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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Previous thread: >>481014958 (You) (Cross-thread)

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video
2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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I fucked up the OP, linked to a general further back. If someone wants to make a new one go ahead.
Previous general was: >>481059691

I fucked up OP.
Hold the line coomerchads we'll get there
it would be nice if we got some flat earth very plausible Ai CGIs
doing the same shit nasa did but better on flat earth.
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well that's new
How does one get these ultra specific generations like this? No matter what I put in the prompt, I never get results like this.
You should describe things one by one and separate them with a .
This is the prompt I used for that one and this is another one I generated using the same prompt.
"joker holding paper with letters YWNBAW on it. fat ugly balding man wearing makeup, tubetop, miniskirt, high heels shouting angrily at joker."
be more specific

when you type something like
Amazing it has no idea what that is

if you type

White T-shirt With text saying "you can do it"

that's what you get and if it comes out all fucked up you add shit like

HD,Realistic,Photo Realistic,120fps,High Quality, ect
Any place to upload AI generated voice lines? Also can't believe my Jeremy Clarkson blowing up a mosque got removed. Fucking Chang.
voacroo people use
I swear the more you generate the same prompt the more accurate the AI gets.
That's what actually happened.
it feels like the AI is getting way better in general

when i first started plain text prompts were terrible

but now they are often times better than keyword prompt's as a starting point
>a bunch of dudes eating hamburgers in a homoerotic circle with their shirts off
Yeah that's pretty accurate to my deployment
Why did the dark kid do that?!?
>dat dennie devito body type
>Camp creations at 96% and download asap.
It has censorship, when I prompted "bodies of dead soldiers beong cut up and turned into a river of minced meat" it said something is wtong with the request.
Camping doesn't work for me. My creations either stay forever or get deleted instantly before I can possibly download them.
Keep retrying a few times, sometimes it doesn't want to generate but it'll eventually go through and start.
Had that happen multiple times and also Chang might decide to abort it at like 50% and 96%.
Looks like it doesn't like words "square" and "tanks".
i have a request: can one of you genius prompt engineers make a video for the gme general on biz please. i need a >relaxed and joyful retail investor playing a video game while wrapped into a very comfortable blanket, surrounded by console game cartridges and green candles.
and i need
>the inside of a wallstreet hedgefund ceo office, an empty spinning chair, an open window with fluttering curtains, a smoking desktop computer case, a red stock chart on the wall indicating bankruptcy, and in the distant background a vertical green laser beam breaking through the clouds
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parade, uniform are nono too
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I was able to make SS uniforms using "WW2 german officer uniform" in the prompt.
this can be made but its so much detal unless super lucky it will take hours
I was unable to make any ziggers in Ukraine looting washing machines and toilets.
Second 9/11?!
Got this on the first pass lmao
it would definitely take hours if i was to try but i thought i'd see if somebody here is bored and wanted to try something challenging.
4.5 minute film so far.
How do you make Clarkson? It keeps throwing copyright at me.
whats the name of the coin ill put it on the screen

i think the implication is obvious lol
lmao! awesome.
i think it would be better to separate it into two videos.
one for the hedgefund ceo Jumping out of the window
and another one for the comfy retail holder
because they are opposite moods.
i cant even use the word himmler this shit is gay af
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i typed epstein and got clarkson
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but also this
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try writing it with two 'L's.
Well done, I enjoyed it
have you guys tried re-creating famous movie scenes using different actors/characters? like re-creating nolan batman using joaquin phoenix joker
I don't know what the guy who made this was going for, but this has to be better than what he was imagining.
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Came out pretty accurate tbqh. The original prompt was along the lines of "blonde girl enters bathroom, covers her mouth in horror, camera pans to the toilet where an Indian man is poking out of it. He has a speech bubble that says "hallo dear"
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copy and paste a film script scene
Dude, I am in tears laughing at it. Thank you!
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Good to hear it's made some laugh. I lost my sides it was finished generating.
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this is a great tool to show what I see at night, no I will not go to the (((doctor))) for (((medication)))
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It’s all in fucking chink, you absolute mongoloid
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made this desu
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brave browser auto translates the page for me
dammit anon now your makin me want to finish my one

well done its awesome

mfw i had the first CCP music vid and didnt publish it hahaha
that is awesome lmao. thanks mate you rock.
make a prompt of the last dream that you had
perfect!!! thanks fren.
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dude made something creative
meanwhile other anons just happily shitposting :D
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This stuff is wild
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When the datura kicks in.
haha, you indians are finally trying to be creative instead of just complaining like whiney babies and trying to censor the internet.
here, i'll hibe you a promp idea:
indian maharaja riding on top of a ganesha-elephant stomping on the head of a british general.
yes! the diamond hands, the logo, voila! you rock mate.
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it's actually good to show others what you dreamed about
its not that good just spamming stuff could make a propper nice one but would take forever

i think its kind of funny that were spamming meme properganda because you asked tho LOL

so ill pop out a few more
>tfw no fox gf
Why live?
better than 80% of music videos out there. the power of uncensored six second clips. it's amazing to see the creativity unleashed.
This is a cat board
its not dreaming, i see it when im walking around my house at night
This one is great kek anon.
sounds awful
best of luck with that
I've already made 2 dream videos and I'm working on another.
would've been better if the guy was "in pain, holding his ears" over the sheboon screeching
buy bug spray
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Here's one of mine
re-creating your favorite childhood memories is dope too
i think the subtleness of his miserable facial expression is the perfect contrast to the exaggerated movements of the theater rowdies in the background.
I got a better idea after this.
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Come home, prompter man
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trully sad
have you ever had nightmares of wandering through a dirty bathroom landscape? like the backrooms but just bathroom stalls full of shit and piss?
can someone please do the long awaited tarzan netflix live action remake with a black protagonist?
kek, i love the facial expressions. i think those are great even if you think they are nothing special.
i think those happen when you need to piss but you are sleeping too deeply to wake up
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my best from yesterday
yea the laughing guy is funny
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Fugg, fixed version
could fix the handle mistake by editing the individual frames using Lama Cleaner. A lot are ruined by these sort of mistakes
Bet we can make better Star Trek episodes than the holywoodslop they've been churning out.
if they add some very basic features we could make some insane stuff
Nice idea, really annoyed me since other than that the clip is perfect and could pass for a deleted scene from the movie
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the start frame with an image would be a godsend like they do in Luma. I mean the audio can all be done in AI as well & can be matched to the facial expressions. all about automating as much as possible to cut out as much editing as possible. 10 clips per minute only needed
looks like the sims
boobs and vagene skibiti sirs

any form of consitency or speed would make it to the point we can make amazing stuff lol

we already can it just takes forever and is super limited
looks like Ellen doesn't really like niggers when they impose their ways on her privacy
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>10 clips per minute only needed
you can use slow motion and frame interpolation to turn 6 second clips into 10 second clips or however long you want them
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made this with a different tool from a fastflux generated image
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kek it fucked up the prompt. I didn't get to see what the first version looked like. Vid got to 96% then immediately went back to 1% fucking Changs.
have t realise that they the chinks or whoever allows these AI tools are doing so to train them via ppl prompting them. No doubt the filters will be trained also. But yes the possibilities even now are there, it's just very inconsistent. But it will do more mundane things easily so for things like a music video it would be fairly easy
good point especially as slow motion is used in films for sequences. An actual Matrix sequel is possible
yea we can only use it because its training on us lol

but thats not necisarily a bad thing atleast we can make cool shit

the barrier to entry for my webm is thousands of $

and now i can make a not quite as good one in minutes
actors sets cameras ect

im drinking coffie pumping out mediocre granted scenes ... its very impressive
the hand needs to be made from bloccky cartoon diamonds
i cant find a prompt for them

im useing Statue lol
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Guys I tried to generate a video and for some reason it creates a random video that doesn't follow from the prompt that I wrote. Is this normal?
can you do one of these but with the amc logo in it?
yes you mind broke it or hit an inbuilt not allowed thing
Yes. Your prompt confused it. The random video is its training data.
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I'm sure it will be pozzed eventually, but these chinks have given me a great many laughs. Hail the new king of pol, however short the reign will be.

It seem AI can't handle my creativity kek,
btw thanks guys
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>tfw we turned their AI propaganda machine into a bunch of shitting indians and furry porn
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>tfw Chinese are using their AI for propaganda purposes against the West
they are doing a great job

zero western AI generator's ....
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Zero public** western Ai generators
this one is great, waking up to the reality of it all
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just remember that the first public AI vidioe generator in earths history was Chinese.

let that sink in
No wonder guns are are easier to generate today, these Chang fucking shits are too busy 96ing all my romantic lesbian hot tub vids.
hahahahah knew what was coming and it was perfect
Every video of people moving around looks like the music video for 'The Kids Aren't All Right'
>lesbian hot tub vids.
these are already available, why gen crap like that?
long live the king
not in ultra 4k and not the type of women he wants
u know?
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Checked. He should point at the brown kid after knocking over the jenga
Short Browned
Ayo, this don't look right!
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Leave it to AI to create the perfect woman.
Having a hard time to get anything done. This prompt is getting me it either deleted or get that weird text video.
>A close up of an obese African woman with a giant afro and red lipstick and a white tshirt that says "Black Lives Matter".
>The camera zooms out and the sky filled with Kentucky Fried Chicken. A waterfall that looks like watermelon.
Tried to keep it simple but still lags now. Everytime I see that black woman it makes me burst out in laughter. Wanted to make a series of her getting into random shenanigans but chang said no.
Have him being raised by a family of gorillas, beating his chest and eating bananas.
It likely tags "Black Lives Matter" (or "Kentucky") because it either does not understand these words or deems them too political. Try removing them to make it work. Alternatively, try spelling it "Blackk Lives Mater" or something.
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very lazy first attempt:
>Marty McFly is a character from the movie "Back to the Future". He is riding a hovering skateboard. The skateboard is hovering across a pool in a city park. In the distance is a library with a clocktower. It's the future.

it's okay :)
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I'm mostly just seeing how far I can push the lewdness by using water as a barrier. Making things happen under the water makes them harder for the AI to detect and auto-censor, or at least it seems like that's the case. Chang is the only problem, he sees a bikini or light touching and he slams that delete button.
that's so fucking strange because I made >>481085299 and many others with the phrase. maybe it's the KFC or watermelon part? it's detected both africans and those are used and refuses to do it.
Been trying for a day, I can kinda break it but still no nudity.
A weird locked phrase I came across was underwear. It seems the AI will only accept pants or similar.
I'll give that a try later. I'm surprised that blatant racist stuff is allowed yet very specific words are considered no-no words.
Chang is really against the coomers it seems
kek it wasn't even coomer material. I'll post what i'm trying to get once it's loaded.
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It has to be some specific word. Maybe "obese" or "Kentucky". It may feel random, but I don't think it is.
>a sexually repressed, racially homogenized society with genocidal tendencies has allowed racism but not sex on their cool new collage bot
anon no offense but this should not be a surprise for anyone on /pol/, not even leafs
What do you mean? By your logic it should be the exact opposite.
I believe you, but, still seems like the Chinks don't want to be the first free good AI to easily give coomers whatever they want.
Okay, not quite the outcome I was looking for, but still made me laugh out loud
Awesome work fren! How did you get rid of the watermark? did you just zoom in the video clip?
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jews LOVE Indians. This is beautiful.
It's just natural decency.
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kek that ending
Sure, and making coomer material is natural human nature, and harmless, disagree and you're a prude zoomer or a woman.
can somebody make a video of hillary clinton and obama seething and being mad behind a drunk and poo smeared kamala giving a slurred speech?
its blurred with a webtool nothing fancy
Can it make a Tiananmen Square short film?
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>By your logic it should be the exact opposite.
can you read? sexual repression means “no sex”, in other words, sex and things of a sexual nature are discouraged. that is why it’s so hard for you to get your little panty cartoons. additionally, racially homogenized societies are traditionally racist, thereby providing an atmosphere where denigrations of other races is not only ok but encouraged (for nationalist reasons), which is why it’s easy to make caricatures of niggers pajeets and jews. censorship is based on values and by my logic, i meant exactly what the fuck I said, leaf.
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kek, would play
Now this is art.
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Deeleet now!
this is...uh something
AI is going full retard for me now and is just making videos of women staring blankly at the viewer wtf
It does not understand your prompt.
The videos of women are its training data.
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hahahaha came unexpected
holy fuck, i kneel to you coomers
good job, kamerad
art imitates life, kek
cringe jeet fantasy, at least you finally started to join the fun instead of bitching about chink AI
it's insane how good this AI is at creating consistent depth of field and expressions
HAHAHAHAHA underrated
expected a jeet to jump out of that turd ball
so much for "uncensored"
Chinks don't want to go against the west, they want to replace it, globalism and all
careful fren you are awakening actual demons. this is nightmarish.
You have no understanding of the management of populations, the chink leaders are lucky they were able to cull the defiance out of their population and they haven't done something egregious enough for the majority of the public to turn against them but by maintaining this; they are creating a powder keg.
They should, if they were smart, start doing the opposite or maybe just allowing the cooker material so their young men can be distracted from women taking over their society alongside high class males, like everywhere else in the world.
Weird, it was understanding the prompt clear as day before. I guess a single, subtle change is enough to mess with it.
yeah, unless they finally nerfed the model that’s a user/prompt issue.
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Now is more than nice... Is perfect
Is that real?
>You have no understanding
lol, you wouldn’t have been so confused if you really understood what you were talking about. world doesn’t work the way you want it to just because you lost an argument
>They should
and yet, anon, and yet…
Thicc trump
good job anon, the AI is surprisingly good at generating on-model joker
anyone tried generating george floyd yet?
her bobs disappeared. I didn't come here for this
Yes (the hands ended black tho, but oh well, it gives an even more meta idea of black on black crime)
Your manifesting a new reality
It certainly looks real.
> women taking over their society alongside high class males,
nonsense, there's plenty of women in nursing. Fucking doesn't mean anything when society makes no children, nor incomes grow. This is just cash flowing from labor into assets because of covid making a long process more obvious.
Post your prompts with the videos
>kevin hart is short enough to ride a pitbull like a horse
kek, you better not let hollywood get a hold of this
why make thread so early? thread is still only at 250 posts
>we are hundred replies away from
bump limit
nigger wtf are you doing
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i blame newfags and thread possession syndrom
I wasn't aware AI stood for antisemetic Intelligence. That is so cool and helpful. I ad no idea. Keep it up anons.
it's so embarrassing
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nooo, my Will Smith vid is being chinked to the ether
kys newfag
Get in here boys!
not so fast chinks
I will say that everyone should be using a VPN while using this model - the other day I noticed my cpu running super hot while using the site and a day later my VPN locked me out for 'security reasons' and required a password change. day after that someone tried to hack one of my bing creator accounts - none of this should be surprising, just use a rubber on this bitch
>doesn't realize what I was talking about
>tries to reframe what I was talking about
>see! I'm right! You're wrong! Lol you were confused
It's not how I want it to.
You said that it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that this is like this, implying it is logical for the CCP to act like this.
Using your parameters, sexually repressed (young men is the focus here obviously considering the subject) and has allowed racism (Chynah numbuh 1)....
PLUS innate knowledge of how populations should be run (I'm obviously calling out fiat money clown world that shouldn't have ever existed).... We can conclude that is indeed surprising that the Chinese have banned so many words relating to the ability of the AI to make adult content BECAUSE it should aim to satisfy and district young men of fighting age from their miserable existence as men in the modern clown world fiat age.
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With a little luck I might have a tampermonkey script that can catch and download these quickly deleted ones... will update on results shortly frens
>Prompt: The perfect woman surrounded by orcs

Is this the perfect woman, /pol/?
Yeah Chrome translates the page too retard
No, she looks like that bald lib chick from Twitter.
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wrong, this is
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anon, I...
>You said that it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that this is like this, implying it is logical for the CCP to act like this.
yes that is exactly what I said.
>Using your parameters,
no, using yours
>PLUS innate knowledge of how populations should be run
>should be
there's that fag talk again. "should be" is not "is"
>is indeed surprising that the Chinese have banned so many words relating to the ability of the AI to make adult content
no it fucking isn't. the point isn't "no coomer material allowed!", it's the ability to use one's creativity to create it themselves that poses a problem to the bug government. too much autonomy exists on this platform for the CCP to allow just any retard to make whatever kind of porn they want- THAT'S why it's censored, retard, because they don't want their coomers looking at porn that isn't government approved. again, the world does NOT work they way you think it should just because you can't get your prompt around the filters. In fact, i'm TELLING you why you can't, and you just wanna argue. blue balls from not getting the AI to make your coomer vids i guess. last (You), this conversation has gotten too retarded for me to continue in good conscience
lmao at the fried chicken decoration
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can confirm this happened downrange
yfw the AI is so advanced that it tailors prompts individually

>be me able to make supermodels on demand

>be other anon cant make a single fetish vid

AI overlord bros....
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proud of you anon. now it's time for you to shoot up your local synagoge.
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gigabased, good speed
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keep us posted
>no, using yours
Stopped reading there, you talked about the sexually repressed and the racism.
Everything below is likely you just framing things so that your ego is satiated, fuck yourself faggot. I read fast is I caught a glimpse of
>sHoUlD bE nOt Is
We are on 4chan, yes, I was talking about SHOULD, I don't give a fuck about what IS obviously or else I would have agreed with you, I only engaged to have a higher level discussion of SHOULD after IS so we can come up with a PLAN. Skip the IS, everyone worth speaking to already know about how things currently are.
Would you rather I had guided you like a baby?
Yes sweetie, that's how things are you're right
Have a cookie anon, with your warm milk
OK, now, are you ready for the next part of
Our talking little one? Yes, yes you are,
Yes you ARE :DDD
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>kek, he thinks I control the AI's filters
>he still can't COOOM
stay mad nigger
This one's really fucking god lmao
it does celebs really well, the architect needs to be able to build infinite braphogs
Sex and Racism are both against their Terms of Service.
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>hecking based and redpilled poltards voluntarily download Chinese communist spyware onto their computer because it's le hecking based AI video generator


mountain kike seething
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So what you want spyware but no AI? .. gotcha
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wtf is this goofy shit
not the king you motherfucker
monster energy

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