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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is individualism the soul of the white man, or a Jewish psyop?
It's both
Jewish and capitalist psyop.
Humans are pack animals. Only rare few can survive on their own, the rest need to live in packs.
The capitalists / jew found this out and are braking kids with this individualism in schools bullshit . Then kids start having psychological issues and would need drugs, more profits for the big pharma.
> and are breaking* kids psychologically with this individualism in schools bullshit .
In the present neo-capitalist society where an individual’s social identity is largely defined by her/his nature of consumption, television commercials have emerged as major constituents of identity formation. Complemented by its visual dimension, commercials simulate a recognizable matrix where an individual is able to locate herself/himself and is made to believe that s/he is in control of her/his own consumption practices. This in effect creates what Adorno would call “pseudo-individualization” where consumers are endowed with the “halo of free-choice” which in effect is “standardized” and mass-produced. Thus, commercials shape and even produce an individual’s identity which subscribes to the interest of capitalism while maintaining a garb of uniqueness and individuality.
First post best post, as is tradition
It is the soul, then weaponized against us, we crave freedom, the jew uses that to say that others wish to take our freedoms away, so that we take their freedoms away, this cycle continues with the jew gaining ever more power over us
How many individualists do you know have a genuinely unique personality free of influence from pop culture and politics?
There isn't a single american who is an actual individual.
In the whole west, for that matter.
Why do you say such divisive things from behind a memeflag anon?
Those who are poor in an individualistic society are more likely to respond to the needs of others as they are worth less. Region for which regardless of whether you are rich or not and care about freedom and possibility of action, choose a suitable civilization accordingly

Political thought cannot be a gut reason, that is to say that if a poor person is a communist or a rich capitalist it means that they are doing their own interests
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Individualism, or man's individual capacity, competency, principles, and potential, is a gift to mankind. Practiced effectively and with diligence, the individual knows that he has much within him while also ensuring he is a valued member of his clan, his tribe, his family, his community.
Hyperindividualism, or at least that's what I call it, is the "too much of a good thing creates a bad thing" to create a shitty paraphrase of Aristotle. Hyperindividualism is a product of the stripping-away of man's previously considered anchors of personhood. He no longer determines his divine self through communion with God, sacrifice for his people, care for his family, the development of his craft, and the preservation and improvement of his community and their way of life.
Hyperindividualism is the monkey's paw version of something better, as previously outlined. It's a product of the Culture Jew and the Market Jew (they're the same person), convincing man that his individual identity is a product, a commodity, something he is able to buy but not able to tie to anything greater than himself. Yet man still yearns for meaning, so he takes his allegiance, the identity he has tied to this or that product, and treats it with delicate care, becoming incredibly defensive on its behalf. Why? Because he has assigned it the valued meaning he craves and the product sets comfortably within the vacuum created by stripping him of his greater potential for identity and purpose. He becomes the eagle guarding a rock as though it were an egg.

Individualism is good; hyperindividualism though, popular and devilish, is cancer we think is good for us.
There is no hyperindividualism as you describe, only mans attempt to escape a jewish hellworld with vices provided to him by a jew
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I think you're right, but in a certain way.
Man attempts to escape the "jewish hellworld," as you put it, by calling upon sources of value. The Jewish Hellworld has stripped man's historical sources of value, popularly at least, and provided him with alternatives: clothes, movies, hairstyles, trends, hobbies, grade-school-level principles, and principles a la the Social Contagion. You can like or even love a movie just as you can prefer this brand of jeans to that brand, but to grasp them as a component of one's identity is equivalent to feeding your body nothing but goyslop and refined sugars. Man yearns for meaning and will find it in what society, determined by the Jew, provides.

I refer to it as Hyperindividualism not merely because it is individual persona and value determined by inappropriate sources, but more importantly because it results in not individual behavior, but hyperindividual behavior. Man would not pray to Batman if his Gods were not taken from him and dashed upon the rocks in celebration of Man's World. He would not consider being a "Wrangler guy" or a "Adidas guy" if the sources of healthy individuation had not been abolished. Man's need for meaning and his desire to conform and become useful works against him when the strings are being pulled. Therefore, the elimination of previous value-sources and their substitution leads to decay along the lines of previously-binding allegiances. "Nobody" believes in God anymore; the value derived previously from religious believes and discipline is replaced by Social Ethics, allowing the bonding nature of reformed religion to die and be replaced by the bonding nature of socially dictated "religion," or Social Ethics.
What I mean to say is that the replacing of value-sources does not simply change that man derives internal value from, but affects every way he interacts with the world, himself, his community, leading towards decay.
Its the soul of the white man, not any type of jewish psyop. "Humans are social pack animals" is the jewish or commie psyop.
Liberals are more individualist than conservatives.

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