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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why did Mexicans vote for a full Jewish takeover of their country this year?
They didn't
Jews realized they must subvert Latin America too because most of Latin America is Christian
Gibs, basically. The current party began cutting a bunch of resources to give boomers and neets gibs to get votes.
gotta love that nepotism
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why has usa been voting for a jewish takeover for the last 250 years?
>resources to give boomers
so selling your children to jews isn't just a white boomer thing I see
America has never once elected a Jewish president. You want to claim they serve the Jews, fine, but you guys outright voted a -baum into the presidency.
how many elected jewish government representatives you have today?

also you don't need a kike president to sign billions of dollars of aid to pissrael lmao
All spics are 20-30% kike due to expelled cryptokikes from spain and portugal.
it was hilarious to see spaniards seething because our government told their monarchy to fuck off our country
How is that hilarious? You literally don't have culture, either you are larping as spaniard or try to fit in into white america as "white".
>vote for
>David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz

bros......I can't even with this name
Kersh is no bitch, goy.
The average Ramirez is not aware of the long nose tribe's deeds
>told their monarchy to fuck off our country
The mexicans rebelled because loved the bourbons and were scared that the new constitutional monarchy in spain would cause them to be ruled by spanish bourgeoisie instead of the royal family. Mexishits have since invented a new mythology around their independence to save them from the embarrassing truth that they are naturally love aristocracy.
Mexicans will start dying sooner and in bigger numbers now. I guarantee it.

You lost 3 years off your country's average life expectancy in 3 years of Biden.

pic related, the pedo fags still deny raping kids but openly admit they had corpses down there they were doing jew sorcery in to re-animate them as their "new GOD". Not even joking, that is what that Chabad-Lubavitch (or whatever, we just call it "necromancy") jew cult is all about. I shit you not. No one knows what they did with the corpses, that is what the "riot" was about, a slide to get the corpses out.

these are not good people. There is no way you can say this filth is "good people". Now you know why GOD "Chose them" to play the part of the villains in the story of the hero that comes to save the world.
only a kike would laugh. Simple as
because they worship rabbi yeshua as their cristo rey
this. Also Miguel Hidalgo (their george washington) was a white catholic priest
theyre catholic not christcuck....kike.
America wants to wipe out the cartels this is how theyre doing it
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yes, that's why they chose sheinbaum as their leader
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But I also predict an uptick in number and quality of Mexican drug and kid smuggling tunnels under the border.
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Because meximutts are fucking retarded.
Holy fuck, the Mexicants are going to get circumcised, lots os vaccines and fluoride soon.
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Oh no...I'm so sorry tacobros.
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Nobody is winning here beaner bro. We both suck
>worship my jew or you're indian
bloody bastard bitch
>to fuck off our country
Mexico was Spain.
All Mexicans had spanish citizenship.
You didnt tell the spaniards to fuck off their own country. You just broke your country to pieces.
Enjoy being a powerless pushover
>Pic related "educated in London"

You know, I had little idea how deep central and south America are in US pockets. They can literally install jews to run catholic countries lmao. I knew it was bad but not THIS bad
>believing in democracy
he looks 100% mexican to me amigo
elections aren't real
>Why did Mexicans vote for a full Jewish takeover of their country this year?
because the other 37 presidential candidates were murdered and all that was left was this jew
>crave the white culture
>engage the depopulation program

Baffling. At least Mexico will be an open gate America
first argentina, now mexico, soon all the other south american countries. they realized that south america has already brown goblins as their majority populations so they don't even have to import them and just have to occupy the managerial positions for a full takeover.
the goal is to have jews run all countries and have the goyim do all the work.
simple as.
Chinks had way into amerrican market through mexico, so kikes had to stop that, only kikes can trade with their own slaves.
Weren't there some political assassinations preceding the elections there?
what the fffuucckk, this country is done for
I will forever resent every faggot that voted for morena
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read through 100 pages of his CV and mostly he has worked in studies for liver, hepatitis and shit

but never relax around a jew
Yeah like 40 something candidates killed across Mexico
>the goal is to have jews run all countries and have the goyim do all the work.
correct. and the christcucks know it.
read isaiah 60.

do people still believe this shit? ISSHSYSYGYT
“Science” kikes are dangerous, they see humans as cattle, even more so than regular kikes.
you are now zogxico. welcome to the club jose the mexizog.
Mexico has neets?
How can they afford to be neets I thought mexico was too poor for that
>Mexico was Spain.
>All Mexicans had spanish citizenship.
Lmao, suck a dick jew.
Spain has so much in common with you scum, crying out in pain as they stabbed us.
We have way more culture than you, gypsy. A taco can pretty much fuck your mother and grandmother in geopolitical relevance.
You can be a neet parasite in Latin America if you're at least middle class. Remember Latin America has Balkan tier HDI, not African or whatever.
You think elections in Mexico are real?
Submitting to Jews and letting them destroy your nation is peak white culture
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>goy president
>agency heads and cabinet are all kikes
>goy president is grandfather to ju mischlings

Everything i wrote is true.
Mexicans had spanish citizenship.
Your independence gave you nothing but limiting your range of motion, market and resources. Your "mexican" identity is a fiction.
The spanish empire was a single country. It was just broken by the british funding insurrections.
Damn chrsitians really are just fucking death cult jew slaves.
milei is destroying argentina to send the spics to the usa. mexico will soon have 'trouble' and generate billions of refuges to flood america. plenty more spic countries to convert to judaism. latin america will be the new israel.
The same reason you voted for it.
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You forgot brazil, they literally had a giant satanic festival during rio bravo a couple years back. They legit had a 200 ft tall moloch float. (pic related) happend literally the same day.
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I am white as snow, you are short smelly disgusting brown cocacola-nigger. You don't even have a language, imagine being so buck broken.
Mexicants will be zesty soon too.

Chinks told kikes to fuck off, Mexico is plan B.
Even criollos (100% spanish born in mexico) had less privileges than spainards, which is why the rebellion happened.
Spain fucking sucked and noone liked the king. Which is why people started murdering any spainard on sight. Even Miguel Hidalgo, a criollo who started the rebellion, got slaughtered by its own army.
Jew identity is a fiction. Israel is a fiction, your god is a fiction, yet, there you are, jew.
All abrahamic religions and cults are the same. Not just christcuckery. But the goyble is the only text where they openly admit it to the cattle.

Now you know why Hitler tried to gas em.
Ohhh, buddy. As a guy who has been mongralized by countless diffrent races and had to use an international banking system to steal the what little of your "home country" you have left, maybe you shouldn't be talking about who's identity is and isn't fiction.
elections are fake
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This is true, they have in fact started pandering to them on electoral level from both sides of the same coin, based chinks
isn't it Stalinkowitz though?
Who opened the gates of Toledo, any insights on that kike?
Most of modern kikes are khazar turks who mingled with poles, ukranians and belarussians, it's ridiculous that you try to cover it up and blame Russia as always, but makes sense.
You think the average mexican is aware on JQ?
You don't elect anyone. Everything is decided for us. In Mexico its more blatant. See the cartel killings that ended the lives of like 100 people that ended with AMLO getting into power.
We have 60 languages. We invented showering. Our food and music is known everywhere. I doubt 99% of population recognizes the name of your country.
Only a faggot cares about skin color. You must like sucking dick.
Topkek something like 40 candidates were assassinated. Anyone they wanted to vote for is now dead.

This had to be us doing this.
Born from shit, dies in shit, and only the worms will miss you nigger!
jews love republics fro a reason, you'll understand why very soon
the entire white house is jewish and trump has a book where he talks about his kabbala practice and master
Because the US is now effectively controlled by the same.
Catholics should be. Hispanic Catholics absolutely.
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>We have 60 languages
Yea, so why do you speak Spanish, you buck broken nigger?
>We invented showering
Why do you still smell like fried oil and beans nigger?
>Only a faggot cares about skin color
Keep saying the same old as all brown shitskin mutt mongrel races, wetback shitskins like you are gross.
I imagine Mexican voting is about the same as American voting which is to say easily (((fortified))).
They're farming side quest xp
Cucktholics are fucking clueless about it
Honestly might be a good thing after all. Because this guy is right >>483321417 do you have any idea how hard Covid hit the average sneed oil packed mexichango? We had for a while the absolute highest mortality. We have always had super high diabetes and hypertension numbers.

The average spic eats nothing but sneed oil street food and thinks cocacola is some magic medicine. If this faggot kike at least tries to bring awareness to what real food should be like, I welcome him.

Or, he could be a WHO plant (most likely) that will make vaccines mandatory, honestly Doctor Muerte had the right idea but the indiada in their eternal chase of "becoming le west" demanded mrna crapshots...
They're not even using a shabbo's goy anymore, they're just shoving menorahs directly up your asses, and It's happening in whole South America right now, and it will happen to the west soon. We will see pretty soon rabbis as the only candidates to vote in every single fucking country on Earth.
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Argies don't usually go to the USA, they go to Spain.
Jesus tho
Yashua bar Josef indeed
Funny how gringo copes about their country being an Israel proxy by posting about how in Mexico we have an old jewish man in an irrelevant health position, lmao.
Sheinbaum is AMLO's puppet that is just following line by line everything he could not finish doing, by the way.
In USA gringo is jewish puppet. In Mexico, jews are mexican's puppet.

Why do you speak english? Same reason.
I smell better than a slovakian snownigger that smells of alcohol, piss, goat dung and gypsy sweat. You probably have a mongolian face and are barely literate. What the fuck is slovakia even?
How many Latin-American countries are ruled by Jew?

The ones that I remember

Who else?
So this is why the spanish are obsessed with mexicans, it's the only thing they know and when they hear argentinians speaking they think they are "panchos". It's like how unaware americans think anyone who speaks spanish is mexican.
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How long until Mexico is 35 Trillion dollars in debt?
>Sheinbaum is AMLO's puppet
I'm sure it's the other way around
>mexisharts seethe when Maximilian I could of made them first world empire
Why are mexicans bending over for jews who will plunge them down further to a shithole despite resisting when a white person came to save their asses?
He looks kind. I think he will be good for the beaners.
Now that Mexico has a jewish president you can bet they’ll import niggers rap and drugs, homosex and be pro Israel.
Literal estas retrasado, a quien verga le importa lo que hizo españa hace 500 años. Pinche indio nopaludo puñetas
those things already exist here, it's called reggaeton and it encompasses the rest of what you listed, there's also narcocorridos to brainwash the low IQ to join the cartels
Tacos are Lebanese. Kek. Al Pastore is fucking Lebanese. Mexican cuisine, that anyone cares about, is Lebanese. We don't care to eat cow guts; that's Mexican. All the other stuff is lebanese or European.
>muh guacamole
Her opponents were all murdered
hello sir, have you redeemed your dead uncle from the gangrenes river? he has been adding a little too much pulp to our ganges soda and we keep having to do a needful filtering but it's just so expensive, please sir
>'Tacos are lebanese'
>Maize and Corn are mexican, taco is a nahuatl word, tortillas are mexican, only the 'pastor' meat is lightly inspired in lebanese food
>'We don't care to eat cow guts; that's Mexican.'
>Cows were brought in by spain
>'Everything else is lebanese or european'
>Italian food is based on tomato sauce, which is mexican
>'muh guacamole'
>eats guacamole by the millions and gives us tons of money because of it
It's just astounding how retarded the average gringo is. It's like talking to a fucking animal lmao.
it's a jeet, just call him a shit eater rapist
Finally someone intelligent. Polcels never acknowledges that each country has a tail to step on.
None of what you said is true. Lebanese aren't Indians, either. Lebanese immigrants designed modern Mexican cuisine with Lebanese traditions. This is a proven culinary fact. You fags made tortillas but it took a Lebanese person to fill it with anything but air.
>hurrr durrr they're a jeet
I'm talking about Lebanese people. Do you even own an atlas or have seen a globe? People of the Levant aren't jeets, retard.
the one place hitler runs off to also favors antisemitic sentiments so kikes push them selves to a almost lawless country just so they can manipulate domestic interests
too bad it always ends in shit
What do you prefer?
A jew being president that's submitted by the majority (christians) or a jew oligarch that usurps your nation's both population and government?
>You literally don't have culture
Mexico is more cultural than all Europe combined.
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democracy is jewish bullshit to keep people passive while they take over our countries through corruption, terrorism and organized crime
You know you sound like a contrarian faggot by trying to deny that tacos are Mexican, right? I don't care if some sand nigger in lebanon claims to have invented it. Nobody associates tacos with lebanon.
Just shut the fuck up indian VPN nigger
That's because you're an ignorant fag. beaners weren't making tacos in the 1700s. Is it surprising that kebab is basically a taco and that tacos are meat pilled pockets with some veg? No, because Lebanese immigrants in the 1800s brought their cuisine over and invented the fucking taco fusing local ingredients with their traditional method of cooking.
Is sour creme Mexican? What animals were spics getting cheese from? Why is the kebab so similar to a taco? Ffs beaners didn't create refried beans. They were too busy eating the hearts of their children to please the rain gods at the time.
Do jews own the media in Mexico?
what the jeet doesn't get is that it's specifically the tacos al pastor that are lebanese and that mexicans know because it's trivia, they are just kebabs made of pork, the bread we eat here is called "french bread" so it's not even that we never accept some things come from other places, something an indian would never accept because everything must come from india, the source of civilization, culture and religion
Beaner angry he got caught stealing from lebs.
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Congratulations Ramirez, two more weeks and maybe mongrel mutts like you will actually have your own language instead of being dependent on Spanish.
there's also japanese peanuts which are actually mexican, they were just made by a japanese man, like the lebanese made tacos de trompo (trompo being the massive kebab)
I think this is the same idiot that haunts /ck/ threads.

He/She They/Them goes after British food in particular, claiming it's all from America unless that so is stupid, they will claim it comes from another country.

Eggs and Bacon were invented in the USA apparently?

Get's nasty when confronted.
Hello sir, I always see a serbian flag and an american flag in jeet threads, you wouldn't know anything about this would you? Curious how culture is always one of the things those pesky indians are obsessed with
Mexican culture is based on European culture and their popular cuisine is a fusion of levantine cooking, Spanish influence and regionally sourced ingredients. Which is why no one was saying shit about Mexican cuisine before the 1900s. Tex Mex isn't Mexican either. It's just European cuisine, Lebanese fusion based on the ingredients available. Mexicans haven't produced shit. Even Mexicans aren't Mexicans. Kek. It's like saying NY pizza was invented by new Yorkers. You mean native Americans? Lel. Nah, Italian immigrants to the area. Just like tacos. Lebanese immigrants to the area.
they must've (((had no choice)))
Televisa is the only jew owned media and it's pretty much easy to avoid because mexicans notice the BS they're posting.
Avocados and Oaxaca cheese are still better than McDonalds.
I'm talking about tacos in general, mutt. Not sandwiches on French bread. Don't act like al pastor isn't served on corn tortillas and don't act like Lebanese people didn't teach you how to make tacos. You fuckers were eating plain fried massa on a fucking rock until the 1800s.
>Lebanese bring vertical rotisserie to Mexicans to cook meat for tacos
All tacos are Lebanese guys
>salted and dried goat-cheese curds was invented by Mexicans that didn't learn about salted preservation until the Spanish arrived
Top fucking kek.
Fuck ‘em why should I care about brownoids that larp as white latinX would be happier on right xwitter anyways
>Get's nasty when confronted
indian behavior
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Most of Protestantism came from Catholics. Ask a seventh day adventist. Imagine listening to Christ detractors that don't know shit on this board.
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Curious, why are you both brown, short and smelly? Why do you share so much with jeets, I wonder? Also, not a smerd.
Indians might as well be kikes to latinX imagine being that Buck broken by people that consume feces and shit on streets
They brought more than that. Beanies aren't tiny because the gravity is higher beantown. It's because they didn't eat meat. They ate fried massa and the cope that Spanish put on them.
Same with the Chinese vs the mongols. Grainfed vs meat and milk fed. Implying that Mexicans invented tacos because they are widely associated with Mexico is like saying hamburgers are associated with the Cherokee nation because they were popularized in the u.s.
Mexicans don't even speak their own language. They are a completely subjugated people.
Yeah, I mean we're really getting down to brass tacks now. jews take over and now you have to deal with their sycophant jeet shills telling you they invented everything. It's the same thing here. Believe them or else when they tell you african-americans invented everything. It doesn't matter if you've had tacos your whole life and never a peep about fucking lebanon. Niggers invented everything and y'all just stole it. We wuz kangs unless it's negative... then we dindu nuffins.
you say vote like theyre going to count them.
Save yourselves.
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Except the fact that the Lebanese are less subhuman than mexicans. People in Lebanon don’t worship coca cola
What a horribly fact free thread.
At least three out of the 19 are jewish, Sheinbaum, Kershenobich, Godoy.
At 0.05% population according to Wikipedia, this is a 300 times overrepresentation.
It has a 1 in 8 million chance of being random.
Lebanese immigrants aren't jeets, you fucking retard. Lebanon is like 3000 miles away from India. Lebanon is closer to italy than India by almost half the distance it is to India.
In your comparison the mexicans are the niggers claiming they invented something.
christcucks always support jews and vote them into power.
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>At the time when the king took his meals food was served to [his personal servants] with equal profusion and rations were likewise dispensed to their servants and followers. His larders and wine cellars were open daily to all who wished to eat and drink. The meal was served by some three or four hundred youths. The dishes were innumerable since on every occasion that the king ate or drank every manner of dish was served to him, whether it were meat, fish, fruit, or herbs of whatever kind was found in the land. Since the climate is cold every plate and dish had under it a little brazier filled with lighted coals that it might not get cold. All the dishes were placed in a large hall in which he took his meals. It was almost entirely filled but kept ever fresh and clean, the King himself being seated on a small delicately fashioned leather cushion. While he ate some five or six ancient nobles stood a little way off to whom he gave morsels from his own dish. One of the youthful servitors remained on foot to place the dishes before him and remove them, and he requested from others who were further off anything which was lacking. Both at the beginning and end of the meal he was always given water with which to wash his hands, and the towel on which he dried his hands was never used again, nor likewise were the plates and dishes on which the food was brought ever used twice and the same with the little braziers which were also new for every meal. Every day he changed his garments four times, always putting on new clothes which were never worn more than once (pp. 96-97).

Cortés, Cartas de Relación.

1500s, and way cleaner and richer than the richest disgusting jeet alive now.
Most of the heebs in power were voted for by democratic party voters. Not people anyone associates with Christianity. Name a single jewish republican in power and I will name 30 jewish democrats. You're a little weasily bitch. Anyone ever tell you that?
Antisemitism must be skyrocketing in the beanlands kek
Lol. This is hilarious. Not only does it prove nothing about what I've posted it only proves the king ate with his hands. Kek. No mention of what the food was. No mention of its quality. Just that there was a lot of it and he ate with hands while others didn't eat.
Half of the Jews, the white passing ones, will move to new Ukraine once the war is over, and the other half, more Arabic and tan looking ones, will move to Mexico, and then kvetch endlessly about how they are the historic residents of those countries.
What's hilarious is how illiterate you are. You can't grasp more than two sentences lmao.
>while others didn't eat
>with EQUAL profusion and rations were likewise dispensed to their servants and followers.
I am giving you sources and books, you are supposed to read the whole thing, monkey.
I can't post the whole book, but anyone with half a brain can pretty much see you are no smarter than a dog and you are only throwing lies at others, just as you throw shit in your cultured national parties.
No offense but he really doesn’t need to read any of it. Pretty much like 80% of Mexican history is just giant cope, the 10% is tortillas and beans, and 10% is aztec we wuz level shit
when will you niggers get it through your head that elections are completely fake these people are appointed at the behest of war financiers and central bankers
No offense, but your national heroes are Drake and Justin Bieber, which are major faggots, and I don't give a fuck about what a retard like you can say.
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Whatd you say about our national heroes, brother?
Okay and this is better than a drug lord and some ass shaking harlot, how?
And Bieber has some bangers.
My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone. That’s deep.
This has absolutely nothing to do with I was talking about. The fact that this is the best you could come up is a concession of defeat.
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holy fuck we are doooneeeeee from inside, expect triple flouride water, 5x more gmo foods, more pesticides and herbicides, my bet is that they will make a give away of methanphetamines all over to spread drug adiction like the dumbster of usa
>concession of defeat
indian behavior, I saw it in a thread yesterday
Mexico is surprisingly mono-racial. They want to import niggers.
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>Mexicans will get hooked on drugs, rather than just producing them
Oh, the horror
Because indios are fucking stupid. No, seriously. They don't even know what a jew is! They are too fucking dumb to know anything about history or any other thing other than their bubble of poorness and filth.
Also because they received the "Great" amount of around 150 dollars in cash every two months.
Every mexican flag defending jews itt? they are either jews or dirty indios that sold their soul for 75 dollars per month.
>he doesn't know
worst of all perhaps
>he is unaware

niggers already come here daily to enter the US illegally, the new openly kike government will make things worse, there's already a ton of jeets doing this, and chinese, syrian, fucking everything.
USA is a truly great country with great culture and history that has built so much for humanity. We both have love for freedom, which is why we fight continuously with each other. We will never let ourselves be ruled by each other. However, I can't like you whenever you underestimate us or deny what is great in us. We are indeed very different peoples, but I hope it stays that way.
We don't really have ass shaking harlots in mexico. We have musica ranchera and regional. José Alfredo Jimenez mogs Bieber.
they will poinson us with the corn even more, kosher tax on corn? every tortilla will have a kosher tax too
Jews will import niggers as a biological weapon and give them special rights and gibs all the while accusing them of Mexican supremacy.
>Name a single jewish republican
literally almost all of them. are you daft?
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i am afraid mexibros, we are in the begining of the roller caster downhill to shiet, they will use the argentina model, plunge the peso to 0, so then the jew billonaires buy the country at discount.
Pretty son Mexico City will have an nigger basketball team and Mexican women will be twerking for rich niggers. Jews will own the teams of course.
> ...Sheinbaum
> ...Stalnikowitz

What a coincidence!
These are liberal, intellectual jews. The jews that are doctors, engineers, etc.

You have greedy bank jews. A terrible plague indeed.

>error error, too much nuance for the /pol/tard 404 does not compute
saar, I know you self-insert as the nigger in your favorite BBC porn but as I explained these things are already done
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>muh voot matters
fuck off to reddit you fucking retard
Shut up, Lebanese Paki. Get mogged by Yahoods lmao.
I can't believe /pol/ still didn't know about kershenobich, I was the one who posted about him in an anti-mexican thread by a spanish flag(jeet). Unfortunately for the jeets, they don't understand that we accept the problems of our country and don't try to defend it by deflecting everything and blaming our direct neighbors/saying they are worse, so every time these threads are made other mexicans become aware of what's coming. Although I suppose we don't a paki equivalent because it's only the indians who are abhorrent and filthy so we don't have others to deflect to
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These fuckers are so good I ate a bag almost every day when I was in Mexico
it's officially over for us, I hate kikes like you wouldn't believe

the average Mexican got brainwashed HARD by these fucks, at the very least my dad and my sister both voted for this whore even though I tried my absolute hardest to redpill them on the JQ.. I suppose it can't be helped now unless someone is brave enough to just go there and kill her

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