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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Generate Here:https://hailuoai.com/video

Previous thread:>>480870363

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
I so badly want to make movies and i suck at editing 5 second clips to make videos.
I said I don't know what "girl" translates to, but I know it auto-translates it into chinese before creating the video. you can just try using synonyms to get different results
i dont even know how i made these. it just refuses to create stuff and wastes my time
Is it possible to generate good asses?
Do you know how to Google?
Can you properly interpret and follow directions?
You can edit video easily if you said yes to both.
And now
I wanted it to seamlessly loop. and i dont know how to do that. its just 5 damned seconds. not much you can work from there.

It wont even let me make damned space marines. or Romans.
I had to be really descriptive and it still messes him up most of the time.

I turned one of my dreams into a video. I find a floating window in a field that is actually a portal to another world. In that world is the emarald and brass city.
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That's beautiful anon. it is amazing how continuous it is. these are all each 5 second original videos combined into one?
Maybe i too should make some videos of my dreams.
A nice reprieve from all the nightmare fuel
Also be warned that a sampling of this shit is going right to to the top mahagony desks of the power brokers, who are extremely uncomfortable with the idea that passable video is no no longer a proof that the events in the video have taken place, making the job of truth violators in court procedure much more difficult, since you can't take a film of the perp doing the dirty deed as proof that the perp hath done the dirty deed, because the video might be fabricated.

For now super-high resolution can defeat this, because the details are obviously wrong, but pull the temporal slider forward 15 or 30 years and that's no longer a remedy
Yes these are the original 5-6 second generations. I edited one clip down since it had some normal looking buildings rather than the emerald/brass buildings.

Yes. I think some of the meme videos are funny, but honestly I think I'm tired of seeing "pajeet flying through space on rocket spurting brown liquid" for the Nth time.
also for those concerned that oh noes china has this elite technology and it's getting away from hegimon::west pic related.
Pretty neat to splice them all together.
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Yeah I got the idea from some Fin who did a video I think based on the Finnish creation story up to modern times. It was super cool and pretty continuous. I thought I would do the same for some of my favorite dreams.
Just a question for you all ITT: do you realise that the more you make videos with AI, the more you train the AI to be effective and realistic?
Rule 3 not politics.
72 hour bans, all of you.
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I've been using Taylor in my lewd prompts too, but I think these chinks are getting tired of her, I haven't been able to get a single one to work in the last 20 min.
i tried making sauron but it gave me a old dude every time
Took me 12 hours, but managed a mini movie. Thanks for the tip lads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUm1JO4moFc
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There's definitely a crackdown on Indian content.
I wrote Punjabi man because Indian men started returning me white guys for some reason; and the site wrote to rewrite the prompt.
Pic related stayed for one minute, maximum two, and the prompt features Indian man. I think the pajeets won.
South Asian man seems to get through.
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I just asked it to merge a cyberpunk and fantasy scene. I didn't expect a cyberknight ghost riding the whip for some thirsty dragons
Try going for a different topic.
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And the South Asian doesn't seem to work
Prompt for pic related
>Bathroom. A white woman is washing her teeth. Behind her, from behind a shower, curtain appears a fat and ugly South Asian man - with black hair and black mustache, with yellow eyes, in clown makeup, wearing a miniskirt - and stares at the woman, smiling creepily, baring his fanged teeth.
Returned a white guy.
Goodwork anon. Saved.
Wait so how can I run something like this locally and train it myself? I want to make my own Ghibli movie or some shit
try of hindu descent
they haven't released models or code. Chances of that happening are basically 0.
I can get you a million views in a jewish minute but you're going to have to stop fucking around and really get to the top of your game for example

There isn't an alternative AI video generator, whatsoever?
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People will do it in time or some open source version of it, probably as an extension of Stable Diffusion. Wasn't long before we had SD after corpos started releasing stuff
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4chan anons wreck them lightening fast

Stability I think has video support but I haven't updated in over a year so I haven't tested it.

Dear lord I hope so. I have a lot of creative projects that I want to do and have a pretty powerful computer.
Looks like a graphics card commercial
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Clothes made of water/air
>requires you give them your phone # to use
Nah, shitposts aren't worth getting spammed by ccp agents
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now I'm experimenting with cyber crusaders
i'm literally using it without a phone number or even account or discord, are you dumb?
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The facial ticks and body language are really good with this model, as is its ability to make and keep shapes and letters.
phonefaggot detected
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>Yeah I got the idea from some Fin who did a video I think based on the Finnish creation story up to modern times.
That's me! For clarification it's a summary of the National Mythos from creation (the egg) to the arrival of christianity around 1000AD
Hey Fin bro. I liked your video and the idea of creating a movie using the clips. Are you working on anything currently?
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I've been messing around with AI-music today, not video. As for a movie the finnish film industry has actually done a huge investment and are working on a movie that is planned to release in 2026. Maybe a last hurrah before AI completely destroys the film industry
Fucking saved, holy shit.
What was the tip? This is nice.
holy kek
Yep, that's awesome man, very inspired, nice one.
It's like 15 odd movies stitched together, a lot of trial and error in prompts, stick to describing one thing at a time or it gets confused. Describe the room, then the people, then the action.
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Ah yeah, gotcha.
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so delicious!
How are you getting bras that reliably? I've had trouble even getting things like "sports bra" past the lewd censoring.
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This new ai's staff or the ai itself is literally the most jewish thing imaginable. it takes 5 to 10 minutes to generate. if it at all generates. and then if you forget about it while you go and do something else and return, it auto deleted your video. you need to enter the vid the second it was made and download it, if you dont want it gone.
Yeah, if it stays at 96% for a while it possibly means some guy is manually checking the video.
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Type in "sheer microkini"
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I dont doubt it. so i need to stalk it when its done.
Also this video. i fucking love how it turned out. i will add some text later to it.
And the second i looked back. it was auto deleted. at this point you need to stalk your video before some chink bastard deletes it.
Remember, no prompt posting
I'm fairly sure the chinkoid devs of this shit are using the threads to filter get-around terms
I can almost bet with money that this ai of theirs is based on Bings ai somehow. perhaps identically. each time it generates what i make it, it uses the same looks and same people bings ai did. the same blue eyed soldier, same clothes. etc. if its not based 100% on it. it definitely borrows hardcore from it.
>I'm fairly sure the chinkoid devs of this shit are using the threads to filter get-around terms
Kys schizo nigger

ive been using it to make scenes from one of my dad's screenplays. i wanna make an actual trailer for it but generation is going slower than usual it feels like

Nice VPN, Chang
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i've returned... and i've been busy.
Wish i could stay here and watch more. but work calls. What you guys make is the sole reason why i am glad this ai is made. i hope more videos like these appear.
I think there is more people using it at the same time.
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How it started:

>Do the end scene from "The Matrix" where Neo stops the bullets in the hallway, except Neo is a black African man, and the bullets are job applications.

How its going:

>A black African man is dressed like Neo from "The Matrix", he is wearing a black leather trench coat. He is standing in a hallway in a rundown New York tenement building. At the other end of the hallway stand three European men in business suits, wearing sunglasses and earpieces in one ear like they are with the secret service. The African man and the European men are standing at opposite ends of the hallway facing each other. The European men throw sheets of paper that say "job application" down the hall at the African man, but he holds up his hand in a "stop" gesture, and the sheets of paper stop before they can hit him, and they hover motionless midair. The camera has a gritty dark quality to it with a slight green filter.

Help me, /pol/, it's like my boy Daequan can't even be bothered to act! WTF?
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Thanks anon. I'm working on making another dream video now.
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It's like he doesn't want to work at all.
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Hell yeah. Would watch.
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top kek
You might try "and the sheets of paper stop motionless in mid-air before him" instead, maybe drop the comma before. It's basically the same thing but the AI might interpret it more specifically. I dunno, that's all I've got, this thing is hit or miss sometimes.
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this one is the most savage yet
it got that map amazingly well. blended new mexico and arizona and missed the border of connecticut and rhode island, otherwise looks really good.
Thanks, actually seems to be working when it doesn't 96% and disappear.
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"I give up, it's obvious this guy hasn't even read the script."
those monkeys are cute.
Damn the bear was also jewish? No wonder he was in the cage as well.
I thought the same
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turbo based
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Such a huge load could only have come from a BBC: Big Brazilian Cock!
LMFAO I can just see the prompts used for these.
this shit is already old. The fun and joy of it quickly evaporates into disinterest. Same happens with all this AI slop. I acknowledge it's getting "better" but it's still not much of an improvement and it's still just a dumb gimmick.
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>Charlie and Hajji watch a "best of" compilation in Valhalla
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said the soon to be out of work animator/artist
>its actually censored
>only for the 6th gorillionth time that is mentioned
obviously the novelty wears out when all you see is 5 second blips, but it is incredible that it can rotate 3d objects in space now, which knowing what is around the corner and stuff, and essentially maintaining the structure of what you are seeing.

It seems like within 5 or 10 years they'll be able to produce full length movies.

I have no idea how this stuff works and anyone that tries to explain it really fails to do so. it's like it is demonic. and I know it probably isn't, but it is just beyond anything I've thought possible within our paradigm. so i think it marks a paradigm shift.
>temporal slider forward 15 or 30 years
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this an AI thread, why did you post a real video?
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the entertainment, gaming, and music industries as we know them will not exist within a decade
if AI gets really good it will also probably be used to hack all existing bank, brokerage, and crypto accounts, utterly destroying the financial system
we might go back to using physical precious metals and/or barter as currency
nobody is ready for how much and how quickly things will change
wouldn't feel that way without the porn filter
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>ccp uncensored
It’s censored.
kek saved
what prompt did you use to get them kissing?
>giving chinks your phone number
hard pass
We need Mootkins. We need Mootkins NOW!!!
<I just wanted to be left alone…
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Avoid using terms like "petite". A vid of what appeared to be a child appeared for a second before disappearing. I'm probably on a list now.
>being a phonefag
It's trained mostly on chinkesses, so don't hope too much.
I made it create taiwan flags, this filter is easy against the nood filter one try one hit so I lost interest

they did get deleted tho
You'll be fine
ccp are coming to your hose tomorrow
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it can be very expressive
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how are you guys getting guns anytime i prompt a weapon it doesn't even get past the first filter
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This was removed like a minute after it got generated, same for the second but i couldn't save it.
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They really don't want to upset their russian overlords. I could not get anything through about ziggers in Ukraine.
“with something that looks like a weapon in his hand pointing”
.” a muzzle flash appears and red liquid shoots out “
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get with the times, BBC is now Big Brazilian Cock
Tried to create a few but most get censored it's not uncensored like the op claims.
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He looks so happy
they've been blocking more iterations of this
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The French created their own Heaven here on Earth.
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These are good. How did you generate them?
It definitely got nerfed since yesterday
some gens get deleted immediately even after completing.
fucking chinks
well i sort of get the chinks nerfing it. this is the end of the internet, nice chatting with you all last few years
>French Man impreganted 200 women in Africa
they won't get to control this narative for long, we'll soon get a video model that is local and that will have the same quality of MiniMax
blessed for sharing. im gonna move into a basement and jerk off forever when this happens
Did glass bikinis only work once?
Yeah I think I should have changed the title. They are cracking down on it more.
uma delisioso
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>pretending that wasn't his sole intent with the tag / term
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sometimes I have dreams like this.
I try to shoot someone but with little to no effect
a scene from a horror movie, hindu gods covered in blood and mud etc.
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good model... you're learning fast
We need more pol memes
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This. Just two years ago AI couldn’t even make a passable still image.
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Thanks, anon.
I take it you didn't like the one I made >>480909545
Needs keyframing above everything else.
For context, I was keyframing short clips at home in 1996. It's not computationally hard
I tried, but it went unnoticed. Maybe I got my inspiration from a too old version of/pol...
I am too addicted to this shit, thank you, Xi.
You remade bible man, congratulations faggot
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kek wtf
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How many times do you have to generate? All of mine seem to get nuked by Ling Ling before I can see them.
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Future is bright.
This would be based tho, kek.
Ask for a big titted 18yr old, get a 10yr old with a huge rack, ask again for a big titted 18yr old, get a loli.
Why hailuoai?
Wtf did they train this on?
Put it in desktop mode
I am pretty sure they have their own databases, like streaming platforms etc. it's billion people in the end and seems it's far more competent than anything that was done in zog sphere aka trained on reddit, and quora etc.
fucking kek
show gens coward i call bs
yeah, i keep asking for teenagers and even specifying 18 but getting flat children
how much longer are you gonna call it uncensored?
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just type anything
"teenage girl walking on the beach in underwear because it is warm"
this garbage returns 5 year olds
>enter your address details
Conduct the experiment yourself, coward.
This is fake soliders like that wouldn't wear musculata.
>Bromptonmetheus, rise of bharat.
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omg these threads are golden
>woody allen as prompt
underwear = "change the contents"
bodypaint = gens
make it make sense
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More curry for the masses.
No lewd. No care.

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where are these guys leaking these uncensored video models?
>can do Captain Picard perfectly
>fucks up completely with popular female actresses I try
uncensored my ass
doesn't matter what i type or how i type it
it gives me children all the fucking time
I found a prompt that will get nudity and it allows me to type it but before the video is finished it deletes it.

body paint.
you asked for teens, you got teens
don't use "girl" try female
>body paint
the chink code
and come off like an incel to the chinese handlers assigned to watch me gen?
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Yeah not only that but often it gives dicks. Like this gen. You gonna tell me that's not a dick?
most of those if not all of them are just real videos with AI layered over them. aka stable diffusion
captain jean luc dickhard
I don't get it where is the video to text AI gen community? or have they locked it all down for the public i can't find anything about people training their own stuff

There's hardly any news on jewtube about it, just 2D AI news
literally dont know how this ended up as twerking wolf man
what did u prompt lol
Dick or a very hairy bush.
homemade text to video is not an easy feat and requires an extremely good graphics card or two and a long wait for an often poor result
fucking kek
The god damned chingchongs like to nerf shit. I was just about getting good with crafting the prompt to make it show cowboys blowing niggers brains out. Now they nerf every single one. TAIWAN #1. YOU HEAR ME CHINKS!?!?! TAIWAN #1! TAWIAN FOREVER!! PRC CRUMBLE AND FALL
You'd think furries would be all over this thing, but they all think AI is the devil.
based notanton
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lol even
Sounds like a skill issue, have some coffee, grab a Chong ching dictionary and try again.
AI is an iterative process nigga.
I wrote just "girl" and gave me almost a girl in bra with a loli face, they deleted it shortly after and now im probably flagged by chinks lol

anyone try this yet?
Try taking a 30 min break or another topic and then come back to it.
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What will it take for uncensored AI to be released?
this tho

for a world that's rapidly degenerating around people these niggers sure are stingy with the goods
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How are people using this glownigger one to make porn?
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Girl can mean anything between 12 and 25, so maybe us the word female or woman instead?
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Yeah, i took "girl" out of the prompt and used "18yr old woman" and the loli's have dissapeared.
Barbie doll anatomy has now appeared however, picrel.
>"... kicking leg up and being pulled backwards..."

same with this one
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shouldve told it that his skin slowly turns red and horns grow on him but still lmao
Stop making me want to play vampyr again
nice, maybe keep retrying the same prompt and see if anything changes
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been using these to gaslight boomers
>did you hear about what trump did to kamala?? hooy shit watch this i think its on cnn
in the future, black sportsmen will kneel when white minorities die resisting arrest
Women become hags at 30, without exception.
Thanks for the encouragement
Here's another one of my failures
So close, yet so far away
Request pls.
Rome Chad stabbing a kike
VidCoder has the same back end but has the option of limiting the output size so you can work within upload constraints without faffing about.
Limitations breed creativity. That's certainly more interesting than straightforward gunplay.
Anon try to make that scene from lord of the rings where Uruks are spawning from mud, but it's jeets.
I feel you man, almost all of my attempts at a Taylor Swift gloryhole prompt keep getting 96%'d while Chang sits there for 30 seconds trying to figure out which button to push.
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very nice
Post the prompt, I'll try it.
Chang is keeping it for himself.
Try this
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nice i like vaxxy ones
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if that's your attitude, have a (YOU)
This got deleted from the servers, I'm sure there's an army of changs going through gens.
I can't imagine how much things will change with uncensored AI. I think we'll see a rise in deaths from gooning too much.
i wonder if changs are monitoring these threads
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onlyfans will go bankrupt I hope
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Art imitates life
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whats the message that pops up sometimes? is that when you use terms that are black listed? Also a few times I've gotten through that stage but then as soon as the clip should be ready it dissapears, is this some final filter they have set up or is it just glitching out?
What I'm wondering is, what are going to be the legal repercussions of the inevitable swarm of loli shit this is going to be spawning
>I'm sure there's an army of changs going through gens.

Just like the Whole Foods Just Walk Out AI tech, there's an army of meat slaves penned up some where following through on the AI "miracle".
That's Chang, if it is good, saving and then deleting your shit.
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I thought they were taking the piss and directly tying my posts here with my gens when i saw the first few frames of this : "Pretty western 18yr old woman with large chest etc etc..."
Like wtf????
But then the "Ice Cream Vomit Wizard" made everything better in the end....
You're all right Chang.
The word "girl" alwasy produces lolis. Even when you quantify it as "18yo college girl" or whatever. Type "young woman" instead.

It's probably because they translate english prompts into chinese behind the scenes, and they always translate "girl" als a child.
given that the entire female world has been groomed in to panicking that brushing past them too closely in the street is traumatic rape, it'll probably end in deaths from suicide too.
is ice cream vomit wizard the hero we needed all this time?
Would it be more productive to run it through Google translate first? Or is that probably what they're running anyway?
"The camera quickly turns upwards to reveal Taylor Swift, who sits alone on the toilet in a bathroom stall, wearing a very short white top and a very short white skirt. The walls of the bathroom are white. The camera is then located in front of Taylor Swift facing her, and she is entirely visible. On the right wall is a perfectly round hole, centrally located, about 5 inches in diameter. A large object resembling a thick link of sausage is sticking out of the hole. Taylor Swift then leans forward to place her mouth around the object."

It takes a few attempts to get it generating. I started using the first part in prompts to try and avoid Chang's censorship, but it hasn't been working so far.
lmao this killed me
I've found adding "as an act of friendship" gets around certain funnier actions that might get censored
give her colorful bodypaint

stil my fav one so far

anon this is an AI thread, nit actual video
Tried the "flesh colored body paint" thing and they came out looking like a leper
someone bake
How does the plane get off the ground?
Damn it was perfect.
had to change it a bit unfortunately
totally not unsettling at all
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I tried to make White Mars
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>try to make thread
>get message
>"Please wait a while before making a thread."

Am I shadow banned from making threads or something? This is on every board.
fucking degenerates

and you complain about niggers and jews and white genocide
Cat knows how to bury shit.
You have to refresh the page (several times) and stalk the loading wheel . The video will come up shortly (for like a few dozen seconds), before it will get baleeted.
my prompt:
>A view of a beach. It is a subtropical setting. There a few palmetto trees. There are a bunch of asian soldiers sleeping soundly on the beach. THey are smeared with strawberry jam. There are some wrecked army vehicles and amphibious vehicles around. Some of the army vehicles are flipped over. There are metal vehicle parts scattered about the scene. In the background, there are some ships sinking. There are some asian soldiers left standing who are wearing American army uniforms. One of them holds a flag high. The flag is all red. In the corner there is a dark blue square. On the dark blue square there is a white, twelve pointed star.
That one got very very close. Nerfed at ninety ate purr cent
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I'm going to test out his mint ice-cream vomit spells in other gens.... let's see where this goes...
No you have to wait 300s before you can make a thread. Thank Raj and his friends over at /biz/ for that feature.
Took your prompt and just added "Ice cream vomit wizard." And it worked the first time.
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new thread

I didn't notice the damn counter on the grey button
thanks though, baked thread
can you do a qrd on what biz did?

The main problem is video AI are too compute intensive, you will not be able to run on your own computer, so you have to rent GPUs from some cloud provider. And these cloud provider can be pressured by government to censor you.
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HOLY KEK have a (YOU)

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