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Previous: >>483185763

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Reports of bombing in Homs Syria
>Iranian Foreign Minister:
>The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.
>Nasrallah assassinated
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targeting Nasrallah
>80k refugees nakbad from Lebanon
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/PX98_amj_tE?si=CMA3vyQbwvE-q1e3 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/5iLUjqbeyv8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
rolling for shia genocide and khazarian milkers
still waiting btw
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Re rolling
>>The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.
I don't want to sound mean, but wasn't Iran's last response just to raise the black flag?
still moving the goal post you mean
only Jewess with middle eastern features, dark eyes, dark hair and olive skin or else don't bother
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Who's ready for Lebanese civil war 2 and break up of Lebanon?
Sad that it's already over.

This war could've been kino if arabs weren't retarded and persians weren't cowards.
hamas tunnel getting nuked, more dead hamas rats.
the extermination of vermin in the south wont stop
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Bro wtf
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calm down savage, you want her father dead and her crying on his grave, leave her alone regarding everything else...
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when will Lebanese people uncuck themselves and throw Hezbollah out of Lebanon? Does Israel need to destroy them even more until they are weak enough for that to happen?

That country could have an amazing future thanks to their coast to the Mediterranean even if it was just neutral like Jordan and not wanting to be involved in this Israel-Palestine shit.

Instead some paramilitary sandniggers keep dragging them to war without government oversight. I don't know why anyone would support a group of sandniggers with no government control provoking another country to bomb and attack their country. But I guess pol has finally embraced the Islam-pill because muh Zionists and globalhomo.
I'm a Lebanese Christian and hope enough Muslims die that we have a chance to take our country back.
Holy fucking Based, I kneel.
got mobilized this morning btw
tfw you will never be a nukhba chad on October 7 and force illegal Israeli settlers with gigantic milkers to give you paizuri
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fuck the zionist entity
hezbollah is down but not out
if you're jew: fuck you
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Good luck anon be safe <3
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>Nadri, a member of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) :

>Hezbollah has advanced and secret weapons that have not yet been revealed.
>Hezbollah will use this weapon gradually and at the right time.
>Some of these weapons may not even be revealed until the end of the war due to their strategic importance.
>This war has officially begun and may reach the stage of full-scale war.
Holy shit this is beyond cope, so the war hasn't started yet? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Rolling for total (galactic) kike death
Holy fuck based anon, I hope you do! <3
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someone has to keep having class and taste in this World
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we can’t keep dunking on them like this bros
Memes aside Israel has no chance of survival in the long run. Demographics are against it, and the political opinion of the western public and governments is against it.
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lmao even
Lebanon is always going to be a brown shithole no matter which desert kike you worship.
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complete and total systematic extermination
Hezbollahs popularity comes from the fact that in most of the country Hezbollah is the only one providing a lot of government services.
Because the internationally backed Lebanese government either can not or will not.

In most of Lebanon you go to a petrol station chances are its run by Hezbollah and is only able to operate because of them.
Food in the stores? Thank Hezbollah again.
Your elderly grandparents surviving rather than starving? Its because Hezbollah is giving them a pension.
Hospital is only running because again Hezbollah.
Most Lebanese medical students in the west are on scholarships paid for by Hezbollah.

Their model is pretty simple when you think about it.
The people called out for someone to fill the void left by the governments unwillingness and incompetence, Hezbollah filled that void.
maybe they don't want a direct confrontation because they know that benefits the zionist entity (it would trigger the US to help militarily)

look up the fabian strategy
like israel pretty much showed it infiltrated every level of that org
so even if they have a card up their sleeve we know what it is and where
>Most Lebanese medical students in the west are on scholarships paid for by Hezbollah.
so western med schools are getting money from an officially labeled terrorist group? kek
yeah yeah
not impressed until you can invade lebanon
cmon dont you want the litani river
lets go bitch
I wanna bet €10 that the whole organization is just full of mossad agents at this point.
Look at pictures from before 1975.
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check the news
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all i see is 2 more weeks posting
Aurora borealis localized entirely inside hezbollah hq
Of course, but they don't get a say in the matter. If it absolutely must come to it Israel is fine with directly nuking America and saying Iran did it.
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one of the craters of the Nasrallah attack, looks like a hole leading down to Hell
beirut was the paris of the the middle east
which is kinda funny considering how both cities look today
kek how does Iran keep falling for Jewish tricks. For 40 years the process is;
>make agreement with Jews
>get stabbed in the back
check again
under censorship in israel but foreign news outlets reported about it
Decades of covert jewish economic warfare will do that
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that's true. there is no act of evil that the jew is incapable of. that i know for sure
it's the fault of the americans we are pussies
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blow it our your ass
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a French magazine is stating that it might have been an Iranian mole but to tell you the truth i think it is likely to be Israeli glower psy-ops, to create a certain distrust between the 2 sides...but it might be true also
They are essentially a cartel and most of their money comes from selling drugs that poison the people
it's funny because lebanon went down when jordan kicked out the palestinians and they moved there
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Except the reason Lebanon is in a hole is because Hiznoballa profit off of the shortages they themselves create. You're not wrong but they're not the "only one providing" its a deliberate strategy to profit and recruit from the population.

It's literally what you blame Jews for doing on turbo but you won't accept this fact because of the very well ingrained propaganda that the average muzzie experiences since childhood.

Hiznoballa didn't fill a void, it creates it and masterfully controls it.
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i won't be surprised if we have an eli cohen tier of spy in iran
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recently Iran arrested a fairly high level military guy for spying
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mutts were paying Iran not to attack israel
But seriously, what can we even do with palestinians? They are like muslims indians, if indians did terror attacks instead of scamming.
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clean it up ali
shitty memes, go back to the drawing board
Khazarian queen’s post-pregnancy milky lactating tits
you're gonna have to learn to live with them because they aren't going anywhere
it's a tranny, stop embarrassing yourself
I dont get where this flag of revenge meme comes from. It's the flag of martyrdom, flies whenever a significant person dies in combat. Iran waves it all hte time for 45 years
There's nothing you can do, Israel will be taken over by Arabs and Haredim. Your economy will continue its slow collapse and most of you will flee to Brooklyn. This war is just getting started.
and mutts will sacrifice their goyim lives for it.
niggers is a better analogue
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Why are you acting like an
next time we see you on here again is with a red triangle over your head in a vid off telegram
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one way ticket to russia. putin needs more meat. this is the only solution to the PQ
yup. just stop wasting everybody's time and go to brooklyn already.
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You're not thinking about it the right way.
Iran doesn't actually want war.
Not because they're peaceful or moral but because they know they'll always be 20 years behind being legitimately ready.
That Arab admixture from getting #Kebab'd imparted a lot of retardation and cowardice onto the gene pool and the perpetual brain drain from everyone with two thirds of a brain getting the hell out of dodge to become a safety inspector or heart surgeon doesn't help.

They weren't trusting. They were hoping. Because while they're better at things than your average Hamas Haji they're still majorly retarded with the smart being crowded out or leaving.
I've been reading a bunch of lofty headlines and gloating on Twitter, but Israel's strategic position remains much worse than before October 7th
So it's been a year and all they have are a bunch of dead people and everyone hates them
Now they're invading Lebanon? They barely have enough troops for Gaza
>fantasizing about the tranny
jeet detected.
you said that the two previous times i went to gaza already
My gf’s on her period and I haven’t had sex since Wednesday. Horniness is killing me. Please understand
what happened to the leb flags? were they shitposting from the tunnels with nasrallah?
mudshits btfo

She said she’s had biological children
>start a war by launching rockets non stop
>expect a compromise from the other side for a ceasefire
just stop launching rockets lmao?
what do they think they can blackmail us with rockets?
well...they are inside 2 containment areas it's just that Oct 7 was the containment apparatus failing due to over confidence and apathy.
Rocket attacks are more problematic, Israel can retaliate by bombing the general area of the launch but that is politically problematic because the "Palestinian cause" is always a trendy cause among White Western bourgeoise and the increasingly bigger Muslim diaspora living in the West...
and you believed it
you must be a pajeet, or mentally retarded
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Ignore the muzzie cope chad, give em hell and bring some Lebanese qts back to the tribe.
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fr leb posters are awfully quiet since nasrallah got his balls blown off. excluding of course the ones who fleeted their country to europe and aus, they’re seething harder than ever
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I miss Druze bro :( I need to know he is ok.
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Thanks for the confession
like on friday night i was in the west bank and i saw fireworks from a palestinian town
with how much nasrallah sacrificed they still celebrated his death
what a bunch of niggers
Why would she lie
the zionist entity will have to contain an increasingly angrier and angrier populace. sounds like a recipe for a successful stable state i'm sure
just kys
Based kill em
You mostly have no idea what you're talking about at all.
Ayatollahs don't want war because in 35 years they set up their dynasties and have have things they don't want to lose. They need to go through decapitation like Hezbollah and Houthis so the radical can take over and move things forward. Khamenei is a moderate in Iran. The entire old guard is all rhetoric to keep the radical content.
>two previous times
It's not even the one year anniversary, sure . What do you mean you've been there TWICE? How long do you be there for? Couldn't be long if you've been there twice. What are you, a photographer or a journo walking around taking pics or something?
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holy shit muzzies are so fucking stupid
It's a hole they insist on digging. The best part is they're celebrating victory already. Reminds me of 2002-2003 and the good kek I got when Americans thought they had defeated the taliban. This war is only just beginning. It's going to go for years.
Make me faggot
We're out breeding the arabs now
Nukeing america/ evil
Pick one
i think he's the guy who stands back and picks up the jew corpses after a fight kek
i actually agree with you, the real danger for Israel is White Western retards going to the ballot box and comiting suicide...
>the radical can take over and move things forward
this is why all mudshits need to die
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>Iranian Foreign Minister:

>The murder of Brigadier General Nilproshan at the hands of the Zionist entity will not go unanswered.
New flag incoming?
and how exactly does being pro palestinian make a white westerner a "retard". please be specific.
The haredim are breeding out the Arabs. Haredim and Arabs will be the two largest demographics in Israel and its occupied territories within 20 years.
You literally just rephrased what I said.
Would you like to see the lebanons that posted on here get bombed ?
Asking again since everyone was asleep in the other thread
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>Settler chad
Out of the way buck a new cowboy is in town
You’ve been saying this for years while Arab demographics have been constantly going up.

There will be a point where secular Zionist ashkenazis are a tiny minority and most of the population of occupied Palestine will be Arabs, mizrahi Jews , and sidelocked bearded kikes who don’t give a shit about serving in the military
Deport them doset matter were
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the red chastity cage is being placed
the butt plug of war is being inserted
yeah only jews breeding are the super religious retards who refuse to fight or work. lol have fun with that
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lmao this guy doesn't realise that there is someone high up who is actively trying to get him killed
we are all meat to the dysgenic ashkenazi jew bankers
4 or 5 months the first time and a month and a half the second
first time we were the first combat engineering brigade to the border so we first patched breaches, then we participated in the push to northern gaza
most of the time we were by the shore

second time we assisted in jabalia to recover bodies of hostages
Who’s an actual radical in pissran?
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not all of them, just the hezb supporters
you're confused. Radical Shiism is not like your head chopping allies in the region.
i was talking about going to the ballot box and vote for parties that flood them with "diversity", in the long run this is the true danger for Israel because non-Whites always go for leftism due to ethno-egoism/parasitism and the Muslims the same but anti-Israelism added to the mix
How are you all so certain she’s a tranny? In either case, if he/she’s a tranny or not, they should still in theory die for being Jewish
oh you repaired a chainlink fence. kek
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Only roughly 55% of them.
Many leaveing all the time at increasing rates whole villages in the west bank of only old people cuase all youngins migrated to greener pastures, fuck ton also left gaza to egypt since the war started Moshe feglin claims only eight hundred thousand left their now
The goyim can't help degeneracy is their natruael state
Arabs no haredim yes but that's a good thing
Do you know anything about Iran?

And when I say Radical I mean ready to take the government in the direction it went in the 1980's. Not mass killing of civilians like American proxy grouups and Israel.
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my entire battalion had very few casualties
i didn't do shit at that part
my battalion did
i'm not a heavy equipment operator
not all of us are incels and can tell the difference between a woman and a man pretending to be a woman for attention
but can you harness that evil for good?
such is a valid question of the middle east.
Emirates plan, or carve up a slice of Lebanon or Syria for them
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>Saaar but I said TKD
>Saar, what are you doing saar?
You dumbass paki/jeet need to stop thinking they're your friends lmao.
yeah but that's a Jew saying it so it's probably not true. I will wait until a goy says it.
Stop hateing on the territories it's our countries heartland, and no amount of an improved living situation will pacify the arabs in order of preference they need to be either deported killed or brainwashed in re education camps like china dose to their muslims
how many politician's wives have you fucked?
Radical Shiites are basically just American evangelical Christian’s but for Iran instead of Israel. Basically their politics revolve around worshipping another country and acting in that country’s interests instead of their own
The fake Muslim cult (Nation of Islam) is against Israel too.
They fled to syria
It was facilitated by glowniggers to many irregularities that day before and on the response
Give me an example of a cleric or politician in Iran who you’d consider to be like that.

My understanding is that Iran foreign policy is pretty much controlled by the revolutionary guard
my thoughts exactly kek
a jew just wants to give the impression everyone is leaving so more people will too
we know all the tricks
What are you on about schizo kike
There is absolutely zero comparison between radical shiites and evangelical christians. They are on opposing spectrums on many things. Israel has nothing to do with it, it's just the modern interpretation of Yazid in their perception of world events.
Women online are bigger attention whores than men pretending to be women
Did they manage to kill one Israeli yet?
wives? 0 that's for sure
too old
my ex is an officer whose daddy is a high ranking officer
but it's my entire battalion mobilizing every time
and in total we haven't spent as much time as other similar units
My point is that radical Shiites in Iraq and Lebanon prioritise Iranian interests over Lebanese and Iraqi interests the same way evangelicals prioritise Israeli interests over American interests. To them, Iran is a holy state that you cannot disagree with
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Nope, Hezbollah has turned out to be a meme force.
Degenerate filthy kike.

My gf is a cute demure Asian girl (I have yellow fever) and we’re getting married. I can’t imagine living life as a degenerate
I think the shias in lebanon are cursing palestine and gaza for the shit thats happening and the hate they’re seeing on social media from sunnis
How you feeling about the northern front? Does multiple deployments never create a sense of tempting faith or chancing your arm? Do you ever just feel like you personally have a finish line, or some other psychological marker, like, that's you and you've done your whack, your war is over kind of thing?
The foreign policy is mostly set by Khamenei. The IRGC is a nation within a nation. They often do their own thing. Almost every principalist cleric and politician is more radical than Khamenei. Khamenei spends all his energy balancing them out with moderates and reformists.
The entire lot of principilists were against all negotations with USA for the last 20 years, including the nuclear deal signed with Obama. They didn't want it. Khamenei allowed it. If they aren't from the moderate or reformist camp they are more severe than Khamenei.
Jews spit on christians
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Haredim are good
>demographics have been constantly going
Their going down now
>There will be a point where secular Zionist ashkenazis are a tiny minority and most of the population of occupied Palestine will be Arabs, mizrahi Jews
Already the case today
You don't know what your talking about their is a branch of religouse jews about 1 million already they have a similar birthrate to haredim and make up huge percentages of combat they take pride in makeing it into good units
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These murders actually caused a lot of outrage in the west. It was reported a lot on the news here and mentioned at my local church.

It’s interesting, I feel Israel has been more careful stepping around Gazan Christians ever since it happened. They’re scared of the west realising how much kikes hate Christians
no they don't. There is just a mutual understanding that if Iran falls then they are all in trouble. Everyone is tied to the hip to Iran.
There are a bunch of Ayatollahs and Shiites determine themselves who they follow. Most follow Sistani in Iraq. Most of Khameneis followers are Iraqis and Pakistanis.
Stop pretending to be Australian your bantz are far too weak
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American Christianity revolves around serving Israel and waiting for jeebus to come down from the sky.
> The IRGC is a nation within a nation.

So the IRGC is basically like Iran’s Hezbollah?

> Almost every principalist cleric and politician is more radical than Khamenei.

Interesting. Who are the principlist clerics? I always thought Khamenei was the most radical
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Here in the US none of the MSM reported it as far as I know, if anything it seemed like it pissed off the Muslims more than the Christians.
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shut up jew
like without the previous week i would be more concerned than gaza
but now not so much
also as a mechanized force, it will let us stretch our legs instead of fighting in small streets

since i'm a vehicle crewman i feel like i have a lot more control over my fate than the dismounts
if something happens it's because we made a mistake and not really luck.
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The radical Shiites would literally burn their country and kill their own people if Iran ordered them to. You don’t know these people. They put up pictures of Iranian leaders in their towns and villages and consider Khamenei to be their leader
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Greatest ally
Why so long faces, mudshits? Last time I was here 6 months ago the vibes were different.
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I live in a very rural area and the kike worship is unbelievable, it is mainly among the boomer Christians.
The younger dudes think it isn't worth a single pennie to support anybody, it's mostly a generational thing.
Screw the 2024 elections, 2028 will be the end of US support to pissrael.
I don’t know how things are in America but in Australia right now everyone hates all the Israelis and zionists. Not just Arabs and Muslims but also the anglos and other foreigners. Pretty much only Jews still support Israel

The Australian government is torn between following daddy America and doing what the Australian public want
No they wouldn't. Among the Shia nations, even among the very religious, nationalism >>> religious identity. They will all follow their own local people. Iraqis will listen to guys like Sistani or Al Sadr.
Very interesting. All of those leaders martyed by Israel and US in last 3 years, Ebrahim Raisi, Qasem Soleimani, Ismail Haniyeh And Hassan Nasrallah, were 63 years old. Exactly the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) age.

Don’t care. Post khazar milkers. TKD
Good as kissinger said dangerous e to be an enemy of america lethal to be an Allie look what you fucks did to western europe korea and japan
In Iraq it’s 50/50.

Sadr/Sistani followers probably outnumber the diehard Iranists but there’s still millions of followers of factions that are literally Iran. Badr, Asaib, SCIIRI, are all factions that are for all intents and purposes, Iranian and not Iraqi. Many of them are ethic Persians larping as Arabs

Sadr is an unpredictable wild card like Donald trump but he sides with Iran more often than not
>Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said the number of displaced people in the country was expected to reach one million, and that "this is the largest displacement in the history of the country." Mikati also referred to the diplomatic contacts for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, saying that "the efforts are related to the American-French proposal for a 21-day ceasefire. Lebanon has no choice but to go to this option."
My feel on the situation is the Shia won't start moving much until Israel starts warcriming them like Gaza. Ashura has to happen before the hardwiring kicks in and the LARP for the battle of karbala comes back. Shia are all dragging their feet thinking this is going to blow over, they don't understand this is an existential war for them. So we are just waiting it out until Israel keeps escalating and starts killing civilians in Iraq and Iran.
It didn’t happen but they deserved it
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Ohoneposting so no pics, but ti looks like we are attempting to walk out of our gas treaty with lebanon, cutting their income even more, winter is coming and these niggers will freeze to death
Stop posting porn goy
Why do you only care when we do war crimes but ignore when our enemies do it drop the moral fag larp and be honest finish it TK-
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The boomers would gladly sell their daughters for pissrael, some weird interpretation with end time prophecy.
When you actually think about it, it is all fucking stupid to begin with.
>ev*ngelical cherry pick parts of the bible
>don't question it
>don't even ask why Jesus Christ never once mentioned anything about the end times prophecy
>fairly recent belief, neverminded the 1800 years of Christendom were that was never brought up
Even if you show them all the hard evidence, boomers will still insist that kikes are Gods chosen.
Here you have a very popular televangelist talking about the importance of saving Ukrainian kikes, but at no point does he even mention a single word about the Christians that are suffering more than anybody.

made my day, thanks crying bitch
damn, that like close to the number of israelis that left the country
The argument for islam in Europe being good is it will make you all be monotheist and curb your degeneracy
Kys tranny
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What kind of lokshim did they feed you? There's no gas agreement but a maritime borders agreement, in which Lebanon failed to find gas there anyway. Kinda pointless kvetching tbqh

how is that drop of 30% in GDP while taking into account the spending of every Israeli around the globe as cope going tho?
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That's hardly up for debate, most average people were against all wars the US government got us involved.
The majority of Americans wanted nothing to do with Europe in WW2.
Gen Z are no where near as retarded as Gen X, they were parading the Bin Laden letter on twitter.
I'm against all warcrimes. And HAMAS hasn't been an Iranian proxy for 10 years. The split was during the Syrian Civil War. It took 5 months into this war until they even came to Iran asking for help. Killing civilians is wrong but I know you dont understand.
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Degeneracy in the west is jewish works.
Every single aspect of the most gross stuffs have jews at the roots
There is ags field there, we enev got 20% of the profits after developments for literally doing nothing
I hope you get a kornet stuffed up your ass.
Mogged by this pali goddess
Don't reply to me wog
I'm confused are there actually people in the Muslim community who are this emotional about terrorists getting blown up or was she just afraid to go off script?
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I have war crimes at home to worry about. The trick is to wake White people up before out situation becomes as bad as Gaza.
>Has the teeth of a donkey
>Moet beautiful Pali wench.
I see what you did there ;)
>ignore all memeflags
>posts the memeflag
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The problem is that it is being FORCED in Europeans by your kind.
Just like how Bethlehem used to be 80-85% Christian before the creation of pissrael, now it's 15%.
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It was the red flag last time.
Israel got some banter
Shut the fuck you faggot kike, she is beautiful and you know it, you're just coping. If you don't find her attractive you are low t
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>After an initial offshore exploratory well did not find commercial quantities of gas in Lebanon's Block 9 - the nation's first offshore lease - the Lebanese government has asked operator TotalEnergies to drill again, and quickly.
So far they found squat and diddly nothing over there.
the red flag represents martyrdom and goes up when significant persons die in combat. the black flag is for mourning. None of it has to do with revenge, it's israeli fanfic
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>NOOO the flagerrino is a sign of respect and honor stop making fun of us
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It isn't terrorism to wage war on world jewry. From the Lavon affair, to 9/11 to every warcrime jews commit in the Middle East, they are the terrorists. It's easy to be ruthless when you have America and Europe at your disposal. The question for jews is can they secure their vision before the American decline makes it untenable.
posting jacks doesn't help backing your propaganda that just got debunked, brainlet jew
A couple of Shia's having a normal one over this
You made us give up sinai I can't forgive.
At the root it's all goyim becuase any jew involved dose not observe judiasm before napoleans forced asimilation of us we were 99% religouse,any jew away from judiasm is so becuase his ancestors got mind fucked by napolean, even up untill ww2 most over 50% of europe's jews were still religouse only after ww2 did non observent jews become the majority
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Will be laughing at your corpse here soon
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization
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It's not propaganda you favella retard, people are memeing on Iran's inaction because it's funny. Don't get mad at me that your axis of cope became the butt of the joke.
kek such a Jew. USA gives you everything you have except Sinai and you can't forgive this antisemitism.
enjoy your prison card. You'll be unable to leave the concentration camp known as Israel without being arrested now
>we dindu nuttin its le goys!!!!
It led to the disengagement of lebanon witch created hezbola and the withdrawal from gaza leading to the curent situation were in now and they are trying to make us give up the west bank and share our capitol city
The fact they haven't hit any of your gas infrastructure by now glows like fuck
>The Torah provides clear guidelines regarding the areas we were commanded to conquer when taking possession of the land.
>"To your descendants, I have given this land—from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates."
>This promise from the Creator clearly places the land of Lebanon within the Promised Land of Israel
>The River Perat, commonly identified with the Euphrates River, is situated in the Middle East. It flows through several countries, including Turkey, Syria, and Iraq
>If one looks at a map, they will be astounded by how far north this river extends and how vast the Land of Israel truly is.
You can ignore their attacks on Israel and still easily designate them a terrorist organization retard. This tiktok tier argument doesn't work here
your warcrimes against Shia in Lebanon created Hezbollah. You did it yourself. The Shia in Lebanon had no issues with Israel until those warcrimes, the Shia hated Sunni Palestinians until that happened. You did it to yourselves. You're doing it again now, the enemeis you'll have in 10-20 years will be a far bigger problem than right now.
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>when life sucks so hard you have to flee to SYRIA
lmaoooo things are NOT going as planned for these people
jews aren't people tho
>US-Kikes designate their geopolitical enemies as terrorists while being the biggest killers of civilians in the world
What a surprise
Prove me wrong
Hezbollah have only been using unguided munitions so far. They have a lot of MLRS systems which are 1 shot use and then abandon. It's all their pre-2010 tech. There is room to escalate by targeting ports, water utilities and power stations. But these will require using precision missiles.
>Kike peremoga
Next comes zrada
The non-religious jews are the more cunning ones. I'd rather Itamar Ben-Gvir be in charge than Netanyahu. Israel's candle would burn up twice as fast with the kahanists in charge.
>Shut the fuck you faggot kike, she is beautiful and you know it, you're just coping. If you don't find her attractive you are low t
Mad an average looking Sephardic chick here looks like a 10 compared to her?
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>You made us give up sinai I can't forgive.
Go ahead and tell me how pissrael was innocent in that one?
Besides, kikes knew that the Sinai was unsustainable in the long run.
>At the root it's all goyim
Yeah sure, how about this, stop subverting nations (their history, their culture, their traditions, their religions, their politics, their families).
It's never enough for them, look at pic related.
Not until 75% of all rockets have been expended on target areas to deplete Kike AD.
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>we can hit back but we ch-choose not too
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btw russian shill, how does it feel like losing the infowars? You seemed unstoppable just a few years back but now your voice barely matters.
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This is a fake org chart, I hope you understand. It's just a bunch of lines linking radwan unit commanders directly up.
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Hezbollah was playing the long game giving the kikes no excuses to escalate. Of course they ended up completely underestimating kike brutality and how deeply their own counter intel measures had failed.
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>Israel's global standing nosediving to zero
Just like your credit rating, kike.
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bet lmao
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>Nasrallah's body was recovered from the rubble in Dahiya.

>Nasrallah's body was recovered from the rubble in Dahiya.


see >>483191991
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Right, lying kike hasbera. Who would have guessed.
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> Retard thinks the actual command structure is like this
The only thing Israel is good at is intelligence, they suck balls at actual war and they know it (can't invade Gaza, 2006 Lebanon, etc.)
Big incel energy, don’t forget she probably got already raped by her dad, uncle and 13 brothers before they got their 72 virgins (that most likely resemble you)
You are liar and dishonest.
No point in arguing with jews.

Tfw when hamas chads are more human than the "most moral aemy in the world"
>Reuters: There are no direct injuries on Nasrallah's body and it appears that he died from the force of the explosion

This is the political chain not the military one brainlet.
it has the military chain in the political chain. radwan unit was not the military chain regardless.
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Reuters is fucking lying.
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>Tfw when hamas chads are more human than the "most moral aemy in the world"
So far none of the prisoners have said a single negative thing about Hamas.
>go on the offence
Don't know what else I could expect from a shill.
Enjoy your zrada
>But my guard wouldn't rape me and that felt like rape!!!
My government which labels them a terrororist also says White Nationalists are the biggest danger to (((our democracy))). The jews that came to Palestine in 1948 did so with the wealth they plundered from America and Europe. Millions of White men died so jews could come out on top after WW2. Israel was built on the mountains of European corpses even before the Nakba. Terrorism is dropping nukes on Japan and firebombing Dresden and Hamburg. Jews have something called Dahiya Doctrine which calls for intentional bombing of civilians. That is terrorism. Anyone fighting against that is objectively morally justified.
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>kikeoids got so butthurt from all the /izg/ threads that got raped by /pol/GODS they are now spamming the shit out of /pol/
Yup mindbroken shitskins
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What about this girl?
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You kikes really have no fucking idea do you? Despite a quarter of you being Russian.
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Whenever kikes throw the victim card about when claiming they are being attacked, remind them of the so called settlers (fucking thief's) that take land with the help of armed kikes against the will of the natives.
I remember seeing that pic, never saved it because I never verified it.
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>how does it feel like losing the infowars? You seemed unstoppable just a few years back but now your voice barely matters.
You tell us
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>hasbara paid faggot calls someone elese a shill
new day new cope general
I really wonder if he had time to ponder his absolute insistance on cuck warfare in the moments before his death. "Maybe I should have gone all out" I truly hope that was his last thought. Let it ve a lesson for his successors. If your gonna hit, hit hard.
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Don't know about her whereabouts.
I don't know the details.
It should be noted that kikes were killing everybody on Oct. 7th.
May Allah grant peace upon him.
Nasrallah: Who are we beside Allah.
Except I have not lied once in this thread, you've been the dishonest one posting screen caps of rage baited claiming has anything to do with my culture, the only reason you won't discuss is becuase you don't actualy know enough to respond
>Go ahead and tell me how pissrael was innocent in that one?
We knew war was enevitable in 73 but our greatest Allie told us if we strike pre emptivly they would not support us so we waited and on our holyeist day when even most non religouse jews in israel don't eat or drink water for 25 hours our borders were over run, only do to the might of the rank and file low ranking cannon fodder we stoped their advance taking many casualties that would not have happend if we struck first, then inspire of listening to you and letting them hit us first we had to threaten to use nukes for you to re supply us, after that we pushed them way back and were enroute to cairo before the world came down on us and forced a ceasefire, years later we elected the traitor mena him begin his whole campaghn was in the promise of not giving up any land, but he did that signed the camp david accords becuase of us pressure ceded sinai evicted the 5000 jews their and regonized the existence and legitamacy of a palistinian people with rights to our land in document, in return we got a peace treaty with egypt the us was supposed to guarantee they violated it almost imeidently by building military infastructure in sinai and america did nothing
>And now they are back to levelling Dahiya with bombs
Evil never changes and neither do kikes.
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That's a nice story, now tell us how you stole our nuclear tech. We should have glassed your entire country for that alone.
>Except I have not lied once in this thread
LOL I do believe this is what you kikes call "chutzpah"
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Eternal blue balling
Hi Mr 1PBTID kike
damn lots of mudslime cope today
what happened?
legit all i see muslims and muslim bootlickers do
is be angry all the time
is my flag that effective at making people mad?
damn already a mad person above lmfao
two more weeks brother
Ground offensive status?
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>We knew war was enevitable in 73
No it wasn't.
>Besides, kikes knew that the Sinai was unsustainable in the long run.
Not at all even today it's barely populated just beduine their I've been their before the whole economy to this day is israeli tourism the beduine speak hebrew and all the resorts many built by us when we owned it mind you are full of israelis tourist, the local kids harass you for bamba an Israeli peanut snack you can't buy in egypt, their were 5000 jews living their they built villages they had to be forcefully evicted by the israeli army this set precident for gush kattif and what they do to us today in the west bank, never mind how thousands of us died conqeuring it just to give it back with new infastructure, it's a very important strategic buffer zone between us and egypt who is realy our biggest threat they have the biggest army on our border, you give them billions a year to not attack us and they spend that money on weapons to use against us in the future it also has some natruael reassures not to mention hundreds of kilometers of red sea coastline, it's also not even realy part of egypt historicle it's always belonged to who ever controlled canaan
oh you have no idea how many of your niggers died in the recovery op we had
i know because i was there
>its all niggers and one chink
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They fucking carpet bombed a bunch of dumb kids at festival to stop them being taken hostage. Never gets old.
i hereby denounce the Talmud.
>Room full of niggers
>coping so hard he turned blind
hello sirs ?
The Apollo affair happened under LBJ. I wouldnt be surprised if he authorized it. But either way, the fact that kikes walked out with 200lbs of uranium along with the Lavon affair and the USS Liberty should have severed all diplomatic ties with Israel but of course jews run America.
>Yeah sure, how about this, stop subverting nations (their history, their culture, their traditions, their religions, their politics, their families).
It only happens becuase the euros subverted us creating a situation were a majority of jews are not religouse any more those non religouse are the ones fucking with you, remeber we lived in Europe over a thousand years before napoleans did this to us and we never did this kind of shit ever, theirs nothing I can do about it and it has and will continue to bring great tradgedy on the whole world
fourth guy in line is white and the fifth is ethnically american thought. Jewish lies used to MEAN something back in the day
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>Not at all even today it's barely populated just beduine
I know it's barely populated, it's a fucking desert.
>you give them billions a year to not attack us and they spend that money on weapons to use against us in the future
What are you on about?
The US gives all of them money to not attack pissrael, not a good investment for us.
As a US citizen, I'm not getting anything out of pissrael's existence.
There is nothing it for any American.
are all the bakers gone kek? this is too funny
>BREAKING: Many rocket sirens are sounding in Afula & several other towns in the Jezreel Valley amid an incoming Hezbollah rocket attack

They're still launching.
huh they're not supposed to do that. there's been 423547457547 assassinations! their pagers exploded!
It probably was sanctioned. Full on treason.
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Anti-kike sentiment started long before Napoleon ever existed.
Anti-kike sentiment was prevalent throughout the world dude.
>Red alert extended to Nazareth
>huh they're not supposed to do that.
I do believe you're correct, sir, they're not supposed to be doing that. This anomaly warrants further scrutiny.
Fresh bread
>Fresh bread
Fresh bread
>Fresh bread

Iran never had a pogrom because usury was always banned even by Zoroastrian kingdoms so they could never establish themselves as a subverting power broker. But the stereotypes about Jews were always exactly the same as Europe. There was 80,000 Jews in Iran before the establishment of Israel and there was a community of them near my family village. My dad said they had Jewish friends and they'd visit their homes but there was a saying about visiting Jews which was "bring your own lunch", because Jews would never provide guests food, too cheap.
In the 67 war we conqured jerusalem if you've ever been here to the old city you will understand just by looking at the layout that heavy casualties were taken to achieve this, after the barrel ended some soilders climed up the temple mount they rigged al aqsa mosque with explosives and we're about to blow it sky high, Moshe dayan(may his memory be erased) arrived before it happend and freaked out ordering them not to do it we then proceeded to give control of our holyeist sight to the jordanians, muslims can go up almost anytime today, non jewish non muslims can also go up at will, jews have very specific dates and times we can go but we're not allowed to pray, 24/7 idf guards at the entrance who will beat the shit out of a jew who trys to enter, during the fighting the jewish quarter was destroyed the muslim one remained in tact and as a result it's much nicer today, if the arabs won their would be no jewish quarter or jews only we are cucked enough to let them stay
problem is everything you understand about your own history is a bunch of lies, especially the 1967 war which you prepared for and started.
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You consider Egypt a threat even though they're loyal servants of ZOG? I wished they were as based as you say. Israel can only exist through the exploitation and destruction of White countries. The problem Israel will eventually run into is that the kikes over here are parasites. The gutted the American industrial base and continue down this path of decline. Open borders and anti-White policies makes jews here more comfortable but it also makes America less competitive and worse at warfighting. You jews, unlike anyone else, are obligate parasites. You can't live without America and you are destroying America.
>White Nationalists are the biggest danger to (((our democracy))
Cool and the head of the shabak israeli equivalent of fbi says right wing jewish settlers are the biggest danger to Israel
>Millions of White men died so jews could come out on top after WW2.
No nation fought in ww2 becuase of us and we came out on the bottom becomeing majority non observent of judiasm for the first time in history becuase of it
>Israel was built on the mountains of European corpses even before the Nakba
If by european you mean ashekanzi jews your right
It's all our land and the woman in your pick seethed on video about not being able to legally mary a jewish man, also our goverment mostly from your governments influence dose alot to prevent us from sucedeing but it's a true grass roots movement of the people so we March on
Jewish sceitnist were a key part of their devoloment nukes are at least partial intellectuals property of asheknazim
Point out my lies I've been 100% truthfull
Yes it was your pic is not related
>USS Liberty
Was before we were formerly allies it was a spy ship acting on behalf of our egyptian enemy during war time that encroached on are territorial waters sory not sory
>fucking desert
The 100s of kilometers of coastline is paradise I went on vacation their once
Yes but it was of a difrent nature and the things we did to piss you off were not the same
> were supposed to be able to fire thousands of rockets including hundreds of precise munitions
>fire few dozen dumb rocket artillery at mostly arabs
You are projecting again, lying kike.
How? explaine you never can all's you do is throw insults becuase your realy are ignorant

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