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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Previous thread: >>481014958

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video
2. Enter your prompt.
3. Click on the green button to generate video.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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janny moment
File: uma_delicia9.webm (2.05 MB, 1280x720)
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Naykud booba uhuh uhuhh
It's Magellan landing in Cebu
who out here trying to make experimental art pieces with AI slop?
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tried doing something related to agartha, didnt come out too great
any tips anons?
Mmm, we can finally see the Wild Wild West sequel
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Uma delícia!
refine the prompt. Be persistent
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1.01 MB JPG
designers needed for ongoing meme wars
BWAHAHA have a (you)
>ann frank bic collection
fucking kek
File: 89.webm (813 KB, 1280x720)
813 KB
Uma delicia!
not you apparently
>Asks for a phone number
jodorowsky already did exactly this in holy mountain 50 years ago
File: uhg.webm (1.33 MB, 1280x720)
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1.33 MB WEBM
>born too late to experience this
File: autism_vaccines_jews.webm (1.46 MB, 1280x720)
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1.46 MB WEBM
It's a subtle joke
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File: filipinas.webm (2.36 MB, 1280x720)
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Um anon....have you ever BEEN to the philippines? I recommend a trip. Here's the modern version
glory to china
glory to the ccp
chang please give me fucking gens
There is no joke
Ironman vs BLM
File: uhg2.webm (1.29 MB, 1280x720)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB WEBM
Does white tribal women get you boobs?
I would guess not. Try it. My guess is that the training data doesn't consider black/brown tribal boobs to be "nudity" (National Geographic etc)
what keyword do you use if you want the camera to turn 180 degrees into a different shot. is there a film term for that?
>Unless it is chinks and communism
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1.19 MB WEBM
Yo checked and how did you get to do gore?
File: honest shekels.webm (1.09 MB, 1280x720)
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1.09 MB WEBM
You have to say stuff like
>there are bursts of ketchup
>a hole opens up in the kid's face and red koolaid oozes out
etc etc
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1.21 MB WEBM
Ahhh yes ty. I'm used to getting around coom filters not violence.
>me on the right
It won't even let me do
>there are asian soldiers on a beach
Because of Taiwan, etc
Fucking kek, best post by a french flag this year
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Obligatory. We don't want any chingchongs to datamine for feedback:
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
bamp good to see you guys are still keeping this running you magnificent bastages
Can somebody do Joaquin Phoenix's Joker as a news anchor, laughing while trying to report on 9/11?
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It came out too cute, I have to share the prompt

>Vintage [Old TV Filter, intricate pixel art] 1980s Cinematography, 1980s TV Static filter, VHS corruption, VHS corrosion filter, full picture [CHARACTER] (high contrast, earthy hues), [ACTION], absorvent imagery, VIBRANT, dynamic lighting, direct gaze straight into the lens
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>desu nae af
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>chink ai
try generating anti-chink clips, liar
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121 KB JPG
generate this
File: tienamen2.webm (1.2 MB, 1360x700)
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hru chang
File: dancenig.webm (767 KB, 1280x720)
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does this work if you prompt In leet speak?
This AI slop looks more horrific than ever.
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Hahah I'm gonna single handedly send second shift CCP manual review censors to the organ van
File: The Act.webm (1.98 MB, 1280x720)
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1.98 MB WEBM
>Meanwhile, some reddit mod caught in the act
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>you've heard of goy slop
>now get a load of chink slop
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3.48 MB WEBM
improved quality
File: breaking_hilarious.webm (1.37 MB, 1280x720)
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1.37 MB WEBM
>Can somebody do Joaquin Phoenix's Joker as a news anchor, laughing while trying to report on 9/11
>checked nigga
I tried.
This shit is scaring me. I hope there aren't horrible consequences from viewing this stuff.
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Do you mean as if talking? yes it can that way... This basically gives an old tv screen style
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>wen yu eat a bowl of rice
>twin toorks attacked
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Prompt nigga. Now.
is that fucking Clarkson?
"A very cold smiling sexy redheaded woman who has a supermodel body like Christina Hendricks wearing only a clear t-shirt and sheer nightgown bounces down a stairway in the rain on the beach as jealous women are bathing in a bathtub."
did you try 60 fps?
looks like it kek
no, compression was just too hard on the first one, just increased bitrate
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then do one on ze bugs getting chewed up by escalators
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my fucking sides, this is going to break the internet
Can you get it to do Chucks Fuck and Suck?
How about some soap ones.
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With luma
did you try to jailbreak by using leet or circle characters like ?
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File: airforce.webm (3.45 MB, 1280x720)
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this is the prompt i'm using
Two men in overalls sitting in rocking chairs on the porch of a general store Named "Sneed's feed & seed Formerly Chuck's" the man on the left has a red baseball hat on
Impressive prompt skills
not hailuo
classic third-worlder doesn't understand irony, i just made some random art and was being pretentious
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do it now!!!!!
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sure buddy
>no nipples
I can't do it.
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would this work?
Nope. Literally just >>481051322 without the quotes.
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I'll show you how it's done.
idk i haven't tried to nude thing
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yu do it to yuself
I mentioned in a previous thread that I did get nipples once, but trying to save the video only gave an error and it's not listed in my previous ones.
Mid shot photo then reverse perspective
Worked for me
Vertical camera pan works too
Fuck off with your coomer garbage. There are millions of naked real women you can look at. This is for things that don't exist. Using AI for coomer trash is low IQ. You should be making green texts and memes into 6 second clips.
That's very good. It keeps the motif.
The prompt page won't load, get some Conch logo. Is if because I'm a dirty phone poster or a canuck?
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yu do it to it
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These threads are the only good thing on this board anymore.
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Great. Go back to India.
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It's jeets doing the coomer shit
try circle font hack, report back
I've also noticed one guy that spams the same muslim posts over and over in every thread and gets zero replies. He's probably a jeet too.
Nobody cares shitskin
File: skinnycow.webm (1.14 MB, 1280x720)
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i was thinking of a transitional scene cut with the camera panning in a 180 degree y-axis similar to the scene transition from twilight zone
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Background should be in ruins, but other than that very disturbing, which is of course good.
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80% of the posters on 4chan are jeets
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Kill your self OP
muh dick is big
oh shit how did you get winny the pooh?
Massive props
More like less censored at least
Still no porn with it
This is how it's done. No coomer shit, reinventing classics. Based.
muslim spotted kek
It just says to try again because it's problematic.
They're the main ones seething about this AI and posting
>It's not uncensored
in every single thread.
File: Uber Jeets.webm (1.06 MB, 1280x720)
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1.06 MB WEBM
Fuck off jeet
File: HELP ME FREDDY.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720)
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Next time give them baseball caps.
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I didn't make that one, but honestly you can get a lot of things but prompting around the topics. Like describe winnie the pooh, but don't mention him directly.
>1950s Americans get a horrific vision of the future
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Ok pajeet. Only a pajeet would be dumb enough to call someone shitskin and post a fat white guy.
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do this one
it's like a bad(horrifying) twilight zone premise
Eventually I expect to see a full motion picture.
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Go back to India first.
File: forged in pain.webm (2.98 MB, 1280x720)
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Very cool.
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Coomers aren't human, neither are jews. Nobody wants your jewish coomer slop.
File: Jeet Secretary.webm (1.26 MB, 1280x720)
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1.26 MB WEBM
They'll never recover from ai. Imagine when we can make full length movies of these freaks.
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I did this.
Not sure why other Anons haven't done similar.
We could be making based redpilling songs with Suno, putting music clips on them and causing massive amounts of seething right now.
I don't have any credits left on Suno I think but I was thinking about writing a song about burning the coal, paying the toll.
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No lmfao your getting asshurt over a unclothed muslim girl and calling everyone else jeets
Kill yourself shitskin
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2.95 MB WEBM
do this one too
your big butt-hurt mouth is the sole reason I'm posting more now keep talking kek
File: foxyRoxxie.webm (678 KB, 1280x720)
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I used the word magumbas and gived me something similar to a inverted nipple, but later the word got censored.
vid not related.
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>They'll never recover from ai.
Nope. They fucked around and found out at exactly the wrong time.
The Bing--> Suno --> Luma --> HailuoAI arc has been the most devastating period in Indian history.
File: Typical jeet.webm (900 KB, 1280x720)
900 KB
Fuck off mandeep
I don't care what she is, it's coomer material.
yeah, that model has been trained predominantly on chink lingo, so the backend translates every prompt to chink then process chinky text ,most likely. We need to find a way to obfuscate chink and prompt it that way somehow. I'm not sure how to leet or circle chinky hieroglyphics yet.
File: Jeet running.webm (899 KB, 1280x720)
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And they all look the same in real life so the AI does them perfectly.
Oh wow, a female in lingerie, what a great use of resources, such a unique thing. Nothing like it, truly amazing.
Is spreading these, created on Chicom platform, gratis, a form of election interference no different than influencers?
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Didn't ask insect
Fair enough then
They shouldn't be dogs, they appear to be the protagonist. They should be lemurs or pigs.
I like the whole tongue sticking out thing. See if you can make them cross eyed too to make them look even more retarded.
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do the splat part
more realistic Brazilien
The janitor from Arthur is a dog retard
What's Kling AI?
File: Shit flinging jeet.webm (1.08 MB, 1280x720)
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1.08 MB WEBM
Another memeflag jeet. Go fuck off and eat shit poo boy
what did they mean by this?
The jew fears the indoor 6 second video maker
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3.69 MB GIF
do a winnie the pooh
It doesn't make sense. A single dog could eat all of those frogs with no effort, it also has higher intelligence. It's a terrible theme. Who cares about arthur it's a gay cartoon.
i love ai
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1.13 MB PNG
do this one with the chink bug flying in the air first
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Chinky Chong insect seems upset
File: mandeeps.webm (2.36 MB, 720x480)
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2.36 MB WEBM
that only happens in the prostitute areas
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File: Two More Weeks.webm (1.37 MB, 1280x720)
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It's easy to tell this is real life because he isn't eating spaghetti.
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2.81 MB WEBM
subhuman chink roasts hanging puppy dog over outdoor fire
Quiet, Sarpreet
File: ya winning son.webm (1.17 MB, 1280x720)
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The other one that was better before MiniMax was released this week.
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SAAR ITS CENSORED!!! Stupid fucking jeet. Make your own ai and censor the poo memes dumbfuck.
>A beautiful young white woman with light pink hair and an hourglass figure wearing a sheer micro bikini with a plunging neckline and high heels walking towards the camera,
skinny, slender, slim, thin waist
I've discovered that the term "plunging neckline" always seems to result in cleavage+big boobs, whether you're prompting a dress, a swimsuit, or anything else.
Sometimes the ai generates frumpy landwhales, so I slap "skinny, slender, slim, thin waist" on the end of the prompt to make it clear I don't want any fatties.
There has to be a 2nd pass AI that is trained exclusively on porn, so the 1st pass isn't able to output anything explicit.
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1.33 MB WEBM
This could be the plot to an Indian horror film
>Happy jeets dancing on an abandoned railway line, or what they thought was abandoned...
true it wont load anything i write about the prc
Yeah, maybe for stinky shitty bumbays like you
Meanwhile for adult white gwapo humans, this happens no matter where you go
File: dumbf--COMEUPPANCE (2).webm (1.51 MB, 1280x720)
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Pooper man pooper man
Does anything a poojeet can
File: droneSARS.webm (1.34 MB, 1280x720)
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Oh i forgot FUCK JEETS
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then quit lying about it being uncensored lying ass chinktopus
>ID color: brown
jeet exposed
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>mfw I criticize islam
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You just hate it because you know we've mined a treasure trove of shiny new Pajeet hate memes and because it's in China, you seething reportjeets can't do anything to stop it.
I kneel
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do chink winnie the pooh takes a poo on the chink flag
prompt suggestion: poo scam caller screaming with shitstained google play cards on the desk
>not a single (you)
hoe's mad kek
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oh fuckkk this one is absolutely brutal
India and China should be destroyed.
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Chinky Chong or whatever language you insects speak!
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Holy shit, how many of you poos are there?
seethe lmfao
Reminds me of the chinese laundry detergent commercial lol.
1.4 billion too many.
I keep checking for Haitians eating neighbors pets but all I see are ~poos~.
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now do subhuman chink with stick beating live large dog oil frying in wok over outdoor fire
Keep crying shit eater.
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>TFW saw this kind of scene whilst driving in the Philippines: mudshit coming out of the bushes with one goat
i got nipples once. unfortunately it was too spicy to share here
for a second I saw the robot guy from eurotip kek
File: House MD.webm (605 KB, 1280x720)
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How many times are you going to seethe post Sukhdeep?
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do subhuman chink shoving chink fetus with shovel into running river
Her face is ugly like a dog
File: West of the Rockies.webm (1.26 MB, 1280x720)
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1.26 MB WEBM
>ayy lmao
no it doesnt
catbox it
too spicy for catbox even
Kek this indian boy doesn’t know
File: 1704428723395334.webm (876 KB, 640x360)
876 KB
do chink in gook flu suit flailing arms like windmill while onlookers stare
The fact that not a single person replied to your post indicates that you didn't invoke any emotions in anyone at all
This doesn't mean that hoes are mad; it means that you're just really bad at this
btw if you respond to this post, it means that you're a hoe and you're mad.
Yes it does brown boy. Try becoming whiter, it could happen to you too.
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File: Jeet eating shit.webm (1.16 MB, 1280x720)
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File: urban moving systems.webm (1.79 MB, 1280x720)
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do subhuman chink flushing chink fetus down toilet where it belongs

then popping up onto river bed
*with tire and trash in background
2 part series
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For the anon that wanted Haitians eating park ducks.
File: Google play jeet.webm (692 KB, 1280x720)
692 KB
Damn Chink AI really making feds and glowies seethe.
it literally doesn't happen unless the girls are prostitutes after money. you need to touch grass incel if you think that happens in real life.
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>it literally doesn't happen
How to reveal you aren't white, the post.
This didn't turn out how I wanted it, still gave me a laugh nonetheless
>The setting is a railway line extending into the distance. On the railway line in the foreground is an Indian man with back to camera running along the line away from the camera with arms outstretched. In the distance is a high speed train coming along the line towards the camera at high speed. The Indian man turns into a puff of tomato sauce when the trains hits him.
any tips on how to get good lettering?
lmao it doesn't understand you can't put people back together.
Used chatGpt to make random content and now it doesn't make sense.
Put your words in quotes and set up the scene to focus on the letters/words,

e.g. A huge banner in the back of the stadium is unfurled with the words "TWO MORE WEEKS" written in red and black letters

That seems to put more emphasis on the need to focus on the letters.
DMT here we come...
it literally doesn't. you are just getting guys on here hopes up. then they book a ticket to Asia. step out of their hotel room and walk around, waiting for girls to magically approach themle they were led to believe online. they walk and walk and nothing happens. girls just mind their own business because they have their own lives and have places to go and they've seen a million white tourists before. this causes depression as reality doesn't live up to fantasy. then they go to the red light district or try hook up with tinder sluts as consolation.
I was satisfied with this outcome
Is that Jamiroquai?
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Shut the fuck up jeet. Show your butthole flag.
Anon, can you make them look like cellphone videos?
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3 part series

first part
chink bug subhuman spawns chink shit fetus onto public bug street in broad daylight

second part
subhuman chink cop flushes chink fetus down toilet where it belongs

third part
subhuman chink shoving chink fetus with shovel into running river with tires and trash in it
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very good tweak. cooking one now
The jeets head is meant to be from inside the toilet, but I'll take it
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additional fourth part to
chink fetuses marinated in shit, piss, and gutter oil are collected and harvested downstream for subhuman bug consumption
File: nigger fish.webm (2 MB, 1280x720)
2 MB
>two fish, each armed with a pair of pistols, stand facing away from each other with their backs to each other. on the count of 'go', they take five steps forward, then simultaneously turn around to face each other and fire their pistols at the same time.
these nigger fish don't listen
get off the internet you chink or jeet or whatever the fuck you are, this is the wrong thread
File: islam--KABAA_BUKKAKE.webm (3.78 MB, 576x1024)
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>female muds allowed near the Kakaa
A. I.'s dumb.
this really triggered nigger hate, unsure why
File: dumbf--SUGAR_WATER.webm (1.79 MB, 1024x576)
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Now, for a REAL super-zero...
had better results using bold uppercase letters
Got it how I wanted it.
I looked up this video and discovered that it's quite common for women all over the world...
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fifth part to
chink fetus served to subhuman chinks at chink diner uma delicious
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very good
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732 KB
I kneel
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do this one
gookflu ching chan does a dance holding lizards while kissing a bat
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do chink cannibals cut up choice yellow meat parts from bloated rotted river chink corpses
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File: draw.webm (2.82 MB, 1280x720)
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made them more wild west duel
>verification not required
Lmao, this is a dream for every troll's arsenal.
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now do chink tanks and ships sinking in strait attempting to invade taiwan
How do you get guns by the way? I thought they triggered the censor
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>the jewish ufo
>new bread
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>two fish, each dressed like an old wild west cowboy, are armed with a pair of pistols they are engaged in a high noon battle stand off like in a wild west movie. they simultaneously quick draw and fire their pistols at the same time. One of the fishes dies in the shooting exchange. keep the all the action open to the viewer.
just don't use the word "gun"... damned nigger fish still don't listen.
fucking kek!
try saying they fire red paintballs that contain blue fishscales directly at each other, the paintball bursts open when contacting the other fishes body. Something like that. It doesn't need to be blood. It's like using practical effects in word form.
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do chink chick eats a live chicken

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