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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ur father's salary
If u have a disability
Or if I have a single parent

No wonder all high caste middle class men want to move out of this country

Indians are the dalits of the world
Nothing is more oxymoronic than a "high caste" indian
And one moving to a western country to escape the lower caste Indians is extremely ironic
Your cast system and society is fucked in the head. I remember reading a news article about some 19 year old lower cast guy who got beaten to death and set on fire just because news spread that he had been accepted into medical school. Can you explain this retardation let alone justify it?
High caste indians are the highest earning ethnicity in UK and USA
>No wonder all high caste middle class men want to move out of this country
Do they realize their caste doesn't matter in the West and all Indians alike are seen as insects?
Low caste indians deserve their own country. Put them all on an island.
Yeah I mean you can dump a few hundred grand into a septic tank full of shit and I guess it would be worth a lot in a financial sense lol
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>every Indian should be caste-rated
We are not equals you are beneath me. Your caste systel is to keep indivduals like you in check. Leave my country and do not return rajeesh.
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No they aren't.
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>hire indian ceo to please the jew board members and allow company to set up operation in india for dirt cheap
> indian ceo hires indians
> we are ceoz saar
you are truly subhuman
Compared to what? Poor whites? If you compare high caste Indians to well off whites you are nothing but a stinky brown rapefugee poojeet
The only logical cause of action for an Indian is suicide
You are all dalits to me.

>Indians are the dalits of the world

I always find it hilarious when the descendants of peasant pig farmer's have the audacity to call anyone else a dalit.
>Your cast system and society is fucked in the head
No, it's actually based. Castes aren't imaginary, they are actual racial groups. We should do the same thing in our countries.
Better be a pig farmer than a pig.
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>high caste middle class men want to move out of this country

Just lol

Then thank God I'm not Finnish
Your highest caste brahmins are literally killing each other over opportunities to come to my country and clean our toilets lol
The difference is, in the west people got social mobility and a merit based system, while you fuckers keep adhering to bronze age nonsense. Thus you find it funny because you cannot grasp it.
>Get rich on slavery
>Push social justice bullshit on social media

Trash, hope your Money becomes worthless as you are.

Nobody is dying lol. Competent people with an education easily get picked up by companies. Usually over the white locals who would do a shittier job for twice the price. You can collect paychecks cleaning our toilets tho

The west has affirmative action. It's just that ours is worse
That one is obviously edited, and the data is probably faked/manipulated as well (cherrypicking studies.
A picture is not evidence of anything.
You will not be able to convince anyone of anything by showing them a picture.
The fact that people still try to do this, is funny and sad.
Poo in the loo. You have an entire subcontinent containment zone to shit in. Now youre spreading your shit, even the most suicidal liberals hate you, and even niggers look down on you
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I could easily beat both of you up at the same time
beating him up wouldn't do shit retard, you could literally cut his tongue out, gouge his eyes out, break his legs and cut his hands out (in a video game) and he would still parrot his beliefs until he dies, you got zero clue with the type of mindless golems you're dealing with.
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>beating him up wouldn't do shit
It would enjoy it. It would be very cathartic after a lifetime of being around insufferable indian nationals
I'd say muzzies, then jeets, mostly due to muzzies having all the cons of jeets + enormous levels of violence and gibsmaxxing.
muslim jeets tho are probably the lowest rung.
>Ur father's salary
>Enough to pay for your mothers services regulary, thank you sirs.

Easy as that.
jeez look at those things jiggle
ah jeez
And drug dealer is the highest earning occupation in Eastern Europe. Being a criminal doesn’t make you a good person.
this guy knows..
We all know there are no toilets in India
>No wonder all high caste middle class men want to move out of this country
Wait what, I thought the Indians we see in our countries are bottom of the barrel low castes.
Are you saying they are high and middle class?
It's a complete no brainer that kikes earn more money than Pajeets.
yeah, per household. because you stack 20 of yourself into a 2 bedroom apartment, kek.
India has a literal rape culture because most Indians support it. Otherwise they'd do something to stop it. India truly needs feminism. The human rights abuses going on in India is absolutely sickening. India is the worst country on earth and even African countries look like a paradise by comparison. It's time to boycott all Indian stores and companies until they stop the mass rape of women. 90% of rapes go unreported in India. In India, you have a patriarchal culture of male entitlement, men are spoiled by their parents and never disciplined when they are children and so they grow up to be over-grown manchildren, spoiled brats, and they think they are entitled to sex, entitled to a woman's body, and so entitled to rape her. India is proof of why the patriarchy is evil. Most of the anti-woman threads on this board are posted by incel indian men, incel asian men. Only feminism can fix such a broken culture. Indian men need to be disciplined by their parents and stop being raised as a bunch of spoiled little man-children with massive egos. Of course, the bigger the ego, the more fragile it is, which is why indian men get so triggered and offended by the idea of women's rights, feminism. They take feminism as a direct personal attack against their horrible culture of abuse of women
India has a very serious problem with rape and most indians do not give a shit. 90% of rapes go unreported in India and so India has the highest rape rate on earth if you include the unreported rapes, thus making India the rape capital of the world. And indians dont even feel ashamed of this. Hell, some indian men feel proud of rape. India truly needs feminism. The horrific sex crimes, rapes, gang-rapes that take place in India are horrifying. Indians should be horrified and ashamed. Why don't they do anything to stop this? Why don't they create a fast track court system to put rapists in jail? Clearly, most indians do not care or do not see rape as a serious problem, otherwise they would demand change. And as we've seen on 4chan, many indian men actually feel proud of rape, they laugh at the rape victims and think rape is something hilarious or funny. It should break our heart to see this horrific culture of abuse and rape of women in India. We all have mothers and sisters, imagine if your own mother or sister was getting gang-raped and murdered. No serious action has been taken to stop this rape culture. It can therefore only be concluded that most people support it. Otherwise they would demand an end to it. How can such a culture even be fixed? A culture where women are treated like livestock, animals. If only indian women were treated with as much respect as their holy cows
They just using data from when it was really hard for pajeets to immigrate and the average that managed to leave that hellhole was a light skinned potty trained engineer. Nowadays the average is a barely literate 'student' that works in food delivery whose skin color camouflages the feces stains on its hands. The Uber Jeet.
So wait, you're telling me that kikes pushed around a few numbers and published some chart based on nothing, and now you're claiming supremacy?
Is this really what is happening right now?
You're actually falling for this shit?
That's hilarious.
The race of scammers gets scammed, by the Jew no less.
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
>H1b visas
>small % overall population
If Americans were to move to India we would be in the top 0.01%, but let's be honest. Your homeland is trash.
Sorry Bruce, meant for>>482773987
What's that smell?
Pagan(extremely fucked up rituals)
Eat on sidewalk
Poo outside
Ride on top of trains
Caste system
Won't eat beef, will eat beef dung
Largest population, yet nothing notable to contribute to history except Buddha and indoor plumbing when Aryans lived there.
Rape victims get punished
1.6 billion people, can't get any Olympic medals
Least desirable men in the world
International joke race of the world
Is that Jerry Microsoft's daughter?
>nothing notable to contribute to history except Buddha
Buddha was Anglo-Saxon
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This place has become humorless, I appreciate you fren.
You should move into a shooting gallery where Americans have fun shooting to kill your disgusting subhumans and if you somehow survive all the way through, we should put you in a zoo where we can mock and humiliate forever and you get painfully shocked if you try to speak any other language than english. We wouldn't do this to an animal, they're noble, beautiful creatures, but you're a fun amusement we should torture to death.
All the global Dalits seething ITT
What's the difference between a dalit and a brahmin?
the brahmin shits on a slightly bigger street
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you are so shitty of a race that blackrock itself got an interest of hiring only you rape rats to shit things up everywhere. you are a biological weapon.
>household income
>highest earning groups are the ones that are mutli-family households
mind = blovvn
Indians are highest earners PER HOUSEHOLD because they live 10 to 20 to a house
All indians deserve to be in india wallowing in the grungy gangi
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assuming you meant India and are phoneposting, but maybe they smell like a cheaper brand of cow piss?
>Nothing is more oxymoronic than a "high caste" indian
Early in my career I had an Indian VP call bitching about some IT problem. My principal architect said to me "theres no such thing as an indian VP" and told me to blow him off. This is a fireable offense when dealing with execs. I started ignoring him and lo and behold never heard from him again.
How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning? Dont worry, I mean real breakfast, you can't eat an image
If India is so great and they're such great people, why aren't they in India then? Why do they have to come to the West if they're so superior, Ranjesh?
literally nobody outside of your shithole counry cares about your streetshitting "caste" system
My caste is "top tier white girl puller"

Cry some morr.
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Didn't read.
The part that is actually funny is the peace sign on his T-shirt are the letters N and D in semaphore, meaning "Nuclear Disarmament".

What is even funnier, the irony you enjoy if you're a big brain guy, is that the Nuclear Peace caused by M.A.D. created the most peaceful era in modern History.
So nuclear disarmement like the 70s hippies asked for, would actualy create more wars and more deaths, not less.
>dark roots
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juggajugga juggajugga juggajugga WHOO WHOO
juggajugga juggajugga juggajugga WHOO WHOO
The rest of the world should just greenlight Pakistan launching everything they have at India.
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>Faggot memeflag doing a 10 000 word essay detailing his fantasy of getting gangraped by a bunch of dirty shitskins
Sir, this is /pol/. I think you're on the wong board.
He's been posting this for weeks now in every indian thread. He might be pakistani. Or a female jeet kek.
unfortunately for your attempt at a pun, it should be woodEN ram, so your meme dies.
Literally zero difference.
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>The rest of the world should just greenlight Pakistan launching everything they have at India.
The fire rises!

>Pakistan launched a cyber-attack on India's scam centers. General panic ensues in the (designated) streets, as India's economy grinds to a halt.
>Followed shortly by an all out nuclear first strike, using almost all of its 180 nuclear warheads.
>All the big cities are hit multiple times, just to make sure.
>Huge cloud of toxic fumes rise up. From the hundreds of explosions.
>The wind carries the radioactive clouds of Poo -dust and a small Nuclear Winter starts.
Imagine the smell? Brother, no need to imagine.
The whole entire planet smells like if the Human Centipede was forced to eat 5 plates of curry chicken, and then set on fire.
The deathtoll from the Poo-clouds would probably kill as many people tha the atomic bombs.

What a great idea it is to glass India.
Why not just cover the entire planet in feces while you're at it.
Castes in India aren't done by race, retard
Kind of. If you are white, you are in the highest caste.
Mleccha is the Indian word for nigger
Every problem in the world can be solved by simultaneously nuking india and israel
Total Pajeet Death
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>He's been posting this for weeks now in every indian thread. He might be pakistani. Or a female jeet kek.
Or just a Redditor.
The flag makes more sense that way.

>unfortunately for your attempt at a pun, it should be woodEN ram, so your meme dies.
BOY! *Knife Hands*
>Talking to me as if I made that meme
>Thinks he ca decide "If a meme dies"
>"so your meme dies." Okay faggot, lmao.
>Being a grammar Nazi, but with memes
>Also doesn't understand basic english grammar.

Okay, so let me explain something to you.
It is completely acceptable to say "Wood Ram", even if "Wooden Ram" is "more" correct.
Just like a Wood Stick, a Wood Boat, or any wooden object.
So you're not just objctively an asshole, you're also objectively wrong.

See pic related or Google it yourself, faggot.
Honestly, there are very few things more satisfying than owning a retard who's like
Suck my wood, faggot.
If you only know what being a untouchable really means...
>we are ceo sarrrrr!!!
>My face when
>Posts irrelevant coomer shit
Mods! Can you ban Indian IPs?
india caste system is absolutely retarded, as is any class based system. It's nothing but a tool for rich people to oppress everyone else.
>descendants of peasant pig farmers huehuehuehuehue burned you good!!
Meanwhile in the present you're eating literal cow shit, dreaming to leave your shithole for a woman like OP webm, and begging for a 5% tip because delivery is all you can barely qualify for in the West. But yeah, take pride of your made up ancestry and castes when reality says otherwise. Inb4 muh CEOs. You aren't one.
Your highest earners work in call centers and scam old people.
So where are those white Indians?

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