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For a war to happen you need someone who's actually willing to fight on the other side
We don't need to be prepared for a bunch of rock throwing savages. Could wipe that shit out in an afternoon.
What you call the "US" is actually a coalition of church bombing zionists that occupy and extort our beloved nation.
you're economy is too fucked up+ America needs some scary and incapable regime in mena and rn IR is the best Option
Are you actually Iranian? Or are you using a flag to troll
unfortunately I'm actually iranian
using a flag to troll is all Iranians know how to do anyways
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Thoughts on pic related?
Seems like some Americans really dont want war with you
I get that reference!
No, of course not. The US can’t even meet its recruitment figures and has the majority of its deployed troops in Eastern Europe. They’d have to move to the middle-east and the logistics to that isn’t 100% worked out.

I’m assuming they would be going to what? Lebanon. I doubt that honestly. It’s likely troops are simply being deployed to help evacuate US citizens from Israel and Lebanon since that is usually a nightmare to do. But Americas history in Lebanon and Hezbollahs decades of planning for a ground invasion would make it very unattractive to invade. In an election year no less. Man no fucking way.
Supposedly Israel began “limited ground operations” yesterday along the border, it made me curious if the US was there to help them or do what you suggested
It's like the 70s all over again.
Millennials are all peace activities until they become boomers, and then it's "America, fuck yeah" all over your country again
and as I said America needs some incapable bad guys in the Middle East...
and Maybe IR is gonna get acked in a few years, who knows? everything is messed up here
Give me a run down of your nation’s situation
They should be, if they lose Suez they lose Europe. It's a lot less optional war than the Ukraine war.
Your credit rating got downgraded again.
I thought Juden were good with money.
Do you think Israel will invade Lebanon? Do you think they’ll attack you guys?
Yep, I've got a handful of non middle eastern oil stock
Israel might be retarded enough to go into Lebanon, though they lost on 2006. But no way the US would join them.
No. This is well established.

A military draft is on the horizon. Source: I can feel it in my bones.

Globalism is failing. The US is being supplanted by a coalition of countries that don’t support homosexuality (including double anal fisting, child transexuals, and teen girls lopping off their tits). The media has tossed around the term “multi-polar world.”

We’ve already seen it. The West is trying to drain Russia via a proxy war. The US tried fomenting a coup in Hong Kong (and recycling Pepe memes). Israel created an explosive situation in the ME by allowing the October 7th attacks then invading Lebanon.

The various internal economies of the West are subsidized by its position globally. The Jews feed off of the third world like leeches. When globalism fails, those economies will collapse.

That puts globalists in a precarious position. They will have lost their power on the world stage and will be facing serious restructuring at home (and possibly prosecution from a new governmental order).

As such, what choice will they have but to go to war? Doing nothing means the loss of everything. Toppling their adversaries through subversion and economic sanctions hasn’t worked. Going to war will be the only option.

The Ukrainian-Russo war has proven that large infantry forces are still needed. This part of the military has been neglected by the US for several decades, with advanced tech and specialized personnel being their primary focus. That tech has become so cheap that the US no longer has such a massive advantage. Simultaneously, the core demographic of the country has shifted to one that has zero interest in serving while the government and military have ostracized the groups that do.

Any moderate war (as opposed to a small skirmish or interference with a third world country) will absolutely require a draft.

This white paper covers it:

Don’t we have enough volunteers in the military already? Why would we need a draft?
1 yes
Netanyahu needs southern Lebanon for many reasons
iran is too big for idf
so many big cities and mountains.
but they probably gonna bomb nuclear facilities and terror irgc commanders
Now that I am too old for the draft. I fully support it. Draft all these weak losers.
Good times have indeed created the weakest men imaginable.
What if america tried to attack your country? I’ve heard before that due to your multi ethnic nature there are a lot of dissident groups within your country that would like to topple the regime, making it potentially easy to attack
Idk if that’s true tho. You said earlier that the US economy was in the shitter tho, so maybe you don’t think that will happen
i'll page the mudniggers and let em know to meet us at the mall its goin down
>usa is the devil
lol eat my asshole before you die
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>invading Iran

At least you admit you’re a coward before making a hypocritical statement lmao
>hevoon bazi
ehtamala marasm khas keshorshuneh
Just got back out of the shelter did you?
We tried with Vietnam and those harsh jungles
What’s this?
Doesn't matter. You're going whether you're ready or not or whether you want to or not.
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I would say the US has become a paper tiger. It's obviously able to take out a single country with a coalition of allies. Basically effective as a neighborhood bully.

However an actual serious war with any modern peer nation, or groups of nations means is basically an organization of tranny lgbt+ troons vs a rival war machine. The US military and Nafo isn't designed to defend the United States of America or its partners. Rather its a military developed for UN/IMF central bankers international use, and for military industrial corporations to make profit off of weapons and resources.

It's basically going to get its shit kicked in after the initial promising stages. Once the war starts to actually get intense and the struggle of attrition begins, all they have is going to begin to fail in a cascade of mounting pressures because they looted and took out the US economy, the individual American's ability to support the war, and dismantled the industrial base which has sabotaged any of its former logistical strength and power. The parasite israel where much of the resources were directed to would have to do most of the heavy lifting, which is a yid joke, and won't ever happen.

The last point of strength, the world reserve currency, was sabotaged by the kikes and will immediately lose its power now that everyone is getting fucked relying on it and being taxed to hell and back just for using it.
Force them by starting mass missile striking them in their own territory.Don't just do gay terrorist attacks and assassinations.Go for it, attack them openly.Then they have no chance but to go to war.
just got done raping a 40 year old palestinian man is more likely
>What if america tried to attack your
low chances but well
it's probably gonna be a realy short war
our army is just a big military museum at this point
and irgc is nothing but plus sized Hezbollah
>your multi ethnic nature
it's nothing burger in my opinion
azerbaijan rep and kurds are not that powerful
plus you're country probably gonna support the new government
it's persian and not persian at the same time
what the fuck
Nah, Finnish isn’t indo European
It’s more like
>ëëëë pëřķëłë
So you don’t care much for the current regime then? What does the average person think?
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Israel is already attacking Lebanon and just hasn't invaded on the ground yet. But they go with fighter jets to bomb goyim civilians. USA is pulling away all the desperately needed national guard from the SE hit by the hurricane. Instead, sending them to israel to help them screw over the goyim in the ME. So, southern burgers get screwed since they don't have all the national guard that they need to help with all the damages and such

We already have thousands of troops on warships, supposedly just for offense but they attack the Houthis as well.
that museum of air forces or whatever you call it is cool tho
I doubt the Americans would even do a boots on the ground operation. They will just do what Israel is doing with Gaza and Lebanon and do an extensive bombing campaign across the country in an attempt at regime change. The colour revolution thing doesn't work anymore so they will resort to old tactics. I just hope Iran has weapons capable of countering NATO fighter jets.
Bombing is easy. Ground invasion is what Hezbollah has been dreaming of.
Yeah, the US might send boots on the ground to Yemen or Iraq actually now that you mention it
I could be wrong tho
You obviously haven't been paying attention for the last 3 or 4 years. Let alone that even with the draft, somthing like 75% are too fat, have psych issues, or other medical issues that disqualifies them. The draft is imminent once war begins

They're waaaaay behind on recruiting goals, ever since it went woke, and made worse during the biden years. Something like 30% below the goal, but might be worse some on some brances of the military

White patriotic men are checked out due to no promotions, and other anti-white men rules. So, they all refuse it. The ones that got kicked out for covid shots refused to join again, when they were desperate and promised to erase all the bad shit on their records and bring them back. I think only like 2 or 3 out of many thousands actually did. They were fucking pissed.
30% support IR and hate Israel(most of them are low income and live in rural areas)
40% hate IR and love Israel more then saars (mostly urban people)
30% are gray, they mostly prefer regime change because economy is fucked up and fghans are everywhere, but they still vote for reformists like Pezeshkiyan (again, mostly urban people)
it's not only air force
yea, shaheds, simorgh and that stuff about the 80s was pretty cool
I read somewhere that only 1/3 of under 40 males would actually refuse a draft, so if you are right and they do implement one, it would probably work. People complied with covid measures with no question
>I doubt the Americans would even do a boots on the ground operation
yeah it's to expensive for 2024 America and they have enough oil now
I see. Random question, when you look at Indians do you ever think “huh, so that’s what happened to the Iranian aryans”?
no really, I don't think about Indians and aryanscor stuff like this at all
Hahaha that’s fair
Glad we could talk, assuming your not a VPN fag
Hope peace can be maintained, but escalations and tensions are rising unfortunately
>Hope peace can be maintained
in mena?
هیچوقت دوست من
I think it'll be a great kick in the ass for zoomers. They're way too entititled with terrible work ethics. Too fragile snowflakes, and made nothings into the end of the world- so they need to see real problems, to put things in perspective. When they come back, they'll be a lot closer to real americans than the pansy ass woke snowflakes that they currently are. The worst employees in my life to manage have been zoomers. 10yrs ago is when it started happening very slightly. By 2016 or 2017, it was the most entitled pieces of shit that were so full of themselves, wouldn't listen to management, and finally one day after I quit that company due to the shitty employees below me. Those kids being so entitled through a fit that the new person that replaced me, along with the manager who got fed up, wasn't letting them clock out for 30min but actually leaving for 1.5hrs. They also would come in early and do no work for the first hour. They were the laziest fucks ever. So once I left and they cracked down (I send my old mgr an email witrh all the shit they were scamming, and she's OCD and started obsessively watching the security cams).
So, they all got up one day, yelled at the manager and the person that replaced me, and walked right off the job to never come back again. Laziest fucks ever, and thought they were desperately needed due to being so fucking amazing

Do you expect the agricultural shit to hit the fan? Especially regarding meat?
هرگز نگو هرگز
Do not use the N word sir pls
They actually need to do something though. Nasrallah was also hoping for a ground invasion and now he's fucking dead. Whatever they're dreaming of will be useless if they aren't even alive for it.
>finally one day after I quit that company due to the shitty employees below me.

So you are so weak you got ran off your job by the weakest generation? I mean I agre with all you wrote but I bully them off my work, not the other way around.
>Now that I am too old for the draft.

Famous last words of millions of ukranians.
You aren't going to stay home fattie. You will go into the trench to get bombed. Don't worry, no marching involved, just dying in place which you were going to do anyway.
Wonder who they replaced him with
I’m 10% Persian according to a dna test, so I can atleast say the N
Do you know nothing about the USA's 2002 war games? The most expensive in history @ $250 Million dollars. Iran was kicking their asses, despite having low tech weapons in 2002. Since the geography of the pool, your mountains, your massive size, everything including your unconventional fighting style. You fucking whooped their asses, back when USA was super strong and Iran was super weak
Now, you're much more advanced, much stronger, much richer, with tons of weapons and influence. Not even coutning help from russia or those.

It was so embarressing to USA, that they had to halt the war games, change the rules, neuter the Iran team, and made it so that it was impossible for USA to lose. The military general or whatever position he was, that was playing the role of Iran was fuming and so fucking angry that he spoke about it publicly. That USA didn't learn any lessons from it, and is now even more unprepared.

So, think of the Houthis... it's the most intense USA naval battles since WW2, and yet they can't beat the Houthis at all. Houthis just keep winning, and even just shot down another $32 million MQ-9 reaper drone today. Which might be the 12th or 13ths, not including the smaller models of reaper drones.

So, don't expect to lose. Let alone when russia joins in to help you.
>don't you know about a bunch of our autists doing fanfic of the real fighting
Or your company could just pay them decent wages.
I'm quarter-iranian and I'm on the side of the iranian government. they're based and don't bow down to the kikes. Iranians need to understand that as bad as the islamic republic is, liberal democracy and globohomo are 100000x worse
Can I take my Switch? There's wifi, right? How close is the nearest organic coffee shop? Do the enemies accept the stress cards? Is there homosexuality sex happening I have to endure hearing? What if my commander hits on me and I refuse?
Ugh it wont 17 years and lost southern lebanon is not babies and old women in refugee camps to mass murder reminder ww2 was fought to protrct them from getting a plane ticket to palestine or madagadcar
That was the cowboy General Paul Van Riper. A real American.

Your story is wrong though.

He was Iran, the bulllshit leadership installed by Bush created the shitty paradigm of relying on equipment purchased at a stupid price, from a "private contractor" purveyeur.

(they) Installed shitty leadership and all the vets that dissauded their kin to join will tell you.

It goes beyond Racial groups. The US has been compromised and Paul Van Riper's Rambo tactics are looked down upon because (they) don't want "goyim" to know that YOU STAND A CHANCE.

A you can see, that was the begining of the end during my lifetime.

Now the military is full of rapist furries that worship the gosdess Isis, without knowing it, through their gayness.
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The article is really good for everyone to read. Only part is in PICREL, the rest in in the link


Retard shill
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It's worse than you think. Afghanistan wasn't a fluke. The military is run by yid politicians posing as military leaders. This was done specifically to prevent another George Patton who understood war from obtaining a position of influence and power that would be able to quickly take command from the shabbos goyims with star ranks. The troon troops isn't a cultural accident. It was done to protect the genersl staff goons eager to serve the military industrial complex corporations.
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And when the world needed him the most, he vanished
The soldiers under his command in the games, were instructed to sabotage his tactics.

Basically throwing the game.
I don't think about the US army at all
Relax bro, they will never figure it out the obvious. They are just wanting to vent.
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Shut up and pay my yearly jizya, faggot
>installs an "islamic republic"
>models the constitution after the chinese and commie bulgarian one
what did he mean by that
it's was for both Iraq and Iran
and what happened to Iraq year later?
>you're much more advanced, much stronger, much richer
wrong, wrong,WRONG
you probably don't know anything about iran armed forces
just bomb their main port few times
it's really that easy.
>bro I know you can't afford food for your kids anymore but at least you're your country is based bro111!1
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Will this written check suffice?
>US military
potato tomato
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based digis confirm

See picrel. It explains a lot about the current israel war via the leaked email and others. Plus, the way jews use us goyim and refuse to fight their own wars.
The DEI troon mutt troops are entitled, lazy, incompetent snowflakes. They'd serve no purpose other than meat shields to the real soldiers who left already.

They're also pushing iran trying to kill trump and other lies. To demonize them from now, to get republicans to rejoin the military- the patriotic white males who follow orders and are competent
They were getting paid $18/hr for a job that's normally $13/hr. They were just shitty employees. I mean, I hated the company even without them. They were only part of the reason why I quit, but ask any company manager, and they'll tell you that zoomers are the worst to work with. They have no work ethic, they think that they're so amazing and great when they're not even mediocre.
>>bro I know you can't afford food for your kids anymore but at least you're your country is based bro111!1
Ukraine fell for the: "If we bow to the West we'll get First World living standards" meme. They're still poorer than Russia, have had their young flee or die en masse, and are getting migrants and pride parades.

Does lran's economy suck? Yes. But there's no magic solution. Your ancestors got through worse. Hold out.

>assuming you're not a shill behind a proxy
All of NATO is ready.
Iran is on the verge of mass hunger, they even employed guys to gaslight the population into not eating meat more than once a week. The agricultural land is shrinking and there's no plan to reinstate irrigation.

On top of that they have like 3-4 million estimated Afghan rapefugees that have nowhere to go to. To make things worse, the government is settling Shia Iraqis and Afghans just because of how unpopular they've become.
This was in 2016 money btw, so it's even more now. Significantly over $20 in 2024 dollars

> I'm phonefagging, so don't mind the chan ID's changing
Quintessentially Jewish. Like slapping a defenseless or unaware individual and then calling them a coward for not fighting because you refuse to engage in mutual combat. You should be able to waltz through Lebanon right?
>a job that's normally $13/hr
Normally according to who? Henry Ford made it to where his workers could make enough to afford his cars. They loved him and even named their kids after him. No more migrants and offshoring. We need better wages for Americans.

>zoomers are the worst to work with. They have no work ethic, they think that they're so amazing and great when they're not even mediocre.
I've noticed apathy among many, but can we blame them? "Diversity" causes low trust and they grew up with social media brainrot and degenerated traditional media. War won't solve that. Iraq and Afghanistan didn't. Vietnam didn't. We need Nationalism.
it's really easy to say this stuff when you're live in the best economy in the world
>inb4 big Mac is 5$ now bro!!
it's failed state at this point
>3-4 million
it was 3 years ago, now it's 7 mil (official numbers)
afghans are absolutely subhuman, I feel bad for them but they are
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That's hasbara propaganda. Besides, whatever their poverty rate they'd be poorer as a vassal state, just like Ukraine.

Pic unrelated, it's Jew repellent to prevent hasbara replies
$23.35 in 2024 dollars they were getting. And yet they'd still scam 2.5-3hrs each day not working, and not punching out properly for lunch. They did it since we had to get products out to the clients, and knew we'd be forced to then pay them 2hrs in overtime each day at 150% payrate.

So they were getting paid an extra 3hrs salary a day, and working less than 8hrs in total
There are cancer patients with more time left on this Earth than you, kike vermin
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>it's really easy to say this stuff when you're live in the best economy in the world
If you think America has it better look at the suicide/depression rate. In America we have a saying: "The grass is always greener on the other side".

Becoming a vassal state will maker you just as poor if not poorer. Plus you'll have more of what Ukraine got. They can't EVER have a prosperous lran again. Too dangerous. They'll destroy you like Yugoslavia.

I could just as easily say that you're living in one of the best times Iranians have ever lived in for thousands of years. Does that help you? No.
Sad to say it, but yes. The country is surviving in spite of the govt, not thanks to it.

I've been to Iran multiple times and speak Persian, and there's literally an Iranian anon who's telling you the same stuff. Do you know what's a haft sin? They had to rent fucking stuff for the haft sin just to take the photos.

And not to talk about the Sepah, especially the Basij which is just a bunch of untrained kids who are trying to survive for like $300 a month. They're the ones that would be sent to die, the rest of the Guard is busy with the construction schemes where they employ Afghans who just randomly fall from the buildings with no workers' protection whatsoever. All the while the youth in Fereshteh-Elahieh drinks and snorts the most luxurious stuff they can find, while driving their electric BMWs
These were kids with zero college degrees, 19-21yo, getting the equivalent of 66,781 with the overtime in 2024 dollars. They were way overpaid for a super easy job

The 2 overtime hours/day were less than the 2.5 to 3hrs they'd scam by not working each day
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>I could just as easily say that you're living in one of the best times Iranians have ever lived in for thousands of years.
>I've been to Iran multiple times and speak Persian, and there's literally an Iranian anon who's telling you the same stuff. Do you know what's a haft sin? They had to rent fucking stuff for the haft sin just to take the photos.

>And not to talk about the Sepah, especially the Basij which is just a bunch of untrained kids who are trying to survive for like $300 a month. They're the ones that would be sent to die, the rest of the Guard is busy with the construction schemes where they employ Afghans who just randomly fall from the buildings with no workers' protection whatsoever. All the while the youth in Fereshteh-Elahieh drinks and snorts the most luxurious stuff they can find, while driving their electric BMWs

And all of this will be even worse under ZOG. Look at Ukraine. They're still poorer than Russians after the 2014 coup. Now they're being destroyed and have pride parades. Bending the knee only makes things worse.

lran is too much of a threat. They will destroy it so it never threatens lsraeI again.
A small detail you forgot is that Iran was quite literally ZOG before 1979, and they were doing economically better than they do today. Sure, the shah was a retard in many aspects, but the IRI repaired barely anything
A draft is coming but not for why you think.
Gen Z hates jews 70% + -.
They don't believe the kikes lies.
Just like the post war Boomers who grew up in prosperity the Z's think they can chart their own lives free of the JEW. The hippy's didn't want to work for the man either???

They're going to draft and kill a fuck ton of you. Living under the Jews thumb will feel marvelous after seeing half your friends die and you have scars.
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Am I wrong though?

This "Easy for you to say, you're in America!" could be flipped into "Well you have electricity and running water stop complaining!". Wellbeing is relative. It's about being mentally and economically more worse off than your parents, which we are.

Also you never address the part about ZOG only making your country worse than it is. Are you a shill?
try not paying 12k property tax and see where that gets you, they literally punish you here in the states if you make money through hard work
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Underrated. This isn't a war meant to be won, it's a war designed to genocide Americans to preserve jewish power from a public awakening.
iran wasn't quite zog
shah was super shia and named jews in television many times
he was a good man but unlike his father he wasn't smart enough against Islamists and leftists
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I'm well aware of the Shah. You're not aware of Jews. They will NEVER let lran go back to the days of the Shah. They're neurotic hatred and fear will make them rip lran apart so it can never again go from Shah to the Ayatollahs.
>they were doing economically better than they do today
we were doing much better back then as well, my parents could afford a large apartment on a grocery store salary back then, not really saying much. You could also walk into any business (granted if you had a degree) and get a job the same day. Lots of people like you conveniently forget how good it was in the US before everything went to shit here.
$13/hr in 2016 was what all the other companies in the region were paying.

If you want to get paid more money, get a good degree or skill, or start your own business. I don't mean 75% of the bullshit degrees that people get from 4yrs of college. I mean something that college is actually necessary for, and not something like womens studies or anthropology.

You need to figure out how much you'll get paid after college, then compare it to no college jobs. For the vast majority of college degrees it's pointless, and being a plumber, electrician, welder, etc will make you 100k easily. No college needed, just a trade school

Most kids are retards and don't deserve to go to college. They simply do it as a status symbol, and if a retard is stupid enough to want to pay, despite their post college salary not being more than the college costs + non-college salaries... the schools will take it because they're greedy. And yet the retard zoomers bitch at everyone, except to the colleges. You can go to cheap state schools. They simply scam you if your grades aren't good enough for a good college, and will take you for a massive college tuition bill.

75% of people that are going to college today, do not need it at all. These same jobs only needed a HS degree 50yrs ago. It changed, because everyone wanted the status symbol of being a college graduate. So, that became the minimum, since if you didn't go it looked like you couldn't get in, or wouldn't work hard enough to graduate

Open your own business. Sell shit online. Be a landscaper. Anything. You'll make your own hours, and you get paid for hard work put in. Working for others is stupid for most, except for the retards that can't manage finances to run a company and understand math.
father reza shah was a based natsoc chad
son reza shah was a liberal cuck
and yet he bought mainly US weapons without any concern for tech transfer just like the saudi retards
Remember when he said that the Palestinians can't hold the whole world hostage? Good times. He was a good ally

Iran will never go into the age of the ayatollahs again because the people themselves saw what happens. They did fuck all for their country, created multiple levels of parallel government with bonyads and similar bullshit, all the while akhonds' daughters are whoring themselves in California or at least Tajrish and Rasht.

Iran is a walking corpse now, just like Yugoslavia in 1980s. The leadership is still talking about the Iran-Iraq war no one cares about anymore, and the IRGC officers are too busy spreading their butt cheeks on the national TV during morning shows doing some kind of bullshido exercises. Meanwhile the people are running out of the food. Iran is in crisis for finding fucking meat for people to eat right now

Your experience is irrelevant for Iran.
What are “fghans”? Did you mean afghans? Like afghan immigrants?
Are you Persian?
No, I just know a thing or two about Iran
>Remember when he said that the Palestinians can't hold the whole world hostage? Good times. He was a good ally
Yup, you're a Jew arguing in bad faith. Constantly ignoring what I said and repeating yourself like a broken record. Opinion discarded.
>he doesn't even know about the periphery doctrine and operation opera, let alone kurdish programs
I don't know why I even exhaust my keyboard talking with delusional faggots like you
He's just a shill. That flag is always a shill on pol, just like indians and israel snd many others. Start watching for it each thead, and you'll see which flags are paid shills
I have a steam degree and have been working at one of the best startup companies in the country for 5 years. My monthly salary is higher than 70% of Iranians.
Even with this salary, I would have to work for 43 years (I calculated it) to buy a small home in the worst part of the city. I would have to work for 12 years to buy a car with 2000s(its actually 90s)technology.
Food (especially meat) is super expensive.
The average Iranian can only afford 2kg of meat in a year.
These are just some of the economic problems. And this country has 40 trillion dollars in natural resources + millions of high skilled workers that are leaving the country every day.
as said again it's impossible for you to understand it
>Your experience is irrelevant for Iran.
it is relevant because the 70s were a great time for a lot of countries so YOUR point is irrelevant. Come with better arguments.
> Iran is in crisis for finding fucking meat for people to eat right now
wrong, Ive seen more poverty when I visited india then when I visited iran
>$13/hr in 2016 was what all the other companies in the region were paying.
So? They paid far too low while $18/hr is slightly less low.

>If you want to get paid more money, get a good degree or skill, or start your own business. I don't mean 75% of the bullshit degrees that people get from 4yrs of college. I mean something that college is actually necessary for, and not something like womens studies or anthropology.

I hope this is bait. People used to be able to afford a large family on a single income if the father had a High School diploma. You're looking at this from the ground level and not looking at it from a systemic level.

Also, plenty of people with CompSci and Petroleum degrees are doing bad. It'll be worse as Pajeets flood in.

>You need to figure out how much you'll get paid after college, then compare it to no college jobs. For the vast majority of college degrees it's pointless, and being a plumber, electrician, welder, etc will make you 100k easily. No college needed, just a trade school
I did. I make good money. But I know that it's not about just me but about the system.

Also, trade school is mostly a meme. You usually can only make that if you start your own business which most people have no aptitude for. Plus the industry is gatekept by Boomers. If all the people took the "Do the trades" advice it'd end up saturated and low paying.
>it is relevant because the 70s were a great time for a lot of countries so YOUR point is irrelevant. Come with better arguments.
Iran is not in that group because it's been effectively excluded from the global market for 45 years, therefore the same standards cannot be applied. Try again.

> wrong, Ive seen more poverty when I visited india then when I visited iran
What you saw in your supposed visit is irrelevant (comparing two entirely different economies, one of which has widespread veganism). See a better reference here, since you probably don't even speak the language: >>483269527

100% larp and spot on

Weak Jew Bait is weak Jew bait
>And this country has 40 trillion dollars in natural resources + millions of high skilled workers that are leaving the country every day
the global economy doesnt work on natural resources today, ever wonder why a company like Meta or Google are worth more than a company like Boeing or Airbus (companies that actually produce tangibles)
Wow, I’m sorry to hear that dude
I had no idea Iran was like that
>Most kids are retards and don't deserve to go to college. They simply do it as a status symbol, and if a retard is stupid enough to want to pay, despite their post college salary not being more than the college costs + non-college salaries... the schools will take it because they're greedy. And yet the retard zoomers bitch at everyone, except to the colleges. You can go to cheap state schools. They simply scam you if your grades aren't good enough for a good college, and will take you for a massive college tuition bill.
The people saying that people shouldn't have gone to college are the same people who told these people that they had to go to college or work at McDonald's for the rest of their life when they were 17.

Pretty much every good job requires a college degree these days.

>Most kids are retards and don't deserve to go to college. They simply do it as a status symbol, and if a retard is stupid enough to want to pay, despite their post college salary not being more than the college costs + non-college salaries... the schools will take it because they're greedy. And yet the retard zoomers bitch at everyone, except to the colleges. You can go to cheap state schools. They simply scam you if your grades aren't good enough for a good college, and will take you for a massive college tuition bill.

17 year olds didn't make it a status symbol.

>Open your own business. Sell shit online. Be a landscaper. Anything. You'll make your own hours, and you get paid for hard work put in. Working for others is stupid for most, except for the retards that can't manage finances to run a company and understand math.

"Just start your own company bro!"

You need to be rich or get a loan. And 3/4 of those fail. Plus it's unfeasible for such a large swath of the population to run a business.

If a person fails? That's their problem. If a huge swath of the population fails that's the systems problem. The economy exists to serve mankind, not the other way around.
>Iran is not in that group because it's been effectively excluded from the global market for 45 years, therefore the same standards cannot be applied. Try again.
literal nothing burger argument, come back with something more tangible.
>What you saw in your supposed visit is irrelevant (comparing two entirely different economies, one of which has widespread veganism)
Sometimes it helps to do a little research before spreading nonsense.
What's with the surpising number of kike shills on /pol/ recently?
See, Iran could be a wealthy country if it weren’t for jews and mutt golems fucking up your trade.
I wanna get mad at this, but you're right nobody is fighting back
I just hope the white men dont fall for their propaganda this time like they did in 2003. somehow they convinced white people going to fight sandniggers in the middle east was beneficial to your race (it wasnt while you were fighting in the middle east they were promoting degeneracy)
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I've noticed you ignore the "You're country would be even worse under ZOG" part multiple times. You're an lsraeIi shill.
The worst part is that they showed signs of recovery for their industry prior to the Trump's withdrawal.

However the agrarian sector is just fucked. The land is Gilan is exposed to overdrive and even though it's the agricultural powerhouse, it's diminishing returns. There were some attempts to invite diaspora Iranian experts back from the US, however the akhonds didn't trust them enough so their "research" was limited to just interrogation rounds in offices.

>no u
You provided no tangible data to support anything you said, and you lied about visiting Iran, as evidenced by a real Iranian above. Sorry, no more (you)s for you.
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Some shit is going down in Iran rn:
controlled by Zionists, fuck, die of shame or kill yourself....or die for greater israel
>I just hope the white men dont fall for their propaganda this time
They will
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anon i don't think you're understanding him.
It's probably just Basij pressuring the reformists in the name of the Sepah, but the people are angry. In the words of a taxi drivers "every time something happens in Palestine, my wallet becomes thinner"
>cope posting
Everyone is accusing each other of being a shill itt
Idk who’s shilling who desu lol
>the global economy doesnt work on natural resources today
it's works exactly like that in global south and most of the second world countries.
Russia would collapse with out its national resources
and it's getting worse
we deserve it
not wealthy as Gulf countries or Norway:D
I would say a decent country to live for avarge person
oy vay he finally found out!!!
>we deserve it
>not wealthy as Gulf countries or Norway:D
Who knows, I mean there used to be a time when the UAE Arabs were guest workers in Iran too. It would all just depend on whether the extraction is properly nationalzed or given to some bullshit bonyads and stuff.
This is what so many in the west don't realize. They're extremely entitled and don't know how to save up money, do hard work, to only buy what they can afford with their salaries. They're obsessed with buying $1500 phones every year or two. They finance cars they can't afford because they want new and to show off, rather than buying a cheap used car that gets you from point A to point B. They buy $5-$8 latte's at coffee shops daily, rather than making coffee at home for $0.10/cup + milk. They eat out all the time, and think that they deserve everything that they desire. They buy more than they can afford, putting their bills on 30% APY credit card interest, finance their cars, go to expensive colleges with lots of amenities rather than cheap schools. They buy pointless shit, and don't understand only buying what they can afford at the time. Food is one thing, luxury items are another.

I've been making 6 figures since 2008 when I graduated, and I only buy used cars, I buy used phones if I can't get a crazy cheap promo deal, I buy lots of used things, and I never finance things or use credit card interest. USA kids don't think about working every summer during HS and college to afford things. They simply take out more loans, and they end up paying more in interest than they borrowed by the time that they finish.

I really appreciate you putting these spoiled burgers in their place, and letting them know what life is like in much of the world. I was working since I was 8yo walking our dog year round and mowing lawns except for winter (3 houses I mowed, and I did mine for free because my dad got the jobs for me to mow the other 2 lawns)

I worked every summer since 14yo till I graduated graduate school. I never took out loans, since I earned money to buy things. I always saved up my money, was very cheap, would only buy things if I could get a really good deal on it, but still very rarely did I buy anything
Textbook example of goy's law right here
>I hope this is bait. People used to be able to afford a large family on a single income if the father had a High School diploma. You're looking at this from the ground level and not looking at it from a systemic level.

Just ignore the boomer. He's painfully outside of the topic because he has nothing to contribute. He is incapable of understanding anything being told to him due to cognitive dissonance.
Notice that there's nothing in Istahell
You're going to win but a comparison might be interesting.
>work for 43 years ... to buy a small home
We use 30 year loans but it's vastly cheaper because inflation makes the interest rate disappear.
>12 years to buy a car with 2000s
1 to 2 months here for something cheap. Maybe a year for a nicer example with AC and everything working.
>The average Iranian can only afford 2kg of meat in a year.
For Americans 2kg could be per day for a small family. Occasionally fish. Most eat less because you get tired of it or it's not worth the expense.
>some of the economic problems
Americans aren't happy because we know things could be better. If we accept the status quo then things won't be better in the future.
for many reasons
Persia is a rich culture with beautiful people. Death to Israel and the Jews
Most Americans don't realize they live in paradise compared to the rest of the world
it's truth
A 30-year loans for $500,000 (I don't know the average price) isn't not really bad
yep easy win for me
with 80 million people? well it's impossible desu
at least you don't have niggers and trannies and porn and feminism
life is shit, stop wallowing in it and try to improve your situation. Whether you're a rich suburbanite or a starving African, don't be complacent and try to improve your situation. Remember that the meek shall inherit the earth, and the strong shall lose it, surely the triumph of the Jews is proof enough of that.
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For a war to happen certain things must come to pass no matter how hard Israel and Evangelicals are trying o trigger it, it will be slow and long escalation amidst other disasters, your Lord said so.

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