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Previous >>483123262

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TPD* (Total Palestinian Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah died like a dog
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targeting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile didnt do shit
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones doing mostly nothing







>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
[YouTube] 1948: Creation & Catastrophe (Full documentary) (embed)
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
[YouTube] How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2] (embed)
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg (embed)
lmao this general has been eternally buck broken
how long does he last /chip/?
i give him a week
2 weeks
What am I looking at here
came to shit on your kike thread before it dies lel

pls open mouth
hezbros i’m not so sure about this guy...
buck broken
24-48 hours
Hachem Safieddin
i denounce the talmud
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Hezbollah ranks breaking.
americans claim Israel decided to invade
whispers of tank and APC movemnts in the border.

its starting.
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>muslims: look at this dead idf we killed on october 7 its so over for israel alhamdudillah, look we shot some ethiopian with a sniper rifle israel is finished! look at this video of us denting a jewish tractor. yes look at that we killed 4 idf with an ied!! victory is ours, diaper kikes will lose allah will sit
>israel: kills 1000 muslims and all the leaders of hezbollah with a single bomb. castrates 4000 hezbollah fighters with a text message
made ya seethe twice, eh? ;3
it almost isn't fun to win this hard, can you down an f-15 or something just to make it interesting.. maybe fire another desperation rocket towards the general direction of tel aviv and hope some shrapnel form the interceptor missile does some damage idk just do something
wont bring back nasrallah
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I just want kikes to start actually invading so we get more footage of them being turned into olive fertilizer
Change your flag to jihadi or some other shit to confuse them next time. That's how I subverted their general for an entire day before I made it too obvious and they noticed.
Hopefully Lebanese armed forces stay the fuck out
you said the same about gaza and nothing happened
so soon? i tjhout they would bomb them for at least another week
like its pretty obvious with the baklava
i want them to know i am laughing at them
Our new HERO
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It's so comfy being Jewish
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I am not feeling good.....
Time for /chil/, comfy happening in Lebanon
How are you posting with an Israeli flag? I refuse to believe Tel Aviv would allow this.
true form of the jewrat
You also need to add all the nonsesne copypastas they add at the start of every thread to sell it better
Yes but this way you can poison their generals slowly, maybe add some pro israeli tgs, or change the music like you did here. I learned the chippie way trust me achi.
>That's how I subverted their general for an entire day before I made it too obvious and they noticed.
jews are idiots
good afternoon i hope tel aviv gets nuked
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>before I made it too obvious and they noticed.
>can't even shitpost without getting too wrapped up in chutzpah and bloodlust and outing themselves
Jews really are all the same keke
that beats the letting them know theyre being laughed at
Israel is losing - You fools are just not seeing it. In the end Israel will seize to exist as a nation.
Thats not the full story, some already noticed from the beginning. but shills were reaaaal quite after nasrallah got acked and wanted the thread to die for a lil bit to avoid embarrassment.
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I caused this disclaimer
>*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof
All I did was post with jihadi flag, fake cope news from "General Aravi Tepesh" and literally the the /chip/ regulars bought it. It turns out how African niggers are super gullible, so are Arabs.
בתחבולות תעשה לך מימס
>lebshit anon was Hezbollah brass killed yesterday
Chances it was Nasrallah? Probably not, but definitely a high level hezshit official
So he 100% sold out Hezbollah to save his own ass, right? No way Israel managed to pull all this off in just a month on simply "good intel".
>when you kill your enemies they win
they got so few victories they have to make them up
Hezbollah has many enemies, even inside Lebanon
they have been planning it for almost two decades
Someone eggsplain to me why Hezbollah have absolutely no air defences of any kind? Surely Iran could send them some old Russian shit just to put a little seed of doubt into the Semite terror bombers.
Strange to hear that coming from a faggot who got his dick mutilated and sucked on by a bearded pedo faggot, with the consent of his parents, when he was 8 days old. You got COCK BROKEN, Moshe.

LMFAO. Kikes are nothing but zesty, genitally mutilated sexual abuse victims. No wonder you hate the world so much.
don't be retarded, this is a decade long operation, much like the start of ukrainian conflict when us dropped the price of oil simultaneously with 10 other moves.

once you go over the arsenal they prepared the fight starts
are we gonna pretend you are not circumcised as a muslim?
israeli planes have been baiting air defenses since the start of the war
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Christ is King
>Hassan Khalil Yassin ded
It is lowkey hilarious that the entire Hezbollah acting chain of command are now a bunch of people who until a week ago were not important to be handed a pager.
to be effective against israeli planes those must be large complicated systems with trained crews, which is, with the state of their counterintelligence, an expensive suicide
getting a promotion is a death sentence
Has to be. To be this precise and constantly hitting HVTs without failures means that they have HUMINT sources in Hezbollah (and probably Lebanese Armed Forces officials who are “trusted” by Hezbollah). And HUMINT is a notoriously slow process.
The pager/radio op forced them to use couriers beyond the top officials, which made it easier for Israeli source networks to know HVT whereabouts. The writing was on the wall when the pager/radio op happened. I knew nasrallah’s days were numbered, but thought it might take a few months. Very impressed it was so quick.
Might be my ignorance but I haven't heard of a single Israeli aircraft suffering even a scratch. It's a turkey shoot.

I get what you're saying but its suicide anyway picking a fight with an enemy that can hit you at any time and any place without any way of defending yourself.
>I get what you're saying but its suicide anyway picking a fight with an enemy that can hit you at any time and any place without any way of defending yourself.
well sitting under hundreds of civilians is defending themselves, that works for civilized countries
its pretty unlikely with the air defenses they have to damage an jet
but israeli jets flew low to bait those air defenses
once they revealed their position, they got wiped

they are now left with basically just MANPADs, most of which are strela-2
which they used since the 90s and never scored a hit with on a jet

they cant build anything better, because the moment they will turn a radar on they'll get bombed to shit
>only muzzies don't like kikes
I'm not a muzzie, faggot. And neither did I get a gay ass blowjob from a bearded pedo faggot when I was 8 days old - you did. How does it feel knowing that your parents consented to the sexual abuse of you as a newborn? Doesn't that anger you?
>Scandinavian flag
>invested in shitskins
>absolutely butt blasted
ye checks out
/chip/ being controlled by a kike is like /chug/ being posted by an ukrainian.

get a fucking grip you niggers.
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making jews angry is a european thing that pain makes for strange allies.
considering how dumb you are(by your other post)
i know you are not german
>no you have to support the eternal jew that gloats over death and throws the refugee all over europe or UR NOT HUWITE/ethnic_flag!!!

god, you are pathetic.
i don't like muzzies, i never will.
but for you? i will shake hands with the browns.
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Christian Lebanese break up a pro-hezbollah rally in Tripoli.
not what i said
again youre not german
Denmark is whiter than Israel is jewish, kek. We're also richer, have a more beautiful country - but not least, we don't sexually molest boys when they're 8 days old.

Tough words from someone who got his dick mutilated and sucked on by a bearded faggot when he was 8 days old. Funny how you kikes always want to be seen as victims, while you hate being seen as victims regarding the only time in your life you really were victims - when your parents willfully had you genitally mutilated and subsequently raped. Why aren't you playing on that string? Is it embarrassing?

Don't worry. I'm here to help you. You can let go of your trauma. But first, you must accept it. You were tortured and molested. It's important for you to realize. You need to talk with your parents about this. It's not okay.
Left one is Elena Koshka porn star.
lol, based
falangists will rise again
There are more Jeets in Copenhagen than in Tel Aviv.
There aren't many jeets here in Denmark, though. Fortunately. Last time I saw a jeet in Denmark was probably a couple of years ago. I live in a city with 50k people.
Shabbat was good did not here the news of massrala untill almost sunset today, drank lot of whiskey at synaguage to celebrate, and we just had a legitament rocket siren in my village about 30 minutes ago was sitting on my porch witch has alot of trees that block the sky so I saw nothing sadly but right after I ended this video, the bug boom was heard and when I walked a minute from my porch to the maine road I could see smoke from a a small fire a few kilometers to my north, I was told by more knowledgeable it is in the proximaty of a small place called mitzpe hagig, we lost power for about ten minutes after but now every thing is normal again, I am sad I did not get to see the impact
are you pretending to be dumb are just are?
Tel aviv is full of black african nigger rapefuggees mostly sudanese/streams but also some west african buju bantoo most israelis want them deported but our supreme court ruled it is ileigal to do, fucking kikes man
Any sexual molestations of newborn boys in the sin-magog today, or just a plain boring day?
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>ESL moment
>calling me retarded
So you're telling me you didn't get your dick mutilated and subsequently sucked when you were 8 days old?
>Denmark is whiter than Israel is jewish, kek
No doubt most jews here are brown and from our arab diaspora or mixed with it and a non majority but significant percentage of the countries ashekanzi demographic minority are swarthoids themselves on par with arabs and sicilians in phenotype plus all the niggers actuals arabs and mystery meet converts and outher assorted randoms here it's not a white country at all yes you will often see phenotypically white people but we are a small sliver, that being said unlike your country huge portions of israel are a high trust soceity and much better than any part of Europe in terms of quality of life for that reason alone
Not a jewish phenomenon it happens in every human group christain muslim indian, chinese you name it, nothing jewish about it and our culture forbids it
It's literally a desert shithole. You think you can fool me? And you're not white - you're a kike. If you're white, then holohoax was white genocide, and that means you love it. So which one is it?

Also, Denmark is an extremely high trust society, moreso than Israel. Much more. Plus we don't mutilate and sexually abuse newborn boys.
I've been to Israel and the West Bank, it is a dry as hell shitty country with quite a bit of ugly people, you got some nice old buildings and got good falafels and thats about it. You are a bunch of noisy, smelly people, Hebrew is a pretty ugly language and there is way too much littering to even call yourself a first world country.
Uhh, so you're telling me a rabbi didn't suck you off when you were 8 days old?
>The whole Hezbollah chain of command are now a bunch of people that a week ago were not important enough to receive a pager
is this you anon?
rephrased it and forgot to readd the or
regardless, you are either a retard or pretending to be one
i didnt say denmark is not white
i said you werent white
But a rabbi did suck your penis when you were 8 days old, right? I just want to understand your culture.
Arabs are dumber than niggers how can they win?
>literally a desert shithole
Mostly yes but I like the desert and alot of it is do to bad land management over the last few centuries it will take generations and never be as good as it was in milenia past but with work signifcant improvements can be made to lots of places here, also I'm 25% irish/polish amerimute white and 75% percent I have blue eyes and blond hair, most of my family has blue eyes I even have a very european non jewish nose so I'm white by every metric, most of israel is not, if you wanna debate the whiteness of ashkenazim it's complicated basically if you consider greeks white then we are also,
>Also, Denmark is an extremely high trust society, moreso than Israel. Much more
Never been but I doubt it, completely normal here for young kids under ten to hitchhike unescorted by parents, in the main bus stop of our capitol city randoms will drop their luggage at your feet tell you to guard then go take a piss and come back ten minutes later, almost never see bike locks being used in my village, all the little things
He dose not suck your dick to climax your adding shit it's not a sexuale rituale at all and plenty of haredi peeps"kill themselves" after getting exposed becuase it's not a sanction practice
Not mine but I veiw that as a negative your atempts to hold and shame me according to your goyish principals don't work becuase I have jewish pride and faith in the holy one blessed be he, if I could go back 100 years and ask your ancestors back in their nafrican shit hole they would tell me they worship my g-d, cope how you want
why do you kikes suck baby dick anyway?
its only an orthorat thing ahmed
I'm here to help you get past your sexual trauma, Moshe. I can help you, but first you must accept the truth. I know it hurts. I'm here for you.
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So you did get a blowjob? You don't think it's weird to suck on baby penises, and then make up excuses as to why it's done? I think jews are created by Brit Milah. That's where you dehumanize yourselves, bring on a great trauma that never seems to end again. Are you intending to let a bearded man suck on your baby boy's penis too, after it's been mutilated? Why pass on the trauma? It can stop with you, Shlomo.
What food is that
>everyone i don't like is a muzzie
I'm white, kike. I piss on muhammed and I piss on hashem. You're a victim of sexual abuse, and you're literally suffering from Stockholm syndrome. You're protecting the very entity that made sure you got tortured and molested. It's so weird. Jews are weird, man.
i hate you but i love baklava
again not what i said ahmed
>all kikeflags stop
Heading back to the shelter??? LMAAAOO

kek jerusalem just got fucked so maybe
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>*baby penis sucking sounds ensue*
Frens. It's happening. The kike is getting curb stomped. What a glorious time to be alive.
It is part of the instructions related to how circumcision is to be performed given to us by g-d at mount sinai
It never happens to me I grew up in america in a non religouse home I had a medical circumcision by a doctor not a ritualistic one done by a rabbi
>think jews are created by Brit Milah.
Name 5 jews you hate the most off the top of your head I bet non had this done to them most jews alive today are not religouse and don't observe our costumes any more
If ashkenazi 98% plus of us were orthodox less than two hundred years ago if mizrahi you were orthodox untill moving here
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kek, these niggers literally hated him more than us
Being jewish is.. genetic. You literally can't help it. And don't give me orders, kike. Enjoy the bombardments. I hope you get turned into lasagna.
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>foreskin rolls
How do they taste? Crispy?
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Hm... looks tasty.
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so your book tells rabbis to suck baby dicks? also no way you were born in america you're definitely esl.
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did all the muslims that use to run this thread killed themselves and now we have to outsource it to Israel ?
it's really not. ive tried em. they're shit
Why do jews do it at a higher rate than anyone else then.
Death of King Kike now being reported on BBC Arabic
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Anyone got some videos or pics of the battle in Beirut?
Why isn`t Hezbollah raining rockets down in Haifa?
They just assianated King King at the airport
King Kike
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I'm usually on /chug/ no idea how active /chip/ is usually.
big if true
Netanyahu is dead
Check Telegram
They lost, its over

who's saying it? are they shitskins? i don't trust shitskins, anon
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>show up to work
>shoot rocket at Israel
>they shoot it down
>rocket instantly lands on my position
>don't got to work
>my pager exploded removing my penis and hand
But yeah I wonder why they are struggling right now
WTF are you smoking. If he was dead, it would be news in seconds.

tl;dr hezb is weak and faggot
Should still try to rain fire into Haifa. At least they would look less cucked.
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Too much for this goy...
How come there isn't a pro-Israel general? Or are Israelibros content with memeing on poltards every time Hezbollah and Hamas get ACK'D?
/pol/ was overrun by shitskins around 2018-2020
either that or they broke containment from /sg/ after feeling welcome in this place by it
Fuck up kike. Netanyahu is dead, check Telegram
lol go spam that in /chip/ raise their morale for a bit so it will crush again
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How would you even recover?

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