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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Japan is lost. It's over.
I guess this is why they were killing themselves
No ranji, you can't come in. You smell of curry and shit.
>not liking the smell of curry
You can hate the rapists and shit covered monkeys but how can you hate curry? Curry on rice is fucking amazing.
bro, let's be real here. as a small framed and noticeably effeminate english teacher from america, the likelihood of you doing shit is practically nil.
it's over.
Many people get a bad first impression if they go to a poor quality restaurant
idgf about japan
i only care about my country
And you won't do shit, your "way of the warrior Bushido" is utter, worthless BuSHIT-DO.

You have no balls left, pussy.
At least here in Germoney we are closing tye borders. Sure, we neee to expel tye arabs, Turkroaches and pajeets, but the winds are changing
>Japan is lost
define lost
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owari da weebros... we got too cocky desu and must commit mass sudoku
Till you get the vermin out of your government YOU won't do shit. You won't even be allowed to talk about it. I'll believe it when I see it.
sudoku? nan da ke?

Fuck me forever for having to use this damned VPN while I browse 4Chins and unload untold amounts of pdf books.
Fuck Olaf
Fuck the Greens
Er hat rechts. Er werde wiederkommen
Fuck Jannies
china is still around and things are looking up for them
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Imagine posting this on a japanese anime imageboard. You seem lost, go back.
You wish I was in Mexico, you Mutt. The glowies here are on full alert monitoring the ISPs, thats why I use VPN while on city network.
Also, fuck you for not cleaning your house of pajeets, niggers and juden. I guess at least you are not speaking German, amirite?
You didn’t see 200+ threads of cherry picking webms about shitskins in Japan?
>shitskins in Japan
That is the sacrifice I am willing to make.
hello newfriend
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it's always been chud, at least their senate elections are funny to watch, have you seen that tachibana guy?
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