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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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95% of all affluent White girls in Germany are "feminist".

They want to kill their unborn babies and "shout their abortion".

Feminist woman are all voting Green/far left to literally import more immigrants.

It might be over for Germany.
I'm not even kidding.
It might unironically be over.

White krauts are collapsing in numbers, Non-Whites are expanding, breeding like crazy.

It's over.
That’a a very unfortunate fat distribution on the right
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Yes but it's not really about optics
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Another bump
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Bumping harder
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Ultra bump
I don't get it? Both are white women but the right one is fat. So better choose the slimmer, healthy white woman on the left
I fucking wish. I have 80k to my name and no brains on how to make more with it.
Start breeding what's the problem Sir?
No woman wants to breed with a man who can't even buy a house
I'm good enough to pull the trad 5% so it's not an issue for me.
they're all fugly so the shitskins can have them
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One is a feminist cunt and one is girly and traditional

Funny, same for me.
But WMAF just works better. Like a charm.
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Filthy race mixing subhuman. You should be gassed in those fake Nazi gas chambers for real.
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Average WMAF couple btw
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Hello Sir
I'm forced to do it.
That's my whole point.
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i fucking love chinks so goddamn much
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Yes Sir I can relate
I would Fuck the left outta right.
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i got a white muscle-fit mommy lined up & ready instead of racemixing with mongoloids

fuck off kike
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Yes Sir
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Well, no
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> muscle-fit mommy
Hmmm muscle fit?
Why is it so hard for white cucks to rape their women?
look /pol/ is 100% unmoderated and the german pedophile 4chan moderator is raiding with his underage Discord again
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Feminism, we're cucked and subjugated
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Hey what's up, leaf?
shut your stupid mouth disgusting filth
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Lovely leaf
No you aren't. There are 100's of millions of white women. If you're forced to do anything then force yourself to grab a white woman by the pussy and fix her. She will respect you more for being an alpha male than a race mixing cuck who has given up. Women are like children. They like it when they are told what to do, and respect you when you show them strength and confidence.
The more educated they are the more crazy/feminist they get
That's the main problem
I need a straight A girl like myself
And they're gone. Woke.
go fucking wonder
the CFIX could find 3 /pol/tard for a sheriff in buttfuck nowhere florida but they can't find you and your group and they protect your sexual predator activities
go wonder
I don't see the FBI or the CFIX ask for your IP or the rest of the moderation IP.
Pure coincidence.
Your bunch of filth started protecting and promoting the spam and magically they turn a blind eyes to your sexual predator activities.
This is happening in every white country around the world thanks to jews. The few remaining uncucked, unvaxxed whites will rebuild after the collapse
Doesnt work like that here. Unlike in India rape isnt legal and normalized here pajeet.
Typical White postgraduate woman
German women are raised by German men.
The collapse is right now.
We're being outbread
Right now
>We're being outbread
We knead to do something about this
A few tradgirl a can't do much if a society goes woke
Which is what happened to us

Pro LGBT, feminism, abortion
Against marriage, kids, religion
It's over
I'm on it Sir
shut your stupid mouth lying tranny
stop using /pol/ like your own blog
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I won't
Cute leaf, thanks for bumping
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Sweet, saved
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germany isn't germany anymore
Got defeated in 1945
East Asian countries have higher abortion rates than Western countries

East Asians usually have the woman control the entire family's finances

East Asians are legalizing gay marriage and abortion and importing immigrants
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Asian bump
Hmmm not true for all of Asia
Korea and Japan, yes.
They're also in decline thanks to feminism
Ewwwww, stinky pigskin femoids full of cellulite blehhhh
Yeah most anons think asian girls have no standards and will date them instead, but the fact is they have even higher standards.
Russia was defeated in 1917
it took them a while but they recovered

Germans need to free themselves also
it can be done

Russia was never fully conquered and occupied by Non-Russians
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I'd impregnate a jap woman if my kids didn't look 100% Asian, that's a big turn off for me.
Yeah that's the main problem
The "son" problem
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50% of German women believe 'classic monogamy' is outdated and they demand their partners let them fuck around on the side.
China had a one child policy for over 30 years
Every family wanted a strong worker
Females were aborted by the millions
China is 80% male today
Chinese take turns wearing a dress
Gay is an understatement.
They're still over a billion in China
Krauts are maybe 60 million left
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Jews are non-Russians
"And that's a good thing"
Yeah. Things don't look good for Germany. Haven't heard anything good coming out from there in a while.
Objectively speaking, what is wrong with the Georgia guide stones
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That's correct, we're on the way out
Not sure, wasn't it some globalist nonsense?
Can't recall
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China fell to the jews long ago.
Xi JinPing is a jew
It's the same here anon.
And they still expect us to care about the Russia and China 'threat'.
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>what is wrong with the Georgia guide stones
there was a falling out
the stones broke apart
went their separate ways
Rest in Pieces
the band isn't getting back together
>White krauts are collapsing in numbers
So what's the solution? Importing more chinks?
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I fucking hate you. Genuinely you're single-handedly (ok you can add that one leaf) one of the worst thing that ever happened to 4chan.
Is there an "after" photo?
Simple anon

Get rid of democracy
UK might even be worse.
At least our presidents and majors are still white.
UK is 30 years ahead of us
Pajeet is mad he will never have a cute asian wife
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Bye bye white race, hello globohomo mongrels.

Jews really really want whites racemixing which is why the jannies let them post these threads hourly
Solution: increasing White breeding, remigrating undesirable immigrants
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>wow BASED! Let’s all racemix to own the libs
LOL. Only homosexual pedos are attracted to asians. They look like boys
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That's so cute
I'm considering either Korea or communist China, anything but the west at this point.
Asian pussy feels better
Yeah I'm all in but how?
Correct, way better
It's a perfect match
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Any time you see a white man with an asian you’re seeing a gay pedophile with what he considers to be physically a boy.

Everyone knows this, and everyone is laughing
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you only ever post chinks who have had every surgical procedure under the sun + have pounds of makeup on.. generally, theyre quite unattractive people
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picrel could only get an ugly bug not attractive white woman
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They have the shallowest brownest vaginas. If you can fit I assume you have an asian sized micropenis. BWC physically cannot fit
It's just great sex if the girl is tiny, shy and petite
It just works
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hot as fuck!
lets import more chinks
There was a third guy involved?
Didn't even know
I will continue to spread my seed across all races, you being a kissless virgin won't stop me
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Your computer should be checked and then you should be deported from Germany before you spawn some more non whites. Germany doesn’t need chinklets
and hemispherical
Meh. You just need to find a girl in her 20's and form an actual relationship with her. Women's politics are influenced by their spouse. Retaining any hardcore feminist streaks isn't compatible with a functional relationship. Treat her well and she'll choose having a pleasant life over the feminist crap.
Cope however you want. An Asian woman is the white mans mark of success. Why cuck a nigger when you can cuck a billion chinks
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Fine to bleach abroad but not domestically. Soon the UK will be minority white and you will have contributed
It can fit in and they love it
Asian girls love us for what we are: strong White men
White girls hate strong White men
Girl on the left is still hot as fuck honestly
From my anecdotal pov: Asians are submissive, but suck at sex, they're just like a dead fish in bed. Latinas are super active and passionate in bed, very good at sex. Whites are a mixed bag, sometimes good sometimes bad.
80k not tied up in anything is a lot. You know what to do, you are too scared to try anything though
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An Asian woman is the strongest indicator of being a failure in life. Nobody wanted you, you could get no pussy except from a desperate gook. If you broke up with her she would be just as happy to marry your father or grandfather
I want sons with blue eyes like mine. Not interested in women without blue eyes like mine.wmwdp
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> Retaining any hardcore feminist streaks isn't compatible with a functional relationship
Problem is the high IQ girls are most affected
I'm a medfag and 90% of the industry is woke, feminist
Also I'm just done with these White cunts
They're annoying
Asian girls are just perfection
So cute and shy and girly
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I’m sure women are seething over seeing him exit the white genepool
You've never had sex, have you? lol You watch too much anime too probably.
It’s racist to not contribute. And you could go to jail. Why would anyone turn down pussy and then go to jail?
Yeah man that's the plan, spend a couple of months learning the basics of a language, spend 2 weeks in that country, find some woman who has a thing for white guys, convince her that this is some fairy tail romance, drop a few loads in her, leave.
Shut up spic
So relatable aren't they?
Kek the little Lebanese shitskin is so mad and throwing one of his daily tantrums. I don’t know why he cares so much? Lebanese are inferior and subhuman when compared to both whites and East Asians (the only two human races on earth.)
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I'm good, Sir
A so called Chad
White women are not feminine and worse they are for white genocide. Asian women want to continue the white race by trying to become white themselves. It’s elementary which group of women you should stand with if you are a white man. Why would you ever stand with anti white white women?
They're not Anti-White
They love us
They worship us
You should get an Asian wife and take "business trips" dropping loads in white women. You have it reversed.
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Kek now you are the one who needs to touch grass
Also, reminder that he’s defended Jews before. He probably posts his bait pics to get Whites and East Asians to fight each other. He’s probably Lebanese kike trying to push divide and conquer. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
On one hand I want to lick her Asian armpits. On the other, I know she has no tits, no soul, and a lingering sour odor of garlic wafting out of her esophagus.
I am the best gene
>you vs the girl he tells you not to worry about
I pray you aren't actually an ethnic German that is ready to waste his genes on these fucking creatures. Get help. You haven't failed with White women as badly as you think -- you can still find an attractive one that will breed with you. You don't have to settle for an Asian bugwoman, anon.
They smell like heaven
Genetic reasons
Can't produce certain smelly chemicals while sweating
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>54 posts by this ID
Yeah I know and I'm gonna breed a conventional German girl.
But I don't really want to
Feels like pressure to do it
Have you thought of moving to Russia and finding a wife? It's an option if you're still open to having white kids.
It's an infamous German spammer from Berlin
Interesting idea
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wait the anti-asian woman spammer is a shitskin? lol. what a surprise.
Mein bruder, have you actually ever been close to an Asian girl?? The reality is far worse than your idealization.
Why do you refer to yourself in third person
I think it's funny
My main girlfriend is Korean
Best girlfriend by far I ever had
Not even close
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Great contribution from Canada
Your post should be printed, framed, and hung on a wall. Well said, anon.
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More like ate the feminist, a whole pack ot them
Day trade you fucking pussy. Instead of playing video games and watching TV and doom scrolling, read about market trends and wake up early and day fucking trade. You're already losing money if you aren't investing in any manner. Might as well have stacks of cash under your mattress and burn a specific amount each day.
Are you college educated? You can donate your sperm at various fertility clinics to spread white genetics. Women don't want sperm from shitskins.
Yes. He’s admitted to being non-white before. Though he thinks of himself of white and uses an outdated meme term like “caucasian” to describe himself since he knows white is a word reserved specifically for Europeans and their descendants. He’s also said that East Asians are a bigger threat to Whites than Jews. Which is VERY telling.
Yeah but I think donating sperm is also degenerate
He also samefags and constantly resets his IP. Once you recognize his Jewish tricks you will spot him every time. Whites and East Asians are the only good races on earth. They’re the biggest threat to Jewish domination of this planet. His agenda is quite clear.
Women follow men, so make sure the women follow you, a right winger, they'll be goose stepping in months.
In theory yes, in practice it's not that simple
They have been indoctrinated with all the nonsense: abortion, feminism, wokeism

By the woke media and leftist school sysy
Because that's not a natural way to conceive
>jew or chink

Ja okej Arschgeige kys
Ain't it better than being a nigger and creating single, impoverished mothers?
Should be completely outlawed.
Only raw breeding.
No IVF, no artificial insemination
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kek. 4chan has the most delusional shitskins. thanks for the warning. i’ll keep an eye out for his posts from now on.
liberals are always criticising conservatives for cuts, yes, cut women only
>East Asians are a bigger threat to whites than Jews
He is correct. There’s what? 15 million Jews on earth? 15 million (caucasian) Jews vs 2 billion (minimum) yellow insects. Bugs influence the politics of white countries more than Jews. The entire democratic party is controlled by China. Bugs also racemix with Whites far more than Jews do. Half bug people always look Asian. Bugs are a far bigger threat to the white race than a country of a couple million Jews will ever be. Turn off your yellow fever and think logically for a second and you’ll realize it.
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> Bugs influence the politics of white countries more than Jews
Asian culture and Caucasian culture don't oppose each other at all
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Xi Jin Ping Jin is jewish surname his mothers
Ping is Father
Xi went to banking school in switzerland
pol mods need to ban personal blog posters
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Post more plapgirls.
Yeah because he's educated
>muh appeal to nature
>fucks women from the other side of the world that might as well be a different fucking species that your natural ancestors wouldn't have even seen hide nor hair of 500 years ago

Yeah, you're so "natural" bro...
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ruling class - jew city
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>that entire post
Tick, tock, rabbi. The future Eurasian empire is coming. It will not be stopped. Enjoy your time in this world while it lasts.
Men have always desired the young girls from faraway places
It's very natural
Literally no Jews in China
Nobody with eyes believes you Shlomo. You're screeching into the void.
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>Pajeet is mad he will never have a cute asian wife
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Its matrimony you subversive bigots.
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>which way
Neither. Picrel is my highest ambition in life and I'm cool with that because it's eminantly achievable and makes me happy
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Sad, why don't you start breeding?
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80% of chinese cannot read or write
Literally Jeet Party.
Their median IQ is like 103-105 while we're sitting at 100
Same for Korea, Japan
Stop fetishizing Asian women.
>80% of chinese cannot read or write
Well yeah because they speak Chinese ya dingus.
Your soul is made up of blue horsecrab juice
A chinese jew (chew) slept with both of the founders of google now google is chinese
No its about demoralization
Guilt trip by your gf? Here are a few suggestions. Use her own logic to lead to your conclusion. Describe her logic to each mundane task she do. Not recommended. Lead her directly to the consequences.
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only 10% of chinese allowed to take IQ test

My IQ is 210
>Asian woman value your Whiteness more
How is this a bad thing?
I've been there, cant confirm
She's smart. Best of her class. Scholarship
>pic related
>eww bug why?
at least bugs don't constantly pester, lecture, repeat about why being straight is ist and phobic and how i shouldn't exist based on a arbitrary list of requirements made up on the fly because 'muh ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy. And besides, the fatfuck on the right votes blue no matter who.
No, but maybe with a half white half asian to bleach the asian genes away
do what you want don’t listen to these faggots you don’t know
From my understanding europeans don’t refer to themselves as white. White is a superficial term invented by wasp.
Then it is your duty to check to mean what she says and deliver on it. Smart people hate hubris and failure.
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i swear i see this nigga all the time, but the girl is always different, it has to be some fake shit. Im all in favor of impregnating chinks with my BWC but this is some bullshit.
Suicide rate is high in Japan
This is due to exclusion
If you do not pass entrance exam
you don't go to school
you are outcast, sent to work on farm
only in school are IQ tests given
thus the appearance of High IQ
Asia is not the smartest
Yes Sir
Left is still better than 90% of white women even after doing the same procedures and make up
Doubt that
They're also overperforming academically in Europe/USA
They don't. See UK. They refer to themselves as either British, English, Scottish, Irish, Northern Irish, and Welsh.
You can date an Asian woman and use ivf to insert a 10/10 White girl egg inseminated with your sperm into her uterus and have 100% White children.
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mixed race has highest rates of
birth defects
mental illness

races should not mix
they are not genetically compatible
I'm a Catholic
Only raw breeding is warranted
No artificial nonsense
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Most people who refer to themselves as British on the census are non-whites.
There was a very useful map pointing this out in London for the 2011 census for awhile.
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My wife is NOT your fetish.
You're right, I regret my last post.
sperm and egg donation should be illegal
By all means, help yourself. They are your problem, now.
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It never will be because worthless dysgenic hick retards like you are too stupid to take power or do anything about it.
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There comes a point where you have to decide what kind of woman makes a great companion and loyal supporter for your life's journey.

If her eyeslits and funny sounding name are a dealbreaker, you're being more arrogant than a roastie.
That poster posts photoshopped shit all the time. See
>strongest indicator of being a failure in life
That's just called being white. Proof? Look around.
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Rome couldn't set foot in Germany
not once throughout the entirety of the Roman Empire.
Catholic church is jewish controlled
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"Catholic" Yet is a worthless coomer retard.
How surprising.
Your offspring will come out fucked up with social, psychological, and significant health problems and experience no success, with an average fertility of 0.8.

Good riddance, I say. Just use IVF, retard.
Left please

Captcha: GYAX
>trying to meet english speakers on dating app
>posing in bikini
>faux designer skimpy outfit
Reality is going to hit you hard at some point in the future
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It's a sect called the Pius brotherhood
Arch catholic
Rejecting Vatican II
There is still hope
>cherry-picked images
>racemixing Jewish propaganda
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Im sedevacantist too, no BOD, go to vaticancatholic.com
Mixed race is superior, cope
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We're gonna make it
Sadly correct
Because we're run by the leftist establishment currently
I still would.
She hates men
That just makes me hornier for her.
How do I get a girl though ?
The monks don't have that worry, but I do want a family.
Where do you meet other sedevacantists ?
Asian women are just better than white women.
Aren't as fat, aren't as slutty, better educated, less debt and they actually want to have a family.
This is not some made up bullshit, they are just better.
My dating options are basically Asian woman with a PhD from an ivy league school or fat ran through white woman with six figures of debt from her meme school
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Imagine believing Russians are white
There's a congregation in Berlin, Germany
I'm quite new to this myself so I don't really know
Ask the priest I suppose?
He'll know someone
That's spot on, Sir
They are
Im pretty sure most chapels operated in Europe are sedeprivationists, which is like the SSPX.
I'm a pure sedevacantist myself.

Anyway God Bless Kraut, always in Peace with Christ
Funny demorilization and race mixing thread, Moshe. Have a great day!
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Old chinese woman with horn, is jewish
Thank you Sir
Id rather fuck the fat chick for real.
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I'll fuck anything, for real. But dating is really hard with American women.

There is this chick down the street that my friends said is interested in me. She's very attractive with great tits, cooks well and hosts little dinner parties for some of us, and complaints she can't find a great guy to settle down with. Yet I know 2 of her last 3 boyfriends were black and ran her through. I've watched her snort ritalin and do coke. When she drinks, she's nonstop until 3am. She's also fighting the wall in her 30s with some gray hairs coming in.

Then there's this average looking Asian that I met at my friend's birthday party. She was very friendly, super polite, in great shape, looked young for her age. She's completely single, doesn't do drugs, only sipped on a few cocktails before going home by 11pm, and looked at me like I was the only man in the room.

So there's a white roastie with perfect tits and an asian woman with great values. Why is the choice so controversial?
>300+ reply
this board is so dead
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>muh trad asi...ACK
My brother got dumped by a white roastie for a black guy. She told him "we're just friends now" after he spent money on her for months buying her meals and clothes. I'm trying to get him to try Asian women but he's prejudiced towards Asian women and thinks dating them is for losers.
Holy fuck didn't know Linus was such a coper
Problem: your offspring will hardly look White
Nah I was just selfbumping
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>is jewish
>My brother got dumped by a white roastie for a black guy. She told him "we're just friends now" after he spent money on her for months buying her meals and clothes. I'm trying to get him to try Asian women but he's prejudiced towards Asian women and thinks dating them is for losers.

It's funny how people can generalize that blacks as savages and indians are filth, but won't acknowledge that white women are the world champions of roasties while asian women are known for having conservative values and extremely low divorce rates. I've dated an asian chick before and not once was there any hint of disloyalty or anything, and despite being very reserved in public, she fucked like her life depended on it. meanwhile my next girlfriend after that was latina, had a criminal ex boyfriend and wanted me to spend lots of money on her. I don't want to favor any race over the other when dating but holy shit I am having a really hard time ignoring asian women.

Beware though, pay attention to her friends, her drinking habits if any, and if she criticizes her family's home country. The loudmouths are always feminists.
I don’t think white women are the standard of beauty anymore

I hope to marry an Asian at this point, I only been w a flip but it was good her parents just hated me
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two jews in this photo
Zero jewst
Don't care. Still not marrying an asian woman.
No, I will breed an anime princess and you will seethe.
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86% of statistics are made up on the spot
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>The loudmouths are always feminists.
Look for any masculine behaviors in them. A painted face won't hide such things. Demure is of the feminine.
You really sold me on getting an Asian girlfriend. The only problem is I'm a virgin and don't know how to talk to women.
>sweaty yellow girl
this image is one of the reasons I have rejected white woman.
Dont care, not going back.
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WMAF is cringe but AMWF is based.
Once you're there, you can't really go back

Not happening anywhere
Just ask them out. There is no secret. Just do it
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WMWF is even more based, quit condoning racemixing.
>You really sold me on getting an Asian girlfriend. The only problem is I'm a virgin and don't know how to talk to women.
Find an activity you like and become a member. I guess bonus points if you know asian chicks will be there. Like take an asian language class or whatever it is they like. Hell even just become a regular at badminton or some shit in your city you know they're found at.

The reason why you do an activity is so that you don't have to talk TO them, because during that activity you are talking WITH them about the activity, not yourself. There's less pressure and it's about what you have in common, not some job interview process like dating typically is.

Forget all the sexual talk too about tight pussy and whatever (true though). What matters is a loyal woman who won't balloon into a sewer hog by age 35.
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all jews are disease spreaders
including the asian jews

there is no cure
God cursed them, for generations
No such thing as Asian Jews
It's like dry water
Imagine stealing an Asian women from a loving Asian family and dooming your own race just because you watch to much hentai. WMAF couples are disgusting and all whites are getting from it are the expired ugly ones that either watch to much porn or we don't want any more.
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hey i have brown eyes but im aryan but i had no problem getting a fit trad 19 yo girlfriend who loves horses like i do
Factually incorrect
Toyota-San can marry my hapa daughter.
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maybe it’s the jews again
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you keep telling yourself that

communism is jewish
china didn't just say hey that german fella karl Marx is onto something

Marx was a faggot Marxism is from the protocols
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she has blonde hair and blue eyes too
you’re just gay for appropriating our culture go be gay somewhere else
oh yeah she’s rich and nice too im a NEET because only brown people work and pay taxes lol
China is neither communist nor Jewish
Just ask her out
It's actually just a fancy way of saying normal. She's saying she is only attracted to people that she shares a close bond with.
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I did and she said yes! I’m too poor to go until next monday when i get gibs
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>Problem: your offspring will hardly look White
Let's compare our options then.

A) halfbreed kids raised by a mother with solid values, who themselves want to build careers and families of their own
B) fullbreed kids raised by a retired cumslut, who themselves want to become alcoholics and influencers

When you look at picrel, just remember that this is someone's daughter.
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>I'm a fuckin feminist
..yeah, we figured that pretty easily, don't ask me how.
The fuck?
I'm a right-wing Chad
Solution: fullbreed kids raised by a mother with solid values, who themselves want to build careers and families of their own

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