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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Here is your based Islamic world, sir.

>The commander of Iran's navy said in a speech on January 7 that the modern-day Saudi Arabian royal family are descendants of Jews who fought early Muslim tribes.
Why should they care about Iran's meat shields?
He's jewish in a gay towel
palestinians got kicked out of kuwait, gulf arabs know they are all retards
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>jews have reconquered mecca
well, saudi arabia behaves like kikes. you just have to look at their war with the houthis and it's 1 for 1
>more bombing
>mostly killing civilians
No, Saudi's are jews
he's based
whats his source? his rabbi?
>"I only care about money and prestige from the western world."
He doesn't fight for Palestine because he cares about his own country. You don't fight for Palestine because you care for European gibs.
The Sauds were the family our of the entire Arabia desert that the Rothschilds hand selected in the early 1900s to give a bunch of guns and oil money to. The grand-grand-grandfather of this prince's dad took the guns on camel back and took over the desert, and then took the Jewish money and gave it to the tribal leaders to hold on to his conquers.

That Iranian or probably right
Saudis don’t care
Jordan doesn’t care
UAE doesn’t care
Egypt doesn’t care
Morocco doesn’t care
What do they all have in common?
They all hate the Muslim Brotherhood.
>not my problem
>Iran subverts SA for decades
>pol pikachufaces when they don't care for their proxy wars
you're all muslim immigrants on this site pretending to be westerners
His days are numbered. Who will take their place, some muslim caliphate I presume?
The Saudis are literally Jews and have a lifelong deal with the Americans. Nobody cares what they think. They're Islamic extremists that America hoped the whole middle east would emulate and fought to make happen
Banu Hanifa tribes is where Saudis claim to come from. It was a (((Christian))) tribe originally, so its extremely plausible.
Does the Saudi Navy commander say the same about Iran's leaders?

this. Muslim unity is a myth.
He doesnt care about his country exactly either, he cares about keeping his family in power
The saudi family is jewish so it's not surprising
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> pic
they come from abraham you spastic
Hezbollah concerned itself with the Palestinians and look at what it got them. Why the fuck would anyone care about those losers? All they do is get themselves and everyone arounds them killed.
The rich never care about the poor. The Jews took over Britain and America by appealing to the rich whites who didn't care about the poor whites.
Saudis are kikes. This has been known a long time.
>28 replies to an obviously fake quote
Saudi has always been a jewish caliphate, why do you think we let them get off scot-free from 9/11?
There is even an old FBI report where agents went out into the field to confirm these rumors, that the Saudi royals were Js, and it concludes its highly probable. It used to be posted here. It's a pretty cool read ngl and fun to imagine, like a detective spin on Lawrence, kek.

Jared Kushner and Prince MBS are everything except lovers and who would put that past them as well? Kushner was trying to facilitate an entire block of KSA being set aside to resettle Palestinians so that Israel could begin taking over Gaza and spreading outward into its "prophesized" super power. This is who Prince MBS allies with. The Las Vegas massacre was said to be an attempt to rek this alliance but it failed. Adelson was likely a big reason why.

Gut feeling however is that Prince MBS doesn't last through 2030, I can't say why exactly, it carries himself too much like a wigger, he's too egocentric. Kushner is also rather weak and carries himself like a legitimized kosher mobster except he's not of the streets, he's of the olive hand lotion and moisturizer mirror on the wall.
attributed to the secretary of state
Pol and western nationalists need to do more to incite the arab people to rise up and overthrow zionist dictators. Start by callingnmbs, sisi, abdulluah in jordan "dicatators" instead of president or king.

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