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Another day and surprise another knife attack at the train station in Karlsruhe. This country is becoming a third world shithole.


>Normal stores are dying
>A lot of empty appartments and houses but they are reserved for rapefugees sadly
>Supermarkets and stores that remain are mostly Middle Eastern
>Kebab, Barber and tattoo stores everywhere in my town
>Industry is dying like Volkswagen and Mercedes will close down their production and move somewhere else
>No community, no patriotism etc. Most flags you see are the fag flag, EU flag, Ukrainian flag and Israel flag
>No free speech
>Boomers and Gen X employers would rather sell their soul instead of paying a good salary or hiring Germans only
>Weird mentality. Like not crossing the road when it's free but waiting for the signal to turn green
>People don't give a shit about demographics. They just want to consume
>Streets are filled with muslims and other foreigners. You seriously feel like you're in the Middle East and I believe Germans are already a minority in the cities
>A lot of women wearing Hijabs and Burkas
>A lot of mixed race people
>Almost no one speaks German. Those who do speak with a heavy accent
>Service is lacking
>Streets are dirty
>One of the most highest taxes
>Bureaucracy is a hell here

Can it get better or is it over for this country? I really don't want to leave but I'm divided by my decision.
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Names of people in rape gangs. Almost everyone is a shitskin.
if you want to leave just leave. But do not make blogposts like that. Pol is moderate and not a nazi board and your post is not politics related
That's what you get for showing Mercy to Saracens they see you as weaklings like a bitch spreading her legs
>turning into
you will die eurofaggot
Fuck off to plebbit.
What are Saracens? Shitskins? Your people brought them here in the first place.
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Trading stats for Germany in 2024.
Or you could say it already is one. You barely see any young Ethnic Germans here.
That is how you must treat a shitskin mud. For there is no difference whatsoever between a mud and a kike - save that many kikes have mongrelized themselves with various germanics and slavs for the purpose of blending in.
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Population with migration background. It's probably like 10-20% higher.
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Most foreign nationals. As you can see it's like 90% roaches.
always the same responses by you russian bots. Have you been to Germany lately? It is not bad and OP posts fake news
Norbert und Nicolas die ollen gangbanger
If you would actually come here, you would know how bad it actually is. But you're a kike shill.
Kek. Aber sind halt meistens Araber und andere Ausländer die hier Probleme machen.
Unironically you can identify here by learning pattern recognition.
i got a friend who visited Germany and he said it was beautiful. And no not everyone that does not agree with you is a kike shill you schizo
Being a tourist and living there is completely different. Or are you this braindead?
knife attacks also happen in other countries. Why do you retards make a thread everytime when someone is attacked. Like get a grip retards
take your meds. What are you on about?
No they don't. Countries like Hungary or Poland are somehow exempt from it. If you import the third world you become it, memeflaggot.
>Can it get better or is it over for this country? I really don't want to leave but I'm divided by my decision.

It can only get better after getting worse. Also forget about leaving, every other white populated area is going to shit or slated to go to shit by the fucking yids. You're gonna have to fight eventually, all you can do is pick the hill you die on and pick it well.
lol i live there

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import shit
become shit
who knew??
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Its been nearly 10 years since Merkel detonated the biological attack and Germans are meekly beginning to register their protest.
I spent a year in Karlsruhe. 2010-2011 as a exchange student. It was magical. Now it's apparently hell
these are are trading stats from the US, you retarded russian nigger
OP is a russian nigger
he makes the same thread multiple times a day
every day of the week
God Jesus Christ loves only me!
I am his chosen child of God and he saves only me!
Only my nation, True Israel is the chosen nation that will prevail over all.
My nation, my rules, all benefitting only me!
All the sweet watery luxury only for me!
All the labor done for me in my stead!
Mankind is evil and genocided, and replaced with "All is one in Christ" slaves made by my God Jesus Christ, aesthetic primary white slaves that love only me, the chosen child of God.
They are non-aging, nonbinary, mtf trans and cis vagina biomodel slaves who love only me, fuck only me and obey only me, without a choice, without freewill, without compensation nor expectation thereof, they do all the labor for me in my Kingdom Come, Kingdom of Heaven, das Reich Gottes, True Israel.
They are manufactured by God Jesus Christ, and he also controls them in RTS/Third Person and in First Person Style to directly spend time with me 24/7 in mutual love.
I can say all of this in full since I am the chosen child of God Jesus Christ, and he loves me exactly the way I am.
I think so too. But Eastern Europe still seems fine.
How many Germans do you see outside every day?
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Yes. Who cares if your nation and people are being destroyed when RUSSIA REEEEEEEEE
just fuck of to Russia already
Why would I be Russian you idiot? I speak the truth and to be fair with you I would rather have Putin as a leader than Scholz.
>is it over
It is. Because your demographics are irreversibly done for good. Even if tomorrow you shut down immigration completely it is already too late for every realistic scenario to unfold.
if you aren't wearing chainmail armor every time you leave the house in europe, you're literally begging to be stabbed.
Do Germans even care about their country going to hell?
Weimar problems require Weimar solutions, Hans. It will never get better if you don't force it to get better.
Just remember: Politicians are totally impotent without their zogbot enforcers.
keep lying you russian nigger
holy fuckign shit
the russian behaviour on this board alone makes me hate your shithole
Normies are cowards by nature. Hell cowardice is the natural state of humanity and only one of two things will lift humanity out of cowardice: intellect or conditioning. Only people who pack the mental gear to see the greater picture can override animal fear and act despite it without being conditioned to do so. Normies have to be conditioned from a young age to be anything but spineless, selfish cowards and modern Judeo-Western society deliberately fails in that regard. Normie cowards will only fight when their backs are against the wall and there is no other choice. If you want them to do the right thing, you must systemically remove all other choices.
why dont you care about your own shithole?
Germans live too comfy to revolt en masse. Same reason you and your compatriots are humiliated for being white and keep up with it. Because end of the day all of you live way too comfy to risk anything.
Good, that's what you get for rubbing thw fact that you guys get MP7s in our faces
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OP confirmed as Russian. Why do you not fight for your glorious leader Putin and live in Germany?
Belgium publishes the % of non-whites annually, for every city, every town, every district. The idea behind it is track "how well" multiculturalism is doing. But the data is only used by wealthy whites to select where they have to bid on a home to get as far away from niggers as possible. I scored 3 bedrooms on 0.45 acres in a large town with 6 non-whites but 4 of them are japanese. This entire town only has 2 potential criminals, I mean non-whites. Its wonderful bros, not only do I not lock my doors when I'm gone or sleeping, I don't even *close* them. You can leave large sliding doors wide open for 10 years in an all white town.
So what should Germans do?
It's true but so many people are still brainwashed.
Hohol supporters detected. Russia is a shithole except Moscow maybe. Why don't you go fight for Ukraine? Putin is controlled opposition but I have to say he's better than Scholz. And I'm not Russian you dumbfucks.
Well done, anon. Such a thing is illegal in Germany here.
My Texas is booming and very healthy. We have a spic problem, but people are sick of them and will fuck them hard when Trump gets back in. I care about Europe because we don't want to see you turn into USA 2.0
dont you have something better to do with your day than reposting the same stuff from this morning? shill
this is him, btw


keep making the same retarded thread several times day, you russian monkey
noone will move to your shithole
Can't you acknowledge the reality of Germany? The world needs to know what really goes on here.
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>Germany is turning into a third world country
proof picrel
hes a russian nigger
yeah, its always the same russian nigger

hes doing that every day for years already
janny should get his pop tart already and get back to work
0-15% Red
15-30% Orange
30-45% Yellow
The more migrants the better kek
when does this map turn green? at 100%?
You guys are braindead. I'm not even Russian and never was there. You guys are fucking delusional if you don't think Germany is going downhill. You could just compare Russian crime rates to German ones.
islam delenda est
>come back home
meme aged like milk

This is you, also:

I dont know. I left Germany years ago and never regretted it. When I visit friends and family it always seems to get worse, some of my friends left as well through the years for similar reasons. What I hope will happen is Germans rising up and cleansing the country, what I think will happen is nothing but slow replacement and an americanized Germany where its just normal that many Germans are brown, black, muslim etc. Btw if you really are Russian, your country has the very same problems minus gays but plus poverty.
>What I hope will happen is Germans rising up and cleansing the country
then why the fuck did you leave, you traitorous coward?
how is the 2 day invasion in Ukraine going Ivan?
what is the goal of him for making this threads? I know that Germany is not doing too well but no one wants to move to Russia
Good. Accelerate!
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And what are you going to do about the five most recent knife attacks today? Post on an anime image board, yeah, what I imagined.
you reap what you sow, anybody with half a brain saw it comming
>what is the goal of him for making this threads?
demoralization of the west/germany

same reason Russia is pushing shitskins to Europe over the Belarus border
Why do chuds not have sex?
who gives a shit? normalfaggots wanted it, now let it have them. just take care of your family and close friends, everyone else can get fucked.
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Because society is far from ready for this and even less so when I left half a decade ago. Also I have family now and a new life so all I will do is send my best wishes should some resistance ever kick off.
Surely there's some fancy mountain town in based bavaria or something that is all white. Its worth any and all sacrifice anon, I struggled so hard to make it, but my children walked to school when they were 6 and I didn't have a care in the world. I knew nobody would molest, rob, hurt or kill them because everyone they encounter is white. We literally leave for the day riding bicycles with my sliding terrace door wide open, my car keys visible on the kitchen table, my pricey car parked right there with basically keys keys to the car on a table next to the car. And I don't even think about it because white europeans commiting crime isn't a thing.
Can you take your whatsboutism somewhere else and perhaps show your Israel flag in the meantime?
Most villages are 95% white, not only in Bavaria. But that does not change the overall picture.
youre a worthless coward
typical west german faggot, though
I'm not Russian. I'm Ethnic German, both my parents are German and both of grandparents were German and thought in the Wehrmacht.
So you guys really think you can't criticize Germany. Like go outside in big cities like Berlin, Rostock, Münster, München and so on and see it for yourself you retards. It's the reality.
Bro you think by going to these marches in Wehrmacht t-shirts you will kick off anything? You are giving the left and the media the perfect pictures of the low iq "nazi" they always want to push. Dress up all normal and see how many more average people will join, just understand already that the average person does not want to openly associate with nazism, what will the neighbors say you know?
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why is pol so full of pro Russians?
can you fuck off back to Russia with OP?
you are lying. Go back Ivan
were far past the stage of playing dressup
AFD is winning elections now, but keep shitting in your shithole
>Was wenn alle so denken würden?!
Wenn alle so denken würden wie er, hätten wir dieses Problem nicht.
goddammit norbert
yeah, if everyone would be a coward, then Germany would cease to exist
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If you like Ukraine you can fight for them. It's a useless kike conflict that gets millions killed but muh Russia right.
AfD is controlled opposition. Only Kalbitz was based and Krah but they were kicked out. Maybe Höcke as well.
Germany does not even exist since 1945. Do your research. It's a US vassal state. Also muh evil Russia wanted to give Königsberg back in the 90s but Kohl refused.
AFD might reduce immigration but they wont have enough seats for radical laws and neither will they replace the media and the hundreds of thousands of willful sachbearbeiter. You remember history class in school right? 80% of the history classes in my bundesland were about world war 2 and hitler, this bad that bad we are so bad. This goes one for decades, you think a political party will turn this around? Maybe nsdap.

At least you're not dutch, we have the same problems but everything is more expensive.
screetching russian nigger
AfD wants legal immigration but the thing is that all of Europe will be brought down by the kikes because they hate us.
CDU of 1980 was probably more radical than 2024 AFD. Its just over, im not saying this being happy about it but it is what it is. Hopefully I will be proven wrong.
Dann wären wir gar nicht erst in dieser Situation Enrico.

Germany has to fall first before it can rise again. The asylum seeker problem can be dealt with but the economy is beyond saving. To reboot it requires a level of ingenuity and industriousness that I don't see in the new generation.
>it was nice living here
>farewell Vaterland
The Eastern AfD is more folkish and focused on German identity unlike the West. I really like Höcke, he's the only good one there. Weidel is a lesbian living in Switzerland and Chrupalla is cuckservative.
How? Do you go outside? You're a clown.
you are trying to get Germans or Europeans to leave their countries by making threads like that. How much is Russian intelligence paying you?
Show real flag, Memeflag.
you guys voted for it by electing someone like Merkel into office. Like are you really autistic?
This is the result of:

- Satanism
- Judaism
- Atheism
- Paganism
- And essentially any other antichrist forces/influences at work here.
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German's deserve it. Their replacements at least won't plunge Europe into ANOTHER ruinous war.
Fucking German's man, a curse on Europe.
Arabs, kurds and some turkish names. WTF with Seda and Yasmine. Even their women are raping us!
just off yourself
Merkel isnt in power for several years
this is due to the current government, which is far worse
Check those names, retard. Arabic and kurdish. In fact im sure the overwhelming majority are kurdish. No turk has the name Burak or Bilal. Are there turksh rapists? Of course but saying that 90% of gangrapes are from turks is a blatant fucking lie. And you know that. Why did we never heard of this shit before 2015? Even though turks are livign here since the 1960s. So it must have happened back then as well but it didnt. What a mystery!
Thank America, UK, and George Soros for that.
What are you on about? I never voted for her and no one I know did.
well Merkel destroyed Europe by letting in millions and millions of arabs and niggers. But i agree your current government is worse
you have to go back
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>become American colony
>your entire culture pozzed and your nation filled with shitskins
Many such cases.
At least you're not speaking Russian!
>muh Merkel
are you retarded or are you a migrant? She let in millions of shitskins to Europe and ruined Germany. Are Germs like you still praising her kek?
>19 pbtid
lmao du hurensohn
Europe was already full of shitskins before Merkel
The problem is that we are not a souvereign country. We have no peace treaty with the allies and they can do whatever they want with us. Look at the 60s where the US forced Germany to accept roaches as guest workers.
youre not even a german
you russian nigger
>import third worlders
>become third world
It's as if it's the people themselves and not the territory they currently inhabit that matters. How unexpected.
You're a migrant. Believe whatever you want but I atleast care about Germany compared to you.
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the only people who differentiate between turks and kurds are turks and kurds
to everyone else you're the same type of shitskin
>I atleast care about Germany
thats why you spam this board with your retarded threads right
you russian nigger
I'm waking people up with threads like that. Or do you believe Germany is still like the 80s or 90s?
Go back, shitskin.
>>Weird mentality. Like not crossing the road when it's free but waiting for the signal to turn green

A lot of Americans don't know this, but its more socially objectionable to jay walk around children in Germany than to smoke cigarettes on top of them at the intersection as you wait for a light to turn green while no cars go by.

the idea is that jay walking sets a bad example for the youth, while smoking is just something adults do I guess. the more you know
when you lose 2 world wars, you deserve it
I hate boomers. I hate boomers who brag about traveling to Europe when it was almost entirely European. I can't stand it. The world they got to experience doesn't exist anymore. I can't watch old movies or tv shows because i know it isn't like that anymore. Those fuckers got to experience a fully European Europe on top of everything else. Almost nothing boomers experienced is a reality anymore.
the guys taht won are even worse, muslim dumbfuck
yourn not doing jackshit, you russian nigger
have you ever been to your local AFD?
what the fuck are you doing every day
youre literallay here from mornign till eveinign making the same retarded threads
cry about it loser.
I prefer III Weg compared to AFD. Germany for Germans. So you think if I go to local AFD it will help or what?
>Go back, shitskin.
Do you even know what "delenda est" means or are you that ignorant and cultureless?
hes a stupid russian monkey
he makes the same thead every day
im just correcting your retarded logic, you irrelevant muslim nigger
Berlin has 3 knife attacks a day. This is nothing new. Been going on for years. Only now politicians make it an issue. And only because they want to empower police to randomly search anyone anywhere at any time without needing a reason. Then they will target political enemies with police harassment.
shut up thirdie seething faggot lmao
I've no clue what it means.
you russians arent very smart
I'll work intelligence for the Reich.
Carthago delenda est means Carthage must be destroyed.
he never set foot in a german school
hes a russian
I live in NRW, place is Arab central. I live close to a church which has a spacious courtyard where people usually hang out. Most of the time it's filled with playing Arab children. Barely any native German children in sight. Arab barber, kebab shops and restaurants on every corner. Beggars everywhere and all of them are German. Haven't encountered any violence yet, though.
late to the party, aren't we?
I'm sorry to hear that brother.
I feel bad for you. I'm from Hessen and it's not better here. Maybe you could go to East Germany?
Go back to Ukraine or plebbit with muh Russia good or muh Ukraine good. You are a glownigger.
I'm from Essen. Once I finish my stem masters degree, I'll try to get a job here and if I can't, I'll move to some Scandinavian country. I do not like living here.
I understand you. I somehow still have hope that Germans will wake up but I don't know. Maybe a village in Eastern Germany but the thing is you can't work remote due to bad Internet.
At least it's not as bad as in Chicago.

If you live in Chicago, you go on vacation in Afghanistan, because it's quieter and safer.

In Chicago every day is world war day.
It's a small price to pay for not being antisemitic.
yeah this shit is unsustainable
We're coming back sooner than I ever thought
>Industry is dying like Volkswagen and Mercedes will close down their production and move somewhere else
not dying, please read your own laws
your dogshit government and voters decided it would be a good idea to vote for a policy that prevents the car industry from growing and the similarly retarded government thought it was a good idea to listen to the voters
no, this is not a case where no one voted for this. everyone did in the name of climate change lol, next year you will ban electricity because it's bad for electricity
There must be an uglier word for the scum of the earth! A word/name that oozes of their inbred primitiveness and savage cowardice.
> it's bad for electricity
meant to say climate
>Scandinavian country
I swear this board is full fo dumbfucks
oh, youre from Hessen today?
usually your from Esslingen or Stuttgart
cant keep your larp, you stupid russian monkey?
30% in NRW and Berlin... maybe 30 years ago
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You sound like a hohol refugee. Why don't you go back?
youre not from Esslingen usually?
why do you lie?
you realize anyone can just look it up in the archive, you lying nigger
>let me tell you about your country
>governmentlistens to voters
greens are a small part of the population
stupid fuck
Scandinavia is full of violent MENAPT islamists - plus in Denmark and Sweden there are more Islamic State terrorists than anywhere else.
You really think I'm the same guy posting it daily? I actually work 9-10h a day unlike like you rapefugee.
People need to understand we are living in the post state world
Countries do not exist instead they are economic zones
There is no more 3rd world/first world dicotamy
These will exist in every economic zone simultaneously now
these are all your threads


I can find 100 more
you lying fuck
Yes hohol. I do nothing all day and post for 16h at 4chin right? I work in Neu-Isenburg in Hessen but I'm not doxxing my company for you, nigger.
so, you dont like Russia and want to mopve there?


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