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>Implying whites aka American military and English teachers aren't extreme creeps/weirdos who have molested 100x the amount of children here that South Asians have
Im trying my best to radicalize japs but they're all passive and akb-pilled.
They always import the lowest of the low so that the society gets dragged down with it.
only 100x so far. take it from me, the browns will be much worse than the Whites
sadly 99% of japanese men are straight-homos with no backbone
He was radicalized by the AV chikan industry
I hate jeets as much as the next guy but it's not there isn't millions of jap dudes groping high school girls on the train too
The needful sir, I was promised the needful
i dont think it's so much that, more that they're too busy with work-life and that the japanese government has been good to it's citizens and they highly trust the government.
Hands of the wheel attitude.
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Japs are mentally little children. The shit skins are going to have fun destroying what's left of them in the coming years.
Go back jeet.
Why and how does he get in? Japan should let me in.
only the lowest of the low emigrate to begin with. those who are successful will not leave their success unless they are offered significant benefits, those who immigrate for free are the dregs of society.
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Creates dozens of manga every day about fucking kids
Can you blame him? Maybe they shouldn't be so fricking kawaii
Jeets assaulting women in confined spaces worldwide. It’s the Indian form of sex tourism.
yes, sadly, they will be betrayed by their good nature. i saw the same thing happen to my fellow Whites here in canada. we have been sold out, and replaced. our virtues used to be patience, kindness, respect for boundaries. i dont wish to speak for you, but i've at least heard that a lot of japanese people enjoy the simple things like silence, peace, etc. trust in the government will be ultimately what leads to the destruction of any country. many people are too busy/drunk/afraid/retarded/drugged to question who is really fucking them over, they are instead obsessed about the almighty dollar we are all forced to compete with eachother over to survive
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The Japanese government has been telling jeets to come.
Then the Japanese are being raped by blacks from American bases, now Indians have come to rape Japanese schoolgirls, why are the Japs such pathetic cuckolds?
We live in a natural environment of finite resources, competing with all other life around for space and time. We consume said life to buy more time. It’s the nature of reality my guy. No government can fix that with a piece of legislation and a long enforcement arm
That can be said about every western nation. Well put.
> Jake adelstein
Lmao that's a kike
Nobody who is an upstanding citizen and doing well in their own country is going to move into an entirely new country as a migrant and uproot their entire lives. It's not Puja with upper middle parents who are going to the UAE to work as a low-end construction worker for Dubai. It's the dregs of society, the worst of the worst, and countries are importing these shitstains in droves.
pakis are that dark?
i thought they are paler like the persians
Why should we replace rapist with rapist
Oh nononon. This is what ruined us.
yes, sadly, i do not have high hopes for the west. even if we closed borders today in canada, i fear its too late
Why would they need to do that when they can get your women without much effort?
Why dont they just execute criminal migrants?
Zero tolerance
Two more weeks

>5 mil
Those are all college indoctrinated scum. If the faggot nip government would allow real white people in, it would be much better than poop skins like you nigger.
> old japanese men harass a japanese girl, no one bats an eye
> poo harasses a girl, the whole white world loses their minds
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Your national cricket team Abdul.
they literally look like indians
they're the same but different religions
Weebs , lbh, English teachers, soldiers, pua all ruined white rep in Japan

Not chads , they are immune

Indians don’t have that clout they can set away with shit
>college indoctrinated scum

Even worse. I know junkie fag who used to be homeless in the usa and now teaches English in some rural area. You have no idea how easy it is to be an English teacher here, it's just so saturated that it became harder even for qualified people
>B-b-but what about

Kill yourself pajeet you are blight on humanity
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Immigration policy will determine the quality of the migrant.
If you take immigration from Europe to 1700 America for example,
>cone to America, an untamed land full of dangerous savages, there is no guarantee you will survive
You will get some tough people who for whatever reason decided that sounded better than back home
But of your immigration policy is literally some kike NGO convincing shitskins to sneak into a country for free money and white women, you will get the kind of pathetic brown rapist the west is being flooded with.
So like 4 light skins that could pass but rest look indian
May as well be one country
>Calls himself Nakamoto
CIA glownigger kike gonna glow
Get the fuck out of Japan, Ranjeep!
uh, i thought this was just a gray area on japanese trains
seriously reconsidering my vacation plans now
Japanese women hit on me heavy when I was deployed to Okinawa, Ramshit. I know it pisses you off that a Slavic caveman is more attractive than your stinky brown visage.
Indians are like creepy jap traincels on acid
>american military
Gook fucker you do know every marine caught over there in scandal is a brownoid or nigger, right?
>the betrayal of Japanese children has begun

Please don't you fucking start. Your nation has had nothing the the utmost contempt for your on children ever since the Sarin Gas attacks of 1995.
Your nation has been betraying your own children long before opening the floodgates.
I don't care about japan.
every single japanese woman will be avenged
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Yeah japs welcome to the west. Remember it’s only gonna get worse. Best bet is to align with whites over as decent immigrants to villainise the savages. Gotta give props to the news media in Japan. At least they don’t do cover stories for them and their crimes
Lmao they voted for this
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Ok rice nigger
It’s time to back to plebbit
>Stein pushing multiculturalism
Pajeets always deflect to “what about the white man”.

Odds are you yourself are an English teacher from Canada or America.
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You're retarded
Who will be the first Jeet to slow mo walk in front of a bullet train and how many of them will die before one succeeds.
I want to cum inside of Japanese girls. I would save up for weeks so I could have a massive load and make sure to make cute mixed race babies.
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Look at this white rapist engaging in stimulating intellectual conversation with this inocent Japanese girl on the “rape streets” of the gaijin quarter
No thanks, even though I'm jealous of first world economies, I prefer to work here and improve this poor shithole, one drop at a time
She’s black and was raised in the US she dosnt speak Japanese
She’s not Japanese
Depends what kind of paki. The ones near India look Indian. The ones from the border regions have more central Asian features like the pashtun
Japan, the only way to stop this is to punish pedos before the cops get there. The fact that this jeet's head isn't caved in means you've already lost.
>Only Japanese men can diddle Japanese kids
Doesn’t sound very inclusive to me
>Rape tourism
Pakistanis are just saars by another name.
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You sound like a naughty ojisan who needs correction
>Mayo Japan
Niggers rape school girls too
>dad gets drunk and fondles mom
>invader breaks in and rapes mom
I wonder which is worse, shitskin.
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Asian men with tiny peepees get raped by thought of BWC that their women love so much
Probably because of your train porn.
You guys should consider importing some subhumans as well, your birth rates are even worse.
Fake and gay
16 is legal in Japan
lol keep seething chang
Votes for it
Shoulda had kids with gook whores, slope simp.
Now they will. Whether they like it or not.
I've lived here for over 10 years and I haven't seen a single white man here that can be classified as chad. Chad is too busy fucking Stacy's in his country before finding his oneitis, usually all that happens before they finish college. White men here are the lowest of the low, the creep rejects that can't find women in their own country or think woman over 20 are "roasties" so they move to Asia. Many such cases and there's a reason they are all miserable and stuck in dead end jobs
4 could pass for white but the rest are jeeted
>5 million jeers in America
were do they live
who cares about japanese "people" china is already crushing globohomo shit
Brown dirty hands typed this during the smoke break at the local conbini he works at
I hate jeets, and I am not defending the shitskins but lets not forget japan has some of the highest under age sexual assaults in the world, most go unreported as well. It's too bad you guys can't keep the lolicon and hebi culture only in the 2d world.
I'm a software engineer, I know it makes you seethe endlessly that I make your yearly salary in a month while working a quarter of the hours Smith-sensei
Lol. Facts. They’re whores.
Mamasan love nog dick. Except few times they get caught sucking it and shame so accuse rape

Eat some noodles and watch anime. Faggot
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The average alpha /pol/tard
Keep telling your self that little emperor
>Tfw Rakuten is losing tons of money since they started hiring pajeet programmers

Kek thanks of getting rid of our competition Patel
And still get no Pussy from jap slope cunts
Don’t forget to Do a flip off the rooftop
The japs should unironically be practicing sword and bayonet drills on captured streetshitters. Just take them from the streets, they vanish, no one misses them or asks questions, shitty problem solved.

aint that whole girl pedo groping shit japanese culture to start with?
A real dark poo brown one too, the jeetest.
That's not how it's going to work, suckdeep
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shit skin cope time
Welcome to hell
I thought you segregated the cars between male and female to prevent this from happening.
Thou shalt be redeemed
I will never understand this argument b because these people never explain it. We need to be a multi cultural society to survive. Why though? How come they never explain this?
Why do weebs constantly lie about their fake experiences in Japan
Man, what the fuck? why it is so fucking hard for someone like me to even visit what is basically earth's disneyland but some indian with a fake student visa (like they did in canada) can easily get the pass? this world is so unfair bros...
No white man calls himself a Sexpat yellow claws re captioned that text
Lmoa seethe
Weebs are almost always narcissist and hate other foreigners because they want to be the only one in Japan
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In Japans case, they don't question authority in general. Something they picked up from China's Confucian thought process. There are some rebellious ones but every society has those. You don't need to explain why they should do something. Either they find some way to justify why, or if they don't like it they will still go along with it to maintain societal harmony.

t. Has know Japanese people for almost 20 years.
Based, help fix your country bro, dont encourage your people to run off, (like mexicans). I get our currency is kinda fucking gay and higher value but please build up your country before coming to ours.
Most of the people that have been leaving the country for the US recently are the dregs of society in their country of origin. It used to be hard working productive people would come here, but it feels it was decades ago.
You're one of the good ones.
So no comment on the Japanese people sexually harassing and raping minors? Like I said, not defending migrant invaders but your own people are really fucked up. Very sad.
The problem is that they are LOW SKILL labor workers who hop the border/get a visa and get free everything. I have no problem with immigration to import high skilled workers, whites are getting outclassed due to generational laziness.

I watch games done quick speed runners for interest, fun fact most of them are whites, lots become trannies. They would rather spend hundreds of hours optimizing how to play a game faster than actually help society, and others are PAYING them with twitch to promote it.
Ok groomer
This. Japs are cool but they need to stop fetishizing 13 year olds. Age of consent is 13 in Japan, and probably 4 in philliipines.
Brown hands typed this.
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Japan age of consent is 12.
based take

engrish teachers are the true pest

soon more asian waifus will be taking BIC, just like western women are nowdays.............
>pakistani national
BIPOC are BIPOC. There's no difference, that's why the acronym exists. It's the best thing the government ever did.
It's pretty much true.
Most of the white/Japanese couples you see, both arent very good looking.
Japanese men are incredible creeps who are always molesting women on trains. That’s the reason for women-only train cars. Japanese men sneaking upskirt photos are the reason all phones in Japan have to make a loud noise when they take a photo.
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That's how it'll happen, jeet's and other shitskins will be unable to control themselves on your trains. The jap men will take things into their own hands soon.
Doesn't matter how much money you make. You could be a billionaire and you'll still be a shit colored, tiny brained, tiny dick, subhuman incel that women want nothing to do with.
I am the one attacking pedophilia and you call me a groomer? Typical spic, stay in your country mentally retarded aztec rape baby faggot. You should be proud that the Spainards white washed some of you degenerate filth, yet you will still flee your country to come to ours. I respect the hispanics who come here legally and serve in the army and learn our language, not you scum.
Both of those were feminist power grabs. It practically never actually happens except by mentally deranged freaks that would be kept in a mental institute like they once we're when we lived in a civilized society.
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It's okay when salarymen do it, right? Every hypocritical faggot nation in this world will get destroyed by us browns.
And yet some perv with shit brown skin and an accent thicker than black strap molasses got into the woman's car.
This is how japs think, that their lolicon culture is just fine and dandy because most of the molesting and raped goes unreported.. You guys molest little girls after watching 2d loli porn and want to preach about migrants doing it? Fucking hilarious.
>Admits his kind will spread like a plague
Well at least you are honest.
Japs are groomers tho, that’s his point.
You’re allowed to molest and rape women of your own race. Men of other races are not. That’s the difference.
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>sees population raped by shitskins
>"how can I blame this on whites"
No way you're really in Japan. This is an american redditor on a VPN.
Disgusting pedo pigskin, your true identity shall be revealed soon
I am whiter than you, why are you defending pedophiles?
I just felt like picking a fight,
>vpn nig japan is now going to pretend to be a nippon also doesn't into purcap
shamefur dispray

Every. Fucking. Time.
Sad anon, very sad. Is that your idea of shitposting?
to be fair, they didn’t know just how rape hungry poos are
he looks like a chad
Why import these subhumans when we have Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia etc?
>i fear its too late
In a long enough time frame there's hope.
A possible outcome is that in the near future (up to 10 years) things will deteriorate very fast and we will have generalized social unrest in the west. Current culture is mostly based on consumerism and that's going to become very sketchy with the economic recession and how hard it will be to acquire new gadgets™ so people will become angry, more than what they are now.
The immigrants that the west have imported are very tribal and this is ALREADY making some whites consider that they should also start being more tribal too. Just look how your average Canadian TODAY is fucking done with Indians and 5 years ago this was quite literally impossible, so I believe we will end up being divided mostly by ethnicity in the next 10-20 years. I fully believe places like Brampton are lost for the next few decades, but in a long enough time frame it can be reconquered Iberia-style if necessary.
They don't want to be gradual. They want to start bottom of the barrel immediately. They have a schedule to keep and 2030 will be here before you know it.
It legitimately doesnt happen though.
They literally did that. There are more of those guys in Nipland than Jeets or Pakis.
>but muh webm
Nah, it's been going on for a few years. I've mentioned it on /pol/ a lot and you retards are finally listening.

All you millenials who think Japan is a homogenous anime land are fucking dumbasses. They are in the process of become Sweden.
look up barbara lerner spectre and you will have all you beed to know.
All boomers are betraying Japan. No one wants these foreign rapists and thieves but boomers want cheap labor and debt slave sto pay for their pension ponzi scheme.
I respect you. I hope you find much success in India.
i don't entirely disagree, i think we could be entering a potential golden age. many people are awake to jewish propaganda and lies, and are growing up their children to eat healthy, resist indoctrination via public schools, etc. many of us were raised by boomers that are completely brainwashed by propaganda the newspaper/radio/early tv days
Their leaders are just puppet for globohomo. What they do to the west soon happens to Japan.
>Calling pakis bastards Asians
You're British aren't you?


Most of foreigners in Japan are Viets, Chinks and Gooks.


>b-but let’s spam these in every thread

Yeah and most immigrants to America used to be European. What's your fucking point?

Don't bother responding, I already blocked all of your posts, Jewflag.
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You're correct. I also see a lot of people waking up and understanding that they have been fed propaganda, now choosing healthier lifestyles and being skeptical of the authorities (thanks partially to COVID retardation).
Also don't forget that a very significant amount of the immigrants who live in Canada and in the United States are dependent on the government and social programs financed by taxpayers. In a scenario of social unrest, economic recession, currency collapse, etc, these people will likely go back home or travel south for better climates as there will be no incentive to stay in a frozen shit hole.
Over 99% conviction rate and the prisons will never be full for the kinds of crimes that get capital punishment there.
Why are her (his) fingers so short?
You have to go to http://may.2chan.net/b/futaba.htm and post train and manure videos every day.
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That seems to piss off niggers and other assorted shit skins.
> A Pakistani man has been arrested for allegedly performing indecent acts on a high school girl on a JR Chuo Line train in Tokyo, then making her get off the train and sexually assaulting her.

> According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Pakistani suspect Afzal Muhammad is suspected of performing indecent acts on a second-year high school girl, including groping her breasts, on a JR Chuo Line train running through Tokyo's Hachioji city last month, then making the girl get off the train at the last stop, Takao Station, take her into some bushes near the station and sexually assault her.

> The girl was reportedly unable to escape after her bag was stolen by Muhammad.

> When questioned, Muhammad reportedly denied the charges, saying, "It's true that I met the woman, but it was with her consent."

Japan doesn't have white guilt and they don't care about being perceived as racist. Hopefully this radicalizes them enough to round them up and put them into camps.
This lmao They can detain you indefinitely and beat the absolute shit out of you. You are also not entitled to a trial, lawyer, or tanslator.
>japan stopped producing as many precious content as they used to a year ago
It's so over for japan... and now countries are starting to ban minors from social media. The golden age is ending, it was fun
Doesn't this already happen in Japan all the time
>South Asians
i like how pajeets use this term cause they are ashamed of being indian
South Asians such as Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans etc are the ugliest races in the world.
They are smelly filth that Japanese women hate second only to black people.

However, the UK is accepting a large number of South Asians, which has surprised many Japanese people.

Why do British people love South Asians?
Very sad indeed, pedos get castrated here if the faggot cops don't arrive to avoid their lynching, it such be common practice everywhere else.
That's outdated, in most prefectures the age of consent is 16.
>It should be common practice everywhere else.*
Goddamnit I need sleep
its indian/paki slaughter time, you are all like this.
I think Japan should exterminate Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans.

There is nothing to be gained by human civilization in keeping such stinky dark skin beasts alive.
BIC in japan in inevitable............
everystein singleberg timeowitz
Thank you anon
More than 90% of sex crimes committed in Japan are committed by foreigners.

That's why the Japanese government warns Western women coming to Japan not to get close to foreigners (Baka Gaijins or Kuso Gaijins) living in Japan.
Pakistanis have really ugly faces.
I don't understand why such deformed people exist in this world.

And I cannot understand Britain accepting so many of these ugly, smelly rapist beasts.

Why don't the British kill all the Pakistanis in Britain?
>spend 20 years getting rid of train molestation
>spend billions of yen to make women safe and to teach men not to rape (lol literally)
>undo this entirely because the jews told you your economy wont survive without jeets

shills are getting faster.
daily reminder, the reason you 'need more people', literally 'more people' is because of inflation. the banking jews need more goys to enslave with debt, and it doesnt matter if its jeets directly, or from the loans your government will take out to provide for them. the jews have inflated all the value of the dollar away so for their pyramid schemes to keep working, they need literally new people added to the bottom so they can stay at the top and larp as god's chosen. The fucked up thing is that these same bankers are already setting up a central bank digital currency and plan to wipe out the green back regardless, so they are literally sacrificing your country just so they can keep the current scam going for slightly longer.
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Japan was one of the last country where you could see kids taking subway or walking to school by themself.
With mass immigration it will be soon impossible.
Pakistanis in the UK
10,000,000 (Most of them are permanent residents or British nationals.)

Pakistanis in Japan
13,000 (Most of them are short-term residents.)

Japan will not become a hell like Britain.
>American military
a majority of them have been blacks and mutts for decades now
>Record 2 million foreign workers are changing the face of Japan
>A Filipino care worker at a hospital in Tokyo. The inflow of foreign workers is set to continue at a fast pace as Japan seeks more assembly line staff, construction workers, vegetable pickers and caregivers for the elderly.
>Last year, the number of foreign workers hit a record 2.04 million, up 12.4% from 2022, according to labor ministry figures released late last month. That inflow is set to continue at a fast pace as Japan seeks more assembly line staff, construction workers, vegetable pickers and caregivers for the elderly.
>"Japan is entering an era of mass foreign immigration,” said Junji Ikeda, president of Saikaikyo, a Hiroshima-based agency that sources and supervises foreign workers. "Incremental adjustments will not suffice.”
good now tell the 17,000,000 jeets outside your country to come home too
For the per capita niggers:
>chinks are 8 times as violent as gooks and 40x as violent as americans
>flips are 20x as violent as americans
>asian niggers are 63x as violent as americans (white)
As more niggers arrive in japan, the american stats will worsen.
They have nukes.
>she was 37 years, 363 days, 23 hours, and 59 seconds old you pedo!!!
based poojeet
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uh.... checked?
Why was the immigrant allowed in the woman's car to begin with?
No one voted for shit. Politicians doing stuff doesn't mean they were voted on.
Japan Times is a far-left newspaper that only writes fake news. All of its reports are lies.
Most of the 3 million foreigners in Japan are short-term residents.
Only around 8,000 foreigners are able to obtain official citizenship in Japan each year.
because it kills the native population. "in order to survive", you forgot to ask who?
post car with bread (he can't)

You are utterly retarded if you think this whole "I wanna improve India" act is going to get you points here. They don't hate you because of your actions but because of your religion (abduls) and skin color (timmies).

Sure India has problems but we do not get to be told that by the absolute scum of humanity that infest /Pol/ compared to whom the average Indian is a model citizen.
>American military
>english teachers
Even with those demos, you're in for a shock when the jeets hit critical mass.
>I've lived here for over 10 years
oh it's a fucking expat lmao yeah I bet you're concerned about those native preteens aren't you.

The Japan Times is a far-left newspaper that only produces fake news.
If you want accurate information about Japan, read Japan Forward.

> I have no problem with immigration to import high skilled workers, whites are getting outclassed due to generational laziness.
You're either a retard or a jeet. Companies hire jeets because they are cheap and forced to never quit due to their immigration status being tied to the company. Faggot
Anyone who brags about their lifestyle online to win an argument is lying.
>They would rather spend hundreds of hours optimizing how to play a game faster than actually help society
if society hates you and wants you dead, why would you help it? Most of these people are mentally broken and don't think outside the box or have the confidence to go do other things. They get hit by a brick wall of anti-white racism and just give up.
They don't want your disgusting ugly sand nigger genes. There's your difference mudslime.
He has integrated to the Japanese culture so well!
>shitskin from shitstan commits a crime
You should watch the movie "I Just Didn't Do It". It's based on a true story. A man was accused of groping a girl on a train. All the witnesses said he didn't do it. He recreated the scene and proved it was impossible. The girl recanted her story. He was still convicted.
If women don't want to be groped, they should unironically get married and stay at home, and when they go out their husband should protect them. The world is a dangerous place and there are sick people everywhere, but in Japan children can still walk to school without armed escorts.
same as westerners
good morning saar
The world needs more people like you.
Citizenship doesn't matter. Everyone just gets permanent residency here and is effectively a dual citizen with that. Most people don't want to become japanese citizens because they lose their home citizenship.
London is occupied by Pakistanis and British women are raped every day.
Don't give up anon. I try too.
cool story, stay in your country
Permanent residence in Japan is a permission, not a right.
So if politicians want to abolish permanent residence permits for foreigners, they can do so in a day.
>that the japanese government has been good to it's citizens
That was happened here, now dutch boy are just faggots
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Try converting them to Dual Seedline Christian Identity. Not mainstream Christianity, but Christian Identity. You will need to do this to counter the spread of Islam so Japan doesn't become another Islamic caliphate shithole. The Germanic peoples are the true Israelites of the Bible, the modern Jews are really satanic Edomites who are satanists and stole the Judean's identity and use it to destroy the White Israelite countries through vices and through non-White immigration(invasions) and also destroy modern civilized Japan in the same way. Japan is Aryan Man's true greatest ally. We are Axis friends! Japan is honorary Aryan! Aryans and Japanese were allies in World War II!
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Also bring them to 4chan's /pol/ board. Here are some CI resources.

Recently I've had some luck. My liberal friends asked me the other day: "Do you feel insulted being called 'gaijin' instead of 'gaikokujin'?" (for reference, gaijin means foreigner and gaikokujin means foreigner but is the new politically correct word because too many gaijin complained about being stereotyped as more troublesome than japanese)
Anyway, long-story short I explained it's all a scheme to control your thoughts. We got on the topic of US hegeomy and he said something silly like "The US has many colonies: Japan, Korea, Israel, etc." When I told him it's actually the other way around, and Jews control the USA, he looked contemplative and took it all in. Stuff like the gaijin thing is easy, because japs know it's the correct word and has no inherently negative connotation, so you can just tell them it's foreigners trying to corrupt their language in order to absolve themselves of bad behavior.
This is true, and there was some discrimination against PR holders during covid, but they won't just throw people out. And if they did, they'd throw out naturalized citizens too. Having a piece of paper saying you're "japanese" isn't going to matter if they go as far as to deport foreigners.

Same doesn't apply to you though eh?.
You have been infesting the world with your foul presence for 4 centuries now (and even more if you are an abdul)
Thread theme:
White liberals are destroying Japan. The Japanese should form angry mobs and slaughter those faggots. Also Japan should round up all communists and torture/kill them.
Even simple things can help. I'm sure you get a lot of
>I plan to visit America
And a very simple recommend some nice tourist spots then add a few places to avoid and the black areas = dangerous clicks fast. And they will all listen to the dangerous spots because they all have the idea of America being a great tourist destination but also dangerous.
Nukes aren't real. They are a Jewish lie so Jews can spread communism all over the world without the superior Western militaries intervening and crushing those dirty commie fucks before they can infest entire nations.
Kill yourself shitskin.
What's it like being a useless nigger and nothing but a biological weapon used by Jews to destroy other peoples and nations?
He looks like a Santa clause who would rape you and shit in your bed afterwards
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i wonder where he got the idea from.
arabs/niggers/american soldiers/indian pakiniggers added on the list yeah I know its bad out there.
I remember watching a JP movie where this one guy got falsely accused of groping in a train and was defended by a woman that he didn't do it, they changed judges after it was smooth sailing and the new judge slammed him with false accusations, solely based on him owning physical pornography relating to train groping lmao.
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Japs are still ignorant and pacified. They live on an Island completely oblivious to the destruction of the brown horde that has now arrived at their shores, eager to molest and rape their country to shreds. The next country to turn subhuman has been decided.
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at least half of the javs are some kind of rape scenario. my favorite is the ones they bully their teacher into become a sex slave.
Too bad Satan decided to destroy Japan too. he probably did that so Whites can't say mass immigration is only going to White countries.
Japan belongs to pajeets
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probably because they like kinky stuff, but they also understand consent, they also have prostitution if you want that shit lmao. (only for japanese though, foreigners need not apply.)
I love Japan, would love living there.
That being said Japan needs to abolish democracy and bring back the shogunate.
May as well be the only way they can preserve their culture and customs.
inb4 case dropped as always
part and parcel
They aren't a democracy thoughbeit.
I wonder what you would do if the Taliban were to settle in your country. Would you try to lunch them? They don't exactly take it lying down you know.
it's an untranslated article, you nip! post a link without your moon runes!
Go back to India shitjeet
I've seen a noticable rise in poos lately. Went from seeing then once a year to adjust every day.
The odds are high. There's a very little amount of japs on 4chan and they mostly reside in /int/ and /jp/. The jap flags you meet on /pol/ are almost exclusively english teachers, Sgt. Sanchez, tourists or jeets.
>pakistan national
Gonna need a list for jeets soon.
The taliban are kinda based and anti-globohomo, but those faggots hate any other sort of art that isn't religious so idk
>Gotta give props to the news media in Japan. At least they don’t do cover stories for them and their crimes
In the sense that they have 12-14 year old brides. And if you kill one of them expect a hail of gunfire on your family or RPG attacks. They attack military installations here and attack the families of high ranking generals out of vengeance over the most petty things
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
Why don't the British just kill all the Pakistanis?
We have nukes. I bet we could glass that small island completely. They're most welcome to try
2 years ago Japan announced a new visa for train and taxi drivers.
Around 8,000 Pakistani men moved to Tokyo since then, mainly finding employment as taxi drivers.

Why should this ring alarm bells?
because all of the paki grooming gangs in the U.K. were committed by taxi drivers.

What’s an easier way to find and exploit vulnerable (drunken) women than being a taxi driver at night.

If you’re Japanese, you should tell your female friend to never get in a taxi / uber driven by a South Asian man
Exactly, and all this Jeet did was to participate in an activity common amongst Japanese, as he started assimilating into the local culture.
>I bet we could glass

Your shitty nook wouldn't even reach the european airspace . nukes only work if you send 2000 at a time
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All thanks to Christianity bringing them the gift of chivalry and feminism.
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This is just normal japanese culture. He read the hentai and knew what was expected of him.
i hate jeets and shitskins, they ruin everything they touch
Hopefully foreigners realize just how shitty Japanese prison is, it's like Russia but probably harder.
Who cares if they are residents and not leaving. Eventually enough of them will be in Japan they will become a voting bloc.
The last time a jap asked me why I want to live here instead of back home, I just straight up told him the west is full of niggers and it isn't home anymore, and japan is turning into the same nightmare. And that he will be discriminated against in his own country if he allows it to happen.
But lately I get a lot of: "holy shit, I saw all these niggers stealing iphones on tiktok, does that stuff really happen?" And you just say "yes, here's a news article explaining how white liberals legalized nigger theft" and they are astounded.
"I Just Didn't Do it"
It's a true story. Utterly depressing.
What do you think Pakistan is? There was no "Pakistan" before 1947. It was created by the British by arbitrarily partitioning India, in order create a buffer zone between India and the rest of Asia, so that we are cut off and isolated in our subcontinent. "Pakistanis" are all Indians. The people in the Punjab province look like Punjabis on the Indian side. The ones in the Sindh province look indistinguishable from Gujaratis. Only the people in the north-west frontier province look like Iranians, because that region was always part of Afghanistan that pakis annexed.

It's a meme artificial country with no history, a culture of its own, or loyalty to the land beyond their hatred for India because of their religion. That's the only thing that loosely unites them.
according to those statistics japanese are 12x more criminal than koreans and chinese are 1.5x more criminal than japanese
Koreans are just too blackpilled to do anything. It's a dead society of crazy feminist witches and blackpilled herbivorous twinks.
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>Another day, another depressing news from our kiked government
>I hate jeets

yea he is a paki muslim
not a jeet hindu .. jeet means victory

>The Japanese government has been telling jeets to come.

>Kill yourself pajeet you are blight on humanity

fuck you english teacher timmy

say yes to Indian hindus
no to paki muslims

fuck off SEA monkey

say no to muslims

>>I hate jeets
>yea he is a paki muslim
>not a jeet hindu .. jeet means victory
>>The Japanese government has been telling jeets to come.
>>Kill yourself pajeet you are blight on humanity
>fuck you english teacher timmy
>say yes to Indian hindus
>no to paki muslims
>fuck off SEA monkey
>say no to muslims

if its muslim
its gonna musim
> It was created by the British by arbitrarily partitioning India, in order to
split India along religious lines, to keep India weak
(The brits did the same to Malaya: cut off the gem Singapore and gave it to the Chinese secret societies, to keep Malaysia weak).
The filthy fuck couldn't think of a name, so the acronym-ed it from the provinces that made it up:
> It's a meme artificial country with no history, a culture of its own,
Yes, that is why it is weak.
Same as Ukrainistan, with its new post-Maidan Banderite, Russophobic identity.
You realize you are the nigger in japan right? They don't want you there just like you don't want niggers in your home country. You realize it's a problem so why do you do the same thing
> jap. > they dress their students like whores > they are a sexually deviant people > come to pol to complain because the brown people compete with you
Every response prior to mine to you is the exact opposite, I think his actual Aryan patriotism and sense of duty just makes you seethe, because there's none of it in you.

You're the problem, not him.
Muslim sarrs here they come to Japan .
Japan will become japnistan
>jeet mad gooks don't let you shitters in like japs.
Pakistan's economic and military power is less than shit of a cockroach.
You are a bunch of cowardly, low IQ Muhammadan shit who have never won a war in history.
Muhammad is an ugly stupid rapist with Down's syndrome.
We can wipe all Muslims and Muhammad off the face of the earth.
>there are noticeably more Jeets than 2 years ago in Osaka
Saars please go to Tokyo
I always hated Indians. But I just realized that Indians might be right.

Why not just pretend to know what you are doing while fucking everything up at work? Why not stare and grope with your buddies? Why dont we just dump everything into the ocean? Why not just poop on the street?
If you commit rape in Japan, you will be sentenced to a minimum of ten years in a strict prison.
Furthermore, after release from prison, rapists are deported to their home countries and cannot re-enter Japan.
Where's the "I'm white" posting Paki Abdoool now?

legitimately angry
thank you
>you need other races replacing you or your race wont survive
Why do people fall for this retardation?
That nepali rapist disagrees with you
You are ugly, black, Pakistani sex offender-approving trash.
We need to kill all you dark skinned stinky blacks and Muslims.
Shouldn't have been in the designated rape carriage if she didn't want to get raped.
In 1950 when the Netherlands had 10 million people the queen said the Netherlands was full.
We now have 18 million people. And you still have retards who believe we need even more people.
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This paki is clearly integrating into Nip culture as molestation on public transportation in Japan is so common they had to introduce women only carriages, been this way for decades
/Pol has been infested by muzshitinsect vermins.

You know why /Pol has been behaving retarded lately, their prophet raped a kid, and was Gay.

What else would you think /Pol would behave after being infested by these vermins.

The following flags are muzshitinisects.


These above flags can prove they are humans by typing "prophet Muhammad was a piece of shit".
All Muzshintinsects will Die the same way prophet muhammad died, like a dog.
lurk 2 years before posting newfag
These fucking jeets and pakis are going to ruin Japan for all tanned tourists. Fuckin hate a jeet so much it's unreal
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Seeing Indians behave like Indians the world over, its hard to believe anyone can deny the reality of concrete racial differences.
so what, the more countries that openly resist ZOG the weaker ZOG becomes and the freer we become.

Everyone everywhere needs to redpill/blackpill the fuck out of those around them at any moments. Steel yourself and break those around you, itll tear this shit down faster

the accelerationists are correct.
Its odd how you swarm these threads.
most of migrants in european countries are from other parts of europe too yet you scream muh europe has fallen every day you bug loving weeb mouthbreather

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