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Tumor weaks.
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>2 more weeks
>final warning
>2 more red flags of revenge
It's all so tiresome.
Didn't they say they did this last week too? Seems like every week they say they killed their leader.
I was just going to post this the second I saw the footage of that bunker buster on beruit I only thought one thing holy shit I cannot believe they did this whilst Netanyahu was In the us Iran is 100% going to respond nothing ever happens faggots lost big time
Iran is writing a stern letter as we speak
The greenlight for WW3 wont happen until after our the US election. After that all leaders will get the signal from the evils that be to start the big show.
it's time for iran to raise the red flag of revenge
Wow really? So maybe they managed to kill the guy who was responsible for nothing happening and now he'll be replaced by someone who'll make it happen, this time for real in just 2 more weeks? I believe!
Nvm netayahu has rushed away from New York
Not saying they should have done it. But, I understand.
holy shit 2 more Red Flags of revenge
such a strong word
it was a targeted strike
Nope. They're out of time. They don't have two more months to sit back. They will be forced to show their hand before the election.
Israel pounding every Arab around them to death isn't WW3....
Haha, Israel is really murdering you guys tho lmao. You won't do shit.

Gonna need additional sauces besides some literal who on X
thats leaving to much to chance
the war needs to be active so options are available

Its a satanic war so they will begin on Halloween
So they killed all the top brass? Guess that means they won
digits and nukes will fly within 2 weeks
Muslims are total cowards and pawns of the jew. They won't do shit.
They just keep escalating this madness. I give it half a month before it's announced we've officially entered ww3
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>it's time for iran to raise the red flag of revenge
Iran will raise the pink flag of cuckoldry and sit in the corner watching their 72 virgin wives get defiled by big circumcized kike dicks.
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Muslims are truly the laughing stock of the world right now.
last weak was their "air defense commander" and "drone chief". it was confirmed by lebanon today

every kill has been confirmed so far, only remains 2 guys, one being the beardy top guy
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>digits and nukes will fly within 2 weeks
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>surely they will do something this time!
>fires a single rocket into a chicken coop
>take that, you dirty kikes!
The red flag of sewage has been raised on the dome of the poophouse in Iran.
I look forward to the strongly worded letter in response
They absolutely can wait, and will use that time to fearmonger and keep moving pieces around
>leaving too much to chance
Not after taking the time to kill low level leaders not in the know over the last few months in the middle east
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אתה נראה כמו סוס יאור
יש לך שכל של ציפור
עדיף שתשאר בבור
כי בקרוב אתה תמות

אתה פשוט אדיוט גמור
עם שגעון גדלות חמור
אתה שטן או בקיצור
אתה חלאת האנושות

גם אם תזרוק עלינו טילים
או תאיים על הגליל עם
החברים שלך מסוריה ואיראן
גם אם תפיל כאן עוד קטיושות
תדע שאין כאן שום יאוש עוד
ביחד נתגבר על הצרה

יאללה יא נסראללה
נדפוק אותך אינשאללה
נחזיר אותך לאללה
עם כל החיזבאללה
יאללה יא נסראללה
תלך מפה יא זבאללה
נגזר כבר מלמעלה
שזה הסוף שלך

אתה עלוב אתה קטן
אתה מזכיר אורנג אוטן
יש לך כינים על הזקן
ובקרוב תעוף מכאן

אתה ג'וק מת אתה בואש
אתה מתחיל להתייאש
צה"ל אותך רק מבקש
כדי לשרוף אותך באש

גם אם תזרוק עלינו טילים...

יאללה יא נסראללה...

אז תקשיב טוב יא חיזבאללונצ'יק עלוב
ותהיה מוכן, כי בקרוב כל צה"ל,
עם האפאצ'ים, האף 16, הספינות,
הטילים, הטנקים, הקומנדו,
צנחנים, גולני, גבעתי...
כולם...כולם... מגיעים אליך לביקור.
אז תנשום כמה נשימות עמוקות, ותהנה מהן...
כי אלה הנשימות האחרונות שלך
יא כאלב!!!
intel would have been from the us
So something must happen in 14 days
The coming elections are the reason for the increased hostilities since the president can't be too hard on "the greatest ally" this close to the election.
I agree.

Someone make the "do something" meme with Isreal and Iran, please.
fuck guess I better do some goonmaxing now while I can now that I've only 14 days left to live
Get in the box, burger! You're going to the Middle East again!

Based, now nuke iran
actually they were aiming for some kids playing a beach but missed.
it's hilarious how much ass Israel can kick and the countries it attacks can't do shit in return. I say kill 'em all, Israel.
very large booms:
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we will attack Israe-ACK
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you would say that. don't forget to go to temple tomorrow you filthy kike
that one good leaf
The increased kike hostilities are happening because within the next decade zionism will no longer exist as it does now if at all.
Nuclear false flags for sure within the next year at the very least
bunker busters
actually I am atheist
nothing ever happens
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Isnt this like the 20th Hezbollah leader Israel has assassinated? Weird, its almost like they created a decentralized and compartmentalized command structure precisely to be able to endure regular assassinations
To soon to tell if he's dead. However if he's dead, It's full on war.
dumbass leaf
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I'm shocked they actually went for it. He was clearly an ineffective leader, and had no real desire to escalate the war with Israel.
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Lol, israel is a terrorist state
happy hanuakka you vile subhuman nigger
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your days are numbered goatfucker
hezbollah ain’t gonna do shit
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No shit Shlomo, at least my cock isn't mutilated though, kek
with whom??? everyone is dead lol
It's not Lebanon that needs to act, it's the kikes.
Can you kikes actually just nuke or release a bioweapon on these sand niggers? Tired of every week “look nasrallah fat fuck is about to give a speech!” Only for it to be nothing and lead to nothing
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I wonder if hezbol will actually start attacking now? I thought they had scuds and stuff?
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Well fuck me sideways
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>jewish supremacy is retarded
Imagine walking around with a mutilated jewish dick, a giant hooked nose, being ugly as fuck, and then thinking everyone else is inferior
>Fucking kek
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mine neither
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If he died, all Christians, Sunnis, and Shiites will unite for Total Kike Death.
no shit, they used bunker penetrating bombs
your government is doing its best to try and start a full on war with iran to bring the us in to take them out. it's quite obvious.
Twomoreweeks bros...
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Ok Shlomo
>Post it
this thread is proof bots control this board now. nobody likes israel here newfag ai bots. death to all kikes, I wipe my ass with their talmud. fucking parasitic demons
you pussy-ass goatfuckers won't do shit, lol
Pretty much. Now all Israel has to do is give them some new leaders and then the problem is over.
MIGAs love israel
Die in a holocaust, dumb kike!
No, they’ve been systematically assassinating Hezbollah commanders, working their way up the chain toward the top chief.
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Apparently Israel doesn't give a fuck any more
Bitch, Israel can handle the Cuckranians easily, never forget that Iran has never won a single war in history.
israel will burn
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>uh oh they’re gonna lift the heckin red flag!
They’ll give you another final warning when there’s 3 of them left. War my ass they’ve proven to be bums that can barely handle your diapered conscripts even then after you take 100 out they’ll gloat about how they killed 5 of yours
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It's funny when you name jewish crimes, the bots spam nonsense to try remove the comment from being seen on the first page
>jewish crimes such as adrenochrome
and even if he died ? still hate kikes, still want TKD, nothing changed fren
build back better
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always the leaf
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It will be every man for himself. About 90 percent of young men will flee with the older left to fight for their own country, unless the president pulls a Zelensky and bars men from leaving.
You're seething lmaooooo. Reminder that Israel has never lost a war.
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>sandnigger noises
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I was quoting the song you dumb jeet
2 more weeks bro. Regardless, it’s a good thing for lebanon if Hizballah is dismantled. Means you’ll be left alone and maybe even thrive. Try to not tunnel vision for once you fuckin retard.

On it mister. We will destroy anyone who threatens us.
israel can't conquer palestine and lebanon on its own. bombing from the air isn't that; it's the same issue as the us had in vietnam.
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hezbollah is seriously getting fucked on
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sorry to say but jews are really making iran and hez look like bitch niggers
Hezbollah has a lot of rockets they can fire deep into Israel. But they are already doing that so it doesn't exactly work as deterrence anymore.
i dont think theyre aiming to conquer. this is more liek a special military operation
holy fucking based
mashallah hes in pieces
Why isn't hezbollah fighting back? Seems like Israel is just bombing them and lebenanon and civilians as it pleases.
Obviously Bibi has to keep up the charade that he's "fighting Hezbollah" even though it's obvious they just want the land.
doesn't say he died
Unconfirmed sources says red flag is up.
Red flag is up!!!
Did his dick got blown off by the pagers attack?
If yes then it's less comforting to assassinate a dickless "man".
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>Israel did this
>Israel did that
And yet they are still surrounded by millions of enemies.

What has Israel done?

Nohthing, as usual. But if you give them a few bilion more dolars you won't be considered an anti semite.
2 days, nuke Jerusalem first.
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>results: inconclusive
LAUGH AT PISSRAEL trying to get a rerun
goys have no idea the sheer wrath that a circumcised man is capable of
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you should know
the exact same thing happened to the IRA
the leaders became comfortable and fat
realized that crime pays more and is less risky than war
essentially become a protection racket

then die
israel has what seems like total air superiority, they can do these targeted strikes all day and hez doesn't seem to have any defensive options to prevent it.
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just fuck my shit up
You won't do shit kike
May your soul forever be damned to Gehinnom and never escape, Kikerat.
I'm uncircumsised and I can smell if a jew has visited a news media outlet in the last 50 years. I can tell a jew by his handwriting, I can detect a jew from low earth orbit.
Didn't Bibi recently ask the IDF to tone down the strikes until a cease fire is negotiated or something? Is he in control of the military?
aren't kikes doing it literally as we speak?
i always though it was funny that the ADL was formed because white people killed a jewish pedophile who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl on passover in 1913. oddly the wikipedia article about the crime leaves out the fact that it was a ritual murder for passover.
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>1 post by this ID
lol, looks like the leaf’s just farming yous and dipped!
1,500 hezzies got their dicks blown off a week ago and you’re still harping about shit 20 years ago
fuck ali gon do?
The fuck kikes gonna do?
WW4 will happen before WW3 ever starts at this rate.
good, about time lol
Looks like you're on my continent rabbi and not safe from justice.
This isn’t ww3, but it is a regional war
Just hurry it up shlomo nobody likes mudslimes. All the protests and pro palestine bullshit is just an excuse to be a soft anti semite. Everywhere Arabs go people hate them including other Arabs. Bomb the stupid dome of the rock and place your temple there to assert dominance. Fuck it the goyim know you run shit so just own it
Too obvious.
The leaders in Iran aren't going to plunge their people into a bloody war for Hamas or Hezbollah. They'll give them arms and money but they aren't fighting until they are attacked directly.
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Kill muslims, behead muslims, roundhouse kick muslims into the concrete, slam dunk a muslim’s scarf into the trash can, crucify filthy muslims, defecate into muslims' food, launch muslims into the sun, stir fry muslims in a wok, toss muslims into active volcanoes, urinate into muslims's gas tank, Judo throw muslims into a wood chipper, twist muslims' heads off, report muslims to the IRS, karate chop muslims in half, curb stomp pregnant muslims, trap muslims in quicksand, crush muslims in the trash compactor, liquify muslims in a vat of acid, eat muslims, dissect muslims, exterminate muslims in the gas chamber, stomp muslims skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate muslims in the oven, lobotomize muslims, mandatory abortions for muslims, grind muslims fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown muslims in fried chicken grease, vaporize muslims with a raygun, kick old muslims down the stairs, feed muslims to alligators, slice muslims with a katana.

Hahahahshahahshahshshaha MUDSLIME
lol imagine thinking it fucking matters.
Both of them are status quo enthusiasts who kiss the wall and pledge unrelenting support for Israel.
They wouldn’t send the D squad after trump if he was a legitimate threat
>Too obvious.
And? The kikes and pedos have been obvious for a long time now, they dont care because the average goy cannot cope with the truth and just go with it.
Go to bed, Brad. It’s past your bedtime.
Kikes and arabs are both kikes, so it's like a family feud. Which doesn't count.
Aren't you goylems familiar with the terms already?
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Muslims can spit out a million 85 IQ babies.
Jews are dysgenic after thousands of years of war and bottlenecked to the point Dor Yeshorim should just sterilize everyone and they should apologize on TV and beg to be left alone until they fade away. I'll respect Jews when they take the Zeke Yeager option.

The proper response should have been to target the civilian high rises of tel aviv after the kikes did the same in Lebanon. But Muslims INSIST on keeping the gloves on while subhumans like kikes and Hindu rape rats play with no rules. You have to be a monster to defeat monsters. Iran and their pussyfooting is to blame for all of this.
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You won’t do shit
I pray that the region is turned to dust and any enemies of the white race there perish.
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I dont think the elction matters, Trump is their chosen candidate once again which is why they need to hype up his victory so the masses are as eager as ever to do what ever he asks, including dying for israel. It's all a show and it has a schedule to follow. It's why they keep throwing all this fake shit at him to make him seem invincible and have the media running the same fake and gay hypetrain for Harris like they did Hillary, to make their lose funny and crushing when it happens to them.
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From your mouth to God's ears. Sampson engaged.
Hello glowie
1Nations, come near to hear, and kingdoms, hearken. The earth and the fullness thereof, the world and all its offspring.
2For the Lord has indignation against all the nations and wrath against all their host. He has destroyed them; He has given them to the slaughter.
3And their slain ones shall be thrown, and their corpses-their stench shall rise, and mountains shall melt from their blood.
4And all the host of heaven shall melt, and the heavens shall be rolled like a scroll, and all their host shall wither as a leaf withers from a vine, and as a withered [fig] from a fig tree.
5For My sword has become sated in the heaven. Behold, it shall descend upon Edom, and upon the nation with whom I contend, for judgment.
6The Lord's sword has become full of blood, made fat with fatness, from the blood of lambs and goats, from the fat of the kidneys of rams, for the Lord has a slaughter in Bozrah and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.
7And wild oxen shall go down with them, and bulls with fat bulls, and their land shall be sated from blood, and their dust shall become saturated from fat.
8For it is a day of vengeance for the Lord, a year of retribution for the plea of Zion.
9And its streams shall turn into pitch and its dust into sulfur, and its land shall become burning pitch.
10By night and by day, it shall not be extinguished; its smoke shall ascend forever and ever; from generation to generation it shall be waste, to eternity, no one passing through it.
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Take all those missiles, drones, and artilery and hit a single high rise building in tel aviv and that will do more than the last 4 months of pussyfooting around.
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So Nasrallah wasn't a Kike plant? He was the perfect 'bad' guy. All talk, no action.

>33 days from the US election is October 2
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Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
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Hahaha fuck Hezbolla.
Iran next please.
>cheers to kill all Jews
>cries when Muslim babies die
its funny because its true.
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Oh no another sand nigger is dead...
Hopefully it leads to Israel getting nuked
Wake me up when Israel is nuked
Iranian backed telegram accounts want to go to war with Israel, I’m guessing they might have got him
Shit will hit the fan around and after the election by Iran and Russia, they will attack the us from within with cyber and such
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Israel is full of filthy wogs with weird American accents, and they are no different to arabs in the end
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Oh no
Put me in the screencap
You are a giga autis if you think Iran won’t respond ismail was only the head of hamas in terms of importance hezbollah is much more of a heavy hitter
So fucking based, once the kikes and ayrabs are done nuking each other I hope India and Pakistan follow suit.
It will happen when the weather cools
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>Implying nukes exist in real life
Kek, jews
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Nice try shiptar but when Jew finishes palestiniggers other muslim kids will go into metal shredder

Make sure I'm in the screenshot for when it ends up in the history books
But the Jooooooooos

The fucking Jooooooooos, bros
they wont respond
Iran has 1 go in a conflict so its all or nothing
Jews are so effective at basically everything they do. I kneel to the objective master race.
Chaim. My greatest ally. Please, when you false flag us. Spare Pennsylvania.
Life here is hard enough. Hit Texas or Virginia. They deserve it. California or even Florida. They really deserve it.
It'll happen when Chinks and North Korea start fucking around
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Two sharts become one.
This is what sitting on your hands waiting for the jude to strike earns. Once the blood ju goes mask off, it's him or you.
Lebanon has no functional army. Lebanon is unique country with pseudo state apparatus and pseudo army. It's all about balance of power between ethno-religious communities.

And Hezbollah are just paramilitary group, and you expect them to be the army with all it's functionality, which they are not.

I wish Putin the Cuck did the same with hohols, meaning, bombed the sweet targets even in crowded cities with total disregard to civilian casualties. But he's a coward and faggot so he would pay for advances with russian blood instead.
They won't. That is a big step bringing them into conflict with a nuclear armed Israel and potentially a nuclear armed superpower, they aren't taking it over some dead Arabs in Lebanon.
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dios mio
Hop to it, faggot
They will loose everything now if they don’t they have been unable to achieve anything with non direct military force diplomacy has failed and they need a war
Every time Iran has held back like ordering hezbollah not to join oct 7 they lost they need to fight
one can only hope
It didn’t go nuclear in the 1970s it won’t go nuclear now, nuclear weapons outside of scenarios like Russia and North Korea will only be used if the extsienxe of a race is threatened no a country
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Aaaaaany minute now
>Memeflag calling ME a shill
Thread theme

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I understand where you are coming from but I think he keeps an eye to after the war, reincorporating Ukraine into's Russia's sphere. That is why Putin doesn't flatten Kiev, he doesn't want a permanent rupture between the peoples.
wew leaf
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>Ali Karaki
How they know the man is dead if they don't even have a picture of him?
>2 more weeks
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Lol power fantasy
you are brown.
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lets go
They're issuing a statement soon. Feels like he's alive if they'd have a response up so soon after the strike, or they want us to think that anyway.
let it happen
how many leaders do they have?
I feel like the jews have killed 500 "leaders"
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Oh but we’re already doing a lot to get rid of the mudslimes, appreciate it goy
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Imagine killing hundreds of civilians in their homes just to target one person and he turns out to be not even there. Complete intelligence failure but also, if Hezbollah doesn't respond in a strong and emphatic way, then they might as well raise a white flag and get it ovevr with.
That's friendly fire at worst, and a sacrifice most probably. They will play the siren of the iron domocaust, fearmonger for a bit, rinse and repeat
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No he's just a coward. He is not planning to occupy ukraine either. He just doesn't care about health, lives and well being of his own citizens, if he's willing to trample upon them for the sake of perception from foreigners, like he does with hohols and others. Hohols hate and will hate him regardless of his actions.

That's the epitome of anti-national rulership. Pro-national governors would never decide to spill more of their people's blood for the sake of aliens.
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you mother fucker..
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I believe they are running out of pole to hang up more red flags
Hey, the fire cracker scaring those chickens threatened the Israeli food supply
Says the most cucked country on the face of the planet
>you can't have sex if you cum during the foreplay- Confucius
I don't think the gonna make it.
They literally destroyed 4 entire residential buildings
Looks like they're gonna claim he's fine. Impossible to tell whether it's true or not.
I agree with that, I have the perspective of a foreigner only of course but I see Putin as a mixed bag, good on some things and not so great on others. I can't think of anyone who could possibly replace him who would be better but again my perspective is limited. You wouldn't want someone more western style liberal like Navalny that would be much worse.
Like I said when their pagers exploded: Hezbollah has a serious rat problem.
Reminder that BIden was deliberately pretending there was an imminent ceasefire in the past 2 days while they were planning this attack.
Come on kek, put me out of my fucking misery.
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>3000+ high-ranking Hamas members taken out of the fight with pager bombs without firing a shot
>Hamas leadership decapitated
>80+ Hamas missile and weapon depots destroyed
>Hamas rendered impotent
>Iran pissing and shitting and crying

Clearly evidence shows that Israel should massacre its enemies with impunity and disregard because there are absolutely no consequences for doing so. Not from the international community and not from Muslims, who are the weakest and most pathetic group on the planet.
The problem is that there will be no "evil leader" by the time. Israel killed it all.
Iran is really leaving this nigga out to dry, feel bad for him. What a bunch of traitorous cowardly f*rsians. No one is ever gonna ally with Iran again if Nasrallah dies.
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Kek, they should pull Old Man in the Mountain and just claim that he is fine even if kikes got him. Given Hezbollah performance, his contributions couldnt be that great anyway.
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An Iranian official told Reuters: "We are checking on Nasrallah's condition"
This is the guy on top.
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>it was a targeted strike
In someone else's country?
That's an 'act of war' for regular folks, guess the 'chosen' have a different set of rules.
Wonder when the arabs start blowing up jews in 'other peoples countries'?
Turn about is fair play...
Based do it more Israel
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Thank you for the update, Megatron.
>if Hezbollah doesn't respond in a strong and emphatic way

Hezbollah has strong units like Radwan, russian chads from Wagner and spetsnaz/SOF defeated ISIS in Syria shoulder to shoulder with them and respected them. They said Hezbollah Radwan are strong men, good soldiers with very good training and morale. But it's infantry.
israel sure is pushing hard
but they'll wait
Yea they just merc'd hundred of civilians in that area, its fucking crazy.
This. They should just nuke the middle east and be done with it. No one's going to criticize the *chosen ones* anyway
Finally Israel will rise to power and give us a chance to fight global warming and stop Drumf!
The appropriate response would be an Iranian strike on Tel-Aviv, right?
But even if they killed him its probably nothing in the long-term. Kikes exterminated most of Palestinian leadership in the 20th century and it only lead to creation of more dedicated groups like Hamas. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call to start fighting kikes for real.
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Hezbollah already destroyed Israeli Rafael defense companies HQ.
not necessarily. israel has plenty of intelligence means
They already wasted hundreds of millions and thousands of missiles/drones trying that and not 1 got through
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This will probably make Iran join the war. There is no way they won’t be pressure to by the other Arabs over this. This is a big deal. Zionists have officially set the Middle East on Fire.

Enjoy your trip zogbots! Have a fun war boys haha good luck our golem friends
Kikes are going to kvetch about human shields, completely ignoring the fact that israeli military has headquarters in the middle of tel-aviv.
lol Russians had to die for Assad because Hezbollah couldn’t defeat a few goat farmers
>there are absolutely no consequences for doing so
Last time I checked there is 2 massive anglokike(US+UK) fleets in both seas right and left of Israel. Coincidence? I don't think so. Jews are brave, because they have anglokikes as enablers of their crimes.
It’s like the little bully with his big brother standing by as he kicks other kids in the shins. The only thing keeping the bullies victims in check is Big Brother (((US))).
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>Nasrallah's daughter arrived at the crater with 25 bodyguards and looking for something, won't take any comments


You are probally right this seems like a huge escalation.
THE terrorist state
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You are dumb as a rock if you believe that propaganda.

Hezbollah easily killed two kikes using one missile but you believe that no one was killed after they fired another 1000 missiles
is she hot?
Seeing how effective muslims are against jews, I definitely think all Christians should convert to islam now. Not.
Well fuck
that depends, do you like bearded women?
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Iran didn't seriously want them to hit, which is why they notified America of their plans beforehand. It was just to save face with their population. This seems like Israel is getting too aggressive and will actually need a real response.
her looks would blow your mind
>russians [...] said
aint worth shit
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He's alive, and israel dug its grave.
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>surrounded by muslims
>they are too afraid to do something about it
Spineless fucking cowards
Nonsense, he's alive.
Listen to this NWO soon to be dead nigger
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>This will probably make Iran join the war. There is no way they won’t be pressure to by the other Arabs over this
lol, lmao even, dare I say lmfao?
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>not 1 got through
lol, LMAO even
Its really pathetic. Muslims are perfectly positioned to wage war against kikes, and their ideology seems tailor-suited for this kind of thing. And yet, they do nothing of substance.
Iran has a president begging for US friendship. Seems political assasination works.
You're the worst poster on this board and should be range banned
I'd breed and convert her
The last few weeks have proven that Arabs are gay and all the Muslim militant groups are paper tigers at best now. Total kike victory.
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Finally,let the fire cleanse this world.
don't forget to shave her
That's a pretty big failure after killing almost a 1000 civilians in one strike.
>shitskin semites vs shitskin semites
No one cares, as no one should
same with Ruzzia

Back to the oven, Keikeowitz.
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you miss every shot you don't take
Sounds like cope. Additional deaths are fuel for escalation you think they would hide them. lol
They only chase drunk rednecks in UK while being praised by the pedos in charge. In France, they could topple the regime in a week - they did not moved a finger to help yellow vests battling Macron and his homos. Useless parasites used by kikes to destroy anything European.
not for long if true
Its over...had to be a fucking leaf too
stfu pajeet, did you looked at your mother?
>isreal is dead for sure this time
aren't you retarded goatfuckers tried of saying this
iran and hezbollah are total pussies.
Israel breed feed any trained the rats
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>gypsy defending women with beards

Like pottery
difference is our HQ isn't underneath civilian infrastructure, its a whole separate building
That's a very interesting pic you got there. The fires burning underground. So he was hiding in a bunker under a residential area and they got him anyway. Kind of fucked up.
thanks for the guns vassal-state kun
Yes it’s a funny meme except the world is being dragged into the kikes drama
I'm not defending dirty poojets licking kikes ass, moron. Nor hoholinas in Canada sucking poojet smelly tiny dicks for a living.
Indeed, and there are no bunkers in your HQ, and strike on it would definitely not require massive civilian casualities. Shlomo please, lay off your bullshitting for a while, I am sick of arguing with your kind.
nuke relocation often happens via airplanes, yes.

No, Mossad and IDF wants to portray an image of being all powerful and undefeatable. They will report some deaths. But not too many to make themselves look bad. Since there is a media blackout at all Israeli military sites, nobody knows how much damage are happening there.
He was in there particularly because he wasn't a total moron. Born a shia but not an extremist by any means. Good for the cameras. If he's gone, the Quds will step in directly from Damascus.
This gave me a surge of dopamine so sudden it made me lightheaded.
Wrong flag. You get nothing from us.
Retard cia memeflag post

No they didn’t
Muslims are weak cucks. They do nothing. Well maybe rape some children and cry about jews.
And then all whites American and Europe will unite under Zionism and form a Roman Empire.
make it one week please
>You get nothing from us.
If you're a sandnigger then you should know you give us tremendous entertainment
imagine having your entire country taken over and your children raped by "cucks" and the do nothing. What does that make of you?
>cia memeflag post

Israel has been at war for months Mr cia officer
טעם מוזיקלי משובח
Well, yeah they are all semites, they cannot tell each other apart, it stands to reason they could be infiltrated.
Again, I dont have German or UK flag. My country has virtually no migrants.
Oh shit nigger!
Hell ya how's the false flag coming along ? Got those shell companies setup under Russian names and all that ? Got ur Broadway & Hollywood kikes hammering out the script ? I bet they didn't know they could write a piece without infinity niggers and faggots but look at them now! They're flying! Don't look down, you're flyingggggg !
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Ah I forgot. Die in fire, you filthy vermin.
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>The target was
You're going to get shoah'd for real this time
Russians also say ALLAH AKBAR when looting babushka houses in ukraine you vat(beach)nigga
brown hands typed this
Digits and in 3 weeks the black flag flies on the dome
You do not hear nationalistic music in America anymore, must be nice to have a people that love one another and have nationalist pride.
The arabs sent their child killers & rape troops by the tens of millions to Europe and now they expect our sympathy and understanding? israel could literally nuke all arab countries and only a few leftist self-hating faggots would even care.

Everyone hates arabs, some have the balls to say it out loud and some don't but the end result is the same

There is one european child raped by an arab every 6 minutes around the clock year in year out
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keep slandering spitedul shill nigga
I honestly believed at the time all this mass immigration started that the plan was to create conflicts and hatreds for an upcoming war effort.
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well it is working. Total Arab Death will be welcomed by a vast majority of civilized humans. Anyone who has ever dealt with arabs now what absolute human trash and scum they are

they can post 6 gorillion pictures of dead arab kids and all I see are future criminals and pedo rapists
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Ohhh weeeee!!!
The antichrist - I HATE HIM!!!
This is ai, nobody films like this
it would make more sense to have a leader that white people go to die for. i can only see trump getting elected. dont sing up, american anons, we joke around calling you mutts and shit, but i would miss every last one of you, even the spics.
and your solution is... create tens of millions of arab refugees. Good goy

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