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Do you think you have a better future in Russia then the West?
I think with the current slavammagedon and the mass death of thousand of Russians i think there are some possiblieties opening up for all of us
>Wages will increase significantly since corporations must now compete for workers and not the other way around like it is here in the west where there are a hundred migrant per normal person to dump wages
>Rent and property prices will go down significantly since there are now hundreds of empty appartments and houses ready to be sold of
>And Woman are cheap and easy to get since all the young men are dead
My life in the West is basically over i work 40H a week and still life with my Parents because rent is to high i cant get any Girls because they are turbo whores who only go for Chad and i have to life with trannys
Is Russian hard to learn?
anotehr russian VPN shill jump on the assigment, after Tim Pool is exposed yesterday as russian asset. LOL
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>future in Russia
Your only future here would be to end up six feet under like the rest of us.
Russia is just as much of a shithole Just instead of arabs you will have chechens everywhere,Woman are pretty much the Same just as in the west and living standart is Shit
But go for it you have nothing to lose maybe you have luck
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>Russia is just as much of a shithole Just instead of arabs you will have chechens
I mean there are Rich people among the poor and poor among the rich everywhere so the question is which side will you make it
In germany with how things are going currently i cant see myself having a prospering future
Maybe in a few years i can finally afford my own one room apartment and make out with my Plabjack Roastie gf
In Russia thinks can be nice if you have a lot of Money
With all the dead Russians who need to be replaced in the factories the factories will most likely significantly increases wages to lure in some workers so comparatevily speaking it shouldnt be so bad
Same should go for Ukraine
Whatever is left of it will be turned into a Nato puppet state and the West will pump Millions into it to prop up their new puppet so maybe i move to whatever is left of ukraine
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We WESTERNS have it so bad, with the damn capitalism, not being forced into offensive army, and higher standard.

I know! Lets ALL MOVE TO RUSSIAAAA where we have 0 freedoms, any speaking against the political line sends you to gulag.

Because west is declining (e.g. Sweeden, UK) and is becoming more and more like russia, let's move to russia where it will be the worst!
Anon thinks arent nearly as goos as they once where
Rent is sky high trannys are being shuffed down all our throuts and pussy is rarer than water in the dessert
If i dont even have those things i dont really care about anything else
I don't think so, but Brazil is so shit for skilled workers that I'm almost sure there or any other country which isn't as jewish as here would be better (assuming that I will be able to work and leave this place after all the jewish bullshit here).
Chimputin and friends will certainly throw another temper tantrum in the future and this is something to think about.
Name one good thing about secular democracy
how hard is it to avoid the favevaleas and gangs if youre a regular skilled worker/trader from the west?
Are there any good places that hire right now in Brasil?
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>Moving to Russia
Enjoy your Indian beer
Climate change will make some areas of the world difficult to live in. It will also melt ice in the arctic circle which is beneficial for Russia and tonnes of permafrost in Siberia will melt releasing methane gas.

Siberia will become more habitable. Lots of people will want to move to Russia. Right now Siberia is fairly empty. Somewhere like Bangladesh has the same population as the whole of Russia and its growing. Plus Bangladesh is massively affected by sea level rise.

21st century is going to be wild.
>i work 40H a week
youre an unemployed hobo
>i work 40H a week
>(for GRU)
50k-100k russians died in the war, you really think that makes a significant dent in the demographics?
If you are a skillless worker in germany, you are still a skillless worker in russia and will have a worse life financially, in russia you wont even have parents to live with. Instead you will be forced to share a flat with churkas. Dont even think about russia if you arent atleast an engineer.
>Wages will increase significantly
Lol no
>Rent and property prices will go down
Lol no. I started renting an apartment in moscow 2 years ago for 360 dollars (including utilities) and it was very expensive. I recently wanted to change my apartment, in the same neighborhood and now I can't find cheaper than 400.
>And Woman are cheap and easy to get since all the young men are dead
All women here are sluts
>Is Russian hard to learn?
Nah. It is not as hard as it might seem. You can easily learn basics in 2 weeks (understanding). Basic conversational in 2 months.

Hardest part will be learning alphabet, and that should take less than a day. Also, if you manage to learn russian language, you will be able to easily read bulgarian.
They will just send you to die in the army.
I can call Biden or Trump a niggerfaggot and not get banned
Wrong. With Russian women 5/100 are virgins unlike America where 99/100 are whores.
Also, if OP is semi serious, could look for some alternatives to Russia. May be Belarus or Kazahstan. As it is expected that there will be imposed more sanctions against Russia, and also there will be more sporadious political decisions which Kremlin impose. In result, somehow less predictable environment. And in that context, it might make more sense to go to poorer, but more predictable country.

And most important: before deciding to move there, visit it. It is september now. In like 6 weeks weather will become more shitty. Nicest time for visit would be form mid May till mid September.
I'd like to. But out of millions of Tajiks and Uzbeks, no one was sent.
Is Russian hard to learn?
yeah its pretty annoying
but i will make it
its much harder than german (not that you'd know)
I was surprised at how easy Russian is. From an English POV, it seems like a caveman language with the lack of articles, but I am sure understanding it at a literary level is very difficult. I like Latvian too. Very pretty
you have a better chance at survival if you move to America and just refuse to obey the (((law)))

america doesn't actually have the will to physically van and draft people into their wars
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Well, there are like 3m of russians in Germany, so highly likely you are right.
Not in any capacity, unless you live there on western wages. Same applies for most countries, really. You can live like a king in some 3rd world shithole on a Yuropoor pension or average Mutt salary.
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On this sheet are the forms of the verb to "run" in Russian and English. I don't think the articles are that difficult
>Also, if you manage to learn russian language, you will be able to easily read bulgarian.
Lol, why would I want to do that. The main benefit to learning Russian would be making travelling in Central Asia easier. I would say the Stans are a much better place to consider relocating if you can find work. Fast-growing economies, small populations, strategically critical.
Lithuanian are older than latvian language, but both are considered as one of oldest of living indo-european languages in Europe. Still, latvian is like zoomer nu-speak, if compare to lithuanian. Interestingly it is closest living language to Sanskrit, which is kinda sacral language in hindu religion (something similar as latin for catholics). So if you like somehow archaic languages, you can look in lithuanian too.
The verbs are the pair бeжáть and пoбeжáть and the verb бéгaть.
The other forms are conjugations. No big deal. There are bigger headaches in Russian than conjugation.
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Yes. Everyone on /pol/ should move to russia to own the jews, it's based.
Moving to russia is now easier than ever before thanks to Putins, just contact the russian embassy and they will help you get started
For some people, there are some exotic appeal of Russia. Something similar what was about Japan for some people. Kinda place far away, with strange people and customs.

It is worth to visit, but to perma relocate? Dunno.
And if you know russian language, it is extremely easy to navigate there. As english language is not widespread known there.
IF you want to visit Russia, learning russian language will help A LOT.
I would move to Russia for the hot women too, my main problem is the following

>move to Russia
>gets thrown out of the window
>Putin poisons you at the hospital
>get drafted to the war
>wifes cheated on you
>you lost a leg
>you got rewarded a big tv
>life is good
That is just memorizing verb conjugation endings. A pain in the ass, but logical.
I took a Lithuanian A1 course at Tallinn University because I needed the credit. Lithuanian is nice actually. Very difficult compared to German but is logically beautiful. I consider it "Slavic-Latin" based on the grammar. You can tell by the phonetics that the Baltic languages influenced how the Slavs speak.
>zoomer nu-speak
LOL. I just like the way Latvian sounds. I think "paldies" is cute.
Yes you should move there.
>slavammagedon and the mass death of thousand of Russians
Putberg will just bring more tadjiks and Africans. You will feel right at home living next door with those based traditional people in your based 300sqf commieblock.
Luka (of Belarus) decided that passport holders of Latvia, does not need visa for entry in Belarus. It was kinda one-sided decisions, as for belarusians there still are requirements of visa. So some guys decided to go there to some music festival. Local police caught them with marijuana, they stayed in jail for few days. At the end, somehow diplomats negotiated their release.

As more foreiginers are arriving in Russia, there is greater chance that there will be some dumbass with drugs, which could be arrested and later exchanged in prisoners swap. Two or so years ago, one american basketball player (arrested for taking CBD oil in airport luggage) got exchanged to russian weapons smuggler.
Kremlin basically does not lose much by declaring that "westeners welcome".
I hope the churkas stab you on the first day of your arrival
There was several baltic tribes which lived in areas which are now in Belarus, and even as far as Moscow oblast, but those got assimilated centuries ago. We were as branch of most stubborn people, who clinged to their traditions, in result retain some aspects of language, which died out in other languages. There are a lot of loan words from slavic languages (including polish), but in russian language, pretty likely there are also some elements of baltic language too, as what remained form those tribes which got assimilated. But I am not an linguist, and I cannot give an example.
This is why I don't like Russian. All that mental hard-drive space is wasted on one word.
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how do you people count past 20 again?
4x5 plus 7 ?
I did think about this but I suspect I'll regret it somehow.
I find Russia fascinating in many ways. It's sad that the opportunity for real rapprochement with Europe after the fall of the USSR was lost. I've visited a couple of times for work, but would never consider living there. I would be too vulnerable.
They have several decent writers, like M.Buglakov, and his "Master and Margarita". Which when reading, should keep in mind context of revolutionary years of early 20th century.

You can try to download their "Adventures of Sherlock Holms and doctor Watson" which were created in Soviet times. Same known story, but "told" in slightly different way. For some, it might seem as interesting.
There are SOME aspects of their culture, which might be worth exploring.
It's easy but there are also pickpockets and other people you should be worried about.
Any metropolitan region in the southern, southeastern and central region probably.
Fick aus wir sind voll
OP is a russian
Do it with your name then, hotshot. Surely you aren't afraid of being fired and ran out of town.
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dis could be you growing 40 kg zucchinis in Moscow oblast just for the fun of it

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