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RIP big guy


>Dikembe Mutombo has been known for blocking shots. After all, the 7-foot-2 Hall of Fame center finished his basketball career as the second-leading shot blocker in NBA history. But the Covid-19 vaccine is one shot that Mutombo certainly didn’t want to block.

>In fact, quite the opposite. Mutombo made it a point (pun intended) to get his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. Why Morehouse? Well, the medical school has been awarded a $40 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to address how the Covid-19 pandemic has been disproportionately affecting Black Americans and other communities of color in the U.S, as Curtis Bunn reported for NBC News last July. And as Mutombo explained, “Morehouse is one of the historically black colleges and universities. I wanted to make an example and encourage people of color to get the Covid-19 vaccine.”


>Dikembe Mutombo, an NBA Global Ambassador and member of the Hall of Fame, has died from brain cancer, the NBA said in a statement on Monday. He was 58.

>Mutombo, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2022, was surrounded by his family, the NBA said.

It's time to forgive and forget.
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Milgram proved 80% of the population will do anything authority tells them to do. Congratulations frens, we're the top 20%.
> Why Morehouse? Well, the medical school has been awarded a $40 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to address how the Covid-19 pandemic has been disproportionately affecting Black Americans and other communities of color in the U.S

Crazy how blatant they were. Why a celebrity? Because they spent 40 million on it and need as much uptake of the vaccine as possible. It was always a business.
Never forgetting.
>kikes on pikes
So anything bad that happens is due to the vax? This is the scientific rigor being practiced on /pol?
Blacks are prone to turbo cancer to begin with, and he probably had some pitituary disorder as well. Might not be the vax in this case
Oldfag. I took a seminar with him in college. He tried to fold himself into one of those chair/desk combos next to me like a regular guy. We had to help him get out of it. The next session we moved rooms. LOL.
Hopefully he encouraged many niggars to get the shot.
>made it to 58
That's actually pretty surprising. People that tall get loads of health issues.

Damn. Probably have his Skybox card in storage and now he's in cold storage and his soul's in a skybox.
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>Might not be the vax in this case
Vaxxed in 2021, diagnosed with brain cancer in 2022, dead in 2024. He just got Wojicki'd
>So anything bad that happens is due to the vax?
Turbo cancers, myocarditis, and 'died unexpectedly" if they went from healthy to dead since vaxx was released + known vax case. Pretty straightforward.
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>if they went from healthy to dead since vaxx was released + known vax case. Pretty straightforward.
Exact same logic used by the hypochondriacs when they counted COVID deaths.
Correct. We are throwing their own completely retarded logic back in their faces. Now that you're all caught up perhaps you could stop being a faggot.
I know labotomite and vax idiot clotted up
So they can do it again?
>Exact same logic used by the hypochondriacs
Exact same logic used to count overdoses in street drugs (increased supply + usage + increased death rate within same period). It's not unreasonable or illogical, that's not the way to criticize it. You want to emphasize the limitation of inferential logic when observing trends, not pretend it's "COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY BATSHIT RETARDED STUPID REE'. That makes you sound like an idiot.
So joining in the retardation is not being a faggot. Got it.
Your recriminations imply you're vaxxed and coping, am I wrong?
Your line of questioning implies you follow the tired pure-blood meme, correct?
>A bunch of big words with no point.
>Shot blocker
>Gets shot
>Get's born. Administered many vaccines.
>Turns out to be a faggot.
Well there is only one conclusion we can draw, fellow scientists.
>shot blocker
>couldn't block the most important shot in his life
RIP in peace big nigga
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You know cancer was wildly underdiagnosed during muh lockdowns, right?
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>cancer was wildly underdiagnosed during muh lockdowns
With relation to the previous lows in that chart, adjusting for the "underdiagnosis" you claim existed, where should the "covid era" green-colored curve have been adjusted to?

After a year of less than typical access to doctors for screening (since that will be your next cope, always is) what explains the massive up trend following vaxx rollout (if it wasn't the vaxx)?

Screening/detection is a supportive factor, ie, it keeps diagnosis at a maintenance trend; cessation (not total) of "early detection" can't account for the near vertical trend up. What's your explanation? Was it the covid virus itself that caused a cancer wave? Was it global warming? Everything BUT the vaxx (vaxxoid cope amirite)?
Australia had closed borders. No one missed appointments. Cancer is up 1000% is US service personnel. They didn’t “miss appointments.”

Cope and seethe vaxxie
>what explains the massive up trend following vaxx rollout (if it wasn't the vaxx)?
That was when reopening happened and diagnosis started catching up.
>that will be your next cope
How is this a cope? Graph shows cancer diagnosis clearly lower than you'd expect during lockdowns.
>Lockdowns increased poor healthy, obesity, addictions, etc
More reasons why cancer would increase.

The good news is you still get to call the experts retarded. And the vax was still a disaster. But falling victim to confounding data is the same trap the people who feared a sniffled fell into.
>Australia had closed borders. No one missed appointments.
Gonna need a source for this one, chief. Not sure why closed borders means Australia functioned different than Canada is this regard.
>That was when reopening happened and diagnosis started catching up.
I know I pre-empted that point, you can't answer any follow up. Change the subject, you're done.
>How is this a cope?
There you go.
>Graph shows cancer diagnosis clearly lower than you'd expect during lockdowns.
I know that's your argument, that's why I asked you to specify where it should have been, then relate that lag in diagnosis to the sharp increase and continued trend
>you can't there is no logical causative relation
>but people not getting diagnoses led to a gap up multiple standard deviations wide compared to previous trends
you're an idiot, go cope somewhere else this is boring. Stop attacking me with boredom.
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No, it's time to start killing doctors and nurses in mass. I hope it starts happening soon.
>where it should have been
Impossible to know for sure but showing an upward trend
>multiple standard deviations wide compared to previous trends
As I said, it wouldn't just be lack of cancer diagnoses. That's part of it but lockdowns also made people less healthy. Lockdowns were unprecedented in terms of what they did to population health. They literally cancelled the gym and rec sports for a year.
>Stop attacking me
Sorry you got sand in your vagina.
What about politicians, j*dges, j*ws and shiet?
What about them, jew?
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LOL. And apparently I am the one coping. Just two more weeks and all the vaxxies die, right? RIGHT???
no more two weeks for Dikembe Mutombo anon
we tried to warn you
you didn't listen
maybe dikembe can answer your pithy question .... oh, nevermind
Everyone has a different 2 weeks some 2 weeks past some 2 weeks just started and some 2 weeks will happen in the future, but know this anon at some point in your life you really will die in "2 weeks" its just unknown when those 2 weeks start
It may surprise you to learn that people got brain cancer before MRNA vaxxes too.
Poster above you beat you to that talking point. It's almost like you are both reading from the same divide and conquer script.
Every test on mice of a sars vaccine gave them cancer.
>now this anon at some point in your life you really will die in "2 weeks"
Wow thanks for the clarification. For a second there, I thought I was immortal.
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It may surprise you to learn that motorcycle deaths occurred before covid anon
The point is all the vaxxies arent going to die in a certain 2 week period it will be spread out over multiple 2 weeks for many years to come
safe and effective
>But the Covid-19 vaccine is one shot that Mutombo certainly didn’t want to block.
>The other side used bullshit cofounding science so I can too.
>The point is all the vaxxies arent going to die in a certain 2 week period it will be spread out over multiple 2 weeks for many years to come
In other words, all people die. Thanks for the clarification.
Yes but it will be vaxxies dying of random cancers, clots and other conditions well before their time in larger numbers than unvaxxed.
Usually heart related, not turbo brain cancer.
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it was the side that said covid caused motorcycle death that now says the vaccine is not a culprit in vax poster boys going ACK, and you still trust them
>covid caused motorcycle death that now says the vaccine is not a culprit

This side also advises to bathe and brush your teeth. That wrong too?
the point of the vaxxine is to replace people with AI/AGI in the 10 to 20 years ahead.
agi/ai is the anti-christ and the red cow will be sacrifies when that happens.
after ai/agi era the bio, l.e.v (longevity escape velecoity) era will begin. and human will transform from human flesh to the machine (the anti-christ). humans will merge and become new, a hive mind so to speak. think zerg from starcraft 2 or star ship trooper insects is the next level, of us.
then we will go to the next era, the space colonisation era. and after that... idk...
In court, if you lie, you commit perjury. Once you commit perjury, your testimony on all things is basically worthless. The same holds for the court of public opinion anon. The medical establishment lied about covid, so we can expect them to lie about the vaccine too.
>Some nonsensical larp about AGI
I always figured the point was to make pharma a shitload of money.
you and your family won't be here soon.
even so, if i knew who you were, i would kill you.
how do you feel about that talking point ?
We do not forgive
We do not forget
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
Expect us.
>Once you commit perjury, your testimony on all things is basically worthless
Worthless doesn't mean untrue. Basic logic, as laid out in my previous post, invalidates your retarded position.
>even so, if i knew who you were, i would kill you.
I feel like you good use a friend.
>Note that commiserating with "purebloods" on /pol doesn't count
ai/agi destroys the economy. money (fiat currency) will be worthless. raw resources will 2nd place currency (gold, oil, energy)
1st place resources, inteligence, human and machine inteligence will be the new currency.
in the new world that is being created.

(p.s. this is a neutral addion to the conversation. i am not answer a question or saying your are wrong or trying to make a argument with this. just saying some thoughts of mine that came up when i read yours. not trying to be agresive or anything... just neutral take.)

also, kill all vaxxies
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I never took the vax, so I have nothing to forgive, I can only laugh at you while you are dying from blood clot, you will be in a pre mortem mellow mental state and I will just laugh at you, if I was visiting you on your death bed I would probably excuse myself to bathroom jerk off and then lace your glass with my cum when you ask me to bring you some water, then you would die and I would just go on living like nothing happened
only a fool would being a friend along to ambush someone from behind as they walked to their car

It's funny how this thread is being flooded by 1pbtid "purebloods".

I mean, if my goal was divide and conquer, and I wanted to easily divide 20% of the population...
also matches up with the cycle between conventional labor vs service economy:

1770s -1970s: manual labor, factories, infrastructure building, trades, housebuilding
1980 - 2024: shift to service economy, huge boom in white collar office jobs, doctors, lawyers, scientists glorified, techbros, finance, etc. huge shortage of houses and shortage in general for raw materials, energy, fiat currencies get BRRR'ed out and it seems like anyone can make $100K+ doing stupid shit like OF, netflix comedy specials, youtube, twitch
2024 - now: tech layoffs, pullback in demand for service white collar fags, rise of Ai

note the new distinction between "essential" business and nonessential that started during 2020...many of these white collar fags will get replaced or die of the vaxx.
youd kill off, maim or cripple 80% of the population ?
Saw a statue of Kali once in a jeet store, go the hell out of there quick
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Thats not dividing, thats just laughing traitors off to death
divide this dick nigger
unprecedented amounts of fiat-based wealth have been unlocked since the 1980s....much of it in nonsensial, unnecessary shit like entertainment. the average *successful* actor owns multiple mansions, the guys behind minecraft and angrybirds cashed out for billions, meanwhile the average *essential* worker can barely afford cost of living and maybe have 1-2 kids, take 1 vacation per year. the entire economy is upheld by simps, driven by greed and stupidity.

billions poured into the vaxx, billions wasted on a useless and probably toxic "solution" to a made-up problem.
I would say rest in peace but fuck this shill
I'd recognize that the COVID psyop was effective, made people do a ton of dumb shit, lockdowns being the dumbest from which all other retardation stemmed (ie. "we need a vax to reopen"), a large amount of vaxxies bailed on the booster and trust in all vaccines is now at an all-time low. Given that, I'd say dividing based on the 20% who, commendably I might add, held out on the original shot is not productive.
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kek nah die slow faggots
>laughing traitors off to death
>not dividing
Does it hurt to be this retarded? I am curious.
Nmp, white women BBC loss
And just like that, no nigger will take a vaccine again.
Now they have to switch to food shortages.
The time line is pretty suspicious. But yeah 7 ft tall people usually dont live as long as regular size people

many of your 5-6 ft tall vaxxies are going to take an extra couple of years to die of vax cancer
cancer will be cures any day now.
I wonder if attempting to also enforce that authorities order, even when there's no need to, is a coping mechanism against those who are able to defy the authorities order.
Gud pun
yes, anon good post.

also i want to mention this (not attacking you, just some thoughts i made up, no source. just common sense):
1. ukraine war is to depopulate eastern europe. they did not take the vaxxine due to distrust from goverment. cause communism rule made theme all hate goverment.

2. ww3 is the backup plan if the vaxxine dose not cull the herd of useless eaters

3. the blowing up the Georgia Guidestones was the mark that the vaxxine project has begun and the culling begining.

4. what is currently happening with AI / AGI / vaxxine is nothing new. the elite had this tought before.
communism was the 20th centery of what is happening today.
lenins said, GOELRO
Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.
which is, back in the day. the (((elite thought))) the electrification was enought to create utopia.

[old] holodomor and communism killing = [new] vaxxine
[old] electrification of the whole country = [new] AI / AGI / replace blue collar jobs / auto complete society

the eleite think this, and want to achive this:
killing off useless eater + AI = utopia / autocomplete society

ofc, the elite understood that communism experiment was tottal failure and destroyed it and now have 2nd plan trying to do.
but what is happening now, is nothing new. also karl marx thought about this shit ideas in the 18th centery, so these ideas are old, and the elite have thought about this a long time. for some juice info how the elite think, look up the guy who created the Suez Canal.
It is true that lockdowns were very unhealthy. Also some masks were full of contamination and the nasal swabs were unhealthy. Unvaccinated people are having increased health problems and everyone should be aware that these things were strong contributors. This doesn't make the vaccines safe or effective. It just means that even if you just didnt take it, they still damaged you to a certain extent. Unless you were a shut in neet before and during covid in which case you did it to yourself
You only made a lucky guess!
if the anglo had never left its containment island, niggers would be extinct instead of worshipped. unfortunately the khazars found the perfect golem in them
The sith force choke trick?

Lol repeat after me common flu vaccine
I wait 2 weeks in the morning
I wait 2 weeks at night
I wait 2 weeks in the afternoon
It makes me feel alright
I wait 2 weeks in times of peace
I wait 2 weeks in times of war
I wait 2 weeks before I wait 2 weeks
And then I wait 2 more
I have no facts to back this up; but I KNOW in my bones that some kike came up with “forgive and forget” as a Christian virtue.
Funny thing is, not even God forgives and forgets. Forgiveness can be extended to anyone, in time, should they deserve it, but no one owes anyone an obligation to forget past wrongs
>It is true that lockdowns were very unhealthy. Also some masks were full of contamination and the nasal swabs were unhealthy.
It's the most devious thing about the whole debacle. Too many variables were changing at once. It's just a big statistical mess. If someone died of a heart attack while exercising in fall 2021, was it the vax they took 8 months earlier or the 14 months of sitting around and eating fast food?
Still waiting for valid stage 2 and 3 trials leafanon. Or is this some new definition of 'rigour' that only thick cunts like you can grasp?
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And I am still waiting for the mass dieoff. I think we can both agree that decisions taken by worldwide governments in March 2020 were a disaster regardless.
But you have to be 100% NPC to get any vaccine after childhood. My dad took the covid shots. I think he took 5 boosters, but He doesn't take flu shots.
Great news
Plus the stores were empty a few times. And you had to line up in the rain for an hour to get in cause only X people were allowed inside at a time. I went 2 weeks without fresh fruit or vegetable a couple of times. Couldn't find zinc or vitamin c for a couple of months. Good thing I had canned beans and vitamins laying around from the before times.
"PHOENIX — The Phoenix Fire Department is mourning one of their firefighters after his unexpected death.

"The department announced Adam Cauthron's death Sunday morning. He had served as a Firefighter Paramedic for 18 years and was a member of FEMA's Arizona Task Force 1.

"Cauthron passed after a sudden health emergency while off duty, the department said. He is survived by his wife and children."

"NBA Global Ambassador and Naismith Basketball Hall of Famer Dikembe Mutombo died at the age of 58 from brain cancer."

"Caballero has died suddenly after reportedly collapsing during a futsal match in his homeland of Paraguay, according to The Scotsman. The 46-year-old spent five seasons with Dundee and spent time on loan with Arsenal, making three appearances for the Gunners during the 1998-99 season."

was Dikembe related to Harambe?
why is brain cancer so common in vaxx recipients?
"A British tourist has died from a head injury at a popular golf course in Majorca.

"The 61-year-old man, who hasn’t been named yet, was found in a serious condition at Son Muntaner Golf Course.

"Despite attempts to save him by paramedics he died at the scene.

"Police are investigating whether he died from an accidental fall or may have been hit in the head with a golf ball. A post-mortem is set to take place over the weekend to confirm the cause of death.

"Local reports said he disappeared whilst playing with a group of friends and going after a stray ball.

"They went looking for him after he failed to return before finding him unconscious on the ground.

"The alert was raised at about 5.45pm local time on Friday, and emergency responders raced to the scene to find the man had gone into cardiac arrest."

(still the best meme pol has created)
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>It's just a big statistical mess.
No, they are liars anon. We've been over this. They lied about motorcycles. They lied about the statistics too. You cannot appeal to authority whey they have no authority due to being proven liars.
>they are liars anon
Doesn't mean the stats aren't a mess.
>You cannot appeal to authority
I am not appealing to authority though.
The motorcycle was part of the stats. It's not a mess. It's lies. They were caught red handed.
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>Dikembe Mutombo
ok, who of you did this /pol/?
"Danielle Hickman, of Park Ridge, died suddenly on Sunday, Sept. 22, her obituary on the Becker Funeral Home website says. She was 38 years old.

"Those who survive her include her 10-year-old daughter Camryn, for which a GiveSendGo campaign has been established. The fundraising goal is $20,000.

"'It is with heavy hearts that we share the unexpected passing of Danielle Hickman, her life was tragically cut short due to health complications,' the campaign reads, in part."

"The Milwaukee Bucks have announced the death of former NBA player and longtime assistant coach Joe Wolf at the age of 59. Wolf had been serving as an assistant coach for the Wisconsin Herd, the Bucks' G-League affiliate, since last year. The team did not reveal the exact cause of his death.

"However, Mark Miller of Wisconsin Basketball Yearbook reported that he suffered an apparent heart attack."

>caught red handed.
Everybody knows the shenanigans around counting covid deaths. My point is that people are being just is lazy attributing the vax as the cause of all problems as they were covid. There were other variables that changed after March 2020, the most obvious being never-before-done lockdowns which basically saw the entire West stop exercising for a year, while also increasing sedentary behavior and worsening diet and substance intake. There is no comparable for this in modern history. Then you factor data gathering basically only caring about COVID for a year to the point where there were articles with experts basically saying "hey, everyone realizes we are ignoring cancer, right?". So you have other possible explanations for why cancer numbers would increase.
"Jack Wyse and Michael Elborn are determined to honour the memory of Bangor man Simon Robinson by completing the challenge on Friday September 27. For the past 999 days, Jack has laced up his running shoes daily, committed to completing a 5K run every day for 1,000 days in memory of his beloved friend who passed away in 2022 following a lymphoma diagnosis."

We are celebrating the deaths of the vaxxed with great jubilation!
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now what?
Shoulda told it toduck off
your intelligence is on display for everyone to witness, estimated IQ 85
You're an insane retard
>tries to nuanced conversation about the vax and lockdowns
>spammed relentlessly by "purebloods"
>lots of ad hominem, little substance

Really does make you think.
"Kolkata: An Iraqi Airways flight from Baghdad to Guangzhou in China made a medical emergency landing at the Kolkata airport after a passenger on board suddenly fell ill, officials said on Thursday.

"The passenger, a 16-year-old Iraqi girl, was declared 'brought dead' when she was taken to a hospital in the city."

LOL more spam responses. You think doing two posts will make me not call you out for 1pbtid? Take note fellow purebloods.
"A nine-year-old boy has died returning from a family holiday in the Canary Islands. Freddie Pritchard passed away during the journey back from Tenerife on Saturday, September 14.

"Freddie's aunt, Jessica Tomlinson, shared her memories of him: 'What happened was very, very unexpected. He did not fall ill or anything like that. We have no answers and as of yet we don't have a clue as to what happened.'"

"A DAD-OF-TWO has suddenly died while on a dream cruise holiday with his family.

"Edward Langley was visiting Vanuatu, near Fiji, when he 'unexpectedly fell on the footpath', his devastated family said.

"A fundraiser has since been created for the tragic Aussie dad, and claims the fall could have been caused by a heart attack or stroke.

"But the official cause of death is still unknown, news.com.au reports."

>Heart attacks didn't exist prior to 2021
>hey goy take the (((*tested and *approved))) gene therapy shot for the common cold or else you lose your job
>side effects? there are none
>sorry you died at 40 from a blood clot
>what? it happens all the time goy, sorry about that shutdown
kys goyim, you’re the definition of ngmi
>2 year brain tumor to death
Brain cancer is usually quite slower than that, anon. Remember back when they skipped ape trials and we told you every attempt to use rna vaccines resulted in tumors at the mammal and later test stages? Do you think rna as a method was novel?
Super tall and short people tend to die of circulatory issues, not cancer.
>hey goy take the (((*tested and *approved))) gene therapy shot for the common cold or else you lose your job
Never said this
>side effects? there are none
Never said this
>sorry you died at 40 from a blood clot
Never said this
>what? it happens all the time goy, sorry about that shutdown
Except I said lockdowns were a terrible idea and the root cause of all of it. Also commended the people who held out from the vax.
"The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race’s longtime head veterinarian, Stuart Nelson, died suddenly this week, race officials said Thursday.

"It was not immediately clear what caused the 73-year-old Nelson’s death, but early indications were that he had suffered a sudden health event while on a run near his home in Idaho, Iditarod Race Director Mark Nordman said Thursday."

"Jamnagar: A student died of a heart attack at Ahir Samaj Vidyarthi Bhavan in Jamnagar, Gujarat on Wednesday during regular exercise. The deceased, Hemant Bhai Jogal like any other day, was running along with other students as part of their regular exercise routine, but he suddenly stumbled, slowed down and then collapsed to the ground."

Finally a decent thread with archives link
>Remember back when they skipped ape trials and we told you every attempt to use rna vaccines resulted in tumors at the mammal and later test stages?
That's great, but not really relevant to what I am saying. Removing the vax from the equation, do you think lockdowns on their would've brought about a delayed increase of cancer diagnosis and death?
>Finally a decent thread
>More pureblood nonsense
death with covid = covid death
death with vaccine = vaccine death
it's your own logic
LOL "my logic". No, that is logic that retards use.
never forgive, and never forget. always pursue revenge. tyrants are still alive, remember remember. (3d printers are great tools, so are lathes and milling machines)
Of course, even diagnosed cancer deaths increased because people like tim walz decided chemo was elective, but what I'm talking about is a method of 'vaccination' that no one ever has explained how this time, it's not going to cause cancer. And this time, they Buffaloed past even testing it on lower primates to see it does.
but "covid deaths" was why you got vaxxed to begin with, and those "covid deaths" were just "deaths with covid"

so congratulations on following retards
but "covid deaths" was why you got vaxxed to begin with, and those "covid deaths" were just "deaths with covid"

so congratulations on following retards
"U.S. wrestler Alan Vera died Monday night after suffering sudden cardiac arrest during a soccer game earlier this year, according to a statement from USA Wrestling. He was 33."

>no one ever has explained how this time, it's not going to cause cancer
That's a fair point, but you gotta figure out how to attribute to the vax and not any of the other factors. Pointing to a dead African athlete who was pro-vax and then a graph showing increased cancer deaths is not gonna cut it, IMO.
"The Peabody High School and wrestling communities are mourning the loss of 17-year-old Freddy Espinal, who died suddenly from a medical emergency while attending a wrestling practice on Sunday.

"According to Wayne Moda, Espinal’s wrestling coach, the medical emergency did not happen when Espinal was wrestling. The cause of his death is still being determined."

>but "covid deaths" was why you got vaxxed to begin with
Nope. Most got vaxxed to get past lockdowns. Nothing more.
Is that why you got vaxxed?
Remember when cell phones caused brain cancer? I remember that. Everyone has cellphones and bluetooth earbuds.

Not to say that vaccines dont cause brain cancer, but they want people arguing about vaccines while not talking about the other things
I'm not saying it does, I am saying the increased rates of cancer overall, including large jumps in otherwise healthy people does. I didn't expect the heart issues until they were being reported, I fully expected the cancers in younger and younger people.
Mrna delivery method is what causes cancers, not actual legitimate vaccines. Actual researchers know this if they are old enough becuase its been attempted to make a rhinovirus vaccine multiple times since the 70s, always failed in mammal and ape trials becuase it causes cancers. Having better tools to craft the protein is meaningless, you're still messing with the chemical that unzips DNA for replication
A school mate who "collapsed suddenly" on a carnival cruise last week didn't wake back up. A drummer I played with 25 years ago died of a heart attack at age 38 after Christmas 2023. My neighbor got 2 minor strokes in one year a year ago and I had to call the apt office to do a welfare check on him 2 weeks ago as I smelled rotting carcass on front porch.

Western Medicine runs on a health for profit business model and is the leading cause of death.

Anyone who is a dipshit enough to avail themselves of the Western Medical establishment has everything they have coming to them
dikembe dikembe dikembe dikembe
In the jungle the mighty jungle the vaxxie does tonight
Yeah, Canadians had some pretty harsh compliance campaigns. Plus 90% of Canadians live within 50 miles of USA, and they all travel here pretty regularly. They had to be vaxxed to travel or eat out or work.
>Might not be the vax in this case

And you might not be from the Pale of Settlement.
All vaccines are a scam. They put aluminum, various preservatives, monkey cancer, aborted baby cells and msg into regular vaccines, so they also cause cancer, allergies, various chronic illness
"A deputy from the St. Louis Sheriff's Office died in the line of duty after a medical issue, the office announced Wednesday.

"Deputy Dennis Boyd will be remembered as a brave, professional, and dedicated public servant, St. Louis Sheriff Vernon Betts said.

"Boyd died of a medical issue that the sheriff's office said was 'sudden.'"

Damn, sucks Canadians were extorted like that. Everyone I know vaxxed to protect themselves from what they thought was a deadly virus, especially the boomers. The rest vaxxed out of peer pressure. It was 'the thing' to do.
"A DISTRAUGHT father-to-be has told of his heartache at losing his 'fiancée, best pal and baby' after his pregnant partner died suddenly.

"Devastated Chrissy Gaw admitted 'life will never be the same' after police officer Erin McDermott, 30, was found dead by her devoted mum Lorraine.

"Erin, who was 14 weeks pregnant, had been overjoyed to fulfil her long-held dream of parenthood after a successful round of fertility treatment.

"Chrissy, 29, of Irvine, Ayrshire, said yesterday: 'We should have been getting our gender scan this weekend.'

"Lorraine, 59, made the horror discovery at Erin’s home on September 12, after her daughter had failed to turn up to a nail appointment.

"Loves ones are now awaiting answers from a post-mortem by a specialist perinatal pathologist."

And what I am saying is that we really don't know what such an unprecedented intervention (lockdowns) would've done on its own (no vaccine) as there is no past precedent. If there is another pandemic and we either don't lockdown, or don't mass MRNA vaxx, we'll have a better idea.
samefagging, you just answered a personal question for another ID lol
Live vaccines actually do what they're supposed to, you ignorant coon. I've never gotten whooping cough, tetanus, mumps, measles, or rubella. Watched a kid with retarded parents get whooping cough in school while no one else did.
>(pun intended)
I can't continue.
Lockdowns occurred during most ancient pandemics, this who shit occurred about 100 years ago with a deadly influenza too. Masks and avoiding people didn't do anything.
Literally not the same Guy. Ill comment on things that arent specifically directed at me cause this is an "anonymous" image bored. Its quite common that multiple people will respond to the same post
>Lockdowns occurred during most ancient pandemics, this who shit occurred about 100 years ago with a deadly influenza too.
I cannot think of anytime in history where a large swath of the population was branded 'unessential' overnight. Can you? Moreover, lockdowns would've always been limited by technology.
I don't know anyone that actually got put out of work. Essential workers was more propaganda to motivate people to keep working. I do IT work, took over 6 months for faggot tim walz to admit me monitoring and fixing circuits that support those hospitals is also essential
>I've never gotten whooping cough, tetanus, mumps, measles, or rubella.

Those diseases went away before vaccines came out. Some of the diseases got rebranded. Also vaccines dont work in india because its a sewer full of poor dirty people.
that's retarded i asked if that's why HE got vaxxed and you said "yes" for him. yes we're anonymous but we're not all the same anonymous person.
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>I don't know anyone that actually got put out of work
The number is 6.5 million up here in Leaf Land. And that does not include that many white collar people such politicians, medical people, and worst of all, teachers who all cowered at home.
I was speaking for other Canadians. You are retarded
No we spent the last three years sharing the studies of how the cancer rates skyrocketed correlating with the vax. We also shared the documents that explained many of the mechanisms. I guess you were busy learning about russiagate and how Biden is sharp as a tack during that time.
>people not vaccinated for these diseases or in extreme unsanitary conditions still get them even though they 'no longer exist'
You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you? I can't recall any claim that any of those were eradicated in my 30 some odd years. I do recall not a single kid getting whooping cough other than the one whose parents were as stupid as you. Sanitation absolutely is a major factor, but it doesn't cause these bacteria and viruses to disappear.
I'm sure many did here too, I'm just saying I don't know of anyone personally that actually lost their job. Finding another if they got fired unrelated was difficult for those that did.
You more or less got it right. The social pressure up here was intense. It wasn't just females/betas. It was everyone. The sentiment was - just get the damn shot and we'll go back to normal. Which is why the subsequent Omicron freak-out by the medical establishment was so detrimental to trust in vaccines and booster uptake cratered.
>autist doesn't know how conversations work
Jeez another 1pbtid and this time from a meme flag. I am sure your interpretation of said studies was completely unbiased.
They will get their explanation from the teevee later but don't worry whatever it is, it couldn't possibly be the untested gene therapy that used the same method that killed all the test animals they tried it on since the 70's.
That medical school is 30 minutes away from the shitty biolab that went on fire. Two days ago and twenty years ago. That whole area is probably cancer.
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Quebec - 14 year old baseball player Isaac Berube died suddenly on Sep.4, 2024 "due to medical reasons"

In Canada, kids 12 and up were forced to have two COVID-19 Vaccines in 2021 to continue playing sports - one of the greatest crimes of the pandemic
JJ Facey spent so much time on the soccer field that his mother often called it his second home.

"Now, his family is working to raise awareness about the condition that caused his sudden death, hoping their efforts will save lives.

"Facey, a South Shore Public Charter School graduate who went on to play soccer at Framingham State University, was just beginning his college soccer journey.

"His father, Jason Facey, said playing college soccer had been one of JJ's dreams.

"However, on August 17th, during his first practice with the university team, JJ suffered a medical episode caused by hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), a heart condition that often goes undetected.

"He passed away two days later.

"'He didn’t have any signs of symptoms,' Jason Facey said. 'It all literally happened within that one soccer practice.'"

"The Cummings High School community is in mourning.

"Fifteen-year-old Malik Mebane collapsed as he was coming on the field for practice Monday afternoon. What caused his sudden death is a mystery.

"UNC Rex Cardiologist Dr. Christopher Kelly says instances like this are rare and can be difficult to predict.

"An athletic trainer performed CPR and used an AED in an attempt to revive Mebane, but he did not survive."

>he was one of the greatest shot blockers
When I was a kid in the 00s, a football player from my school died of a heart attack. I now assume that it was definitely not the 'roids he was taking. Nope. He clearly travelled in time in the future and mainlined some MRNA. It's the only viable explanation.

"A dad who died after taking ill on a Jet2 flight to Liverpool has been named as Chris Neill. The 40-year-old was with his sons Reece, 19, and Archie, 8, on a plane from Bourgas, Bulgaria to Liverpool John Lennon Airport last Monday, September 16, when he became unwell.

"The plane made an emergency landing in Cologne, Germany, where Chris was escorted off the aircraft by awaiting medical teams. As he walked down the steps to the runway, Chris collapsed with what is believed to have been a severe heart attack, and sadly died."

I call bullshit. By his numbers 1 in 5 people can resist concerted efforts of psychological manipulation? Were there a lot more men in his sample size? That's the only way I can rationalize these numbers.

I'd say 85% or higher, and that's still being too generous. Break it down by gender, I'd say 98% of women and 75% of men (for reasons only to get pussy or avoid an argument with one) will follow orders.

Source: just existing beside you fuckers everyday.
"I’ve seen men empty entire vax campaigns at them and hit nothing but air.”
No, dipshit, they already have all the money. It was always a retard genocide.
> forgive and forget

I had already forgotten about this Dickembe guy till you brought it up. But we will never forgive vax-shilling retards.
This is /pol/ not some private conversation.
And 4chan is pretty much built for autism
You're literally retarded
I will, when they’re all dead
That study was deboonked years ago.
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>I had already forgotten about this Dickembe guy till you brought it up
I laughed hard
>Dikembe Mutombo has been known for blocking shots.

verrrry poor choice of words
Those covid shots really are doing fucked up things to normies brains aren't they. Iv literally watched family members IQ drop 10 points over the past 2 years.
You vaxxoids are fucked. Keep seething and coping until one day you suddenly ACK!!!
"Veteran South African actor Sello Motloung, known for his roles in titles like Ring of Lies and Invictus, has died. Motloung passed away on Sunday, Sept. 15 after he collapsed at home, the actor's agency, Eloife Clasen from Artist Connection, confirmed to The Citizen. Motloung was rushed to the hospital by his wife and passed away later that same day. He was reported to be in his early 50s. His cause of death is not clear at this time."

>"Leaf thinks he is immune to subversion"

Nigger you are part of that 80%. Look at the state of your country.
"Buxton saw their National League North game at Radcliffe postponed on Saturday after the sudden death of the home club’s chairman, Paul Hilton.

"The 43-year-old had been chairman of the club since 2016. Saturday’s match was initially postponed at 10am, with further details then provided by the host club later in the day."

> People that tall get loads of health issues.

If he was from the Watutsi tribe, 7' 2" isn't particularly remarkable. Their average height for males is over 6 feet, and 7' is not unusual.
Women virtue signaled by not getting a vax, so they felt empowered and unique by not getting it. able to maximize their value to men. Also they got to be "victims" (job loss, kicked out of school) and then they do what they want
We still cool Bruce, or Warren. Wasn’t jack a popular name in the outback at one point? I just got out of prison, 6 years, so I missed everything.
Everyone has lost iq points. Its hard to remain smart when everyone else is incredibly stupid, and stupid shit is strictly enforced policy
Africans generally have a shorter lifespan
>ask him a direct yes or no question
>you answer it for him because you speak for all Canadians
yep, you're retarded
A fucking leaf.
>Sanitation absolutely is a major factor, but it doesn't cause these bacteria and viruses to disappear.
Your version of sanitation isnt very good.

You also cant explain how monkey cancer, MSG, aluminum, and dead baby cells prevent MMR infections.
"On Saturday, an American college student competing at a NCAA cross-country meet in Georgia died after collapsing midway through the race.

"It was later announced by local news that Nefertari Holston, 23, went into cardiac arrest and was immediately transported to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead."

Canadian Olympic Wrestler 37 year old Michelle Fazzari died on Aug.30, 2024.

was diagnosed with 3 different tumors
- Stage 4 Cervical Cancer
- Thyroid Cancer
- brain meningioma (benign)

It would be important to map the development of her various tumors against the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines she took.
I literally went back through the thread trying to find where I answered a direct question to Canadian anon and didnt see it. But either way I feel qualified to speak for Canadians anonymously on this image bored
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the question applied to him and him only. it doesn't matter if this place "isn't for personal conversations" or is an anonymous image board like you keep saying like it means anything. the posts in question: >>483335373
>be you
>walk into public space
>people conversing amongst themselves
>you hear one person ask how another person is doing
>walk up and answer "good!"
>they look at you as if to say, the fuck, retard?
>"problem? this place isn't for personal conversations!! im from this campus too!"
>retard still flailing
Because it was developed in human and animal cells, dipshit.
If this is even true, likely has a component that causes a desired reaction or binding
And advujant used since the 1920s so you don't need to produce as many viral and bacterial cultures per vaccine and reduce risk of infection via live cell vaccination.
>your sanitation is poor
I can bet i grew up with cleaner water and a better environment than you.
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And yet I haven't died of MMR or chickenpox or whatever you pussies are vaccinated for.
45 year old Melanie Jessica Brunmeier, former US Navy, died on Aug.18, 2024.

She was diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2021 and again in 2023.

"Maritime shipping industries' mandated COVID-19 Vaccine program poisoned a healthy, cancer free 42 year old

with mRNA drug that started the progression of turbo cancers, stripped her of her natural cancer fighting immunities, poisoned her body and she was unable to defend against those newly forming cancers"
TURBO CANCER - UK - 29 year old nurse Chloe Stirling, from St.Helens, Merseyside

was diagnosed with aggressive gastric cancer

"on August 5 surgeons removed her whole stomach and several lymph nodes in a 6-hour surgery"

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause Turbo Cancer - as a nurse, Chloe was mandated COVID-19 Vaccines to keep her job.
"I lost her due to heart problems"

An Ohio healthcare worker drops dead on Aug.15, 2024

"was an imaging transporter for Southern Ohio Medical Center."

Sep.2021: "Second vaccine yesterday. So sick today"

It's always a bad sign if you have a reaction to the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Sudden death inevitably follows.
Proofread that shit, nigger.
She was right.
brain cancer doesn't care about size
MSG? I love MSG! Pump that shit directly into my veins!
49 year old Broadway Producer Adam Epstein died suddenly on Aug.13, 2024

after a "short and brutal battle with an aggressive brain tumor"

Cancer Diagnosis to death: few months

Mar.2021: "guess what? Private businesses, from restaurants to airlines etc have a right to refuse you service if you don't have proof that you've been vaccinated"

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause TURBO CANCER, and brain cancers are the 2nd most common.

He believed in the evils of medical tyranny and authoritarianism and it cost him his life.

Turbo Cancer spares no one.
Australia - 27 year old newlywed Madison Noronha collapsed while walking through Amsterdam with her husband and died on May 15, 2024

She suffered a fatal brain aneurysm while on her honeymoon

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines damage blood vessels and cause deadly aneurysms
>visit 4chan
>Swede anon says "don't take any vaccines"
>I avoid the clot shot
Simple as.
i will need the receipt for you 16th dose, surely you will not have cold feet
one less nigger. cool!
>42 post by this id
I started this thread when I took my first break at work. You're still here coping?

>Most got vaxxed to get past lockdowns. Nothing more.
My friends in Edmonton didn't take the fucking vaxx. They kept their jobs, homes, etc. I talked to them the whole time, throughout all the bullshit people went through. They refused the jab and did fine, they didn't flinch. You're full of shit if that's your excuse. If you took the experimental mrna "vaccine" -- especially if you post here, you should have had some minimal clue that it wasn't just tinfags and morons raising concerns. Your own common sense should have noted they were doing everything unconventionally, and it smacked of corruption and a process without integrity. If you got vaxxed, you did it for no good reason.
>42 fucking posts by your ID
turbo copium, or you're paid by Trudeau to post here
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He called it.

Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020.

It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op's in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but It's a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals.
Rip diktomb mumbojumbo
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He died on purpose to make the vax look dangerous.
No one could have known what the shots would do. I council mercy. People pushed the Vax out of a sense of love for their fellow man.
"Lexington, KY – Kentucky State Police (KSP) Sergeant Jared Landon Boggs died on July 3 after a brief illness.

"The 39-year-old sergeant passed away at St. Joseph’s Hospital while surrounded by his loving family, according to his obituary.

"Sgt. Boggs’ exact cause of death was not immediately released."

"Philadelphia, PA – Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) Officer Lynneice Hill died in the line of duty on July 14 after suffering a medical emergency while at work.

"According to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, witnesses found the 44-year-old officer unresponsive in her patrol car in the 1800-block of South Columbus Boulevard at approximately 9 p.m., WPVI reported.

"Officer Hill was rushed to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where she was pronounced dead, Commissioner Outlaw said."

1. who was pushing the narrative
2. how censored the opposition to this narrative was

I think it was safe to assume that nothing good could come from taking this mysterious new (((vaccine))).
To a lot of us here, this is obvious. However, it still boggles my mind that the majority of humanity is incapable of seeing this.
They're not incapable, they're morally corrupt bootlickers that said to hell with the truth and assumed their masters would reward their obedience
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No more life for you
>They're not incapable, they're morally corrupt bootlickers that said to hell with the truth
This may be true for some, but I think NPCs are real, and I don't consider them cognizant enough to be corrupt.
"Dallas, TX – Dallas Police Department (DPD) Officer Christopher Jackson died unexpectedly after returning home from his shift on July 6.

"The 58-year-old officer had just gotten off work and was in the parking lot of his apartment building located in the 2700-block of Duncanville Road when the medical emergency struck at about 4 p.m.,CBS Newsreported.

"Officer Jackson collapsed onto the ground, according toWFAA.
An employee at the apartment building and police performed CPR on Officer Jackson until emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene, CBS News reported.

"He was then rushed to Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead."

"Philadelphia, PA – Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) Officer Kevin Whetstone died on July 14 after suffering a heart attack three weeks earlier.

"His wife, Stephanie Whetstone, said he also suffered a minor heart attack two years ago, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

"Officer Whetstone played basketball after work on June 22, but he wasn’t feeling well when he got home, Stephanie said.

"He then collapsed and she said she initially thought he was having a seizure."

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>2021 - take experimental gene therapy exclusively made and marketed by jews
>2022 - get brain cancer
>2024 - dead
many such cases
Praise Him! Praise Bill Gates!
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rip in peace, molumbo. gone but not forgotten.
7 Foot 2 in gall. 84 Inches tall. the average person is about 70 inches tall or 5'10"

I saw survivors of the San Francisco Earthquake a few decades back when I was visiting San Francisco. they had them all sitting in chairs for a news Photo Op. every single one of them was thin and short. People who live the longest are about 5 foot 6- 5 foot 10 for men and for women about 5 feet 2 to five feet 5 or 6. thin. never an overweight person. Alsmot all organic or self given obeisity people don't tend to live past 78 or 80 years of age. Amazingly my friends Grandmother lived to 84. but with leg problems. and Director Alfred Hitchcock who was 100 pounds overweight and had a petuitary gland issues with massive lobster hands died at 80. most people his size would die around age 58-68 years of age. usually with medical aid.

Guys don't usually live past 70 as tall as him. one in 100 like kareem abdul-jabbar is still living at 77 but I think he's had some health issues.

Andre the Giant and 80-90 percent of body builders and Pro Wrestlers die pretty young

this wasn't a kid. 58 is premature death for a normal size person but these guys have serious heart issues do to their hearts having to work much harder. like 20 percent more than the average person. longer blood vessels.

A shit load of highschool and college basketball players have passed our due to their height over excessive cardio on the court. some have had heart attacks. its because of Basketball that all high schools and colleges and even grade schools have defibulators.

Its not the "Clot Shot".
Sophomore Jayvion Taylor, 15, was about 40 minutes into the practice — and in the middle of light drills — when the young student-athlete took a water break, then dropped to the ground just 10 feet from a coach, a Hopewell High School spokesperson told CBS 6 Richmond.

>giant wall of cope about the life expectancy of tall people
>tall people typically die of heart issues
>he died of brain cancer
>not something related to height at all
>diagnosed one year after getting shot
>dead within 3 years
if he had died of myocarditis, you cope would be more plausible
>all that reddit spacing
remember to dilate on time
"Tarpon Springs, FL – Tarpon Springs Police Department (TSPD) Major Michael 'Mike' Trill died on July 15 after suffering a medical emergency at his home.

"TSPD Chief Jeff Young said in a video briefing that Maj. Trill’s wife found him unresponsive in the bathroom of their house at about 12:34 p.m. while he was off-duty that day."

"Alpharetta, GA – Alpharetta Department of Public Safety (ADPS) Master Police Officer Bradley Rocks died on July 20 after suffering a medical emergency.

"The 52-year-old officer was off-duty when the medical issue struck, the ADPS said in a press release two days later.

"Officer Rocks was rushed to a local hospital, where he passed away in the early morning hours with his wife by his side.

"His exact cause of death was not immediately released."

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Good news, everyone! I’ve got the science juice, flowing again!
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Eat shit.
This experiment was unable to be replicated, just like mostly all psych studies.
"A grief-stricken mother has told of her sorrow after her son died of a heart attack while they were on holiday on the Canary Islands.

"David Duck, 43, suffered chest pains and shortness of breath when he and mum Lesley in Caybeach Caleta on the west of Fuerteventura.

"Lesley, 64, is now unsure 'what happens next' due to the communication barrier, as David's body was taken away in ambulance on Sunday. The mum, from Bathgate, West Lothian, often went on holidays with her son following his terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis but this time, David had a severe medical episode."

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R.I.P Caleb Graves

35-Year-Old Runner passed away After Collapsing at Disneyland’s Halloween Half Marathon. As soon as he crossed the finish line, he started grabbing his chest. One of the workers noticed and ran up to him and caught him before he collapsed.

Died: Age 35 (September 8, 2024 - USA)

Cause of Death: Cardiac arrest

TG: diedsuddenlyworldwide

"Like scores of honeymooners before her, Laura Murphy documented the dreamy details of her European excursion on social media, like attending a performance of 'Phantom of the Opera' and a James Bay concert and wandering through London bookstores.

"But Murphy’s posts have drawn millions of viewers largely because of what is missing.

"Murphy, 28, is on a solo honeymoon after her fiancé unexpectedly died the month before their wedding date.

"When her partner, Devon O’Grady, 31, died after a sudden cardiac event in May, Murphy got an outpouring of support from her and her fiancé’s families but still felt alone in her grief, she said."

the experiment in question involves a person being ordered to administer electric shock to another person on the other side of a 2 way mirror. maybe read the fucking experiment before running your ignorant cunt mouth and looking like a tool. the information age is a hell of a thing, it would've taken you 5 seconds to search that.
"A HEARTBROKEN family have paid tribute to their 'beautiful' little girl who tragically died three years after her brother.

"Isabelle Cooper passed away in the early hours of yesterday morning, after being diagnosed with the same rare genetic disorder as her sibling Alexander.

"In a heart-wrenching statement on X, mum Dr Emily Cooper wrote: 'We are devastated to say that our beautiful Isabelle died in the early hours of this morning.'

"Dr Cooper and her husband had four children before the tragic loss of Isabelle this month, and the death of son Alexander in 2021.

"The devastated family previously opened up about the toll Alexander's death, after he suffered a cardiac arrest, had on them."

>3. the blowing up the Georgia Guidestones was the mark that the vaxxine project has begun and the culling begining.
Do any of you remember this happening at the time? Because for me, it feels like I just dropped out of nowhere into a timeline in which the Guidestones were blown up.
you are a retard

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