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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Cops are actually worse than niggers or Jews.

If there were no cops, whites could form militias and kill/enslave/control niggers freely.

If there were no cops, there would be no one to enforce hate speech or holocaust denial laws. There would also be no one stopping a group of white dudes from physically removing Jews from power positions.

But even aside from the political stuff, cops are complete vermin. You should NEVER report a crime and here's why:

>they might suspect you as the one behind the crime. most cops don't actually care they just wanna find someone to pin the blame on. they prefer to get the real guy to avoid issues, but if they think you're dumb or mentally unstable and that you can be manipulated into a false confession, they'll do it. the consequences for doing this, in the very rare cases that it's proven to have happened, are pretty much non-existent. if they're fired they can get hired by a different police department elsewhere.

>it's unlikely that they will offer you any kind of protection

>witnessing in court, which is crucial for the prosecution, is extremely dangerous. if you live in a corrupt country someone within the court system or the police may give your name to the criminal or their friends to threaten you from witnessing/to retract your statement, or just straight up kill you to prevent you from witnessing

>often police won't even do anything, so you'll just have wasted your time reporting the crime.

In most cases, it's just not worth the stress, time, risk and effort.
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man fore not rochen here
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WTF? That pic has to be AI
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UK Police are the absolute worst.
They don't even investigate burglary and other "minor" crimes, but if you commit a racismz online, there's a good chance that you'll get a knock on your door from the plod.
After the recent UK race riots Whites were rounded up and fast tracked through the courts and received hefty sentences.
Not a single paki was arrested that I am aware of, despite muslims rioting and assaulting Whites.
Fuck 2 tier Keir Starmer and the woke police force.
i hate the feeling of being fat, its so sluggish to move around but food is too delicious FUCK
I hate pigs. Fuck em. All they've ever done for me was give me shit. Whenever I needed them they don't care. Car stolen? didn't give a fuck. Motorbike stolen ? also didn't give a fuck. Boomer neighbour complains about a little bit of music and they're straight over. Don't talk to cops. Don't assist cops. If they arrest you say "no comment" until they let you go. Don't ever tell them anything. If you see a copy dying at the side of the road, laugh and keep driving.
>There would also be no one stopping a group of white dudes from physically removing Jews from power positions.
they already can't stop you from doing that. They can only punish you after ypu already did it.
But you won't do shit, even when no cops are around. This is proven every time the state's police force is completely overwhelmed by Black or Muslim rioters as now happens every few years in France, the US, Sweden and England. All the Jews and corrupt shabbos goyim continue on as before, because all the internet tough guys just sit at home and hope the Muzzies don't kick down their front door.
Look, if you don’t log into minecraft and greif their bases then I don’t know what to tell you.

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