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For real this time.
Israeli troops and armored vehicles crossing the border with lebanon
I’ll believe it when I see pics
Apparent this account is only right 50% of the time
Right into their trap
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a homosexual just sucked a dick guys it's happening!
Nothing ever happens. Wake me up in 2 weeks.
Day 1 of the special 3 day military operation
I'm Shia I will tell you what I told Americans in 2002-2003 when they thought the Taliban were dusted. The war is just beginning.
Shia won't mobilize for war until they've suffered Ashura and then they will join the caravan of Karbala by the millions. They are hardwired to relive the battle of Karbala as a cultural ethos much like any culture is wired a certain way. All the Shia except Yemenis are still asleep because they've been living in peace for 35+ years. It's going to take time but it looks like Israel is just going to keep escalating, which is long term going to backfire. It takes time to wake up the Shia for war, takes a lot of suffering.
Just expect a lot of bombings and assassinations by Israel and the snowball of the Shia will keep rolling on and gaining momentum. War is just beginning even despite Israelis are celebrating already. Nobody has a martyrdom complex worse than the Shia. Remember my post.
He just repeats talking points from Israeli media. I'm pretty sure it's someone in their 20s they seem to have no knowledge of war on terror years.
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If Jews give me my saiyajin gf, they have my energy
That's right! Follow me! Right into my trap! -
LOL no most fighting age Iranians are irreligious these days and we were always kind of racist against Arabs to begin with. The mullahs just want to die peacefully of old age in their beds rather than getting strung up by zoomers in Azadi Square.
>Shia won't mobilize for war until they've suffered Ashura and then they will join the caravan of Karbala by the millions
Do you really think anyone here has ever heard of those gobbledygook terms?
The Satan Star is really gorging itself on clay.
Wait till they get to Hezbollah basements, thats when the IDF will learn a lesson or two
Two more caravans of Karbala
Try that in a small basement Mossad!
It's a hardwiring extending to even the irreligious Iranians. It's a cultural ethos, it's nothing to do with who likes Ayatollahs and who doesn't.
Saddam also thought the same when he invaded as the early Islamic republic was falling apart due to lack of popular support. This war is just starting.

I know you haven't but you'll know them in 10-20 years as this war drags on and you learn the context behind how this will play out.
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>rhymes with SMO
>which rhymes with LMAO
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>Right into their trap
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Is it really a trap when the people who would have sprung it are writhing in pain in a hospital or dead?
lol I don't believe those twitter accounts at all anymore. I disregard what they say. too many have them have continually proven to be wrong
>Nobody has a martyrdom complex worse than the Shia.
But suicide bombers are almost entirely Sunni
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wow, a conflict in another country on the other side of the world
isn't it great that it is not relevant to my country and we have no obligation to get involved?
Ashura? Karbala? Tf this nigga talking about
jews control the usa and the usa pays for israel, plus the usa fights wars for israel
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I hope they all kill each other, deport all kikes and shitskins
lookner missed the invasion again
It would be insanely stupid of Israel to go into a ground invasion. They just got a big win with the killing of Nasrallah, but all of that will be completely forgotten if Israel moves in and gets their asses handed to them(which they very likely will, considering how much they struggled against Hamas who are infinitely worse combatants).
Bombing cities was a-ok, but now they walkin.
damn you're dumb.
You will understand in 10-20 years time

>no obligation
the average american has no obligation to israel, but our leadership is owned by zionists.

the feds will probably send in the national guard in leiu of a proper draft, probably recall all of the older veterans, like they did when we invaded iraq.

ZOG won't get far without a dramatic shift in public opinion. they need another tragedy to turn the normies into hawks.
>Nobody has a martyrdom complex worse than the Shia.
So you're saying, "If you kill your enemies, they win" is true?
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200 million shia vs 10 million kikes, all the money in the world wont save them. The U.S. will get its ass handed to it if it invades with an all nigger and tranny army
Someone needs to nuke the jew fucks already. About 15 to 20 1 megaton devices in their largest jew cities in israel and also arrange to nuke Brooklyn, LA and all of south Florida and that would wrap up the fucking jew problem. The stragglers we could hunt with semi autos just for kicks.
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Lol the cope.
>Trust the plan! Hezbollah is playing 4D chess!

I don't know who's worse anymore. MIGGGERS or Muhbasedmudslimes.
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dont forget vegas
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another source


>captcha: 8DAYM
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so if the lying ZOG media is saying "small scale" the opposite of that must be true
Thank you oh greatest allies for spoilling the element of surprise!!!!!! The most important part of warfare!!!

This is why we dokt tell you iack sjit, this is why ukrainians managed to take land in kursk only when they kept it secret from you.
I'd like to believe that
But considering how shit arabs are at war, it seems Israel can just do anything it wants. It could even invade Iran.
The fact that they'd be outnumbered wouldn't even matter. The US armed them with the best weapons money can buy. They killed Nasrallah with the most powerful bunker-busting bombs shipped to them by the US. They have enough stockpiles of them.
They have latest generation fighter jets and they have nukes.
Israel could probably conquer the whole region just because they have actual weapons.
While arabs have plastic pipe rockets made with sugar and nitrate.
Lebanon has zero air defences. Israeli jets simply went in their airspace and bombed, nobody shot back at them from anywhere. It's that pathetic.
And now Iran's leader went into hiding. The leader of a country of 88 million hiding from the army of a country of 9 million.
I don't know who's morally right, but Israel has total gigachad army.

They've already fought in Gaza, the air force fought against Yemen, Hizbollah and even Iran, and now they're thinking about invading south Lebanon.
All while Bibi said they can only do a limited mobilization because anything else would kill their economy.
Seethe, you 300lbs man. How was Benny boi's trip to Ben Gurion yesterday? I heard he got turned to Gulash.
If Hezbollah regroups and continues firing rockets then Israel won't have much choice but to invade.
Great. May God be with you.
Kek, muslim have become delusional desparate for a win
Literally no one didn't expect this to escalate you neurotic bagel nigger. Seek professional metal health help.
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idk, arabs are pretty shitty fighters but if Israel tried to occupy they would for sure be doing insurgent tactics that isarel would never have the manpower to handle
If Israel is successful as they say striking Hez targets from the air why they fuck are the taking a risky ground invasion to clear border outposts
We need the red arrow webm’s immediately.
Hezbollah has a yellow icon
Kinda funny how after 2000 years, Jews haven’t learned any history. All this is doing is accelerating the end of the Jewish state.
this post really outed the zoomers that didn't see daily reports on iraq on their TVs kek. shiites are nuts and would use their blood to clog up enemy guns if they had to.
Jewish hubris.

The last time Israel decapitated Hezbollah like this it grew 10x. About to see it again.
It’s funny how Jews are all goading over this on twitter, and it’s like, sigh, you guys haven’t learned anything from getting kicked out of 100 years haven’t you?
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the real powerful ones know that israel is a larp, they know they can never take formal power and must rule from behind the scenes. they are perfectly willing to let israel burn while they are safe in Miami and then kvetch for 100 years about a second holocaust
Nice, I can wait for a Totalen Krieg
>Shia won't mobilize for war until they've suffered Ashura and then they will join the caravan of Karbala by the millions.
can you translate this? how many cope flags does this translate to being raised?
Türkiye is not going to like this one bit.
>why they fuck are the taking a risky ground invasion to clear border outposts
because they haven't hit anything of military value, as shown by the fact the rocket attacks get worse every day. They had the same problem in 2006, initially that was supposed to be an aerial campaign before they got dragged into the quagmire.
In the long term, the Jews will lose. As you have seen in Korea and Vietnam, etc. It is the will of the fighters that matter. Every Hezbollah fighter knows their leader is putting their life and their family’s live on the line. Meanwhile, every IDF fighter knows Bibi’s boy is sniffing coke at a Miami nightclub right now.

The US has lost so much soft power on human rights because of Israel. For every innocent Arab killed, the hatred in the hearts of billions grows ever slightly.
Kursk was a trap that the Ukrainians walked right into. The Russians had seen the units just waiting there doing nothing for a long time and watched them, purposefully leaving the way to Kursk open.
Now the entire force that invaded Kursk is destroyed and the survivors are being encircled, the best troops and equipment remaining in Ukrainian service.
But if you want an aknowledgement of some brilliance of the Ukrainian leadership, congratulations, probably not a single jew was killed in Kursk, it was all white goyim who were stupid enough to listen to jews telling them to go fight other white goyim.
Revenge flags are Israeli propaganda. Red flag is flag of martyrdom, it goes up when significant person dies in combat. Black flag is of mourning. There is no flag of revenge.

Ashura is the day when Yazid and his soldiers massacred the family of Hussein at the battle of Karbala. The ethos of the Shia is the highest honor is to die in battle against any odds just like Hussein's companions at the battle of Karbala. Shia see the world through this paradigm where there are tyrants (yazid) and there are the oppressed (Hussein). What it means in objective terms is that suffering generates desire to fight to the death. Israel beginning a campaign of war crimes against Shia will generate soldiers. This is a historical truth for Iran and the Shia for the last 500 years, when under siege people rally by the millions for the cause.
Shia are all asleep still, most have lived in peace for 35 years. But as this war escalates so will the millions willing to fight to the death.
It's a trend rather than an event. This war will escalate and bring more Shia into combat. It's how all Shia wars go down. So what I'm saying is that it's only just beginning. War doesn't demoralize them, it makes them worse. Taliban are the lite version of the Shia. israel is waking them up.
Good morning, Avi. Hows your shift going?
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stop spamming fag
Explain to me the difference between Shia and Sunni, isn’t it something like Muhammad’s son didn’t inherit the empire so you guys all kicked off about it and you’ve been split up ever since

REPORT this fag. He’s spamming other threads also
Do the 5 remaining Hezbollah guys have the means to fight back? I know most of their barrage missiles have been taken out. But one would assume they have a huge stockpile of anti-tank guided missiles and the like.
It’s like Catholics and protestants or something, no one knows, muslims just like fighting.
Its very doubtful that any airstrikes could have been that successful as to have destroyed their dug in positions and weapons. Airstrikes never are.
The split is over who inherited the leadership of the islamic world after Muhammad's death. Shia believed it goes by his descendants. Sunni believe no.

The main difference is cultural ethos. Shia are more focused on Hussein and the massacre of his family at the battle of Karbala. Their themes are about martyrdom and the importance of fighting to the death against oppressors. it's a great ethos for war time. It's a strong siege mentality when under threat.

Sunni don't really have any of that, their warrior ethos is about jihad and Muhammad's early wars. Shia's ethos isn't about conquest, it's about fighting to the death.
Yes, more or less

Not really, that split had more to do with structure and beliefs. Shite/summit was originally purely a war over succession.
Hezbollah has about 50k soldiers and they're in tunnels waiting. They will be growing in number, not reducing.
This is what Hezbollah wanted. For the zionists to roll armor and face anti tank weaponry. Am very tired and feel like I can barely think clearly, need to rest.
Shia are basically persian dominated, Sunni are arab dominated (although they are all a mixture of semitic mutts) The Sunni believe the Caliphate or military leaders should rule, The Shia believe the Mullahs or clerics should rule and the supposed descendants of mohammed should rule. the Sunnis are more dominated by western intelligence and military the Shia are more anti-western and have closer ties with russia. The Shia are the majority in the middle east, I think the Sunnis slightly outnumber the Shia in the middle east by like 300 million to 200 million
The shia vs sunni fighting is very exaggerated. It's something western media tried to meme into existence during the war on terror years. It was really Salafist vs Shia. But that has ended.
Do the Israeli's have the nads to go tunnel fighting in another country right now? They still haven't finished off Hamas.
Why is Gaza still green? I thought Israel was winning
>they're in tunnels waiting
Any help with the GPS coordinates. Don't want anyone missing the meeting with death.
Israel will get America involved somehow, the IDF has already been mauled in Gaza
the iran iraq war was egged on by western intelligence the last thing they want is them uniting against the jews
This is somewhat inaccurate. Most of the Shia believe mullahs belong in the mosque, not politics. It's only a small cadre they believe mullahs should rule, those are the khomeinists, they're a new branch. Israel has been at war with a minority of Shia. But as Israel continues committing war crimes against Shia they will all start joining khomeinists like Hezbollah and the revolutionary guards.
What about the east asians like Malaysia and Indonesia?
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well the CIA never got over khomeni deposing the shah
What are you going to do, bomb the ground? You can't get them. You need infantry for that.
No. This war is going to go for years of not decades, as long as it takes for IDF to agree to withdraw from Gaza.
Israelis have enormous aversion to casualties, but Shia don't care.
Look at how media is handled. Israel has censorship laws in place and tries to hide casualties because it's demoralizing. But Shia are the opposite, they report fully on their deaths and almost immediately, because they know this gets them more fighters. Shia and Israelis are opposites on this. IDF will have to keep this tempo up for years, Shia are only just waking up.
"Shia Muslims constitute 36.3% of the entire population (and 38.6% of the Muslim population) of the Middle East"

but they are only 10% of world muslims i.e. africa pakistan and indonesia have almost none
Those are Sunni. Shia are almost all in middle east and central asia and Yemen. Look at Yemenis now, they don't give a fuck they are firing missiles in all directions. That's where this is going at this rate. Iranians and Iraqis are all still sleeping. Yemeni Shiites ensured 8 years of warfare to turn into what they are now, 8 years of getting bombed by Saudis and Americans has made them bigger than ever. War makes Shia stronger, peace makes them weaker. It's an ethos Israelis about to learn the hard way.
>bomb the ground
It helps if you know the depth and soil type. Tap tap tap. Overpressure in tunnels kills for a long distance. Just one needs to make it through. If there's any rockets or missiles the entire complex belches at every opening.
They will get the western goyim to pay for 6 million bunker busters and just pepper them all over Lebanon
The original happenings most likely morphed over time into the current theological differences.

The Sunnis view the story of Islam after the Prophet as a comically good time, while the Shias view it as an unforgivable tragedy. What actually transpired was that there were tensions between rulers and the Prophet's lineage, Hussein's martyrdom (Prophets grandson had his head cut off and paraded among other things) being the most tragic of them.

Theologically speaking, they claim the same fundamentals (gotta follow the Quran and the Prophet), but their sources and historical accounts differ. Over time, the theologies were infused with politics, tribalism, etc. That part is my take on it. I feel both parties are exagerating (There was no such thing as a unified Ummah, sorry sunnis, and the Imams, as great as they were, were not divinely chosen as the prophets were, sorry shias). Probably considered a heretic according to both, good thing only God judges us, not men.
They have rated airlocks for this. Hezbollah tunnels were made by Iranians and north Koreans. There's no simple solution for them.
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I hope you are right and I hope Trump does not betray our country by becoming involved in the middle east. The U.S. military may have the best weapons but they have substantially less ability to occupy a hostile country than they did in 2007. In Iraq nearly all of the ground forces were white men. There are substantially less white men willing to die for ZOG these days and there is no possibility of them using women, niggers and trannies as an occupation force
hasnt worked in gaza and hezbullah tunnels are more sophisticated
>only right 50% of the time
that's 49.999% more than /pol/
Trump might actually accidentally help the Shia. He's seen as a modern Yazid. If this trajectory is continued, all the old guard hezb/Iranian guys from the 80s that are now too concerned with protecting their dynasties will be killed off and replaced by younger idealists with nothing to lose. Big issue for the Shia is all the leaders have too much to lose to want to take the initiative. they're all rhetoric. I know your media says Ayatollah Khamenei and Nasrallah are terrorists but these guys are moderates compared to alternatives. They spent all their energy balancing all sides. Israel is removing all these old guards.
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And the issue is fundamentally this. The Shia number 150 million and only 0.2% are militant because it's peace time. The entire Shia axis is 300k-400k in militant groups. As the snowball gets rolling it'll grow to millions but it takes time, as Israel escalates warcrimes directly at the Shia. The fast way this ends is if IDF pull out from Gaza, or this war is going to go for decades. Khamenei doesn't want war, because he will lose control to the radicals.
>that kike nose
and they dare call us subhumans
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they arent understanding Trump. Trump came to power by balancing the popular will of the people while kissing up to the jews. It has been a really big demographic shift within the republican party, with now the working class supporting the republicans and the elites and managerial class supporting the democrats. So Trump will have a big decision to make. Does he back the jews or does he back the popular will of the people. He will try to play one off against the other as long as he can but if he is forced to make a decison I hope he will back the popular will of the people who overwhelmingly do not support foreign wars and merely want to secure our own borders
wow you really let /pol/ have it. you were so strong today :)
>The 3 day Limited Ground Operation
They understand trump very well. Shia are all aware Americans are dominated by Israel and Americans don't know any better. Trump is seen as part of an apparatus that is Yazid in nature. Guys like Trump, John Bolton, Netanyahu. Anyone using the rhetoric of Zionism is seen as satanic and godless. To be clear, Israel is not considered Jewish, it's considered satanic and godless. It's seen as a fight for all man kind (including Christians and Jews) against Satan.
This has all been interesting.
John Bolton was a mistake. Trump was naive about many of the people who served in his first administration. That wont happen again. Trump would naturally be against foreign wars,
The war will be boring. Israel will try to keep up this tempo and continue assassinations and bombings. Shia will just keep hiding and firing rockets and missiles at all trade and commerce.
All this stuff warning of something exciting from Iran and Hezbollah is Israelis projecting what they would do in this situation. Shia will continue with patience and prudence and just draw this out for years, slowly crippling Israeli economy and forcing more to abandon settlements and the country entirely. It'll be a long, boring war. Like the war on terror years.
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why do you think the intelligence community is trying to assasinate him?
It's a limited operation you bigot.
The problem with trump is the paradigm of his world view was developed from watching fox news 2001-2016. And since he is uneducated he is easily influenced by whoever last talked to him.
What's the goal here? Turn the area from the northern border to the Litani into another gaza while sparking mini wars all throughout the middle east?
Total failure of political leadership on all sides. Good job guys. Looks like Bibi is getting his Greater Israel after all.
Yes, next time he'll hire some other member of the Blob who will give him the same advice Bolton did; and it'll sound rational and good for the country (but unethical and difficult to stomach). Trump will do it anyway, because you have to be able to delegate, and when it comes to foreign policy, the only people you can delegate to are members of the Blob.
this sounds like fan fic. reminds me of game of thrones where the king beyond the wall, mance rayder have managed to get the wildlings(shia) under one banner to go and take over what’s beyond the wall. sure, u can also choose to be the whitewalkers. pick one and go with it.
I'm going off history. Iranian Shia warfare has been like this for the last 500 years. Shia go dormant in peace time especially because Iranian governments are always hated by a lot of the population, and externally it's perceived as weakness. Then Iran is attacked and the themes of Hussein at the battle of Karbala take hold, millions go to war and these wars go for 10-30 years. Iran loses wars it starts because the population see its own government as Yazid, instead of the external enemy. It's a cultural ethos. If Israel/USA attacks Iran people won't turn on the government like liberals think they will. They'll rally behind whoever the govenment is. It's historical. Saddam learned this. So did Ottomans, Russians and Mughals when they went to war against the Shia.
The IQ 80 sand niggers can't even do jumping jacks. Muslims do suicide bombers because it's literally impossible to fuck up.. get close, push button. They do not have the mental capacity to fight with any type of tactics or coordination, and they've got shit weapons. Marrying first cousins for 600 years has it's consequences.
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not gonna read your muslim drivel lol
Shia don't do suicide bombings. Your allies do.
Your poppy protection army in Afghanistan couldn't do jumping jacks because that's who you recruited to defend your empire.
The hubris is why every Judean kingdom fell to pieces within the 8th decade. Rince and repeat.
>a faggot

kys 2bptid
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May have, fuckin weasels lol
Can't wait for Israel to claim they have to occupy Southern Lebanon because of big bad terrorists.
Then they will start airstrikes on Northern Lebanon claiming that all the big bad terrorists fled North.
This is about Bibi trying to keep his own ass out of prison, so he'll just start random military options all over the place to keep emergency power.
how will there be pics? won't cellular and internet be down?
They won't occupy that ground for any duration without meatshield help from your mob,so be careful what you wish for.
Shia are the modern equivalent of the Kshatriya caste. They seek martyrdom and as the above anon said, they are deeply rooted in the warrior ethos.

Their whole worldview is grounded in fighting oppression, so an event such as an all out war would invoke feelings of doing one's duty and fulfilling one's purpose.
Lol shut up nigger
nigger words describing events when other desert dwellers killed each other
most westerners don't seem to understand that the entire shia faith is based around dying for a righteous cause and hezbollah/iran's entire thing is about how the blood of martyrdom is the most powerful weapon or actually the only weapon that matters

or even if these nerds actually watch a few snippets from a Nasrallah speech or an Axios explainer on the Karbala pilgrimage where 20 million people go every year to where the massacre happened in Iraq, they still don't actually think about the implications for the shia faith and how it relates to current events. if you were going to design a religion specifically to trigger ww3 you would design shia islam and chabad/messianic judaism (with the evangelical neocon christians as a nice mixer). all these nuclear states who hate each other are controlled by lunatics who
a) believe that a world-ending conflict is inevitable
b) believe in their heart of hearts that there is no more honorable thing to do than start that nuclear world-ending conflict as is written in their holy text

when you look at how things are playing out with Israel, Palestine, Iran/shia axis of resistance, it's almost like a movie scripted with each of the actors playing the role that they aren't even aware they are playing, they have been born into these roles that were written for them decades if not centuries in advance. almost like all the world's a stage.

hail eris.
You mean when Jews killed Jesus?
fucking retard, it was muslims killing muslims
>Iranians and Iraqis are all still sleeping.
Iraq has been at war since 2003, even before that the Shi'a began rebelling against saddam in the 90s, why are they sleeping?
i also don't think most westerners realize how the iranian government has just been tanking color revolution attempt after color revolution attempt for the last 5 years or so
>the thing with the influencer chick with the hair and headscarves where they weirdly tried to resurrect zoroastrianism as part of some westernized sk8er punk Vice Media subculture
>the shit with the balochs in the east
>the constant tension with the azeris (Israel's favorite!) on the northwest border

iran, to its credit, appears to have adopted the BRICS model of not even attempting to play to liberal democratic values (and cracking down on NGOs and social media) thereby rendering it more immune to color revolutions.
i imagine there are still a shit ton of sleeper cells in Iran who will attack infrastructure when it pops off. but then again, isn't that also true for a lot of other places as well?

interesting times, interesting times.
wonder if the Mahdi will show up one of these days. aren't we due for a Mahdi, an antichrist, a second coming of Christ, maitreya, kalki? is artificial intelligence possibly one of these? all of these?
go put your pager in your pants and buzz it
Jews killed a Jew? Same shit different smell.
which ones, please?
make a list please, post it on some pastebin if it's too long for the comment limit here
I don't want to be disinformed anymore!
No one goes on the internet and lies anon
Nasrallah was apparently in a hole 30 ft below a building.
israel advance kill teams are already in place in lebanon
That changed in 2020. FOX was complicit in the election theft and Trump knows it. He now realizes the entirety of the media is controlled and has been lying for at least the last 50 years.
Israel could provide no better service to the Iranian state and nation than to wipe out the entirety of its senior leadership in a single blow
Are they GoPro types?
does trump know the nsa hacks the vote?
>no obligation to get involved?
My dearest of goys, we will be sent in once those small amounts of kikes being sent in get massacred by their own pretending to the enemy and we as the greatest of golems get sent in.
idk what that means

i am only assessing the war
Trump never delegated his foreign policy to anyone. He is strongly anti-war. He hired Bolton because he thought he was tough, then fired him when he realized he was a forever-war neo-con captured by the Military Industrial Complex.
Trump didn't let Bolton or anyone else "advise" him in to a war and God knows they tried.
Trump surrounded himself with antiwhites.

Vance is pro-white, at least.
>Vance is pro-white, at least.

he has jeet kids with jeet names and a jeet wife
>is artificial intelligence possibly one of these?
someone will try to pass off a chatbot for the next coming of $prophet, no doubt about it
I am astonished it hasn't happened yet, to be honest
>you are Jesus of Nazareth, come back from vacation to lead your people into the kingdom of heaven. You will accomplish this by persuading each and every one of them to become a martyr for the love of God, your heavenly Father.
The average IQ in the Middle East is literally 80. Iran is slightly higher than most of the ME but it still applies. Tacticians and great warriors they are not.
wow yoi are telling me this foe the first time.

again, Vamce is pro-white. I didn't ever say a white woman was willing to marry him. As an incel, I understand his predicament.
um, ok, I'm voting vance now, thanks!
also kill xi jinping
why vote? only the nsa is voting this year.
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To those priced out: better luck next time.
>For real this time.
>Source: unemployed tranny
>2nd source
>Literal who
knew i should gone with my gut.
>or is about to begin
sound like a nothingburger
shiites are the least fanatical of all muslims and the #1 human beings who are most appeased by poetry and accompanying hyperbole in the world.
Sorry, greatest ally. :(
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It's much easier to dig tunnels in Lebanon, but they have no jungle cover.
Godspeed to these jihadists. The Israeli problem needs to be solved once and for all time.
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lebbro... are the falangists waking up from their hibernation? is it really happening?
>with lebanon
rabbi detected.

It's the border OF Lebanon. As in, jews are cross LEBANON'S border.
>dataminer detected. do not feed.
You do realize that if if you guys didn't withdraw in 2000-2001 this wouldn't be happening now, same with Gaza
Arabs ate incompetent niggers. They will do fuck.all because they don't want their homes destroyed.
Israel was always a golem.
over government is mogged, but we are healing slowly and eliminating the amerimutt plants
Their homes will be destroyed regardless, but maybe they are still too stupid to see that
what?!? don't you WANT to know who is spreading malicious lies about our Israeli friends?!?
He’s got Tulsi and Kennedy on the transition team. If he does that shit this time, it’s all on him.
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The Yahoodi are asking niggers to do the high-risk jobs in exchange for assistance while applying for permanent residence.
What does this say about Israel?
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>Yahoodi are asking niggers to do the high-risk jobs
The niggers are just as genetically fucked, cowardly, and weak as the kikes, a true match made in Hell.
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War is a business, and business is good.
The Great Satan
This can only get worse.
>hate palis
>import niggers to kill palis
>import indians to fill jobs vacated by dead palis
>there are still a lot of palis
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>there are still a lot of palis
Palestinians are the future of israel. Without them, israel won't survive.
that's how I'm perceiving it too, they won't risk it all for some random Arabs
and Khamenei is old af, he'll be like Biden soon if not already, I wouldn't be surprised if power was already transferred unofficially
yeah they're all skinny-ass ethiopians (apart from the fat nigger in ur vid) from what I can tell
not like the roided out hood niggers in the west
Isreal occupied south Lebanon from 1985 until 2000 this is nothing new so no happening confirmed
Small scale meaning they're trying to prob for traps . If they get through unscathed they'll send in the rest of the army.
it's called force recon
really just the first step in the movement of any large military unit
israel does it differently. their idf/mossad takes houses, kills the families, then once they move on demolish the evidence.
for what purpose?
For israeli settlers take over the house and move in.
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that's just ethnic cleansing, not much to do with military operations
Nobody gives a fuck what sand niggers are doing MODS
I see two more weeks is the global zeitgeist of the 2020s

feels like detonating a ton of those missiles off the coast of israel to cause tidal waves would be a way smarter way to fight them
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we will kill all your babbies and youll do nothing until we kill you too
wait thats dead?
no, this one was doxed already. its some kike woman from latvia
More dead sandniggers or muslims, the better. I am starting to like Israel, wtf is this timeline. If they go full war on gaza,lebanon and west bank, I will move there.

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