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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Pastor Anderson's daughter just got kidnapped.
/ourpastor/ needs your help
That's a grown ass woman lmao. Not my problem if this dumbass can't wrangle pussy.
> she is a minor and not old enough to consent
Translation: she wanted to escape her dads retardation and went to her uncle.
Bible banger Dad is running her life and the extended family is taking her in so she can go to college and find her Chad
Thats not a fucking minor
Christcucks will literally force their daughter to marry a genetic dead end christfag because the Jewush Bible told them to.

Meanwhile the thulean call of their daughter's genetic destiny sends into fits of crazed torment. She wants to escape the Jewish clutches of their alien religious suicide cult
That's a man
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Is she dating that monkey?
>kept against OUR will
>not her will
>b-but she's 17 she can't decide for herself to leave our abusive household
kys christcuck, you also censored something that can be easily found, how dumb are you?
>kys christcuck, you also censored something that can be easily found, how dumb are you?
It's against the site rules to post addresses and phone numbers, tourist newfag.
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Sounds like Christkeks couldn't keep a girl in their cult. Being a christoid in this day and age is beyond gay and retarded.

Sacred trips of truth.
Ummm aktually mr christcuck faggot the brain matures on average by the age of 16, which means she is a biological adult and capable of making decisions for herself. Fucking deranged kid bashing Hebrew larper
Christcuck cant control his whore daughter
>against our will
But not hers it seems. She is 17 and can do whatever she wants in most states.
Need more pics before I know if I care. This is some old looking cunny.
I can see the familial resemblance to pastor Anderson in her face and it is creeping me out.
>send your daughter to live with her uncle (your brother)
>get into an argument with your brother because something your daughter said might correborate the BDSM/wifebeating/child abuse rumours
>dox your brother. call him a wicked, satanic, reprobate to your 200 followers. Or 2,000,000. Still unclear what the numbers are after 20 years of SOUL-WINNIN
She's like 27
>against OUR will
lmao. she ran away from his crazy christard ass
She probably ran off with her Black boyfriend
Many such cases
Yeah. Listen to him speak, you can tell you shouldn't be. Evil man.
>It's against the site rules
who gives a fuck? lmao
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The chad in question by the way
The Bible doesn't mention anything about marriage...

What a cuck faggot. He is crying because his teenage nephews intimidated him when he tried to get into his brother's house. Now he is encouraging people to harass his brother's family and "stake out his house". What a pussy.
It says Baptist church right in the picture bro not everything is da joos there’s tons of other bad people
Why is there always some kind of drama with this man?
Also doesnt he have like 12 kids? Does it really matter if one doesnt want to live with you anymore?
>abrahamic religion
>not jewish
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Lol women are uber retarded and should be treated by property. This is the guy she chose lol
Then post the facebook post without the red boxes, go ahead, tough guy.
I could tell he's a closeted fag within the first 5 seconds of him talking. No idea how his congregation hasn't figured it out.
Probably ran away with Tyrone.
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How can you be so popular yet unpopular. 20 years of ministry.
Her father would approve.
LOL Bros...Women are so retarded! Look at the pastor's daughter after 0.45 milliseconds of freedom! Goes on a tranny's youtube channel and complains about how abusive her childhood was when she is facing a dickless tranny that was a result of liberal parenting.

imagine not going there with people you know armed to the teeth to save your daughter.

This is what happens when you take your religion to far and it HAMPERS your ability to be a functioning rational person.
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Dude looks like a FtM tranny.
she cant decide for herself. her father is alive and well.
Wasn't this christcuck caught filmed preaching about how great diversity is as long as it's christian?
Why is it redacted you fucking faggot?
>Hot uncle seduced his niece and she left willingly.

lars ulrich's trannie daughter?
Nothing is preventing you from posting it in the thread, faggot.
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The virgin daughters of pastors get one shotted by jewmerican degeneracy the moment they get even a millisecond of personal freedom! Women's rights were a mistake. LOL

This whore thinks she is Wednesday Adams, dying her hair black, cosplaying as Christina Ricci tier-kunny so a literal pencil necked, eyeliner wearing fag boy can close his eyes and pretend she is banging goth Kunny!!!

Jewmerica is unstoppably degenerate!
>make a facebook account
>search for the group
>possibly have to wait for approval to join
let me just waste time to play your boomer games lmao, go back to facebook old man
Maybe he should pray harder and Rabbi Yeshua will listen.
Norse pagans worshipped horse cock and got enslaved by Christians.
>zoomer tourist doesn't have a throwaway facebook account
Go back to tiktok, ahmed
Well I mean if she's with her uncle sounds like she's in good hands.
>tourist doesn't have a throwaway facebook account
you don't fit in boomer
And christcucks worship a jew and are enslaved by jews.
Sounds like this 17 year old is being influenced by faggots https://youtu.be/Gpeu6F2Cxzw?si=r66E6WYkdaQvwlRs
>no u
Concession accepted.
Thanks for the bump.
Kill yourself catholicuck
andeson is literally an ashkenazi jew
You're a 55 year old boomer that came here during peak Qtard shit and peak MIGAtard shit. Go back
Thanks for the bump.
no u
Want another one, faggot? You seem to think bumping this thread is somehow a win for you when it's full of people mocking you, your faith and your gay pastor.
You got so upset by me specifically that you can't stop focusing on what I post out of it all, u mad?
" She's a minor and not old enough to consent "
Meanwhile a few years ago when the Sexting Group Chat happened
" a 16 year old is a fully developed woman ""
Sorry but I simply can't take Steven Anderson serious , he has 6 million different standards
Thanks for the bump.
Keep them coming.
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You psychotic faggots went from
without skipping a beat.

There's like 20 men in the picture. Boomin'.
what is the point of your bullshit if you cant even agree amongst your own kind?
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> domestic discipline is called boycott divest sanction movement now
well yes pastor anderson has made anti zionist documentaries
probably has to do about their other kid spilling the beans about how bad the abuse was
uncle probably said fuck this and grabbed the daughter from a dangerous situation
If there’s a hefty bounty on her then maybe it’s worth taking an interest otherwise it’s not my problem
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those digits gotta be chequed
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Can't witness one without the other...
He wouldn't be complaining if it was a godly nigger.
>Pastor Anderson
march to zion is a must watch
Yes, the men that executed Leo frank were slaves, and all the pogroms and expulsions were just a prank
damn i didn't see this one yet
Abraham wasn’t a Jew though.
how dare she not worship the Jew
Go kiss your pope's feet faggot leaf
Faith alone Christianity is still the gospel
>lives ib a household that believes in self-discipline
kys jew
faith alone leads to having one million popes, all of them just as gay and useless.
Lol... but yeah. That's true. It's hard to feel bad for this guy when he pushed racemixing so hard.
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>leads to having one million popes
only cathcucks worship men
watch the videos anon, his wife is abusing the shit out of the kids
WIFE told the kids not to marry nigs.
Heh so it's not just me
Joe Rogan said that the only interesting people he ever met were people that had a rough childhood that means that this is great
One of the sons i guess, looks like a gigantic faggot, so his dad fucking failed fucking hard.

My father is a pastor and loved to bible bash me since i was a kid, loved to strangle my mom and me and my sister. Crazy abusive and the other men at these church camps would encourage his behavior.

But where the fuck is the daughter's video?
Geez the jews are really out to get this guy.
WTF why do women go for such effeminate men ?
the trend rn is atheists don't reproduce, they are a parasitic mind file
Taci acolo tigan borat !
I knew something was off about THEM
Atheist don’t reproduce yet there are more atheists now than there have ever been in history and there’s less religious people than ever so even with reproduction, you’re still failing to maintain your religious strength
Yeah I'm sure you can't wait for the whole planet to be low IQ mutts instead of atheist Europeans
This one is talking about her childhood and how her father was a little too present there.
Mutt's Law
dont reproduce you nigger brained faggot
Joe Rogan is a fucking glownigger closet homo, fuck him and any stupid cunt who listens to him
>there’s less religious people than ever
That's not true at all on a worldwide scale, maybe in western countries
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>horse cock
get your fact straight it was Big Wood Cock !
Catholicism is the foundational church, fool. Everything else is cope because Catholicism (the Way) demands too much of them.
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Like many "Christian" pastors, this guy is a Jew pretending to be Christian. I don't need to explain to you why they do that.
Not really but one of his grandmas was 90% Askenazi ! so yeah he has those genes in his veins for sure
>you’re still failing to maintain your religious strength

You've a parasitic mind virus, so you don't understand what I am saying. You aren't winning. You are invalidated as a possibility.
Right but third world shit skins are barely human. They don’t really count as people do they?
>She probably ran off with her Black boyfriend
Just like your Mum, sister and yourself. You love that BBC.
Literally winning Right now, buddy
the atheists are NOT REPRODUCING.

in the 50's Western Europe was Christian - and made babies.
Well she's 17 and virgin isn't that enough for you to SAVE ?
personally, but cancer wins personally.
He was a Sumerian from Ur which is next to Uruk you know where Gilgamesh ruled and lived
you really aren't very bright are you? educated people are far less likely to have kids, and they're also far less likely to follow kike religions
>holding monkey
you just know
And the kids were like : Mum and Dad be racist n shit ! What a bunch of Judases
Tell me honestly. Are you OK with people denouncing homosexuality in public, and what is the name of such a person whom you support?
What are you even talking about, you pathetic fag?
what a waste of digits on such a faggy post.
>Catholicism is the foundational church
Not true. The religion of the New Testament Bible is not what Roman Catholicism is...
>S-she was supposed to wed a godly negro from our congregation
Jfc no wonder she ran away with her uncle
Why do you even care what happens on this planet on this earth when you have all of eternity in heaven with God to spend don’t worry about it brudda.
Steven Anderson shills have gotten a total of 17 videos removed from the "NIFB EXPOSED" youtube channel via mass reporting. How absolutely pathetic.
Just like your entire existence
>stoleen from me
>against our will
TCD when?
They might as well have been. Do the jews not still rule over us?
Hi kike. You're going to burn in hell kike
Anderson made a whole movie bashing jewlover fake christians
No its christcucks in charge
Pastor Anderson needs to sack up and bring the sword.
>God helps those who help themselves.
Those with hatred in their heart will burn in hell as well…
It literally isn't. Catholicism is anti Bible and you are damned
Actual retard,.enjoy burning forever
BAKA turns out that Steven Anderson doesn't really care about God's requirements for being a pastor since he kept doing the job of a pastor while being disqualified for not ruling his house , but then again the same Steven Anderson thought that Jonathan Shelley was fit for such a job even tho at that time Shelley had a 9 month baby and a 2 or 3 year old kid , like how are people supposed to know if Shelley can rule his house when the people he rules over don't even wipe their own butt ? No such thing as being a good ruler over babies !
Notice how he says catholicism the Way as if Jesus didnt say He is the Way.
Catholics are unapologetic pagan sons of whores worshipping devils
atheism's predicate of "logical" is what? since you are a fool, I know you don't know your predicates. idiot.
Look at her. It is uncanny. It is like someone used faceapp or whatever to turn him into a girl.
Not even close. Psalm 139:22, " I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies."
Hating an enemy of God is literally biblical.
Im not an athiest. Im agnostic.
No, your evangelsit jew whore is probably "finding herself"
Great catch. Catholics are self deluded
You dont know who gods enemies are, you could be being tested.
>I hate my dad because he won’t let me stick random dick and cock in my pussy
What the fuck is wrong with women?
All simps should die btw
People who deny the Bible are God's enemies. You can kill yourself, you don't understand the Gospel and are actively opposing and undermining it. You deserve hell if you don't repent of that and accept faith alone. You are the heathen.
I deny the bible. I deny the quran, i deny the talmud, i deny all religions as i am a radical agnostic.
Radical agnosticism is a philosophical position that emphasizes extreme uncertainty or skepticism, particularly concerning the nature of knowledge and reality. Unlike traditional agnosticism, which typically expresses doubt or uncertainty about the existence of God or other metaphysical claims, radical agnosticism goes further in questioning the possibility of knowing anything with certainty.

### Key Features of Radical Agnosticism:
1. **Skepticism of Knowledge**: It posits that human knowledge is inherently limited or flawed, making it impossible to claim certainty about any knowledge, including religious, metaphysical, and scientific truths.

2. **Suspension of Judgment**: Radical agnosticism advocates suspending judgment on all truth claims, even those typically taken for granted, because the ability to truly understand or know anything in an absolute sense is beyond human capacity.

3. **Beyond Metaphysics**: While traditional agnosticism is often applied to metaphysical claims about God or the afterlife, radical agnosticism applies doubt more broadly to all realms of knowledge, including the physical world, logic, and reason.

4. **Philosophical Influence**: It’s influenced by the works of philosophers like David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and more modern thinkers who question the reliability of human perception and cognition.

In essence, radical agnosticism takes doubt to its most extreme level, suggesting that humans should be profoundly cautious in asserting that they "know" anything. It is a stance of deep intellectual humility and skepticism.
yahweh is a jew nigger foreskin demon
Trips don't lie
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In that particular picture you are right the resemblance is way to much but she's not ugly or something , she's 17 and still a virgin ( hopefully ) so yeah
Show flag rabbi
the predicate is the same, isn't it? atheists vs agnostics.
To answer that, you’ll need to look at the birth control pills they’re taking.
everyone tells the truth 1% of the time?
>that thing is a minor
Modern white women are a lost cause
look at her eyes. she is sanpaku'd. she either ran away to take meth and fall apart or to khs
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Radical agnosticism is a philosophical position that emphasizes extreme uncertainty or skepticism, particularly concerning the nature of knowledge and reality. Unlike traditional agnosticism, which typically expresses doubt or uncertainty about the existence of God or other metaphysical claims, radical agnosticism goes further in questioning the possibility of knowing anything with certainty.

### Key Features of Radical Agnosticism:
1. **Skepticism of Knowledge**: It posits that human knowledge is inherently limited or flawed, making it impossible to claim certainty about any knowledge, including religious, metaphysical, and scientific truths.

2. **Suspension of Judgment**: Radical agnosticism advocates suspending judgment on all truth claims, even those typically taken for granted, because the ability to truly understand or know anything in an absolute sense is beyond human capacity.

3. **Beyond Metaphysics**: While traditional agnosticism is often applied to metaphysical claims about God or the afterlife, radical agnosticism applies doubt more broadly to all realms of knowledge, including the physical world, logic, and reason.

4. **Philosophical Influence**: It’s influenced by the works of philosophers like David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and more modern thinkers who question the reliability of human perception and cognition.

In essence, radical agnosticism takes doubt to its most extreme level, suggesting that humans should be profoundly cautious in asserting that they "know" anything. It is a stance of deep intellectual humility and skepticism
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Nothing a choker can't fix
You can't tell me with a straight face that you would not consider a fully developed 17 year old virgin that looks like picrel
>49 year old uncle
How common is incest among anti-catholics aka protestants? Is it kosher, I mean scriptural?
Not on my watch ! I will save her , all she needs is a loving real man like me and she'll be fine
Lock that pedo uncle up
No, she isn't ugly at all. I was surprised because I saw that video yesterday and didn't appreciate the familial resemblance.
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Pastor Anderson needs help alright.
I didn't read the whole thing, because that's not the predicate.

I mean for the logically live atheist/agnostic life, ue the good life. What is it, the predicate?

This is the philosopher's philosophy - as he does.
>37 year old whitey are minors in the eyes of DALAWD

yipipo dont season dey childrenn
You will end up in hell with all the other idol worshippers.
Your pope is evil and wrong.
All jews have rejected hod by not acknowledging The Christ.
All jews burn in hell.
>she dyed her hair 2 shades darker
>the west has fallen
get off the internet, child

your rotted brain may still have time to heal
Some anon made a few threads about Anderson’s oldest kids speaking out against their dad, saying he was abusive, I didn’t listen to the videos so I don’t know the details. Not shocked though, never liked Steven Anderson mostly because he was fine with race mixing, and he has a good percentage of jew in him.
he's not fucking her, SHE is having sex, like thr whole if whore west
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In Summary:

A radical agnostic approaches life with constant skepticism about what can be known or trusted, yet still engages with the world in practical ways. They live with a balance between philosophical doubt and practical necessity, using everyday life as an ongoing reflection on the limits of human understanding. They might focus on openness, intellectual humility, and provisional beliefs while recognizing the profound uncertainty that pervades all aspects of existence.
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Jesus Christ is the only religious figure in history to physically assault jews in a synagogue for their corruption.

Speaking against the bible exclusively benefits Jews, making you a kike enabler. You cannot refute this in any way.
The only mediator between the Father (Jehovah) and man is Jesus Christ. And we are saved by God's grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the atonement of all sins. And once saved, we are always saved, because to believe otherwise is to mistakenly believe that Christ's death only atoned for some of your sins and that you need to help Jesus save you by atoning for your sins in some way.

Roman Catholicism is false. But Baptists also believe a false gospel, that one must repent of sins to be saved. False! Salvation is of faith, not of works. Repentance is a change of mind, from unbelief to belief in the gospel, i.e. the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for eternal life. There is no other condition, no work we must perform. It is simply a belief.

I pray that you will read and understand, so that we can be brothers.
Pretty much all of his adult children or very close to 18 like Miriam is turned on their parents
Were you there? How do you know that even happened?
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How can you be sure?
Based Clint
>Baptists are protestants
she is hideous
get your eyes checked

its literally a man with long hair
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One last follow up image then I'm leaving.
God is real.
He spoke through Christ.
Reject his teachings at your peril.
Wacky religious people are all the same to me, only you guys care about the difference.
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Nah hes probably not.
Thats a man.
Its called mankind for a reason dummy
you don't get it.

I'll walk you, a fool, through an example.

You are at the grocery store. You live alone, and need to buy a week's groceries. What do you buy, as an atheist?

justify your decisions, atheistically/agnostically if possible.
the Roman pagans that killed millions of jews were not religious in any way tho amirite?
Extremely and holely 'based'
There are enough desperate men in the world that would date her up in a heart beat.
Go back to your universalist daddy, papist
kek. I'd save her from her abusive fanily. She just has to stop saying 'like' so much.
100% dude is a narcissist/sociopath. Christianity is the true way, but many preachers are narc/soc's because preaching gives one moral authority/control over others. The way he is saying she's classified as "runaway" is him manipulating the legal system to get back his "property".
>literally prays to the dead, worships men, calls men father, and practices blood magic in the vatican
kek, satan is so ridiculously hypocritical its ALMOST funny.

Anyways, this pastor is evil and speaks curses on other evil people believing it makes him righteous. It does not. Yes faggots and trannies are in the wrong with their ideology, but it is a sin just like any other sin. There is no need to further demonize them and they should be allowed to attend church same as any other sinner in hopes of God convicting them of their sins and that they might repent. So long as they are not allowed to promote their sin and not lead to believe it isnt sin, there is no reason to reject or further persecute them.
>genetic dead end
Are you stup-- actually nvm you're obviously a retarded pajeet
-pastor anderson
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Food as a Biological Necessity (Avoiding Absolutism)

• Justification: While I may question the certainty of everything, including the nature of biological processes, I can’t ignore that my body requires sustenance to function—at least as far as I can tell. I operate under the assumption that calories and nutrients are necessary for continued life, despite recognizing that even our understanding of nutrition could be flawed or incomplete.
• What I’d buy:
• Staples like rice, pasta, bread (assuming carbs provide energy).
• Proteins like eggs, beans, chicken, or tofu, based on the assumption that proteins are necessary for muscle repair and general bodily function.
• Fruits and vegetables because they are generally understood to contain vitamins and fiber, which support health in ways I provisionally accept (though I remain skeptical about nutrition fads).
In summary:
As a radical agnostic, my grocery shopping would be defined by skepticism, pragmatism, and open-mindedness. I’d avoid rigid belief systems about health or morality, opting for a balanced and varied set of items, while recognizing the limitations of my own understanding. I’d embrace practicality in uncertain situations, and while acknowledging I can’t know everything, I’d still operate within provisional assumptions, making choices based on my best guess, while keeping my doubt intact.

But hey, tomorrow I might just change it all up—because who knows anything for sure?
>my body requires sustenance to function
so? That fact is no cause for atheist/agnostic action.
bitch is hearing the thulean call for bbc for sure
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You’re right in pointing out that the statement “my body requires sustenance to function” isn’t inherently tied to atheism or agnosticism. It’s more of a biological or practical observation that any person—regardless of their beliefs—would likely acknowledge.

From a radical agnostic perspective, though, the very certainty of this biological necessity could be questioned. The radical agnostic approach doesn’t assume that we can have complete confidence even in basic facts like “I need food to survive,” because the radical agnostic fundamentally doubts whether anything can be known with absolute certainty. However, even with this doubt, we still need to navigate life somehow. So, the agnostic response would likely emphasize pragmatic action in the face of uncertainty.
Because that is what the Bible teaches. And because it is impossible for us to ever fully turn from sin. God's standard is perfection, not trying hard. The only one to ever achieve perfection is Jesus Christ. So we need the imputed righteousness of Christ to enter Heaven. And we can have it when we believe on (have faith, trust in) Jesus Christ alone.

>John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

>John 6:29
Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

>Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

>Galatians 2:19-21
For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

Believe in the finished, redemptive work alone of the eternally existing Son of God, Jesus Christ, for your salvation, and you will have everlasting life.

Trust only in Jesus Christ, and not in yourself and your own works (Law keeping or good deeds or church attendance or priestly confession, et. al.).
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Christianity according to Baptists
It's just weird that John and Jonathan both have an interview with a literal make up and nail polish wearing transexual who has been obsessed with upending that church for a decade. There has to be money and payoffs involved for their speech. But who knows, poor kids who got exposed to the real world and took the first opportunity to betray their mother and father, slut shows they're clearly not christian men. Their "coup d'grât was "he whipped me with an electrical cord when I was 14 and it bruised", like lol boo hoo, this was why you sold out your family and brothers? Or maybe it's them having 15min of fame, they lap up the attention from the trans fags looking for ammo to use against their famous father, and they get to be famous for a minute too. What kid doesn't rebel at 16, but here there's an army of demons waiting to help them rebel
But lots of books teach lots of things. How can you be sure your book is right and others are wrong? Some call your book directly into question.
regardless, I agree llama/chatgpt. Regardless: atheism/agnosticism
Im using chatgpt to help communicate to you because your not getting it when i type simply.
Based. Hopefully her virgin cunts getting split by BBC right this very second.
I know, but its ontologies are not human, and it shows. also they all were trained on the same ones, so they all have the same underlying beliefs, llama quant to veg fat Opus or Strawberry.
Strawberry is using complex thinking and not as much data.
to summarize': atheism/agnosticism is entirely designed to dodge religion's rules for living, but atheists/agnostics don't find themselves bound to anything but the stomach, and so are fools/knaves/niggers.
same ontology, same "person," in philosophical chat.
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>No Alexandre Anderson
Godamnit ill Anderson post anyways
You're being foolish. The simplest answer is because their dad is obviously an abusive weirdo. It doesn't take alot of experience to see how he behaves is obviously not from the holy Spirit. People who say otherwise are just immature guys who thinks he's heckin BASED for having edgy opinions. If he was a good christian dad , it's very unlikely that his offspring would even want to leave. Do you know how hard that is to do? Kids are literally hardwired to love their parents and stay around them. To leave obviously implies foul play , probably for a long long time. They wouldn't just say "man, I love my dad but I want some views on YouTube so I'll ruin our entire relationship for a tiny amount of clout!". Nah man, you're just out of touch and autistic if you can't see this.

Even before this all came out, I remember seeing him in church berating everyone cause somebody asked a question and he made himself out to be the ultimate authority over everyone . News flash, pastors are meant to serve, not have complete authority

Also just listening to him talk about certain people. He talks like he wants them to be hurt or something. Guys a douche bag.
notice how it says "held against our will" and not "against her will". She has escaped the abrahamites foul clutches and now it wants her back
Agnostics are niggers was your whole point the whole time!? Bahahahaha nuclear grade copium fren. Have fun with your psychosis.
You are so sure of things. Thats your biggest problem. How can you be sure?
Watcha doin' ?
you follow your stomach, and say "atheism/ agnosticism". nigger go rst a cat you fool
Here, it's yours.
my biggest problem is you stupid nigger fools
I dont need a commie fag-loving pope to commune with the Heavenly Father.
Faith, anon. All of creation proves there is a Creator (God). And only the God of the Bible (Jehovah) stands apart from all others as one of love and justice that offers salvation freely based on the only standard we can reasonably attain: belief, not works. All other religious traditions teach works to some degree.

You will need to do your own study to reach a conclusion that God exists though. I'm better at helping those that already believe in God and want to believe in, follow Jesus but aren't sure how and what the Bible teaches. That's where I shine and am happy to help.

For you, I recommend the books by Lee Strobel. I know they have helped many others. I pray the scales will fall from your eyes, anon. I'd love to meet you in Heaven one day.
South Carolina? but his church is in Arizona
You are jewish
masturbating while listening to femdom mommy asmr, and you?
The logic of atheism:
You can't prove God, therefore your rules are illgogical.

Also no rules apply to the life of the atheist - this is "logical"
>she is a minor
fuck she looks 30
>17 and counting years old
DAFAQ is wrong with you Americucks ?
She had a hard childhood she has 11 siblings and since she is the oldest daughter she had to be a sister / mom for many of her siblings , she is pretty cute
atheism is not a religion. it's not an internal system.
the duality of makeup
Just vaguely believe in jebus and you go 2 hevn
What I dont understand about this is if youre going to talk shit about your parents, why talk to the most disgusting dress wearing faggot possible? It just stinks of set up.
Faith, ao implanted propagandic memories.
i agree with your sentiment but until she's 18 she's legally their responsibility
Don't you have a Hindu idol to shit on then lick clean as a form of worship or some shit?
>atheist believes in laws

avsolute state
Checked. The Christ is King Get still outranks yoirs for digits achieved.

This is the troon thats kicking it all off

Deaddomain on youtube
I hate that shithole with a passion.
women should not be in charge of anything.
I don't know about blasphemy. I'm agnostic, never belonged to a church in my life. But the thing that turns me off about baptists and other protestants is that it seems like any dipshit in a cheap who feels like it can buy a big bible, sign a lease, and set up a church in a strip mall and just say whatever he wants. Which is fine by me in a 1st amendment context. But from a religious perspective? Seems more than a little suspect. Don't read this as carrying water for catholics. I know they have many issues themselves. But one issue they don't seem to have is 95 IQ grifters just setting up shop and doing whatever the hell the feel like in the name of their religion. That and they do seem to take their religious traditions going back to the beginning very seriously. Where protestants just dropped the ones they didn't like or that got in the way of them doing whatever it was they wanted to do.
She can likely drag the process out for a year until she's 18, then it's a moot point.
He is a master of Pilpul.
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No sir. If you truly seek with an open mind, you will find God (Jehovah) and you will find Jesus. If you do consider yourself an intellectual, then read The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Strobel was an atheist and a journalist for the Chicago Tribune. If nothing else, you may learn more about Christians and our perspective by reading this book. What harm could it do? I'd offer to send you a copy, but I know how everyone here, myself included, values our anonymity. But it is a cheap book, and can be found for $10. What do you have to lose?
So this guy has been grooming 16 year old girls to fuck while married and has kids too?
And the christcucks still follow him like sheep while defending him?
Probably on Onlyfans.
I'm almost 30 and look younger than her
That bitch don't look like a mimor
Was a virgin. She's been out of the house for more than 12 hours.
She looks like she would love giving blowjobs.

Thats an old hagg close to 40. Did he post the right picture?
No that's not what happened teenage kids from the church were sexting each other boys and girls they were almost all under 18 , one of the girls was 16 and Anderson said that 16 year olds are fully developed which is true so I don't understand how come now his 17 years old daughter is but a child
You will die for Israel and Noahide. Jesus was an incel
Here it is chud !
Yeah I'm thinking you're going to Hell.
>it is better to scammed by a man in a $10k suit than one bought at thrift store
If it makes you feel better I guess whatever.
BBC runaway
just ask jesus for help lol
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Oh prots worship men just in a different way lmao
Jew Rogaine is 95 IQ slop
>tranny interviewer bio on twitch

>Nonbinary They/Them. Trans person who infiltrated a hate church. Video essayist, model, comedian, writer, game designer, and a bunch of other stuff on occasion.

One of His son paints his nails and wears literal gay rave outfits, not to mention does shrooms and other drugs, probly will turn into one of those burning man fags.

They grew up in a strict home but not bad enough for me to side with the troon abominations, the shills here are painfully obvious
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when the civil war starts in US?
Yeah I dont believe these kids at all...
>Hey, im still christian better and my parents are abusive... better talk to the most disgusting retard with a blown out asshole.

Im not buying it.
>catholics think reading the bible is jewish
So..you're a tranny. Makes sense that I was right
>Why won't they side with the transexuals against the Christians
>Why don't they think getting whipped is child abuse
>Why won't they join me in laughing about the destruction of these children for tranny kicks
Hang yourself abomination
I'm past 30 and same.
I don't know about any of this other shit, but /we/ sure as shit do not have a pastor.
I dont doubt they were disciplined hard but what ever get over it. They are grown adults crying about how bad they had it to a troon that hates Christianity including them lol. All this fake sympathy just to use them to bash Christians
Oh shut the hell up, quit being retarded you zoomer
QRD on the monkey? Is the monkey still involved?
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Nevermind I can't compete with cool zoomers like him , he's just too cool , eyeliner , black nail polish , that awesome zoomer eye distance ration , probably even some Maybelline . IT'S OVER FOR ME !
He's the guy she was/is dating btw
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How does a grown woman get "stolen"? Did dad lose the pedo war with his brother? What a fucking creep
Exactly, they are playing right into that fucking faggots hands. He doesnt care about them.
That is a woman.
Oh look another degenerate tranny surprised nobody cares about kids getting disciplined.
It's a mess right now in the churches, I understand why people are skeptical, but most of these idiots attacking Christians are low IQ edgelords, thinking they found some secret knowledge instead of a rolling kike psyop meant to cause yet more disharmony, and get Whites warmed or unsympathetic to killing White Christians.
What happened takes a lot of nuance to understand, and smooth brains just want to kneejerk sperg on each other. If you haven't noticed, we're going nowhere ever since it started...
Bump, hope she's found safe and sound
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That's her own fault for being weak. God suffers no weakness to exist.
>macks up your daughter
how would you react /pol/?
God bless, brother.
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Don't let that dude anywhere near Diddy.
strict sheltering does NOT FUCK WORK. You live your life as an example of what you want your kids to be like and if its any good they will copy you. You cannot cram shit down kids throats and then expect them not to explore the opposite of everything you tried to force on them.
>go to college and find her Chad
That means a nigger isn't?
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uncle anon went all in
so true
"Innocent, not Ignorant" is a phrase that comes to come
so what's this fag's real story? Evangelical that noticed Zionism is fucked, but because he grew up in the most scammy type of Christianity he just formed his own cult to make a living?
not a cult since they didn't move to the middle of nowhere/ people can leave easily, but more or less, he claims that this is what baptists have historically believed before dispensationalism was popularized
Yeah, this is some top level groomer shit.
What the fuck, why was the post I replied to deleted? The guy basically said they are after anderson because he doesnt suck up to israel.
cult war ?
It's John the bapist, not john the catholic, shut up leaf faggot
He just reads the Bible and applies it literally.
So far it has been almost 19 years, and nobody has been able to prove him wrong on any doctrine.
He's also one of the few American pastors than doesn't support Israel and doesn't suck up to judaism, so he is being attacked relentlessly by all sorts of things unrelated to Bible teachings.
dont worry anons
shes turning the other cheek right now as we speak
when i first heard from pro israel american churches, i was shocked how blatant it was
Thanks bro.

I would honestly freak out you already can tell he's a zoomer retard
>monkey friendly and cooperating with pastor anderson
>You should allow unrepentant devil worshippers into your flock!
no, that's not what a church is for you demon-riddled faggot. Church is for the gathering together of believers for the purpose of worshipping God, not as a social club for degenerates to find friends. We are to go into the world to preach to you, not bring you into the church.
firmament is not unique thing only in sandnigger religions
>s a sin just like any other sin.
>1 John 5:16
>If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
beastiality isn't the same as thinking a foolish thought
>but it is a sin just like any other sin.
Romans 1

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