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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Swissland is one of those non countries that should be split up between its neighbors
Jesus fucking Christ, whoever made that is a pathetic piece of shit.
good, they should start already
>no american flag
thats right
That's what you get, when you invade a country.
What do all these foreigners want? They only want a shortcut. They want what they haven't earned. Seeking the unearned is not okay, it's inherently evil. What is preventing them from working for a few generations? That's all they need to do to raise their living standards. Whites turned Australia from uninhabited to what it is today in just 200 years.
to be fair if i looked like that id be permamad too
What exactly is wrong with it? Other people don't have the right to their property, but since you're a crypto-fascist you probably don't care about property rights.

This is either made by a boomer living in the years of 1980-99 in his mind or a jew.

Its true we think like the irish, a foreigner is a foreigner.... so are the ticinese or the romands in their parts (picrel) (red= ita/fra parts, other parts are Swiss~German and the dot in the middle i where the Eidgenossen which means "Comrades under oath", the SS stole the hand symbols and even the part of their ritual optics of us).
But i guess they see us swiss-german the same way like germans like we see them as italians or french. But they arent, they are swiss and i will shoot everyone around switzerland to defend our borders... but we are a federation and look at other people from other states at the same disgust we look at the foreigners.

If there wouldnt be any arabs or niggers it would be a utopia
I agree, now that they got rid of their neutrality it makes no more sense for them to exist.

Here if you want to live together with that subhuman. Im sure only a greedy jeet would advertise a single room for 1.600fr

It’s still a Knights Templar stronghold and command a lot of secret knowledge, money, influence, and crazy weapons.
spread the word, latin cousin
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> republican states cant make laws
time for monarchies
ok, how are they gonna distinguish german/italian/french-speaking swiss persons from german/italian/french nationals

the only 'native' language (romansh) is hardly spoken by anybody lmao

"Neutrality" is a big word ivan.

Everyone hates us. We dont send weapons to ukraine of lend lease them stuff. We also try to calm down people, knowing that the Judeo-Bolshewiks reign Europe and US, you should not forget what they did in Western Russia, im more afraid of the Germans, French subhuman starting to Palestine us then Ivan coming here.

Everyday i root for Europe, unity etc. I just get called Mountain jew from actual jew subhumans with USA flag.
>ruzzian butthurt that siloviki oligarch money ain't safe no more
Ruzzia: Land of generational Stockholm syndrome.
why is he wearing such tight pants
what a faggot
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Swiss are all about multiculturalism.
Every house gets 2 immigrants.
Look at this passive-aggressive shitter
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I can agree with most of these, but
>bongs out
>frenchies out
>germs out
Come on.
An angry pamphlet is about the worst that will happen
Germans who go there are no better than Eastern euro subhumans who come here and suppress wages/steal jobs.
150M Russians get about the same amount of work done as 18M Swiss and that's including the military production and various suspicious russian claims of having done something in their economy with no proof.

Dissolving Russia and putting it under some other management by just about anyone outside Africa would be an act of mercy and humanity.
strangling the golden goose, I can check names on apartments and never see a single Swiss name on them, no one is breeding because the nation has turned too hostile for family making for the locals, too many males here grabbing jobs and then pissing off back to their shit hole countries, they're also ugly as fuck and no one wants them, it's a robbery and they need to get the fuck out of this small country, unfortunately we're also infected with our retarded boomers that believe they're a benefit for the country, we need a purge ASAP.
They're too woke to say Indians and Arabs
Not a single euro country is armed or ready to defend themselves
Unironically bongs have zero business in Switzerland. The native languages there are German (sort of) and French.
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>This kills the swiss
Switzerland is not your average Euro country. They have an extremely high arms ratio per capita. Every single Swiss person is an "Oathkeeper" and basically a reservist of sorts.
>open /pol/
>Romanianon STILL. ON. LINE.
>Jeet getting Doxxed
You are a board treasure Romanianon.

Nobody literally thinks about this.

Italian, French, Albanian, Turkish etc childern will speak a local swiss german dialect (12 different) growing up, most people get normal human beings around 18-20 when they work as adults and not teenagers in appritenceships. There are also as much Swiss men marrying Turkish, Albanian, Italian etc women like the other way around.

Having a local dialect and local supremacy passed down is a blessing, its not like people care for this county in the first place, but without the country there is no nation state, if there is no country i cant hate on other states and riddicule them for their stupid dialect
you have no idea how wrong you are
They're a big benefit for boomers because it drives demand for rent. They'll destroy their nation to collect 15% more rent
This is what will be necessary, it's this or the Tren de Aragua kills you.
Bunch of order followers though
Yeah I don't see why they would care about Germans, French, and Italian immigration to begin with. should've just said nig nogs and jeets and called it a day
No, it shouldn’t. It’s actually the one trilingual country there that should remain. Whereas belgium and Luxembourg straight up have no justification for existing beyond weakening france and germany. Actually even the netherlands have a poor justification for being independent from Germany. They have less of a valid claim than portugal even does from spain, due to the statelet fractured nature of the HRE making german dialects more fluid and gradual. Until WWII when the netherlands altered their language to make it sound less german, it’s pretty much the exact same language.

Keep switzerland because it is an important neutral buffer in a good spot.
not only that, many landlords are foreigners themselves so it compounds the issue even further.
Fuck off kike. Nations should be for the people living there, idgaf if you speak the same language. NO MORE MIGRATION.
Hopefully they kill that Indian cockroach
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>Next year there will be trouble!!!
I doubt it. That is even a bigger cuck-out than 2 weeks. Truth is we are all fucked. There is no hope, because the "haves" don't give a fuck about anything other than their short term gratification. The haves also despise the "have nots", even though the "haves" done everything they could to fuck-over everyone else. It is the reason the "haves" will so willingly destroy their own countries and their own prosperity long term.
I hate all of them and only wish suffering on all of them. I do not wish for a happy future for anyone.
Doesnt matter. You werent born there. Fuck off back to your region asshole.
> ozzie
> prison colonist
> Convid compliant boot-licker
> pot calling the kettle black
>No more migration
This is only for people or also for goods, services and money?
You refuse the people but take their money and resources?
Switzerland, of all places. The world's #1 loot warehouse
So you're saying little niglets and roachies born in Goyrmoney should be allowed to stay here?
Their country, their rules. But it's kinda known that Swiss will never accept you even if you're prosperous for their country because you're simply not Swiss.
Say what you like but Aussies have a disdain for the paperwork and rules you guys live for. You guys even relax in the same way, you have rules of relaxation
only 3 more months until they do something about it!
I thought Swiss people had no sense of humour

We dont riot. We shoot politicans, not schools or mosques. We hold the people responsible doing us wrong, which will lead always to the ones scheming and ploting, politicans and journalists.
Why do Swiss people hate their neighbors?
Amazing how few people do this. Although these days politicians are hard to find
qrd on that national hero?
You dont know anything about our countries history you subhuman. The "french" people hated france and wanted to join, the "italian" hated italy and joined Switzerland. Bcause of European monarchies and different "landlords of regions"

Map picrel ameritard
French part got added bcause we drove Napoleon out under constant skirimish and it was written down when the french lost the war.
The ticinese were added bcause the people of milano hunted them down and we fought with the people of Schwyz, Venice and the later added ticinese against Milano (which is 40min car drive on highway from swiss borde)
>trade = invasion(migration)
jewish mind is something else
It would be very based if it came from Whites.
>become rich only because you offer safe haven to rich criminals' money

Nah, that is the one country that needs to be culturally enriched.
We won World War 2, that's our fucking reason
>What is preventing them from working for a few generations
CIA? Glowniggers have murdered real leaders and put cleptocrats like Jewtin and Mobutu in power pretty much everywhere. So first stop is to abolish glowniggers and guess where their HQ is? Switzerland, Malta, London, Washington.
>trade = invasion(migration)
One comes with the other. You steal people's capital, they will go after it
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>Austrians stay
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Alot of politicans got shot after that too. Not bcause of political extremism. But bcause people felt wronged by them in their region.

The guy killed them bcause he felt he got wronged by a political mafia. Not even political. A mutt would have shoot up the bus station or his son school insteat the people who have the power to change fundamental things things like this will not happen anymore. Canton of Zug today is the best state to live in and gives taxes paid back when made enough lol
True, just look at Zelensky.
Legality has no meaning when the courts and government are ZOG
I drove through a small rural town in Switzerland recently. It was around the time schools close and I saw a lot of kids walking home. About 1 in 3 was dark brown dalit tier pajeet.
D'aww, two more weekli? Dann Aufstaendli?
Retarded mutt, like clockwork. Your country has no future, I will dance on its corpse.


Remember my neighbors from France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Every single one of your National "states" closest to our Swisschadland borders wanted to join our country and even voted for it regionally but your country shut them down. WW2 was the only time in European conflict we didnt fight and got no soil for it. Everytime we fought and added some more, piece by piece

I predict picrel is Switzerland in 2050, when Europe is over run by Niggers and Arabs and the people go to the alps. Without a single shot fired. God truely kissed the World in Switzerland
Sorry to say it but the Swiss are cucked. My dad and uncle grew up in Switzerland as my grandma was Swiss from Zurich and had family there. I’ve been there several times (I try to visit the family every couple years) the last time I was there was in 2019. My family is pretty spread out, from Luzern to Solothurn to Bern to Zurich to Aargau. It is all the same. Indians/chinks/arabs/niggers everywhere. If you see a white person 50/50 chance it’s a yugo or Albanian. The ones that speak German there’s also a chance they’re Austrians/Germans. When I went to Luzern in 2009 it felt like a utopia. In 2019 it felt like Chinatown, I can’t imagine how bad it is now. The only place that still seemed “Swiss” to me was Gruyère, I guess they don’t have gibs there or something. The men are basedboys by and large, gay and effeminate acting like most Europeans. The actual chad Swiss (which are a small minority) are mostly dating foreigners. My chad cousin left Switzerland for Spain and decided to stay there. Another is with an Asian girl. Meanwhile the women are total whores but since they’re Swiss they’re expensive whores with expensive taste. The churches are empty and basically museums or used for free weddings (swissbros correct me if I’m wrong) at this point. I honestly doubt the Swiss race will exist come the end of the century, the rate of mixing is crazy. Maybe some hillbillies in Graubunden will remain. I don’t recall I’ve ever met a young couple that were two Swiss, two Europeans maybe but not two Swiss. No, a Swiss Guy and Portuguese girl don’t count. Living in CH is like living in Japan, if you don’t speak the language and are not part of the tribe you will never be one of them. I wish you Swiss bros the best. Hopp Schwiiz. Also Coop or Migros?
You're not getting nearly enough children to remain significant Switzerland.
Also you chose to do away with your neutrality, which you really can't afford.

We have 4% blacks and 2% arabs where half of both born here and speak different dialects and biggest part of them are livingin French part see picrel right part red >>480877075
Swiss-German part is literally "White America" in 1890-1920

But thanks to Local dialects and being smaller then you, our local banter culture makes White people alleigned to their local state language banter others 50miles away from where you are living. It bonds. Also, again, all parts got added after the people fought with us against their own country people who treated them like shit bcause they are "just a valley/creek" in their mind.
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Based transhumanist
Where is the threat to kill?
In 2050 switzerland is also going to become mostly arab.
No, at the current rate it will be like Canada (mostly pajeet).
I think it is based unlike gay glowies
Lmao I love how the fags behind this shitty poster didn't have the guts to target real Auslanders and focused on Europeans instead.
Big Uk brexit energy here, polacks our paki in. Civic nationalists are the retardest pussies I ever see, even marxists are less fake and gay than them.
That's a hundred times worse. Is it true that many pajeets are now flooding your country?
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>culturally estranged
Too late, already speaking 3 different languages that they didn't come up with. They especially cling onto knowing "Swiss" German just to be special.
>t. been in Basel for uni student exchange programs
Nah man, nobody understands those fuckers the German speaking ones speak the weirdest German dialect in existence in 0.5 speed and the same goes for their french and Italian regions
They are unified as a nation in their refusal to speak like normal people in an acceptable pace
youre that jeet spammer arent you? those posters are probably single-handedly about you. kill yourself dasa dravidian. dalit scum
I guess it's a lot more local. It's not like someone can take a shirt bike ride to Nancy Pelosis house and shoot her
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>WW2 was the only time in European conflict we didnt fight
Go back to school
you are wrong
when swiss isn't even an ethnicity, there are 3 official languages.
North Korea is probably the only country that isn't getting flooded with pajeets.
Based af
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Can't wait
This. We will never achieve anything as long as we don't understand that only blood matter. Civc nationalism should die or we will.
>live in mt paradise
>one day groups of nigger baboons all wearing the same old navy outfits appear out of nowhere
you all hesitated from the start, weakness
You have it, and jews have given them a path in which they can viably steal it under "legal" premise.

You'll figure it out or you'll become fodder food, your choice.
He was previously arrested and charged with incest for molesting his own daughter.

Just some salty retards who can't cope with the exploded housing prices.

Yes, I pay 2000 CHF rent per month for a small 2 bedroom apartment for me and my son, but it's kinda put into perspective by the fact that I make 10k per month on a 32 hour week.

I wouldn't make nowhere near as much if we didn't have that sort of immigration, but I might end up paying 500 less rent per month.
in precisely 2 weeks there will be an additional 2 week warning
Based. We gotta make regional variants of this. A little more verbose than IOTBW but we gotta drive the point home that these niggers ain't supposed to be here and are not welcome
fine ill call you the chocolate jew then
>Italians grouped with Africa
As a German retard who can barely speak two languages, you will never understand. Germans' competence in foreign languages is just a fucking joke. Every BeNeLux or Scandinavian person I have ever come across speaks perfect English and then some, yet you faggots can't even tell the difference between simple past tense and present perfect.

Guess what, the average non retarded Swiss actually speaks at least two of the national languages + English.
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>Based. We gotta make regional variants of this

I fucking hate namefags.

I also hate lazy bastards like you, who shoot their gob off and expect everybody else to do things.

You have a British flag. See picrel.
Cope, seethe and dilate. Basel represent. I might be the only white person in my neighbourhood but my district is based.

Get shreked.
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>Guess what, the average non retarded Swiss actually speaks at least two of the national languages + English.
I know. Swiss Superman Claudio Castagnoli speaks his native Swiss German, and is fluent in English, French, German, and Italian.
Utterly based. The fire rises
>The "french" people hated france and wanted to join
Is that offer still running?
'cause I'm from Savoie and I have increasingly less hope for France to ever become a decent country again - and Switzerland is starting to look really nice, even if I'm not looking forward having to learn basic-tier of German Swiss and Italian.
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>It's even written in English so a Westerner like me can understand
I think it would've been more impactful if it was written in Hindi or Arabic.
>actively making money from selling out the country
>lives in Swiss Brampton with his young son
Swissbros, I’m getting the sense you people are about to be exposed BIGLY. UK tier
>I fucking hate namefags
I've ascended such tables as reflected on my Twitter bio.
>I also hate lazy bastards like you, who shoot their gob off and expect everybody else to do things
I'm just an idea man because I can't into graphic design and have little freetime to do so.
>You have a British flag. See picrel
I was watching UK Netflix offerings.

Good shit. This is what the fuck I'm talking about!
No, they like those types of foreigners. They just want all the whites out.
go fuck yourself with a cactus, leaf. stay poor, stay mad, stay brown.
why would i be mad about you raising your son in a brown shithole lol
>on my Twitter bio.
You have to go back.

You are a fucking embarrassment.

Stop using your VPN and post with your Mutt flag.
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Lmao fake and gay. My cousins back home got a student visa to go there, I’m currently in the US (ofc look at my flag) after living in Canada for 5 years, and Scotland for 2. I haven’t been to India since I was 12 (I’m 33 between) and I just got a job as a project manager at a start up. You can’t stop us, you can’t stop me. For every job a white retard decides to not do, there’s 30 of us willing to do it and better, more efficiently and more reliably. Sooner or later, us high caste Indians will be the ruling class and take over the world and kick the Jew out. A new Indian world order will arise. I already latinomaxx on Okcupid and Hinge and I’ve fucked so many white girls while my wife stays at home, cooking and being subservient to me. A wife I got when I was 20 and she was a virgin when we met, she’s so pairbonded with me that she’ll do ANYTHING I say. It’s over for you white cucks, niggers and kikes. Us high caste Indians will rule the galaxy.
>it's 100% true and contains 0% of approved narrative
I understand your frustration
There is no such thing as Swiss people, just Mountain Jews form all over Europe, mostly France, Germany and Italy.
That's because africa is pointed southern of Switzerland, mamodou
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>You have to go back.
To where? I am a generational poster. I am the embodiment of a 4chan poster from the past 20 years. There's nowhere for me to go as nearly everything from back then has shut down.

>You are a fucking embarrassment.
To whom? Some mad af incel over the internet?
>Stop using your VPN and post with your Mutt flag.
I will just gimmie time. Not sure if I wanna keep watching something.
Vile words from a vile mind and heart. Say that using mohammad or moses you filth
blame all the redditors shilling Switzerland like its some utopia. now every brown person's life goal is to move there.

You just have to stay in the french part, its calles "röstigraben" we dont engage much, we call each other french, germans, italians but we are swiss, thats it. Stay in your side dont come here and defend the border.

I cant speak french or italian if my father is from elsass and my grandmother from milano, while my other side is Swiss and austrian.. i literally give fuck about subhumans in France, Italy, Austria even less so in Germany, who always hated us and tried to fuck us over, they are just like the jews, while the jews want to be us and the euroniggers didnt want to become jews but did when its about our country.

I hope everyone nukes each other, beside us.
You are armed to the teeth but will NEVER EVER stand up to tyrany. Americans are WEAK.
we'll be moved to reservations where we can make jokes and insult each other.
You're right, I should've looked at the picture better.
Absolutely based and I see they have the same issue of their referendums just getting straight up ignored by a globohomo govt. We really should just go at it with northern Italy + Austria in an Alpine confederacy and tell all foreigners to fuck off or die in our mountains.

Shut up kevin, its always the same. Whiny faggots like always and everyone else in Europe. I call for unity while the Germ calls for Swiss mass-murder, go and fuck yourself. You, just like the Ango-saxon scum deserve the punishment for you doings by god 10folds Hitler could only imagine in a horror dream, scumbags criminals
>literally give fuck about subhumans in France, Italy, Austria even less so in Germany, who always hated us and tried to fuck us over
How nice of you. Just fyi, the only 2 times Italy and Switzerland interacted was when Hitler said he wanted to annex Switzerland eventually and Mussolini stepped up and spoke for Switzerland at the league of nations, and the second was Mussolini withdrawing the support for Switzerland after they kept on mass migrating Germans into Ticino and grigioni in order to Germanize those areas.
Almost like they want war and migration but not for them
I know, it's just funny in a dumb way.

>You just have to stay in the french part
>Stay in your side dont come here and defend the border.
Can do.
>I hope everyone nukes each other, beside us.
At this point my only hope for France is that it get nuked/niggered to hell and beyond, and that a pocket of Frenches from Swiss retake the wastelands a few centuries later.
>Ango-saxon scum

This gives you away . . . .. You are either Black or some-sort of nigger hybrid (probably American) on a VPN.

You are not Swiss.
It's not funny
An angloid cunt toghether with 2 ukies a nigger and a moroccan beat to death a 56 year old Japanese businessman in Italy a couple of months ago.
Our dear neighbours just need to get their shit together.
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creator of OPs flyer was Agent Emmanuel
And this proves what?
No one breeds here. Not even the migrants.
what's wrong is the immigration from the 3rd world, not the european one.
Do you realise your country has 0 right to exist?
why would we tolerate bongs?

also, immigration isnt a huge problem if you send them back properly, and relatively quickly. And we do
>eu tells us to take 100k refugees
>we do and send the 100k from last year back
>net zero immigration
the problem really starts when you think they can become citizens and their kids will be swiss or gain voting rights. no political party here supports this
foreigners stay foreigners
>No political party here supports this

Every single political party supports it except the svp somewhat.
the goal of all the africans and refugees is to make their family come through family reunification too. they dont even need to be citizens.
That's the fault of Italians for having a jap, nafris, slavs and niggers in their country.
>they dont even need to be citizens
then hey can always be sent back for a misdemeanour or even if the neighbourhood thinks they just dont fit in

citizenship? nah marriage between two foreigners dont qualify for swiss citizenship at all, not even the grandkids
It's the world's capital by attitude.
look it's the latest episode of you won't do shit
Yes I agree, all German, French and Italian speakers OUT OF SWITZERLAND. Everyone knows the only autochthonous and true national language of Switzerland in Rumansch and only rhaeto-romance speakers have any claims to the alps. Deport all French, German, and Italian speakers from that shit hole, force people to learn CHAD ROMANSCH and only allow ladins and friulans to immigrate. Problem solved.
Fake. Why is it in English?
>then hey can always be sent back for a misdemeanour
nah almost nobody gets deported for misdemeanor. the neighbourhood thing only works in small villages, it actually never happens in cities.
almost impossible for the kids who were born here not to become citizens if they want to

>CHAD ROMANSCH and only allow ladins and friulans to immigrate. Problem solved.

You want to ethnically erase the country of switerland and leave it with around 2-5k people ? With neighbors like that you dont even need enemies piccolo stronzo
They should make people like you into legal targets for murder
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Shart it out louder for us in the back.
You're retarded if you measure productivity in dollars (non-PPP-adjusted on top of that).
>muh overpriced watches
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>we won
<>lose everything
They don't need to. If your brown that's enough. Had enough of you fucking people, I bet your a coon
I don't think the (native) Swiss have it in them at this point to stage a large enough effort to affect a significant shift with regards to the foreigners question. 25% of the people here are foreigners and I'd guess another 25% are naturalized foreigners with Swiss citizenship. Even me, I'm a son of Yugos who made their way to Switzerland, born and raised here. I've always known that native Swiss lowkey dislike me because of the -ić in my name and talk shit behind my back about me and "my people". But despite that, I've always simped hard for Switzerland, pushing Swiss nationalism to normies around me. I'm foreign here, but I'm also foreign in my parents' homeland, like a lot of us in the diaspora. Still, as long as I live here, I see it as my duty to promote Swiss values and patriotism. Don’t worry, Eidgenossen, I’ll fuck off from here one day. And when I do, I’ll have the inner peace of knowing I did my part to make this country better.
The Jews won WW2 anon.......we should have just split Poland
Sandniggers don't speak German, French, Italian or Romansh.
Swiss fags surely love muslims & others. Just give Geneve to France so the faggy science center belongs to the real owners.
Kike 1 and kike 2
kikes on duty always the first to reply to these in hopes of setting the narrative as usual
The swiss are a bunch of auristic inbred smug arrogant fucks with gypsy phenotype who think they're hot shit just because they've gotten geographically lucky. I couldn't give less of a shit if their boring ass non-country ceased to exist
>I've always known that native Swiss lowkey dislike me because of the -ić in my name and talk shit behind my back
hmm no you're being paranoid.
This is the most cucked thing I've read in a long time
>time for monarchies
your vision might be a wee bit too optimistic compared to the pileup of the consequences of "it seemed like a good idea at the time" that is european politics
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Rookie numbers.
says the guy in his shithole
Switzerland should be bombed, a country only known for being the home of the fortunes of pedos and mafias
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At leas the Swiss are kind enough to give them fair warning. The riots are coming...And there's nothing any of us can do to stop that.
there are tons of spaniards here escaping your socialist low-employment country.
>Two thirds of 18-34 year olds in Spain live with their parents
Call it cucked but you'd expect the same thing from immigrants in Bulgaria.

Yeah I'm being a bit hyperbolic.
I think you have a misconception of what (((our democracy))) is.

Its not democracy when the people vote for what they want, its democracy when Jews tell you what you're getting an stage fake elections to simulate that the people voted for it.

This is what ((our democracy))) means, its about manufacturing consent rather than just holding a gun to your head and telling you to do something.

Its time to end the lie that is (((Our democracy))).
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What does this mean for our boy Praty?
>End of Switzerland.jpg
>This kills the swiss
nah, just a small traffic jam in Switzerland

Quick rundown on this guy?
what? You have cameras and signs with rules literally anywhere.
American flag
Talking about countries having the right to exist or not
German is the same as dutch.
American education at its finest.
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Shitjeet immigrant who thinks India is a beautiful utopia but works in Switzerland hating on the Swiss, white people in general as well and every other non-indian person caling them retards when he stupidly doxed himself out a year ago.
you host the WEF headquarters nigger
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Democracy means traitor faggots in government get to shove shit an 80% supermajority are against down the throat of the population. Have you bee living under a rock ? Its happening everywhere. The Chinese communist party has just been doing "democracy fortification" in your country bribing the traitors in your government that gave the Chink communists your job. I guarantee liberal people in your government have Chinese communist handlers on their staff.
I´m impressed they aren´t complaining about Romanians, all 27,299 of them.
For context, there are more Germans living in Romania than Romanians in Switzerland.
Switzerland is surprisingly grey and depressing
>Do you realise your country has 0 right to exist?
>That flag
Why the fuck are you making more money from browns?
Absolute cope and seethe. Your race is going to be wiped back to your hell hole and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The day of the flush is coming.
Germany could stand to have a little more living space
This wasnt obviously written by a swiss
swiss people dont threaten riots
this was written by some anglo cunt
either british or ameircans
Kind of like how 80% of Americans of both parties are against "late term abortion" so we are going to get some cheating and have Kamala Harris shoved down out throats so we can have unlimited abortion put into the Constitution by executive fiat to kill American babires while telling the population we have to have open borders because there aren't enough babies. This makes the Chinese communists very happy and that is one of the foreign parties our government actually works for because otherwise they wouldn't be traitors.

You're up against the combined might of the Chinese communist party, International jewry, and worldwide faggotry and the transnational criminal organizations of the 3rd world. You don't have a chance.
Kek so this is the average IQ of memeflags
The Swiss are mountain Kikes
Hitler’s exact thoughts of the Swiss: "Switzerland possesses the most disgusting and miserable people and political system. The Swiss are the mortal enemies of the new Germany."
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That's not how you do a poster, zoomies. This is how. Approximately 30 seconds in the shop.
>mass immigration from european countries to Switzerland
somehow I don't believe that
from africa and the balkans sure, the rest I find dubious
Democracy is a spectrum.
This was obviously not written by a swiss
swiss people dont threaten riots
this was written by some anglo cunt
either british or ameircans
They are going to kill the Germans? Do they want to get annexed?
Jews want you to either accept all refugees forever, or kill other white people.

Oh you don't want somalians in your country ethnically cleansing you from your homeland? I guess you should start a war with germany, kill all the germans in switzerland, and blockade the border with germany hehehe

and what's amazing is that this actually works on some retards

>Do they want to get annexed?

They did, for Anschluss into Greater Germany. They supported the Anschluss.
They really are not hard to find. You just need to be in the capital. You just need to learn their names, faces and keep an eye open.
But oh my, it's easier to just shoot randos in a walmart. The absolute lack of agency is embarrassing, and what these politicians depend on from us


>Do you want to vote to join into one larger nation?


orrrr just compare actual physical good production rather than nebulous gdp

how many tons of steel does switzerland make vs russia? How many barrels of hydrocarbons?

western nations are financialized service economies run on hot air producing fuck all nothing with their GDP inflated by usury and inflation rather than good production

and the nominal gdp per capita is going down in every western nation thanks to mass immigration because these useless browns don't produce anything
This was obviously not written by a swiss
swiss people dont threaten riots
this was written by some anglo cunt
either british or ameircans
>the women are total whores
the women here are autistic af and bad lovers. I personally knew women who were virgins in their 20s because of said autism.
could you point me to the "whores"? I'd like to meet women who aren't frigid.

Europe federalized as one nation state with its own currency and military, the economy woulf be about the same as the USA.

>Europe federalized as one nation state with its own currency and military, the economy would* be about the same as the USA.

Federalization of Europe can be done by a vote democratically. It is like a United States of Europe.
This was obviously not written by a swiss
swiss people dont threaten riots
this was written by some anglo cunt
either british or ameircans
they wont do shit anyway, swiss are too rich to riot
Didn't seem like a threat at all to me. Relax, krautbro. He's just stating the facts.
Nobody will unless they deal with their respective regimes first, it's them that enable/coddle/ protect these foreign pests. They would all easily be dealt with following regime change.
Nuke Switzerland Now
Why are you so angry someone wrote the truth, Randeep?
>Africa below the italian flag
Aww. Switzerland wants to be relevant, eh? I guess the world forgot to talk about them.
our main exports are chemicals and pharmaceuticals, retard.
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Start sinking the vessels then.
all bark and no bite, smooth sailing
>The Swiss want to start a fight with other Europeans
It's about fucking time, who do you want to loose to first?
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What about all the jews in Davos and the rest of the swiss alps?
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The Swiss Alps might have a jew problem. Its also home to the WEF and many other jewish globalist organizations.
>foreigners out!
>but only if you're white, working and contribute to our economy
Refugees welcome! (but only the brown illiterate kind)
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I don't care about immigration or your opinion, I just came here to say that I love feds. Hi F.B.I.! Hi Interpol! Rock on, guys.
jews were made for small fed cock
(And that's a good thing)
Can't believe this namefagging memeflaggot got any replies.
> eastern euro justifying his ass in the west
typical, im starting to believe youre no better than jeets
lmao you wish. your elite has too much money and property here
Switzerland is one of the worst police states on earth, the so called "freedom" they praise themselves on is all a facade. Any dissenting opinion will be met with full force, as they don't want anything that could even remotely chip down their "stability". That has been the main selling point of this place for centuries.
They'll put down the boot so hard you can't imagine. I've lost everything in the process.
This was obviously not written by a swiss
swiss people dont threaten riots
this was written by some anglo cunt
either british or ameircans
>Europeans OUT
swiss are truly mountain kikes, are not they?
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das rite. fucking gummihäls driving up rents because these faggots will pay any fucking rent
I unironically applaud this. Fuck mountain jews and their ridicoulous hyperinflated currency.
Get fucked, you should be on Shitalian price levels at the very best
I hate the germs so fucking much, after shitting up their own place they come here pretending to be home. They don't even adapt as they think this is some "little" Germany they're in.
>now Zug is one of the best canton / state looking out for their people
lmfaoooooooooo sure! ever seen those rents? 3k for a fucked up 2.5 bedroom? Zug is beyond fucked from international companies bringing foreign workers and paying their rent there..
well, you fucking nigger, you are the exception. the rest of the population doesn't make 10k a month. fucking niggers like you should be all put into geneva for the rest of their lives
>no paki flags
obviously made by a muslim to sow discontent between european nations. the flags should be pakistan, turkey, albania, somalia and all the other flags you generally see on the window of the post office advertising cash transfer
>as they think this is some "little" Germany they're in
isn't that how you advertised yourself to them from 1939-45?
not at all
You can 100% some old geriatric boomer fuck made this picture with all his impotent rage. Native swiss are the most pathetic and passive faggots on earth, they won't do a damn thing. I have 2 cousins who work there and they all me how fucking weak and pathetic the native swiss youth is, they're turbo liberals, you won't see any fucking riot, the pissed off ones are the rich boomers and they won't ever "riot" lmao imagine those old fucks trying to overthrow the government like they're young warriors and not trust fund retards.
some literal retard wrote this
are you absolutely sure you weren't advertising yourself as germany's little storage space for gold and art and making a nice profit from it?
>hon hon hon hohonn
thats an entirely different thing. also: you mad?

He looks like a turk. I see guys like that at my local Kebab store every day.

They are autistic and frigid for you only anon. It means you aren't handsome for them to act like bitches.
Of courshe
But that's not what I saw on Samantha Brown's Places to Lick on WTTW yesterday
Based. I hope Colorado does the same but it's not looking likely.
never made that experience with swiss women. the last one even massaged my prostate lel
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Do it. Split us up, faggot.
You're a pajeet shut the fuck up, no native swiss would ever say muh "hon hon hon". Gtfo foreigner, only germans and french people should be able to live in switzerland
funny, a nigger calling me pajeet

How many Indians are in the room with you right now anon?
Just because your nation is a joke there is no need to lash out against your superiors.
Be nice to your country. We're the only real country. All other countries are just American Imperial satellite states. We won.
>Italians have to go back to africa
yes the spread of BLM protests around the world even in countries that got nothing to do with slavery was an impressive feat of propaganda
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>riots in 2025 and there will be
what KIND of riots will there be?
Guess this settles the debate.
none except those that will be staged by mossad, antifa and similar organizations

Good work.
>As of 2023, 40% of the population [of Switzerland] has a migrant background

There’s a pretty good chance you’re right
This poster is made by the type of mf who would consider blacks and browns born in Switzerland to be Swiss. Just impotent bullshit from a dumb boomer
>he thinks the poster would be made by green voters
>crazy weapons.
name 2
>be bulgarian
>never had anything in the first place
You are a turkish rapebaby who is a self confessed bbc addict kys.
Cuckold fag.
>Auslander raus!
Imagine my surprise when Jews are still spouting Nazi propaganda 80 years after the war
I always found it funny how the Swiss hate Germans just as much as they do Albanians because they move there for work and can't understand Swiss German. Italians are quite well liked besides some Swiss Italians not liking them for the same reason (border crossers who commute there for work and Italy Italians not understanding their dialect, which is Lombard and not similar to standard Italian).
you both are right
Kek, that jeet in Switzerland is gonna get deported HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>virgins in their 20s
lol yeah sure, buddy.
Swiss dislike of Germans stems more from a competitive POV, i.e. they're an actual threat to "take their jobs", whereas Albanians are seen as low class, low skilled people who commit crimes and still practice archaic foreign cultural customs. The Italians back in the 60s and 70s used to be disliked a lot and way more than Germans are disliked today.
Notice Americans are not foreigners. it's because we're 100% pure Bavarian phenotype.
>be Belgium
>30k troops
>zero tanks
>zero artillery
>zero bombers
>zero attack helicopters
>45 fighter aircraft
I suppose you guys are ready to take on a small island somewhere if you can find some landing craft
in orderly and rule-based manner, just as that crazy leaflet is
The Swiss are pretentious fags, hope they die out. Literally globohomo jew = the country
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It's true, switzerland is no longer a democracy since the 2014 vote was ignored.
This means it's ripe for a national socialist revolution.
aren't there a lot of Spanish coming there now as well

>Nationalist poster
>Written in non-native language

Yeah, doesn't sound like auslander is getting raus'd
Yes be Belgium small nation tiny communist Marxist zionist out no accomplish jews want you to work and make shit for them
>The Italians back in the 60s and 70s used to be disliked a lot and way more than Germans are disliked today.
I know we were disliked over there, but I had no idea Germans are that much disliked compared to us.
Stop raping our children fed nigger.
Will that one obnoxious Swiss shitskin finally stop posting?
kill yourself baiting tranny
kill yourself american retard
When did the Swiss get rid of their neutrality?
No, he is actually just German, Germans hate Brits. The "no more brother wars" thing is a propaganda revisionism myth you fell for because you're a retarded aspie.
Switzerland is an alliance made of swiss-germans, romands and ticinese (who are northern italian lombards).
Some other europeans can be accepted if useful and eugenic, otherwise fuck off.
oh and of course the romansh, our fossile ethnicity who nobody understands fully.
Maybe you misunderstood. Germans aren't as disliked compared to Italians back then. Google Schwarzenbach Initiative.
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>mfw Switzerland about to in two weeks their foreigners
>6 points forming a perfect hexagonal shape
Jesus fucking Christ. They can't help themselves can they?
The Swiss Militia could wipe out all of Europe in a fortnight and it is past time they did so
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When did they stop being neutral?
Do you know how fucked up you have to be to piss off the most historically pacifist, neutral country in the world.
Shalom, rabbi
>Maybe you misunderstood.
I did, I got it now.
You'd have more legitimacy as a country if you spoke a unique language, it's a fact

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