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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Did you fall for the Baofeng /pol/ viral marketing efforts in early 2020s?
Yes bought like 6 of these .. I still have 2
These things are great.
You can run field units ragged chasing around these fuckers on repeater mode.
Good way to waste opponent resources and does little to impact yours.
Whats wrong with them? Work fine for me.
same still have all of them though. what happened to yours?
i really have nobody to talk to on them currently.
i bought 5, my dad has two of the 5 because he travels to mexico, and needs a reliable mode of communication while there.

they are neat, but only if you have other people to chat with.
also, that was coms (most failed to understand the message)
GMRS radios are all you need for very local communication. like a mile or so.
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In case you didn't know the US has the most advanced SIGINT and intelligence network in the world and can sniff these babies out like nothing. Anything that gives a wireless signal, even devices that are "off" in some cases.

These are best for encrypted digital transmission and for counter-intelligence. For setting up decoys, traps and sending encrypted digital data like texts, images, video between devices over radio transmission.

Because they tracked these easy in Afghanistan, these cheapass radios, then used that to raid places and conduct airstrikes on them. They want you to do the same and not even have to translate it from Arabic.

And now you know.
Did you know these are banned in Egypt?

I have 2, they were definitely worth the $30 even though I rarely get to use them

Or Persian, Pashto, Uzbek

In spoken word, I speak with a dialect, Southern American English

Don't know if you can translate that or if the sneedy ones talk like that as well.
Why would a cheap chinkshit radio be any more or less trackable then a more expensive radio operating at the same range/freq
It's genuinely the superior Ham system. The antenna plug is genius and prevents wear
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The point is that any wireless signal can be picked up by SIGINT. Need to learn and train people in land navigation, so you can move without giving off any signal. To store and retrieve weapons, to make movements and conduct attacks, to evade encirclement and capture.

Not everyone is trained in these skills. To use a compass and a map like this. You also have to be fit to hike over elevation carrying weight, that is the primary filter. Long, grueling marches carrying heavy loads, pushing to the limit. To filter for fitness and improve fitness.
It wasn't pol in 2020 but /out/ in like what, 2016 (I can't remember when / out/ stsrted).

I like to use them to listen to the NOAA satellites as they go overhead.
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Nice story bro. Afghanistan won.
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Topographic map and one of these is what you need to do land navigation without electronics. To navigate caches with rifles, munitions, to make movements without a signal in the night and disappear into safehouses, blending back into the population, in hidden camps, in tunnels and blinds, in caves, in bases, and so on.

Physical fitness, land navigation, camping and survival skills, long marches. Rifle training in long range precision shooting. This is the core of it, the weapons training such as IEDs, small drones, rocket launchers, machine guns is specialized to roles for each guerrilla.

Yes, exactly, that is my point.

We can do an even better job at removing our zionists.
I mostly use it when I’m sitting by the coast screaming “Filipino Monkey” when a ship passes by.
You gotta appreciate these marketing ploys, good work chinks
I heard about it through some WOT vets here who were stationed in Iraq. Insurgency had a good ol time running US forces around and herding them while they chased these things on repeater mode.
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Like this guy right here.
They are so arrogant they can't see these things used against them.
LOTS of North American lives were lost "following" these things.
Remember that dead sniper team from Iraq/ That photo of them face down and stripped of all their gear? These little 8w jobbers were the teams assignment(s). Followed on right to their death and gave the insurgents LOTS of top of the line US gear.
might get one for the fun of it but dont have high expectations of it lasting especially the battery. i dont like how these things have a remote shutoff feature though.

still running a couple 20 year old Yeasu handies anyway.

And they STILL 8se 8w handhelds.
Never forget your back azimuth.
Friendly reminder to us old fucks out here.
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Kekd and checkd
Type / level of encryption mostly. Alot of these radios have GPS now and it wasn't untill the last few years that people realized you could send payloads that would report gps, type of radio... all kinds of info. Sure your comms were (poorly) encrypted but nothing else was. Even if its SHA-256 you're not safe, you can be DF'd easily
> t. SIGINT brainlet
10-4 driver.
>back azimuth
Now that is something I have not heard in a long time...
It's funny when people equate a "win" with "the side that was in control and did whatever they wanted for 20 years decided to finally leave 19 years late because it was bad optics for some politicians"
And yet you will never do any of those things
that's a long way for flips to sail
Yes, I have one and I like it. Thanks baofeng for psyopping me into buying your chink radio. Works great, good reception, super loud speaker
Yes, it's a cheap way to learn about programmable radios
No. I was the only one saying they were made in China. And you can get other brands just as cheap.
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Coming in loud and clear driver. Wall to wall and ten feet tall. You got that fire in yo wire c’mone! I’ll be out here toting that ass and draggin my wagon until I get down to Bandini.
No, I bought a good wouxun ham radio that can be modified to work on gmrs. Get a good radio for cheap at bettersaferadio.com
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this is you two mutts when shtf
It's fun to play pretend isn't it?
did he died?
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I ordered one directly from Baofeng, the order was late and I asked what's up and asked for a refund or some different kind of Baofeng, I think a waterproof one. I ended up getting 6 baofengs. Sold all of them in the end cause I couldn't pick up anything. I have a RTL-SDR and at least I can pick up shit with it.
>china rent-free thread out of blues
>suddenly john cena injected into the news
>mutt flag
>shut-it-down communicator usually used to call shots by hook nose
What's going on in Israel right now, rabbi?
uh oh stinky
The funniest thing was the people I sold them to, or at least who came to check them out. First one was an old boomer hunter, his old Baofeng broke or something. He ended up calling me for a while cause there was some issue and he tried using a frequency which didn't tx for it. Next there was some other hunter in a rusty pick up, similar issue, but at least he checked the frequencies and didn't buy them in the end. I tried offering them to security guards at a local club, but they already had radios. Ended up selling the rest to an airsoft field owner.
they could tho, if they have shit filtering. they can pick up on the harmonics which could fingerprint the type of radio. more expensive units have better filtering.
And then as soon as we were gone the heroin stopped flowing.

What the fuck do you define as a 'win'?

Women's rights? How is that working out for our politics here in the US which are now dictated by emotionally driven corruption?
>N-no we didn't lose!
>We were just too powerful to win!
lol coping idiot
radio boomers lul
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No. I do not copy, I dont want to talk to anyone. I'll be listening tho.
anon, i have all this and have not even played with it.
i need to get on it, so many projects.
it cost like $15 lmao
>ohhh nooooo im destitute now i was convinced to spend some pocket change on a fun toy that can always tell me the weather
ooohhhhhhhhhh noooooo op what do i do how do i save my life from this financial disaster???????????????????
i got them for communications during the pandemic and any potential shit hitting the fan, and i really need to take the time to take the test and get my damn license.
If you live in a Globohomo dominated country, why not use one of these?
>noooo Goyim you must use the hardware WE produce and know inside and out!!
No, I bought an Icom ID-52 instead.
>No Goyim you must understand that losing is really winning on hard mode

Kek this cope ages like a whisky
Kenwood DH-75 here
I just got another couple a few weeks ago. For me, it's the UV-9R for it's waterproofing.
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>Kenwood DH-75
*Kenwood TH-D75
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"we didn't want it anyway"
/pol/ is a meshtastic board, now.
pretty sweet
what frequency are you on?
>fingerprint the type of radio
Oh no, they can pick out literally the most common radio.
Nigger if anything's going to make you stand out it's having an expensive HT, and most of those guys have put their fucking home addresses on the public internet and sent the feds a copy for their convenience.
>these things have a remote shutoff feature
It's on one particular sub-model you'd have to go out of your way to find, and it's just tone dialling in case your site radios get nicked by a disgruntled employee or whatever, not some fucking gommunist plot. You can disable it in CHIRP if for whatever reason you decide to get that model.
boofwangs are coolaf
and meshtastic is okish doesnt deserve all the hype since theres only like 300 mqtt linked nodes in america atm and unkown disconnected still neat just dont spend too much on them one to feel out the local area 2 to do your own thing that can be encrypted
only real bad aspects of a boofwang are the shitty soc transmitter and its piss slow scan speed but for 16$ im ok with that when a similar yaseu is like 400$
Mqtt is so gay when it comes to meshtastic. Why would you want to connect your text-based Ham radio to the internet?
more to establish its popularity or lack thereof
My city and surrounding area (small, ~1,000,000 people) have probably around 200 nodes. It should really be a local effort, not a national/regional mesh.
HAHA that's funny
fuck zogbots, fuck niggercattle, fuck you shitskin
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Thoughts on pic rel?
look at this little rat dogs barking into the void
Joke's on you, don't need a radio if you don't have friends
no I mean they can tell if it's a shitty baofeng type or some more decent quality brand based on the quality of their emission. they can't fingerprint the brand clearly. just the class. and that's a speculation based on the fact that these baofengs have shit filtering and emit a lot in harmonics not only main frequency
Oy vey this goy knows his stuff
Yes the most common ones are kind of shitty. If anyone picks up a non-shitty one all they have to do is look up the addresses of local hams and find the ones under 70 with no disabilities. That's their guy.
what's the actual range of these things?
10-20km depending on terrain and weather.
Depends where you are. Line of sight with a decent antenna you'll get about 10 miles, in a city you're lucky to get half a mile.
>fall for it
It's a radio and listening to boomer redneck bantz is fucking hilarious. Get your license you retard.
>b-but I'll be doxxed
Shut up.
>Get your license
Why the fuck would anyone do that when MURS and FRS channels are right there.
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Lmao, imagine paying the government to be able to talk through the sky. Cuck.
OP got bored with posting stale b8 over and over so now he's going after radiofags. That or he got one and was too retarded to figure it out.
>why would I want to listen to what people in my immediate area are talking about?
have you ever heard of eavesdropping?
*static crackle*
"Roger that!"
"Over and Out."
So the FCC doesn't firebomb your house and shoot your dog. Okay that was a joke but really, you can trade postcards with boomers and cute girls from Japan. Also everyone is just going to fucking ignore you if you don't have a calling. Plus having a loicense is cool.
Is this like Twitter but even worse.
Stop projecting, zoomer. You're the Guy Fieri of generations. Completely by the book and indistinguishable from person to person or episode to episode. You suck down bland and call it "fire" and think copying trends is a personality.
you betcha, contact me at 149.200 (volga)
I'm on mine now.
Assassin 2-6 Victor (fuck your license).
From the local repeater to the stars!
If you learn how to connect to local repeaters you can potentially communicate over hundreds of kilometers but from one handheld to another you are looking at 5-10 miles max depending on terrain.
Anon that fan looks unsafe.
This. The local repeater will get you around the world.
So, you're saying I should set them up in the middle of a valley broadcasting random gobbledygook and wait for some walking lootboxes to show up?

>all those unconvincing cope replies
got 'em, anon
its a heat driven fan, they are amazing
Nigger the FCC can't even be bothered to send a letter to a guy who broadcasts Hitler speeches 24/7.
I'm not interested in talking to random boomers about their antennae, their haemorrhoids, or who's fucking their wife and if I suddenly got a massive brain injury and changed my mind about that I'd be using the internet to do it anyway.
this lil nigga is mad people can have comms when the WEF cyber agenda goes into full swing
Just go on a reflector. I hear people from Russia and Alaska from Texas.
>5-10 miles
Lmao, maybe 2 miles over treeless farmland. These don't have a lot of power, but if you can program them they're fun. I've trolled some faggots broadcasting in Las Vegas. Good times.
>Did you fall for the Baofeng /pol/ viral marketing efforts in early 2020s?

No. I still have no idea what I would do with them. I can't imagine that the communication would be any more exciting than that we experience on /pol/. What could we possibly do with them? I just think people would find a way to cyber or goon out over the loudspeaker. Something disturbing like that.
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Get your hands on pic related and an old surplus SINCGARS and nobody can track or listen. Not NSA, not Glowniggers, nobody.
I have Quansheng with custom made soft instead
when the flight for life flies over my house i dab on the vaxxies
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>this is you two mutts when shtf
Hello 'Some Peoples'
I love you for this
FCC glowniggers are my favorite fanfic, but yes they're utterly useless and retarded. Idk about your preferences, I think it's fun listening to these people complain about how a tree landed on their car. A few weeks ago somebody was lamenting about having some turbo cancer and everyone was trying to cheer him up.

My point is, radio is fun. Don't be a party pooper.
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On 2 meter band 5 watts output with an abbree 18 inch whip antenna you will get much more than 2 miles range on flat land. Even farther on water.
Does the standard Baofeng have the ability to frequency hop? Can you program a few of them with a matching frequency set and time them together?
Fox and sour grapes cope
I've got the abree bendy-meme-antenna. Maybe my chinkshit is defective.
>radio is fun
Not as fun as hamcuckswithpiles.com. Point is I don't talk to randoms and have no desire to, I want to talk to my mates and possibly my wife in areas with no phone coverage/without having to wait for phones and without having to pull up alongside and shout really fucking loud.
i stopped, one day they had a 7 year old stroke victim and i was asking the pilot how many boosters the patient got and he yelled at me and made me feel bad. probably not very nice to tease kids who were forced to get it
Ouch, yeah
Do you mean setting up baofengs as home-made repeaters? I'm not sure if that's what you're asking, but if so, then yes you can take two of them and link them together to make a repeater system. You just need to connect the headphone jack of one to the microphone jack of another and vice versa, and they can be programmed to rx on one freq and tx on another freq. Just gotta figure out a power source but cheap solar panels will work just fine.
There are actually a lot of counterfeit abbrees out there so that's actually very possible. Do you still have the plastic pouch it came in? It should be green backing and clear front. I think most counterfeits are yellow backing.
watch https://m.youtube.com/@TheNotaRubicon
best buttfeng channt
Different folks, different strokes. Have fun with whatever you're up to anon.
Fuck I didn't know that. Nah I trashed the plastic it came with a long time ago. Hmm. Good looking out atleast.
Yes, have 4 and working on ham lisc
I was just wondering if some had the ability to be programed/loaded with a set of predetermined frequencies, then timed within like 4 seconds of each other. So that everyone's handheld would be hopping to the next freq automatically and at the exact same time.

This is how the SINCGARS network worked in Iraq.
use one time pad and triple ratchet as second layer
yep, they are based. but this one looks better because it has aviation and marine bands
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>watch https://m.youtube.com/@TheNotaRubicon
>best buttfeng channt
Tons of fake NA771s as well.

If you're using OTPs you don't need anything else. If somebody gets hold of your pads they've got everything else and you are just fucked.
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Oh that's actually fucking dope but no these things definitely don't have the circuitry to do anything like that. They're basically one step up from pic rel.
>Did you fall for the Baofeng /pol/ viral marketing
No I already had a few. They're $25. It's almost worth that for the FM radio
>If somebody gets hold of your pads they've got everything else and you are just fucked.
the triple ratchet is for that reason, they will have to brute force the public key crypto
it is to buy you time if leak happens
Or they could electrocute your balls. You are fucked.
remember czechoslovakia bro, 149.200 is the frequency to surrender to the russians. ask for volga
that wont do much assuming triple ratched algorithm was ran entirely ran in ram and is now zerod out

come and torture me, i torture myself daily and enjoy it
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wew lad you're not kidding
do you have any good resources for beginners intro to cryptography? I really need to do a bit of book learning.
This thread is glowing so hard. holy shit.
that transmission was horrifying

though autistic COMPUTER GOD NEETS will win next war
Fun to play with. I can hear Walmart wagies and road crew flagger on their walkie talkies, listen to Norfolk southern radio chatter and I even spent the 15 bucks for a license. I have talked to someone 70 miles away using a homemade antenna and a local repeater
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I've been enjoying ripping my toenails off maybe the Chinese could torture me that way
Not really. I'm pretty sure most of the thread is just ham nerds. Real glowie threads are picrel.
You think anyone's going to continue using comms that is now broadcasting the sound of your nuts frying?
learn c
learn ocaml
learn ada+spark

use misra c
use compcert

gnatprove everything
coq prove everything

programming is important, use emacs
go through entire history of cryptography, cipherpunk stuff, crypto anarchy, cyberpunk mailing lists, meltdownerz, 3301, military recruitment puzzles, there is no beginner only skill

there are library archives, you can look for crypto books there, libgen or something like that, torrent em all
Has it occurred to you that some people actually live outside of usable cell signal range and use radio to communicate with their neighbors on a daily basis?
Just because nobody's talking doesn't mean nobody's listening.
switch to a larger antenna tuned for the frequency range you want to work and it'll probably do very well.
i used to hit a repeater between 15-20km away no problem at all using a handheld on 70cms back in the day.
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Czechbro I said BEGINNER INTRO. Cool your tits buddy. lmao
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Baofeng FRENS
post tutorials how to radio
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thats all you need to know, write your algorithms on computer and use coq/gnatprove to mathematically prove them
use troff for writing research papers and white papers

there is nist directory for how current algorithms should be implemented, most algorithms are public domain so you are free to study everything
Use chirp and program a bunch of frequencies you'll never use into it. Or just find a reflector and show up to trivia night.
search for these on the internets if books are what you are into

'A Course In Number Theory And Cryptography 2d ed - Neal Koblitz.djvu'
'Algebraic Aspects of Cryptography - Neal Koblitz.djvu'
'Beginning Cryptography with Java - David Hook.chm'
'Complexity and Cryptography An Introduction - JOHN TALBOT.pdf'
'Contemporary Cryptography - Rolf Oppliger.pdf'
'Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, 4th Ed - William Stallings.pdf'
'Cryptography for Developers - Simon Johnson.pdf'
'Cryptography For Dummies - Chey Cobb.chm'
'Cryptography in C and C++ - Michael Welschenbach.chm'
'Cryptography Theory And Practice - Douglas Stinson.pdf'
'(eBook) Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography, Second Edition - John Wiley & Sons [ISBN0471128457].pdf'
'Encryption in a Windows Environment EFS File, 802.1x Wireless, IPSec Transport, and SMIME Exchange - Rand Morimoto.chm'
'Foundations of Cryptography A Primer - Oded Goldreich.pdf'
'Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography - Darrel Hankerson.pdf'
'Handbook of Applied Cryptography - Alfred J. Menezes.pdf'
'Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Crc Press Series on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) 5th Edition.pdf'
'Image and Video Encryption From Digital Rights Management to Secured Personal Communication - Sushil Jajodia.pdf'
'Java Cryptography - Jonathan B. Knudsen.pdf'
'Learn Encryption Techniques with BASIC and C++ - Gil Held.chm'
'Malicious Cryptography Exposing Cryptovirology - Adam Young.pdf'
'Military Cryptanalysis.pdf'
'Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice - Wenbo Mao.chm'
'Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice - Wenbo Mao.pdf'
'PROGRESS ON CRYPTOGRAPHY 25 Years of Cryptography in China - Kefei Chen.pdf'
'The CodeBreakers - Kahn David.pdf'
also radioreference.com will tell you local frequencies
Now that is something I can start with. Thanks for the tip fren. I don't need to jam up the MIT cryptography major. Just want a secure way to discuss.
FYI to any burgers reading: FCC is not a fan of coded messages on HAM radio bands so even though they're feckless you should still tread carefully.
MIT niggers dont know how to render a triangle

>Just want a secure way to discuss.
signal protocol
Baofeng is an objectively good product, how is this "falling for" something?
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That meme doesn't make sense. It should be picrel
the things i listed arent meant for radio, but if you want to send text message they will work

studying those should give you ideas on how to do stuff
repeaterbook.com is another good resource to use
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I have a set of Baofengs. Just haven't put too much time into them.

I don't believe that frequency hopping like that can be hacked. When I was in Iraq, everything was set up with the same old SINCGARS system (pictured). Everything ran on them. The gun trucks, bradleys, tanks, helicopters, etc.

Everyday you would have someone (Usually your platoon RTO) take a little device called a "ancd", to get "filled" with the comsec and time. He then had to go to all the trucks and manpaks and program that "fill" into all the SCINGARS. I believe the "fill" was a massive set of randomly generated frequencies. Once all the sincgars had the "fill" and were timed to within 4 seconds of each other, we had secure commo. Unless someone had daily access to that frequency set, as simple as it is. its not hackable.

It doesn't seem like this would be too out of range for a cheap handheld nowadays.
>triple ratchet
Just transmit from a remote location then leave once you're done. What are the fat mall cops at the FCC gonna do, come running as soon as you hit the air?
What would I even use this for? Useless for me.
Do you know how often they would change freq? I'm not sure this would even work very well these days with SDR you can listen to a whole wide range of frequencies at once. You really want encryption at that point. Fengs won't scan that quickly so it would easily evade anyone with a handheld but with an SDR you won't miss anything.
you can pretend like you are a doctor and ask the paramedics how many boosters the patient got
Do you know what indoor voices are? If you ever have to speak above that volume level then a radio is helpful.
I almost did. Then I realized it was probably a Chinese on the other end looking for people to eat.
They would hop every 4 seconds but using the radio it was seamless. The operator doesn't notice the hop.
baofeng have some control cable so you can program from computer. can't it be made so computer software has more control over the radio? making the baofent the PC's bitch would allow for all kinds of tricks with some raspberry pi
i heard they even have small explosives in them
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Any tips? I just got one the other day and haven't powered it on yet.
This, if you TX any freq on any radio you can be triangulated if the right people are looking. Doesn't matter the radio, it just matters that your TX and a receiver can find a bearing. 3 or more bearing cuts and you have been triangulated to a small space pretty quickly.
>I'm not sure this would even work very well these days with SDR you can listen to a whole wide range of frequencies at once.
look up elephant cage
look up <name of nsa leak that i forgot>
it was about satellites in just perfect orbit to intercept everything on earth

today everything is evesdropped, only matters if you care about NSAniggers

but as you said, assume nerd with sdr is logging everything you do

my post wasnt about dodging fcc or whatever
That doesn't seem super secure to me. Not in this day and age.
If it was meth, Id of bought one. These doctors nowadays are hesitant to refill my amphetymine.
I wanted to get into meshtastic but the range is fucking terrible unless you're on top of a tower.
what if you have a repeater drone, with directional antennas (for baofengs as well)? drones can be programmed to hover in certain GPS location in certain orientation. especially if you only want to tx for short time, deliver some text messages whatever
SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function. Explain how it can be be used to encrypt radio communications.
you have to just choose a memeflag
Cry more about pixel art flags, faggot. The fact remains that SHA256 is a hash function, not an encryption algorithm.
Programming cable as far as I know is mostly just for ease of programming frequencies into the radio memory with CHIRP software. Best trick I know is the one where you turn on VOX and connect two together and make an improvised repeater, but beyond that you'd have to find someone more knowledgable than myself.
well you broadcast hash of your message then let the other party bruteforce it and parse through all the collisions
only takes 10 million years to receive the message maximum security
I'm not a jew. Are you a jew? Easy yes/no question. I've found that jews will evade, refusing to answer. And SHA256 is still not an encryption algorithm.
there should be a serial interface that you can send commands to. might open mine up. weird that it doesn't come with USB connection for such a thing
my piggies I raise for food
It doesn't seem like it because of the simplicity. once you take into effect the random generated out of millions of freqs, all in specific order, skipping 4 seconds at the same time for each user and changed daily, it's quite insane to think someone could sort that out.

Maybe though? Anons are wild nowadays.
Whatever is TX can be DF and get a bearing, you might find the source, the drone repeater or both. Depends on who is looking. There are capabilities to receive the TX even from a hand held for 100's of miles and triangulate it to an area of 1 sq mile or so. Just sayin.
Fucking Romania over here is setting himself up to be the premeire authority in guerilla comsec. guy's gonna show up with a trunk full of dji drones, yagi antennas, and cheap radios. the fucking NSA is going to lose their minds trying to intercept and all they'll get is SSTV images of goat.se. Stay awesome Romania.
>For food
You monster.
Enters the chat
Yeah, and now laquesha is operating those systems because dave misgendered his boss.
its what makes me high t søycuck
Hi fren
>laughs in green laser pointer
Baofeng is old now. Get a quansheng uv k5 (8) for under $20 and reflash the firmware.
>quansheng uv k5
But anon I like my UV-5RXIII because 1.25m is best handheld meter.
Yeah, it's hard to wrap my head around. I'm just wondering if AI could figure it out to some capacity. You'd just need an AI to listen in and piece things together, right?
I had a couple before coof. Bought a few more. Still new in box. Also have a CB. Thinking about getting an actual HF transceiver at some point. It's never a bad idea to have this stuff lying around.
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>casually locates your radio signal to the nearest 5m radius
these things are ridiculous

I think the joke flew over your head
Tip one is to get anothern or convince your friends to get them and then buy an nrf5280 like the heltec t114 or rak 19007 and set up a router node in your city.

I can't believe the number of people who get these with no one to talk to.
I bought one before the shilling here because I wanted to listen to police dispatch.
Werks for me.
my mom is a Qanon leader on faceberg and she bought a super nice thousand dollar radio to communicate with the gen Flynn, im not joking. its pretty sweet, i played with it for a bit and i could definitely transmit on short wave frequency and hear it on my sw radio
Yeah, you have to set up a router node somewhere high. If you don't, you get like a mile in a neighborhood. About the same as a full-power boameme, desu.
if you target the drone with a directional antenna, which is upwards in the sky anyway, can they get anything useful from few seconds of tx? you'd also use minimal power having a directional antenna and clear line of sight to drone.
no issues if it picks the drone, that can be over a wide area. drone can also change angle of rx/tx antenna, you don't always put it smack between you and receiver
yeah but post ww3 who's using that to hunt down plebs trying to survive and have some comms
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yep, and I bet they can take DF bearings pretty quickly as your drone isn't moving as quick as they are
It can't do shit if you broadcast 5 seconds of encrypted white noise from an overpass.
Nobody's using it when janjeets firmware overflows some integers
I mean true, I would think they would pick up the drone mainly. They would know drones might have a range and have a general idea of where to look. I dont know what type of scenario this is. If anyone had a reason to look that hard for you if your just some dude saying hi to friends or what. I am just saying if you TX expect that your general area can be found. If you dont want to be found dont TX.
you never need it once anon, you'll fuck up in time
well there's going to be enemy groups in a post ww3 scenario, maybe you want comms to avoid danger. who knows.
you could theoretically have the drone go pretty uphigh for way wider than needed coverage, just to enlarge the possible area the drone could give away as you being in.
it could be very precisely scheduled at random times once a month or something, it's position always clear in sky, 10 seconds of exchanging info, that's it it the drone comes back.
drone can run fully automated with no other radio emission/reception apart from the repeater relaying the signal. could work. how high can a regular toy drone go?
a dji drone can fly up to 6km max altitude. that gives you a line of sight of 270km, each way. so you can have comms between people 500km away, that is a lot to always obfuscate your position especially if you're willing to some miles either way of your location, for both parties
this drone went to 100 meters altitude and transmitted at over 50 km distance with fucking LoRa which is stupid lower power
>LoRa which is stupid lower power
and had an omni antenna
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ffmpeg -i here.png -pix_fmt rgb24 -f rawvideo -frames:v 1 spy.zip

If you want to to have military grade comms thats jamming proof

gcc this bad boy.

;) timepad your comms too.
Checked and I see a shlomo
The 4chan backend forces the recompression of pixes data what a bunch of jews.

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hahaha you dumb bastard it's not a shlomo it's a sailboat

./bpsk -i input.txt -o output.wav -fs 8000 -baud 300 -f0 1500

These are military grade comms its slow but for short encrypted msgs its ideal
I buck broke these AI DoD drones too
fuckers switched to digital + encrypted for us ages ag0. used to enjoy listening to the action in the city before that.
>a dji drone can fly up to 6km max altitude.
they dont have a programmed limit of 400m? i usd one that wouldn't go higher than that.
you can fix that pretty easily from what I see, no personal experience though. lots of people with updated firmware saying 1km limit if you're not in close proximity to airports
it was more of technical ability thing, apart from software nerfing. indicative of what a small drone could do, generally speaking. never played with drones so I went by official online number.
What is supposed to be the car to car channel is silent here, so I assume that's what they do for that. But the dispatch is still audible
Damnit I knew that image you posted wasn't a 3D image. I was literally breaking my eyeballs and brain trying to see that one.
its not a bad device for the money, a nice walkie talkie inna woods. I dont even know what the fuck i am doing i just set it to 420mhz or some shit and paintball with my buddies. low power mode in a secluded valley is unlikely to attract ffc or feds. also even just using it as a police scanner is worth it as well. of course if the shit goes down you shouldn't really be using it to plan rebellious activities unless you have a plan to broadcast without getting identified by sigint and then drone exploded like previous posters have mentioned.
howmany fars does the goofdang do?
yes i just made a cheap wisblock node 35-40$ starter kit shipped expercting activity, fucken dead so i rdered anoither so i can play with myself
You can use a directional yagi to tell you what direction the transmission is coming from. You can absolutely track a convoy to setup attacks. -hamfag and former zogbot.
This fuckin site is costing me fuckloads
I had to throw away 40 fucking cans of DEENZ that expired because you fuckers talked me into that meme as well
They taste like fucking shit
I bought 2 of them last year. Some accessories and extra batteries as well. I also have a few shortwave and a CB radio as well.
>secluded valley comms
teleports behind you
If you don't have a couple of vhf/uhf handheld programmed, and a couple pieces of wire to make simple dipoles to hear all HF bands, you are ngmi.
anon a tin of deenz will last like 5 years. that's just how they taste. you thought people like the taste?
It's all over, over
>retard complaining that he did something retarded
Many such cases
If you throw them away, they win.
-Trudeau the Faggotkike.
just say orienteering, homo

Can decode p25 which is what police use in a lot of places. It's based and nice to hear about where niggers are committing crimes in your area.
Read this book too.
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Check this these graphs anons pure binary data right in your hands

they used these signals on sats in space too
I two, so if wife is at the market or out I can either call her on the cell or raise her on the Baofeng. I got the one that is the powerful, and I get around 5 miles, but if you go on a repeater you can commo country wide. Plus there is an added benefit that you can do with them, but is illegal.
It's probably APCO-25. You need a trunking system that can watch the control channel and jump to whatever frequency is used for traffic for a given call. SDR-TRUNK with a few RTL-SDRs will do the trick. It will also tell you if the call is encrypted.
Didn't see this post. This guy knows. I prefer SDR-TRUNK though, and make sure you have a few RTL-SDRs do one can be dedicated to the control channel without fading. Depending on the frequencies used, at least two SDRs may be necessary.
well we never go to the same area or play at the same time so goodluck satellite glowniggers
Add to that it's pretty fucking pointless when GPS exists.
>muh DF
GPS units don't fucking transmit anything retard.
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Imagen a bunch of glows trying to decode Double Ratchet Algorithm on BPSK that an anon secured the tx with another layer of timepads
> ITT literal retard monkeys comprehend radio
i was hoping it could be changed since i want one and 400m isn't good enough lol
This is the actual purpose for these walkies. As much as I love reading about decoding trunked systems and the best way to evade rivet joints from tracking you, this is all fantasy. I still say 1.25 meter band is the best band though. 220-225mhz is basically a deserted band and it offers the best of both range and voice clarity. Just look for triband hand helds like the UV5RXIII
nice, thanks
Nigga how tf a satellite hear your low power transmission in orbit? Think.
Is it good
>but if you go on a repeater you can commo country wide
oh, with that internet connect function? i once went through one of those and dialed up a repeater in the middle of Sydney Australia. and got talking to a guy there. its pretty cool to think your broadcasting over the air like that.
Clearly you haven't met some of us. See >>481093090
No problem. Fedniggers want to spy on me through my phone I'll spy on them.
1W of power is 1W. Even 8W wouldn't reach outer space.
>Add to that it's pretty fucking pointless when GPS exists.
GPS won't exist 5 minutes into WW3. Easiest global system to disrupt from anywhere. Even if they don't blow the satellites out of the sky, localized GPS jammers exist.
You can communicate with satellites using SW. as long as your window is correct, no worries
>Is it good
good all rounder. I can do SkyKing EAMs on LSB/USB on that thing
> conditions must be absolutely perfect for slightest effectiveness
Sounds like great spy tech retard
This graphic is garbage and I'm tired of posting how it is garbage. Delete it. It will work on your desktop, but it won't work at distance. This is due to the lack of error correction. Might work if you use Olivia or some other mode with forward error correction and packet retransmission.
TL;DR that graphic will not work for practical purposes.
Oh, so you're retarded. Good to know.

used to be like $1.50, but seems to make FM come in much better so I guess its worth it.

also impresses chicks
>Sounds like great spy tech retard
>I don't know how shortwave works.
I can use my measly wattage to get to the other side of the planet too. most of us learn how when we are like 12 in boy scouts
Yeah on purpose not listening with a satellite to Jim and Bob's walkie talkie
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>In case you didn't know the US has the most advanced SIGINT and intelligence network in the world and can sniff these babies out like nothing.
So you are telling me /pol/ can waste their resources by making idle threats to specific government officials over the air and they will go on some wild goose chase?
yeah, I bought a few at like $15 a piece and gave them to my frens. We say the n word a lot on them
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It's OK burgerbro, we know you are not the most educated bunch over there.
If it doesn't exist in a Walmart catalogue, it can't be possible, right?
pic related might help you a little bit
It's easy.
are you running ffmpeg on the handset?
I don't understand
What if the computers speak Farsi?
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If America finds itself in a SHTF situation, people are going to go straight for the local Jews, and everybody knows what they look like and where their neighborhoods are. Once the fifth-column of traitors is rooted out, you secure bigger and bigger perimeters.

It's gonna be a bottom-up more than a top-down strategy, and MUH HEAT SEEKING MURDER DRONES are just a /k/ fantasy for Jewish Redditors that isn't going to matter. Night of the long knives/going door-to-door of known traitor residences will matter.
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The local ARRL has a chevy blazer with an antenna on a hand-cranked swivel mounted on it, and they will drive around trying to get directionality.

They're probably Jews though, so I don't fuck with those folks.
My dad brought home a pair of walkie talkies from a business trip to Taiwan in the 90s for my brother and I.
We just ended up using them as weapons to bonk each other over the head so he took them away from us .
25g spectral analyzer?
I assume anything super important is sent via los microwave
>/pol/ can waste their resources by making idle threats to specific government officials over the air and they will go on some wild goose chase?
Yeah, you're just fucking up their snr with nonsense noise. Same shit we're doing on here every day
Well, I'm sure they're having the closest thing to fun they can imagine.
nice radio Bruce
boofweng are shit.
Qunasheng UV-K5 is where it's at
you can literally tell pilots to fuck off
What is this?
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It puts the crypto key in radios.
>you can literally tell pilots to fuck off
no you can't it can only receive aviation band but nice larp buddy
um no sweety.
i believe there are open firmwares for that brand that do in fact make this radio do fun things
And this lets you transmit at those frequencies, not just receive? That's very interesting. Guess you learn something new every day. I'll look more into this. I can only imagine the colossal bollocking you'd get from the FAA if you started fucking with air traffic freqs.
yep it does. transmit power is pretty low on frequencies it wasn't designed for, but you can obviously amplify that.
>colossal bollocking you'd get from the FAA if you started fucking with air traffic freqs
lol big time man.
just do it occasionally lol and probably not at home.
I have Blackhawks flying over my place daily. When I hear them coming, I run out onto my balcony with my dick out and do a two handed retard wave at them.

I'm winning the psywar against the DOD
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Thanks for the info fren. Think I might pick up a few of these.
Same I have USCG and USAF blackhawks constantly flying up and down the coast doing training and patrols. If you haven't thought of this already, bring a flashlight that will flash S-O-S in Morse code to get their attention so they don't miss you.
can and am
like thousands of others in the uk and ireland who are also organizing and buying gear
>I dont get

can you explain it to me like im a niger
you blast something over the radio on repeat
someone comes to check it out wasting their time
you're already long gone and at the next point of interest with another radio blasting something else
think of it like throwing lots of small stones into a pond as opposed to one large splash
what does that mean?
Come on now
bin file is deleted
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Saved you some cash.
that would require the loss of many radios, no?

Wouldnt the purchase of new ones be something that is traceable?
>copy, over
<it's over, over
>it's what? over
<it's over, over,
>copy, it's over, over
don't use the exact method i said unless you have lots of money and friends that will buy stuff for you
i was just giving anon an idea
/k/ was shilling these for over a decade before the glowies took them over
got it.
buy a flipper zero and fuck with that
it's maybe more your speed
if you want something better there's a bigboy version that can actually do real damage
>loss of many radios
A Baofeng is about the same cost as a mag of 5.56.
>something that is traceable
If you're buying them off Amazon, maybe. Direct from China, lol no.
well thats gay.
here you go fren
>im thinking if they really wanted to get you through tracing purchases, even from china, they could.

Is it possible to build these by oneself?
lol you know how git works right? you can rollback changes its the whole point of version control
commit c1c0b19fc8c33fa02bac59fac2dbccad5d8af56e
Author: troilus <iswangli@outlook.com>
Date: Sat Jul 15 00:43:52 2023 +0800

Delete k5_V3.00.10_encrypted_18to1300MHz.bin
not really. not a coder. good to know?
so you can recover it? i can stop sharing it then i guess
be retard that buys 40 of something he doesn't like blames 4chan
>tracing purchases, even from china, they could
Don't be fucking stupid. Chang the Aliexpress merchant isn't recording fucking serial numbers.
nothing you can't learn in an afternoon with a can do attitude
git checkout ^ worked.
i asked chatjeetpt :D
but looks like it was deleted because there's newer FW anyway. but cool i know git a bit more than just cloning now. thanks

you dont like the taste? Nigga you gay...

>doesnt know what they taste like...

anon, I have some NFT's id like to sell you, they will be worth millions in a short time -ill sell them to you for 1000 dollars, if you buy today....send me your email so we can make a deal!
the best fish hands down is cod
you dont know that. Its basic wartime strategy, that you assume the worst and prepare accordingly...
I like salmon
have to agree with my fellow countryman. cod is the winner. followed by haddock. salmon is ok though. but it's usually farmed toxic shit. Norwegian salmon is one of the most toxic shit on the planet.
I do in fact know that. I also know that if you think a Chinese national is going to talk to an American intelligence agency, you're mentally retarded.
You cant possibly know that. Unless you are admitting to being a glowie..


>thinking china and the feds arent working together...

lurk more...
checked i prefer white fish like cod and pollock
either are good in breadcrumbs or done on a grill

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