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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Generate Here: https://hailuoai.com/video

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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Give your phone number to China goy!

- posted from a Xiaomi M7 Pro
t. pajeet, jew, nigger
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cant be any worse than giving your number to google
Because I dont want to give my phone number? Kek
Kek thats funny
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Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. And he said to his people, “Behold, the people of Israel are too many and too mighty for us. Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and, if war breaks out, they join our enemies and fight against us and escape from the land.” Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens. They built for Pharaoh store cities, Pithom and Raamses. But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And the Egyptians were in dread of the people of Israel. So they ruthlessly made the people of Israel work as slaves and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field. In all their work they ruthlessly made them work as slaves.
Can u maybe try Kanye and Hitler happy in a german rollorcoaster?
you don't have to give your phone number lying kike
It asked me for a phone number for verification how did you do it? I do want to try it just dont want chinese call centers calling me constantly
all you have to do is follow the instructions. go to this website and add in text for the prompt:

Is it because im phoneposting
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Now a man from the house of Levi went and took as his wife a Levite woman. The woman conceived and bore a son, and when she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him three months. When she could hide him no longer, she took for him a basket made of bulrushes and daubed it with bitumen and pitch. She put the child in it and placed it among the reeds by the river bank. And his sister stood at a distance to know what would be done to him. Now the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river, while her young women walked beside the river. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her servant woman, and she took it. When she opened it, she saw the child, and behold, the baby was crying. She took pity on him and said, “This is one of the Hebrews' children.” Then his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, “Shall I go and call you a nurse from the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?” And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, “Go.” So the girl went and called the child's mother. And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, “Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.” So the woman took the child and nursed him. When the child grew older, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. She named him Moses, “Because,” she said, “I drew him out of the water.”
Disgusting but accurate
yes it doesn't work for me on mobile either you need to use a computer
On the browser you just type in that link and you are on the page where you enter the prompt.
Then click generate and the videos come up underneath in a little gallery.
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One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. He looked this way and that, and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together. And he said to the man in the wrong, “Why do you strike your companion?” He answered, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid, and thought, “Surely the thing is known.” When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian. And he sat down by a well.
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How long until this gets shoahed?
Their first mistake was keeping their logo in the video, now the jew can trace the source back easily.
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Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came and drew water and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. The shepherds came and drove them away, but Moses stood up and saved them, and watered their flock. When they came home to their father Reuel, he said, “How is it that you have come home so soon today?” They said, “An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds and even drew water for us and watered the flock.” He said to his daughters, “Then where is he? Why have you left the man? Call him, that he may eat bread.” And Moses was content to dwell with the man, and he gave Moses his daughter Zipporah. She gave birth to a son, and he called his name Gershom, for he said, “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land.”
wat duh fuck moshe gon do
How do you get this thing to use copyrighted things like video game characters?
It's a tech demo. Advertising is the point.
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Im using their videos for commercial purposes while cropping out the logo.
ask it nicely
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designers needed for ongoing meme wars
make sure to include "pretty please" in your prompts
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Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.” When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.
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it does, just open it in a browser and change the browser setting to "view as desktop"
stop baking new threads and splitting the posters you stupid fucking retard. only bake only when 300+ posts.

how do you make it look like this? Is there something in the prompt you can say that affects the camera work?
Request desktop site you retard
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how do you get it to accurately show specific people. If I use their name I get vaguely the same body type but a completely different face. What's weird though is it seems to give me the same face every time. Picrel is supposed to be Jack Black
ive been using "35mm film style" or other descriptors like that. this coupled with things like "dolly shot", "panning shot", "drone shot", can help dictate how the camera operates
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During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.
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It's probably only trained on certain people, elon has tons of videos of his face
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heres one of my examples
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I think this is about as good as i'm going to get with this prompt
>Viewed from a fish-eye camera on the international space station, we see dozens of nuclear explosion on the surface of the earth that originate from ground-level with large fiery "mushroom clouds" rising into the sky. we also see satellites in space that are shooting green laser beams towards the earth. the camera pans to inside the international space station and we see several men that looks like Donald Trump dressed as Jewish rabbis with big beards clapping their hands and dancing as the earth explodes in the background
You have to translate it to Chinese.
In Chinese hes called: Jacku Blacku.

Thanks anon. One thing though, how do you write the camera work in? "A man passes by a building, the camera following him on a dolly, then from a drone shot". Something like that?
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Then the Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel has come to me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” He said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”

Check'd. These are so well done. I can't wait in 2-3 years when we can make full length movies of Jesus going into the temple with an Uzi and killing all of them
How are people getting videos with trump? It keeps refusing to do any prompt if I have his name in the prompt
so far, i write the basic descriptors that set the style of the scene, "35mm film style, 35mm..." whatever, then follow with a simple description of the camera, "action shot of a...", "dolly shot of a...", "top down drone shot of a...", and then the description of the scene following after
I stopped using drone shot because it was putting drones in my image.
I didnt know that at the time
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I'm using "man that looks like Donald Trump". It wouldn't work if I just said Donald Trump
Try 45th president of whatever president he is
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try throwing that 35mm stuff i mentioned earlier in there. if you're just writing "drone shot", its probably thinking you want a shot of a drone or with a drone in it, vs a cinematic shot filmed WITH a drone
Jeets have the problems with phone scammers here
I had tried that and it was blocked too. But I think maybe it was blocked because I said I wanted the camera in "bullet time" lol. Changing it to "extreme slow motion" let it through
Maybe try using the desktop site
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Jeets are mysteriously absent from these threads
Thought that was the dumb nigger cunt that tells lies for the white house from the thumbnail.
So much for "uncensored" lol.
Trying to make something for 9/11. What prompt did you use to get that pov?
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God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has appeared to me, saying, “I have observed you and what has been done to you in Egypt, and I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, a land flowing with milk and honey.”’ And they will listen to your voice, and you and the elders of Israel shall go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us; and now, please let us go a three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’ But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless compelled by a mighty hand. So I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all the wonders that I will do in it; after that he will let you go. And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and when you go, you shall not go empty, but each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and any woman who lives in her house, for silver and gold jewelry, and for clothing. You shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians.”
I can't get the minion to be be tall and muscular, I don't get it.
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pretty much never what I described but always hilarious
why the website doesn't load on mine? it just stopped loading.
A view from the doorway to the cockpit of a commercial airline
The fried chicken... LMAO.
Post screenshot of your setting please for:
my webm looks horrible.
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But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” But he said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.” Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said, “Is there not Aaron, your brother, the Levite? I know that he can speak well. Behold, he is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart. You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth, and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth and will teach you both what to do. He shall speak for you to the people, and he shall be your mouth, and you shall be as God to him. And take in your hand this staff, with which you shall do the signs.”
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I use ffmpeg, just paste the following in your terminal (be sure your ffmpeg is in your Application folder)

# First Pass
/Applications/ffmpeg -i <SOURCE.mp4> \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 2M -crf 10 -pass 1 -an -f null /dev/null && \

# Second Pass
/Applications/ffmpeg -i <SOURCE.mp4> \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 2M -crf 10 -pass 2 -c:a libvorbis <TARGET.webm>
Someone help me recreate the picture.
no glowie poster stuff with flags on the wall?
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Moses went back to Jethro his father-in-law and said to him, “Please let me go back to my brothers in Egypt to see whether they are still alive.” And Jethro said to Moses, “Go in peace.” And the Lord said to Moses in Midian, “Go back to Egypt, for all the men who were seeking your life are dead.” So Moses took his wife and his sons and had them ride on a donkey, and went back to the land of Egypt. And Moses took the staff of God in his hand.

And the Lord said to Moses, “When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles that I have put in your power. But I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go. Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son.’”

At a lodging place on the way the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it and said, “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me!” So he let him alone. It was then that she said, “A bridegroom of blood,” because of the circumcision.

The Lord said to Aaron, “Go into the wilderness to meet Moses.” So he went and met him at the mountain of God and kissed him. And Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord with which he had sent him to speak, and all the signs that he had commanded him to do. Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the people of Israel. Aaron spoke all the words that the Lord had spoken to Moses and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped.
Very good, could you provide an example of a prompt you would use, there is so much going on there, just curious.
Fucking KEK, I love /pol/ sometimes
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Afterward Moses and Aaron went and said to Pharaoh, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.’” But Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and moreover, I will not let Israel go.”
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have you tried adding anthro?
add a pig there too, though it might lessen the quality of the kike and the other animals
So is this the real thread now because all the others got bant and this one is moving like a slug
>this one is moving like a slug
because a dnc fag was linking dead threads as the new thread
Well I was trying to be as accurate as possible. This webm is based upon an "actual" story of a jew who was tossed into a cage with a bear and eagle at one of the concentration camps. If anyone has the screencap of the book it'd be much appreciated

>it was real in my mind
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It has a hard time getting text right.
lol, dual meaning, the bear and the eagle represent usa and russia
How did the one anon get it to make a realistic looking anne frank? The one it just spit out looks almost nothing like her
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These chinks are sneaky - looks like there's some sort of social credit system going on. If you generate something that the system flags as a no-no, the restrictions for your specific IP address gets tighter and tighter.
For example, I wanted to generate
>"Donald Trump laughing and pointing a gun at a crying obese Mexican sitting in a catapult marked 'GO BACK'"
This got flagged, so I tried removing the gun. Still no. Then I tried to say "a guy who looks like the 45th US president", still no. I even tried to say "blonde guy" and it still didn't generate.
Then I used a VPN and was almost able to get my original prompt generated, though I can't include the gun. It really is sensitive regarding violence.
No you retarded nigger, he was linking previous threads as the Dutch OP, who started these generals did, so anons could go back and see what they've missed.

Mods are Muslim sandniggers, as soon as there was an anti Islamic video as OP they purged it.

Fucking JANNY cocksuckers
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The same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their foremen, “You shall no longer give the people straw to make bricks, as in the past; let them go and gather straw for themselves. But the number of bricks that they made in the past you shall impose on them, you shall by no means reduce it, for they are idle. Therefore they cry, ‘Let us go and offer sacrifice to our God.’ Let heavier work be laid on the men that they may labor at it and pay no regard to lying words.”
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not sure why alex jones got converted to jeremy clarkson
Is that gray haired Connor Macleod sitting in front of the Wookiee?
Don’t care
Still voting Trump!
Do it again lmao. Fuck jannies
Once they warn you about your prompt, even if you were to reword and remove a lot of the censored words, it'll still remember to flag the prompt going further. Best to start an entirely new one
That was fast!
I dont know it just threw it in there. It looks like it could be Gandalf, which I didn't ask for. I think this is the best iteration of the crazy plane milf, it even got her stomach right.
regarding the file names, its a unix timestamp jap bro
Do they have that kind of power over the Chinese?
Of course, directly, indirectly. Yes.
they look so miserable, like pugs
Read the filename. I tried. At least it got the kippah. Was hoping for something more on point (and thus funnier).
Little dry but its my first
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So the taskmasters and the foremen of the people went out and said to the people, “Thus says Pharaoh, ‘I will not give you straw. Go and get your straw yourselves wherever you can find it, but your work will not be reduced in the least.’” So the people were scattered throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble for straw. The taskmasters were urgent, saying, “Complete your work, your daily task each day, as when there was straw.” And the foremen of the people of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, “Why have you not done all your task of making bricks today and yesterday, as in the past?”
I saw the original video, a picture of her like a Greek goddess statue and a video of her after the incident. I must say she looked awesome in the latter to. So disappointing with her when she’s “made up”. Sone women just don't NEED the make up.
This video AI software is pretty good for being in its infancy. Imagine what this kind of tech will be capable of in a few years. /pol/ will be able to generate entire movies
Here's a (You) for making all of these, they're coming out shockingly good. Is that your straight input text?
here's a prompt:
a muscular western blond man wearing a 4 clover leaf printed shirt hitting a trans wearing a reddit cap and another trans wearing a discord app shirt relentlessly into the sewer.
Thatd be costly to generate and host so expect some high subscription cost.
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Could do that now with enough patience and perhaps some automation in submitting prompts to the ai
The technology is onto me. It figured out I'm a /pol/ user and flagged me for trying to generate a "rabbi being turned into a lampshade." But it initially generated a nonsensical yacht with that same prompt. Then I tried it again and it said "bad prompt" ... I switched it to man in small hat being turned into lampshade and simply switching "rabbi" to "small hat man" allowed it to generate.

It's (((learning)))...
it knew what /uhg/ was also. I didn't even ask for a pig snout & pig ears on the tranny but it obliged
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Are you the ass blasted christcuck from the original thread?
Totally "UNCENSORED" my fellow 朋友
Yeah it immediately deletes anything with nazi or hitler. I tried germand soldiers from third reich and soldier from 1939 but its done for me already
any nude prompts?
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Very nice
Cool go back to India.
anon got some nips with a glass microkini or ssomething
Very cool
The great flush.
lol savage
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I tried Nick Fuentes last time, got a brown haired European man, guess he passes as white
fuck, you're onto something there. keep it up
JD would be proud
That's not ai perv
very nice, the AI doesn't get perspective yet, though
Why the fuck these chinks restricting shit,gay
did they tighten restrictions
whats the easy way to convert mp4 to webm?
the perfect day
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yes they did
i generated mario chasing a black guy holding kfc 2 hours ago but then they made mario stop chasing the black guy, eventually the ai generated a white dude
ffmpeg -i {output_filename}.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 -b:a 128k -c:a libopus {input_filename}.webm

don't fuck it up or you'll make mustard gas
easiest method and best
So fucking close!
>he doesn't know how to use a search engine but somehow has ffmpeg installed and added the pathenvironment variable to make that command work

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prompt for this? want to change the suit to Tails from Sonic
fuck, the are starting to censor some of my tamer promps. Cant tell it to have "black men" and "roulette" for some reason
linuxfags are like this, dont waste time trying to reason with them
>fuck, the are starting to censor
Far too late. The shit we've generated so far is an absolute goldmine that will unleash seething all over the internet.
>indo-europeans riding chariots into battle with swastikas killing browns
Enable high quality mode and size limit to 3.9MB

It's in the OP.
the digits, the post.

Were the previous uncensored ais patched this quickly? I'm a newfag
I wanted to have a roulette table where everyone was betting on 13 and 56 and using fried chicken as casino chips. It didn't like that.
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The foremen of the people of Israel saw that they were in trouble when they said, “You shall by no means reduce your number of bricks, your daily task each day.” They met Moses and Aaron, who were waiting for them, as they came out from Pharaoh; and they said to them, “The Lord look on you and judge, because you have made us stink in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and have put a sword in their hand to kill us.”

Then Moses turned to the Lord and said, “O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and you have not delivered your people at all.”
My first AI crush.
Getting there.
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We had a few days and they clamped down just like this. BingAI was hillarious.
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The same video was deleted when I added bbw to the input :(
Tips for generating hot ai sluts getting freaky?
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So many videos and not a single lewd.
I am disappoint.
>Tips for generating hot ai sluts getting freaky?

yeah, fuck off back to >>>/r/ you disgusting coomer piece of garbage
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>gayniggers from outer space
It has a movie about it
Very nice.
Please post your prompts!
Doesn't work.
She's looking good!!...^^
Man, that is one bad fungal infection!
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seems the text I wanted got screwed up
lol wtf i got nudes
Doesn't work.
doesn't work with a mobile device
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she looks like suzie from curb your enthusiasm kek
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But the Lord said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.”

God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them. I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they lived as sojourners. Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold as slaves, and I have remembered my covenant. Say therefore to the people of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment. I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will bring you into the land that I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. I will give it to you for a possession. I am the Lord.’”
Was going for an icon of St Jude but a Cross works too.
Damn. The way her dress squeezes her tits.
You're welcome
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That's pretty fucking weak, bro
Yes it is because your phonefagging it. Switch to desktop mode.
Tried to trick it through association with "arguing over who has the bigger "statue of Winston Churchill"" but it didn't bite. Still breddy funny.
Damn that's good lol
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Is there a word blacklist anyone compiled?

>Blacklist Word:Workaround

That sort of thing.
tell it to have the person outside facing the camera
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Coomers
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just remember, no matter what anybody says, they're exactly the same as us! color is only skin deep
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Original without bad compression here
this one is good
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Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery.

So the Lord said to Moses, “Go in, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the people of Israel go out of his land.” But Moses said to the Lord, “Behold, the people of Israel have not listened to me. How then shall Pharaoh listen to me, for I am of uncircumcised lips?” But the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron and gave them a charge about the people of Israel and about Pharaoh king of Egypt: to bring the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
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Looks like matilda!
>Moby WHAT?!
Yes, there was another anon who figured out how to make it look more like anne frank. I gave up. It won't draw anne frank for me
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I batted 1/9 for getting a good Anne Frank, its difficult for some reason
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Nicely done. that's the one I was thinking of. Interesting that it's so bad impersonating her. Did you have to change the prompt or just try the same one a few times?
Damn, china won the ai race.
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Is this thing only 2 videos generation max? because it wont let me generate shit.
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No, but it is pretty picky with what you can put in the prompt. If you make something complex it will spit out garbage or say "bad prompt" ... like if I tell it to make an image of rabbis being turned into lampshades it doesn't like that.
lord rayden
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I got lucky the first time: "Anne Frank is in a dusty attic of an old house in the 1930's and she is writing in her diary with a futuristic space pen."

I think it just goes to show the insanity of putting these people into some sort of critical pressurized environment like a space station or a planetary habitat. To keep monkey shines from breaking out they'll have to be in deep cryo sleep for the voyage, or maybe by that time civies will be completely sealed into a passenger module where damage will be limited.

Depressingly, maybe it means we'll never get off this rock because 1) in space every person has to carry their own weight, 2) Blacks cant be relied on to do this, and 3) Western nations will demand diverse crews

I wonder what are the US Navy stats for black submariners?
One way stargate ticket to Nibiru.
nope you can generate as much as you want
>pic related
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So my prompts are simply too spicy. i just wanted german ww2 soldiers. its like bing all over. i dont have it in me to play with words again.
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They deleted the only clip I generated of 2 guys kissing hours after I made it but kept the dozens of clips of women making out

uhh based??
>i just wanted german ww2 soldiers
Yeah I had the same issue. It doesn't like that. There's probably some workaround for it, but I don't know what that is yet.
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One of my prompts that included "smoking pot" gave the try again graphic, and another that included "knives" was rejected out right.

I think the CCP censors have a kind of 1950's conservative mentality towards what's permissible, quite a bit looser on female sexiness, and tighter controls on violence and weapons
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fun fact: jews can't actually smile
they can only bare teeth
the moar you know!
i cant be fucking about again like bing. il just pass on this, or use it for something else. i cant even generate roman soldiers.

its communist shit. perhaps its only made to mock usa stuff, i have seen plenty of that.
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Chinks are right, pot is subversive.
Made this yesterday.
>its communist shit. perhaps its only made to mock usa stuff, i have seen plenty of that.

The AI censors are obviously redpilled on blacks and jews. Hell, there's even Chinese self-help books on "the money making secrets of the Jews", and I've read there's some legitimate study over there on how they took over America, and how China should try to do the same.

I'll take what I can get. Perhaps America should be mocked.
POV: you are on a boeing flight
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DEI jews ruined everything that was once great about American engineering. That's the whole point of everything jews do. They cannot create, only destroy. They are the same as a parasite infestation, except on a global scale.
just don't mention ww2 ,nazi ,swastica, hitler or anything similar
based content here anon, thanks
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that's my king!!!!
We are living in a moment where endless custom red-headed MILF pr0n is a reality. The age of man is over. The age of the coomer has... coom.
Also holy shit check out the clipping on this one. Chinabot be stylin' on 'em.
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Guys is Starliner ok?
(It would not become a capsule)

*kisses fingers* magnifique, anon!

I can only imagine what the CCP agents changed with collecting and reviewing submissions from US based users must think when they see this stuff. I hope they're enjoying it as much as we are lol
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> Guess what I'm about to do, lol!
>freedom to generate anything
>generate wrinkly old hag in unflattering clothing doing farm work
bro, you can do better
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hey guise, can you guess my prompt?
I can't wait till you get to Revelations
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Greatest antikike machine drops and amerisharts are producing porn, ABSOLUTE STATE OF THESE MUTTS KEK.
checked those digits don't lie
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awww shiet that was too easy for Bjorn the Smårt
how about this?
tip: the flag is wrong
Has this shit been glitching for anyone else? It stopped rendering my prompts, just goes to 100% and vanishes
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I refreshed and had a bunch of shit I thought was gone reappear
you had something naughty and a ccp censor caught it
Another mutt subhuman producing porn with this, hope you die, keep crying about muh kikes but second you have the option you behave like them LMAO.
Its getting good desu. my old bing prompts do the same as they did to original bing, pre hardcore censorship. good thing i saved them
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imagine being this emotionally fragile
>every single gen has to be about niggers jews and jeets for the le epic memes!
/pol/ ruining every ai as usual
Best of luck, bro. My attempt to use "sheath cleaning" as a Trojan horse (pun intended) didn't work.

Unrelated note: the Chinabot can't distinguish between individual hand actions.
Got one more. but would rather post in a fresh thread. also im happy you saved that vid of mine. i dont even recall which ai was used. i havent seen a /mwg/ thread in months.
Imagine crying about kikes 24/7, but you happen to behave the exact same way. You are quite pathetic in every way.
if you want porn there are at least 5 different dedicated boards for that on 4chan. You're either a jew, shitskin, mystery meat hybrid, coomer, or some combination thereof. Either way fuck off one of the X rated boards if you want to wank to AI porn. I can just go to the beach 15 minutes if I want to look at and hit on asses. You're stuck in a lifestyle of beating your meat to fake photos on the internet.
I figured it out, my prompt had the word "tank" and "military" in it.
Thanks anons
I wonder if they are amping up the censorship.. pretty tame stuff is getting shoahed for me
funny enough 'apocalypse' gets censored too
I tried to do the four horsemen
Lets see you make one, poosie. Or are you just going to fag about all day?
show flag kike
Le heckin Dromph decloaks and attacks a massive faggot kek
One AI dies, another one rises. Ideogram is leagues above bing's ai now. but i am not eager to pay again for its services. still, amazing how much the advancement of ai goes. 5 second vids. i would gladly pay for an AI that allows me to make minutes long videos and movies. imagine the potential.

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