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Do people have a negative attitude towards weight loss drugs because they think fat people are bad and should be punished, not helped?
Because it tries to solve the problem of consumption with consumption, without addressing the root issue. On top of that, like any drug, you will eventually build a tolerance to it.

We are literally meant to save up and use fat, there should be no need to use drugs to get the same results.
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>weight loss drug stops you from eating
>people could just stop eating
They have a negative attitude toward weight loss drugs because they have a negative attitude towards drugs.

They don’t work or work but cause bigger problems.
The root issue is that fast food and processed food exists and is designed to be highly addictive.

Unless you're proposing to ban sugar, ban fast food, ban snacks, ban convenience food, ban soda, and probably ban alcohol too, a large proportion of people will inevitably become overweight.
Slaves are not allowed to discriminate based on age, creed, sexual orientation, religion, or a dozen other things people should actually be shamed for.

Slaves are only allowed to make fun of fat people, because Shylocke thinks fat people cost him money and don't make him as much money as skinny people.

Dipshits who pretend to care will decry taking a pill to solve your problems, while they take pills to solve their problems. They just don't want you to succeed, and will harrass you about the only thing a slave is allowed to harrass you for anymore.
If vaccines can be forced on people, why can't fat people be forced drugs to lessen their burden on the medical system?
It's time to start thinking about warning labels on really high sugar foods and especially drinks.
Even if they are really small warning labels, it's a start.
They put literal poison in Americans food that is banned in most countries because it damages the pancreas. A damaged pancreas causes diabetes and fatness.
>>people could just stop eating
Why do you assume this? Isn't that why they are fat?
>They don’t work or work but cause bigger problems.
What if they did?
They literally can't though. 99% of people who are voluntarily dieting in studies will regain that weight. We didn't evolve to be able to control our eating around food that is designed to be highly palatable.
and laws that force people to consider the labels too.
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Found the fat pieces of shit.
It destroys the conceits about body image which attractive people have built their entire self image upon. The cognitive dissonance they experience is going to be ugly. It also render the 10,000 hours they spent in the gym moot. It is fucking glorious.
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I'm down forty pounds.
See, you're what I'm talking about. You don't actually want fat people to stop being fat or get healthier, you just want to feel superior to them and you resent the existence of weight loss drugs because they make you less special.
They can lose weight but you'll always be a shitskin and a slave.
A fit person is usually associated with good discipline and a fat person on Ozempic is just a fat person on drugs.
Free will is an illusion. We do what our hormones tell us to do. You can resist, but only temporarily. People who disagree simply have different hormone signaling, but think that makes them better people.
That would great but they don’t. Anti-anxiety meds for example make anxiety worse because there’s a rebound. Same with ozempic only it also causes permanent muscle loss. You didn’t think pharma wanted you fit and healthy did you? They want you fat and weak or skinny and weak.
Discipline is for slaves. Success is for winners.
Cry more about modern science getting off it's ass to do something and you don't benefit, slave
Ozempic stops you being fat because it means you can keep to a disciplined eating habit and lose enough weight to exercise regularly without being exhausted.
So do people using these drugs.

Obesity is a food and lifestyle problem. It can’t be fixed with temporary diet choices or drugs.
Ozempic costs a lot of money and has many negative side effects.

A gym/athletic club membership and a healthy diet are less expensive, and are less likely to cause illness or injury.
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>fat wanker blames everyone but his own elbow

Yeah, m8, it's my fault and my pleasure that every 2nd and 3rd women of the White race is overweight. That's it. Hey, how about some kike poison to stop stomachs and intestines from working right and causing people to 'medically' starve themselves into weight loss.

You're a fucking retard.
All weight loss includes muscle loss, unless you are talking about liposuction.
Cope harder
It's seen as cheating for the mentally weak. Diet soda is also cheating.
>it also causes permanent muscle loss.
Wait, the fat will come back after ozempic, but not the muscle?
I don’t think people have a negative attitude toward them at all. “People” to you must be a handful of trolls on Twitter. In fact, the only problem I’ve heard of anyone having with ozempic is that it melts your genitalia off
All fat people should be killed. Their decisions to gorge literally are self evident. Those who consoom the most should be killed.
Cope harder, fat fucks.
>T- fat lazy price of shit who did it to himself
I've never worked out or gone on a diet and I only weight 140 pounds fat fucks deserve to be roped not getting fat is the easiest fucking thing in the world.
When 6'2 bears slim down into chads, losers in this thread will still be 5'8 manlets who couldn't take the fatty in a fight

Cry harder, manlets LOL
Obesity is a problem caused by the food industry. If you aren't proposing to ban about 85% of all foods that are sold in stores, you should shut the fuck up about root causes. You don't care about helping fat people, you just want to feel superior to them.

Do you know what has a lot more negative side effects? Being a fucking fatass.
No one is ever honest with themselves, and they never wanted to help anyone in their lives. It was always about status games and competition. Congrats fatties, now that you’re actually a threat to the status of those with good genetics, welcome to the real game
If you put your tin foil hat on, you can see a sick, sick trend here.

Think about how much you could help the climate if we just... didn't eat. Imagine that. Imagine the savings you'd have if people just.... ate less.

What if people just... weren't hungry? What if you gave them a pill or injection and it made their body not want to eat food. Wow.. you could save the climate from changing .00002 degrees over the next 50 years!

Don't worry about the long term health ramifications. Don't worry about any of that. Muscle loss... bone loss... don't think about those things. You'll be "skinny".. right?
>It can’t be fixed with temporary diet choices or drugs.
What if the drug is part of a larger treatment strategy? Like allowing someone to lose enough weight such that exercise is more comfortable?
listen, the people super addicted to sodas won't listen or care at all. But warning labels and a few public service announcement commercials can help spread awareness and hopefully prevent diabetes and lower obesity.
Fat people are lazy and can't be trusted. I say this as a 40lb overweight fatso. As soon as I look at a fatso, I know they have problems in their life. They may be fully qualified for whatever I am looking for, but I don't trust someone who has no control over the simplest of functions.

So, when you hear a fatty is going to take Ozempic and magically unfat, forgive me for realizing all the same issues are still there.
>gym/athletic club membership and a healthy diet are less expensive, and are less likely to cause illness or injury
Laughable. Look up the number of injuries per year at gyms. Also GLP-1s have nothing but positive side effects so far.

From Bing AI: In 2023, there were 482,886 injuries from exercise equipment, which is an 8% increase from 2022 when there were 445,642 injuries. This is the highest number of injuries in any sports and recreation category
So your a little boy, or a full grown indian, and everything scares you
Another twatter screenshot containing dumb inane bullshit
It's easy for you because you literally have a better genetic response to GLP1.
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If you're fat, there's a hefty portion of the population that won't even view you as human. I don't judge people doing anything and everything they can to gain their humanity back as wrong.


>as opposed to diet and exercise, which you only have to do once
Who is this goober?
... I agree? idk why you want to make an argument out of this.
It kind of is your fault, because you don't vote for politicians who'd punish and destroy the evil food industry.

Absent that, drugs like Ozempic are necessary.
use it to get the ball rolling if you're in a bad state, but don't replace healthier lifestyle options with it.

the "ozempic shrivel" is a thing. just use it to break out of your rut, then start treating yourself better.

there. that's it. that's the "drama". don't abuse it. use it as a tool to help yourself out of a bad place. boom, done.

also, stop being a shill. in a year you'll thank me.
It's cheating.
They didn't earn a thin body.
Which means they didn't change the habits or thought patterns that gave them a fat body.

All fatties are immature human beings with psych issues. Weight loss drugs do nothing to change the psych issues.

That's why the fatties gain it all back when they go off the drug.

But with diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and therapy, those psych issues can go away forever.
The root cause is that most people are lazy pieces of shit with the willpower of an balloon that stuff themselves whenever they have even the slightest craving. The way the human body works was with long periods of minimal food in mind, because for most of our existence winters were brutal. It's extremely easy to get fat, it's not that easy to lose it.
You didn't earn a thin body either, you got it by genetic luck.
No it's worse. It damages mitochondria which are responsible for converting glucose and fatty acids into energy. Insulin resistance is when cells are too fucked up and say fuck off when the pancreas makes insulin to clear the blood.
Exercise and a better diet build habits that can lead to keeping the weight off.
That isn't the root cause because human nature hasn't changed. What's changed is the food industry.
Then stop eating that shit, simple as.
Also, they seem to really want to head-off the growing popularity of intermittent fasting.

Reminder this "miracle fat melter" only appeared once fasting as a thing for westerners started getting mainstream oxygen.
Stop gorging yourselves on shit food and eat like a normal person you fat fucking retards.
>processed food exists and is designed to be highly addictive
It is also subsidized so cheaper than healthy foods. Plus designed around heat and eat meals so 2 working parents with no time can continue to eat and work and continue to pay the jew taxes and keep kids in jew run public school indoctrination centers.
Fat people arent healthy, taking speed, legal or not, to lose weight wont help them with their health problems.
stop eating trash and gorging on food fatshit, it's that easy. look forward to the drug's ramifications hitting you cows like a train.
>then stop eating
You have to eat something at some point. I literally eat 1 meal a day and maybe two double scoop wheys and break even despite working out 4-5x/week consisting of 1hr jump rope and 1hr 5x5 compound lift.
Aww, does it hurt? The "fatties" you used to justify your pathetic life will soon no longer be. They "cheated" - and I'm sure your pathological hatred of them had NOTHING to do with that, right? One day, you'll walk by a former fatty, and have no idea they used to be fat. You might even treat them like a person!

God forbid, right?
It's literally impossible for about 2/3 of people to be around modern processed food and not put weight on. These foods are designed to be addictive. Why are you blaming people for something their genetics doens't give them a choice over?

Oh right you just want to feel superior to fatties and you dislike that Ozempic is taking that away.
ozempicchads will inherit the world, while everybody is seething about them "cheating" kek. reality is, that people want fatties to continue to suffer and now have an "easy" way out.
t. fatty cope
(you had to see that reponse coming)
anyway yes sometimes I gain 5-10 pounds when i eat like shit
the solution is simple I eat well and lose the weight every once in a while
>No one is ever honest with themselves, and they never wanted to help anyone in their lives. It was always about status games and competition. Congrats fatties, now that you’re actually a threat to the status of those with good genetics, welcome to the real game
Im overweight atm but its only due to stress i think. I love swimming but its such a solitary activity.
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anyway the real reason I dislike ozempic
repeated attempts at brute forcing this solution have failed.
Enjoy your stomach paralysis and thyroid cancer.
Fitfags are mad their entire industry is about to go tits up because of weight loss drugs. They spend years on diminishing returns when Ozempic works regardless of age.
Based. Keep it up anon! I'm personally stuck at 140lbs and can't loose anymore. Would like to get down to 120lbs
>That isn't the root cause because human nature hasn't changed. What's changed is the food industry.

Before agriculture, humanity used to live on what they hunted and what they found before winter arrived, the next 3-4 months would be figuring out how to survive. Fat was a valuable resource.

Take how humans lived before agriculture, that is, eating what they could get their hands on, moving from one place to the other, going days if not weeks without finding anything. Now take how the modern human lives. He wakes up in him warm, comfortable bed, starts his day with a coffee that already has 30-40% of his daily recommended sugar intake, maybe eats breakfast too. Then he spends a hour if not more on a platform that moves for him, going to his desk where he spends the next 8 hours seated, maybe eating lunch too. At the end of the day he spends another hour on a platform that moves for him to go back home, orders his dinner, then goes to sleep on his warm and comfortable bed, just to repeat that again the next day.

This type of behavior is unprecedented in the whole history of mankind. This extreme abundance of food coupled with an almost absolute lack of effort is an anomaly less than 1 century old. No human in the past 2 billion years since the first bipedal monkey learned to hold things has ever had a life this devoid of physical effort. You can blame chemicals all you want, but you can't pretend human nature hasn't changed just because it's working exactly as it is meant to.
Just stop eating, lard ass.
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>voooot harder goy, and make me not eat

lolllllllllllllll, lmao even
Yikes, please tell me you are female or under 5'6"
yes true, but nobody honestly gives a fuck, if fattie fucks up their metabolism with turbo cancer. so it always sounds super fake, as if anybody would really give a fuck about this or that fattie is now owned by the pharmacartel. who cares? nobody honestly. but people care, that somebody is seemingly "cheating" or having it the easy way.
>just stop breathing
There's just an obesity epidemic for no reason. Guess people just don't like working.
Ozempic will kill you faster than the crap you eat.
Thats fucking fat cope people like you should be rounded up and set on fire.
They should ban cornsyrup. Limit sugar in packaged goods too
I'm 5'5" :)
Stop eating THAT shit, dumbass, I understand that you have to eat at some point. Be choosier with your food, think quality over quantity.
I think people are just tired of how lazy fat people are, especially fat women.
Lol lmao
Nothing will kill you as fast as being fat

Seethe and cope
Nothing pisses you off like ex-fatties taking your pretty privilege away does it?
My sister bought this ultra natty peanut butter the other week. Had a layer of oil on top, you had to mix up with the peanut butter before using. On the back it had on its label "REFRIGERATE AFTER OPENING!" I was like woah wtf do they put in "normal" peanut butter that makes it so you dont have to refrigerate it??? People talk about these posions as if its select "junk food" items but its in nearly everything, aside from raw vegetables (maybe) and Id suspect is even in meats as they feed most these animals the same shelf stable feed they give us.
Heroin is addictive too but i dont see heroin addicts triggering the elevator weivht limit and then shitting in it while they wait 45 minutes for tbe emergency responders
If your body isn't digesting the food, where does the energy come from to do to the exercise?
Read the OP tweet you fucking retard, exercise and diet is too much work for fatties like you. Quit blaming the food when you’re the one shoving it down your throat.
Yeah, heroin is also illegal
Now if every single store sold and pushed heroin aggressively would that be good for the general welfare?
I'd like to make about 85% of all food illegal too and that would probably mean there was no need for Ozempic.

Holy shit does being a fatty with no self control make you a fucking retard as well?
>dislikes fatties
>doesn't like drugs that would get rid of them
You fucking idiot. Ozempic doesn't stop people dieting and doing exercise. It doesn't magically have negative calories. It lets them diet and exercise.
What the fuck is this processed food that you speak of that is impossible to resist? Just replace your fried deli slop with rice, vegetables and chicken breast for fucks sake. Or, if you you want to lose weight without caring about muscle mass, just eat whatever you want one time a day (unless you’re a degenerate who eats over 2k calories in a sitting).
They put these chemicals in ALL food here idiot! I can only think of raw vegetables as possible unaffected sources, but I hear they even spray them with pesticides and endocrine disrupting waxes that damage you as well. The only option is really dont eat anything. But thats absurd.
>as opposed to diet and exercise, which you only have to do once

yes, you can maintain a caloric deficit and training regimen until you reach your desired weight and stop, although I'd encourage regular exercise regardless of your BMI
Dry fasting has been the easiest thing for me to drop weight. Cut off your eating and drinking on Sunday night, go dry Monday through Thursday. On Friday wake up and start some water back. Add some Kefir, bone broth type stuff and reload vitamins D/K2, Mag, etc.

Eat as healthy as you can though the weekend and start it again on Monday morning. Tons of free time not making food. Lots of walking. You can lift, but I would go super heavy and only a few reps.
this shit doesn't matter it just lowers your fat so you end up skinny fat
I broke up with my ex because when she finally took off her clothes her body just drooped fucking disgusting like get some lifts in every now and then
No idea, I eat one meal and exercise as stated for near a year now. I drink 2 cups of coffee (black) in morning and tea in the afternoon.
old cultural christian idea of not putting in the work, cheating, atonement for sin, abstinence, and delaying reward/results. its a dumb, outdated collection of cultural ideas. its dumber than listening to Wagner conducted by a Jew.
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>heroin is illegal but if it was being pushed everywhere things would be like shitty foods are for fats
It’s not the pesticides and the fucking waxes what make you fat. It’s because you eat mecdonalds every tuesday, drink normal soda and devour a handful of sugary candies and chocolate every day. Stop eating reeses.
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Just like a calorie free sweetener it's one of the consumer science grails that's impossible, it will in fact be evil shit dressed up in marketing. Anyone who lived through the 1990's was tormented so much over the idea of being thin they realize this would be the most evil shit in the world, if it worked you'd be priced out instantly and it would stay that way your entire life. Regardless of how it worked. LIke period, you WILL be priced out for literally a length of time measured in generations of people, not years.

If this drug exists your enemies will have it, you won't. That's why it shouldn't exist, so I can even tell who ought to be punished and who ought to be helped by their external human appearance because once it's hackable every rich person will be auto-hot and sexuality itself will bend to accommodate their godhood, your ugliness and lack of having only further defining them.

If I found the sword I would destroy it
you need to be 18 to post here
I don't give a shit desu.

If there was a once-a-week injection that cured alcoholism no one would be this mad about it. Everyone has vices and fat people have one that's impossible to 100% quit.
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>Drug addicts are pretty
They partially hydrogenate the vegetable oils, a process which creates trans fats. PUFAs are already bad for you, but trans PUFAs are straight up poison because they mimic the shape of saturated fats yet cannot be processed by the body the same way.
These drugs also seem to treat alcoholism! They mess with the brains reward system.
You can achieve your desired weight without exercise/cardio. It is just good for you for unrelated reasons (and will be much easier when you get lean) and might speed your metabolism and weight loss a little bit.
But the secret is just to stop eating crap.
If you don't have the will to diet or exercise, this stiff will only work while taking it.
I don't know side effects or so, bit it may help as a starter and after that you will have to change habits to keep what you gained(lossed in that matter).
Drugs are cool, but mostly only as a tool.

Eating isn't a vice though. Eating excessively is. And you can stop it 100%, but not eating in excess. It's really quite simple, self discipline
exercise and good diet has more benefits than just not being fat
your spine has no "heart" to pump around spinal fluid, if you dont move around and walk your back literally degerates

i dont even understand this movement at all
it feels completely mask off evil
pea protein as an addition is imo better than whey as it does not have sóy in it if you think about bulking up.
They also not only treat type 2 diabetes, but both cure it and prevent it. Truly miracle drugs. We still need to fix the fucking food supply, but these drugs are a godsend for millions of suffering people.
eating healthy also cures and prevents type 2 diabetes
> Doesn't like skinny or fat people.
> Hates the drug that makes people muscular and energetic.

Fattie, if you take a needle of Ozempic in and immediately go down the street to eat fish and chips you won’t lose any weight.

Because diseases like covid are not a result of moral failing. Modern hedonism is incredibly fragile and can't tolerate any reminders that it leads to horrible results or that it erodes public health. If covid was sexually transmitted they would pretend its not a big deal and would never force people to get the vax

Imagine the broader implications for food industry if obesity was regarded like covid19 and that goyslop hurts not just the person consuming it but society as a whole
paying lifetime subscription fees to be able to access your own body
is essentially what this is
I thought this, then I realised that Asians are not fat despite being surrounded by the same unhealthy temptations every day. It seems that westerners are not taught enough self-discipline
>just give me more big pharma pills!!
ok buddy
asians are fat you are kidding yourself
>drinking isn't a vice, drinking excessively is
>gambling isn't a vice, gambling excessively is
>cocaine isn't a vice, cocaine in excess is
you should open an addiction centre where you just tell people this, you would make millions
False. Plenty of vegan diabetics. You are among the conceited retards the OP was talking about. Your bodyweight does not make you a better person than anyone else. Find something else to establish your self esteem.
It’s sub-10% in the entirety of east asia. The fattest one out of the bunch is north korea at like 8%.
I just don't respect them. They're taking this drug because they have no discipline to actually lose the weight. They want a magic solution on a silver platter without any work or sacrifice. Hence they don't actually fix the problem. They're essentially niggers.
I'm mostly laughing at all the fat fucking antivaxx tards who spent the past 4 years screeching over vaccines but somehow have no issue with baldness or weight loss medications from big pharma that render them infertile and damaged.
Theyre getting fatter and I dont trust statistics. Seeing videos of people in numerous asian cities people are getting fatter. Also doesnt help that asians are small, they blow up faster.
>Imagine the broader implications for food industry if obesity was regarded like covid19 and that goyslop hurts not just the person consuming it but society as a whole
...that's exactly what I am doing. What if instead of forcing bunk mrna shots on everyone, we did something that would actually improve QoL.
It literally rots you from the inside out and doesn't solve the fatass' problem of putting the fork down.
Ozempic is Big Pharma profit machine.
Phentermine is a generic amphetamine that does the same thing.
I think the last time I had mcdonalds or any fast food was maybe 3 years ago on a road trip. Even then I didnt drink soda. I honestly cant tell you the last time I had a soda. Maybe in 2014 as a mixer? As for candy, I may have a cookie or something every few months, but its hardly a weekly let alone daily thing for me. I do like to eat a spoonful of peanutbutter+nutella before bed with a protein shake, but its never more than the serving size (2tblsp)
yeah tradeoffs of current and past life
Pea protein gives me gas and you have to drink more of it to get the same protein.
Please tell me there's a video
>no discipline to actually lose the weight
So you're okay with fatties as long you can sneer at them?
That position is completely defensible if placed in terms of efficacy.
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Apparently even Ozempic isn't working for a lot because they are outeating it. A lot of fatties eat just for the sake of eating.
People are just jealous they didn't have the drug when they were losing weight.
Fat Man = Lazy
Anyone who gets mad at another human taking a pill to better themselves is either a boomer mad at change or someone with low self esteem If someome takes that shit who give a fuck?
What if it lets them lose enough weight to get into an exercise routing comfortably?
>On top of that, like any drug, you will eventually build a tolerance to it.

long term studies show no tolerance build up
weight loss drugs are a fucking meme. I was a fatass and lost a shit ton of weight by simply not eating processed slop (basically anything that comes from a jar, with some carefully selected exceptions which are fine) and moving around a bit. That's FUCKING ALL IT TAKES. Anyone who refuses to do it and promotes being fat should be crucified and burned at stake. Or at least shamed mercilessly.
Life punishes fat people for bad choices already, so I don’t have to do that.
That being said, trying to help fat people avoid their natural punishment for bad habits and choices and promising them they can keep doing what they’ve always done but still be healthy is predatory and insane.
Until they finally die of heart disease. Realistically, they'll just be fat again in a few years and/or develop other complications just like the lap band retards that continue to eat like pigs. Without developing inner strength and discipline, nothing will actually change for any of them in the long run.
only weight loss drugs that work are amphetamines
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>Weight loss is bad?
>Without developing inner strength and discipline, nothing will actually change for any of them in the long run.
Totally agree, but still think giving hopeless fat lazy people a way to lose weight is a fucking win.
.25 is the starting dosage. Maintaince is like 2.5mg or some shit. .25 is basically placebo. Nearly no one even starts feeling the effects till 1mg/week, but you have to start low and very slowly increase else youll get sides.
I’ll remind each and every one of you, ALL of the most disgustingly obese people are in the system on disability and welfare and food stamps.
It’s literally the government allowing these people to buy and eat whatever they fucking want for free.
I'd agree in principle, however I don't believe it will actually help these people to simply treat a symptom of the larger problem. Then if it doesn't work out they'll only be further demoralized.
Yeah, fatties should die.
>Just take this magic pill to solve all your problems
>Majority of the nation embraces this

I feel like I live in Gammorah and im the last clean man
This is absolutely NOT the “root issue,” and you are a blithering retard.
Why would anyone be against the castration of Ozempic users? Do you want more fat, pharma-dependent fucks running around?
DNP is also legit but the effective does is too close to lethal dose and a lot of people were dying using it so it got memoryholed hard
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I used ozempic and then tirzepatide for half a year now, lost 50lbs. I split my dosage with my wife, because you are still paying the same if you’re prescribed 3ml or 30ml, it’s always $400. The drug is a manufactured hormone, one that your body naturally produces in response to being full/satisfied. I can go most of the day without feeling hungry, so I don’t eat, and I lose weight. If I do feel hungry, I feel full off of only eating a few bites.

My wife lost similarly lost 50lbs, it was all weight she put on after giving me two kids. We are both back down to our pre-pregnancy weights. The amount of money we save on food pays for the drug. She is slowly starting to ween herself off of it and has not seen an increase in her weight.

Ozempic drugs like it are great if you have the will power to take advantage of not feeling hungry to skip meals and lose weight.
stuffing your mouth with food is a conscious action. breathing doesn't
or does breathing take effort when you're morbidly obese?
>Because diseases like covid are not a result of moral failing.

In large part they were though, nearly all non-geriatrics seriously affected were (morbidly) obese. Being morbid obese is a choice, made countless times often times over the span of literal decades.
fatso cope is incredible
just buy the vegetables at the very same grocery store you're buying your super soda xl and ice cream. they're literally next aisle
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>It's literally impossible for about 2/3 of people to be around modern processed food and not put weight on. These foods are designed to be addictive. Why are you blaming people for something their genetics doens't give them a choice over?

If you are seriously stating this then you've just made one hell of an argument for eugenics.
>solve problem
>solve problem with bandaid
>new problem
>solve new problem with bandaid
>new new problem
>solve new new problem with bandaid
> new new new problem
How many times you wanna be recycled through the corporate money extractor? Solve the problem at the source.

There's more to it than that. Its an American phenomenon. Where ever America goes fatties follow and the more Americanized a nation is the higher their obesity rate is. You can take people from anywhere on Earth, put them in America and they blow the fuck up. There is absolutely low-hanging artificial corporate chemical sludge that no one will give a fuck about that you can ban that will have a considerable impact. The problem with that is identifying any of it due to complete scientific institutional capture from corporations.

You could probably even make fast food significantly healthier. Just source local beef so that its not processed. Use healthy oils instead of sneed oils. There are plenty of places that make burgers and fries that aren't genetic abominations from a nuclear goon reactor.
Weight loss is one of the most simple problems in life to solve. Not saying it's easy, but people trying to represent the issue as anything other than calories in/calories out are lying.
i'm all for ozempic personally. less fatsos = less drain on the medical system
fatties who believe this will fix all their other issues and fitfags getting upset at this are similarly retarded. fat is not the root cause of behavior, it's the consequence
i mean maybe if you find a lard who combines steroids and ozempic, he'll outlook your natty ass
boo hoo
better buckle up because the next decades are going to be about artificial everything outcompeting you anyway
sonnet 3.5 is already smarter than most humans alive, objectively
I have a negative attitude because of the side effects and cost. This is just another Jewish trick to make people blow a bunch of money to disregulate their natural body chemistry. If you're obese you need to gradually reduce your caloric intake until you eat normal human portions. Using a pill to try and accelerate that process is almost guaranteed to cause digestive issues which you will need more pills to solve, and those pills will have other side effects which you need more pills to solve, continuing the rent seeking cycle of the pharmaceutical industry.
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>I used ozempic and then tirzepatide for half a year now, lost 50lbs. I split my dosage with my wife, because you are still paying the same if you’re prescribed 3ml or 30ml, it’s always $400. The drug is a manufactured hormone, one that your body naturally produces in response to being full/satisfied. I can go most of the day without feeling hungry, so I don’t eat, and I lose weight. If I do feel hungry, I feel full off of only eating a few bites.
>My wife lost similarly lost 50lbs, it was all weight she put on after giving me two kids. We are both back down to our pre-pregnancy weights. The amount of money we save on food pays for the drug. She is slowly starting to ween herself off of it and has not seen an increase in her weight.
>Ozempic drugs like it are great if you have the will power to take advantage of not feeling hungry to skip meals and lose weight.

>if you have the will power to take advantage of not feeling hungry to skip meals and lose weight.

Not sure if even trolling. Nigga, what will power do you think you posses? You say you have to take exogenous synthetic hormones to stop you from stuffing your pie-hole with literal trash all day.
No I just don’t eat like a fat fucking pig. Like you lazy pieces of shit.
i lost 20 kg this summer on ozempic
this is so oddly specific that i believe it happened. were you the janny who had to hose down the elevator?
>the next decades are going to be about artificial everything outcompeting you anyway

Here's the thing though: a fatso on synthetic hormones to prevent him from gorging on slop all day is not outcompeting anyone, let alone someone actually healthy/fit through a lifestyle conducive to physical health and fitness.
People are fat because they choose to eat shit and do no exercise.
And now they take of demand 'medicine' to prevent them from eating shit all day... as if that makes any sense.
My ex-girlfriend is literally dying from Ozempic which caused pancreatitis. Her mom died from it last year.

You fat fucks are so stupid. I wish I could have got to her before she took the shots. Not like she needed the damn things anyways. Oh well, just like you fat fucks, you can’t help people who won’t listen.
It isn't conscious. People don't have full control over what and when they eat. You eat when you're hungry. Trying to override that forever is impossible.
>My ex-girlfriend is literally dying from Ozempic which caused pancreatitis. Her mom died from it last year.

No she isn't lol
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Are you kidding. Weight loss drugs already have a dismal case history of death & complications.
Ozempic has a Southpark episode.
Get a clue .
If you trust pharmaceutical companies you're retarded.
Dinitriphenol works, too. And it works way fucking faster.
>Ozempic has a Southpark episode.
Which said it worked

>If you trust pharmaceutical companies you're retarded.
But you trust food companies which are literally poisoning you?!
Of course it's the root cause you fucking moron.

Something changed to make most people fat. What was it? National collapse in willpower?
once you lose the weight, you go on a high fat diet. Simple as.
Carbs make you fat.
Protein preserves muscle and can make you fat if you eat too much.
Fat is how your body controls your weight.
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>It isn't conscious. People don't have full control over what and when they eat. You eat when you're hungry. Trying to override that forever is impossible.
Nigga you what? Even if I'm stoned out of my mind on edibles/vaped weed, afflicted by nuclear grade munchies, I still make a conscious choice to eat whatever I choose to eat. Same goes for eating after doing a three or four hour bike ride. Am I hungry? Sure. Does food taste better? Absolutely. Does it make me powerless to resist any edible item that meets my fucking gaze? Of course not.
There's been some studies on this that found obesity lowers cognitive ability.
We've always known that fat people are dumb, but now there's scientific evidence for it, too.
> I still make a conscious choice to eat whatever I choose to eat.
There's no such thing as a conscious choice. Free will is a myth. Experiments find that people make a choice unconsciously, then their consciousness rationalizes a choice after the fact.
Yes she is. You are absolutely fucking retarded. Ozempic royally fucks the Pancreas and if you quit it cold Turkey without taking pancreatitis medication you could literally die.
Yes I too trust the science and will get my annual covid-boosters. Amen! Bless saint Fauci!
Jews sell unhealthy goyslop then bribe politicians to not ban them. Then politicians tax people and spend the taxes on treating obesity and diabetes. Fortunately Jews are there to sell the drugs to the health service.
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False for both.
Working. As if. Working at what? To create comorbities, kek.
Fat people SHOULD be despised
Yes it was a national collapse in willpower. You are a fat lazy piece of shit.
>There's no such thing as a conscious choice. Free will is a myth.
Almost forgot.

You are not a powerless blob, you are an individual living in freedom and if you have somehow been turned into a weak willed blob than that has been entirely through a long series of choices YOU made, exercising ( ha ha) your own agency.
Yes. I don't think you should be handed a get out of jail free card for your bad behavior. Though, I don't think Ozempic is quite the pleasure cruise. Many of those fat retards are getting eternal diarrhea or digestive paralysis as side effects.
It’s not sugar that needs to be banned. Most of that sweet stuff is made with corn syrup.
The drug doesn't get rid of fatties. It puts a bandaid on their fatness until they either get off of it or die from it. When they get off it, they go back to the same shit that made them fat in the first place. There is a reason they need a drug to stop being fat.
>National collapse in willpower?
Cultural degradation, which will always be followed by hedonism. Goyslop was a part of most people's diet in the 60s and 70s, yet there weren't nearly as many obese people. Current day Japan is an even better example of this.
People got more exercise, ate less, and were often shamed into course correcting if they were getting too fat.
Adjusting diet and doing exercise isn’t nearly as profitable long-term. Pharma is Health as a Service; they want subscribers
I’m sure, just like how the vax is 99% safe and effective. These studies are bullshit and paid to have a conclusion back into a hypothesis
Fun fact. If people just breathed less, they would also lose weight. Seen it countless times in pulmonary disease patients. So "just eat less" and "just breathe less" are pretty much equally retarded advice. Both technically result in weight loss.
The problem is that it's a bandaid fix that doesn't address the root of the problem, which is the inability to put the fucking fork down and get off one's ass. That is the only true way to lose weight and keep it off.
>do people
You're not people.
So just let them stay fat and keep paying increased lifetime medical costs?
Implement the drug with mandatory education about diet and exercise. Done.
Shut up fatty. People who hate fat people are totally people. Fatty.
We've never had anything like modern processed foods in our diet before. Calories are cheap and delicious.

That's not the problem. The problem is modern factory made food.
A surprisingly large number of people would rather personally pay more for medical care to "punish" fat people by denying them a drug that stops them being fat.

Spitefulness is retarded.
No, fat people should be required to hold additional insurance for being fat.
"Fatness" is a mindset. Being a landwhale is just a result of it. Every single person controls their own caloric intake and the fatties inability to put the fork down combine with the overall lack of discipline is an ingrained character flaw like a genetic disease. No amount of coping, cry or pills will change that reality. If they truly were human they would have never gotten fat in the first place because they would have had enough discipline and self-respect to not stuff their cake holes with food 24/7. Sorry Anon, but a landwhale can never become an actual human real life isn't like Pinocchio where you can become a real boy if wish hard enough or take magic pills
>wah wah fat people are morally bad, i'm superior to them
>they think fat people are bad and should be punished, not helped?
I think most people see fat people as gluttonous and fat only due to their lack of self control. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what the effectiveness of ozempic and related has proven. I think it's great that people who can't help themselves are getting help, but I'll admit I'm a little miffed that they're still not willing to fess up and admit that if they'd just chosen to eat less then they'd not be in their situation. Despite this overwhelming proof, we collectively still won't admit calories in calories out.
Lying as usual. Fast food back then was fried in animal fat, and milkshakes were a common item people would get with their meals. Common food from the 70s like McDonald's cheeseburgers, hostess cupcakes, twinkies, etc were filled with so much artificial shit that they haven't even fully degraded yet. Don't even get me started on the diners people used to frequent back then.
>If you aren't proposing to ban about 85% of all foods that are sold in stores, you should shut the fuck up about root causes.

>Reeeeeeee big daddy government, take all temptations away from me because I have no self-control!
I would rather make them ban all sóy and gmo corn products so you aren't tricked into eating those and any made with bug based products because they are more harmful than alcohol.
>you just want to feel superior to fatties
>wah wah fat people are morally bad, i'm superior to them

I have sympathy for fats but this is just pure projection and cope. Fit people only compare their bodies to other fit people, fatties do not enter the equation in the slightest.
That dismissal does not come from a feeling of superiority, but because we are in two completely different lanes playing two completely different games. It's interesting that fats, who literally do nothing to maintain their body, are more obsessed with image and perception than healthy people who work that bit harder. They simply don't think about it as hard as you do, but you'd never understand that as a permafat.
>failing to lose weight is "solving" the problem, but actually losing weight with a drug is a "bandaid"
>a company makes money selling a product people want because it fixes their issue? OH MY COMMUNE SAVE ME STALINMAN
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Weight LOSS????
It never will works, imagine a magic drug that you eat 10 big macs each day and you are thin, ok then why do you think the fat person will stop in 10?, it will be 20, 50, because the real trouble is the dopamine released in the brain not the obesity, they will go always for more.
>i don't feel superior to you, fatties are just subhuman, that's all
you don't know how these drugs work at all

Do you think the government should ban the sale of heroin and cocaine?
Getting in shape can be tough but just "losing weight" is the easiest thing in the entire world. You don't have to even do anything.
If losing weight is so easy why is it so hard for people to actually do it?
If that's genuinely what you took away from that maybe that's a sign that, deep deep down, you yourself feel inferior for your fatness. Again my dude, projection and cope.
Ozempic is fine. You don't need to take it and lazy fat fucks who lead lifestyles of early death get filtered.
>but my friends and family members will take it
It's sad but you need to come to terms with your overestimation of their character. Their mindset will kill them early.

actually that drugs just attack the symptoms and not the origin. Or tell me what drug do you know that works perfectly from the base?, and how it works?.
Because this world is in the bosom of Satan and we are slaves to our material lusts.
The cause is that people aren't sensitive to dietary hormones causing them to overeat. That is what the drugs fix.
Fat fucking piece of shit detected

I can only imagine the stench you produce from those sweaty fat rolls. Yes, people cringe when they see you waddle around in your moo moo. You’re gross and disgusting in every way imaginable.
Just put the tub of ice cream down, fatty. It ain't that hard.
You know it's not my personal overestimation of anyone's character that's the issue, here.
Projecting fatty detected

You should stop trying to pretend you're better than me
ozempic does not magically delete calories from your body. you still have to diet. you still have to exercise. it just takes away the extreme food cravings
Yes, you shouldn't care, more skinny people means less disputing people to look at, which improves your life. Plastic surgery is also a positive thing for this reason.
Weight loss drugs? Jesus fucking christ. This planet can't be blown up soon enough

Disgusting worthless lazy fucks.
You're pathetic.
>noooo you can't just lose weight nooooo you have to suffer and die and cost me money
>Do you think the government should ban the sale of heroin and cocaine
Holy mother of false equivalence, you're saying that sugar is the same as cocaine? Just put the candy bar and corn chips down.
>Holy mother of false equivalence, you're saying that sugar is the same as cocaine?
Yes, fast foods and processed foods and cocaine are all addictive substances. How is that a false equivalence?
Fast foods are fucking DESIGNED to be addictive. They put billions into making them as delicious as possible.
Nah, because as usual they are replacing one problem with another by refusing to face the root causes.

you guys have no idea how bad it is over here - the ssri's is like 50% of the population - they are all fat nigger cattle
Like I said unless you're proposing to ban most food and drink that's currently on sale, shut the fuck up about root causes.
Stop stuffing so many calories down your fucking gullet you worthless pile of meat. Maybe fucking burn some of those calories. Have some fun king self control and willpower you God damn human trash

>nooooo I need drugs in order to not eat too much!!!
there is no such thing as pancreatitis medication. i have an alcoholic family member and he gets pancreatitis 4 times a year. they give you fluids and b vitamins and tell you to pray he doesnt get sepsis.
I'm exercising willpower by using it to take a drug which regulates my eating habits. What part of that do you have a problem with?

Oh right, you think fat people are bad and need to be punished and anything that doesn't make us suffer is "cheating".
I have less than no respect for fats, and more importantly you useless fucks have no respect for yourselves.

Destroy yourself and then beg the doctors to fix you with drugs so you can KEEP destroying yourself. But hey you're treating one of the symptoms at least, right?

Fucking garbage. You belong in a landfill.
It’s not true that you’d be fat off of it. You’d have to gain the weight back, so ideally you got your diet fixed up or hormones treated thyroid etc while skinny
I have a negative attitude towards weight loss drugs because they only serve to enrich pharmaceutical companies and add drugs to the problem of obesity instead of addressing its root causes. Also, they don't do anything to make fat people healthy and teach them proper nutrition. They make them eat less of the slop they eat and become malnourished and sickly.
No, we think fatties have impulse control problems, shitty genetics and are most likely mentally damaged and should not be able to hide the fact causing them to reproduce less and get their shitty DNA out of the gene pool.
>I need drugs to not eat too much

You are a fucking worthless pile of meat. Why should anyone respect you when you have no respect for yourself and your existence is an affront to everyone else? Why should the medical system be burdened with your immature refusal to live your life correctly?
How long 'til we find out it eats your liver or something equally gruesome?
fat people are selfish assholes who over consume scarce resources while others starve because of their gluttony
>instead of addressing its root causes.
You don't want to address the root cause either which is the fact that processed food is addictive.

All you want to do is blame fatties for their genetic disposition to get fat around addictive food so you can feel superior to them. And drugs like Ozempic take that feeling of superiority away from you, don't they?
I don't care what people have to do to stop being so fat, ugly, and poorly dressed SUV driving morons so long as they do it. Shit give these fatties an 8 ball and some Ozempic or Wegovy or whatever it takes. That way there's no excuse. So going forward being fat is literally a choice and there can be no counter-argument for mocking fatties. They lose something like 20% of the weight from muscles and connective tissues? Not my problem.
>I'm treating myself for a tendency to overeat, which takes a burden off the medical system, saves everyone money, and makes me live longer

you're juat a fucking retarded faggot who is deathly afraid of personal responsibility.

>ita not my fault!
>I have CRAVINGS!!

Absolutely pathetic and disgusting. A waste of life.
For most of the incels here, being at a semi-appropriate weight is their literal only accomplishment in life. These drugs take away that one solitary thing and give them nothing to feel superior over.

It’s cope, basically.
What difference does it make? Now we don't need to be burdened by his hideous fat visage. We should be encouraging him to continue stabbing himself in the stomach with semi-glutides and holding literal poop in his stomach while atrophying his lean mass to nothingness.
How is voluntarily fixing your own health being afraid of personal responsibility

Almost all fatties have lost a lot of weight in diets repeatedly. Then they put it back on despite everything. Willpower is a muscle and you can't use it indefinitely.

I don't think people at normal weight have any idea what it's like to be a fat with food cravings. After you take ozempic you EAT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. Normal people arent going around fucking suffering and thinking about food constantly. That's what your body does to you as a fat.
>muh gen x heroes made a faggy cartoon about it!!!!
Jesus fuck. Gen X’ers are not a serious people.
>Almost all fatties have lost a lot of weight in diets repeatedly. Then they put it back on despite everything.
Your ghrelin response doesn't get better just because you lost body fat. You need to keep it off for a prolonged period of time for your hormones to change. Essentially you need to fail and catch yourself quickly and get back on target. On a long enough timeline your ghrelin response will change. Or you can give up and take a drug forever. Either way I just hate fat people.
99 percent of diets fail. It doesn't fucking work. The whole diet and exercise industry has been around for decades with nothing to show. If there was any way to make diets work we'd have figured it out by now.

>Either way I just hate fat people.
So why hate fatties for taking a drug to stop being fat, reducing the number of fat people?

I don't think you even hate fat people. You need fat people so you have people to feel superior to.
No we have a negative attitude because it is shilled as safe and effective from the usual kike operations, and all fat people have to do is stop eating food.
>99 percent of diets fail. It doesn't fucking work.
99% of people are fat weak degenerates. That's why democratic systems are retarded. The weak will always outnumber the strong. The stupid will always outnumber the wise. The ugly; the beautiful. And so on. Also 99% of diets are retarded. Calories in and calories out. The "industry" doesn't benefit from you understanding nutrition. The onus is on you to learn about it. Adherence to any habit is the hardest part for most people. Why? Because people are fucking pathetic.
>So why hate fatties for taking a drug to stop being fat, reducing the number of fat people?
I don't. I encouraged you to do one or the other you illiterate fat moron.
>Calories in and calories out.
This is obviously false or at least not the whole story. The way you take those calories matters. Modern food and lifestyles fuck up people's weight control ability.
Ah I see. Thermodynamics cease to function because seed oils and screen time. I can't wait for new engines to be developed based on your findings professor sloblord.
Why are some people thin and some people fat O physics genius?
Oh it must be because calories in and calories out doesn't work right? Or you could revisit my previous posts and examine the hormone Ghrelin. The tl;dr of it is that you got fat because of emotional/bored/whatever eating and you ruined your hormones and now returning to equilibrium is difficult.
Your body's metabolic rate literally changes day to day to try to maintain its weight. Losing weight as a fatty in the short term is easy, everyone can do that. Losing weight as a long term thing is next to impossible because you're fighting your own body's regulation.
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Anon, the side effects of any given medication far outweigh any supposed benefit. People like you are arguing for the continued existence and growth of an industry whose sole purpose for being is predicated on keeping their customers as sick as possible so that they can continue making a buck.

Your argument is rooted in keeping people as sedentary and docile as possible, while their oppressors continue to dominate over them with an iron fist.
>Unless you're proposing to ban sugar, ban fast food, ban snacks, ban convenience food, ban soda, and probably ban alcohol too
Yes. This is the only common sense position. The general public should not be allowed to consume poison and feed poison to children.
This is not a controversial position.
Okay? Are you fucking retarded?
>Do people have a negative attitude towards weight loss drugs
I have a negative attitude toward drugs sold to cure illnesses created by the same industries (and investment bankers). They make the disease and sell you the cure. I don't like that, so i don't buy their poison. I'm against poisoners and scammers who spread disease.
>Anon, the side effects of any given medication far outweigh any supposed benefit
wow, in a thread full of retards, you are by far the biggest retard.
Calories cannot legally enter your body without your consent.
I absolutely despise seeing obese landwhales so I don't give a fuck if they nuke their health taking this stupid meme drug if it actually works makes bearable to see in public. That said, if you're not brainless moron, you just eat less food.
Exercising free will = exercising your ability to resist temptation. I'll take temporarily over giving up completely if those are the only options. Choose the latter and you're sure to never have any semblance of free will.

I've fought urges and won before, alcohol being a major one.
>eating healthy
choose only one
Basically, though this isn't necessarily logical or moral. If I were "god emperor of mankind", all fatties would be conscripted into forced labor until they reached a healthy weight. It's the only objectively logical and moral solution. It creates an extremely persuasive incentive for people to maintain a healthy weight and completely removes any public burden they would otherwise cause. The criminal justice system should work largely in the same way. The public should be taxed a spend a penny or a single minute of their labor to house and feed criminals. Criminals should be forced to repent by forced labor that benefits the public good.
Because some people are smart enough to eat a healthy amount of calories and others are not.
Heroin cannot enter your body without your consent so why don't we make heroin legal and allow it to be advertised everywhere?
I have a negative attitude against all pharmaceuticals.
>'Curing disease is a threat to our bottom line! We should only sell treatments!'
-some pharma board member probably.
Take your drug, you still won't be healthy.
This. My cousin is on it and she's a big girl, but she fails to change her diet and has hardly lost any weight this year. Meanwhile, I completely changed my diet and home cook everything with only 2 medium meals a day. I'm down 75lbs this year with minimal exercise. I don't even count calories, I just eat meat and veggies.
fat people are supposed to be fat. it's genetic. let them be fat. who cares?

white Karens and white male virgins
it should be. it used to be. but you're one of millions of white faggots who are physically incapable of minding your own business
>>Reeeeeeee big daddy government, take all temptations away from me because I have no self-control!
I dont mind temptations. Cake is fucking awesome. So are chips. The problem is that normal food is pumped with poison and their production is actively subsidized by the government.
>Fast foods are fucking DESIGNED to be addictive. They put billions into making them as delicious as possible.

Yes, which is why you show restraint and build fucking discipline. People aren't born skinny or fat, they're born the exact same 99.99% of the time. Do you think people are skinny because they've been blessed from heaven with that body type? No, they put in the effort and willpower required to not become fat sacks of shit. My brother, only one year older than me, is nearly 100 pounds heavier, all because he refuses to eat less and exercise more.

So spare me your cope because I've heard it thousands of times, it's always "it's everything else's fault but mine". Get a fucking grip and take some agency over your life instead of being a perpetual victim. Everyone around you that is not fat has had to put in the effort, so you have to do the same.
It is a quick fix that isn't seen as "earned", plus many gym influencers and former fatties base their entirr personality around having worked hard to lose the weight. By their own definitions it is a hard and painful journey, although half of me thinks they just like fluffing their own egos by telling ghost stories to the people at the starting from the endzone, so if all their potential subscribers and dickriders could just take a pill/shot to lose it at a fraction of the "struggle" it invalidates their whole being . As to the pic, it is incorrect. Building the mental fortitude to eat healthier AND work out on a schedule will translate and last after you are no longer rigorously training to drop the weight. Ozempic is literally just an appetite suppresant and if you need chemicals to keep yourself from eating too much, you will go right back to overeating as soon as it is gone.
>Fast foods are fucking DESIGNED to be addictive. They put billions into making them as delicious as possible.
Fast food isn't even good though. They cheap out on every single ingredient as much as possible. Food you cook at home tastes far better. You don't even have to be a talented cook or anything.
There are additives that the FDA absolutely should ban because they are known to be harmful (e.g. potassium bromate). But the root problem is simply that people consume too many calories. Most people receive absolutely no education about this and probably aren't even aware that the sugary drinks they gulp down in a day amount to like 1000 calories alone.
Hot take: Fat people are bad because they have a major, negative personality flaw that led to them becoming fat.
We live in a society, and if you aren't pulling your weight (lol), then you are a drag on society and put the rest of us in danger. You can't fight in wars, you might suddenly die in the workplace and endanger somebody, and you cost a shit ton of other people's labor to stay alive. This all leads to the rest of us suffering, simply because you are selfish and lack impulse control.
Taking medicine doesn't fix those root causes, it simply alleviates the one symptom that affects you. It does nothing to help you be a productive member of society.
>But the root problem is simply that people consume too many calories.
Sure, but why is everything so calorie rich? Why does everything need to have a shitload of calorie dense corn syrup and oils added? We have highly educated scientists being paid shitloads of cash to research how to make food products as addictive as possible at the expense of health (the "bliss point" is a good example). The average person doesnt stand a chance.
>MMMMMMMM I didn't EVOLVE so I could say no to this CUSTARD
>Ahmmhmmm mmmmmMMMMM
How am I supposed to do the following on a fucking 5 day no water fast
>go to work
>lift weights
>do sports
>see my friends
>have sex
>do anything but rot in bed
>oy vey fat people can't fight in wars to defend mr shekelstein's mansion settled in palestine, this is PRACTICALLY ANOTHER SHOAH!!!
Did you have any raises since 2021? Because if not your objective value to society has regressed 30% since then and it's bound to drop more
>Holy mother of false equivalence
go back
It's not really the additives in this case, but just simply empty calories. Foods with empty calories have become more common since the 20th century, but that's just more to do with it literally being impossible to make a twinkie or some shit back in 1700. Empty calorie foods are low in nutrients but high in calories so it's easy to overeat and the average american isn't conscious of this. Drinking 1000 calories of beer is easy. But eating 1000 calories of eggs is probably impossible. Basically, people go out of their way to choose empty calorie slop and don't think about it.

>The average person doesnt stand a chance.
They just need to be educated on it. There is literally zero education on any of this kind of stuff in this country. They vaguely teach you the food pyramid meme and that's it. You won't correct everyone but for example there was a lot of education around smoking and its usage plummeted fast.
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These are just the common side effects of taking ozempic, fatty. You might as well purge like a bulimic and save yourself the money that you are throwing away.
You're only proving my point with every single reply, lardanon.
Yes, I actually got a 40% raise since then.
cope, fatties. You are weak-willed and that's why you hate yourselves.
this, and also the most vocal fatty-haters are probably zoomzooms in their prime around 18-22, I know because that was me, now I'm 32 and an overweight father of 2 lmao
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this right here is exactly why the negative attitude exists. If you need to exercise and diet properly anyway, why would you throw money at the problem? Just diet and exercise.
Ozempic isn't some kind of miracle cure, you still need to do your part.
Drugs are necessary to cut fat. I'm spamming modafinil and nicotine patches and I barely eat anything, the excess bodyweight is just sliding off of me. It has also made me a better wagie.

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