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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Someone reuploaded it lol
The most entertaining thing to come out of this debate

What was he thinking?
I ain’t watching that shit


did he really hire a hooker to grope her on stream?
this, OP kys immediately
This is Ai generated there's no way Styx touched a breast.
If he did, he'd probably post about it himself.
His Austin powers sounds stroking her leg purring hahahahaa
Was he high or drunk?
Anything is possible with e-celeb scum
He claimed on this mornings stream he was "punch drunk" and just tired but he's a acting drunk and on mushrooms or some shit lol
he looks like a predator. isnt she just a fan or something? what a lecherous old man
take off the tracking link, tard.
His new gf I guess lol
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He's the estranged step brother of Kingcobrajfs.
That's the lore in my head at least.
yeah well if thats not the case she now has soemthing to kind of cancel him with. what a fool. dont record yourself for fucks sake
3:02 he says she's his girlfriend
That's what's up toooobz
She’s hot how does he do it
Who is this thin-skulled man and why does he keep getting posted here?
Yanks always overplay the effect of alcohol and weed.

We regularly sink 10 pints and walk home singing, in full knowledge of what we're doing and why we're doing it. Weed is just a gay drug, if he was high he'd have been repulsed by her.

The guy is an abuser that saw a scenario to 'get away with it' through probable cause.

The girl is pathetic also. Imagine just letting that happen to you instead of fighting/slapping.
That's good, im not a cancel culture faggot and I think Styx is cool, I just think this is funny as hell
buy an ad jewtuber
Can you just imagine them at a dinner table and they're step bros? In that kind of polar opposite but somewhat similar kind of way? Imagine the debates lol
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Styxhexenhammer666 is obsessed with free gaming laptops and devising schemes to fool people into sending him enormous donations and weekly tithes for his "Salvation Laptop Fund" which he uses to buy more expensive gaming laptops. He's running a big scam operation to fool all of you into sending him your life savings to buy yourself a place on his so-called "Salvation Laptop". In reality Styx will just type your name onto a list which he saves as a Word document on his "magical" laptop, that's your "place of salvation". He will then use your money to buy himself even more expensive gaming laptops that he'll play on his luxury yacht and private jet while plotting to rule the world through his laptop scam.

Styx Laptop pledge drive:

>Petition to make Styx get a job

▶ Styx boasts about his "tech skills" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD
▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it)
▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is "too old" to work with Logitech software
yes you will
When does it happen?
what is a married woman doing alone with a known pervert anyway?
>inb4 still not asking for this
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right above you >>481343476
they quite likely fucked already
so he thought he can behave like this
why did he ever drop the blonde ffs that women was his wife and is the mother of his child! what an utter degenerate
styx is disgusting and she seems disappointed and disillusioned, and he noticed that at around 30:00, just sitting there and dissociating with his hair all over his face.
what a massive faggot.
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Get a load of this faggot. He thinks 10 pints is a lot.
see 1:10:27, while they're holding hands
Why is he acting so creepy?
Kek. It's time to start drawing the Styx grope in pixelplanet.
He has lots of money, you can see from the video that she is disgusted by letting him touch her but without a wedding there is no divorce settlement.
Our pints aren't watered down piss though.
And they're actually pints in the UK.
When you order a pint here, it comes in basically any large vessel they have lying around. Or they will ask if you want it tall or not. Lol. How about a pint please?
Pint of Morreti would sort me right out tbb
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You know that you can buy better beer in the fucking liqour stores here, right? Jesus, why are Brits always such insufferable faggots.
who the fuck is this
thats called tolerance nigel
even hardcore alcoholics become drunk in 2-3 beers again if they take a break for a month or so.
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the groping and below shit tier quality stream aside, what is with this gay magician affect he's been putting on lately? it's a smug fucking gay thing that I can't stand. I like when he's serious and passionate about a subject, but this austen powers on ketamine bullshit needs to stop
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I never want to hear incels bitch again
You really can't. I was just in England for a month and I now understand the cheeky pint. I now understand why Brits are all alcoholics. Every one of them.
Their pints are S++ tier and the absolute best you can get in stores here is shit like Fosters, Stella, Heineken. In cans.
No can is better than any pint. That's why they drink them on their work break or their school lunch.
Sorry but they have us beaten by many orders of magnitude when it comes to pints. We don't even have pints here.
Styx, you're probably here, so I just wanna say that you need to chill out. You've been acting up lately; acting weird is expected from you, but it's been going from "oho, that Tarl, so quirky" to "dude, wtf are you doing?", and it's getting kind of uncomfortable. Whatever's going on with you, you gotta fucking deal with it, because you're getting worse by the week.
>even hardcore alcoholics become drunk in 2-3 beers again if they take a break for a month or so.
Absolute shut-in response.
fake news, Styxx only bangs black chicks
Is his stream still just him looking at a camera, reading news and giving his analysts? He should run OBS, and at lest put a little effort into the stream.
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>and the absolute best you can get in stores here is shit like Fosters, Stella, Heineken.
Nigger, what the fuck are you even talking about. We have all kinds of great medium sized brands, and a bunch of small state specific brands that any decent liquor store will stock or purchase for you if you ask.
He only bangs Mexican chicks with STDs
Drink some actual alcohol nigger, nobody cares about your sissy water
i know because it happened to me you mong
this, beerdrinkers talking like they're hard drinkers is always a laugh
Impressive how much the girls cringe
Ah yes, the Brits are known for their good behavior under the influence
We have some good supermarket beers but they are few and far in between and you might as well pay an extra couple quid for a cheeky pint
If two consenting adult siblings, who are using birth-control and condoms, want to have sex then why shouldn't they?
Oh yeah I forgot to say, that *or local IPA shit or something along those lines. 330ml cans. Just doesn't sit right with me.
There is simply no other way of drinking beer that even comes close to a British pint. There was a lot I hated about the UK, but one thing they have got stitched up is the pub culture. Pints are like a sacred thing over there. It's the one thing they can reliably do correctly.
Trust me bro if you're ever unfortunate enough to go there and you try one you'll see what I mean.
Holy fuck Styx is finished
None of those are English beers. I agree that draft is always better than can/bottle, though.
That's about all. Peace out.
he should clame he was possessed by a demon
Same demure energy
he doesn't even do occult videos anymore. it's 2 current events and one random throwaway video, they've been quite boring lately. his livestreams 3-4x a week are even worse, just reading superchats. he needs to get focused.
>none of those are English
That's my point anon, the best we can get in supermarkets is just the globally known stuff that's actually brewed here.
My point was really that any draft pint beats any store bought beer though, regardless of whether it's English or not.
Doesn't have to be English. Just saying that their pub culture is peak and an English pint beats all others, even if it's not English beer.
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You know you can just go to a store and, hold on now, because your mind is about to be blown, buy a pack of pint glasses. Real ones. For about 8$. Libby's glass makes pint glasses. And stick with me now, because your mind is about to get really blown. You take your beer, and you get the boys together, and you pour your beer into the pint glass. And then you drink it. Or you could do whatever gay UK cockslobbering you were doing.
Elisabeth’s Colonoscopy
Major log detected
Oh yeah, how convenient for your argument.

Maybe you're bitch made, ever think of that?
hide yo wives, hide yo laptops
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Hello Tarl
>beerdrinker talking like he's hard
No way, you mean like the 32oz glasses I have been using for years, yeah?
Yeah they're not pints. Pints have to be pulled from a tap, in a pub. You can't buy pints in the store unless you buy a keg I suppose.
You just don't know anyway so I can't be mad really.
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does she have nice tits Though?
who writes such blatant nonsense? half the beer in a liquor store come in pints
why is this guy still a thing
>A pint
Kill yourself, nigger.
Whoever the laptop poster is, is totally schizo over Styx.

Cunt posts a thread every single fucking day about him to seethe about the laptops.
>alcoholic doing anything
lmao you are like a little baby. here's a pro tip, the only real privacy is embracing no privacy. buy a vr headset, share all the data with kikeberg, and masturbate with it on ten times a day. you are now utterly invisible and gmen will never look at you twice. meanwhile, pathetic faggots who actively try to obfuscate themselves are relentlessly monitored and gangstalked. i use arch btw
Picture this: You're English, it's Summer, It's raining, it's 74F, you're sweating to death.
You pass a pub on the street, and you know it's socially acceptable to duck in and get a cool, fresh beer.
libertarians living up to their reputation i see
Is that before or after you get into the machete fight with Abdul and have to raid a museum for a narwhal tusk because you live in a nation of cumgargling cucks.
When did this place get loaded with saviour complex faggy zoomers? Who gives a shit if this autist is grabbing some whore’s tits?
>heh we can drink 10 pints and feel fine
>gets outdrank
cope, you're just a middling one
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he lands all the pussy
why are white people like this?
You're such a faggot..they're obviously in a relationship. At one point they say I love you to each other, initiated by her. It's amazing this moral faggotry witch hunt shit has taken over even pol.
>Im twitching so hard right now twitchbros
British cities are safe as long as you avoid the notorious wog neighbourhoods at night. I live in London and regularly walk through empty streets and parks in the dark without concern, can you say the same about your city?
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>tfw you tryin to grift but he keeps groping
it works because the poster knows Styx is a regular on here and Styx has seethe about the leaf poster on stream a few times.
Sounds like you never left London, faggot.
Her instinct is to be repelled but then she's like jeez I better pretend to like it and leans into him.
>can you say the same about your city?
Yes. Because I live in a town that 98% White.
Keyed Lithuanian
Okay, now go to your nearest city
She dropped him.
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behold the power of the occult
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What kind of fucking retard who isn't disgustingly poor chooses to live in any city, anywhere on Earth, in the year of our Lord 2024. Oh, you do. Enjoy getting knifed by a Somalian 12 year old for his gang initiation.
He got his shit pushed in by a drug dealer she knows and fled back to America.
They try to force you to play spastic games too like throw a ball in a cup and if you get it in, you can have a sip
Nigger I'm having a sip anyway, stupid fat faggots
>We regularly sink 10 pints and walk home singing, in full knowledge of what we're doing and why we're doing it
Only if you do it regularly
>Weed is just a gay drug
She is visibly repulsed by him lmfao what a gold digging whore.
Styx has finally completed his transformation into lolcow
Stop prowling around colleges then, Bruce.
>gold digging
is the guy even rich?
>10 imperial pints in the USA is the same as being in a canoe
>Extremely close to water
Thanks, dad. It's time for your nap now.
He’s a grapist.
What is her position on abortion?
Is she going to need one now?
thread wouldn't be complete without the soistralian cuckold piping up. put your mask on and go back into your cage, faggot
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>is the guy even rich?
not rich rich, but he'll never have to worry about laptop repairs for the rest of his life
Isn't he married with a child to a Dutch woman?
Kek, she's uncomfortable.
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He's just scratching his chin
Checked and correct
Wait so him and Elizabeth are actually divorced??
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Wow... how fucking sick...

The saddest part was when she literally told him to stop multiple times and he just told her "shut up bitch" before stuffing his hand down her pants.. wtf bro...
Then he bent her over the red couch and put it in her ass. What the fuck!
Love that /pol/ is now screeching about a woman who consented to a relationship - and thus consented to any and all actions by the person they are with - having her boyfriend touch her (his property).
>by getting a GF
What ABV% is your typical beer? Let’s put some numbers to this shittalking
I wouldn’t go that far but the real key to privacy is to maintain a normal-facing persona so they have no reason to look into you and then use a completely different device (linux or bsd and not a phone) to do your darknet-adjacent shit
Imagine abandoning your wife and child. Degenerates deserve the rope.
2/3 will always be sixes repeating
why do people like this faggot???
he looks like kingcobras brother
Its enough to mark accounts. My best guess. He likely works for them.
Her reaction compared to his blatant leching was fucking hilarious. What a clown.

If my gf acted like that to me I would break up and move on, that's fucking weird.
I wouldnt invite him into my camp.
Her reaction though.
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The face of pain
Do you have real pubs in the US? I don't mean the fake Oirish Pubs but proper British style pubs where you go for a couple of pints and talk shit with the regulars in the evening? Sadly they are dying out but that was the true social glue in the UK.
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>they quite likely fucked already
Yeah, she actually aborted his kid before he married the wife he left behind in Europe
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>buy a vr headset, share all the data with kikeberg, and masturbate with it on ten times a day.
>i use arch btw
that's obvious from your advice
Awesome, thanks! Can't wait to watch this after work.
yeah, cause it's in public and he's a goblin
She's probably fine with it 99% of the time but had to give him a hard time here just to make him look bad.
Homebrewing is an Australian tradition faggot
The kids not his, that's why
lol, what a sick fuck
it baffles me he has a following on /pol/
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Actual wizard here. This guy is a sham. I took Intermediate Demonology II with him at Eliphas Levi's Academy for Young Warlocks in the early 2000s. Everybody called him "Stinks-Sexless-Tranny" on account of his offensive odor and genderqueer appearance. He's so dumb he flunked every spelling quiz. He spelled 'Beelzebub' as 'Beelzeblub'. What a fucking dumbass! The whole class laughed at him. He's had a chip on his shoulder ever since. He eventually got kicked out of school for trying to summon a demon to punish his bullies but all he could muster was some gay 3rd rate owl spirit.
She is probably a fan and he is taking advantage of her stupidity.
Now I’m not saying she’s a gold digger, but she’s not associating with financially destitute people
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Wow just when I thought he couldn't look creepier
That's why she was uncomfortable. He'd already knocked her up and she was afraid of his potent sperm.
I was in that class. Remember when Jennifer tried to substitute raccoon ovaries instead of rabbit ovaries and the summon was shaking the room so bad it almost broke the salt circle? Good times. Jennifer was such a hottie. Too bad she got dragged down into hell with a botched summon a few years ago.
Yenny was a hottie, yes. But take your meds nonetheless.
she is disgusted lol
66 you missed. I will not.
Why would he do this on livestream
Also is his kid really not his?
I dont take them either, Anon.
That dude get laid?
Nobody on /pol/ has anymore excuses.
If that faggot can get laid any of you faggots can.
>Marries Dutch qt that looks straight out of a Nazi family propaganda poster
>Still fumbled it
Fucking Styx, what a retard
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Styx touches boob 5 seconds of Styx getting boob on loop for 48 hours straight. Mr. Beasts next challenge is watch it without touching himself.
Yeah I remember this guy, he was in my Necromancy class. We had a school project where we had to summon a dead celebrity. He must have cheaped out on the black sulfur or something because all he managed to summon was Gary Coleman. Like who the hell wants to talk to Gay Coleman? Everyone laughed. I think we could him the Midgemancer fag after that
Id just like to add:
Im a faggot that cares about ecelebs.
What lolcow doesn't have one?
>If that faggot can get laid any of you faggots can.
The fact that this awkward fag can get laid makes me wonder if there actually is something to magic.
Styx is the voice of your generation, not some random "eceleb".
Same dude
Well, at least a real one. Truecows have fake gfs. Just look at Cyrax or Chris Chan.
I spend too much time shitposting. I don’t have time for girls.
He cucked, should've raped her live
He’s the Stefan Molyneux of Millenials.
Cyrax had real women. Women love Quasimodo from Disney that much that they’d fuck him
Imagine gossiping about the relationships of some cultist
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kill yourself you stupid nigger
Styxhexenhammer666 is obsessed with free gaming laptops and devising schemes to fool people into sending him enormous donations and weekly tithes for his "Salvation Laptop Fund" which he uses to buy more expensive gaming laptops. He's running a big scam operation to fool all of you into sending him your life savings to buy yourself a place on his so-called "Salvation Laptop". In reality Styx will just type your name onto a list which he saves as a Word document on his "magical" laptop, that's your "place of salvation". He will then use your money to buy himself even more expensive gaming laptops that he'll play on his luxury yacht and private jet while plotting to rule the world through his laptop scam.

Styx Laptop pledge drive:

>Petition to make Styx get a job

▶ Styx boasts about his "tech skills" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD
▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it)
▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is "too old" to work with Logitech software
Oh yeah I forgot the 2 Heathers and Kendall Smith but Jesus that was nearly a decade ago.

I guess. If only Styx did call-in shows and played psychologist.
I can't kill myself because I'm not a stupid nigger. Checkmate, broke bum, cel saga, chop suey ass nigga.
He's got a million in the bank so rich enough.
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Did the Dutch drug dealer steal his laptop?
Sorry. Wrong answer. Mods: cook this nigga for 1.8 million seconds. Thanks.
DO NOT make a porn AI with him and his new gf
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>he's cucked
>she is repulsed
>she is a gold digger!
No you incels she just doesn't want his audience to see her getting groped live
You're doneso. You don't get to speak, niggerboi.
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you can buy alcohol everywhere in england. every off license is a full blown liquor store.
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I dont give a fuck what this stupid whore wants. She's dating a minor e celeb she should be beaten to death in the streets.
What a total chad, why are betas so upset about him touching his gf boobs
damn, imagine being famous and women that come to your house still rejects you
Btw that is exactly why islam bans alcohol
He used that girl (who is most likely his underage niece) as a tool to make his ex wife upset after he cheated on her and broke her hear. Liz was so heart token is distraught that she discussed a divorce due to the broken heart and loss of trust. Styx then fled the country and abandoned his new born daughter so court proceedings couldn’t go though as he is this possessive. It really hurt his ego as all sociopaths have a ego so he groomed his niece into being a piece of meat for him in order to psychologically damage his family one last time real sick shit this asshole does
They obviously already fucked.

I saw someone’s webm of what happened and thought this was an old video of when he was younger. However, I noticed the hat she was wearing and was pretty sure Styx didn’t have that merchandise back.

I could understand grabbing tits in public on a stream at a younger age, but not at his age. That’s fucking juvenile and degrading.

Wtf happened to his wife/child?
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This is what it is.
who fucking cares lmao
>Wtf happened to his wife/child?
Styx is counting his lucky stars that she can't bilk him for child support.
Enough for Tarl to make a post about it
lmao she is so grossed out by him.
That she has his merch on makes it so much more cringe, she is just a stupid fan and he is taking advantage of her.
He looks like if John Lennon fucked a Hamster
How come my ex gf was like this with me? Like she was super slutty in private with me asking me to slap her face and her ass and call her a slut and she was always saying how much she loved me but if I even tried to hold her hand in public or hug her or kiss her she hated it and would get uncomfortable.
This guy is a creepy retard. That girl was like "Uh...wtf"
Styx cheated on his wife he has cheated on every women he has been with it’s a clear pattern of abuse. Years ago he had a video where he talked about his legacy of being unfaithful. Her family got wind of this and a brother or her father best the shit out of Styx since she had just given birth to his child. He then fled the country and spun up a tale about some drug dealer chasing him away but everyone can see it was Liz’s family protecting their daughter. A few months later he went back and they tried to make it work for the sake of the baby. Tensions had come down with the family so things were looking good. Then it happened again Styx showed his true colors and cheated once more completely destroying any chance for Liz and the baby to heal. This is when she filed for divorce and this was unforgivable to Styx so he left never to face a court being a dead beat that won’t even support his own daughter. That is why he did this
Styx… you lost me a while ago. Still kinda sad to see you cringe out THIS hard though. Peace out.
So did he really get fucked by liz and the kid isn’t his? I thought people were joking then this. He was just there making videos under the stairs not long ago.
No shit he has all goddamn day to be a degenerate. Such is life for being devoid of responsibility.
This is hilarious if true because Styx doesn't come off as this kind of guy in his videos at all

What good is being famous if you can’t cheat on your foreign wife?
> What good is being famous if you can’t cheat on your foreign wife?
kiwitrannies and facebook soccer moms will cancel you
Pretty this!

Grabbing tits live on stream isn’t super high IQ because now any woman with half a brain isn’t going to join him live now unless they enjoy humiliation.

In addition, being okay with engaging in that level of humiliation too brings up a separate issue with people that might confide in him as the behavior could associate with someone that’s willing to air out dirty laundry for the world to see.
Very true idle hands as they say
He has documented his own bad behavior like this for years
Do you want to live in a high trust upstanding White society where good character and family values is seen as
virtue? Or do you want to live in a degenerate nigger spawn tranny infested shithole where people abuse children burn down the cities and let all manner of evil run wild? Because the behavior you are describing is where that begins.
This. The signs were always there that there is something seriously off with this clown.
Dude really molested a random girl on live stream?
>random girl
It's his gf.
Oh you know just have hundreds of thousands of pay pig dollars after being a YouTuber for 15 years or be a drug dealer. Easy bro.
Yes and rapists and molesters have never been Democrats or leftists.
Are you fags pretending to clutch your Pearl's about a dude grabbing tits? Fucking GAY!
Very nice sir he is the pajeetmaxxing!! Twist the whore's nippel haaahaaahaha
Please calm down styx, don't twist my man-boobies as well.
Styx is that rare breed of Fucking Weird + Fucking Confident. If he didn't have that confidence he'd be pussy repellant. But he's got that confidence. So he gets bombarded with tit pics. I don't think he gives two shits about any of this.

Although. You never know. He has been drinking more than normal on his livestreams. Could be stuff going on in his life that's getting to him. I bet he was under the influence of something when he honked this girl.
That's his response? It has nothing to do with being normal. It has to do with being a good person.

Most people aren't good.
A lot of /pol/ traffic now are subversives like Jews, feds, redditors and Indians trying to fabricate and astroturf
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I've hardly browsed this site, let alone this board, for the last two years, how the fuck you still here doing this same unfunny spam you yiffing rapebaby slavnigger?
Nobody has considered that she may just like being groped by trumptard grifters.
You're talking to a bot
Take off the share id cunt
They're on camera faggot. Would you gf be fine with you groping her tits in public? If so she's a slut.
Also, I would not be inclined to do so in the first place.
Although the fact that he is ugly does not help at all when it comes to the disgust response here presented.
The look on her face. Fucking kek! She has the same expression as those little kids who got groped by Joe Biden. Hahaahahaha
True. Also, gotta give her some credit.
She tried to mitigate the damage to his ego by immediatly initiating a less sexual display of romantic affection.
Calculated move, sincere feelings or raw woman brain? You decide.
I made this pepe
Are we REALLY sure that's not just his wife with a wig / dyed hair?
I took a ghosthunting class with him in the Netherlands and one day I didn't show up so I could fuck his wife, who became pregnant right after, but she told him the kid doesn't look like a fantasy book villain like him because the baby is possessed by a friendly spirit that made the baby less gay.

Anyway we all laughed at him in ghosthunting class because ghosts would randomly fuck with him like put their ghost penis in his mouth and fuck his face like a sexdoll, and they would give him swirlies too and take his lunch money.
Why are you posting this bullshit for in pol? stupid nigger i hope you get beheaded by a spic cartel, nigger.
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No bobs or vagene, it ain't getting seen.
>also buy an ad.
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>expecting someone named "Styxhexenhammer666" to be a good person
I don't care about your e-celeb clowns.
When we put your god in prison we are going to fucking kill every kike you worship.
When Kamala wins on Nov 5, FLEE THE FUCKING COUNTRY.
She's got one molestable face, she's beautiful and looks so much younger than she probably is
There's nowhere to run
the magic to getting laid is to be a sex pest. unironically if the jeets are level 1 sex pests with "bob and vagene," you really only need to make it to say, level 50/100. be just clever enough to wheedle a woman for sex and do it enough times. it will take you a week if you talk to at least 20 women.
based and fluffpilled
Really does she have nudes or somewhere to contact her on? I'd pay money to see her tits
This is what I heard
Styx alpha male grouping women like a boss. The next Charles Manson cult to get his BWC wet with schizo pussy.
Lol Styx going through a midlife crisis at the ripe old age of 36, lol
Some throw it at you, others gotta be pestered, but the key in both is reading subtleties so you don't end up getting yourself in trouble.
Why should I care about this guy?
Yeah, I actually have watched in a while. I haven’t watched Salty either. They all seem kinda pooped
> this is a scandal
Fucking anglais
>paying 40% of your income to raise ANOTHER MAN's child
Styx is a literal KEK?
Grifter eceleb from last cycle. I don't get his appeal; only familiar with him due to him popping up on the program my grifter eceleb of choice once in a blue moon back then.
Did I also miss something? I don't understand.
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OnlyFans good
Assertive male bad
This is unironically true. My buddies cousin lived with him under probation conditions after going to jail and getting kicked out of his parents place and this one girl we all knew had this older sister we all wanted to fuck and this guy literally begged her for days and days and we all thought he was the biggest loser but eventually she said 'fine' and they went inside and did it. Pretty sure he was underage too.
>Only a couple years older than us and we were all 14
That's when I started to learn how much I hate women.
basically yeah. read the body language, read the reactions, know what move to make and when kinda thing. it comes down to experience on what card to play at what time and it changes from girl to girl, but ultimately if you're tryna fucc you assess the job in front of you and deploy pestering tools to get there. different levels of fitness or attractiveness or experience will lock you out of "some" girls (i say "some" because anons would be surprised the quality of gash you can get as a gross asshole) but sure enough you can still round home base with enough time. the problem for a lot of people is simply getting up to the plate and getting to take a few swings. most guys do get those chances to hone their craft and learn what's up, how to play the game, unfortunately for many though they are slow learners and simply aren't going to be in target-rich environments post-college age. so they return to the reliquary tower and hone their skyrim modding skills.
As the OG of shit posting Styx, this is now my tripcode I will use for all styx threads.

Hi Styx, I know I get under your skin since you keep mentioning me in your live streams every so often.
Source: zilch
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This is how every nigger I've ever seen who rarely gets pussy acts. They want to "show it off" and its the weirdest shit you'll ever have to suffer through.
Cut your FUCKING HAIR and trim that beard holy fuck
Long haired blokes are so fucking gay
That jawline kek
Anon why is there no leaf in your Canadian flag?
He was still calling Liz his wife when he moved back to the states and he has been back over there since. This chick is brand new. His last trip to the Netherlands was probably last ditch effort to save the marriage. If I am right, you will never see Styx streaming from the Netherlands again.
XDDD what the fuck
For real she looks like every slutty girl I ever went to highschool with. Probably has a raspy voice from yelling for hours while smoking and drinking. Will probably steal your baggy and even help you look for it too before texting her friend and leaving to get high with her and fuck another dude.
im not reading all that shit
this is the "neo out of the matrix" moment for me tbqh. for a while realized a lot of success with this "method," honing it to the point where i knew if I was texting a girl, I would probably be fucking her. it was easier in the days where facebook and myspace were things, and right as tinder started getting popular. just insane to think back, dating 3 girls in a month and not committing. could not fathom it now. too much effort to get people out of their houses, social media is so impersonal that nobody cares. still recently did force myself to give it an other try as i hit 30 and hadn't dated anyone in about a year. while it did take more effort i still wound up fucking a couple of HWP girls within about 14 days of making earnest effort. that went on for a little bit but mostly i have retreated to a "who cares" thought process. if the price of pussy is just attention and time then it simply isn't something to strive for, imho.
Seriously how can I contact this fucking bastard? He has 6 links on his YouTube bio and none of the allow private messages, including YouTube. Dude probably has loads of content of her, from slutty pictures to videos fucking and her tits bouncing, I don't think he'd be opposed to selling me some.
jethro tull wrote a song about this called "aqualung"
I used to like him because he was fairly measured in his political analysis, but after that whole drunk posting while in flight fleeing from whatever happened in Netherlands, I’ve just kind of soured on him. The whole - I’m a powerful cultist and I could unleash a legion on you was just cringe and retarded as fuck. Now he’s groping bitches on livestream. Very trashy.
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Does Ozempic really leave your skin like this? I hope Styx still has enough money besides the alimony he pays to his totally-not-ex-wife to pay for her surgery at least.
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Courtesy of RetardFarms, the other grope
>I ain’t watching that shit
neither me, i am just curious about the government's harder stance on Russia's propaganda using American born talkingheads to influence the public opinion in favor of Russia's interests.
I don't like people like him and Ramzpaul and it's satisfying to watch them going down.
Where's the leg one
Nah she probably had a kid or 3.
Jesus how sloshed was he during this?
That's not ozempic she's had a kid at one point.
What makes you think it’s the same girl?
omg gross
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Styx must be asleep, he's been militarily reporting every single thread about him on /pol/ earlier.
>yes you will
it's boring and dishonest, how long can you endure watching a grifting narcissist repeating himself? here, watch a good horror movie on youtube, starring one of Brandon Lee's friends
you fags have more estrogen in you than a pack of bitches
He's been losing his shit all year. I'm not surprised.
You see, /pol/. If this kind of guy can get qts, so can you. So stop calling yourself incel.
That dude is so ugly lol so fucking ratty.
I doubt that. Do you seriously think that Styx would get together with a woman who has kids right after he got cucked by his wife's child's biological father and humiliated last December?
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Has physiognomy ever been defeated?
how did this fag get a gf?
>That dude is so ugly lol so fucking ratty.
lol, I was told I look like him, but I think my sister looks more like him and my cousine even 95%, however I am a good catholic boy, never manipulated people and would you can't buy me to repeat Russian talking points .
People wanna hang when they see you having thangs.
Our youths drink several 5ths and cross fade with whatever the fuck they've got. Please stop talking about how impressive your degeneracy is Nigel, you're making all the alcoholics cringe at your utter lack of self-awareness. Also I have no idea where the weed = gay meme came from but it is faggy to consume anything that actively destroys your productivity, if used and not abused via oils and consumables it can be a very good after a long day's work to wind down but very few people consume it that way.
he's one ugly mother fucker
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Is this asmongold's brother or cousin?
We know he is not normal. That doesn’t mean he needs to act like white trash. They actually look like a trailor trash couple who just got the internet. No class. No panache. Just straight trailer trash. You can be weird without being lewd.
Absolutely, I don't live in a concrete jungle like most Americans but the best bars are biker, vet and pilot ones. No lights, smoke or deafening music just a jukebox and some down to earth lads and lasses having beers and talking shit about the commies in charge.
Deep Styx Lore

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