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Lazy emergency bake edition
Previous: >>483129619

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah assassinated
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targeting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

[YouTube] [ASSADWAVE] - Road to Victory (COMFY NIGHT RIDE EDITION) (embed)
[YouTube] Middle East Live: Real-time HD Camera Feeds from Israel, Gaza and the Middle East (embed)
[YouTube] GAZA LIVE : Israel GAZA | Licensed Live Cameras |Stream#535 (embed)
[YouTube] Not Found (embed)
[YouTube] Al Jazeera English | Live (embed)






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
[YouTube] 1948: Creation & Catastrophe (Full documentary) (embed)
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
[YouTube] How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2] (embed)
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
[YouTube] Forbidden or Private (embed)
4chanx broke all the youtube links. Please forgive me.
Golem bases getting torn to shreds right now
death to israel
glory to God and Assad
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Gazan Pulled Pork
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Rest in peace Nasrallah. We love you. The only leader willing to stand up for Palestine.
30 mins ago in beirut
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didn't break do not fret
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>Israeli media: A serious security incident and military censorship.

> @ResistanceTrench
If you killed one chain of a deep organisation that is filled with people who want you fucking dead (as they should), what will happen when you now have multiple heads competing to kill you more than the other?
Hezbollah is a resistance organisation not a military branch you're used to fighting.

You're going to be haunted by the ghost of Nasrallah until the end of your disgusting existence.
I cannot wait to see the end of kikehood.
i can't place this lame humour. the people thinking this is funny must be over the average age of heart attack mortality.
Drone alerts in and around Nahariya
This is why everyone hates you and why the beginning of the end of the kikes begins with the Anglo rising up against his master.
But but I thought Nasrallah was dead, how could this be???? Was he just the public head of Hezbollah? Could the organisation be much more complex than the fucking kikes and their golems thought?
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>prior to nasrallahs death, literally everyone here aside from him was dead
>hezbollah functioned just as well
>now that a political figure is dead, hezbollah is utterly BTFO
how dis work?
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Reminder that arabs are so fucking retarded they will turn on their own when a jew makes an april fools joke.
This shit just got real. The kike demons killed hezbollah's version of big boss.
Thanks for the bread baker
God bless the Resistance
Glory to the martyrs
>Yemen : 3 days of mourning
>Iraq : 3 days of mourning
>Iran : 5 days of mourning
>Lebanon : 5 days of mourning
This, Nasrallah died defending Palestine
Rest in peace
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>Hezbollah was functioning well before he was assassinated
If that's what you think then based, this is their best folks.
>Arab report - in Yemen reports of launches towards Israel.

To the Jews floating,
Goaot, you'll only be able to do so for the few remaining years you're going to be alive, and if you can, then by all means, try your best to gain immortality.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“So think not that Allaah will fail to keep His Promise to His Messengers. Certainly, Allaah is All‑Mighty, All‑Able of Retribution”

[Ibraaheem 14:47]

“And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgracing torment”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:178]

“So make no haste against them; We only count out to them a (limited) number (of the days of the life of this world and delay their term so that they may increase in evil and sins)”

[Maryam 19:84]

“They know only the outside appearance of the life of the world (i.e. the matters of their livelihood, like irrigating or sowing or reaping), and they are heedless of the Hereafter”

[al-Room 30:7]

“Let not the free disposal (and affluence) of the disbelievers throughout the land deceive you.

197.A brief enjoyment; then, their ultimate abode is Hell; and worst indeed is that place for rest”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:196, 197]
>Huge explosions in Nahariya
no way that would be crazy. these are muslims we're talking about. this isnt' no tom clancy movie we're talking about here!
Dont be wara wara
i mean rama rama

this is judgment day
this is judgment day
allah isnt helping you
IDF strikes upon you again

you got a one day head start
you came in the plenty
please look behind you
allah isnt helping you

this is judgment day…

when we we're doing our prayers
you crossed the canal
when you climbed the mountain
you didnt think about tomorrow

this is judgment day…

there's no escape and no refuge
you have no choice
no hope and no sanctuary
there's no way back now

this is judgment day…

in the high region and in the desert
in the middle of yom kipur
you came with blast of a horn
but you returned in pieces

this is judgment day…
>Israeli media: A squadron of drones takes off from Yemen on its way to "Israel".
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>Abu Ali Jawad, known as Mr. Safar, the protector and first son-in-law of Hassan Nasrallah, was with Nasrallah at the time of the attack

Another one
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Oy vey! My shekels!
No, I mean if you completely disregard the "commanders" who've died, nothing at all has changed on the front - the war of attrition continues. Nasrallahs death is purely a morale boost for the IDF, but at the end of the day Muslims are used to replacing themselves by the thousands and you'll just have different names doing the same thing.
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Settling in for a comfy night. Lesser Israel will be restored. The curse will win.
Downgraded to Baa1? Or Baal? Is this a bit?
80% of Christian and Islamic history is people killing each other over Jewish fairy tales
And then you'll see the angel of death.
I do wonder how you're going to protect yourself from him.
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Never forget that Vivid is a poojeet living in the slums of india
Drones attacking Schlomo now.
this is going to be used in the negotiation for more shekels, after which they regain credit status and start begging for investment money again. lose lose, these kikes are vicious..
Even the real God (not whatever Jews worship) has a sense of humor
Apparently what hezbos targeted in the settlements was a davids sling base.
See >>483136953 for another example
They’re making the next houthichad strike more difficult to stop.
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There's absolutely no way that anyone could ever have realized that Vivid was a poopiejeet. It's amazing that they figured out his identity
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All Abrahamic religions worship the same jewish demon. Being against kikes and believing in their jewish demon entity is pretty retarded. Yahweh, God, Allah, Hashem, Elohim.. Different names for the same jewish demon.
kek shlomos stopped posting
I read that peace sign in Muslim countries means victory. These people don't want peace. For them it's only "victory or martyrdom", that's their saying. Sandniggers will try again and again but they will never win so that's eternal martyrdom for them.
not sure if this was posted
more roasted kikes
also what was the second explosion from the other side? thier cope system triggering one second too late or some ammo storage exploding?
The ghost of nasrallah haunts tel aviv
Why would israel use human shields around their military installations? Armed human shields with 9000 military rifles
>semetic yelling
>big booms
dafuq is happening
nice try, schlomo
Given the exponentiality of isntreal escalation and the musleem cuckism doctrine, khamenei will be dead from now to 6 months, screencap this post
Its over. Zionism is a failed ideology
Israel flags have slowed down posting. Makes a fella wonder.
The work day is almost over
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Yeah wheres all the kike flags?

You guys hiding out in brown CHIP? You can't hide, you know.

>dafuq is happening
ded kikes
have to repost for screeching over a single rocket
The poopjets are going out in protest against shitting on the streets. The situation will calm down in 15 minutes once the tikla masala has made its way through their intestines.
Yay cope thread. Want to see some new muslim copes and lies.
>A swarm of drones from Lebanon towards northern occupied Palestine
theyre back
helo saar
i am brother from toronto
Good morning saar
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Lookin a little lonely there rajesh, where's all your backup? Back in discord? C'mon, you guys can't be tired already...
You're fucking retarded, kek. Keep worshipping your jewish demon. Cuckstianity is nothing but a copy of judaism, but for goys.
>Nasrallah's Death Mourned by Lebanese Christian Leaders: 'Legend Is Born'
>Sleiman Frangieh, leader of Lebanon's Christian political party Marada : "The symbol is gone, the legend is born, and the resistance continues"
>Gebran Bassil, leading christian politician : "In the face of the Israeli enemy, we have no choice but to be together as Lebanese."
>Michel Aoun, former lebanese president : "the dangers our country is witnessing as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression which requires rising to the highest level of national solidarity that protects and fortifies our unity because that is the true salvation"
>Saad Al-Hariri, former lebanese prime minister : ""The assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has plunged Lebanon and the region into a new phase of violence. It is a cowardly act condemned in its entirety by us, who paid dearly for the lives of our loved ones when assassination became an alternative to politics."
It seems, there is a political unity in Lebanon
Helo sar, I am from haryana close to rape capital delhi
Holy shit, it's happening
You lost. The jewish people will live on. Get over it. Get out of your moms basements and try to have a life.
>One drone short of what they usually fire
hezb utterly btfo
they claim they have something like this, probably propaganda, they can't be that high tech
im no expert but that was my suspicion, some ammo blowing up inside the tank
anyways its the same results
that's like at least 4 roasted kikes
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wrong, these amalekites bear no relation to jesus or the jews, they are canaanites and other assorted mixed mutts who wield a babylonian religion. They themselves have no claim to the holy land but should piss off back to the caves in iraq where they belong.
the bible does not stutter.

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind

Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

What is?
No way, this instrument is for toilet cucks. I shit out in the open.
Theyre using human shields to protect their tanks:(
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might be but have no idea where ammo (or blast panels) on the merkava tank is stored.
Drone strike in Israel
You lost, shitskin. TMD

additional reports of drone and missile launches from Yemen
but assuming it's drones, and then cruise missiles, and then ballistic missiles being launched shortly before those converge we're still some hours out from seeing any action there.
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Israel shills skip over the fact that Hezbollah's ruling coalition is half run by christians.
Its amazing actually, their children die they scream allahu akbar (god is greatest) as if allah gifted them by blowing their child into smithereen
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Guidance system?
god himself guides my missiles
Yeah, the poopiejeet that got triggered by the burger that spams AI poopiejeets with poo reverse vomiting. He replied saying he was obsessed with indians, and posted a picrel demonizing pakis
Another jeet got triggered by a vidrel of a poopjeet raping the poopjeet god

I have lots of discord screenshots of poos saying how to spam pol. They always warn never to attack pakis, as it makesnit way too obvious that its them poopies
>‼ — Unconfirmed reports of a missile attack targeting Azraq airbase in Jordan, partly operated by the 407th Air Expeditionary Group.
They have religion based reservation in lebanese government
based, you already know those kikes never saw any of these in their little kike media bubble
Damn. If these christians like hezbollah, then iran has properly embedded itself into the lebanese government. They really are something
>I just learned about Abrahamic religions and here's my take on it AS A THOR'S BEST PAL ON EARTH (but not heimdall, he's black)
You will cum in 3 seconds listening to this sexy ASMR
The Jews, as a whole, are headed for extermination, God willing.
can't see shit to be honest
>Lebanese cabinet
Not even a real government, it’s a caretaker government
Also, who cares if they are Christian? Lebanon used to be over 50% Christian. Muslims killed them.
i actually like philippinos and indonesians unlike streetshitters
Is iron dome completely exhausted or something? These drones are just coming in with absolute impunity.
kek what the fuck is this room
> Israeli media: "Israel" is under attack from Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.

> @ResistanceTrench
Jews killed them. Muslims protected them. Source: Nasrallah
its palestinians celebrating
it apparently fell on a kike settlement
i think hobby drones with semtex getting downed by iron dome rockets is not financially viable lmao.
jews are ruthless when it comes to money. a jewish fingernail isn't worth a single shekel
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Reminds me of a funny episode during the Algerian War when a French general made the FLN believe its ranks were filled with traitors collaborating with the French, and then watched them massacre each other
> Explosions in the settlement of "Ma'ale Adumim" and fires after drones fell in the area

Oh, no, no ziosissies.
>attacking Jordan
Done goofed. King Abdullah II has been itching to start cracking down wholesale on the extremists in his country. It’ll be Black September all over again.
it's a museum in copenhagen where newborn danish vikings explore women’s role as sorcerers and prophets
Finally, they shit up the thread so much with nothing of value
Niggers are fucking subhuman animals holy shit
desu i sometimes feel bad for the ethiopians
they were promised a better live by the kikes and now they are being fed to meat grinder
ZAMN, got anything to add? >>483137925
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>every third post is a seething kike or poo taking up space
>new thread
>all kikes stop
>all poos stop
>three opposition posts
>brown CHIP hits page 9
wtf are you niggers actually being bombed out? Hahahahahaha!
>"Israel is under attack from Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq."
coordinated or just coincidence?
Circumcised dick. We don't circumcise our dick
Eughhh, that gets 100x worse when you realize those are worms(?) breaking down the organic material of whatever flesh and bone they can feed on.
This is dope. Might actually go there in new year with gf.
i have no idea why would jidf spend so much resources on this shithole, it's not like this is reddit so people come for a brainwash, people that come here, especially in generals can't have their opinions changed anyways
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no iron cope interceptions? is it empty?>>483137925
>pic rel
>Explosions heard at the Conoco base, where US forces are stationed, in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor, Syria
Conoco getting bootfucked again.
What are you doing in UAE brother? You don't feel bad for our brothers dying in Lebanon brother? Brother you have to go there help them brother at least as a medic brother. Remember
>Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection .
You are literally reserving your seat in jahanum by not helping brother
lmao those are secondaries going off, definitely roasted kike in that driving oven.

might be interesting from an anthropological perspective. nice.
Coordinated. Every resistance movement said that hezbollah is entrenched deeply into lebanon and nasrallahs assasination was a mistake.

Basically, iran has the capacity to even make non-hez resistance fighters work with eachother.
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... yeah... I ain't watchin that... I'll take your word for this one anon...

>guy gets shot
>just sprays randomly into the air, probably hitting his own guys
well hezbollah still has ability to launch drones and missiles even though their entire senior leadership is dead. local cells are still functioning. coordination is probably over though.
Holy shit poos are more degenerate than I thought kikes and them make the perfect couple. Disgusting subhuman
nah this one just pulled it back is all. disgusting as a species
Rest in peace. I really wanted to hear you once more.
>what will happen when you now have multiple heads competing to kill you more than the other?
and the limits are off because jews broke the communication and martyred the leader everyone was following. think you can blame Hezbollah for disproportional reactions? there's no such thing as overreaction in these circumstances, it's all up to individuals who just witnessed barbaric jews bomb through thousands of civilians to blow up a just leader. and it's all bibi's fault. ukrops have been threatening to blow up NPPs and made attempts while their chain of command was untouched. what should freedom fighters do when theirs was martyred? time for justice.
Nope. That is clearly a cut dick. Pulled back still is easily to spot. Are you a circumcised golem as well?
>Hezbollah is still skull-fucking Israel, now harder and deeper than ever: But here's why that means Israel won
How could anyone live with themselves after typing such concentrated copium?
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Use the dropdown and "Copy text"
they deserve each other. god truly knows what's best and gave them one another. may their union be permanent.
Because we make things spread. Like every crime and every lie they told in past. Never forget this always share outside here what you learned about the kikes
How stupid are jeets? All you have to do is hover over his flag and it tells you what country it is. Where did you get UAE from jeet?
make sure to stare at his cock a bit longer then tell me what you see and think but for real. don't skimp on the investigation. make sure you take at least 2 minutes staring at it.
>This is dope. Might actually go there in new year with gf.
>might be interesting from an anthropological perspective. nice.
Thanks, will remember that for future if I need to emergency bake.
also baker needed, might as well get that out of the way early
They will be for ever together in hell.
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anon that's not the UAE flag...
Hes phonefagging from his cheap huawei phone. He cant see the flag name.
good luck going against the revenge operations, the whole Arab world is up in arms, everyone loved Nasrallah
If I'm not out, I'll try to bake the next one
IDF should invade soon right while Hezb is in total disarray right. Would be bizarre if they let this opportunity slip past. njvbw
how is it cringe, half the shit in the museum is only known because monks documented them. all oral tradition was lost due to mass conversion.
my skin just crawled
how did this turn out in the end
That's a really positive sign in an otherwise ocean of piss.
Holy fuck
>The Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth": We have obtained documents that actually show that the missile attack from Yemen coincided with Benjamin Netanyahu's arrival at Ben Gurion Airport and his move to Kiryah.
>ABC quoting an American official:

>There are deep doubts and concerns among Israeli leaders and a great media silence about the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
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lol, we buck broke the poor bastard
Nah, I am not into homosex like you. Its pretty easy to spot a circumcised golem and you don't need to stare at the dick for long.
He’s a dead man you stupid cuntz
i mean whole (((neoviking))) shit is gigacringe, it literally says in the article the stories they tell in the museum are invented
Lol bibi ded
Pretty funny that all the Israeli flags and shills strangely stopped posting all of a sudden. I guess it really is happening.
in that case nevermind it's fucking cringe
Ok its jordan. That doesn't change the fact that
>Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection .
I really hope this is true, that Netanyahu is finally dead, but it still won’t take the pain of losing Nasrallah away.
Only TKD does that, I want the last kikelet to screech like a donkey in their final minute.
It's Shabbat, they aren't supposed to operate anything resembling a light switch, but have some nice downtime with their family today.
There's no banan in hell.
That would also explain why the shilling strategy changed completely today.
>Israelis go to sleep
the only thing thats happening is mass hezbollah and shia rapefugee waves into Syria
sweet, shift change in jidf is over
The Houthis sent another missile?
no wonder all the kikes stopped posting at the same time. only the tranny is still here lmfao. probably still needs to turn on the tv coming out of the shabbat
Yeah, but it looks like a nice tourist trap. And my gf is into the whole viking scene.
Nasrallah was killed yesterday and you stuck your heads in the sand, now you do this. Embarrassing.
are you sure? have another look
Kek, 0,1% chance of this being true but boy would I die of laughter
bibi blasted... it's over..
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I already miss Nasrallah, a true Catholic Saint, Godspeed you crazy bastard
dont get my hopes up with this bullshit
Why would an "Australian" care about some sand goblin?
absolute kek if true. houthis doing what hezbollah refuses to do for some reason.
Shills are not taking the termination of bibi very well
The chances are low, but its still pretty funny
this is pretty much impossible without precise satellite guidance system, the only way this could be possible (i doubt it 100%) would be if americans killed bibi themselves
No one else is reporting. I'll wait
Are you circumcised? Yes or no.
No that's regarding this morning's strike
I've been trying to figure out the location all day. I thought it was Kiryat Gat, but the terrain is also similar to the terrain around Ben Gurion.
And the Houthis simply just claimed that they targeted Ben Gurion airport coinciding with the time of his arrival.
if hes alive they will screencap and mock every retard in this thread

chip is already a laughingstock on pol
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>termination of bibi
please, I don't even care shoaing Bibi will benefit the jew people, just do it and put the bastard out of his misery
Its muslim cope after getting buckbroken for the 100th time
satellite guidance system?
god himself guides my missiles
>And the Houthis simply just claimed that
I love chip threads. The cope is funny.
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you want to stare at my cock next you sex pest?
What's you obsession with his dick poojeet? Not only are you a poo golem but a gay one. What a faggot

it was revealed onto him through divination
If they had killed yahoo, we would have had shillstorms that would have dwarfed any of the past 40min threads with 20 shill posts in a row, constantly. Israel would have gone on a nonstop bombing campaign of everyone, since gvir likely would have taken his place
That being said, I was wishing yesterday, that they would have fired upon his plane when he landed in shitrael.
Imagine being so low iq that you fumble in a yes or no answer
He's such a nigger. Bitched about the race riots in england like 99 percent of groomer gangs weren't mudslime 60 iq dune coons. I don't believe he lives in Lebanon he's another dune coon hiding in europe.
Who cares what jews think lol
Oh man, all the brownoids are coping hard ITT. Reminder that brownoids aren't human and that israel won.
I literally stated the obvious.
>First News: Netanyahu's home in Judea was hit by a missile launched from Lebanon
And now his bloodline is erased.
It might take time
Remember how clean the board was on 7/10?
lebs are whiter than jews dumb retard
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back to posting dead kikels!

Because he's a kike. The current israeli tactic is to VPN as a westerner and concern troll for islam rather than shit on kikes. it's very effective, I had no idea he was brown.

>bibi news
Ultra keking if this is true
he definitely wasnt home but nice to see his house destroyed nevertheless
>Reminder that brownoids aren’t human
Lebs are shitskins, and so are you.
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why these retards think israel is a white or even western county is insane. 70% of jews in israel are shitskin mizrahi and sephardis
I do find it funny how muslims online act like they're some alpha religion and how they're not cucked yet the entire region is getting their ass whooped by some jews
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>the browns who call you shiskin
lmao'd and save'd
Natanyahu is bigger than allah at this point
So are Jews.
Haven't had the chance to leave Poland to clean toilets?
Odds that Gallant sold Bananyahu out?

lmao lebs evicted netanyahu?
TOP KEK judea is closed due to judeoniggers
german nearly genocided you faggots for being subhuman dont talk polerat
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Was this cope supposed to come out like this or do you want to try again
you're crazy if you think muslims have a technology to hit a particular house in israel with a rocket
You're a brown spic favela monkey that lives in a 3rd world shithole. Just as I said.
hood certified post
Ashkenazis are shitskins too. Jews larp as White while only having ~25% European blood. Comical.
I dont care what ziosissies think
the lighter colored jews are worse.
This is from warfare analysis. Don't buy into the hype till more places comfirm this and we have some proof his faggot house was nuked.
Cope with what?
I'm not a jew so I don't care that some random jew soldier died.
What I am seeing is Muslims talking a big game but losing hard.
This would be the second best thing to happen to the Middle East. We can only pray.
Kek, yes Poland isn't third world...
I waited for multiple sources to report it before bothering to post it. From_hebron more or less only quotes what they hear on the news and once they pick something up that means the MSM has at least said it.
look at me Deepak, i own you and the conversation. i decide what direction it takes me and your effeminate efforts at taking back control of the conversation are feminine if not outright hilarious you gamma male. don't reply to me or my posts ever again gaywad.
should have. got dejewified and denazified thanks to Germans and Russians, they could have had Heaven on earth. but they used it to become the most willing zog slaves of all.
Exactly. And on top of that you're a 1.6m swarthy smelly spic with a 67 IQ
jaja zal vast dat je geen jood bent jood
yes they are much more sneaky and lie through their teeth about everything.

mizrahis are much more low IQ and open about their intentions
>bibi got ACK’d while on the toilet
Good point. I'll concede until further news hits & shill volumes. It did seem super odd that I didn't have 4-10 consecutive shill posts, in between 1 single organic post, in these threads today. It abruptly fell off a cliff, which I didn't know if it was just due to the sabath. As last saturday it was heavy with shills. The shilling completely fell off the wall today, with many consecutive organic posts in a row.

Also funny that they may have hit net&yahoo's home to send a message, even though there's a 0% chance that he was home
90% chance of this happening
the confirmation would lie on pinpointing exactly what point on a map is burning in this picture.,
I tried earlier but I'm not really great at orienteering and there's gaps in street-view coverage all over Israel.
again, i'm hoping i'm wrong, but the tech for precise missile strikes is extremely high tech, in reality only few countries on the planet can do that, khamas and hezbollah - no
There is no way
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The real cope is you imagining me as a jew.
Sorry, muslims look pathetic
Would Israel really invade Lebanon?

Seeing a bunch of posts speculating this.

Are they trying to take over land from Lebanon? Invading would result in a lot of Israeli/American soldiers dying. They’ve thrown Hezbollah into chaos from afar, why would the idf/us military give them a chance to do damage to them?

The idf has infinite money and weapons too.

I’ve heard the counter argument that the Israeli economy is forcing them to rush things, but idk about that

I’m retarded, so please be patient.
>not understanding sarcasm
Shh kike
did the yemenis also strike the airport?
I try to avoid relishing the death of others, but Zionists make that very hard to do for some strange reason!
I guess that makes more sense than sniping his jet on the tarmac or something. That means there's 0% chance he was hurt, however.
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And you've picked and excellent time to say it. ;3

Ty anon, but don't worry, no matter how many kikes have VPNs the consensus among Whites will remain 'kek'd if true'. israel is on 9001% disinfo shill mode.

Yeah it's a competence thing. The poos refer to it as 'varna' or 'caste'.
Here's another picture. It's from an intersection turning onto Highway 3 somewhere.
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uhu, i bet
This doesn’t explain why you appear so hellbent on sucking every last drop of Jewish cum in your vicinity though
So is ol’ Bibi dead or what? I’m just here for the drama
top kek
jews havent been this ecstatic since 1967.

they are liable to do anything right now. even if seems illogical.
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bibi got evicted
we need some cartographic autism to tell us exactly where that fire is.
unconfirmed, some people say that his house was hit and some are saying that the ben gurion airport was hit
It's still kind of murky, I'm waiting for more serious channels to report something.
This is too good to be true, god wants us suffering.
Also, something like that wouldn't trigger that samson shit and nuke the whole world?
fucking kek
>hey’ve thrown Hezbollah into chaos from afar, why would the idf/us military give them a chance to do damage to them?
the infinite jewish hubris
>Has never heard of greater israel
Are you daft?
remember they literally started colonizing the sinai back then too. they really thought they were gonnna keep it forever
Look the poo left because he doesn't have his kike backup.
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The other guy is right, anon. We want to cheer Hezba and Hammy, but their talk is not matching their walk. They either need to tone down their rhetoric or actually start hitting TelAviv.

Videos of zionists getting merced are pretty halal though, ngl.
Because it isn't sarcasm. And as I said you're a swarthy smelly spic subhuman manlet.
Isn’t that just memes? They only have like 7-8 million citizens so they don’t really need all of Egypt and Lebanon
Not Jewish, and also I’m not lying. Their whole chain of command is being systemically neutralized from the air
Don't think so, I doubt their missiles have guideance sophisticated enough to land a hit like that
>jews havent been this ecstatic since 1967
Nasrallah will be among the best of God for eternity. the "jews" celebrations will be cut short into a long boiling with satan
Oh oh
i think its a racial quirk of all menaoids. even Greeks and Romans noticed that MENA-oids are massive yappers who never back up the talk
I guess, I just feel like it’s really dumb for them to do, they’d have very little gain in it
No. Its a real thing. Lebanon, then syria, then iraq, then iran. Thats their goal since the 1800's
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All you have to do is denounce the Talmud to prove that you're not a kike, anon. It's very easy to do! Here, I'll show you how!

I denounce the Talmud. Fuck kikes!

See? Just do that :^)
no, i'm telling you why they're gonna enter lebanon
they'll just squat on large swathes of land while they sit and eat like effendi. or so they say obviously. it won't ever happen since hadrian fucked them up completely 2000 years ago
until they start mobilizing every shia lebanese man under the age of 30 dont believe a word they say.
Ohhhh, I guess that makes sense. It’s def illogical
Yeah, i thought you would cuck out. Bombing civilians with no risk to martyr a hero was easy but the dopamine boost isn't quite enough to rally weakling jews to finish the job. Then you won't stop the retaliatory arsenal from reaching you though and your jets are going to start dropping out of the sky
>more missiles that get shot down by Iron Dome
Where have I seen this movie before?

Russia needs to supply Iran/Hezba with some new missiles. I want to see hypersonics hitting TelAviv.
Of course they will enter Le B'anon. Zionist thirst for blood.
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This morning the kike machine was saying that they conquered /pol/ because that rebel leader died, but now all the kikes on /pol/ are gone. Why is that?
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jajajajjajaja it has begun
>Mwahaha feel the wrath of the sons of liberty!
1 hour later
>How can someone do this to human beings? What about our human rights? Where is the UN?
its 12am in israel they're probably in bed lol same reason why theres barely any other mena flags in this thread
you are not retarded, you just don't know how evil jews are.
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>tank gets hit, continues moving
Abdullah forgot to double the charge lmao
pic rel
>its 12am in israel they're probably in bed
that doesn't stop them from shitposting any other night.
Kikes have start larping as white right after 7 october for some reasons.
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is this the Reddit usuals thread? just dropped by to say hello. don't forget to check the catalog if there are any news relevant to your fake country before leaving. Byyee!
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There was a 1 second difference between last thread and this one. The only difference in news between then was israel getting bombed and bibi being threatened. Something changed but it wasn't the sun, moshe.

They think we'll think they have lives lel
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hear hear
>rebel leader

more like heroic brave based warrior leader.
They spotted him, they gotted him.
operation prosperity guardian status?
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Imagine being so utterly dumb you actually believed that.

Bibi made a live statement on TV 2 hours ago AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the most retarded general in the history of /pol/
You’re literally too embarrassed to show your India flag tho, what do you know?
relax nigger you'll still receive your stipend
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Most of the FLN got eliminated but De Gaulle gave the independence anyway because he feared millions of Algerians would move to France and shit up the place if it remained a French colony (the irony)
2more weeks.
We will see
+1 for dead islamoniggers

Pic related is the last known photo of nastallah ready to get his bunker busted
sounds like cope desu.
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The sexiest poopiejeeta in all of saarland
>he feared millions of Algerians would move to France
What a fucking faggot. He could have prevented those sandniggers from moving to France. There was nothing to worry about.

The Angel appeared over Beirut
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The IRGC special solemani salami kebab
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Rest in piss. I can’t wait for the corpse photos.
So is netenyahu dead?
No, the anon who posted the “king kike is dead” thread just got banned, most likely for shit posting
There’s also no mention of it on Al jazeera Arabic
>Jewish people
>Zionist state
Pick one
And what after him?
Look at what happened even with the independence. The faggots who came after him flooded the country with millions of sandniggers.
doubt it. they should definitely target him and the far-right terrorist ministers of israel though.
They turned the HQ of hezballah into a Jamba Juice and mystery mince shop after blowing the dicks off their middle management in perhaps the best strategic trolling in modern history. These niggers failed harder than Joe Biden riding a bike and were even warned effusively to stop fucking around. This shit is hilarious on the scale of the Russian airborne getting obliterated in the opening act of invading Ukraine.
I hope no. O hope he has a long and painful life in a jail.
Another attack in the Dahia, Beirut.
looks like another targeted elimination
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Yes because mods have access to private Israeli intelligence sources and in no way shill for kikes >>483137692
Damn. Ig we will see tomorrow how it goes.
They ban people for spreading disinfo, I’ve seen in before
This place is a shit hole but it’s not a dishonest one
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Why would a predditor have that take? Lol
It's not disinfo.

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