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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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For you, what was the craziest part of the COVID madness?
the crazy people who think wearing a mask or getting optional shots are some kind of conspiracy. It's been 2 years and you dumbasses have been saying red deer is imminent.
The fact that basically 50% of people wanted unvaxxed put in camps, their kids taken away, or them starved into submission by banning them from buying food. They all pretend this never happened, but it did and there were polls.
jesus christ ai really is shitty again
have a (You) since you're desperate
that Fauci and Ralph Baric werent executed in cold blood.

basically that no one did shit and just allowed it to happen.

inb4 what about me, I was working abroad so I wasnt around to not comply.
the large scale BLM marches that were immune from any criticism, while white people were denied the ability to attend church
oh and the canonization of a literal fent addict nigger in a gold casket
I got laid the most during those years. It was seriously fucked up
what kind of name is nosliw
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Not sure about the craziest, but the dancing nurses is up there
>what was the craziest part of the COVID madness?
I got a gf who gets me off nearly every night
When NPC's went from "masks are racist to Asians" to "wear a mask or you are a bad person who wants to kill grandma"
fatties like them absolutely should have been worried about getting covid
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I bid 400 qutloos for number one.
When the jabs were rolling out. Here we had access to Chinese one, Russian one, Pfizer, J&J, etc.
I would ask my relatives and family members if any of the jabs provides immunization.
Answers where what you can expect from clueless normalfags. But 3 of them that got the jab also got corona chan shortly afterwards and where sick for a month in the hospital.
So I have 3 living proofs that the jab they got didnt provide them with immunization.
One that got pfizer also had several complications later on and now has an implant to be able to hear and walk.
But the funniest thing is talking about this now from some distance as time passed by.
Just tell the normalfags
>it didnt provide immunization
They will blabber about some nonsense or try some mental gymnastics or just shutdown and switch topic.
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>immune from any criticism
Not just immune from criticism, but immune from getting covid...somehow.
Except we did not die. They were wrong, we were right.
you use that spacing though so I don't believe you
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people watching the double standard in real time, recorded on camera, published for the world to see, and then just going along with all of it

this was my life in california surrounded by mexican trash and npcs, it's quite a thing to realize everyone as far as the eye can see is pretty much insane in the membrane
>April 2020
>Waiting outside gun store
>See two asian dudes walk out with new guns
>They spray both of themselves down head to toe with big cans of Lysolf
>Get in car and leave.
Yeah I 'member that. Remember "hug a chink" day and how banning flights from China was racist and fuck taking Trump's vaccine?
this comes to mind first. watching the video is a trip
The craziest part? Hooping up with girls over Bumble and getting day drunk when we were both supposed to be on the clock working from home. Road head is great but zoom meeting head was something that unfortunately is unlikely to happen again.
peak 1984
The thinking that everyone would die two weeks after getting the jab. It's been three years now and no mass apocalypse. /pol/ was wrong as usual.
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Doctors (or deranged redditors larping as doctors) bragging about how they would let unvaccinated people in the hospital die.
>unfortunately is unlikely to happen again
I wouldn't bet on it.
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this is the sort of stuff im talking about
>don't go into large gatherings or space, it's dangerous!
>unless of course it's to undermine society... hehe then you'll have no issue ofc
in LA there was some dumb bitch city councilor who bans everyone from eating inside restaurants and then THAT VERY NIGHT, she sits down for a private sitting in one of the business she banned everyone else from entering, she was followed by a local news crew who aired it all too
people believing that covid was spread by going to church but not by going to sweaty libshit packed blm riots.
one of the most insane things in the pandemic. people dying in the next room while they were shaking their asses on tiktok
It said on the box of masks - won't stop Covid-19

But pointing that out wasn't acceptable.

Literally people would refuse to believe their eyes.
The claims that vaccines cause bloodclots.
I'm convinced that the US would never have gone along with it without the need to destabilize Trump and rig the election with mail-in ballots
How my paycheck went from being just barely unable to afford a 5 bedroom house to being barely able to afford a double wide trailer.
My uncle ran a gym and he sold masks that were basically fishnets you'd wear over your face that didn't block shit and he asked the state a dozen times if that was okay and they said yes
They had time to do all of those videos because the hospitals were fucking empty
people getting shot and killed on cctv only to be declared covid deaths was another one
My aunt who is a classic liberal hippie and told me multiple times that the pharmaceutical industry is the antichrist told me to “get my hecking booster”. It never occured to her the television would lie to her, she’s from another time.
The retarded authoritarian procedures you needed to follow which were just humiliation rituals or the latest in fuck over the customer with shittier service. Stand back 6 feet. Follow the arrows. Wear a mask. Use an app. Only "essential" ie big businesses are allowed to stay open. Looking back it should be pretty transparent what all that shit was about.
1 the fact that hand sanitizer sold out in stores before literal actual hand soap
2 that liquid hand soap disappeared before bars of soap
3 that bars of soap didnt fully sell out for that long
4 that nobody had enough fucking SOAP at home? nobody washed their hands already? disgusting pig dogs
that I could predict 2-3 month in advance what germany would do looking at the US
thus when our healthminister was raving and ranting about the unvaxxed I knew he would
be humiliated a month or two out
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the fact that vaccines still arent mandatory.
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That everyone believed that masks prevent them from catching covid as opposed to masks help prevent you from spreading your covid.
The upside of that was that it redpilled a fuckton of people on the true nature of nurses.
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Generation COVID are going to be utter psychos.
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For me it was when they put students inside of little personal bubbles for band class. This is peak retardation.
I had a YouTube channel at the time documenting it all for man-on-the-street interviews and my life was ruined by going to every single major city and college campus in the northeast and subjecting myself to normie's opinions about the jabs and the masks, etc. I've hated the world ever since and I despise humanity eternally.
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It was more that just absurd, it was utterly rage inducing.
why didn't she help the guy documenting the crime for the police?
>things are clearly different than you see them
>stop looking it isn't what it looks like anyway
>stop attacking me!!!
>drives away
I'd put my link here so you could see I'm not bullshitting you but they'd probably ban me from posting
They way liberals were able to do a complete 180 on their views of it once they found out the virus gave them an excuse to manage people's lives. I remember in the early days of it I worked with this fat woman who was a self-described communist. She said the virus was not a big deal, that Trump was making things up to be "xenophobic", and she wasn't worried because she practiced "natural medicine." Then about 2 weeks later she starts blaming Trump, saying he was responsible and that he should have done something. I'm sure during the height of it she was mask shaming everyone and posting about getting the vaccine.
as if she cares what her pets do
she just doesn't want a white person to enjoy it
How absolutely mind broken it left retards like you. You will never recover.
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The fact that chicks were so desperate for attention my ugly ass could get laid by attractive chicks.
Wtf kek
Probably when I used the fancy church printer to printed off about a thousand blank vaxx cards that were completely perfect and just left them in piles outside places I might politically align with like gun shops and Scheels.
It was crazy how "If everyone got the cold kind of at once, even if it was a mild cold, every hospital would be absolutely gridlocked" was an idea that bumblefuck southerners couldn't understand despite having a local clinic that can barely handle three people at a time.
All those millions of people dying.
The craziest thing about covid is that it ended after three years not because we eradicated covid, not because covid deaths declined, but because everyone just got bored of it.

Masks didnt stop covid. Vaccines didnt stop covid. Social distancing didnt stop covid. Cancelling vacations and Christmas didnt stop covid. Lockdowns didnt stop covid. But one day, for no reason at all, the media stopped reporting the numbers and people just decided to stop playing.
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that i strolled into the dmw wearing a gp5 and felktran hoodie to renew my license(still not donating organs fuck you niggers get your own kidney) and nobody cared. thought it was lead to some sovereign citizen shit but nope
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Mouth diapers was the craziest part.
You can barely breathe in them, you inhale your own carbon-dioxide and get a headache and yet the so called ((virus)) is smaller then the net around your mouth so it still passes through. But idiots somehow though it would be a force shield against a microbial atom..
Even the fucking manufacturers and even the CDC called you retarded and still people wore them. even when the CDC literally uploaded a picture to show you just how small it is and how retarded you'd be for using it.. they still used it
The part where they put a bunch of people on ventilators and killed them.
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red deer broke into my house in March and beat me off with one of its antlers after it woke me up. bellowed every time I tried to back away, I came mostly out of fear
the fact that the pigs couldn't do shit when I refused to stay in my house lol

fuck pigs
>Dat BLM bumper sticker
All the cityfags who just went along with it. Where I live, we basically just ignored the entire thing. No masks, no lockdowns, the general store and pub were open and trading normally, local cop gave no fucks. We sat back and laughed at the retardation of cityfags.
the craziest part was the people saying "it's a hoax!" while literally dying a week later
the "my vax doesn't work unless you're vaxxed" mentality of the double vaxxed triple boosted sheeple

That cute little chonker Wilson on the right has her mask upside down.

She will give me many strong sons.
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It takes a certain kind of downs syndrome retarded to still wear it after the world has just officially called you out even the CDC
it ended the moment russia invaded ukraine anon I remember
there can only ever be one lie a time it is called gleichschaltung
Getting paid overtime to sit at a restaurant while my truck got loaded for Home Depot. The servers were masked but we weren't. This happened every day for weeks. When the dropped the mask rule I was so disappointed. The wait staff was so much better looking with them on.
they are on droplets, I think surface contact is more common as vector of transmission than sneeing aerosol
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Empty roads, empty beaches, empty discounters in the West Algarve.
What gets me is those who wore facemaks for muh health, and then reuse the same facemask over and over without even washing them.
Don't forget George Floyd's porn and creepy masonic tattoo. That got deleted pretty quick.
>downs syndrome
My favorite kind of woman
>water droplets
And we all know solid objects cannot pass through a liquid. Right, braniac?
Dumb take
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It did a good job exposing NPCs and traitors. I have a friend who larps as le right wing trad nazi, but he took the vax. He knew it was bullshit, but did it anyway for "muh jerb". Now I know when push comes to shove, he cannot be trusted.
Having more rounds of 9mm than squares of toilet paper.
the sex
Nobody on the road? Nobody on the beach?
>For you, what was the craziest part of the COVID madness?
china's cooperation with the fake pandemic narrative.
Black men or white men?
then why would you wear something that can catch and incubate those droplets especially when it's constantly sliding off your face so you're now touching it with (more than likely) unwashed hands that have touched contaminated surfaces? they should've just pushed good hand hygiene and i bet the general population wouldn't have noticed anything worse than a normal flu season.
one thing i do notice is that people are getting sick at all times of the year now, not just during the winter.
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The fact they prohibited people from buying things like pencils at the supermarket because they were deemed not essential.
nice try, fag
This was actually liberating for me. Once I understood how stupid the general public actually was, I didn't worry about anything anymore.
I honestly should have figured this out when people started paying for digital items. I thought "no one can be that stupid." To be fair, not everyone can pirate as easily as I can.
But when a legitimate PhD chemist ex friend of mine started quoting the narrative at me when I was using the facts HE told me just 2 months before (masks don't do shit, the vaxx is dangerous failed gene therapy) that's when I realized nothing matters and nothing ever will.
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The fact youve still got retards trying to keep it going.

Some fuckstick leftist masky builders ass-istant tried to start a fight with me this morning cause "you's a looser covid something something".

Said to him "fuck around and find out".

He walked off about 2mins later.
Leftism is a mental illness.
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>Optional shots
>"You're fired if you don't take this shit"
Yeah... "Optional" LMAO
>see the virus can't get you once you sit down at the table...
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Friendly reminder
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As long as you don't look at people you should be safe when sat down.
Yeah I hated that shit. I live on the edge of the city and going even 10mins in was a nightmare. That dumb whore and her bitch brained boomer and whore followers made everyone's lives a nightmare for 2+ years here.
Ardern would get jailed for treason in a just society.
oh and the lines in stores! virus cant move sideways. only fwd and back. so you gotta stay 6 feet apart. and 3 inches from the line next to you!
>wearing a mask
read the box faggot. then tell me how that mask saves grandma. BU BU BUT TV SAID... yeah, i know, you can't read, or think, or have sex. some day you will understand. 200 years from now when the put the obvious truth on TV.
are we done calling the experimental gene therapy "vaccinations"..? good, i knew you faggots would eventually cave in.
Watching all the people die at work from COVID then reading all the schizos posting here that think they know more than us
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Anyone else get that feeling in their dick when imagining their legs wrapped around you while you're thrusting into their air-tight pussies?
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Vaxtards are like cultists.
That it was all fake and the vast majority of people believed it was real.
For the record, ABC wearhouse (the actual wearhouse, not the retail store) resisted the masks the longest and were the first to get rid of them. As late as May you could walk in and have no evidence anything retarded was going on.
Not the worst but amusing to me, people wearing masks while driving alone in their car. I still see it every once and awhile, and this is Florida where we basically ignored the entire thing.
I was having a prostate exam once and it came to the bit she had to exam my cock and balls, I groped her arse and she just giggled, they are such sluts, I love it.
>The black square shit on social media
>Seeing an ex friend of mine that I was friends with for years drop all their critical thinking and fall for george floyd ragebait posts, saying they're glad that mom and pop shops got raided, etc
Grim times, didn't get jabbed though despite everyone bugging me about it.
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i would be one of those if the masks worked on pollen. they do not.
>Quebec curfews in 2021.
>People having their bank accounts locked because they donated to the Freedom Convoy.
>Summer of Floyd and associated nigger parades having maskies suddenly being okay with large crowds because something something activism ACAB etc while still attacking people for gathering with like 4 people.
>Losers bumping elbows to virtue signal because they were suddenly afraid of handshakes
>People pretending like the blue surgical masks were intended to prevent virus transmission.
>The ivermectin "horse paste" narrative despite a 4 second google search yielding proof that ivermectin has had practical usage in humans and isnt some sort of equine medicine like how the media was portraying it.
>Vaxxies on dating apps putting their 3/3 Pfizer or whatever front and centre on their profiles
>"Stop Asian hate" campaign that suddenly was memoryholed once they realized it wasnt white people who were doing the racisms.
What is up with that photo, someone ran their legs through AI
There was definitely a new strain of flu that was stronger. My friend got laid up for a month late 2019. I caught it end of that winter and just ate pseudoephedrine for 2 weeks and hid my symptoms behind a mask.
The initial strain was real, but the "peak of the curve" was over while the media was still calling it a conspiracy. The measures were put in place after the majority of real cases was over.
This isn't counting the old folks that were intentionally infected later that year in 5 swing states.
I saw similar stuff here. A lot of people decked out in the whole surgical mask + plastic face shield headgear thing + plastic gloves carrying disinfectant spray with them and making a huge fucking scene about spraying down cart handles and baskets with them.

I actually was shouted at once by this woman by the entrance of a grocery store in late 2021 because I picked up a basket that I guess was in the "unsanitized pile"
I actually did this once picking up a truck because it was cold and I was using a wool tartan mask I got at a Scottish novelty store.
pretty good bait
What's worse is they catch moisture and only retain effectiveness for around 20 minutes. Then bacteria grow in the masks. I got a lung infection from reusing a mask. Never got covid though (because its fake and is just the common cold)
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Something something out of reach
the mask was never important, it was all a social gauge to gauge how many people will "do the thing"
>did you do thing?
uh, why?
>not important. thing?
They were optional.
i got hardscore flu sick mid-late 2019. last time i was ever 'sick'. lasted 3 days. used the secret cures of white people. no problem.
There was a nigger at the gun range wearing a rain suit and a helmet made from a 5 gallon water jug. This was early enough that you couldn't think him stupid since we didn't know anything yet.
(I wasn't that worried because /cvg/ had figured out that the chinese numbers were too good and had to be fake.)
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Yes, it was spooky at first but I got used to it quickly and I never felt like I missed people. It was so peaceful a time. Getting flights was sometimes complicated as they had cancelled all direct flights. I had to take detours via Netherlands and wait a couple hours for connecting flights etc. It was worth it. Meanwhile police were harassing people who just went for a walk in Germany.
The fact I had to waste 2 years of my prime sitting at home and not being able to go to the gym 5 days a week like I used to to “protect” people that are in their 80’s an died in the next two years anyways and the fat fucking losers with shitty immune systems that defied doctors recommendations in the first place to eat healthy and exercise.
5 please
#4 rollin
They were like pedophiles
Not even people in their 80s. All the covid deaths had 2 comorbidities. Literally obese diabetics with aids having their lungs blown out with ventilators by twerking nurses so the hospital gets $50k.

All nurses and doctors should be [redacted]
Rory's got a fat beaver
>police harassment
In my state there's enough legal gun carriers and armed feral niggers that no agency was insane enough to try that shit. Never give up your guns.
>george floyd ragebait posts
That shit drove me off social media. I have no contact with any family and like six friends tops.
I'm a fair bit further out than that. The "town" part of where I live has about 10 permanent residents, and they run the general store and pub. If it wasn't for satellite TV and internet, you wouldn't know covid was a thing out here.
>what was the craziest part of the COVID madness
Trudeau enacting dictatorial powers over a peaceful protest. It was so bad that the Liberals had to pull it back before the Senate voted or else it would become convention and any government could use the war measures act (call it what it is) to target people domestically when there is no actual threat.

It was great to see so many people get behind the Trucker Protest despite the constant attacks from the media and government but it was a true black pill to see Trudeau's enactment of dictatorial powers go completely unchecked by the majority of the government and be subsequently memoryholed by the media.
the hoarding of bottled water is up there. people actually thought that a case of the sniffles would cause their pipes to not work.
also paper products. i had to wipe my ass with single ply for months because stores would sell out of the good stuff in minutes.
it all just got dumber from there because none of the "expert" health officials would do anything to stop the mania. they did the opposite and encouraged it because freaked out retards are easier to control than thinking people and they could just point to them and say "see, the people want these heavy-handed feelgood measures to happen".
What's this about Red Deer?
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you'll see vaxxie...
They were insanely virtue signally too it was obnoxious.
>If anyone doesn't understand the purpose of the George Floyd riots feel free to block me.
They weren't even black or affiliated with black people btw
Pissed me off that even here people were virtue signalling over muh dead criminal nigger. The now PM and deputy PM even took the knee over this shit.
I think the thing that still bothers me is the dancing nurses. It was just so surreal and disturbing. The contrast with them dancing away while forcing people to die alone in the hospital (from anything, not just "covid") will always stay with me. Pure evil.
Here in BC the average age of death was 82 and the average age of hospitalization was in the early 60’s. the charts were updated here every month on the health bc website in age groups, yet people for some reason didn’t want to use that data and wanted to act like the province was Brazil tier and justify the lockdowns becuase millions of people in 3rd world countries died that don’t even have access to basic nutrition and vitamins should be the standard for everyone lol okay.
The “zero covid community” people who still act like it’s peak lockdown days to this day. I saw a post with some mom complaining that her kids miss their friends and want to be active outside again, and the mom is so afraid of Covid she won’t let them.
report them to cps
Oh yeah, the "show me your papers" shit to take part in society was pretty fucked as well and there was talk about extending it to grocery stores and places where you purchase the necessities of life.
I don't think anything is going to happen soon. Even normies and vaxxies have woken up to a lot of the psyop and they're unlikely to go for it again, at least not without a fight. Of course there are a lot of people who will do whatever the government says if it means they may lose their job or face legal consequences for saying no.
TPTB have to keep memoryholing COVID to ensure normies forget as much of what it was like to live through it since so much has been documented and so much has come to light. H1N1 and COVID were about ten years apart so I think it will take a similar timeframe before they can try anything again. I feel like something annoying will happen again around 2029-2032. Perhaps it will be related to their climate change narrative since that seems to be where they're headed.
Many nurses work as escorts at the same time.
I saw a post on Facebook that said the same thing, and then something popped up on my news feed about those poor Israeli children being bombed by the hamas terrorists
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The three weeks in the hospital with pneumonia.

(Still didn't take the vax.)
I pointed out to a maskie once that the blue surgical masks were not designed to prevent virus transmission and they just defaulted to the "well its better than nothing" shit.
Yeah that's mental illness that she is inflicting on the kids. They need rescued.
Pelosi announcing the summer of love and hug a chink movements
Then blaming Trump for letting COVID get out of control
The worst?
Non-stop confusion and contradictions on everything.

Flu and pneumonia deaths average 80,000 a year. I could look up the stats very easily on Google. For Covid years initially, it dropped down to zero. Then in a slimy move, Google just wrapped them all together so that Covid=Flu=Pnemonia. If Covid is some new illness, then why have it together with Flu and Pneumonia?

Masks that literally said, "Not for medical use" on the packaging, but we were required to wear them at work.
Red Deer was said by your side actually. The COVID vaxx conspiracy was that it was a soft-kill weapon that would increase cancer cases and kill many people over a long period of time (but that there would be a clear and measurable increase in the deaths). The Red Deer conspiracy was a bullshit distraction that claimed everyone would be dead in 2 years to throw off the real trail and to the muddy the waters.
Listen here Satan, everyone I know who got the vax is either dead or gone retarded. My mom has lost it so much I even think she might vote for Harris.
Almost had to beat the shit out of some old guy in the grocery store when he tried to take the toilet paper out of my shopping cart when he thought I wasn't looking. Fucker had an entire cart filled with nothing but toilet paper. Also the swath of "non essential" businesses that got shut down, that somehow didn't include Wal-Mart or McDonalds.
We're going to see stories in a few years about these children having unique developmental delays or behavioural issues. It's already happened to some degree but I think it will be more overt in some time. I expect a lot of anxiety disorders and agoraphobia. Language skills will probably be a lot worse too going forward. Hope it was worth it to "save grandma" though.
normal citizens getting a power trip when telling someone else to mask up. the smallest amount of power being abused really showed me how depraved the average person is
What a faggot
>Tim Hortons
Makes sense that it's a fucking gay leaf
There were so many things wrong.
But going with "crazy" over "evil", I'd say the toilet paper debacle. It had no reason to exist. Covid isn't a stomach virus. You're going to need food and water before you need toilet paper. I know a lot of people only bought it because they heard other people were buying it. But still, why? Why on earth did a group of people decide toilet paper was the one and only thing to stock up on and how did their idea spread so quickly with absolutely nobody knowing where it came from?
While the US media makes fun of people for eating ivermectin (which works) and countries like India giving away $0.50 medicinal pill packs for covid.
Meanwhile my brother the leftist is arguing against me that Israel is good.
Gavin Newsom banned everyone from coalescing and that very night was photographed having a party at The French Laundry
To be honest - nothing. My political awakening was mostly complete in 2015-2016. Prior to BLM I was a normie-lite, but it broke me. When people were out protesting FOR some criminal nigger that got shot (oh no, not the poor criminal nigger who is committing crimes!) then I knew society by and large had lost the plot.
Far left and centre left for me
Except airlines and jobs could still fire you and unless you're well off enough financially to fight that legal battle you'd just be fucked
Remember when anyone who was slightly critical, or even just concerned over jabs/lockdowns was ridiculed by being compared to flat earthers? Also remember how there was a strange massive increase in memes making fun of flat earthers despite there hardly being any flat earthers? Yeah, weird that...
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Dealing with shit and piss terrified normies as they screeched at me for going the wrong way down Aisles with no mask. The normies got bold whenever they seen someone not playing their stupid kike games, didn't expect them to say anything given how easy they gave into whatever the government told them to do. Oh also losing a job and not being allowed to attend college was another what the fuck moment for me.

Why are most people categorically retarded? has it always been this way?
That fact that I was going to school online on the government's dime, so I didn't have to participate in any of that retarded Jonestown group think.
My left coast relatives (who have all caught it multiple times despite being vaxxmaxxed) seethed endlessly at my social media posts from 2020-2021 when I'd be out on the lake with all the other people who didn't give a fuck.
By the time I finished it was pretty much over and I never even had to take a test (let alone a jab), even though I probably caught it at some point.
Over 40% of oxygen intake is absorbed via the skin, doofus. Good try though
>OP has a picture of underage swimming girls
I was there too during the pandemic. Algarve being empty was one of the best experiences I've had while travelling. Total tranquility and the best rest I've ever had. Went there again this July, suddenly pajeets everywhere.
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That people actually bought it.
You don't need a lawyer. You would file human rights complaints with the same federal entity that handles racial discrimination cases.
Most people don't know in america there were religious exemptions from covid testing too.
People taking the vax. They ignored their survival instinct and simply trusted.
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people thought the end of the world was coming and they decided to stock up on toilet paper?? they didnt even care about food or water, they just stocked up on toilet paper.
Pfizer getting fined $billions for fictitious studies that were used to justify quack medicines to be used, and this is before Covid. Literally, they would hire someone to write a fake study, with non-existant participants and then it would be used to get approval.

But, during Covid, we were told to "trust the science".

The meme of the woman taking a shit while reading the internet mocked healthy scepticism of liars that got convicted.
Fpbp + checked + im 2 times jabbed, 2 times boosted and stlll kicking
Yeah, so are you, horses for courses.
>Triple Digits
Well, well, Satan. Just not gonna take it (the vax)
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Vaxxie detected.
Better way to live probably.
I'm borderline done with cities if I wasn't working in one currently I'd already be way out here or in Aus.
Liberals and woke idiots turned cities into a hellscape.
Unjabbed, unmasked and uncircumcised. Would all of them.
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>lazy bitch doesn't want to deal with her kid
>sorry i need to isolate
>just two more weeks
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Never let vaxtards forget how retarded they were.
Yes, the "Two weeks to flatten the curve" which turned into a year. Thus was trust-breaking. They couldn't figure out anything, but kept issuing orders like they had.

The weird meme of [three digit number] followed by "new cases" and an article always showed up.
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Don't forget how they changed various definitions to fit their covid agenda.
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nice one
My sister is still waiting on her lawsuit.
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The vast majority of elected political parties and their oppositions hugely supported lockdowns. Despite this, the goyim still votes for these parties. That tells you everything you need to know.
This is why I started smoking weed every. single. day. y'all.
Still works, LOL.
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it was two years over here
>The weird meme of [three digit number] followed by "new cases" and an article always showed up.
Oh shit, there's a blast from the past I forgot about.

Not COVID related, but you can do the same thing by searching "is x racist" and replace x with almost anything and an article will show up.
Most people supported lockdowns because they got paid to sit around doing fuck all or larping on Zoom all days. Most civil servants never even went back to the office
Nice try Satan but i'm not taking your mark you faggot
Yes. Yes I do.
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perfect camera angle
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Don't forget various politicians and public figures faking themselves taking the vaccine.
When almost everyone determined that taking part in drug trials was sensible.
the acting like it never happened is what really gets me. if these insufferable faggots would just say "huh, wasnt that big of a deal after all, mb", id be willing to let a lot of shit go.
Getting paid to sit at home and get shitfaced hammered all day for months.
Developing crippling alcoholism from sitting at home and getting shitfaced hammered for months.
Wearing a mask to cover my alcohol breath when in public because I was shitfaced hammered.
Not remembering much of COVID and if I got sick or was just having withdrawls from being so shitfaced hammered.
i still don't get why paper towels were the one good that were a problem to get a hold of.

also people wearing masks in cars
You'll share a world with literal psychopaths once they grow up
Pic on the left has the same vibes.
Not being able to buy fuckin toilet paper because everyone’s hoarding it.
That practically everyone had access to the internet and a fucking smartphone to watch Bill Gates and the boogeymen's say what they said and yet the normies managed to completely ignore it, mind-blowing.
> Many nurses work as escorts at the same time
Debunked sweetie
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Being told to put a mask on by some faggot who had his on his chin
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this one hits home. covid didnt do shit to me but acute pancreatitis sure fucked my world up. shit feels like someone twisting a knife between your ribs. id know because i once shot myself with a framing nailer and it had to be twisted out from between my ribs. i just quit on sunday, again.. this shits gonna kill me if the black spot on my lung doesnt first.
>make sure youre eating and drinking enough water bro. <3
People driving in their cars wearing masks, alone..
gr8 b8 m8 I almost thought you were completely retarded for a second
People waterboarding themselves swimming with masks in a pool full of sanitizing chlorine will always be the peak.
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What, that they're all bigger coomers than the rest of you people here?
At work they were forcing us to wear face diapers, I wore my military gas ask for the lolz

I knew this entire shitshow was a scamdemic from the start. but the depopulation part is real.
>The trials are notable for the absence of any serious adverse reactions. The studies were not designed to assess serious, rare adverse events; the total number of recipients is too small and the follow-up generally too short to detect rare or delayed serious adverse reactions.

why are cumskins like this?
NOSLIM can get it
I went to pick up my taxes and they wouldn't let me in without a mask. I didn't have one so I went home and got my chem suit. Nobody looked at me twice wearing a chemical suit to pick up my taxes.
The fact that no one said it was a test to see how we would react to a very bad thing. I think COVID was more of a test to see how mankind would react in q certain scenario
Covid passports and getting fired and banned from establishment based on your vax status. Also covid hotels.
The craziest part to me is how governments literally bribed people to get the vaccine. If it was such a good thing, why do you need to bribe someone to take it? Moreover, it looks extremely fucking suspicious when you need to bribe someone to so something.

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Yeah, pajeets becoming more noticeable recently but we already had Indian restaurants before Covid in every other village there. July is a bad time to visit the Algarve anyway, hot and too many tourists. I prefer spring and autumn.
If I had a gun on me, I’d shoot that twat right between the eyes in cold blood.
Rory has a dick.
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It's hard to say but I think the about-face, of Trump critics in particular, about the vaccine. First, the idea that a vaccine could be developed in such a short time was laughable, then that it was a gimmick by Trump for votes and either wouldn't work or cause harm, then, after the election, it was a miracle of science and anyone skeptical of it was a backwards, anti intellectual moron who should be cast of from society. All in less than 12 months.
Family would only crack open a car window 2 inches so I could talk to them from outside on a windy day. My 3 year old niece cried so bad that they had to leave early, all because she couldn't hug me.

There's so many more stories, but I don't have the desire to hate everyone today, so I won't dredge them up.
One looks ok, the others are too fat.
this is why they don't answer critical calls from lab
The crazy people are the retards wearing an uncertified mask and no eye protection for what was supposedly the most deadly airborne virus in human history.
Less than 4% lethality worldwide.
Most deadly virus ever!
I remember going out for drinks with some friends and you weren’t allowed to get up from your table unless it was to go to the bathroom. Truly insane.
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thats kinda wild from my perspective. been lurking this shithole since i was like 14 or 15 (31 now), never really had a eureka moment myself.
My jewish bitch of a neighbor died 4 months on her third booster.

At least kikes ended up fragging their own trying to burn the goyim. XD
reminder these girls are 15-16 if you find any of them attractive you are a pedo
>crazy people who think wearing a mask or getting optional shots
SATAN! crazy how thinking those things will stop a 'deadly virus' hahahahahaha
The child abuse is crazy, like that one pic of a demonic mom injecting her son with a shot. They are evil sadists and really let loose knowing they are justified and its "for their own good"
I'm still waiting for the mass vax dieoff
The retard on the right lol
My favourite part was everyone cowering at home, so I could monster the lanes in my Subaru Sti driving like an absolute cunt. I hope they lockdown for pridepox soon.
And you know what was even funnier? The kind of masks that COULD actually filter viruses were not allowed to be worn in airports, on planes, trains, busses etc.
Peak retardation, peak evil.
uhhhhhh like a single event? or like the stupidest shit they would have us do?
I think the stupidest single thing i saw people do, was wear a mask while on a zoom meeting.
That shit is how you knew it was not about preventing anything it was just pure theatre.
The people who made fun of those who would "wear a mask while driving alone by himself" when they themselves put on a mask to enter a store and then took it off when they left.
Boomers were crazy fuckers at that time.
Mow theyre batshit because they collectively signalled mental illness.
Cry more faggot. You’ll all be dead very soon.
It was a global humiliation ritual...for sure,
But only to those with intelligence to realize it was.
This thread is pissing me off. Fuck you nigger OP for reminding me of all of this shit.
Killing the xfl
Its good for you to not memory hole this stupid shit or the straight evil manipulation that happened. Or else they will try and get away with it again in the future
About 10% excess mortality, that's roughly 100,000 more deaths per year compared to before the vaxx campaigns. In every year since the vaxx campaign started and ongoing. This is quite a mass.
In Germany alone that is.
Fix your bot
enjoy getting cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome in 1-15 years
t. currently having an attack
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I'd fuck her
i'd fuck her if she was around and had nothing else to do
i'd fuck her
i'd fuck her if she was around and had nothing else to do, she kinda looks wild so may move her up
i'd fuck her
she's #1 for fuck if none of the others besides 0-1 and 4-5 want to. I was going to say only fuck if she was around and i had nothing else to do, but she kinda looks like she would be wild
>For you, what was the craziest part of the COVID madness

For me, it was how much I became more connected to nature. Delved more into kayak fishing. Invested in a 3000 dollar kayak and enjoy ocean kayak fishing.
*AI is getting better
fix yours faggot, or learn to play without aimbot to begin with. It blows my mind you have 2500+ hour on your profile in shitty chinese f2p games. Imagine being so pathetic you spend all day cheating on a ww2 game that has less than 200 players on NA servers
this sort of thing is extreme common and many, many nurses have been fired for disrespecting their patients by recording content even in operating rooms kek.
Imagine some thot shaking her ass next to your open heart

maybe i don't want to smell your insanely bad breath
This. So many women I met and interacted with only masked were really disappointing with the masks off. It led to a breif mask fetish.
I remember doing whatever the fuck i wanted
/pol/tards being completely mindbroken and chimping out
>2 more weeks, trust the plan!!!!

captcha, AR4
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oh wow a bot fight! cool!
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My state was getting ready to implement picrel, would have totally destroyed my ability to work and changed my life, may have even caused riots/major civil unrest. I was ready to ditch my job and hit the road for somewhere like wyoming/montana, I put a diesel heater in my 4x4 work van, I was actually kind of pumped. Then they pussed out at the last minute and I got a big raise at work...I will leave this hellhole someday I swear.
The biggest personal shock was losing my friends. It would've been obvious to them what my opinions on the lockdowns and vaccines would have been but I avoided talking about it.
My usually 'based' friend transformed into the most vicious bootlicking psycho I've ever known. He tested me by inviting me to an event, I said I couldn't attend due the vaccine mandate causing him to go completely mental with rage. He demanded that I get the vaccine and then made a facebook post shaming me and stating how important it was to name anti-vaxxers in order to keep the community safe.

A lot of folk went through major personality shifts or exposed their true colours.
People buying fuck tons of guns and ammo to..defend their toilet paper..from..zombies?
9mm and 5.56 becomes unobtanium.
I got this. Three years clean now.
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>For you, what was the craziest part
For me, the craziest part is still ongoing - because it's the fact that Trump can still claim credit for the vaccine rollout to this day and yet the MIGA supporters still associate him with anti-establishment politics and resistance against tyranny.

At various points between now and election day, he will unironically tout the "success" of Operation Warp Speed and demand credit for doing his part as President to bring down the hammer of profiteering pharma-tyranny on us all. Millions of people who both support Trump and complain about how the covid tyrants have not been held responsible for their crimes will simply pretend they didn't hear it (again).
another coworker had a stroke this week. I like the guy, he's funny and fucks with people in his own way. I dont think hes doing well, but we'll see. Ambulance was at the office yesterday for a 24yr old employee having chest pains. A couple weeks ago someone died on shift in the yard. One guy I worked with was having blood clot issues, his brother dropped dead within a couple weeks of that. I think the medicine gives him brain fog, always seems confused. Another coworker had a stroke doing over time on a Sunday with no one around, didnt make it to the hospital until monday afternoon. A neighbor died in his sleep soon after the vax rollout. Another coworker, his dad had a stroke soon after the rollout.

Its accelerating, I work at a large company so I get to see a large slice of life. Most family members took it and I'm starting to worry a bit.
I refused to enforce it during the shifts I ran at my job. I looked up the town ordinance and the penalty was a $15 fine for not complying, which was not enforced at all as far as I ever heard. Pretty insane that people just followed along with no consequences for non-compliance.
Can confirm. Both my HS and college girlfriends from years ago contacted me and wanted to. You know. So weird.
The media's lies
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I couldn't go into a bank WITHOUT my face covered. Fall 2019 that would have maybe gotten you shot.
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Someone is making these harder to find, but she is not worthy of a folder.
>chimping out
more like simping out. we don't chimp out.
this. unhealthy people are a cash cow for big pharma.
something is going on, but the covid / vaccine can be seen as extreme racketeering.
all of their tools are made for racketeering.
rigging elections, rigging markets, rigging public discourse, rigging the judicial system.
no one knows how to prosecute demons/archons/wizards, but racketeering and organized crime can be prosecuted. which is why the far out conspiracy shit intensified so much.
fuckin riggers.
Mine was declined, I was put on leave for four months
Unfathomably based
>took 4 shots for literally no gain
>brags about it

memeflag nigger
a maintenance mgr who was in his 30s died a few months ago the night of getting the newest booster, he was a nice guy who cared about doing a good job, avid rock climber in extremely good shape. RIP.
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>waterboarding yourself to avoid the flu
It's 2-3 years later and I'd still hang every single motherfucker that said I should have been put in a camp or forced to take the vax. Never forgive, never forget.
Rigging and usury are some people's profession.
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picrel is a real email I got from a shitlib family member. Covid really showed me how sick these people are.
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>why are some people not participating in society anymore?
well I wonder
The small city where I live offered free cloth masks
at City Hall. These were white cloth and were made by Hanes underwear company. They were stitched together with the familiar seams used on tidy whities. They were several layers thick. I took gobs of them, brought them home, and cut them up to make peefect little gun-cleaning patches.
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Tim Walz forbid everyone from visiting their relatives on Christmas and then flew off to Florida.
Yeah I feel like we don't talk about the "bribery" phase enough. Between the time when they rolled out the gene therapy and when they were coercing people to get it, they were incentivising people to get it, usually by things as small as a donut or a fucking jellybean, or like where I am in Caliphornia where governor Bateman organized a massive taxpayer funded lottery for people that got the shot.
He had to leave the city as I remember and started hiding out in that cabin
They have their heads in the sand now trying to forget they were raped and have know idea what they drug trial did to them
>craziest part

vax being prioritized by race

poor quality therapeutics pushed as vaccines

kids permanently dropping out of grade school

teacher's unions beclowning themselves harder than anyone could have imagined

the feds mailing trillions of dollars of checks to everyone

the total debasement of science by an army of faucies

housing infected people in nursing homes
You still won’t do shit HAHAHAHA
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You couldn't go to the restaurants, bars, sporting events, museums, galleries, boutiques, parks, playgrounds, concerts, movies, arenas, spas, gyms, grandma's house, church, schools, conventions, libraries, or trade shows.

But you could go to a gun shop and the firing range.
these evil motherfuckers killed a lot of people by putting them in ventilators just so they could gobble up on covid gibs (paid to hospital, they got a cut).
hope doctors and nurses die a long and painful death, they have a lot blood in their hands
I assumed you wore them as panties.
"Shut up. I'm filming a wildlife documentary."
All of it. And it showed me how worthless and untrustworthy most people are, including so-called friends and family. I will never let the world forget and I will be calling for the heads of all guilty parties for the rest of my life.

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