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Why is this becoming so common across the West?????
Gender roles are reversing. It's time for men to sit on their arses and do nothing for a few decades while the women can go work themselves to death.
After all - it's what they bitched and moaned about wanting to do for so long, wanting """careers""" like the big boys. Let them have it.
>allow women to vote
>women are naturally more of a collective, and more selfish and narcissistic than men
>all political parties now pander to women because of their inflated egos
>literally zero representation for men in modern society, it completely revolves around women and calling men evil

Gee I wonder why. Accelerate.
he's literally me
>job market fucked beyond recognition for someone without connections
>nothing to train/educate for because there's no clear path to getting a job - any investment, most notably the four year investment and decade of debt for a degree - has about a 6% chance of actually getting you anywhere
>even tradeskills are gigafucked, self employment increasingly difficult and the remaining corps sustain themselves on maximum vampirism and parasitism of young talent
>retail overlords are slashing hours in every single department
>women get free leads into "real" companies because they are not men

very little to do with actual culture and very much to do with people choosing not to walk up a mountain just to fall into a boiling pot of shit waiting at the top
low testosterone makes you lazy and removes the need to accomplish things, you already have videogames for that
all empires went through a phase where most males were neets, you are living in one, it will end in wars like it has always happened, then strong based men who survive will build back society, which will create another century of lazy low t fags
the suffering never ends
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Time to put on those steel caps ladies. You got this!
I'm a male in a rare job where males excel at but where I'm around these office roasties all day and its just amazing guys. You really have no idea how good your life could be as a copy machine repairman.
Nah I'd rather stay at home all day and do whate er the fuck I want with my time I adopted inceldom a while ago and I've never been happier in my life
Maybe because YOUR society sucks ass, balls and that area of skin between the two as well.
Reminder, England lugenpresse considers foreign migrant invaders 'young British men' as well.
Because British men are now all lazy shitskin immigrants how low IQ of a question is this
is that count dankula?
Look, he's smiling. Eating some tasty food, watching something funny. That's a mans best bet for happiness in the modern world. Society and women just want to use you. Leave it behind, let it rot.
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>these office roasties
Useless turds who cannot do shit. Every 1 male has to cover 5 roasties who were never qualified for their job in the first place. A burden on everyone.
>AHH.. I mean
Wooo girl power!
They've been repeatedly told that they are not wanted or needed.
Why wouldn't it be common? Imagine thinking that working 6h a day is normal, even cavemen had working all figured it out once they had food in abundance
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How do they do it? I have to work to keep a roof over my head, how do they get away with not being in employment?

Essentially both of these right here.
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Women

Because working and being in the middle class is worse than the non working lower class. The only difference between the two nowadays is that one has to work 40+ hours a week while having access to less services and programs than the people who don't work get. Working isn't worth it unless it puts you into the upper echelons of wealth.
Because the socital contract of men and women has been broken.

Men dont like civilization, its an antithesis to our natural way of life which is to live as independent wild men as cave men, though in the modern world this means jsut living for your own self pleasure and gratification.

Before the last say, 30 years, the way it worked was men would sacrifice themselves onto the pyre of civilization, building it, mantaining it, defending it, working for it, and even dying for it.
This is becuase civilization benifits women and children more then it does men, civilization is made for women. The reward for this, was that men would given a near guaranteed partner and wife, and the ability to produce off spring to keep the cycle going.
The problem is, women are rejecting their end of the bargin, which their end was, they would tame the wild men, and make them want to be a part of civilization, which they are no longer doing. Mostly because of the sexual liberation movement. The only thing women had that men could not get was pussy, and because now they are handing that shit out for free basically, where sex is becmoing so common that is not much more personal then a handshake, men have no reason to throw themselves onto the pyre of civilization.
More so, women have become more insufferable then ever.
The system no longer benifits men in any way, we work harder, get paid less, odds of the average joe being able to afford a home is out the window, women have a 50% divorce rate, women are whoring it up. Men dont wanna work for used goods.

The societal contract has been broken, its no longer worth playing the game because its rigged against men.
Nature is healing, starting with men first.
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everyones stupid but me. its their fault not mine. i can't participate as im gate kept from everything.
>Gender roles are reversing. It's time for men to sit on their arses and do nothing for a few decades while the women can go work themselves to death.
theoretically true but women are not holding up their end of the bargain
No shit I never knew that’s what NEET meant. I’ve never bothered to look it up all these years. Thanks op for the pic.
>bad chilhdood
>bad adolescence
>bad young adulthood
simple as
This but sans the irony
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>everyones stupid but me
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Sit back
Watch it all fall apart
>Why is this becoming so common across the West?????
Because the demoralization propaganda has been wildly successful
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I never understood why people here harken on about civilisation when an ounce of common sense will tell you it is a racket.
Men play video games because society is shit and pointless stop with the just world cope fallacy
Too much effort.

Either it’s hard to find a good woman or it’s hard gettting a degree, getting a job, fighting to get hired in the middle of diversity quotas and DEI. I can tell you guys my ex got hired applying to a single job in 2015, while I had to apply to up to a thousand jobs. It’s soul crushing bc and demoralizing, we also had the exact same degree from the same school. Having your girl earn more than you while you are unemployed is also fucking rough and adds stress onto the relationship, which inevitably ends up in a breakup.

Easier to chill and do nothing. Less stress and health issues when old age comes around.
Have you seen British women? I wouldn't work to try to impress them either

Not that American women are doing amazing but... British women are still worse.
Video games are the only place men can compete fairly.
>low T makes you less kuck
Wtf I love low T now.
You don't have the option of either
>working only for basic necessities and only for yourself
Very antisemitic.
Because Louise is a mudshark
I work 40 hours a week, but live like a NEET. It's weird. I can't be asked to go spend my money at some playground for adults or whatever the fuck normies do these days with their free time. Just work and go home.
I fuck asians
Based, also the media says that men are "lonely" when in reality they are having fun. Not to play conservacuck but if this was the other way around women would be praised for this, quiet quitting and "sticking it to the establishment."

But we all know that holes are tools used by the elites, however unfortunately for them, the only people who will still give them attention will be dysgenic simps that are repulsive to them.
Kek the British men are staying inside away from the Muslim rapists out side. It's not like they have guns so the best thing they can do is stay out of sight while the women deal with what they voted for lol.
Man... I'd become this man's (or men just like him) slave. I'd clean his house (whatever needed cleaning), cook and bring him food, bring him his drinks, suck his cock on command, whatever he needs. I'd also fuck off when he wants to be alone and not nag him.

Maybe I'll get that someday.
Yeah but he's not gay like you
Go be a vile degen elsewhere, fuckhead. You're broken and society does not want you.
No problem from me. Let women work themselves to death for Jews while being killed and raped by niggers and mudslimes while we live in our own peaceful corner of the world.
>Let women work themselves to death for Jews
300,000$ USD a year to show up at the office and maybe have a meeting about how the company needs more diversity. I'm sure they're really feeling the burn.
based, let w*men work themselves to the bone for shekelstein while I play vidya
To a point most games are over run with woman who takeover spaces become the centre of a small universe on MMOs


Men are leaders naturally, and they know the fuckery needs to stop...like yesterday. Women are virtue signaling den protectors that prefer to maintain the status quo as such conditions generally create a "safer" environment for rearing their families. Sadly their own biology has caught them in the position of lesser nobility in the current state of affairs. NEETs may not be the heroes we asked for...but they are the heroes we need in the current era of criminal jewish fiat
We should all drop out let woman work construction
>turn into NEETs
>companies need workers
>they employ refugees instead

As always, all self-inflicted.
I look like this and do this and am a neet
>>companies need workers
>>they employ refugees instead of natives
>>natives enjoy NEETdom

video games are for fags
Please don’t be a gay little Nancy boy on this website. Sassy clap backs belong on twitter.
the better question is why are women such workaholics? It's like they're normal people up until about age 22 when they become their job. Their job/education is their identity. They're the perfect goy and to be fair a lot of guys are like this too
>be every single corporation and institution
>institute policies to discriminate against white males
>hire literally anyone for diversity to the point you fly in shitskins from other countries to work rather than hire white men
>remove representation of white men from all media, every single brand and media organisation demonizes white men and pushes diversity 24/7
What why are they neets why can't we recruit anyone to the military and police. Are they just going to sit there at home and enjoy themselves? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!?!?
don't do it
when you wanna sgsdfggfd do it
Liar that man clearly has money
Woman are susceptible to Jew programming they basically have peanut brains bred for looks over brains mothers tell them go to college you see how much I hate your dad right? So you don’t have to be with a average loser
>actively push affirmative action in universities
>actively push DEI in jobs
>wonder why young white men aren't in universities or jobs anymore
It's like watching a child learn that putting your hand on a hot stove equals pain.
I'm doing my part
>discriminate against men in every way
Why isn't our men participating?
Yes..... the proper western term for it is 'gubmint neetbux'
those coveted positions are for yentas only. goyettes will cope.
I've been neeting for so long that I'm literally unhireable. People say "mcdonalds" or "warehouse", but they have no idea. They have a limitless amount of immigrants that need to feed their families. They are not hiring a white dude that can live off his parents. I got a degree and some certifications but the depressions, the neeting, then the covid gave me an excuse to keep neeting...

Life is not bad. Food is great and parents are boomers and have savings and 3 apparments. I guess I'm set up. I miss a little bit hanging out with frens and girls and the beers from the student days. But whatever
He’s clearly making money as a photo model for journalists and has appropriate skin care routine and a fitness lifestyle
>actively make society uniquely garbage for men (egalitarianism for men, special privileges for women)
>sexual anarchy and darwinism when it benefits women, puritanism is gender roles when it disadvantages men
>"why are men opting out of society???!/1/1/"
Nope, that is a real NEET, anon. Look at the filth on the sole of his foot, he has been walking to and from the kitchen/bathroom for days without actually washing.
Hope it works out save some money just encase it goes bad anon
Pretty that’s a model
Sounds comfy, not sure how they survive though. If I didn’t have a wife and kids I’d probably just play vidya and smoke pot all day.
WHOA WHOA WHOA! That's not what is meant to happen. Men were suppose to keep on working, while women would join the workplace and put on a show to appear like they were working, getting all the benefits without any of the effort. Men leaving is fucking that up. Do you really expect women to operate a highly advanced technological society without a layer of men to do the actual work for them? This is madness! Men must be forced back into the workplace now!
they dont live in the fucking city. parts of fly over are still cheap though thats rapidly going away as blackrock is buying up every piece of land.
Why should men work? No one will hire you. If they do, they treat you like dirt, and give you a worthless wage. Women are ugly. You can't afford to have a family anyway. You can't afford a house. You can't afford a car. You can't afford to go anywhere. You might as well stay with your parents.
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ive been a neet since 1998
You move back in with your parents, or find a rich roastie to take care of you. Old parents are happy to have you back, because then you can take care of their houses, electronics, etc. and they don't have to pay booku bucks to mexicans and niggers.
How old are you, bro? Do you go to family events like christmas dinners and such?
"Oi! What are you doing out of the basement?! Get your ass back down there!!"
>Toxic masculinity.
>Women don't need men.
>Asks, "Why is this becoming so common across the West?"
>if only you knew how comfy things really are
Jeets, hispanics and nigerians will fill all of these vacant spaces

so nothing to worry about
neets are just accelerating their own extinction, not that of muh elites
Because you wont hire or promote us
Women are more materialistic than men, hence why consumerist societies are almost entirely driven by women spending money on all kinds of useless nonsense. Men are natural minimalists because they evolved to put the needs of their wives and kids ahead of their own. When the wife and kids are no longer there men have no reason to work more than the bare minimum, but women will still be motivated to work so that they can buy new clothes, shoes, magazines, cars, houses, furniture, renovations, trips abroad, theater, girls' nights out, restaurants, and so on and so on. All men need are a TV/PC, beer and snacks, which is a very cheap lifestyle.
I never really worked. I just do odd jobs, playing guitar in public, teaching drawing, doing some portraits. I was fortunate to have rich parents
This post has been made many times in different forms, but it is always nevertheless 100% true.

I have zero reason to actually go above and beyond my mere survival which is and can be rather spartan with no issues at all if I have nobody to do so for. Pussy is cheap, I can always go to a hooker. But that's not what I want. That's not what I'm willing to sacrifice my time, effort, and skill for. It's partnership and intimacy.

If I have no gf or wife, then there's no reason to do anything at all. Everything else is a downstream culmination of this simple and precise fact. No partner = no prospect of offspring, or at the very least intimacy to stave off the loneliness = no reason to work and no stake in civilization beyond selfish self-survival.

Without a woman, I have no reason to do anything. This modern notion that "you need to be squared away first" is backwards and not historically supported. Back when communities were smaller and more interconnected, even in the urban sense, you had to REALLY try to be a complete and total basketcase. You just fell into a job with your family or with good friends of the community, and from there either through arranged suitors or quote-on-quote chance, you likewise fell into partnership and eventual marriage, which then pushed you further from mere subsistence to growth and making things better for yourself, your wife, and potential children.

All of that has evaporated.
because they gave all the jobs to immigrants and yt people are questioning why they should work just to fund people who want them dead?
Men (by and large) have minds like stone, which can be changed and sculpted, but requires much effort. On the other hand, women have minds like mud. Much more easier to sculpt with much less skill. Just throw some water on there (read: get them wet with 'tingles') and start over.
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>graduated with a first in comp sci
>struggled to get any jobs
>finally land one after a while, leave and earn a lot more
>still will never be able to afford a house, wife, kids etc
It's all a fucking scam, fuck working I'm planning on quitting soon and just rotting in my room and working out.
Because being married and "having a pussy to cum in" is such a lie.

Just find a "beatiful wife" and marry her. You will very fast realize how insane she faked everything.

What will happen the moment you are married
>your sex will drop down to maybe 4 times per fucking month
>your wife will complain all the fucking time
>you will now find out about your wife's debt
>your wife will literally flood you will all of her problems
>if you have children, you have to deal with your wife's drama and your children's drama (just look at the lawyer Rekieta who is looking at 25+ years in prison. He basically ignored his children and let nannies do the work)
>you realize your nagging wife becomes uglier with every ongoing day and get walled hard
>you now have to pay YOUR bills, HER bills, your KIDS bills, and of course walk your wife like a dog and waste insane amounts of money for her consOOOOm
>she will divorce you most likely (sometimes even after not having sex for years) and now get 50 % of everything+50 % of your income until she dies

Whoever is so insane to marry... Godspeed, you really fucking need it.

Just ask yourself one simply question before marriage
>was there something in life I had high expectation, like school, college, work, etc.
and then ask yourself
>was the expectation as good as imagined?

And now you know why most people fall into the marriage trap. At worse you think about having some porn like life with a hot wife and it will end in some sea beast who will make you hate your life and having even less sex while married than your incel time.
>Why is this becoming so common across the West?????
Because leaving the house is increasingly not worth the squeeze. It's over and there's really not any big opportunities for improving this trainwreck of a world until the societial collapse post the US government going bankrupt
Men don't do things just for the benefit of everyone else (especially when those people hate them) they do things because they think they're going to succeed and be rewarded. You go out and bust ass because it means you're going to have nice things, a nice house, get bitches, and eventually a wife and children who love you.

Now they wanna say: "Oh no, no, no, goy. We have enough successful people and they'll just always be successful. You need to work all day, live in a box, and eat shit. Also being a man is evil so everyone gets to be mean to you. Stop talking, you're mansplaining."

Why would they care or participate?
Can confirm. I didn't even marry some gorgeous girl. But I thought people saying marriage changes women were just trolling or betas. Nope, 100% true. Sex life gone. Mask comes off and she's fucking insane. No kids and I plan to get out shortly but holy fuck do not get married
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>Men don't do things just for the benefit of everyone else (especially when those people hate them) they do things because they think they're going to succeed and be rewarded. You go out and bust ass because it means you're going to have nice things, a nice house, get bitches, and eventually a wife and children who love you.
I want to take this a level deeper and apply it to interpersonal relationships too, which have atomized to disastrous degrees.

A common platitude that normoids love to espouse is that "you are not owed anything" when you ask for anything in return for what you give, as if that's supposed to be some sort of gotcha. On its most base level, yes that is true, but the miracle of civilization, which was borne of tribalism, which was borne of individual competition, was that that mindset was taken into account, but only applied when truly applicable.

When somebody gives, there is an implicit expectation that it will be reciprocated at some point as a proof of a growing relationship of trust and gratitude. It is never *expected*, of course, because then that's just a business transaction. But when you give somebody something for free, including your own time and effort and even emotional support, it's an unspoken aspect that when the time comes, and you are in need, if they are able they will give back to you likewise as you have given them.

But the problem of today, the deep sickness, is that everybody wants to take but never give back, because that would require commitment, and obligation. Everybody loves to abide their own internal "main character" syndrome, and freely and graciously accept gifts, but seldom do they give it back, and when asked, even in the most demure and polite way, they become indignant - "why should I? I don't owe you anything. YOU ARE NOT OWED ANYTHING IN LIFE. In fact, its YOU who should be thankful to ME for even acknowledging you".

Now multiply this mindset xCivilization, and here we are.
>Gender roles are reversing
No. That's not possible. White males are being mistreated and discriminated against. Conspired against.

>all political parties now pander to women because of their inflated egos
They manipulate women. They do not pander to women. Immigration/invasion and weakening of their own men wouldn't be happening if that were true.
Read this image.
Being a NEET is the superior lifestyle choice. That's why everyone else gets mad if you do it. It doesn't seem fair to them they have to work 8 hours doing some shitty job while you get to do whatever the fuck you want.

Like some dude who works at a parking garage who checks your ticket. You meet him for two seconds and then leave. But that guy is standing there for eight fucking hours hahahahaha. What a buffoon!

You get to enjoy the fruits of society without participating, without putting anything back in return. It's awesome. It's freeloading. That's why people get mad and will cuss you out if you say you're a NEET.
It's always the same result of command societies.
Exactly. If you want my cock, you gotta go out and hit that rock.
The factories are gone. Labour doesn't pay shit. Can't afford a house to put babies in anyway, so fuck it. Let the niggers, pajeets, and women serve each other coffee and shit until it all falls apart.
I was working in a factory producing steel, long hrs and shit pay. My wife makes more telecommuting and barely 20hrs a week. Sucks not getting up early in the morning to work next to a hot furnace during summer.
its fuckin illegal to even hire white men to flip a fuckin burger dude.
whites with 5.0 gpas get their uni applications thrown in the garbage LMFAO
what did you think was gonna happen?
>You meet him for two seconds and then leave. But that guy is standing there for eight fucking hours
kek I love saying stuff like "till the next time" to the wagies at my local grocery store
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is that what NEET actually stands for?
True, I said I'd do it, but of course he'd probably not let me...
Hahahaha!!! You can't stop me! I'm gonna suck as much cock as possible!!!!
Thank God I'm a man, lol!
>spend decades shitting on men and pushing them out of every aspect of society to prop up entitled dead weight cunts
>constantly shit on, insult, and belittle men at a societal scale for decades, constantly robbing them blind in taxes and biased divorce courts
>push government and privat wprograms to push women ahead in employment at the expense of men
>constantly bloviate about how shit men are, and how they're strong and independant and don't need us
Every day I find new depths to my hatered of women I never thought possible.
>whoah why are all the men fucking off?
eat shit cunt
because it's based, working blows a huge cock
No friends, no family, no wife, no kids. When my mom died I realized that I wasn't working for anyone I cared about, but so that the value I created in society could be funneled away to be transformed into graft for the bureaucratic class and gibs for the shitskins.

So I spend most of my time on my mountain waiting to die. I pray I live long enough to see this curses country collapse and for the people that destroyed it to be devoured by the shitskin hordes.
No virgin wives or hope of owning land and all it took was 100 years of feminism
>society does not want you
The problem is modern society does want them. It's actively creating them.
>to go above and beyond my mere survival
the only responses to the incentive question are always in bad faith, they talk about completely not working or living completely off others, when in reality it's just a withdrawal, mostly incomplete withdrawal from society. not going out to bars/clubs every weekend to try to get girls, not working overtime and weekends to statusmaxx in some vague attempt to getting girls.

obesity lowers t for both men and women. overweight women have lower sex drives. both men and women are overweight now
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Did that Trigger (You), you gamer faggot retard?
You sound like a bitter incel. Get a job.
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>give university places to women
>give jobs to women
>wtf why are there less men succeeding now?
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They've let in a disproportionate amount of shitskin males in that live off the system.
Fuck you money is bimodal. You have it at millions, and also at zero.

Even working hard, you can't get ahead. Taxes, inflation, cost of living generally speaking sap any momentum you can generate.

Also, the trajectory of society is fucking awful. Who wants to contribute to a system that fucking hates you, is actively replacing you while gaslighting you. Sap from that system instead. It's a meager existence, but as the architect in the Matrix said, "There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept."
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Burden maxing is rational and ethical . accelerate
>mUh dEmOrAlIzAsHuN pRoPaGaNdA
Or you know, the results of the last 60+ years of shitting on/pushing men out of society are finally coming home to roost.

Propaganda didn't treat me like fucking garbage my whole life, proaganda didn't drag my dad through the divorce courts like a criminal, propaganda didn't have groups like CPS completely ignore my claims about how my mother treated my fsther and I, propaganda didn't get me graded on average 10% worse than the girls in my class who did half the work I did, propaganda didn't have CPS desperately try to coerce and bribe and trick me into claiming my dad was abusive so my mom could get a bigger court settlement, and propaganda didn't make my mom give no fucks when the government withdrew my care nurse day 2 of my physiotherapy/recovery from a childhood traumatic brain injury.

Jump off a fucking bridge you dumb cunt.
>check jobs report since covid
>almost a million american citizens lost their jobs
>BUT 600,000 guest workers and foreigners got hired
Sorry, not getting killed in Ukraine for Blackrock. I still need to ascend in Nethack.
lol shut up cunt
>brag that you refuse to work
>cry that you didn't get hired

Lmao,,,,,the white incel loser ideology
Just because you can imagine a cycle like that doesn't make it true. A certain type of person seems to latch onto ideas like that way, way too quickly, it's not true.
>they hire refugees
>the refugees fuck everything uo repeatedly because they're functionally retarded savages from third world shitholes that can't even be bothered to clean up after themselves requiring white third party contractors to come in and fix everything for 3x the cost

How's your English teaching job working out?
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Yeah baby now we're talking
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>pic related

take the peace of mind pill
>Do you really expect women to operate a highly advanced technological society without a layer of men to do the actual work for them?
Women aren't replacing men in critical fields though. They're replacing men in do-nothing white collar corporate jobs. The fact that these types of jobs earn more money and respect than plumbers and electricians is a symptom of our dying civilization.
>earn more money and respect than plumbers and electricians is a symptom of our dying civilization.

Lmao, these white incel losers think all women make $150,000 a year working for jewgle

Lmao, you retards should go outside instead of posting retard incel facts
Who wants to work to maintain this shit show? let it burn.
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>Posts cringe shit
>Expects to be taken seriously

Bruh what a sad, jewish story you have.
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I've lost every job I applied for in the last year to a woman. No one wants men for anything anymore outside of the most physical job and then I am competing with young dudes for those jobs and I am in my 30s. Even if I can manage to get it together most of the women my age are starting to have trouble having kids...... so why shouldn't I just play games and jerk off till I die. If I'm ganna have a shitty useless life might as well do it on my terms.
Give me a shot at a job I can be proud of and maybe I'll change my tune.
Lmao, you wasted 15 years getting no skills or experience and want to blame someone else for your poor choices. You chose to be a loser so yeah keep playing video games and doing drugs and crying on incel threads that's your past present and future
>They manipulate women. They do not pander to women. Immigration/invasion and weakening of their own men wouldn't be happening if that were true.
Yes and no. Willing or not they are acting out the collective desires of women for shit testing men until men who will actively disregard and chalange those shit test will be present.

Thus the only real solution becoming invasion or revolution /civil war.

At the end of the road the solution is violence. The frankly necessary occasional wife beating has been externalozed ar a stare level, and it has accumulated so many reason to wife beat that it will collapse on its own weight and get the beating it craves be it from invaders or from natives experiencing anarchic descent.

Basically the future is going to end up in CHAZ or Euro No Go zones, unless there is a reformation that disregard electoral choice and barrs be it women or non net contributing tax payers from the electoral process, or reintroduce censitar voting. Or something.

Either the system gets restricted or it will collapse as it can not do anything but further March towards collapse.
real fucking head scratcher, that one.
The West is now a matriarchical gynocracy.
Women gate keep:

Women are clearly in charge. So we're gonna kick back and play video games.
Look I agree things are pretty fucked rn, but unless you've got a bunch of kids or something I don't see how living off SSI is comparable at all to having even a minimum wage job. Everyone I've known on SSI gets around $700 a month (WA). Meanwhile I can make around $3,000 a month working at home depot.
Most of the times you still have to search for X amount of jobs each month and eventually they will probably make your "job train" at some place which means you will be working for free for a company.
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Thinking about stopping going to work.
I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. First thing I will do is stop paying rent, should be about one year or so until they evict me so I'll trash the place real good at the end either way. Just not going to participate anymore that's all, I've just about had it and I'm ready to throw in the towel.
You have to make it happen, not expect someone to give you something. But hey if you're happy playing till the collapse comes, that's viable too. I understand not wanting to support this satanic system.

because fuck it, yolo
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Why NEETs are always portrayed as smiling and happy? Is this how they view us?
>every job I applied for
I wasn't doing nothing and the reason I am applying was because I was made redundant. Pretty much everyone in the company did. All the girls found new jobs immediately most of the men havent.
And it's not just white incel neet talk either, I remember my viet friend telling me with a sigh that no one from his mining engineering uni course got an internship outside of the women who both had the lowest grades.
Lol young "british" men?! What they really mean is non white brits are freeloading bums but are too large of faggots to say it publicly
>Disenfranchise straight white men at every opportunity across every industry
>Straight white men become disenfranchised
How could this happen? What's the connection, bros??
>waiting for your female husband to come home after hitting a few buttons on the dishwasher and washing machine all day and playing video games. Laying down and making her do all the work during sex as well. Feminism isn't so bad is it.
If you don't have a wife and kids what are you working for, what's the incentive to go and put in a 10-12 hour shift somewhere, there ain't, you can support yourself on much less and keep your entertainment and hobbies cheap rather than be a good little worker bee contributing to an economic zone rather than the country, if we still had countries and wives and family's I would see the value in putting in effort.
In old times men were forced to compete because there was nothing else to do, extreme social pressure forced it, the weaker ones got killed or send to war and get killed there. Technology progressed, You don't need that many men to operate the society. The ones who would get eliminated in less advanced society instead go into "rest mode" aka neet.
there are only service jobs in my area left I don't want to be a corporate software dev or office drones that fucking sucks I do that as a side hobby. We used to have big machines to work around with those are gone and so is all my passion.
>wants to get a job
>tries to get a job
>seek guidance and help to get a job
>not able to get a job
>society makes me feel bad for not getting a job despite the fact they offer me no jobs
Isn't it time for "society" to accept that there just aren't enough jobs for everyone?

It's easier than ever to get rich but crybaby losers expect a huge paycheck for just showing up. Start a business tard, sell shit to all the rich women you guys claim there are
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Because s()yciety is an exercise in stupid games for stupid prizes so we will take fun games instead.
>only employment is self employment
>only education is propaganda
>only training is drilling slave mentality into you

Of course I don’t eat shit, of course I only work for myself. Fuck your system all it produces is more inbred retards.
>Start a business tard
With what money? You do realize that not everyone is a nepobaby with rich parents that can give them money?
>by being a penniless loser living with mommy - you win
>crybaby losers expect a huge paycheck for just showing up
ah yes strawman again, no just asking for a job you can be proud of with a check big enough to live with confidence. No one is asking to be rich. Just to live as well as our parents at bare minimum just some security and hope.
Holy based.
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>import millions of male neets
>wonder why there's so many of them
I went from working 20 or less hours a week to 80+ and my quality of life is somehow magnitudes worse. Being cutoff from free healthcare alone has made it where I can't justify actually going to a hospital. On the face of it it's so ironic. Both roads lead to poverty but at least when you neet you are taken care of.
lol not my problem memeflag :)
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And me. Non neets need to lower their fucking tone when addressing us.
Why when everything is clearly going to shit and you're being demographically replaced would you contribute to said system?
Why hold up a society that treats you like shit? It really is that simple. It's why white men aren't joining the military anymore, aren't putting in the hours at work, and aren't going to college. They are happier and more fulfilled playing fucking videogames all day than participating in clown world society, and I am not endorsing videogames. It's more that that's how bad things have gotten, that videogames are more fulfilling.
And I'm not a NEET. I have to work in 4 hours. I despise every minute of waging. I wish I could NEET but I have dependents and don't see a way to make neeting work
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>It's not like they have guns
Kek, even the Taliban mock you faggots for this cope.
Yeah, and? What did CEO Goldstein Shekelsberg think would happen? Is he surprised that people can THINK for themselves and understand that even if they work, they'll never be able to save up for anything or afford anything with the scam that banking became in the last 20 years, more than it was before in any case, and with the massive rampant stag/shrinkflation that's happening? For all intents and purposes they gain more money by doing fuck all and exiting society than wage slaving.
they get a shitload more gibs than SSI. Especially nonwhites, who will be allowed on programs they don't qualify for because the pasties at health services will ALSAYS look the other way for them while coming down on white men with all the laws that were intended to stop welfare fraud.
They get food stamps, they get energy assistance, they get housing and rent assistance, they get free childcare, they get free healthcare, they get tons of discounted shit like Amazon prime, cell phones, internet service, often 50-70% discounted. They get cash assistance as well. And that's before the explicit fraud, beaners will sign up for multiple welfare accounts using names of their relatives, I've known spics with 5 EBT cards. They are a bigger drain than niggers since spics are slightly smarter and know how to defraud the system better.
But even ignoring the explicit fraud, gibs are worth a good 50-60K minimum. The only work would be to do the bare minimum to qualify for EITC/CTC, which can also be done without actually working just by lying about 1099 earned income.
There's a reason "poor" nonwhites are all driving brand new 80K trucks and SUVs. And since nothing is really free and only white men are revenue positive, white men are literally paying for it all.
*Roasties at health services not pasties . But pasties ironically works too since they are often white traitors.
Have a shave.
See: >>481847982
>Shit on men, particularly White men for decades
>They decide to say "Fuck this!" and decide to check out
jews remain baffled.
This is what glownigger pilpul looks like.
Yeah I busted my ass for a job that pays 38k in London and I don’t have a life because it’s not anywhere near enough money. Outside London you drive an hour each way to work to get something like 24k tops for a specialist job. Again nowhere near enough thanks to mortgage and rent costs as well as sky high bills. It’s only slightly worth it if your job can get you some pussy but the broke chavs get tons and the middle classes are practically sexless.

If the government wants to pay me for anything at all I’m gonna quit and sit on my ass.
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Low T makes you think nothing of serving your enemies like a cuck.
Now how did you feel if you did not have breakfast this morning?
No one will hire white men. Even if it does happen, the wages are shitskin wages that you could only survive on if you're also on welfare, and they don't give welfare to white men. The system is rigged against us so we have no choice but to step out.
You got a license for that post?
Damn. I make $45k working at a fucking bp gas station like 3 miles from my house. Well technically my dads house but i do pay $500 a month in rent and do a bunch of shit around the house like lawncare and trashes. I thought i was hopelessly poor
>be the job market
>dont employ the completely trained and skilled white dude right in front of your door
> young British men
Sigh... add it to the list.
>irreversible choices

A child is only an 18 year commitment, as is a marriage if you're smart about it (prenup). Marriage is for the purpose of children, and children are for the purpose of lineage continuity. That poster is just a brainlet that doesn't understand the immortality of men. We don't have biological immortality, we have something more viable, reproductive immortality. You have to fucking reproduce to achieve that, otherwise your essence is wiped from this reality. No body will match your soul enough for you to ever bond to a body again. We all lose our bodies, know this, yet you have not secured a new vessel.
This ramped up around the same time money printing really ramped up. Most men realise when the game is rigged and when its not worth participating.
Things will resolve themselves after drastic change (and deaths).
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Our fucking retarded establishment sold all our once vast, typical men's jobs like manufacturing and workshops overseas decades ago, now focuses on training and educating women and chinks over its own men then demonises us in the media, then replaces us with a million 60IQ niggers and inbred pakis. What the fuck do you want us to do? I'm not sitting in an office typing emails to goldstein all day. I want to make steam trains and shit like my grandfather did
We are based and goated
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Because there's no incentive to try anymore. I could get a job, but I'll never own a house, I'll never have a wife, I'll never start a family, so all that effort would be wasted. Or I could sit at home and play video games and drink beer.
Yeah it sucks here and in most of Europe, we are chronically underpaid thanks to the shitty planned economy thing the EU created
>open quote
>no unquote
woman moment
This makes me feel bad. Don't neet white people. You guys are better than this.
Being around a fefail in any capacity makes absolutely everything about six gorillion times more complicated.
>Oh my mouse is failing and spamming double clicks everywhere
>The enslaved cuck jumps through a fucking gymnastics meme worth of obstacles at each step of: Realizing the mouse is broken, getting a few dollars for a new one, getting the new one here.
>The Chad free man presses buttons and waits out timers
>In fact, he's already done that and a spare mouse is already here because females will teach you you never ever want a centralized point of failure for anything that matters
There's nothing wrong with being NEET as long as you are supporting yourself with your own money
I agree. But then, if I am not owed camaraderie, they are not owed civilization.
I can replace them.
Can they replace civilization?
Like, these some s()ycattle that seethe about men checking out don't understand how if those same men were rewarded instead of punished they might just put in some fucking effort.
I write about this.
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whats the point? i'm sub 6 foot, balding, have no friends or social skills, never held a job and still get acne at 28. theres no reason to try at all
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I'd rather be working in a six figure salary IT job, than be a broke NEET. Guess I'm not one of those "weak men" in that "weak men create hard times" saying.
>have no friends or social skills
Nigger aren't you literally talking to your friends on discord? People like you cuck yourselves so easily.
you're my only friend anon <33
>women get vote
>vote for gibs
>men figure out how to get gibs and drop out of society
>roasties continue slaving away because that's just what stronk independent womyn do
If you do that on the daily you wont be smiling because you will feel shitty as fuck
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>just asking for a job

You have to earn a job not be a parasite and expect one handed to you....lmao where do you get these ideas from Das kapital?Kopitar?

You are competing with people who are willing to work hard for $10 a day and you bring nothing to the table except demands
Because you have access to infinite entertainment now. Used to be you had to work to afford to do anything fun.
>civilisation = men making society safe for women and children
in the UK it is no longer safe for women and children or even uniformed army officers, ergo
>we no longer live in a civilisation
we are on our way to a
>martial state
except we natives are not allowed to defend ourselves or our women and children
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>IT job
You are weak dont get it twisted
Lmao, so the fat smelly loser who never tries or even bathes isn't rich from crying on incel forums?
>competing with smelly browns imported by the government who live in the gutter
yet white men are the problem here
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Based and avoiding YASD from the Gnome with a Wand of Death pilled.
I could wagekek until the day I die or sit comfy at home until then.
No female can compete with freedom.
>Just enslave yourself for a quarter of your natural life for a crotchfruit that has at least a quarter chance of not being yours boyim, it's nothing!
How the fuck are you not dead from a copium overdose?
If I whipped it out and pissed on both of you, that would have more meaning than the contract that rewards her for breaking it. She'd also enjoy it more.
Marriage is for the purpose of robbing men, children no longer serve a purpose for men outside of honest third world economic zones (where they are still breeeeeeeeeeeeding).
>Your genes will be preserved by mating with a dysgenic fefail
Lol and lmao.
>Your soul will remain here
Why the fuck would any human want that?
The absolute inhumanity of you soulless tradcuck NPCs!
What a unfair world huh?
i've never used this, the only site I talk to people is 4chan
Yeah, it's definitely an entitled fefail.
Is it any wonder multiple people have accused me of hiring the triggered NPCs as shills that prove the books RIGHT about everything?
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>There's nothing wrong with being NEET as long as you are supporting yourself with your own money
Nah it's okay, I'll support myself with your money instead, thanks.
Join the official discords of the games you like right now and talk to people. Only beeing on this shithole website is too much negativity for one brain
You can't have a revolution without a large number of unemployed, bored NEETs.
because women don't need men anymore
You all live in rich countries full of lazy unskilled people dying to pay you for doing simple tasks like screwing boards together

>bbbbbut I don't have the $200 of startup capital

Lmao they love making excuses and crying on incel forums how they deserve an easy life

Anyway this guy gives ideas away for free even you soft cunts could saw up some boards with your soft little hands
Pretty much every person in Cambodia would trade places with this ass eater for $10 per day
im not a neet, but got a comfy home office job and support every white man who decides to neet, id rather have white men be neets, than all white men going to work and have niggers and shitskins neet off the white man

i had several jobs in my life, the current one is the best, because i dont have to drag my ass out into some stupid office, nor do i have anybody checking what im doing at work, nor do i have to socialise with fag and nigger huggers, STILL it fucking sucks, because the goalposts keep moving at an ever accelerating rate, everything gets more expensive, but wages remain pretty much stagnant, therefore goals become unreachable

my parents want me to get married, but why should i do that? i cant even get a feminine virgin wife, im expected to take responsibility for some ran trough slore, who made a bunch of bad decisions in her life and now has only 10% of her sexual value left, nah thanks, i dont want the bad bois leftovers, nor do i want to marry in a society, where the man has to constantly walk on eggshells around an expired woman, who doesnt know her worth

im gonna quit end of november, neet for 6 months on benefits (getting my taxmoney back), then get back into a home office job
what lit kino is this
Excuse me I have to go to work now. Goodbye.
>British men
They mean pakis and niggers. Native British men are working sweat and bones to pay jews and to house and feed those pakis and niggers.

Good job memorizing incel talking points but you should read the plumbing codes nigger
High iq = neet, don't care, kill or avoid abusers, antisocial or selective, unnecessary conflict avoidance, clever planning

Low iq = social butterfly, idiot, traveler, promiscuous, gay, empathy for abusers, and narcissism
Oh wow if I just make shelves and sell them on fb marketplace I can be a 1%er too.
Just like that millionaire who totally got rich selling garbage bags (but left out the part where he made 99% of his money through the dot com boom).
Are you actually retarded enough to believe this?
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They will reap what they sow
Check earlier posts.
Whats the job? What skills did you need to get it?
Look at his face. If that's isn't a happy face then what is?
if you are white it is a multi year plan to get some kind of meme diagnosis and then you can lay on your ass all day while you get send the money wageslaves make for you. if you are brown you can get benefits immediately. you kinda already fucked up by showing that you are capable of work, but maybe you can find something to turn into a plan. you just have to stick with it and keep focused. act poor and retarded. when you are around the people who you have to sell your act to, never wear expensive stuff.
money: job
sex: tinder chads
protection: police
social life: female friends
housing: paid by said job

1. they literally don't need to settle for the average male to survive, like when they didn't have the right to work and own property

2. the average male therefore gets little to no pussy, because women have the agency to fuck men they are actually attracted to

3. the average male doesn't feel motivated to work, because he cant bribe a woman into his life through housing and providing

4. they spiral into NEETdom
Wah wah wah


Lmao, no one is scared of you worms you are fat smelly losers afraid of girls, what are you going to do throw your incel folder at Soros
You should go back to r*ddit
>the better question is why are women such workaholics?

because most of them have easy desk bullshit jobs and not hard laborl.
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They love communicating. The fake look of i care so much about you when they talk to each other in the office makes me insane
The reason you aren't motivated is your life is too easy, and because you are an incel (who never tried to get laid) you obsess over sex there's lots of things that make life great other than a stinky hole but your little women don't need men theory besides being mostly untrue in the West doesn't apply in 95% of the worldwide female population
customer service, for a big american brand, theyre the only ones paying an extra bonus for the job, so i work only 6h a day and still get more than all the wagefags doing manual labor for minimum wage lmao

all you need is know english, rest will be taught in a crashcourse over the period of like 4 weeks or something, also dont be a retard
they would rather work a job and have the freedom to live on their own and fuck the men they are attracted to
boomer cope
Lmao, the incel moved to Singapore and still can't get laid because he's afraid of girls
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The boomers fucked you over
No pussy no work, no pussy no war. Simple as.
Boomers are right about everything little boy
Yep, the boomers won't let you incels get jobs or have sex,,,,,lmao we are all powerful
Autistic people who can't stand the clown moments of disguising their true feelings that a wagie would surely experience don't need to be forced to work.
While you masturbate on exhentai, you have a mission to contribute to information warfare, which is of inestimable value in modern conflicts.
Shouldn’t have been so rude towards men
Absolutely correct take.
>Pay jackshit
>Try to foolm everyone by falsifying inflation data
>Fool mostly yourself
>"Why don't they want to work!?"

Tell ya what: You stop paying me in money and start paying me in percentages of a fully finished house.
The percentage in question being identical to those of fifty years ago and taking consideration both of the actual job done and the actual quality of the house.

Can't do that for whatever reason?
Congrats you're too poor to employ people & the "jobs" you create are worthless. You'd contribute more to society by stopping your charade of being in any way useful.
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>Demand government force men out of education and employment.
>Gee, why are men not in education and employment?
Classic. White men when the SHTF, after the collapse of economies and governments, then remember who your enemies are and have always been.
Where is my gibs? Government needs to have more programs for single white men without jobs. LMAO that will be the day
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based and this
The thing is that men from this generation, have become blackpilled by women revealing their true nature.
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>is that what NEET actually stands for?

Neet is Dutch for nits aka a lice egg..
an unhatched parasite in a comfy shell
The thing is, while wagies whine about how NEETS are a "drain on society", the cost of living is so high that barely anyone is an actual net contributor anymore. The average Deano and Stacey couple with 2 kinds are probably claiming child benefit, working family tax credit and all the other bonuses you get for having kids, Stacey probably gets Universal Credit to top up her earnings for her part time job, this country is so fucking expensive that even having a job isn't enough to survive on anymore, so if you're a single man you might as well give up altogether
>Before the last say, 30 years
Nigga the sexual revolution was almost 70 years ago. Women have had voting privileges for over 100 years. Your analysis is correct but your timescale is way off.
Lmao you losers think that wagies are seething about you, lmao they don't think of you at all they are out getting laid and getting paid
Not in Employment, Education or Training
I don't understand you people who are content to NEET at your parents place the rest of your life.

Don't you enjoy having your own place? I couldn't stand my annoying nagging feminist girl boss mom constantly harassing me over stupid shit. Working a job was worth it just to not to have to deal with her barging into my room to whine at me while I played vidya.
Reads 10,000 incel threads turns into a tard loser thinks he's einstein
>strong based men
>people who went overseas to fight for ZOG, politicians and immigrants
No thanks, if you retards self delete they will replace you with a nigger and you cry even more
>Self deletes for zog
>says he's smart on 1488 incel threads
Nah, they're slaving away while Sir Keir Stalin takes half of every pound they earn so he can build more houses for all the boat niggers, enjoy being a slave for globalst Jews forever wagecuck
Lmao you losers will be crying here every day until you are dead
theres nothing more fair than a physical dual, if i can kill u then i win cuz ur ded
ez gg no re
it's time for women to work 80 hour weeks while men stay at home raising the kids
When the s()ycattle think of slavery, they see africans in weimerica only.
Yet, if you examine the lodgings made for them, you will find that literal nigger slaves had it better than most wagekeks.
>Wah wah wah I'm a powerless worm

Lmao, ok, you are, what's next in your retard plan
I will NEET at my own place.
Trouble is that even if you have a full time job here rental costs are so high that you most likely won't be able to afford your own place and will have to settle for a tiny room in some shitty shared house with 5-6 other wage slaves. Last house share I lived in was pure hell, had this one mental Italian cunt in the upstairs room who would constantly be on the phone having loud shouty phone conversations until 1.30am in the morning and would frequently fly into histrionic rages about "ehhhh why you people neva' clean-a the 'ouse, is disgusting!" all because someone left a few beard hairs in the sink. Honestly, you get even less privacy than you would at your parents house all while paying half your income to some scummy Paki landlord who lives the other side of the country and couldn't give a fuck if the house burns down with you in it.
Shoudn't you be groping little girls on the Tokyo subway you creepy nonce?
lmao sounds like my mommy ;3
happening a good bit in my industry. we hire women now because we have to but even the best of them will not be able to physically accomplish the task of an even less qualified, less industrious man. thus they are promoted because they can't really do the job they've been hired for. which leaves competent hard working men like myself essentially stuck and used like pack animals because "well WhO's GoNnA dO tHe WoRk?!?" also you have to be nice to them and can't call them useless pieces of shit like you could a dude because feelings and being "nice" to your coworkers. you know how many times some old ass man called me a useless pussy on the job site? idk if it made me better but it did motivate me to become competent as quickly as possible to not be a called a useless pussy.
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>women cant do the job theyre supposed to do so they get promoted to I WONT DO SHIT

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it blows my mind how many will openly admit to their aspiration of "i just want to tell people what to do." they don't even realize that when you're telling someone else what to do you have to be halfway competent in it yourself in order to expect anything looking like the desired result. they don't even realize THAT. management enables because most men are betacucks. also scream sexism at any pushback or call out. it really is bleak desu
They've been indoctrinated to feel that a good career determines their value.
they are becoming the men the want to marry, but those have become neets because this fake and gay culture
Because they're asstarded.
>Cooking and cleaning for a man that cares about me is oppressive
>Doing the same for random niggers is empowering
it's different this time anon
Doing nothing is always the winning move in this rigged society. Nearly every conceivable action you could take has been calculated two steps beyond what you're thinking to fuck you over somehow further down the line.

I suppose some mythical 200 IQ chess player could come along and play a flawless game, hasn't happened yet though. Jesus was the only one that did that.
It's simple really. Society exists because ugly men will do jobs nobody wants to do if it lets them have sex with attractive women. Take away the sex and the jobs stop getting done.
honestly true. be like water.
I feel like a NEET but I work for 40 hours a week.
>Jesus was the only one that did that.
Died childless and single at the age of 33, betrayed by his friends and beaten to death by an angry mob

I think he goofed somewhere
cathloic nigger you need to bible better ya wee faggot laddie.
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there needs to be a strong correlation between your individual effort and success, and the reward you get out of it.
that's no longer the case in western nations. it doesn't matter if you did well as a guy, some woman who can barely perform the job will get hired ahead of you to fill out the woman quota.
even if you get the job, you will be taxed to fucking shit to pay for all the parasites infesting the nation. so you sacrifice 40+ hours a week without actually getting all that much more out of it.
even if you manage to land a job where you earn enough that it makes a difference over not NEETing, it still won't be enough to actually buy your own property or any other bigger thing you'd like to have.

this impacts women less because they are herd animals and will never come to independent conclusions. unless someone specifically informs them about this, and does so from a position of authority, they will keep staying in a broken system because "everyone does it".
when i got a job i lost my gf because i didnt have time for her anymore and everyone at work is a faggot asshole. this shit in total is complete humiliation, i should never have stopped to neet. i waged for 6 months now and i barely have any money despite not buying anything. jobs now just fucking suck hard, the money should be double at least, inflation turned it all into pennies
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Women don't "work" at work. It's just another social event for them. They're given jobs so they have money to waste and only small or no families. They made big gulps a status symbol because women are that retarded.
i know someone in the uk who sold fake stanley cups from china. the chink told him they contain lead but he didnt care. fuck subhumans make me lol
>this proves i'm basically the same as a general contractor
You kikes are so transparent, as are the fpbp fed faggots. It's also worth noting that in traditional Jewish culture, the woman would go to work while the male stayed at home to study the talmud. They infused this onto our society via feminism. It's their culture.
obviously you need to be a professional or have your own business to make money, thats OBVIOUS. the retards these days want big coins for toilet cleaning ffs.
you can invest your inheritance, live off of dividents. theres a lot of things you can do other than memeing a crybaby.
Women managers will actually bitch that their male underlings don't respect them too. Well no shit. No man wants to suffer under some fake meritocratic hierarchy for some narcissistic cunt who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about who men can't naturally command respect. The master / apprentice system is fucking gone now and replaced by whining women enforcing rules for faceless institutional investors, and nobody likes it except parasites of one kind or another.
>you can invest your inheritance, live off of dividents.
Just wait for mom and dad to die! LMAO. Great advice, faggot.
Another enlightened tucker carlson discipe with the old "weak man make hard times, blah blah" bullshit line of reasoning. Only good times don't make men weak, kikes/race traitors/undermensch do.
You're a retarded revisionist. My grandpa worked as a mailman and had his own decently sized apartment where he lived with his wife and 8 children, on a single income.
That is impossible nowadays, no matter how frugally you try to live. You cannot have a nation full of nothing but business owners, or else you have no one who works in those businesses.
And you cannot have a nation where everyone who is not a business owner lives like a slave, because then the system will just collapse like it currently does.
>more than women
women are professional finger pointers, it's in their nature.
she can see that the light bulb in the hallway is broken. she knows where the fuse is. she knows where new light bulbs are. she knows where the ladder is. she knows that you will not be home for another 7 hours at least.
but she will just make a mental note to bitch at you that she had to live with a dark hallway the whole day and you need to fix it ASAP.
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>for a few decades
try millions of years lel
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>when you think your "job" is to do nothing, know nothing, and be respected for it
you're right about the rule enforcement stuff. also i think women's predisposition to deflect blame and never accept responsibility makes them ideal for middle management. in a weird way, that's literally the job description lol.
hey! samsies germanon!
>i think women's predisposition to deflect blame and never accept responsibility makes them ideal for middle management
Bingo. The problem with women management though is competent men get run out of the organization. And those insecure women will just hire faggots and other people they don't find personally threatening. Women given positions of authority over men guarantees an organization will eventually rot and die.
>steel caps
i fucking LOVE my boots CUH
it's insane how easy it is for a female to get a programming job, and they are always bad
the number of organizations i've seen as of late that are a clueless failson chad with BDE CEO surrounded by three descending generations of attractive enough mother hen HR types would boggle the mind. wait, no it wouldn't lmao.
>Verification not required.
>Pay jackshit
>Try to fool everyone by falsifying inflation data
>Fool mostly yourself
>"Why don't they want to work!?"

Tell ya what: You stop paying me in money and start paying me in percentages of a fully finished house.

The percentage in question being identical to those of fifty years ago, and taking consideration both of the actual job done, skill level, and the actual quality of the house.

>Can't do that for whatever reason?
Congratulations, you're a late stage Jewish State Communist, you're too intellectually poor to be rained free fiat money on to "employ people". The "jobs" you create are worthless and make the world worse, no, you can't do that for whatever reason because prices of housing are order-of magnitude growth exponential per decade, and wages are stagnant, the Banks are kicking around the idea of 50 and 100 year mortgages to afford median houses, and 30 year mortgages for a shitbox. You'd contribute more to society by stopping your charade of being in any way useful. You people are why Communism always fails and leaves half the population dead after "Antother try". America is a Communist country, you did it again, you can't help yourselves, and now it's time for billions to perish.
a million years ago i had a female roomate who was an engineer. she was smart i think, but only because she studied 24/7. after she got her engineering job she would at least cop to the fact she was hired because she was a women, was put on the cushiest gigs, and was fawned over at site visits because she had a vagina. this was 15 years ago.
Boomer harems are a workplace menace. I worked for a small research group and there were dozens of young men chomping at the bit to build stuff and get their careers started but they just couldn't because they would make women look incompetent so they got undermined and pushed out so older men who were out too lunch could get daily female admiration.
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>because prices of housing are order-of magnitude growth exponential per decade, and wages are stagnant, the Banks are kicking around the idea of 50 and 100 year mortgages to afford median houses, and 30 year mortgages for a shitbox.
The only job that has any value is increasingly, nigger killer.
Btw these are nigger gender roles.
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>Giving women want they want
How long before "Assemblywomen" becomes reality?
lol boomer harems. truer words anon, truer words..
They were right about bombing Japan
Have a good híbrid work and I pass most of my free time playing Elden Ring nowadays

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