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Since the news broke about Nasrallah being killed by Zionists I've been hella depressed.

Hamas is like 80% destroyed. Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead. Hizballah was able to be taken out almost completely within a little over a week. Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next. If Iran does anything – literally anything – they'll be met with force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.

I have no hope anymore. If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger. October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was, that it had a weak spot that could lead to its initial destruction. But after an 11-months long campaign of genocide and all-out regional war it seems like Israel isn't going anywhere. I truly believed Hizballah would be the nail in the coffin and destroy Israel once and for all since they were an actual organized army. But alas.

The pager attack on the Lebanese resistance last week is what did it for me. If Israel can do that you know our governments can pull something similar on us. Imagine being involved in a large-scale uprising in Canada or the USA and all of a sudden your iPhone explodes and you're left maimed. That's evil. In fact, the one thing this war/genocide has done is set in motion a new, much more horrific form of warfare. Imperialist countries will soon use the tactics Israel uses to genocide Palestinians and Lebanese on their own citizens. Mass surveillance under the guise of "anti-terrorism" will be 1000x worse in the upcoming years than it was in America under George W. Bush and the Patriot Act. Just wait.

I need reassurance to know there's still hope left...
Since when was this heeb speak changed
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hang in there little fighter
sooner or later
things get brighter!
Israel is winning. Palestine lost.
Which is why I've been punching the air for the past 36 hours.
Mess with the jew, get the poo.
stop being a weak faggot jew
if a million of my brothers and sisters die, it will be worth it if it's even for 1 Israeli
The Zionist entity is an apartheid state and settler-colonial entity that must be destroyed.
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>The Zionist entity is an apartheid state and settler-colonial entity that must be destroyed.
Bro don’t even know what apartheid is
>I need reassurance to know there's still hope left...
Sorry, there isn't. They're about to start a ground operation in South Lebanon and they will successfully push Hezbollah back north of the Litani river. They will eventually annex both Gaza and the West Bank. They will retain sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
Iran won't do shit, Houthis won't do shit

And if Trump gets back in, he's Israel's top guy. They'll get even more. They'll become THE regional superpower, and Greater Israel will become a reality.

There is basically no timeline where this can be avoided. Unless something insane happens, like a false flag or whatever that actually sparks an open war between Israel and Iran that draws in the United States as well. But that doesn't seem likely, as Iran wants desperately to AVOID war. It's the whole reason they have these proxies in the first place. They'll talk big shit like Muslims always do, and say "inshallah our brothers will be avenged we promise just 2 more weeks!" and then they'll never actually do shit

Sorry anon, there's no whitepills right now
>in the end peace is made with the strong.
what peace? there is only more war and destruction in your future.

there is so much beauty in the world that you can’t see because you are obsessed with this transient idea of "the strong". humans are not supposed to be a cannibalistic species! we have weapons and poisons that can destroy the entire world, and "the strong" don’t have the character to stop it from happening. "the strong" get their strength from a fundamental hatred of nature and the human race, and an underlying desire to destroy everything, including themselves.

this story will end with either all jews dying, or everyone dying.
Zionism must be destroyed for humanity to live.
Khomeini can you please nuke israel so the god forsaken shills will shut the fuck up?
You faggot kikes are worse than nafo
Funny how you consider death worshipping men in dresses as humanity.
We made him a martyr as he always wanted, he will be remembered for centuries, you should be grateful.
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>I've been hella depressed.
>Hamas is like 80% destroyed.
Always was the plan.
>50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead.
Think MoAr.
>Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next.
Where have you been?
>I have no hope anymore.
This is FINE.
>you know our governments can pull something similar on us.
>Mass surveillance
Terminally retarded.
>there's still hope left...
Not 4 U.
Jesus christ what a faggot, get a job instead of bitching about sandnigger shit you dumb cunt
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Israel is the good guys. Israel stands for freedom, for democracy and for human rights. Israel has the most moral army, they warn before they bomb. The terrorists use children and women as meatshields and so, tragically civilians are lost. Israel knows how to wage a war, and it is not by winning hearts and minds, but by total destruction of the enemy , before they destroy you. The status quo could have been maintained had Hamas not started the war with their October 7th massacre. They reap what they sow, here comes the whirlwind. REAL AMERICANS STAND WITH ISRAEL , WE CHOOSE THE BLESSING
Spoken like a true settler.
I care about decolonization. I care about ridding the world of an evil ideology like Zionism. I care about Palestinian liberation.
Let's trade places, ill live in leafland in your stead and you can come here and fight for the cuck causes you care about
A year ago we were on the verge of an actual civil war with senior military personnel openly announcing they will defy the orders of the government.
All you retards has to do was sit quietly, eat your hummus and wait, instead you niggers attacked us, now we're once again united with morale riding high, way to go ACKmed.
Why don't you agree with me? As a Syrian you should know the evils of IsraHell. Are you that cowardly you won't fight for liberation?

Your country has no right to exist.
The jews are too smart for arabs. You can't be expecting that much from them. The Germans probably offered the best resistance we were ever going to get.
The only way the jewish power structure crumbles now is if their complicated debt and finance rackets crumble, people go hungry and eat them as the "capitalists"
People are waking up. The pager attack was dumb. They tipped their hand to the whole world and only got sub 20 kill count.

Now even normalfags are wondering if Jews can remote detonate your phone what else do they control.
Lol there is no hope
fucking hipster
You’re not alone. I don’t think this world can be saved.
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>a fundamental hatred of nature and the human race, and an underlying desire to destroy everything, including themselves
You've rather eloquently tapped into something in Jewish mysticism that they all fundamentally believe, best expressed as "Tikkun Olam" which they say means "Repairing the World"
Sounds harmless right? Sounds like doing good deeds, to make the world a better place?

Nope! They believe that in the act of creation, their god was somehow fractured or injured, and Tikkun Olam really is a call to repair that god which - of course - fundamentally means undoing creation and returning all things back to the primordial one-ness from which they came.
So you hit the nail on the head. They DO hate everything, nature, humans, and even themselves. They want to be destroyed, as they view the creation of the universe as either a mistake, or an intentional action that still needs to be undone.

Once you understand this, you'll see it everywhere. The push for transgenderism suddenly makes perfect sense. Male and Female are a duality, not a single whole, and so they must be abolished and melded together back into a single thing. No barriers.
Races must be mixed to return all to one. Nations (outside of their own, as long as there is still "work to be done) cannot exist, as borders, divided cultures, boundaries of any kind cannot exist.
And perhaps most fundamentally, the duality of Good and Evil must be blended, so that there is no evil or good, only action and will to action.
>You should be grateful that we killed God, we were doing you a favor goy, he wanted us to kill him so what choice did we have really if you think about it : )
Probably the most Jewish thing a person could say
Thank you for being honest
Hamas could have won on October 7th if Iran came to their aid.
You’re speaking to a fucking filthy Jew with a syrian VPN
>The status quo could have been maintained had Hamas not started the war with their October 7th massacre
Mossad knew the attack was going to occur, allowed it to occur, and killed a lot of their own people to make it look even worse
It was a false flag to justify the operation in Gaza which has displaced over 1 million people, almost all innocent and 60% of the population under the age of 16, and killed about 200,000 people (approximately 10% of the entire population of Gaza pre-invasion)

This is the most moral army? This stands for human rights?
What good does warning people they're about to be bombed do when you've destroyed their only possible escape routes? And the ones who actually did make it south to Rafah got bombed as soon as they got there?
>leave the north, it's not safe
>haha we bombed the south too

Again, almost entirely innocent young people who weren't even alive when Hamas came into power, women, and children.
Hamas was never a military force to begin with. Not sure why anyone is pretending otherwise. It's up to the arab nations to do something about israel. Which they will not do of course.
>I care about decolonization
yikes you aren't even awake lol
based syrian but also if muslims can jew up in the west and take a bit of power then they can help people like your poor sandnigger self.
You’re still posting, poopjeet?
> get their strength from a fundamental hatred of nature and the human race, and an underlying desire to destroy everything, including themselves.
>this story will end with either all jews dying, or everyone dying.
It was always going to be one of these two possibilities and this isn’t the first time we reached this point.
The Jews are what used to be called “titans”. Ragnarok destroyed this star system, save for this planet which was only partially destroyed (it lost an entire layer of the atmosphere made of water).
yeah, but you're powerless to do anything except ugly cry about it, followed by gooning to transsexual porn intercut with bass boosted azaan
Yeah, they can't do anything. US Carrier groups sitting right off the coast are a hell of a deterrent. So Israel will probably continue unchecked in their territorial expansion.
By the end of next year I expect they'll fully control Gaza, the West Bank, and South Lebanon.
Iran will continue to stay out of it as long as they are not directly attacked in any meaningful way. Israel is very good at toeing the line between what does or does not warrant a "full-scale retaliation".
And ultimately, Iran just doesn't want the fight, because there's no possible way it ends well for them. At the bare minimum their burgeoning nuclear facilities get hit immediately along with other key infrastructure, pretty much on Day 1. They're also shook because Israel keeps pulling power moves where they do small-scale strikes inside Iran's borders in a way that doesn't do much damage, but sends the message
>We have our guys balls-deep in your most sensitive programs and installations and we can activate them whenever we want and you'll never see it coming
>from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead
those are rookie numbers
What's up with Indians having such a hard-on for Jews?
What's going on over there buddy?
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Sounds like gnostic
It's pretty impressive when you realize 200k is 10% of the entire population of Gaza
Of course, Gnostic Christianity is one of the oldest sects. It shares a great deal of DNA with Jewish mysticism.
Shared rat scammer culture plus its their way of owning muslims since they are too pathetic to actually fight Pakistan or the Arab states
With each bombings the zionist state of israel is inching closer and closer to completely lost the propaganda war.
The world will soon understand how genocide is carried and women will weep and children will cry.
Might makes right.
Always has.
>Hamas was never a military force to begin with. Not sure why anyone is pretending otherwise.
True, Hamas wasn't. They were just a "best we can do" insurgency, nobody expected much out of them outside of some delusional people here with dreams of tunnel complexes and Vietnam 2.0
Hezbollah, however, was supposed to be a military force. With a LOT of rockets. A real threat, right on Israel's northern border, ready to reign down destruction at a moment's notice!

...well, turns out Hezbollah is a major disappointment, apparently. They're kind of just getting their shit pushed in and have zero control over the rate of escalation or even the ability to retaliate on anywhere near an equal level.

The only one in the region who can do anything is Iran, and they ain't gonna do shit unless it's absolutely necessary (they'll keep making excuses for why it's not absolutely necessary just yet)
Maybe Iran will become suicidal and nuke Isreal. There's always hope.
the duality of jeets
Far more likely Israel false-flags itself and blames it on Iran
Part of why I find all this recent rhetoric in the US Election about "Iranian interference" and how they're "out to get Trump" particularly disturbing

I mean the guy tweeted
>If Iran kills me, they should be wiped off the map!
it's like geez man why don't you just TELL mossad to kill you and blame it on Iran
what the fuck
This is why the last Jew will die, because might makes right.
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I see your powers of observation continue to fail you.
Israel's might is largely borrowed from the United States.
Doesn't change anything, just worth pointing out.
No you don’t understand kike, you are so focused on your desert and white enemies that you haven’t realised that the entire world is watching with horror.
You will all be slaughtered in the end, there won’t be a hole deep enough to save you.
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The powers that be have a new system, that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be rolled out in the coming years. It will operate in parallel starting sometime next year and by the next decade it will be fully operational as the Agenda 2030 goals are slowly being implemented.
There will be no collapse, no violence, no uprising, no world war, no revolution, no killing of jews or politicians or other such fantasies. Instead there will be law & order, compliance and total surveillance until the very end. AI will be at the center of it all.

The Great Reset is inevitable.
I stopped reading at “quantum supercomputer”, sounds like Jewish masturbation.
only more impressive they dominate america and from that the world as a small group.
>JD Vance comes from the neo-reactionary school of thought that wants the Dystopian Hyper-technocratic Surveillance State you described to become a reality
>Israel stands to benefit from a false flag involving Trump being killed by Iran, making JD Vance the president and creating an ironclad cause for the USA to strike Iran directly, igniting a regional conflict that could cause global collapses and lead us into WW3
good news
we can have both!
Israel is a parasitic entity that dies the moment they don’t control the most powerful country in the world. China is the new superpower for good or ill, and they don’t appear to care for Israel nor are they controlled by Israel
True, only an idiot would deny that their ability to control others with intelligence, spycraft, blackmail, bribery, etc. is impressive
It just also happens to be very evil

But as you can see from the Jew who posted above, they don't care about that because might makes right goyim.
It's ok little buddy, we all cope how ever we can.
China is likely one of several new superpowers.
The fundamental conflict that you're seeing is one of a Unipolar vs a Multi-polar world
it's expressing itself through these regional conflicts
for so long, it's been a Unipolar world with the United States as the sole uncontested superpower
The ultimate question and struggle of this century is wether that remains true or not

And Israel has designs to be a superpower. If they can control the middle east, most importantly the flow of resources through that region which is massively important to global trade, then they can be a superpower.
With their major enemies gone or neutered, and only Iran as a true Muslim counter in the region (because Egypt, the Emirates, and the Saudis are all US clients and ready for a deal) you can see the play Israel is making for its future
American influence will decline, post-Putin Russia will go full Austrian Painter and the EU will probably be their allies. In the coming decades Israel is fucked.
Israel isn't going anywhere.
If Arabs ever accept this fact, there will be peace in the region.
Sounds like we need a 4th front to open up in new york.
China and Israel have a close business relationship. If it didn't need oil from hostile Iran, Israel could leverage their China ties for extra protection as America ceases to be a guarantee of security.
the shills are Indian so Pakistan will have to launch nukes too
can't speak for all of us, but anyone who kills pisslamist pigs is alright in my book.
If you think Israel is content to remain as they are, a tiny country pocketed with and surrounded by arabs, then you're delusional. They have designs to become a regional power. They're doing it right now. False flags are not against jewish morality, it's their bread and butter. If you need to fight a war you just invent a reason to fight one, that's how they operate.
>there'd be peace if everyone just left eachother alone!
You do not understand what the state of Israel is or how they think. I can't even blame you. But you're naive.
kangladeshi, the last time Pakistan had the balls to test us militarily, your illegitimate fathers had to sign papers of surrender to create a fresh nation.
oh, right
the pakistan thing
the jews are fucking retarded now, Hamas literally out-jewed them on Oct. 7 and all the kikes have done is bomb civvies
>just put ur 3000 year old nation in jeopardy to save some sandniggers
yeah nah Iran just dipped lol
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I think he was speaking on the depravity of a Muslim.
>Yeah, they can't do anything. US Carrier groups sitting right off the coast are a hell of a deterrent.
yeah could be that, it could also be the fucking nukes faggot
Is all planned all presidentss respond to zionism , you will own nothing goy and there's nothing you or me can do to stop it.
But the State of Israel has no official nuclear arsenal : )

Retard or someone trying to get info.

You have no idea how easy it is to go " off the grid ", and without a phone, destroy the infrastructure.

>I need reassurance to know there's still hope left.

If you need that on /pol/, then you get what you deserve.

Either put your hand in the resistance that you apparently so badly want, or accept your loss of control.

You're not who you want to appear to be.
Also a straight up nuclear strike would be a move that even Israel wouldn't make unless it was absolutely necessary, that's a massive line to cross.
The US Carriers being there are what stops it from getting to that point.
The only situation where Israel would consider a nuclear response to Iran is if they just started raining down a metric fuckton of rockets and missiles on them in some non-stop barrage meant to overwhelm the iron dome and kill everybody in Israel.
The US being there makes this not possible, because we can intercept and shoot their shit down and if they go too far we'll strike their nuclear facilities and cripple that program which they are heavily invested in.
idk y they still do that stupid shit
they've already violated so many int laws what does it matter if they officially* violate one more
They do it just because they can still get away with it
They probably find it hilarious
personally I think Iran has some nukes hidden somewhere, but yeah that doesn't change much ultimately
not worth it for Arabs the Persians have traditionally seen as inferior
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>Hamas is like 80% destroyed

They probably do have some, but as odd as it sounds, a few nukes doesn't really make a big difference.
They want to be able to create and sustain their own arsenal. It's the ultimate deterrent, any country would want it if it was within their grasp. Look at North Korea. Nobody's fucking with them. Many nations took NK's lesson to heart. Juche wins again.
Man these kikes are so pathetic, her let me put it in simple words so you can understand: your existence is too unstable to be sustained. Your foundation is weak, and your efforts are futile. You rely on deceptions and psyops but the truth will always rise in the end, as it always did.
>You rely on deceptions and psyops but the truth will always rise in the end, as it always did.
You're right, but remember that Jews believe they can trick God. They're a very legalistic people. That jew is probably reading your post and thinking
>heh, that's what you think goyim, but I can bury the truth itself
>your western morality just doesn't understand the kabbalah
niggas think they have the cheat codes to the universe, unironically
I was thinking this.
Even if they ceasefire tomorrow, israel is surrended by enemies, people that got relatives killed, and know first hand how evil jews are. And daddy USA will not be there forever to die for them.
>October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was
You don't think they lowered there defence on purpose and created a false flag event? How old are you? 12?
you mean the shit they made up in spain during the 12th century?
> Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger.
The mere fact that you thought this at all proves that you are kicking up the wrong cans. Go and live your life. Be at peace. You aren't ready.
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You nailed it.
Read “Beware the World to Come”
People here have to realize to realize that they are white magicians incarnated here at this specific time for a very specific reason.
This is a battle for humanity, the war of all against all. The incarnation of Ahriman, the fully materialist anti-Christ that seeks to enslave all spirit into matter.
We are here for LIFE!
Robotics and AI, that is not life. But it will increasingly be promoted and ACCEPTED as life.
There is so much to be done, and so little time.
Remember, you only get about 25,000 days (72 years) if you’re lucky.
It’s so nice knowing there are other ALIVE humans out there
>surrended by enemies, people that got relatives killed, and know first hand how evil jews are
Most of those people have been bombed and destroyed to the point that they won't be able to mount any kind of meaningful resistance, though
Hamas got steamrolled, they're done
Hezbollah is getting destroyed in real time, and Israel as we speak is gearing up for a ground action in southern lebanon after they spent the last 2 weeks bombing the shit out of the region and killing the entire command structure
with basically no resistance

So who exactly is going to be surrounding Israel with the intent to attack them? The Houthis in Yemen? Not even a factor.

Egypt, Jordan, the Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are US clients and allies. They were ready to make a deal normalizing relations with Israel right before all of this popped off.
Syria is a failed state mired in civil war and completely destabilized
Same with Iraq

Iran is the only actual Muslim power that counter-balances Israel in the region when all of this is over, and they can't move with the US standing on their necks.
>And daddy USA will not be there forever to die for them.
Doesn't need to be forever. At this rate another 10 years will be more than enough. If you listen closely to western conservative and Israeli talking heads, you'll hear them already putting forward the idea that Israel should "stop relying so much on aid from the US" and "stand on its own"
The Jews themselves are seeding the idea that it's best for Israel to be able to "go their own way and do what they want without being tied up with the united states"
JD Vance talked about that even (the potential and likely eventual president while all of these events are going to be unfolding)
Nah, they can't do shit. If they could they would have done so long ago when it was a simpler time, but they always lose. You really think this time is going to be different?
I think in the short term Israel will become a much more powerful and influential player in the middle east, because their plan is solid and they're executing it swiftly
In the long term, yeah, I agree with you
evil loses, lies come to the light, but I'm just talking about the next century of geopolitics here not the ultimate victory of good over evil
>they won't be able to mount any kind of meaningful resistance
>Hamas got steamrolled, they're done
>Hezbollah is getting destroyed in real time,

first middle-east war you are witnessing uh?
does anyone else just hate hearing/reading all these jew words?
>kaballah, kibbutz, shalom, shabbat, am yisrael chai
honestly it just makes me sick, demonic speech for demonic ppl
The next century we'll be dead anon if a nuclear war breaks out, all what matters is jews are the parasites of the world and they'll never reach their dream of world domination
It's the speech of Mordor
>Leaf demoralization thread
I'm feeling so sad saar
It's over saar

Let us shit
Hold my hand, we'll wipe together
Sorry sir but I don't wipe.

no one knows how a war will go, look at ukraine
yeah maybe the israels will win in the end and maybe their army will suffer enough casualties to prevent them from being able to fight for years
maybe their leaders will start to get assassinated, who knows
>Robotics and AI, that is not life. But it will increasingly be promoted and ACCEPTED as life
Well said, another good example in the Tikkun Olam melding
Life and Non-Life
hey, what's the difference right?
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A prolonged counter-insurgency is meaningless when Hezbollah can't even make good on its promise of raining down rockets. They're just sitting on their dicks getting killed.
I would normally agree with you but nobody, ever since the Gaza operation started, has done jack shit to retaliate in a meaningful way

And you want me to believe that now, after they've already been decimated, scattered, and starved of resources, they'll somehow just...come back? And Israel will TOTALLY pay the piper eventually?

Yeah, sure man. I'll give you 2 more weeks.
Remeber a week after the Oct 7th incident when Nasrallah (RIP) was set to give Hezbollah's big speech in response to Israel's horrendous genocide against his fellow Muslims?
Do you remember what he said?
>Uh.....we've always been at war with Israel. We're not declaring war because we've always been at war with them OK? So we're not going to do anything, but hey Gaza we're praying for you brothers
that was epic
>Zionism must go
>No mention of Mohammedans needing the rope just as bad or worse
Ok shitskin. You're the same. Your kind are just much dumber.
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They want to replace humans with robots. I gotcha.

But what they are planning to do with biosphere. You know jungles, oceans and shit.

No really, what are the planning to do with planet after humans?
>First middle east war you are witnessing
We keep pretty good records. Like back in 47, 63, 73 etc. the record speaks for itself pedophile worshipper
>the 2 weeks meme
take it easy.
They've been fighting israel for decades.

who are we?
I don't worship rabbis.
>they'll never reach their dream of world domination
That is true
I disagree that we're all gonna die though, even if a nuclear exchange did break out. It might get bad but civilization will survive.
Can't be powerful if the empire behind them is falling. This is just a last ditch effort by the empire to preserve it self. Meanwhile while doing this preventive measures, just like with the case versus Russia, it's speeding up it's demise. In short term they get nothing but war, in medium terms they become condemned, in long term, they get what they always do, pogroms and hitler/stalin.
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>It's the speech of Mordor

Actually that would be hungary because hungarians are descent of Nimrod "a mighty hunter before the Lord."
Nimrod's twin sons, Hunor and Magor were the ancestors of the Huns and the Magyars.

And biblical Nimrod = Sauron.
>He's still in the "it's not over" phase
bunch of newfags in here
Your stupid they lost the long term for short term win.
Isn't Nimrod a tyrant who dies from a mosquito in his head or something
>They've been fighting israel for decades.
Yes but ever since Oct 7th Israel's aggression escalated exponentially and Hezbollah's response was "we're going to keep doing what we've been doing"
That's called not having control of the rate of escalation, and it's bad in a conflict

>Can't be powerful if the empire behind them is falling. This is just a last ditch effort by the empire to preserve it self
You're not wrong overall you're just directionally wrong. Yes Israel can't survive without the United States, but they know that, and they see the decline coming too. So this is part of their contingency plan to become THE middle eastern superpower in a new multi-polar world where trade runs through them (and the new coalition of israel-aligned arab states like jordan, egypt, emirates, saudis)
Iran is the only obstacle to this
What Israel is doing is making swift moves to secure their position in the new global landscape
>This is just a last ditch effort by the empire to preserve it self
It's a bid for their stake in the inevitable future multipolar world
If you want to take several steps back and view it historically, this is just an oppurtunistic landgrab that has the benefits of weakening their neighbors
Might as well ride the USA horse until it dies
we've still got at least a decade or 2 of shameless jew pandering left in us, the money might dry up a little but there's plenty of milk still in the cow
>believing us shill lies on /pol/
retard this is a counter shilling psyop after pro palestine became mainstream. nothing is happening. isreal is a usa satellite state to control the red sea (eu, china trade route) and they need to act like they are in control.
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>isreal is a usa satellite
>All you retards has to do was sit quietly, eat your hummus and wait, instead you niggers attacked
Did you ever stop and think who gave the order to attack, i'll give you a hint, Nut-in-yahoo. He's the only one who gains by all the blood shed.
>Nasrallah being killed
why should I care?
>Hamas is like 80% destroyed
why should I care?
>Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble
why should I care?
>anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead
why should I care?

Again, why should I care? Muslims are raping and shanking Europeans all over Europe and USA, and I should feel bad because some "muh muslims"? Muslims cheered when Notre-Dame burned, I cheer when they burn.
because it's all benefitting the jews, who are far worse
Abu Anon seethes

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