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Yay behavioral sink!
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I hope that this goes well!
The elites really underestimates how the average man can live with the bare minimum without consuming shit and maintaining this gay industrial society (and its consequences).
I don't think this is nearly as prevalent a phenomenon as it's made out to be, and it's really just excuse making (look at how lazy they are lmao!) for more mass immigration and stripping of labor protections / welfare provisions
They genuinely believe that the majority of humans are non-sentient animals placed on earth only to serve them. That's why they always get blindsided when the humans figure out the game and decide to stop playing.
By 'Irina Anghel'. Romanian hands typed this
Medical studies here are now 70% women, law in some fields is even higher
>What do we want?!
>Nonparticipation in society and free gigs!!
>When do we want it?!
Unfortunately the elites seem happy with this
its due to the increase in foreigners. they gamed the system to get here, and theyll continue to.
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They aren't 'rightwing' extremists our in the west are on everyone's watchlists including in our country
>They genuinely believe that the majority of humans are non-sentient animals placed on earth only to serve them.
yea many fags here dont understand this. the people in power despise the average goy. we are the niggercattle. if we are white or brown doesnt matter to them, thats why they need to be removed completely. the current leadership of the west is absolute garbage everywhere.
heres another free pill for you: feminists want you dead as well
Yeh, incase they get off the couch
hunger is a great motivator
>NEET epidemic in the UK
kikes big mad
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Be a business owner or a NEET
Anything in-between is cuck tier
how about you pay them their fair share of the surplus value they produced?
if their income gets taxed to shit so women and shitskins can do nothing all day, then they might as well join them and also do nothing all day while collecting gibs.
socialism never works, because it rewards laziness and punishes effort. the only question is how fast it will die, but it always dies under the parasitic behavior it promoted eventually.
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>Destroying society by doing nothing
Based bongs
>hordes of immigrants
>suddenly high unemployment
I wonder why.
>the surplus value they produced?
What do you do for work? How much surplus value do you produce?
They honestly aren't wrong. After covid and the people I once respected repeating what the tv says about trusting the experts without any facts and data to backup claims made me realize most people are cattle.
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>doet niets wint
There's literally no jobs unless you live in London, have a niche Masters degree and 5 years of experience

Entry level middle class jobs in an office or whatever are pretty much a thing of the past
you missed the important bit: you are part of the cattle. if you want to or not, it not up to you.
I simply won't work.
More than you ever will most likely. I am not a NEET, and my income is in the top10% for Germany.
That doesn't mean that I can't clearly see the problems of the current system anyway.
When some slag gets paid 70k to waste all day on making 5 power point slides no one will ever even look like, and at the same time the brick layer who helps build homes makes 40k, you clearly have a dysfunctional system that is doomed to failure because it encourages parasitic over productive work.
That's nice, but what precisely do you produce and how much surplus value is being taken by someone else?
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Most wagies, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and oversaturated world, knowing that all their struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things.

Also having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life waging, coping and thinking you were going to do all those great things only to soon realize none of your dreams even materialized and there is no escape except the rope.
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NEETs holding down the fort as usual
Only around 70% of people went along with it, which isn't great but is far from the 99% they were expecting, especially when the other 30% are mostly the young men who they need to make everything actually work.
I dont want to spend 40 hours a week with brown people.
I am trying to build a business instead.
Ancient men in the past already revolted for far far less injustices than what are being committed now, I mean sometime wars were literally waged just for fun and glory back then. Revolt will simply never happen, not with modern pacification methods and industrial agriculture. Young men might be upset about their lack of sex, but then they go watch some 4k HD porn specifically tailored to their fetishes and suddenly they don't care anymore for the next 24 hours. They might be upset about their lack of goals and purpose, then they just go play some video games and live vicariously through the characters for a bit. Modern farming methods means famine will never happen again. Not to mention the microplastics and birth control in water ruining what little testosterone young men have left.
>Revolt will simply never happen
Wrong. That is literally what all the elites said during those times, you are literally making things up. They key trigger is hunger and poor economy, as soon as those happen you have revolutions. Porn and other distractions are fake in their core, you can't fool the body like that.
well said
I'm genuinely considering transitioning to grift my way into a DEI position
I already addressed hunger, it will simply not happen with modern agricultural industrialization. We don't live in medieval times where we pray to the rain gods for good crop harvests, we have farming down to a efficient science. The only possible way it could ever happen is if overpopulation gets so bad that the land can't sustain the population ie malthusian collapse, but even that is looking unlikely as population is now starting to decline.
i'm excited for the increase in modern day Diogenes type characters
>it will simply not happen with modern agricultural industrialization

which they are busy destroying, look at my country as example
Are you retarded? They literally want to buy up all the farmland in the Netherlands (the most productive farmland in the world for its size) and turn it into a city for imported niggers.
How many of the young british men in this study were named Mngubgebe?
Yeah those 'elites' as not as smart as they think they are
what a contrast that will be to tik tok social media culture. the pendulum of time swings
Yea, but most of them tend to not even work in the field, unless you're talking only about doctors, where there's around 50:50 ratio here. The rest of medical professions pay little and require to work hard, so whores just want to get a degree in order to work an adult daycare office job where they do literally nothing but talk all day and respond to some emails.
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muslamics have the highest rate of unemployment
They are so far detached from the average man. They don't even know where food comes from, it appears on their plate. And they don't care, because even if they starve half the planet they will still get enough beef for them. Farmers are getting fucked worldwide.

Not to mention the more shitskins and females that get promoted in the workforce, the worse those industries become. Roads are less safe thanks to Indian truck drivers. Windows gets worse and worse thanks to Indian programmers.

Fuck I hate Indians.
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I was a full-on supporter of No Pussy No Work.
Then I got a girlfriend.
She wants to get married.
I make 52k a year and sleep 4-1/2 hours a night so I can get up at 4:45 a.m. for work.
The zest for life i had at age 25 instead of 31 is gone.
My creativity brusting out of my brain is gone.
I feel numb to reality.
I have mild tinnitus from 70dB hissing air hoses and that is never going away.
My only hope is a professional ear cleaning helps to fix years of QTip use.
But deep down I know.
I probably have lead poisoning.
I felt numb to reality since June 2020 after 6 months of fulltime wagecücking.
I still live with my parents. I have $45,000 saved and still can't buy a fucking house.
If my girlfriend dumped me I would just go NEET. I don't fucking care anymore. I don't even want much I just want 600 square feet that I OWN that's all I fucking need, without a fucking 458 dollar a month HoA fee. I fucking hate boomers. I fucking hate spics. I fucking hate gooks. I fucking hate Jews. I fucking hate bankers and zoning board faggots.
Fuck this country. I almost wish I was single so I could go NEET and fuck these faggots over more. My dick doesn't even work anymore so what's the difference.
We have a system here called 'numerus fixus' meaning that those whores actually take the space that would be filled by a man that actually would go in said field, it is the reason for the competency crises too
That's what I mean. And distribution wise, how many of the UK's youth is imported?
>Not to mention the more shitskins and females that get promoted in the workforce, the worse those industries become. Roads are less safe thanks to Indian truck drivers. Windows gets worse and worse thanks to Indian programmers.

Jup, complex systems do not survive competency crises. You see it everywhere here too, from education to public transportation definitely lower quality then 5 years ago with no sign of inprovment as the older more experienced male workers will age out/die off from the vax
>m-muh you need to have kids
Make it worth it then. Oh, women have freedom and will peace out when it's advantageous for them? Fuck it then LMAO

I work my ass off, but only because I love the work and have nothing better to do. If I didn't have that, it would probably be benefitsmaxxing for me too.
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Your girlfriend sounds like she's not supporting you in your struggle. You should consider whether she's making your life better or worse. No matter how much effort you put in, we all die alone.
There are so many middle age to old white men being shoved out the door or passed over promotions for a female its not funny. And while there are a few competent women who can do it and deserve it, 9/10 can't and are fucking useless SHIT. Pretty sure down in Melbourne Australia there is an all women team of engineers in charge of a tunnel. I don't live down there, but would NEVER drive through it if I did.
Forced fixed amount of females vs men is probably one of the most destructive policies ever empolyed. It causes to promote dumb whores who would normally never be able to get in due to their shit marks, while guys that dreamed about it and worked hard get refused because "equality". Lmao, discrimination is now called eqality.
>it gets substantially harder to do things your parents did, things that are a necessity for the cogs of society to keep turning
>''they'' have decided to make things like home ownership and family a very difficult task, not impossible, but fucking hard
>shock as a lot of men and also women (believe it or not) give up and want nothing to do with it

Normies that work hate it, they do it because they have to or they've been pressured by society to do so but they hate it, all of them. Ones that dont want to simple dont because whats better, government gibs and 40 more hours a week or slave for 40 hours? neither outcome leads to buying a house and having enough money to raise a healthy family for most people unless you somehow hit a high wage. I'm only doing this because Im determined to have kids, I want a family and kids so I will try to have a career in which I can earn modest money but if my plans are made impossible then I too will stop.

reminder that over 50,000 pounds all the way to 125,000 is 40% tax, nearly half your wage gone and thats not counting national insurance and council tax.
That jaw could sink the Titanic.
I'm NEET. Not so young though, 37
>start working full time at 16 for minimum wage
>waiting to join forces
>get in but medically discharged for condition that shoulda been diagnosed when I was a kid
>bounce into retail operations management
>hardly making the big bucks, never have any time for myself with <1h per night for personal time
>settle down for civil service jobs in my home town
>work full time for an noncompetitive salary but comfortable enough
>everything is FTA because recruitment freeze
>work minimum wage jobs in factory between appointments
>last FTA job runs out
>never go back to work
Admittedly, I have a disability that gets worse as I age but I was participating in society for little benefit. All I got from people was shit, my entire life. I got shit in school, got shit working jobs, got shit while working in the service.
Out of it I get shit from anyone for being a leech but I'm not forced to interact with them.

Why would you participate in society? Wage growth has flat lined, you're slaving away for a master, selling your time and getting nothing in return. You're not meeting your hierarchy of needs to self-actualise. You're working to exist.
Because I'm disabled I have a bit more a pessimistic view because I know what the barriers to entry for employment are for someone like me, but even then I still don't think it's worth participating in society at this stage.

Wage stagnation will continue, the working & middle classes will continue to be squeezed. The working classes will be forced to look at those less fortunate and direct their anger at them, that's not going to change in the next 10 years.
The state pension age will get higher, the ladder is getting pulled up. There's no point to working, I do not stand to gain anything from it other than monetary wealth and driving myself to an early grave.
They've reaped what they've sown. You'll catch me over here reading a book.
>Normies that work hate it, they do it because they have to or they've been pressured by society to do so but they hate it, all of them. Ones that dont want to simple dont because whats better, government gibs and 40 more hours a week or slave for 40 hours? neither outcome leads to buying a house and having enough money to raise a healthy family
The great thing here is we've been groomed into hating those who choose to be NEET or claim benefits etc.
Wagies actively despise us and wish to strip it away but I wish they could experience it too. I'm for concepts like UBI, for them not having to sell their soul over 40 hours a week to make ends meet.
They should have time to read, to game, to have a family and live. Time to do anything beyond maintaining their existence to work. We're told if you can't afford kids don't have 'em and it's wrong, if they WANT to have kids they should be able to.

End of the day: They're not making megabucks, they can't afford to buy a house or to have kids so why would I want to force them into work for my sake? I want them to be compensated appropriately for their time but I will not give in to a crabs in the bucket mentality pulling them down.
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Start organizing, if the situation were hopeless their propaganda would be unnecessary
The interesting thing, if you look at Boeing, is just how suddenly it falls through. They must have been hollowing the company out for decades but until this year everything looked fine on the outside. Some time very recently a critical mass was hit, and almost overnight the name became synonymous with deathtrap.
Yeah very good example of this and more will follow
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Dont care. Play with my cat.
If you have 45k cash in hand and you still can’t buy a house, you live in the wrong place anon. Sounds like it’s your location that is the problem. I only needed about 15k total for a 300k house.
How did you get this photo of literally me?
So immigrants? Go figure.
Boomers don't give a flying fuck. I have no idea what the fuck is so "fun" about cruise ships. But apparently they are worth spending 40 years of retirement savings on.
no clue what's so fun about it too, why not spend more time with family for example
>Revolt will simply never happen
Human nature never changes.
There is absolutely nothing different about modern humans than humans in the past. Revolts have always happened and they always will happen.
I guarantee you the next few decades in the West will be very violent
>I guarantee you the next few decades in the West will be very violent
this and I would argue it already is
It's that or the nursing home. I'd pick the cruise ship too.
Well every brownoid that sets foot in Britain gets given housing and money for free. Why do they expect white people to keep working - just to pay everything they earn in taxes to support Mohammed and his family of 8 kids, while living in some tiny one room apartment.
There's no future for this shithole failing state, not for white people. Hardly surprising men are checking out. There's nothing left to strive for. Let it all come crashing down.
I'm the man. it's my job to provide. Also she wants kids so if she's gonna have them I'll have to be the only income anyway. I'm not paying for some illegal immigrants to abuse my child for 1200 a month.
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Just stop playing and allow it to fall apart. But keep a lookout for falling planes and machinery experiencing catastrophic failure. I would mention food but it's already a toxic hazard as it is
Yeah I can get a 3 percent FHA loan but I won't be able to afford the 2000 dollar a month payment alongside everything else. I don't want a McMansion I jsut want a little cottage I don't need much but no one allows it because of minorities and white trash.
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Just look at the Dutch tax pressure by the way
they were all activated it was crazy, especially women fall prey to the herd mentality. My mom and sister were taping the doors to prevent the covid coming in and didn't use the balcony cause they thought it could be an airborne virus.
It'd make little difference.
The two year covid bux experiment demonstrated this. The birth rates went DOWN! Not up. The problem is not financial. It's that normies don't believe in anything, and all the people that COULD make them believe in something are public enemy #1.
>Young British men
I doubt that they're British.
It's this for anyone in this thread who's actually lived/worked in the UK. Not to mention you almost have to go through uni if you want a decent job. And that's all reliant on A Levels. So if you fucked up then you're fucked essentially. And you want a reputable uni since the UK is so fundamentally class based. People care mostly about status. Has been since the Normans invaded and installed themselves as the ruling class in 1066.
it also doesnt help that the dole doesnt allow you to get an education while on it to get out of the situation, most courses even part time are over the allowed hours
Good thread. Have a bump.
Nice to see some anons so based and reality pilled.
Thanks, the previous thread is also worth looking at:

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ive not worked since 2011, and even then it was posting leaflets in random peoples letter boxes. i did half a round and dumped the leaflets somewhere and stopped working since
not sure how British people can stomach working when you can get over £1500 a month plus free rent if you act retarded enough
I'm one of them. I turn 31 this week and I've never worked a day in my life. The game is rigged and I'm not playing. Fuck being the only English speaker working in my local Amazon warehouse, destroying my body to get taxed to the hilt to fund the ooga booga takeover of Britain, it ain't happening.
I saw the last thread made on this, seems everybody is more or less in agreement on the issue
I'm in my late 30s, never married, no kids. I'm a fully remote worker and spend most of my time abroad. Highly doubt I will ever have kids. I can't even afford a house, let alone start a family. I will inherit between 500k and a million at some point in my 40s. I will then retire in some shithole to drink beer and sloth max until I die. I've already accepted my fate. happened between 35-38. I now feel at ease.
also, what are the recommended shitholes to retire to? the Philippines? Uruguay?
22% of men in the uk are economically inactive, compared the official government 'unemployment rate' of 4%. meaning that 18% 'cannot' work (ie. depression, anxiety, aids). what is the answer to all these blokes NEETing around? MORE FOREIGNERS! NEETs are the reason we're being replaced. but then again, its too late to change now. i'm going to continue NEETing around for the foreseeable.
I do believe it was Germany that just announced it would be taking in 250k Nigerians annually from now on so those naughty niggers will most certainly be slurping up any surplus value the German population produces for the next few decades/centuries
Got a job interview tomorrow boys.
But what about the potential tax burden! :o
Most of the foreigners they're importing are on benefits too though. Muslims don't work, not officially anyway.
teach me senpai
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uc(£400) uc lcwra(£400) and pip top rates(700 odd)
use this

as for starter advice? depression, anxiety are the obvious ones. say you have anger issues around people or something and you might get a personality disorder diagnosis too. alcoholism is a good one, like say you cant go outside without a drink due to anxiety and bad thoughts etc. you can say you piss yourself at the thought of going out due to fear. try telling your gp all that, get it on your record then apply for the above. dont give up either, the system will just ignore your applications but they cant ignore a tribunal(which will last like 2 minutes and in your favour)

okay good luck
>ancient men
The French do it a couple times a month.
Thank you!
the real epidemic is wagecucks still breaking their backs for a non-existent future
thanks anon
>worthless tapeworms get money for being '''''''depressed'''''' and '''''''anxious''''''
lmao the retards who run this shitshow are a fucking joke
I'm about to move to UK to make some money in order to buy my own house here
I only have a meme degree which won't be helping me that much
Which job could provide me with good money without requiring extra qualifications
The Soviet Union collapsed because people finally realized what a joke it was and stopped contributing to it. Wagecucks are the paypig simps supporting a fat feminist government

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