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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>On September 12, 2024, Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada led a highly charged emergency press conference in Japan, voicing deep skepticism about the country's upcoming launch of mRNA replicon vaccines, or what some call self-amplifying mRNA vaccines.
>Self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, or replicon vaccines, represent a more advanced version where the mRNA not only instructs your cells to produce the spike protein but also makes copies of itself once inside the cells.
>ARCT-154, scheduled to be administered to the population in October 2024, is a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine from the dynamic duo of Arcturus Therapeutics and Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore.
>Arcturus Therapeutics is a biotech company located in San Diego, California, established in 2013. Just like Moderna, which didn't release any products to the market until their mRNA experimental COVID vaccine, Arcturus also hasn't launched any medical products yet, and their self-amplifying mRNA vaccine will be their first.
>Arcturus was formed through a merger with Alcobra Pharma, an Israeli pharmaceutical company, after Alcobra faced difficulties during clinical trials, which led to their merger with Arcturus Therapeutics in 2017. Alcobra translates to “The Cobra.”
>The initial testing of the replicon vaccine ARCT-154 took place in Singapore during Phase 1/2 trials, and this early-stage testing was partially funded by a grant from the Singapore government (Archived Source), whose President also happens to be a Board of Trustee for the WEF.
>In a study published in Cell, scientists looked at how something similar to the replicon mRNA vaccine worked when put into cells. They found that the vaccine parts kept increasing inside the cells. Then, when liquid from these cells, which contains tiny particles, was put onto new cells, the vaccine components spread and moved into these new cells too. This happens because the first cells release little particles called extracellular vesicles, which include exosomes. These particles can carry stuff, like the parts of the vaccine, from one cell to another. In people, these exosomes are found in things like tears, snot, saliva, and sweat. This means there’s a chance that the vaccine parts could pass to other people through bodily fluids.
>Dr. Yasufumi Murakami added to the urgency, warning that "by the beginning of next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster" if the replicon vaccine rollout proceeds as planned, emphasizing the potential global implications of introducing these replicon vaccines without thorough vetting.

>schizo ramblings
It’s a bioweapon no one would be this freaked out over a vaccine
This will have such obvious side effects (the spike protein is the warhead carried by the american designed bioweapon covid-19 mk1).

The initial versions of this bioweapon was far more lethal than the later, international versions, because there is a sabotage enzyme inside your cells that swap the nucleotide A for the nucleotide U, making the virus feebler. This enzyme was discovered in the late 2010s and its function was not fully understood until later, which derailed the american plan, as they failed to take the rapid degenerative mutation rate of the virus into consideration. As the intial virus passed trough millions of chinks it mutated into a far feebler version that was still good enough to steal 1/2 inch of hairline off my forehead due to ace-2 receptor destruction and consequential capillary hypertension. Later versions became even more feebler.

These self replicating vaccines will have a 100% death rate over 10 years because your cells will keep manufacture spike protein warheads and auto-bomb themselves until you die. And your immune system will go apeshit when it sees spike protein epitopes on the surface of your cells, killing them, then more cells will sport spike protein markers etc etc, until your immune system decides that this is an allergen and not a patogen, and then you will be swamped by spike protein that will be broken down into plaque. First and most noticeable effect will be a massive increase in autoinflammation as your neutrophils will start to spew protein dissolving chemicals everywhere in your body to dissolve what it thinks is an allergen and turn the spike proteins into amyloid plaque. Then you will get creeping organ failure (including dementia). The autoinflammation will make you constantly tired and absent minded. Then you die from creeping organ failure (including dementia).
I'm sure it will be fine
nice link fagggot
>be you
>flee to asia
>fuck an asian bitch
>bitch is vaxxed with this
>pureblood status:gone
Theyre going for it now, best of luck niggers.
Just remember
These people deserve death once a chance is presented to go for it

Im not even a very vengeful person, this is a matter of self preservation. These psychopaths want to fucking kill everyone.
I honestly believe that labs trying to create "contagious" vaccines are legitimate targets for drone strikes and their owners/funders should be arrested or assassinated if that's not feasable.
Im going to japan on the 8th, should i br worried?
and you say this is a 100% fatality rate within approximately 10 years?
Bump, most important thread that has ever existed potentially.
also this sounds horrible, wtf is happening
Oh no, anyway
They wouldn't make a virus that they could catch. No vax = no tax.
They really wanna kill the Japs for some reason
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sounds like it'll spread to all of us, japan isnt a containment zone
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Jesse Dunstan of The Right Stuff podcast group (a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots) wanted the National Guard to enforce lockdowns with shoot-to-kill orders. He also said "Fuck your small business" to anyone who complained about going bankrupt because of the lockdowns.


The Latinx "former" communist Eric Stryker of TRS and the National Justice Party (NJP, another scam outfit and honeypot) said the Science™ is settled and the clot shot is Safe and Effective.


Meanwhile, Chairman Mike Peinovich of TRS and NJP, who married a B'nai B'rith jewess, says if you think the clot shots are dangerous, you're a fucking moron who needs to shut up:


>This is why I hate, hate, hate stupid covid vaccine shit so much! And I have zero respect for anyone that continues to peddle it, and frankly if I see it in any of my chats I think you're stupid! I think you're fucking stupid! I'm done pretending anymore! When I see you say "sudden death" shit, FUCK YOU! That shit you're falling for was used to totally deep six any ability to maybe control the border and prevent millions more brown people in this country! So enjoy it! Enjoy your stupid fucking memes! That you don't believe someone had a heart attack! Why the fuck wouldn't a nigger have a heart attack?! What you're mad about, because you're dumb, ok I'm sorry, the people that do this are just dumb, you got tricked, and if you did, it's never too late to simply stop!

Remember these names when the time comes to remove traitors from our midst.
>90% of jobs will be automated by 2030.
Imagine for a moment you believed the previous line. Then imagine you where very powerful and either a psychopath or so detached that you convinced yourself that wage work is the only thing that birding meaning to other peoples lives. What would you do?
That’s what is happening.
stop using faggot words, faggot
lol, latwinx detected
Fuck TRS
the day you get sucker punched out of nowhere don't come crying because nobody told you not to use it
Presumably the elite will have a counter to this by now, the most important piece to this puzzle would be getting ahold of the blood of the elite and studying it and then reverse-engineering it.
Won't happen......they can't release something that could possibly be used against themselves. Anyone infected with this "vaccine" could simply spit, sneeze, cough, or fart it onto an elite. For what purpose is this fear mongering dis-info?
mRNA is like a dose of cancer. Why would you accept that
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jfc this board sucks so much nowadays
What if I'm describing a faggot? "Eric Stryker" is his pseudonym. He named himself after a gay porn actor who died of AIDS. His real name is Joseph Jordan and he's a Puerto Rican Guatemalan.

a butterfly flaps its winx and the weather changes half a world away
it’s all fucked
a brave new world here we come

even a single donut was enough for the goyim to take it
A single jelly bean.
using latinx is the same as using glowie instead of glownigger. Spic, shitskin, dragonball-fan are the correct terms
those times were crazy, It was an eye opening experience to see who was actually a real thinking human from a goy
Not my problem
dang that sucks
I was implying something about his closeted twink rough-trade activities and his spic ancestry with one mocking use of an SJW term. Chill your tits, Ahmed.
interesting, you might be on to something
Add an archive. newfag. Also observe the derailing bots.
Some people surprised me. Most didn't. The 80/20 rule applied.
It has been almost 5 years and I'm still waiting for everyone that took the injections to die. How much longer do I have to wait?
These people need to be tortured and then killed.

all six billion vaccinated died last week so there's no need to make these posts anymore
Multiple people in my rural area have died or are dying from brain and other cancers. Fuck you and die.
Some of them have died already. Many of the rest are in poor health. Every jabbed person I know gets sick 4 or 5 times a year, while I haven't been sick even once in over 7 years.
I agree.
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CCP made bioweapon covid19, they run the WHO vaccine agenda, and they target their enemies.
India has 80% injection of entire population
USA also has many who took it and so does Japan
while Chinese did restricted travel, quarantined entire cities with hazmat response, they put out tons of propaganda videos surrounding it, they released virus inside largest travel hub in all of Asia at very end of Chinese New Years celebration when everyone was returning to home countries for maximum spread,
and they started UN and WHO run BLM riots and told people in western country to go protest and spread virus everywhere for even more effectiveness.

stupid niggers still say "it's nothing", the level of brainwashing and delusion surrounding this attack from our mortal enemy on both sides of political spectrum is some type of insanity. The right blames jews and only jews, and the left believes kill shot aids injections makes them safe.

Why do you all have to constantly be so fucking retarded?
it's not even niggers, you're all stuck on stupid and wouldn't be able to see a train coming at you while your tied to the tracks. Literally the "all you can do is watch" meme in real life
If even one of them is sympathetic like Thoth was then that is all we would need. Perhaps current methods to subdue vaccine injury could also work but it's clear there are some fucked up fast-acting ones like what was seen with that 22 year old girl.
I disn't take the vaz. I'm just waiting for everyone else to die anon.
Nobody I know died. They maybe get sick more often but no deaths so far.
Stop being a feckless and hormonal rager and start talking about this with people. Spread. This. Now.
Did chinks take the MRNA jab remind me patriot.
they did not
but they helped ensure everyone else did
They are as smart as they are mean.
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this isn't naruto anon
Because the HECKIN racists don’t so that means I should because I just do the exact opposite of everything DRUMF does!

It’s literally people thinking like that.
Fact: you know at least one person who has died “mysteriously and suddenly” in the past 4 years.
I think just killed
Torture is sadism and that’s what they’re into

I believe in sending them to hell
Their torture is a matter determined by God
No part of your dumbass faggot brain finds that odd?
Not a single part?

Fucktard faggot
It will happen...
Japanese smoke like chimneys so it won't do shit.
The company, government institutions, and all individuals involved in this are literal terrorists.
Fucking this
They didnt they used sinovac which was based on traditional vaccines, weaaary warrry sneaky
>retarded goy spreads jewish propaganda priming his fellow amerisharts for war with china
how do you fall for this shit
I find it odd that a killer injection isn't killing people as intended
source? I want to BTFO my faggit professor
And of course the pharma jew will milk you out with maximum efficiency with their fake treatments over these 10 years.
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>nothing burger he said
"The replicons used most widely are based on the alphavirus replicases, which consist of several interacting multifunctional proteins encoded by a relatively long 8–9-kb gene cassette. A shorter replicon RNA molecule will ease manufacturing.."
>Rise of the RNA machines – self-amplification in mRNA vaccine design
oh yes please triple-strand my DNA and give me a gene cassette for the common flu
For example, the polynucleotide “ATCG” may be chemically modified to “AT-5meC-G”. The same polynucleotide may be structurally modified from “ATCG” to “ATCCCG”. Here, the dinucleotide “CC” has been inserted, resulting in a structural modification to the polynucleotide.

The rate of connection of deoxyribonucleic acid is as follows, 10-5-6-5. In Hebrew, 10 is equivalent to Y, five is equivalent to H and six is equivalent to W. So the numeric sequence10-5-6-5 is translated to YHWH in English and that word is pronounced as Yahweh.

The Moderna vaccine patent proves your polynucleotide sequence is directly changed from "10-5-6-5" to "10-5-6-6-6-5"
is there anything on why they want to implement this?
what's the (official) usecase here?
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i think it's a defense escalation for human IoT and if so it's a bit disturbing
pic related

seems like the vaccines really are injecting nanostructures, and those structures are "tunable" and can be detected by specialized sensors, with the help of 5G, in a defense situation.
>The burgeoning industry of “nanomedicine” benefits from NT, and, of note for the purposes of this book, includes gene editing as countermeasures for biological attack.
The great filter is bio viruses. We’re fucking doomed by these idiots cluelessly playing with fire.
it's literally jews trying to spy by editing your genes and turning you into a human wi-fi device lol
somehow the defense industry can openly talk about it but once it hits the news it's cooky illegal disinfo kek
>This means there’s a chance that the vaccine parts could pass to other people through bodily fluids.
So it's:
>The big cull
>Dust from endless space 2
>A "greater good" that goes unopposed due to a myriad of viral threats that our brave new world now poses
>The beginning of the matrix and once sufficient saturation is achieved this reality will steadily blur into the artificial one due to all the nano tech going to the brain
and/or a combination of the above. Am I missing anything?
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it's over for Nippon
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Who are we kidding, for these niggers it’s all a game, they probably just want to create some zombie apocalypse to watch from their bunkers. Or they already have made one but now they just want something that can spread very fast and duplicate like those mRNA vaccines. It’s all a big fucking show for them.
Check arcturus therapeutics shareholder press releases. OP isn't lying.
If I understand this correctly the molecules use cells to self replicate. They then can be spread from one person to a other via exosomes. So they are in many ways similiar to viruses? I assume they are self limiting via tcell/NKcell destruction of the "infected" cells. Moreover, if it wasn't self limiting, the cat would have already been let out of the bag via the trial subjects.
And for what reason are they staying with toxic spike protein vector? They are not even trying with any optics, no facade going on, just straight out war on people. Demons. We are ruled by demons. And funny thing, I had some strange nightmare lately, I dreamed about japanese lady who landed here and went by the city with her eyes bleeding. She was very aggressive, zombie like. Lets hope just a drunk dream nothing else but...
It's either total ignorance or malice. At this point, the fact that they still offer vaxx with spike, I'm going with the latter.
>they're releasing a literal prion disease
I hope it only kills people and doesn't make them mad like Kuru or CJD
It's quite simple really. At this point everyone who can wake up has woken up, so there's no point in trying to hide anymore. From now on expect everything to be out in the open.
Reminding people they are already dead. No doubt this will work out well for the non people demons. Aka (((jews)))
Prion ridden people is one thing. Environment and animals, this is the big deal. You cant get rid of prions from ground, water, etc. They want apocalyptic scenario. Imagine they would create complete supply chain collapse and famine. Then You cant even hunt, forage or fish. All dead or sick af. Fucking demons. Its actually surprising its Japan out of all, they seemed to at least try being competent about self preservation.
A beautiful death is ALL I should seek.
One good thing about this news, if they are signaling this so loudly, may be previous vax shedding was non existent or very insignificant. THIS will shed. Its innawoods time.
Why don't my searches turn up any links to this article?
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I don(t get it. Just the other day Japan showed that the vax was killing them but now they want to double down? What happened?


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my uncle works for the WHO and he told me theyre gonna hit the japs with gorilla nigger covid that will turn all the japanese into gorilla niggers
Its new, LUNAR LNPs goyim, whatever the fuck that means. Its for „infectious pathogens”, thats all you need to know. Please do not Ask questions..
>28 days later
I'm ready
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Checked. Pray for me, polish anon. I took both doses a year apart from each other am I going to devolve into something worse than a retard?
Idk I hope you gonna be ok bro. How is your howbadismybatch.com status?
One had no reports, the other had 600. At least I didn't get kicked out of my college at the time (no refunds too kek)
Go for prolonged fasting. I dont believe in these supplement selling protocols, but fasting is natural way to reset body. My best fren is 2x vaxxed, he regrets as hell, he had some mental and memory issues after his doses, and was constantly sick like 2x per month sick. He started „morsowanie” its cold plunges, in extremely cold water, he went a couple times in winter and plunged into freezing lakes. He said it helped a lot, kinda resetted his immune system. BUT REMEMBER to always have someone close while doing it, you are at risk of heart attack!
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Maybe. I developed some kind of chronic skin condition around 2021 (same year as initial dose), it's eczema (diagnosed), but they never specified the type (I think sebderm). Other than that, I don't really get sick, just this shitty rashes on my face and scalp. I might try cold plunges. I've been considering some kind of detox though since I feel like my gut is fucked somehow.
Anyways, thanks for the advice. I'll make sure I don't get some heart attack. I can't die this early, especially before the real 2 weeks arrive.
For eczema I’ve Heard oat baths are great. Barbara O’neill cured a lot of people, look into that. Good luck. Dont die before we lynch doctors and nurses on the streets, the kino awaits
>2 posts... leaves...
What is the point of these threads? Are they created by ai?
Are the people responding to them bots?
I can tell you that I'm not one of them, just lurking.

t. Numeral Observer
Speaking of gut health, thoughts on parasite pill? Americans have don't really do any of cleanses, so I might give that a go.
>Dont die before we lynch doctors and nurses on the streets, the kino awaits
Shieettt.. hell yeah kino awaits. Was already sick of their shit when covid came around, over half of the doctors we have actively poison people with allopathic medicine since curing the issue isn't good for business.
I only respond to a few of these since they are somewhat relevant. I usually lurk like the german anon over here >>483291125
Schizo-san was protesting against MRNA vaxx yesterday at kawagoe Station. He had a cutie with him. I was jealous
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if its self amplifying why are two doses needed?
I tried deworming and it helped me with alcohol jew. I have terrible gut issues but I know its because I love beer too much. Def worth trying but needs a lot education ie this needs to be done in Phases to not get ammonia poisoning from the fuckers dying. Fenbedazole seems good option, but I started slowly with herbs such as tansy. Then I had to move and had whirlwind at work and didnt finished. You need to be ready for weeks of discipline, no sugar diet etc. Fasting is great for gut tho, then soup diet ((no I am not this fat soup retard)). After fasting body needs good bone Broth or fat chicken soup
Gene therapy must continue until mutations improve
Shit, I think I got cucked by doctors during my adolescence since I had to get my appendix removed, which meant getting pumped with crazy ass antibiotics for a month. Btw did you mainly get your info from the parasite pill doc or do you have some kind of formal education?
>((no I am not this fat soup retard))
This. Inevitably a small percentage of people will be either immune or so remote as to survive something that is even 100% fatal. I say release all the bio weapons and hit the REAL reset button. Fuck it. I don't want to live on this gay earth anymore and I don't want anyone else to either. lmao
To inform the people browsing the board of this happening I found. What more would I post after that if I covered all the info? Do you think every thread that isn't an image dump has to be bot? Fuck you nigger.
All infections are self-replicating.
Ya mook.
>until your immune system decides that this is an allergen and not a patogen, and then you will be swamped by spike protein that will be broken down into plaque. First and most noticeable effect will be a massive increase in autoinflammation as your neutrophils will start to spew protein dissolving chemicals everywhere in your body to dissolve what it thinks is an allergen and turn the spike proteins into amyloid plaque. Then you will get creeping organ failure (including dementia). The autoinflammation will make you constantly tired and absent minded.
I was badly affected by (childhood) vaccinations and became allergic to literally every wild plant pollen in Texas, dust mites, animal dander, you name it. I am always tired. It never ends.
I can't tell you if the spike protein mrna thing willl do that, but I can confirm if this happens, it will will happen the way he says it.
Its kind of my hobby, I want to become herbalist wizard. I read a lot of Juliette de Baïracli Levy and Barbara O’neill about natural remedies. I hate doctors with burning passion and covid cemented it even more. I am allergic to all antibiotics so I am using oregano oil (amazing natural antibiotic). Birch bark for infections, headache etc. Ginger for stomach issues. Parasites:

I believe in natural medicine. Pharma jew trembles seeing my cabinet
so u admit the vaccine is an infection
>torture is sadism and that’s what they’re into
It is called fighting fire with fire. Unless everyone hardens their hearts and learns to play by their rulebook, this shit will continue. I have invented new and very fucked up forms of torture in response to their evil.
The end of days. What you thought a biblical event would just be epic chaos and destruction? No, no a spiritual war is not fought physically.
I don't care, I didn't take it. Just saying, OPs opening line is retarded. Which is far as I read his shit post anyway.
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>hat was still good enough to steal 1/2 inch of hairline off my forehead due to ace-2 receptor destruction and consequential capillary hypertension
Damn, I had Covid like 4 times and have recently started losing my hair for no apparent reason. I thought it was my drinking.
The fact that they still producing it, looking for ways to make it cheaper, looking for ways to transfect non vaxxed too sadly proves it is real gene threapy. They are integrating something into people’s DNA and we have no way to be sure what exactly is the final outcome. What kind of hybrids/chineras they want to create? Reminder that in Digital ID software there was 8 vaxxes planned for everyone. What if they are trying to mutate humanity into some other semi synthethic species? We have no way of proving actual content of these LNPs. GOD knows what is the real endgame.
You forget that they are actually retarded and eat their own propaganda.
They aren't even in the country whenever possible, soon they won't even show up to any events on the surface.
The point of torture is not sadistic pleasure. The point of torture is DETERRENT. People need to know for the next thousand years what will happen if they try to murder the human race. Hopefully the next ten thousand years, as immortality tech keeps these poor wailing and gnashing bastards alive in perpetual torture for all time for all to see.
Good. The less japs the better. Love the island for its nature but these bugmen need to go.
We can only hope,
With self spreading free-floating prionopathic seeds you can say goodbye to nature too
Theres no way this will not be extrected with exosomes. Shedding became a Real danger, and not only by fucking a vaxxie
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I also want to know it this can spread via mosquito bites.
lmao as opposed to a non-self-replicating one? retard
Oh there he is
Because the real elite are far above and removed from those that merely think they are elite. The entire system is setup for sycophants...Everyone clamoring to reach the top, but those who are truly 'at the top' are truly suicidal and fanatical about depopulation. Look at Gates and Soros. They really do truly believe in the Rome plan, and are likely willing to die if necessary to achieve it. Sure they have their bunkers but I expect they wouldn't truly mind all that much if they got caught up in it all.
That's all well and good and interesting and all that, there's just one thing I'm concerned with here.
That's what happens when you take this new jab.
What happens if someone else takes this new jab and you don't, and you go to the supermarket and someone else there did take the jab?
>self-replicating mrna
that's just called a virus
AIDS can't spread via mosquito bites (since mosquitoes can't get AIDS). I don't know if it's the same for COVAIDS.
>took the mark
sorry anon even if it doesnt kill you youll end up in hell after death.
It's not just them, it is EVERYBODY they interact with. All their servants and security personnel. Their families. Everyone that each of them interact with. The kids their kids go to school with.
It is simply improbable for anyone to escape this without a fully separated society, which they simply do not have. Nevermind the likelihood for something like this to spread via mosquito.
>Arcturus Therapeutics is a biotech company located in San Diego,
Americans and their transhumanism. Gotta transform all people of the world.
>Nevermind the likelihood for something like this to spread via mosquito.
Stop fearmongering, noob
See here
>AIDS can't spread via mosquito bites (since mosquitoes can't get AIDS). I don't know if it's the same for COVAIDS.
You don't know if this is the case.
Yeah. Keep any and all vaxxie sauces out of your mouth and eyes and forget ever rawdogging any hot strange again.
>You don't know if this is the case.
Nigger you don't know if it's NOT the case, and neither do they. It's called RISK MANAGEMENT. This is why we didn't take the vaxx while you're on your 6th booster and sick 4 times a year.
Negative. I know someone who worked on this stuff back in 2019 when mrna was a cash cow and they anandoned it because their monkes all kept dying
Can we escape God? Can we truly believe we can escape God?
Yes and ticks
>10 more years
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>hurr durr
Simply fucking kill yourself vaxxie little internet faggot cock sucker
You're fear mongering and doing some retarded mental gymanstics to call someone vaccinated if he doesn't agree with your fear mongering assessment.

First prove it is the case, before saying it is.
Japan will be counter attacked with WMD’s if they try this.
Someone already whistleblower-ed it as early as 14 August 2024
Total war and total death
This is just woke juice by the new Prime Minister of Japan. By next year everyone with this new vaccine will get gay married as it will be legalized in Japan before the end of 2025
„Self spreading vaccine lowers immunity”
Yeah looks like airborne AIDS on the table
>you had 4 years
Imagine not having a kill list for lawless times.
/pol/chuds still falling for this shit are the same as the people who still think Hilary Clinton will beat Trump. You faggots were wrong, get over it. There are no mass deaths or self-replicating nanotech or zombies or hydra aliens. Every week there's a new "discovery" of some crazy shit in the vaccines that contradict the last "discovery". How long will you guys continue to fall for this?
>get over it.
Is it the new leaf pasta?? The vax threads blessing?
Wow, what compelling evidence! A 3-word magazine headline?? I'm thoroughly convinced that everyone is actually dead and/or a zombie now, thanks anon.
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Will I be able to kill the unvaccinated once I get vaccinated?
It's going to turn all caps into 24 year old hot Japanese girls. Even old women will transform into sexy young women.
Noooooooooo, I should have gone to Japan to claim a hag wife sooner… Owari da…
if you want to accelerate how about you take a knife and kill yourself?
Its the fastest way to your ideology right?
You really thought someone wants to provide evidence to you, leafy? Who the fuck you think you are? Do you feel prions tingling already?
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You don't understand at all, do you?
We've been unhappy all of our lives.
For once, we want to see everyone else be as unhappy as us.
>'unt on eye
Banksters are afraid that jobless crowds will riot and destroy their little pryamid scheme. That's why they are trying to kill everyone before they riot.
>You really thought someone wants to provide evidence to you
You're right, this is /pol/ where everyone is a "critical and free thinker" who automatically believes every claim, no matter how implausible.
Dec 2021 to Oct 24 = 5 years
so then,
this is how they kill japan.
or more specifically, the japanese.
Excuse me, 2020. It hasn’t even been 4
>took the vaxx
>now vaxxed against the turbovaxx
>chuddy didn't take the vaxx
>will get killed by the turbovaxx
Was this the elites' plan all along? Pretty based tbqh.
good eye OP
any treatment or ways to mitigate this?
>Only infectious through bodily fluids
I guess /pol/tards don't have to worry about it then
Possibly; now the vaxxies can live in their bubble and feel that they were right all along.
>s a "critical and free thinker"
Yes and this attributes make you proficient in looking for information yourself. But you are waiting to be fed by someone else- thats typical vaxxie mindset, thats why you took it.
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saved and grimpilled
You're probably just getting old.
Anything that increases testosterone can do it, too.
Get some minoxidil and a microneedler.
>Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Boötes.
>The name comes from Latin: Boōtēs, which comes from Greek: Βοώτης, translit. Boṓtēs 'herdsman' or 'plowman' (literally, 'ox-driver'; from βοῦς boûs 'cow').
Vaxx cattle.
>looking for information yourself
There it is. Every time lmao
>I believe an outlandish claim with 100% smug confidence, but I cannot provide a single iota of evidence for my firm belief.
>What if they are trying to mutate humanity into some other semi synthethic species
grays? they supposedly have lost reproductive ability, so maybe it is attempt to create fertile grays
>no link
Fake and gay

What is this?

If you use ".is" intead if ".ph" its working. (For some reason)

You're like that swede who warned us about the first covid vaccine back in 2019.
And from 2019
Thats just a man mad virus
skimmed thread and realized that at this point of history one can use canada flak as indicator of anons being on target, thank you Srudeau-Xi Ping Pong Defence Force
I remember reading about some similar shit about 3 decades ago, except mRNA part, "vaccine" used to curb rabbits population in Australia, do not recall if goal was to kill or make infertile, though, spread was mentioned
young me thought at time what a fucking sociopaths are in charge to mess with God's creatures in such way, and in the back of my head lighted alarm bulb that it would not take much to repurpose it for humans
This. And knowing nips, they'll probably carry on with this "medical" experiment. Just look up Ouchi nuclear incident
I remember reading this too kek
It was spreadable thru sex AFAIK, rat who fucked infected rattette was infertile after, I am guessing it was new jork
Pfizer & moderna LNP's are residuing in gonads, ovaries and balls, so probably it's possible to 'catch' something fucking a vaxxie.
I know guy who had vaxxed girlfriend fo 6 months, his immunity lowered a lot, he was sick all the time. lost contact with him now, but def looked like some shedding case
I still cannot fathom what is the selling point of this self replicating crap. I mean we all know why's that, but for the other scioyence freak, why would you think it is a good idea to have unlimited vaxx mrna in your body? How many times are you going to catch the dissease? Wtf, it makes no fucking sense
>no link
>source...my ass
It’s real. USA may have to nuke Japan. Again.
Most vaxxies consider the vaxx and the mRNA-component a good thing. So when it self-replicates it means that it's good for them and protecting them from the virus.
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It's "Cheaper" to produce according to info on their website. Truth is, probably, they want to target non-vaxxed.
Can someone logically explain to me why are they still targeting non-existent "strains" and "variants" from years ago? WTF
how can vaxxies rationalize this?
>rat who fucked infected rattette was infertile after
>Arcturus' STARR mRNA
rats and rabbits? technology is groked then, just needed time to overcome human bigger complexity
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They're immune to logic. Remember Bezemov.
People injected with this are going to wind up being killed by other people.
Assuming you're not a jeet, leafs are mentally ill broken faggots. You're not well, my canacuck fren
AND they're controlled by the 5G-grid. This means the 5G-grid can send them to people who are unvaccinated. That's some fiendish RTS-shit
>Arcturus' STARR mRNA

lmao, good catch. same as:

The goyim culling phase 2 is coming it seems.
what happens when people realize singular contact with other human can result in getting equivalent of airborn AIDS? Hysteria not even comparable to Covid's one, likely total self separation of humans, with following resulting in fertile ground for Agenda 2030 goals of cybercontrolling population; no crowds of protesters due contagion of vaccine, they will get us dissidents one by one like crayfish from the sac or in small groups if organized better, in easily medially hushed localized events as everyone be too afraid to get out of their designated living cube
I live innawoods near lake and have a proffesionall bow and hunting arrows. I will be recording webms for you guys once the vaxxie zombie horde comes here
checked. to be honest, those who have eyes to see should take action to isolate / and/ or/ prepare for these years. Marek's disease scenario posibility is one of the valid reasons.
>Can someone logically explain to me why are they still targeting non-existent "strains" and "variants" from years ago? WTF
Exactly. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

If it's true that it gets transmitted via exosomes you'd only need a few vaxxoid fanatics in the right places and you'll have the whole population vaxxed. Also wasn't Billy boy Gates mentioning something about airborne vaxxes. I think this could be it
I remember reading that as well. But real question is why Japan, their population is already dying cuz they are not having enough children.. Unless they need an empty island. Or its just testing grounds.
Either that, or a riot and massacre like has never seen before in history will occur.
It’s testing grounds. The next testing ground will be here in New Zealand. I think both Japan and NZ are test grounds. Maybe places like Singapore too.
da fucking fuck
>In Greek, Arcturus translates to Guardian of the Bear
what was that Qanon about bear leaving cave?
just a rumor / old prophecy, but I've heard japan will sink into the ocean right before the tribulation begins. Or maybe it was just 'island' sinking? This channel was covering that prophecy https://odysee.com/@newearth:2/
a lot of prophecies there about vaxx, nanobots etc, injections being the mark, etc
for someone interested, a lot of these already came true
people cant even program computers properly, how the fuck are we supposed to program biological cells?
Has to be places which they can keep an eye on. I guess islands would be perfect, but still big population hard to keep track.
It was an island will sink or something but many are saying it's one of those ogga bogga islands in the pacific cuz there is 1 currently sinking slowly for now.
Nothing named “the cobra” has anything to do with healing you. Cobras are venomous snakes that spit in your eyes.
>likely total self separation of humans, with following resulting in fertile ground for Agenda 2030 goals of cybercontrolling population;
Interesting, haven't thought of that. You might be onto something
Wow I didn’t actually notice that I had just listed 3 islands. Ahh crap we’re over the target aren’t we.

If this stuff comes here I will fortify my house and procure firearms from my contacts.

I’ll keep you posted.
> but still big population hard to keep track.
Also all three actually have quite robust data on their population and a strong surveillance system.
I think it is England going to be rekt, likely underwater nuke(s) [mind you not necesserily Russia responsible] as all countries with sea access in area will get hit too with tsunami, particularly Germany (they get vulcanic activity also); even we might get some flooding, I recall dream about 1m of water in central Poland
other candidate is Sicily, there are active underwater vulcans, nuke making magma naked to sea would result in major steam explosion
after studying prophecies both are probable IMHO
They probably chose Japan because they're the population least likely to chimp out in case of an emergency crisis. They'll probably comply even more than the chinks and as you both mentioned it's an isolated island with a very disciplined and compliant population. Just look at how they behave during eartquakes aftermaths. No looting, no mugging...anything. they'll do the same when blood willl come out of every orifice
>the mRNA not only instructs your cells to produce the spike protein but also makes copies of itself once inside the cells
i've heard something like this before. anyone?
maybe it is about making sure no safe haven on earth? I remember some video game about infecting, meme was Madagascar was safest place; islands are easiest to cordon from disease/zombies etc, so you might want to infect them first if fully sick globe is your goal
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this really make sense. After all scare-show russia put into threatening UK, fully plausible. But it's chilling thought - are we actually beginning the Revelation timeline or someone tries to emulate it? It has been written "In the end times will be as in the times of Noah" - and why Noah had to build an Arc and everything was flooded? genetic modification of the flesh. "ALL FLESH WAS CORRUPTED". Just like the DNA- integrating vaxx. fucking scary. It means we will experience famine like never before soon too.
This. Total normie annihilation.
Kill the kike
Purge the nigger
Burn the faggots
>self-amplifying mRNA to produce the spike protein
So they've basically re-engineered the WuFlu for personalized delivery. Wonderful.
I unironically started gardening
IIRC God promised not to use flood again
my bet is on fire from micronova, which would explain why (((they))) are in so hurry to cull us, they need to do it fast to the level bunkers could hold
DNA corruption explains how Satan can mess with God - he cannot do shit against God, but can break God's toys, us
Revelations seems to be God's hand being pushed, but at some point it does not matter
>>Arcturus' STARR mRNA
Ha! Good catch, same as >>483308275
>They probably chose Japan because they're the population least likely to chimp out in case of an emergency crisis.
Yes this is one thing. I also believe they picked because of isolation. It would be easy to just cancel all international flights there/ ban them and see how far experiment goes. They historically succesfully isolated themselves, right? If its really self-spreading the ((elites)) must have a way to protect themselves.

It should not be hard. New Zealand would be good candidate too, but the fuckers have bunkers there.
Lmao I fucked up this post sorry guys, my 5th beer somehow first sentencje copypasted itself
We would easily find their bunkers. Nz has a large amount of bushmen, hunters and just generally tough men. It’s a big place but not that big that we can’t find elites hiding out somewhere. There are populations here within the bush regions that basically do what they want. There are Māori who basically revel in hunting things and people down. There are tons of people with no jobs, time on their hands, who’d find and raid their bunkers.
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>The 80/20 rule applied.
This was what got me. It's like, you've read all the historical examples, you know it's going to happen again, and yet it was 2020 so I thought this time will be different. Damn near everyone has access to Google. Everyone knows you can't vaccinate for a coronavirus, and seethes that there's no real way to treat them. And then everyone just... believed whatever bullshit came out, about the virus and the vaccines. People would watch the news obsessively yet refuse to do any of their own research because that was 'frightening'. And even though the MSM was full of contradictions only /pol/ seemed to pick up on it. Every time there was a big announcement a journal article would drop, contradicting it. So many shills here, talking about how we're all just contrary. Fuckers, you never noticed contradictions when they mattered.
Out of curiosity, any data on maori taking the vaxx? I know generally you had high numbers
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Oh you. Take some milk thistle and vitamins. Have a nice dinner. Look after yourself.
I dont know one unvaxxed person who watches TV on the regular. I know many unvaxxed who dont own TV tho, like me.
100% of vaxxies in my circle watch regularly. Its called „program” for a reason. Its like hypnosis
shut up latinx mongrel
Spikevax is set to be released in canada for now or soon, they were ordered to destroy all old vax bottles. Imagine getting jabbed today in 2924 after everything. Most jabtards I know say they wont be getting more, but I also know a few who are getting the newest one.
It’s fucked up.

Imagine the smell.
Yeah you are right anon, its time for my crockpot spahetti
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Damn, the black pills just keep coming this year.
removed electric jew in 2000s, just as TV was transferring from analog to digital
TV is just propaganda tube for government and private is for private groups of interests
It's kind of like consistency or something. I remember when I was young and watched tv all the time. There was never a reason to question it because, why would it be wrong? Imagine people just going on tv and lying like that. Or naivety maybe? I guess it's all just a case of history repeating.

>more meat than spaghetti
*Chef's kiss*
i think the mrna transcribes into our dna and that specific section of dna is coded to produce spike protein im not sure though cuz im retarded
>they were ordered to destroy all old vax bottles
You think anyone is palming them for future investigation? I still half hope some independents will conform little nanotransformers in there.
Two more weeks
>independents will conform little nanotransformers in there.
There was some peer reviewed study lately but I cant find it now, campbell deleted the video too
Yeah, because the study was fucking shit. They put some of the samples on a hard drive as part of the experiment, and didn't have enough controls. We need a real nanotransformer study!
it finished in 2003
later it was just a question of time and making sure messing with genome will leave patient alive - maybe we are seeing in covid injection final test trials of technology, there would be ethical long hurdles to jump with mass human trials of shady, likely crippling unreliable gene editing tech, but luckily all jumped for it "shut up and take my money" way due to spinned media terror
Me, I want so see this white fibrous calamari clots. I want to put them in the pot with a plant like swiss anon said and see what will happen
I think it's cut down from here:
Zombie plants. Or maybe just put them in a pot and serve with ze bugs. That was a good thread. Did he ever come back again?

>but luckily all jumped for it "shut up and take my money" way
I can't help but think/hope this will all turn out to be a good thing in the end. Technically it should be capable of curing any genetic illness. The trial for such a thing is a bitch though. Like not following instructions on your first Lego set.
>Did he ever come back again?
He never posted again. Hope hes alive. Afaik pic was deleted shortly too
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>it should be capable of curing any genetic illness
sure, there are groups desperately needing it
cattle would get nothing, maybe when masters are satiated some crumbs can be spared for kapo
i guess this may be the reason they got rid of abe
abe resisted the globohomo demands to push the shots in every arm and instead declared that there would be no discrimination allowed against people for having taken or refused the injections

so they got him out
weird thing is the "covid minister" tried twice now to become party leader and thus prime minister
he was the crooked shit trying to push injections on everyone
the entire political sphere here is just like the USA, UK, etc
all sides are captured by enemies of the citizenry and work actively to hurt the very people they are tasked to represent and protect
the consider the goyim to be soulless
therefore anything they do to us is talmudically justifiable
1 black walnut hulls
2 cloves
3 wormwood

these three ingredients are what you look for in a natural dewormer
you need all three to be able to eliminate all 3 stages of the worms life cycles
one kills eggs
another kills juveniles and the 3rd kills adults
if you fail to kill one group you end up getting reinfected
also you will need to treat everyone in the house around the time frame
Thanks nip-sama, what is the timeline and exact instructions? Just all at once? For how long?
The signs are all there. I read somewhere, maybe "1666 Redemption Through Sin" how Annie Besant or Helena Blavatsky, through their obsession to reincarnate the messiah, decided the best way was to enact the prophecies, so with funding from Mr Rothschild they infiltrated and corrupted Freemasonry to bring about that end... and the rest is history. Big if true
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they are working for entities that are operating in another dimension
those entities have been in contact with them for some time
we know them as demons
the goal is to separate humans from their creator
the names encoded in the book of life are genetic sequences that are like a fingerprint. A unique ID tied to the adamite who is a compilation of all his ancestors from the beginning of time up to modern day
by corrupting the gene of the human, the demonic entity can ensure separation from God for eternity in enlightenment
instead the remedy for polluted and corrupted genetics is fire
the entities know this as do their minions who have been set up to rule over us goyim
when the geneset is examined from the book of life entry and the result that it is compared to is corrupted with luciferase or some other corruption, the ID match can not be made and the pearly gates will remain shut
but thats the plan
most people arent even aware of the entities and the minions but it obvious to all those who have eyes to see and ears to hear with
>create literal turbo cancer vax.
What could go wrong...
This has been the 1000 Yen Japanese Bank Note:

What has been printed on it appears to be the following:

H7鳥インフル 2024秋 経済崩壊
レプリコンワクチン打って免疫低下 そしてH7は人間に感染


Please stockpile food immediately.
H7 Avian Flu 2024 Fall Economic Collapse
This is a plan
Lower your immunity with the replicon vaccine, and then H7 will infect humans.

For any Japanese Anons ou there, please correct the transcription or translation if something isn't correct!

The source tweet can still be found at the time of writing!




Taken from here:


Potential Satanic Symbolism:


Image of it:

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there is a simple way to deal with it
(redacted) each and every person involved in the promotion, distribution, and manufacture of this stuff along with making sure to (redacted) all the investors bankrolling the production and bribing the political hacks to carry out their plans
but society is too weak and retarded to awaken and save itself so instead it will just bleed out
personally part of me is looking forward to the gloves off stage when there is no law and order anymore and we can just avoid the slow boil to death and just go straight to GO and collect 200
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Forgot to add the bank note in question!
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Vaccine = synthetic virus?
Sounds crazy, I do believe that to be true. Demons exist. I know because I had encounter. But GOD said „no weapon formed against you Shall prosper”. So I believe WGMI
What if, like some anons said, viruses do not exist. So they created a whole system and made them Real. Would be crazy huh?
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Also Picrel!
What did they mean by this...?
Nuke? Tsunami?
Looks like some guy with coat on. antichrist?
normal protocol is to take it once a day for a few days
nowadays you can even get capsules already made up in a bottle and order it online
once you shit the bastards out youll notice feeling more energetic and clear headed within a day or 2
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Also Bird Flu Summit:


Very suspicious dates!

Implying Japan isn't on the notice

Skip to 2:29mins
i wouldnt bother raiding them id just divert water into them if i knew where one was and then wait for them to come out and face the claymores
All jews are goys for demons you dumb hook nosed sand nigger
Well, this gonna need a thread soon
Looks like picrel
if we can just call genetic bioweapons vaccines.
why cant we call zyklon b a vaccine and drop it on israel.
>It should not be hard. New Zealand would be good candidate too, but the fuckers have bunkers there.
Yep, no way it's New Zealand, exactly for the reason you stated. They need a safehaven there, although anon here is mentioning the micronova >>483309472, and I'm really curious how will this fit into the whole thing if the micronova really happens. More and more questions
Heh, no prob. I went out and bought a few also. Just cracked one right now, lel
Sorry, meant for>>483309603
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Fucking hell. This is literally a fucking happening. Everyone working with this tech should be brought before military trials and executed for crimes against humanity. Without the least amount of exaggeration. This shit can potentially eradicate humanity. There is no difference between this and a virus.
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Yes indeed! I really hope someone knowledgeable with good sources would start a thread about it!

The replicon vaxx injection start preparations at the beginning of october in Japan:


The text on the banknote:

Please stockpile food immediately.
H7 Avian Flu 2024 Fall Economic Collapse
This is a plan
Lower your immunity with the replicon vaccine, and then H7 will infect humans.

and the bird flu summit at the beginning of October remind me a lot about Event 201 from October 18th 2019:




and of course the SPARS Pandemic:


and PDF:


and PDF:


Very eerie similarities and occurrences!
oh fuck I just remembered this:
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>H7 Avian Flu 2024 Fall Economic Collapse
My brother has been warning me since the beginning of this year that the hospital he works at has been stockpiling bird flu vaccines, and prepping for shutdown. I've been buying bird flu vaccine manufacturers stocks and stockpiling supplies. Supposed to happen after the elections but before the holiday season kicks off. Getting legitimately scared

Seriously what the fuck did I just watch? WTF?

Different countries, different customs I guess!
true purpose of vaxxine
They had a lower rate of uptake.
But we like breaking into people’s homes and stealing things.

There is no need for any kind of difficult scheme.
Any person with this tech can design and introduce a synthetic shit that can spread in the population like a virus and start building any protein they would like to. Prions, highly lethal viruses, bio weapons, anything you can imagine.
They should be executed, now. If this tech is introduced to the public I don’t see how humanity can exist in a century.
We will unironically all die as a species.
new in minecraft just dropped
shitwood cant touch this one

Very interesting information! Thank you very much for sharing! Damn, I will have to do some searching for the right stocks like I haven't bought any so far and the last time I missed out on them too. While the aforementioned might be ethical, if these Plandemics are created and orchestrated anyway, the least one can do is to profit from the stock changes over time. Wish you all the best! Nothing beats insider information coupled with critical thinking skills:)
slavik check out this post, i found a random boomer in a youtube section talking about how they do the interface and merging of human brains with bluetooth. I looked at the avatar, he had a military cap off, prob glownig millitary department being drunk and unburdening his guilt

Fully agree with everything you have written! Send them down to the dark icy depths of the the Titanic! Haha!
It’s a myth. New Zealand is not a “safe haven” for the world’s elite. Of the few that actually have bunkers here, we know where they are. New Zealand is mostly farm land with bushman country where you cannot hide unless you are also a bushman. No rich elite is ever going to make it in our forests undetected. Very few people can do it except Māori and old school kiwis who come from those areas. There’s only one guy in the entire country who’s been on the run for several years and he is a bushman and has lots of friends to help him. New Zealand bigger than people think but it is not a vast country and all of it is quite visible from the air. If you were an elite trying to hide in the deep depths of the earth you would not last for long without having to come up and be detected somehow. Not just that, but it would be very easy just to track you. So unless their plan is to hide like rats inside their caves eating MREs for 50 years, it’s a myth. Also we have one of the highest per capita rate of gang members in this country and they have plenty of resources for hunting down things that people try to hide. I’m sure they’ve love to raid an elites bunker while he hides in there like a git. The mongrel mob is a 1000 strong militia alone.
>Sanofi: The first H5N1 vaccine licensed by the FDA for humans in the United States in 2007
>ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec (IDB): A GSK subsidiary that makes H5N1 vaccines
>CSL Seqirus: A company that makes H5N1 vaccines
Been buying stocks from these three companies
I may add raw pumpkin seeds are traditional dewormer here
If anyone would like to offer a hint for a fellow Anon, which stocks should one buy to position oneself to profit from the next, potentially bird flu, plandemic?

No investment advice of course, just a general orientation!

Any advice would be very much appreciated!
To add additional information, the hospital my brother works at has been stockpiling bird flu vaccines made by CSL Seqirus, so that's makes up most of my portfolio on bird flu vaccine stocks
>stockpiling bird flu vaccines,
Which ones??
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Looks like they plan to start another genocide at wef, Japanese are the first victims in line. As long as unelected bureaucrats remain in power, this will never end. The plan is to kill us all.
You post that on every bread. We are all really proud of your brother anon, serious but get something new.

Thank you soo much, your post is really very helpful! I will definitely take a very close look into these!

The parasite class tends to create the events that miraculously will lead to a skyrocketing of their investments in stocks they know will go up according to the carefully crafted reality unfolding. With enough insider knowledge it is rather easy to get even richer, WOW!

Thanks again and Godspeed to you Anon! All the best to you!

Oh dear, should have bought back in 2010 I guess. Seems like these elite/parasite class agendas are decades in the making and the forces that be are really committed to their goals! Thank you very much for sharing! I will have to strongly consider an additional vaxx and health product portfolio! Live long and prosper to everyone!
Let's reach the Bump Limit here!
>Alcobra Pharma, an Israeli pharmaceutical company
AI Cobra
AI Pac
It all comes back to the machine.
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Good on ya OP, thanks for sharing this important warning.
Hi Tomek
>The Cobra
I seen some episodes of tv series Cobra, IIRC from 2020, about british crisis cabinet, dunno if connected, some explosion at sea wind farms causing tsunami, some cyberterrorism, hunting nuke

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