.
Yeah she's old now, but she used to be prime pussy.

no thanks
That pic is 5 years old.
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Do you refer to Phoenician/Punic heritage? I saw some study pointing to that among Spaniards recently.
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my queen
What do you call a half spic half jeet?
"Spijeet" or "Jeepic.
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I'm not even particularly into that sort of thing, but she does have nice feet in this pic... On the whole, she is a very attractive woman, though she really ought to have four kids at this point.
>mestizas can be very attractive
too true
hol up, ain't no "us"
speak for yourself, homo
look at our flag
here is where I draw the line
she looks like a mouse
I dont find that spic particularly attractive.
You are repeating his error, but are slightly more educated, and so have picked out something a bit earlier. No, I am thinking about mesolithic stuff.
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who doesn't anon, who doesn't...
>You have to admit, mestizas can be very attractive. And your kids would be damn near white enough. Also they worship us nerdy white guys.
You are cherry picking one of the hottest actresses on the planet to make your point.
This but unironically.
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Anyway, at least post a REAL one.
What do these Posts mean? I always see them and have no idea.
Latin cultures and the antebellum south had a more nuanced understanding of race. They understood that there is a spectrum to this and different natural stations in life for mixed people, with higher stations assigned to higher European ancestry. The one-drop rule was a Yankee concept originally and mimics the shrieks of the ferel wignat “you’re not white!!!” Yanks were also ass-mad over the chad Norman southern man LARPing as a Roman noble on his estate.
Terrible monstrosity. The craniofacial morphology doesn't match up to the fair features. Vengeance must be had. An abomination has been produced. Her ancestors sinned. She is a racial bastard. A mamzer. The result of illicit sexual behavior. Her line shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD. For it is written:
A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. So saith The LORD JEHOVAH. She must now be stoned with stones. And her parents and grand parents TOO must be stoned with stones. And the great grand parents, if they are alive, on both sides, shall have the stoning of with stones punishment as well. And THEIR parents, the great GREAT grand parents on both sides, if they are still alive, all must be stoned with stones. GLORIOUS. RETRIBUTION WILL BE HAD. And her aunts and uncles on both sides must be stoned with stones. And her brothers and sisters must be stoned with stones. And any first or second cousins must be stoned with stones. Her fa mily will pay dearly now. The day of the rope approacheth. Genes have been stolen. Bodies have been snatched. I have the unction to make such proclamations. Don't ask for elaborations. You'd be wasting your time. I'll not tarry in itt any longer. The hour is late. And I have something to build.
>Also they worship us nerdy white guys.

Kek only if you're already tall and good looking
Tall yes, you can get away with average looks though. Especially if you got blonde hair and blue eyes.
This is like 1 out of a million, the rest look like goblins.
Lmao pajeet women are so hairy is less gay fucking a Turkish man
implying you wouldn't
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that's not a mestiza
that's a basque
and she thus has incredibly high Neanderthal admixture, even more than jews
like all of them, she's basically just a wild jew
pic related, with her parents, straight from their cave
lady of elche relatives?
She’s not a high goblino
she’s 100% European
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for once, the streetshitter is right
her parents are basques:
and basques are basically wild jews; nothing even remotely Human
hence why their "culture" revolves around running in front of black bulls, climbing the sacred ham tree of their "people", and speaking a "language" (unarticulated growls) obviously not fit for Human vocal cords
basques predate indo-european culture and language retard
still wood
I'm dating a Latina, all of her friends are also dating Germans. Latinas are on another level, she is trad, she is a great cook, she is great and she is really caring.

Seriously arabs cannot compete, they are like NPCs when you talk to them. And their culture is waaay more different from european one than Latino culture.
You all brainwashed by the make-up jew. She has still a natural beauty.

>I'm dating
Her parents are white spaintards
She’s a gigaStacy

I thought they are the whitest of spain, pure EEF
Did the dad get cucked
the last bit of beauty is hanging on for dear life, ready to start drooping.
basque are remnants of ice age europe
Stupid gringo, do you even know what "mestiza" means? it means mixed, specifically, Spanish and Native. The female in your pic is at least 70% Spanish and not mestiza, she barely has any native features. I am mestizo my self and do not look like her.
european means "heinz 57" or "mutt"
>basques predate indo-european culture and language
precisely, they had already been existing for hundreds of thousands years when Cro-Magnon appeared, you niggermonkey
because they're basically Neanderthals, not Humans

no: they're basque animals
and she's a munchking camoed by makeup, like your burrita whoring for the Mutt army, lujan

they're not even Human, lol

no, it's just their genes don't work the same as Humans'
Why do you retards keep repeating this? There's literally zero genetic distinction between North and South.
>they had already been existing for hundreds of thousands years when Cro-Magnon appeared
they are still anatomically modern humans you idiot lol, they're not THAT old
like 20,000 years old, not 200,000 years
the way she says el judio makes me hard
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spics are infinitely superior to jeets.
that said, Mass Deportations NOW
Your children will be niggers
Look I’m not getting sucked into to retard drama today
Arguing about stupid shit like a woman
She’s white
End of
Please consider to kys, disgusting recemix-propagandist kike.
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me too
>they are still anatomically modern humans
lol, lmao even
I have some in my country
I know what I say
meanwhile, you're just a creatura de la carne misteriosa
>not 200,000 years
but they are, and it's obvious enough

>t. Mutt not even able of recognizing one of the (too) numerous species making its genetical soup
When she hits you with the SSREyes stare
I want to fill her up... .. .. .. . . . . . . .............. .. .............. .. ....... (with cuddles and love. Not what whatever you were thinking about you fucking pervert)
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your brain is fried , you can't cope with real human faces without paint on them any more.
you're trained to see it as normal.
>Also they worship us nerdy white guys.
How come men of 4chan are always worshiped by absolutely everyone on the planet yet 4chan is a known incel central? Is it logical?
Did she get Weinsteined?
Spics brag about their sisters being bleached, jeets brag about being CEO's of zombie companies. Anyways, the US should pay India a trillion dollars over the course of two decades to take in 50 million non-whites.
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Today has been the Day of the Rope — a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang.
In the lighted areas one sees them everywhere. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.
The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. Apparently the rope had slipped a bit or the branch to which it was tied had sagged, until the woman's feet were resting on the pavement, giving the uncanny appearance of a corpse standing upright of its own volition.
I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males
There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard.
hollywood jew magic
beat me to it
That looks like a goblin disguised as a human.
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so you look like this. please exit my country
>I'm dating a Latina, all of her friends are also dating Germans. Latinas are on another level, she is trad, she is a great cook, she is great and she is really caring.
>Seriously arabs cannot compete, they are like NPCs when you talk to them. And their culture is waaay more different from european one than Latino culture.
Why would you date one? You do realize most guys just use them for sex because they're incredibly promiscuous? You're paying full price for a product that is literally free.
That's a kike with a nose job.
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it's exactly what it is
a wild goblin, a basque: a wild jew
I wish you fuckers would use the term harnizo as well. That's the inbetweener of castizo and mestizo. Mestizos are squatty bean people, Castizos are white passing, and Harnizo is the amerimutt meme. The spic spectrum.
That's a pure southern India, not Mestizo.
She looks like my dentist. All she wants to do is talk. She hasn't done any actual dentil work since I started seeing her several months ago. All year I've had swollen gums and swollen glands. My mouth hurts so bad.
so you look somewhat like that
>Ana de Armas
>Father is a Spanish (as in ethnic Spaniard from Spain, the country in Europe)
>Mother is a Cuban woman, 2nd Generation descendant of two Spanish immigrants (as in ethnic Spaniards from Spain, a country in Europe) who immigrated to Cuba from Spain
>See guys look at this sexy white girl! This is why miscegenation is good!
What did OP mean by this?
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Lightning is bad.
Worst pic of her.
Still would every day.
I'd feed her well, get her big and motherly as god intended.
Haven't heard about Isabela in months.
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that's not a mestiza, that's at least a castiza dumb gringo

honky hick redneck hillbilly cracker trash is often a lying traitor

hick chicks are disgusting manly traitors
that's why so many of them pass for trannies
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gringos don't deserve mestizas
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behold the gringo in its true form
a nigger
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the gringo is a murderous nigger
You have gingivitis. Need to see a dental hygienist for root scaling.
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>behold the most gringa of gringa in her truest form
a nigger
>posts image trying to show she's unattractive
>fails miserably
Damn dude. You even suck at shit posting.
You might want to consider not being alive.

You ain't gonna find a white woman who wants a normal family these days.

My half Mexican half white son lifts, boxes and beats up annoying poojeets in his highschool.

Last one he threw against a wall and punched till the poojeet cried lol
And then what? They get railed out by some 3rd worlder and all your selective breeding is voided.
you've obviously never seen a woman without makeup
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the gringa
an ugly nigger beast

look upon this dysgenic dumpster fire and laugh
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I pity you for the laughable choice in women in Muttlandia
I often do
and same as fat arms never lie, a woman looking like a different one depending on makeup is an abomination
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behold the ugly dysgenic gringa in her truest form
a nigger
how many generations has your side of the family been in NA?
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>here's your swift grift bruh
the gringa is a flat assed manly beast
a natural glutton is the gringa
she looks in the mirror and recognizes she is a beast
The photo in the original post is misleading.

The photo shows actress Ana de Armas. Both of her parents are whites who originated from Spain, which is a country in Europe.

Ana de Armas is not a mestiza. Mestizos are mixed Native American Indian and white.

Typically, Hispanics are wholly or partly Native American Indian.

Hispanics often promote confusion about what Hispanics are and try to make people mentally associate Hispanics with whites, as the original post does.

Hispanics do that because they often want to immigrate to white countries so they can live off of white people and enjoy a society that provides a level of peace and prosperity that their own kind is incapable of producing.

This incapability stems from the fact that Native American Indians are lower in intelligence and higher on the psychopathic spectrum than whites are.
I'd give her the sloppy del ploppy if you know what I mean, after lovingly pinching her double chins of course
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behold, even the ai knows
the gringa is a dysgenic inbred neanderthal beast
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Lovecraftian horrors beyond human comprehension.
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the gringa
an ugly face
only a nigger would live
>posts a pic where she halfway looks like an actual goblin
seriously just put a green overlay and put it side by side with a goblin pic and that's all you have to do, because she's already got hag skin, big ears, weird fish eyes, and a distasteful fake smile going on

if i had to hazard a guess OP i would have you admit that it was your intent all along to paint her and mestizas as unattractive
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behold the gringa
she is full of herself and honestly believes she is superior
just look at her and laugh

the gringa naturally gravitates toward her nigger kind

hics and nigs deserve each other
>Both of her parents are whites
>originated from Spain

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behold the gringa
a worshipper of satan and bestiality
and you shall know them by their fruits
the gringo naturally gravitates towards its own nigger kind
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Disgusting weimar conditions encourager. Death to all racemixers. I couldn't fathom flushing White German European genes down the toilet with a fucking beaner. Hitler would disown you.

USA is a weird country, look at her eye shape and tell me that came from europe. She looks like a central asian.
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I genuinely wish some /pol/fag would fall for this bait enough to hit on a latina in public and get humbled when she laughs in his face and calls her gigachad bf to beat the shit out of you.
Stick to Asian women, latinas are the most extroverted women on the planet and seethingly hate submissive losers.
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>fat face
>shoulders wider than hips
the gringa is the nigger of the world
Hapas are the worst beasts imaginable
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behold the gringa glutton
engaging in her most gringa of rituals
typical gringa behavior

gringas aren't even white
Consider the rope, riceburner.
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I honestly don't know who can find these fugly manly faced gringas attractive
gringas manly faced af

That's horrifying anon lol
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she doesn't have a double chin
she doesn't even have a full one, lol
many such cases
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look at this ugly subhuman gringa shit
untermensch af
fucking ugly garbage
those are judios
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wtf is that gringa shit
I don't even
just look at this disgusting pig
no wonder they nigger themselves
disgusting horrors beyond comprehension
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>this is a political thread

Picrel is what losers have to settle for, a Mexican. Look at his disgusting sons (low iq criminals) and ugly daughter.

It is hilarious seeing beta males cope with their goblin wives and retarded mutt kids. No your beaner son will never be white.

Everyone is laughing at you
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This is a board of failures who had to settle for subhuman shitskins and gooks.

Your offspring looks nothing like you and is as anti-white as possible.

Only the lowest most dysgenic fucks resort to racemixing. Just like coalburners, riceburners and border hopper fuckers should all be sterilized or deported
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look at this fat pig
this gringa niggered itself too after it looked in a mirror
My kids are fairly good looking and I'm still worried of family posting their pictures on the internet. How the fuck does she have the brass balls to subject her own kid while being that goddamn ugly? Genuinely feel bad for the child.
goddamn this make me puke
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these gringoes ought to deport themselves back to europe

go home gringos

guess how I'm immune to your shit
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just realized Jeb! married a spic because his parents hired a illegal beaner to help raise their kids
keep telling yourself Mutt fairytales. the whitest person I've met claims native American. anyone less than a redhead is obviously mixed with arab or latino 3 generations ago.
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Proximity is blood taint. If you raise your white kids around beaners, nigs, gooks, that’s what your grandkids are likely to be.

Jeb must’ve really been the least favorite son if they couldn’t use family connections to set him up with a white Spaniard lady
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It’s safe to assume the whole US will be mutted within two generations. People like OP are too fat and lazy, or too beta, and end up with retarded shitskin or chink sons like picrel
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