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Its so fucking weird. Feels like bizarro land.
Trust me they feel the same way about you fatherless purple haired mentally ill fat faggots too. Pic rel is not normal.
It’s the Eastern Euro of America. Everything is impoverished and insane way
I went to school with a southerner, complete and utter niggers those types. It was a private school, yes, and in up state New York. His name is not important and neither is he nor his inbred lineage, but one of the things that really stood out to me was how he pronounced the word “spinach”. The savage would say it as “speench” and say it as loud as possible thinking he was the funniest thing to ever happen since the drug epidemic that befell the negroes. Yes, he was a, fuck a lack of a better term, total fucking disgrace to the species. He was on par with a spic I can tell you that much.
One day when we were being served our food, he looked straight into the help’s eyes, and rest her poor Nigger soul, he loudly chucked
>howdy do, missy Lou, may I have some…
And the anticipation of the inevitable began to kill even myself, and before we all could sigh out a breath of relief he dropped it like a bomb at the maternity ward
The whole room simply stopped. We all waited for this assault to subside but no, it only got WORSE.
He turned to his neighbor and smiled southernly.
>don’t ya just love SPEENCH, SPEENCH is the cure to any mans problems as my daddy likes to say
His guffaws were enough to shatter the 401k accounts of sweating Wall Street execs. I couldn’t take it anymore, I simply couldn’t, so I walked over to him and bluntly said
>you’re not wanted here. Keep quiet or I will make you squeal like those pigs you like to fuck you hay bucking hillbilly fuck face
And with that he simply kept on going
>ahhh man my daddy always said a good ole heap of SPEENCH was enough to cure any mood, here get me some more SPEENCH for my friend over here
Total. Fucking. NIGGERS.
Southern white women literally fuck black guys for a living. Southern white women are coalburners
Eastern europe doesnt have black people tho. The south is way worse in that aspect
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>implying urban white women do not

Are you retarded?
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The south is literally the most obese region in the united states.
Thats just because we have so many blacks
It is because of Protestantism. Henry VIII is to blame
Lol cuz all of you southern whites suck black cocks lol.
Its himot hurricane tropical black people rape rob kill make songs you know normal shit um jews fuck kids it's considered cultural heritage they name tunnels after the communist zionidt marxidt shit brockman bankhead slaveowning bank its a repeating fucking loop of schizo shit they
that guy is from fucking iowa and his family are southern baptists lol
Dude, there are trannies everywhere here, blue haired faggots too, the south is full of the same bullshit, there are just better accents. Stop acting like we have a culture, we let women and faggots run things.
t. Born and raised.
>Thats just because we have so many blacks

That's wrong you shitkicker, there are no blacks in West Virginia or North Dakota or Iowa

the south is full of fat WHITE RETARDS
>Better accents
Southerners are mush mouths
>the south
>noth dakota and iowa
>make thread
>half your posts are interracial porn brainrot
I pity you, as do your father and mother.
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>the south is full of the same bullshit, there are just better accents.
southern is a shit-tier retarded sounding accent

i knew you were gonna say that you fucking retard

no one said those were southern states

those are FAT STATES which proves it's not BLACKS who make a state fat, which is what you asserted
No its California zionist jews and black people hispanics
Labotomites clear cut souless and mostly Jewish or odessa jewish
>no one said those were southern states
You did
You seem upset, you should go ahead with your transition.
no i didn't, retard

the reason why the south is obese is NOT because of black people, as you falsely claimed, as i've proven with actual data, no idea why you're still arguing with me you retard

not an argument
>not an argument
I'm not debating you, you fucking moron. I'm calling you a faggot, and saying your opinion is worthless. Have a good day.
Because you said North Dakota is a southern state lol
i didn't espouse an opinion, other than saying southerners sound retarded which everyone agrees with, other than retarded southerners
Why are people in North Dakota fatter than average?
Because your pussyass ain't used to all the high T Men and actual good women around here. Just stay out!


Oh... so you hate Virginia now, oh well... I'll get Virginia, America and the rest of the swing states. (((Your))) loss.
What are the worst states in the USA
Texas isn’t part of the south you retard pussy Jew nigger.
Not as weird as California, some of those people were like aliens or invasion of the body snatchers. And the last time I was there was 2009 so I imagine it's gotten much worse.
the only people who say that are irrelevant worthless retards, also known as southerners
It’s called a culture, something rootless urbanite garbage like yourself would scarcely understand. Now go drink your Onions
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Weeeeeeeell I reckon down here we’re what you city folks may call “based and redpilled,” if you catch my meaning.
what is southern culture?
It's the heat. Does terrible things to the mind.
Arkansas. Hands down
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>Eastern Europe doesn't have black people

Mississippi, Ohio, Maryland, Louisiana, West Virginia, California.
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South southern America is the only sane ,based and trad part of America ? Got it
Vlad came back as Robert e lee, if he have had his way all you faggots and nigger lovers and run by women northernern would have been impaled
Correct. Texas is the Northernmost state of Mexico. I know, I grew up there.
It's all fat and ugly people
>Mississippi, Ohio, Maryland, Louisiana, West Virginia

What's wrong with these?
Worthless nigger retards in every state.
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Kek good one anon
Lots of poverty, drugs, violence, low education levels, no diversity of industry, high infant mortality.
no, the south is worse
Nigger worship
They throw garbage all over the place and they eat poop
You forgot morbid obesity
Because its not run entirely by troons and jews unlike the rest of the country.
Illinois, New Mexico, Indiana, Ohio
Every single person in Georgia is 500lbs.
>no diversity
thats why a couple of those are some of the best states left
Its black people and you datavis falee they eat a lot and its not the good diet its black people you are straight up retarded
The south is shitty. There are ignorant/violent fucks in every state, but they are everywhere in the south. The white rednecks are violent, plus the niggers doing nigger shit, people drive like shit, drink too much, hold grudges, etc. Plus a generational focus on "surviving" or "just getting by" which is a civil-war era attitude which informs much of the modern nigger attitude, inspired by freebooting white trash from the early 19th century. Things haven't changed much for a long time.
Exactly my point shithead. Texas ain’t the south.
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how is texas not the south
Mississippi also. Saw a thread the other day where they literally pulled a kidney stone out of a southern woman that was literally big as a baseball. Southerners are not even humans kek
That's because your from New England or the pacific coast. If you were from the south you'd think they were weird
The left coast is objectively weird
It's considered part of the southwest. What is typically referred to as "the south" in the US really just references the southeastern states of the US.
that's not a reason, retard
>civil-war era attitude
This type of thing is MUCH MUCH stronger than people realize. It literally affects generations almost like a genetic memory. For example, My grandparents were children during the Great Depression and I constantly have to contend with Depression era thinking within myself.
No, you just don't understand the different geographical and cultural regions of the US. Texas is not part of the south. Any one with a basic understanding of the US knows this.
I have a theory that hot weather turns people into insane savages
what's the difference between texas and the south
>no industry

Why aren't y'all building factories then?
This is technically true, but due to the fact that the fucking place is roughly the size of France, you get a real diversity of landscape and culture to a lesser extent across the state. It's practically Louisiana in the east, with massive swampy pine forests, to desolate treeless desert in the west. It's too big, should really be about 4 states.
The south is the only place building factories now.
Almost everything from climate to cultural norms. The fact that you even had to ask proves my point that you don't even have a basic understanding of the different regions of the US and what makes them distinct from each other.
Niggers and fat fucks. Also fat niggers.
almost everything = almost nothing
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>>>/ck/20865878 #
>destroy the land for factories for megacorps to import only niggers and spics to work in
no ty
We don't make much in the USA anymore. Our heavy industry and factories have been outsourced to bugland. There's often more work than people in places like east Texas anyway, the niggers and white trash don't want to have straight jobs anymore, and there are plenty of Mexicans to pick the vegetables and slaughter the chickens. Small-town America in the south is surprisingly hollowed-out and abandoned. We are becoming a technology-driven economy and the fucktards and niggers got left behind 30 years ago.
>Gets absolutely BTFO in the debate
>Can't come up with any counter points to refute me
>Chooses the willful retard tactic as a defense mechanism

I accept your concession.
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Good old awful house
this isn't a "debate" you faggot nerd, i asked a very simple and sincere question and so far no one has given a legitimate answer at all
You also thought north dakota was in the south
Mississippi is so terrible that denizens of other low-ranking states say "Thank God for Mississippi", because without it, they would rank even lower in whatever good thing it is.
no i didn't, and you still haven't explain why north dakota is obese when it's not full of blacks
The difference is that it was settled by different people, wasn't a key battleground in the civil war, has a huge Mexican influence, has a different cultural history. It's complicated, but it depends on how strict of a definition you want to use. It was still mainly Indians and Mexicans during the Civil War, which defines the history of the "Old South."
Those people have never been to maryland or jew jersey.
i do not care what happened in the 1800's retard, i said what IS the difference, not what WAS the difference

louisiana has a huge french influence, is that not the south either
Everywhere is full of fatass lardbeasts in the USA. It's one thing we can't refute, and a national shame. I live in the least-fat state, and 25% of our population is still obese.
You were given a sincere answer. The problem is you are asking questions that even 1st graders in the US already know the answer to. So you're either a retard who doesn't know anything about his own country, or you're a foreigner who doesn't know anything about this country. Either way, you are an intellectually lazy faggot who wants other people to spoon-feed you information.
OK, fuckass, but what IS has everything to do with what WAS.

Right, you dicktickling tranny?
no, literally not at all
Maryland and DC aren't the fucking south and we never want to be.
He's right tho. Texas is objectively the south geographically and culturally as well. At least it was before it became a mexican colony again.
If you unironically believe this then you will never understand the South, so stop trying.
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It’ll be fun fren.
there is no difference between west virginia and virginia despite what happened in the civil war, if anything WV is more "confederate" than VA in 2024, which negates your gay point about history
I bet it is weird to see people being polite to one another and the races self-segregating as much as they can.
You're totally correct. West Virginia and Virginia are identical places, and history has no influence on the present.
I kneel before your towering knowledge.
you're sperging out because you can't refute what i said lol
No, I'm just honestly pretty amazed at your combination of ignorance and confidence. It's impressive.
Most southerners aren't particularly polite and most of the south is not particularly segregated. Your ideas of the south and north are a fantasy. PS: Statistically the north is much safer than the south. Way way less crime. It's also a lot richer.
why is WV more conservative than VA when it was WV that left to join the union
Well thats objectively untrue. The north is both dangerous and full of hostile spurgs scared of making eye contact with anyone, much less being polite. It does have more jews tho propping up the gdp in some places there but tweakers like you dont get any benefit from that.
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>Well thats objectively untrue. The north is both dangerous and full of hostile spurgs

>It does have more jews tho propping up the gdp in some places

Kill yourself
not to further complicate the definition of the South...but Florida does have a high jew population. Though, a significant portion of them bounce between Florida and NY/NJ,
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>jarvis, untwist my balls
And this isn't even separated by race
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We are super weird. We're crazy. Don't move here. We're full.
I do not know why you replied to me or what point you think you're making
The northeast is objectively the worst place in america anon. Maybe the worst place on earth.
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Go home then, yankee faggot.
Nah the worst place on earth is Ohio
Fair enough
>The worst place on earth is in... LE AMERICA!!!

Good goyim, and thank you for promoting Jewish interests with your weird GDP comment
I fucking love the US South in the Winter. Amazing food, really friendly people. My Brother in Law lives in Texas. Every couple of years I fly down and visit him and his family, get some great barbecue, shoot some guns, and make a pilgrimage to Buc-ees. It's a really nice change of pace from the Pacific North West. I think the PNW is literally the greatest place in the world, so long as you don't have to interact with anyone from the PNW... By contrast people in Texas and Louisiana are wonderful.

Unironically can confirm. Moved to North Carolina 8 months ago. There are places where there is garbage strewn everywhere on the side of roads. There’s even actual road signs telling people not to litter. And it actually has nothing to do with people just not throwing their garbage away normally, it’s because many cities here do not have access to waste disposal services, which somehow is worse
>this anon can't take it when his fellow Americans make self deprecating jokes at their country's expense
Unify it with law surely that will fix it. How about don't go?
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>high crime areas tend to have high population density
>high diversity areas tend to have high crime
Aka, just go 10 minutes out of the city and suddenly you're back in Mayberry. Bitches where I live actually smile and wave at each other. It's disgusting. And the median home value is only around 150k
I remember traveling through NC and thinking it seemed like a bit of a dump. But then I got to SC and I really liked it there, thought it was the kind of place I'd like to live. I'm not sure why there's such a stark difference between the two.
he's not making a joke you fucking monkey, stop trying to communicate with human beings
> Why is the south so *based
Fixed it for you
Hahaha ha. You're probably the dumbest mother fucker in all of existence. That's actually kind of a compliment since there is so much competition.
The best way to avoid being murdered is by avoiding liberal cities and minority communities.
>waste disposal
Waste Management has nearly a monopoly on city waste collection. So the the city doesnt want to or cant go with them they end up with terrible trash collection. Thanks to the Government/EPA its largely impossible for cities to buy their own trucks and run their own dump. So you get Waste Managements barely passable service, or nearly no service at all.
there's nowhere in mississippi or west virginia that has a "high population density"

and even if we grant your retarded premise, why doesn't new jersey have a higher murder rate than southern states, when NJ has the highest population density of any state

Most Americans haven't been very far outside the US so I immediately discount those kinds of statements as hyperbole. But there's something about being in a really shitty place in the US that's hard to describe. Like I've met people who live in fucking 3rd world shacks who are happier and live more fulfilling lives than the people living in these places.
It would feel weird to any gender confused metrosexual faggot like you.
That's yankee culture. Their ancestors died to free them. Your ancestors died to make you a servant to jeets.
>That's yankee culture.
no, you're the ones who care about "college football" aka white southern cuckolds worshipping bulls
The northeastern yankoid is the most loyal of all zog golem. Your the one that claimed its richer and thats true. Because its where globalist kikes run their funny money scams out of. Not because its more productive or anything. Its the least productive part of the country now.
Yankee culture was centered around literally dying for niggers. It doesn't get more cucked than that.
I don't know why you're calling me a retard when you can't understand what's taught in an intro to criminal justice class. I had to take one of those as a filler credit
Texas isn't really the south, it's basically just fucking mexico at this point. Once you cross over to Louisiana you start to get that backwards feeling, I think it's due to whites having to co-exist with large number of niggers, which isn't possible. So the whole thing just feels fucking weird. You really can't blame em.
the south is more dangerous than the north

if you still "disagree" with this (not possible), kill yourself, but either way stop replying to me with worthless posts

>Yankee culture was centered around literally dying for niggers.
we're talking about the present day you shitstain

south = protestant christianity = literally worshipping jews

>Its the least productive part of the country now.
source: my ass
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Lots of Celts.
>we're talking about the present day
Its still centered around dying for niggers, jews, and globalism.
>protestant christianity
You mean evangelicals? Another fine export from jew england. Strange comment tho as if anything other than protestantism isn't alien unamerican trash.
>Its still centered around dying for niggers, jews, and globalism.
southerners support zionism more than we do

>You mean evangelicals? Another fine export from jew england. Strange comment tho as if anything other than protestantism isn't alien unamerican trash.
jesus fucking christ
Kek Florida literally passed a anti semitism bill and in Texas if you didn't support Isreal well no hurricane Harvey aid for you goy. Ron DeSantis as never stepped a foot outside of America except to go to Isreal and suck jew dicks. Let that sink in
American policy comes out of ivy league jew schools. Not alabama.
>jesus fucking christ
Yes very godly. You didn't know that evangelicals came from new england. They were the abolitionists you idiot. I know its a godless pozzed shithole know but it is the land of calvinism. Funfact: american liberalisim is new england calvinism, just secularized. You really dont know much about america do you?
Every jew from jew york retires to florida.
You are legitimately retarded if you can't understand that the 'higher rate of crime' in the south exists only in certain, mostly black, areas. But at the same time I don't really want to convince a dipshit to come visit so stay up there
Buddy, southerners are white trash incest hicks.
Your schizo theories about the jews don't change the fact you guys are all on New York gibs.
>American policy comes out of ivy league jew schools. Not alabama.
it's the ivy league students protesting israel while retarded southerners call them the "real antisemites" and pretend that jews are white. american policy comes from retards like you voting for it

>Yes very godly. You didn't know that evangelicals came from new england. They were the abolitionists you idiot. I know its a godless pozzed shithole know but it is the land of calvinism. Funfact: american liberalisim is new england calvinism, just secularized. You really dont know much about america do you?
christianity is a cucked, jewish, foreign religion. no idea why you're saying all this to me lol
South is mostly black. All the niggers live in the south because its cheap unlike the Northeast.
You are poor down there.
I can guarantee I make more money than you. You live in a fucking trailer park my dude
>You are legitimately retarded if you can't understand that the 'higher rate of crime' in the south exists only in certain, mostly black, areas. But at the same time I don't really want to convince a dipshit to come visit so stay up there
all those blacks in west virginia, right retard? why does NYC have a lower murder rate that your shit-covered state you moron?
New york money is just jew money. New york doesnt make anything and is just a black hole of welfare for its endless sea of shitskins itself.
None of your business. Stay out. We're closed. There is no south. You imagined it.
This is cope. The most successful people on Earth live in New York. Even fucking Trump was from New York, you retard.
>it's the ivy league students protesting israel
Yeah the managerial class is really anti israel and anti kike. You can tell by hostile our governmnet is to zog.
>christianity is a cucked
Found the recent shitskin invader.
New england is all meth addicts and globalist kikes living in martha's vinyard. It also produces nothing.
Fair points
Why even lie when drugs in the US come from Mexico through Florida and Texas?
The Northeast home to the whitest states in America.
The South is filled with niggers and hispanics.
Your broke ass can't even afford my rent. My rent costs more than your entire fucking yearly income.
Pick one and only one
Theres no lie. The northeast is full of the most depressing meth ruined places you will find. No jobs, no industry, no future. Its a shithole. Ofc the cities are full of niggers, illegals, and jews who run their globalist financial schemes there so that on paper the area is rich but ofc its rich like some latin american hellhole is rich. Where some few elites have all the money while most people are dirt poor. But keep bragging about how your jewish landlord rips you off on rent!
>Yeah the managerial class is really anti israel and anti kike. You can tell by hostile our governmnet is to zog.
do you not understand that you just made my point for me, lol

if america was controlled by LE BLUE HAIRED WOKETARDS, we wouldn't support israel anymore. it's southern mouthbreathing christians keeping ZOG afloat

>Found the recent shitskin invader.

nope, mayflower descendant, unlike southerners who are scots-irish human detritus mixed with literal niggers

christ is king... of the jews
Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Oklahoma is not "The South."
The only tranny I have ever seen in the south was a nigger at a university.
Who gives a fuck about new York. New York isn't America, it's literally a international city of commerce. If you go next door you probably have more racist wops in jersey than the entire South. The south is also home to the dumbest retards in America. The bottom 15 states have 10 states in the south when it comes to iq. Your woman are notorious nigger fuckers and all have half nigger kids, the average white dude there is morbidly obese and dumb as shits (not just dumb but proud to be dumb). Yeah in the north you'll cross path with a few dumbass here and there but nothing compares to the top tier level of stupid you'll encounter in the south, even the niggers are dumb as hell in the south and we're bred to be that way . I go there quite often
Blue haired woketards arent north eastern ivy league elites anon. Those are the ones that run the country and just because they roll with free palislime in college doent change how they run the country once the graduate at all.
>nope, mayflower descendant,
And yet you know nothing about the people on the mayflower and their fervent religious cuckoldry? Strange. Then again yankees are pretty retarded. Thats why they vote blue. By the way the only large masses of people in america that can trace lineage back to the colonial days are in the south. Not in the mutt mishmash of the northeast.
If you go next door you find nothing but niggers and ruins.
Nj is horrible so is ny
Most southern states have a low% black population. The ones that don't are nigger supermasses like Georgia.
I live in Appalachia and my state has a 3% black pop. I pretty much never see niggers, and the only spics in town are the ones who work at mexican joint.
To be perfectly honest with you anon all the women I know are way more racist than I am, and that's saying something. I feel like you're trying to push a narrative here. But surely not, right?
Rural New york is beautiful and so are parts of jersey you're probably a faggot
Tennessee,Mississippi,Alabama and Louisiana are soooo much better. Heaven on earth
>Blue haired woketards arent north eastern ivy league elites anon. Those are the ones that run the country and just because they roll with free palislime in college doent change how they run the country once the graduate at all.

what part of the country do you think these people are from, retard?


>And yet you know nothing about the people on the mayflower and their fervent religious cuckoldry?

you're the only one who's said anything about that, all i said was that christianity is an obvious jewish scam, which is correct

>By the way the only large masses of people in america that can trace lineage back to the colonial days are in the south. Not in the mutt mishmash of the northeast.

source: my ass
Black retards free shit army and rape and incest and its black
No fucking soon to bebkiplrd shit like you asshole
Like see clearly and wind up in video game dpacenis fake nice try and doing all of thatvto be debunked xartoons are not science convex vectors are not educated
Texas is apart the south and gayer
They are. New Jersey is legit third world. You'll find better infrastructure in iraq and less niggers in south africa than you'll find in newark. The entire north east is a ruined rust belt hollowed out by globalization, endless open borders and decades of one party democrat rule. Whatever idolized vision of have of the region from old movies doe not reflect current reality. Hell even crossing the river from virginia into maryland is like going from a highly advanced first world country to india or some other developing state where the infrastructure is really marginal at best and theres fees and tolls every few miles demanding bribes from you.
Judeo frermasonic business network not educted not smart
The south is generally the only place you'll even see manufacturing centers in the US anymore, and new factories can't go up because every time we try, we get sued into oblivion by activists on the other side of the country. As a tertiary related example even if not a factory, when we wanted to build the Keystone XL pipeline and got held up in courts for 8 years by dozens of lawsuits all across the country and then it got shut down via EO by Biden and his admin.
Our industries are largely pigeonholed in mining and energy production because were not really allowed by the fed to have anything else.
I'd also like to point out that the list he gave you for "worst places in America to live" came straight from google, as do his opinions on them, since they don't really reflect the reality of living here. And even if it were true, comparing it to for example, Chicago or a border state would make it look hilariously better by comparison.
>I'd also like to point out that the list he gave you for "worst places in America to live" came straight from google
hilarious self-own

i have no idea how you thought this was an argument in your favor HAHAHAHAHAHA
All parts of the country have blue hared libshits anon.
>you're the only one who's said anything about that
You're the one that didn't know where evangelicals came from. Do try to keep up.
>muh ass muh cope
Its amazing how genetically homogeneous and largely isolated societies maintain their lineages better than places flooded for 200 years with wave after wave of immigrants from all over world. Clearly critical thinking isn't a yankoid strong suit either. That's probably why they're so liberal.
I presume his primary residence is still Iowa, and he is still a practicing southern baptist?
>All parts of the country have blue hared libshits anon.
what? we're talking about evangelicals

>You're the one that didn't know where evangelicals came from
they're more common in the south, are you seriously disagreeing with that

>Its amazing how genetically homogeneous and largely isolated societies maintain their lineages better than places flooded for 200 years with wave after wave of immigrants from all over world.
"genetically homogenous and largely isolated" is a hilarious euphemism for "inbred" but it's so accurate that you couldn't help but say it

and obviously southern hillbillies had nothing to do with "the colonial days" you moron, it's not a point of pride to be descended from a guy in a debtor's prison you fucking dumbass
Pointing out that someone regurgitated their post from a google search automatically wins me the argument because it demonstrates a lack of critically-considered knowledge on the subject. The fact you failed to grasp this shows your own midwittery.
If you asked me, "Anon, can you please tell me what you think the five best movies of all time are and why?" and then I googled it and then gave you the first answer Google AI suggested to me, that is both intellectually dishonest and would make me look like a stupid, thoughtless nigger.
But it's alright, I accept your concession.
Lack of seafood impeeds brain function. Take your fish oil kids.
>Pointing out that someone regurgitated their post from a google search automatically wins me the argument because it demonstrates a lack of critically-considered knowledge on the subject.
no it fucking doesn't, it means the whole rest of the world agrees with us and disagrees with you

>If you asked me, "Anon, can you please tell me what you think the five best movies of all time are and why?" and then I googled it and then gave you the first answer Google AI suggested to me, that is both intellectually dishonest and would make me look like a stupid, thoughtless nigger.
film criticism comes down to personal taste which is almost totally subjective, we're talking about the fact that the south is a shithole, which can be shown with objective measurements like crime rates, obesity, quality of life, number of niggers per square mile, level of education, GDP, etc
Evangelicals are blue haired libshits now?
>they're more common in the south, are you seriously disagreeing with that
They're more common in the midwest actually. The heartland of evangelical power is in the plains states. As for the northeast yankoids gave up calvinism for secular evangelicalism called american liberalism. In that they are the most fervent of worshipers.
>obviously southern hillbillies had nothing to do with "the colonial days"
Hillbillies all trace their roots back to scotch irish colonial setters. You know nothing about early america.
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I just drove through mostly rural Kentucky, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio today.

It's all practically a nigger free zone besides the handful of hellhole cities shitting things up.

Pure heavenly, I'd say!

Confederates know that they have good policy but they are still racist. So it's bizzare
>The south is literally the most obese region in the united states.

The southwest and Midwest aren't much better. Why is white appalchia and white northwest so /fit/?
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>Evangelicals are blue haired libshits now?
no, you can't read. i posted a link to a survey that showed evangelical christians support zionism more than jews do. do you agree that evangelicals are more common in the south?

>They're more common in the midwest actually. The heartland of evangelical power is in the plains states.
not true at all, see pic related

>As for the northeast yankoids gave up calvinism for secular evangelicalism called american liberalism. In that they are the most fervent of worshipers.
no, christians support israel more than atheists do

>Hillbillies all trace their roots back to scotch irish colonial setters.
that's what i already said you retard, the scots irish are not the original americans and they've spent centuries languishing in the squalor of the south. btw this started when you accused me of being foreign after i correctly described christianity as a cuckold religion, and now you're so far away from the original point that idk what to do because you just won;t stop saying retarded shit
they are controlled by Israel
>We don't make much in the USA anymore. Our heavy industry and factories have been outsourced to bugland

Why would you do that
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>lots of cope to justify yankee kikery
We've alreday been over how jewish the north is and how they created evangelicalism.
>the scots irish are not the original americans
They are tho. All from colonial times.
because everything is going south...
because it's filled with niggers. a lot of them are white so it can be confusing at times.
how did you get cucked and ruled by "trash"?

and why do your compatriots now believe in "our" religion
>it’s another thread seething about the south
Who was the southern dickhead who fucked this guys wife? You somehow made this board even worse because this nigger has been spamming the board with this for the past 5 months now and it’s starting to get annoying.
Jews gave the north east control because they are cucked to oblivion and the best golem of all. Just see how they vote for proof.
Next do one about blacks.
I’m there for work every month - the whole place feels like something out of the Twilight Zone. Also there are violent nig nogs everywhere which makes it 100x worse.
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>no it fucking doesn't, it means the whole rest of the world agrees with us and disagrees with you
that's not true though. Google AI scrapes its results from modern socio-political sources; such as newsweek, or washington post, which are heavily biased in its opinion pieces (which is what these are, since you seem to think that incorrectly interpreting or intentionally misconstruing data points for social or political capital makes it fact instead of opinion)
But by all means, tell me how bad this place you've never visited is, while extolling the virtues of places like New York, or Chicago, or L.A. by regurgitating *talking points provided to you by an AI sourced from propaganda puff pieces*.
>Quality of life, GDP
Most things cost a quarter to a third of what they do in other parts of the country. GDP is a jewish metric that means very little for the quality of life in an area, and quality of life itself is not an objective metric beyond meeting Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
>Number of niggers per square mile
Niggers generally congregate in their own enclaves (because all of them live in Sector 8 housing complexes) unless you go to places like Georgia, which are nigger supermasses. Even then most of the blacks actually live in Atlanta, and most of the residents outside of it are white.
>Level of education
Except none of those places are particularly uneducated. Most working age adults have a minimum high school education and in most of those states, many of them also have at least 1 college degree. More importantly though, most workers in those states fall into the category of service worker (retail bot, etc.) or blue collar. Which means instead of going to get a robust college education, they go to trade school instead.
Would you say an electrician is an uneducated dullard because he doesn't have a master's degree? Once again, your interpretation of facts is very opinionated.
You also sound mad.
But you know anon, you're right. So stop moving here.
Im going to mississippi next month to visit gfs family. Sounds fun.
A high propensity to engage in physical labor (farming, animal husbandry, construction, plumbing, electrical work, etc.) and recreational activities like hunting, hiking, camping, etc.
Aside from winter, our parks and hiking trails stay jam packed all the time, and hunting season sees plenty of action.
Despite their relatively low % pop, the fact pretty much every nigger in the south is morbidly obese skews that so much it's actually unreal. I have never, not once, seen a skinny nigger in my entire life. And we're not just talking "kind of fat", like a bit of beer gut.
I mean actual landwhale fat.

The south invented grits so theres that.

Grits are damn good but so many US diners dont even sell grits.
Sorry, it was me. She just couldn't resist my charming vernacular nor my fat confederate cock, y'see.
I'm sure he'll get over it eventually.
>Jews gave the north east control
your religion literally worships jews so it's not surprising that you consider them to be all-powerful

>because they are cucked to oblivion
i guess you're even more cucked then, since we control you and you believe in evangelism which we invented

>Google AI scrapes its results from modern socio-political sources
if only southerners were capable of reading and writing, you could write your own articles that would appear in google search results!

>But by all means, tell me how bad this place you've never visited is, while extolling the virtues of places like New York, or Chicago, or L.A. by regurgitating *talking points provided to you by an AI sourced from propaganda puff pieces*.
i hate all of those cities and i'm from indiana and have lived in the south and in the northeast

>Most things cost a quarter to a third of what they do in other parts of the country
you make a third of what the rest of us make. also your brain is one-third the size

>GDP is a jewish metric
embarassing cope

>quality of life itself is not an objective metric

>Niggers generally congregate in their own enclaves (because all of them live in Sector 8 housing complexes) unless you go to places like Georgia, which are nigger supermasses. Even then most of the blacks actually live in Atlanta, and most of the residents outside of it are white.
do you know where the niggers live in vermont and new hampshire?

>Would you say an electrician is an uneducated dullard
of course lol
fuck off we're full
>your religion literally worships jews
I tell tell you're one of the tribe's best golem.
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Only a jew says others worship them. Ofc yankees do literally worship jews. See how they vote for proof.
it's because of niggers, mostly
you'll also never be a woman
kill yourself
>Despite their relatively low % pop, the fact pretty much every nigger in the south is morbidly obese skews that so much it's actually unreal. I have never, not once, seen a skinny nigger in my entire life.

Lots of bone thin Africans exist the states. Just not in the "deep south." Mostly skinny blacks are in the Midwest and southwest. However, what's interesting to me is how few blacks even live in appalichia or northwest.
>Ad hominems
>No arguments
Alrighty then, have a good one anon, glad we had that talk.
>See how they vote for proof.
they vote for "the squad," the only significant anti-israel anti-jew politicians in america, and fox news excoriates them as muh real racists to pander to their southern (read: retarded) audience
i win.
>They vote for brown commie buffoons that want kikery and faggorty in america
Yeah thats what I said. What retarded shitlib did you vote for anon?
which southern politicians oppose israel?
Not Harris thats for sure.
>What retarded shitlib did you vote for anon?
You fucks are retarded.
>what you bind on earth in bound in heaven, what you loose on earth is loosened in heaven
There is nothing wrong with liberalism. Your issue is the democratic party and communism. You blame liberals? I am liberal on firearms. Everyone should own one.
>There is nothing wrong with liberalism.
Everything is wrong with liberalism.
Not any american politician anon. We've already established yankees are zion's best golem.
east coast fags
all have 100s of bad ideas stuck in thier brain

for example
why not make 100 rooms per person?
why not do megadorms?
why not get rid of lawyers and politicians?
kill jew
put girl in harem
boot orc inc mik wop -150mil from usa alone
"yankees" are the only ones voting for anti-jew politicians, you're voting for golems
the southern accent is the only tolerable mutt speak
Texas, its a gayer version of Oklahoma
you're not even human
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yankees vote for democrat megajews

u fucking rabbi wanker
the Cherokee Nation fought on the south's side, the chief was even given the rank of brigadier general
Nigger is terrorizing korea and chimping out
which party do ilhan omar, AOC, rashida tlaib, jamaal bowman and cori bush belong to?
>there are no blacks in West Virginia or North Dakota or Iowa
Yes there is.
black people aren't the reason why those states are obese
Maybe not but they contribute a large portion of it.
no they don't
Yes, they do.
>Everything is wrong with liberalism.

If I liberalize what you are conserving, then I understand. What are you conserving to be so afraid of liberalization?
>Why is the south so weird?
>Its so fucking weird. Feels like bizarro land
Do you actually think you're going to move the needle with these posts?
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this is a slide threat. Want to know how I know?

The states on this map are the US census bureau's definition of the South, which includes West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.

No one in history has ever considered these 3 states as in the South, only some kike faggot glownigger at the federal government recently started claiming this.

whiter than you diego gonzales
Your entire country is weird. Yankee liberal crypto-puritans are no better.
Because you're gay
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>Maybe the worst place on earth.
You have no idea how bad things can get, the Northeast is a paradise compared to some parts of this rotten world
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It's been weird since the 1700s it's just the way it is
explain russia

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