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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>German investigators are now accusing Poland of not executing the European arrest and search warrants issued against Z. by Germany’s Federal Court of Justice in June. Germany’s federal criminal police and Federal Public Prosecutor's Office are displeased. An official familiar with the investigation made a serious accusation to WELT AM SONNTAG, claiming that Poland was sabotaging the investigation. Another person familiar with the investigation called the episode "obstruction of justice."
>“The Polish government obviously let him go in order to cover up its own involvement in the attack on the pipelines,” August Hanning, the former head of Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, or BND, told WELT AM SONNTAG. He is convinced that the presidents of Poland and Ukraine, Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, were aware of the attack plans. “Operations of such dimensions are inconceivable without the approval of the political leaders of the countries involved,” said Hanning.
>And what do the suspects themselves think? A high-ranking officer who lives in a major Ukrainian city and is alleged to have been involved in the pipeline attack said: “It's ridiculous to believe that we did it, but if Ukraine was behind the attack, Germany should stop the investigation, because for Kyiv it was a legitimate military target.”
>In August, after news of the arrest warrant became public and accusations against Warsaw started to swirl, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk felt obliged to respond. “To all the initiators and patrons of Nord Stream 1 and 2. The only thing you should do today about it is apologise and keep quiet,” he wrote on X.

Why is Germany so pathetic, /pol/? It's not often you see some country's ally blow up their infrastructure and get told to baby-shut about it. Slava ukraini!
Nonono, it was Poland's fault that US destroyed the NS pipe.
Why would they do that if Russia was actually responsible?
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>Germany claims Poland sabotaged investigation into Nord Stream explosio
>noey woey! our pipey wipey got blownie wonie! wonie anyweny bodywudy investy westy?!

russians still malding we blew up their shitty tube 4 years after the fact is hilarious to me. if you want your prized tube collection to stay in 1 piece, dont start wars. Get bent.
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Good little lugenpresse seal!
you didnt do shit you fat mutt, your jewish masters did.
>don't start wars
consider telling your masters (who btw started the ukraine war) the same
We did give the seal that swam the bomb down a nice fish to celebrate.
lol u mad
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You're just stupid. Enjoy being a tool for the lugenpresse I guess.
>more impotent screeching
Im sure you can rectify this entire situation by making another thread about it on /pol/. Maybe 6 years after the fact. then there will finally be justice for rootin tootin pootins tube.
Polska... Why do you have to be like this
I can mail you a pvc pipe to help make things even if youd like.
Their national pastime is hating russians.
Nuclear hellfire over you bastards can't come soon enough
show for the goyim
Nordstream being approved in the first place was a sabotage of europe's energy independence, its a damn good thing its gone and everybody knows it lmao
thats what you get with nato membership
OMG Im so sorry, I didnt realize this was a red line. Please do not nuke me it was just a tube please Im so sorry please I didnt know about the read line please.
haha get fucked. 2 more weeks until big nuke red line!
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didnt happen
you deserved it anyway
Why the fuck did Western Europe ever want to lord it over Slavs anyway it's not worth it just let them rule each other they should be happy if Russia takes Poland
How could Poland dare do this to poor innocent Germany?
There's 1000 other reasons to nuclearize you beside the nordstream
You have no southern border. They keep replacing you and you wont do shit.
Please Ill do anything, I promise I wont cross any more of your red lines! I didnt know please please please Putin, you are so strong I am terrified please dont nuke me
I have several pencils, those are like tubes, I can give you them to help make it right, I am sorry.
damn, maybe they should invade them
Good little propagandist puppet. Shuck and jive like a nigger. Avoiding the accusation I've levied against you.
bratty poland.... needs border correction..!!
>Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
you mean the biggest Volksdeutsche in Poland herr Tusk, that man can't take shit without germany approval. /pol/ once again played like a fiddle
Please I am so Sorry. I am the lying press. I did it. It was me. I blamed russia because I was jealous of their tube. I wanted the tube. After the hippies blocked my keystone tube, I just got so jealous. I felt if I couldnt have a big tube no one could. It was wrong. I am sorry. Please do not nuke me.
in 14 days
I personally blew up the pipeline with from across the globe with my psychic powers. The CIA knows. They're the ones who taught me to harness it.
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donald was stasi all along
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>Poland and Ukraine blackpilling Germany into siding with Russia once again
Nord stream and the Reagan war pipe line quote Peter scweicher and the ai had his ass pop up
Anon, this is already settled. Some drunk Cossacks rented a boat bumbled their way into blowing up a pipeline on the ocean floor.
>he says while importing millions of rapefugees
Can you blow up Tel Aviv?
Agent Oskar, now probably BND
black nigger death?
>can't take shit without germany approval
>implying "german approval" has any importance when the big boys and decision-makers like US and Ukraine are involved
Germany and Russia need to get together again for a little Polish vacation
How does that logic work? Exact same amount of gas would have flown to western europe as previously except that the new route would have been more reliable (less states inbetween known for their political instability and stealing gas from the pipe) and significantly cheaper
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Im sure the german elite wont even peep about ns2. But the average german will remember that pooland is a backstabbing lapdog of americans.
Yeah, germany and the rest of central europe is now better off buying american freedom gas 3x pricier!
because america is unique in that you dont deserve cheap gas where as they do
dont buy your gas from a gas station that invades neighbors if you want a stable supply, simple as.
they might have their tubes blown up in war.
all is fair in love and war
Derailment by misdirection. It was the US. Their lapdogs and golems are simply the tools they used. The chief among them of course was the EU itself. Either way it's an up front terrorsit atack perpetrated by the US against Europe. Blows me away nobody has the balls to front up and eject the United States from NATO. Now that would be something and a step in the right direction. The US has stolen far too many freedoms, and is now at the point where it is openly going against everything it pretends to stand for.

Hang their personnel from lamp posts along with their NGO invited poos, mudshits and niggers from every shit ghetto and favela this side of LA. It's the only real long term solution. Peace is not an option. Cancer doesn't understand diplomacy. The only thing it understands is death and consuming.
Kaballah black magick prevents it. The Jews have their bases covered.
It was the ghost of warsaw. Last seen on mount everest(pic related). I once saw him when he killed 3 men with a pvc pipe.
americans everyone...
Of course the Poles sabotaged it. Germany is not being a good little American vassal and Poland is brownnosing hardcore to try to become Washington's favorite pet and receive enough goodgoybux to become the new wardens of ZOG-Europa.
>poland betraying us once again
you polacks truly are the whitest of niggers
Polish posters on /pol/ are shills for globohomo USA/NATO. they are traitors to the people 9f Europe and working against whats in the best interest for Europeans. they should be dealt with accordingly on the dqy of the rope

To be fair, to betray someone they have to actually be on your side. Neither the Polish government nor people has even the slightest good will much allegiance to Germany. ZOG has you penned in this zoo called the EU with your enemies.
please don't post the video of Biden promising to blow it up
they sure as shit took billions of euros for the last couple of decades from us
but yeah, they were never our allies
those subhumans just pretended to be to keep milking us and then and then drove a dagger in our backs at the first opportunity

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