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Disgusting poo parasites in GA charging 10 dollar a gallon for gas.

kill them
Inb4 lolbertarians and foids defend brown ppl
this is how capitalism work
it's not price gouging if the gas actually costs more to source and ship
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It's easy to imagine gouging local Whites for gas in one moment, and bleeding out in the middle of a disaster area with a mortal stab wound the next.

Brave poo, really. Hope nobody gets desperate.
Is it really an emergency situation if you can all crowd around an operational grocery store gas station and complain about prices?
How do you figure?
Literally just fucking steal the gas from the port every station has in the ground. Vacuum that shit up.
Its not even guarded.
picture this, an unincorporated community is blown to pieces now they have to go to the city to find supplies. Oh I guess they should go fuck themselves because they're inbred hicks and not city slickers huh?
Go fuck yourself faggot.
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this is why anyone who says jeets are "the good immigrants" is a fuckin retard
that’s capitalism mayo monkey get rekt
every single non white is a rampant scammer dude, the only honest non-whites are koreans and japanese
>Disgusting poo parasites in GA charging 10 dollar a gallon for gas.
This is the same thing as airlines charging 8k a seat to get out of lebanon, and the state department saying this is fine.
Well what's the emergency? Being in the city, or high prices, or both?
>Literally just fucking steal the gas from the port every station has in the ground. Vacuum that shit up.
Its not even guarded.

Interesting . We have BLM niggers on /Pol/ now
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increased prices during disasters leads to people conserving items (in this case gas) rather than rushing in to buy it while it's cheap to the point that it potentially runs out of stock.

in other words: it disincentivizes people from stocking up on 4 cans of gas and allows for the better allocation of resources to those who need it despite the fact that the price is higher than normal
we always have, this place gets raided by trannnies, kikes and shills constantly
silence streetshitter we both know you have nothing of value to ever add to a conversation

Keep saying that niggoid. Your personal headcanon wouldn't stop us from being far more relevant than your fenatyl huffing ass will ever be
How do you run out of something faster if fewer people are buying it?
i know huwhites dont care to know the different castes and regional shades of brown

these people are gujratis
they come to canada and do the same shite
discriminate against other shades of brown because they think they're the superior caste
they're basically less smart jews larping as a master race
maybe you can become relevant one day if you redeem all the shit off your streets subhuman
why do gujratis come to canada
Wait but I thought cities would always be the ones to suffer in times of crisis? Did you guys lie again?
I've found Vietnamese to be ok, but we shouldn't have large numbers of any non-whites.
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That capitalism!
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>maybe you can become relevant one day if you redeem all the shit off your streets subhuman
This. It is going to naturally conserve the amount of gas and allow more people to have at least some.
The poo is most likely not thinking like this and just greedy but the end result is the same.

Idk. Here they are stereotyped as money minded jews
All of the sudden republicans don't like capitalism. Supply and demand baby. Gas is getting harder and harder to come by in those parts because the roads are blocked off by debris.
you run out fast if prices stay low and everyone and their mother goes out to stock up on [item]. raising prices helps prevent this and hopefully allows those who really need it to purchase said product, even if they have to pay extra.
silly predictable subhuman give my thread another bump while youre at it
The price mechanism will naturally ration a scarce resource, imagine that!
He has full access to the pumps inside and can switch them off. Why not just say people are only allowed a certain number of gallons?
Stinky Pajeet is more American than all the crying gas Karens.
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Actually no
What the pajeet doing is highly illegal and will be slapped with a six-figure fine if just handful of people report his ass
Purposely jacking up prices during an emergency was always kike behavior and people getting in shit for it isn't even new (Covid scamdemic had a bunch of people get in shit for trying to sell wholesale TP for $500 and shit like that)
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Free market.
Put a gun to his head, lock him up in the cooler inside, and open up the pumps for free gas to all.
That makes more sense, I thought you were saying increased prices leads to running out of stock but I misunderstood.
jeets can only count when they are scamming
the legal and sensible solution is to impose limits on sales rather than gouging prices
Harder to enforce, the price is going to speak for itself and ought to cause less confrontation. You seriously think micromanaging how much everyone is getting is better than merely raising the price?
great to know
when SHTF I will help you NOT
Not for you to dictate. He may choose to reinvest his profit into providing the community more gas or he may use it to but some suddenly worthless property. Not your concern, in fact.
There were enough fist fights at the pumps in Nova Scotia when the power was out for three weeks. That wasn't even disaster turf. The jeets going to get roped. Kek.
Always going on about your guns just take the petrol its in the middle of no where during a natural disaster what are the feds going to do
Look at you all turn full blown communist when shit hits the fan OH NO NO NO WE HAVE TO MAKE PRICE GOUGING ILLEGAL FUCK WHAT THE MARKET IS SAYING WE NEED GOVERNMENT TO MANIPULATE THE PRICE bunch of pathetic confused people
Look the little whiny bitch is made he can‘t afford to take all the gas.
Inadvertent Poo Dubya.
don't worry, trump will repeal this and return you to proper capitalism
Free market capitalism and supply and demand. I thought you guys loved the free market? Oh, NOW you want price controls and communism?
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sigh. why is pol infested with fucking morons now? (since 2015...) it takes no time to look up this activity, see it is a state crime, and NOT post bullshit under a meme flag. i hate the hebrewindiots so damn much.
>You seriously think micromanaging how much everyone is getting is better than merely raising the price?
after the fines he’s about to get hit with he’s negative profit for the day, but these poos have actually been gouging for a few days now so I’m expecting a six digit fine. If they’re still in business after that they won’t have any business outside of their poo family members. That town will hate these people forever. They’ve fucked themselves beyond recovery with their third world greed. So yes, I do think micromanaging distribution would have been a better choice for these shitty brown retards.
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Costs go up during emergencies, and disasters, and you should incentivize people to stockpile emergency goods. By barring any price increase you make it so the only source of goods is the black market, where you're paying 10000% of a items cost instead of 150%.

The government isn't going to get you gas in a emergency, you've seen the typical disaster response, which is "You get nothing, get fucked." depending on charity in a emergency is a terrible plan.
easily solved by just rationing and limiting x per customer. Keeping the price the same but only allowing a person to pump $10 worth would make sense to make sure everyone who needs gas can get it since there isnt a re-stock coming for a while.
my takeaway from this thread is that all lolberts are pedophiles that do not own property
Hey OP you fucking retard, this video is the market telling you to guy buy a bunch of gas in one state, drive it over there, and flip it for a profit. You could retire right now if you do this enough, but instead you're here posting like an economically illiterate child. You have limited time before the crisis ends, but you'd rather be retarded and poor. If you listen to me, everyone wins, you make money, they get gas.

If people listen to you, and price fix, then THERE WILL BE NO GAS once the cheap supply is used up. No one makes money, no one gets gas. Do you fucking understand?

>they're shitskin pajeets
and you're as low IQ as they are.

You can hate browns and the economically illiterate at the same time, in fact they have a lot of crossover. Up your racism you fucking poser.
I made a long post because I live in Augusta and this fucking website censored my reply. I've been to this fucking gas station. Fuck you nigger jews.
Looks like you were right.

So long as foreigners are given special privileges to buy gas stations, this will always be a problem during any major natural disaster. Oh they’ll cut their little brown friends and families deals, but the Americans? They will be gouged. In my city whenever we had a natural disaster it was always the one or two foreigners who owned quick stops or gas stations gouging on gas and water. Now that the majority of these businesses have been given to chinks and poos the next disaster is going to be an even bigger disaster. I never remember white business owners price gouging around here. It’s always foreign browns.
Even easier to solve by minding your own faggot business and letting people figure it out themselves.
whites should uprise if they all werent such faggots now
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Fuck off and attend to your heaping inferno of trash that your created, you shit eating demoniac.
kill yourself subhuman kike
You're spiritually jewish and thus concluded to be an Indian.
Yeah, whites should act like niggers and steal shit if feds won’t fix prices for them
Jesus, the health is overflowing with this kid.
you dont understand scarcity, kike brain. ThEy ShOuLd GiVE iT aWaY FoR fRee! amirite?
>jacking up prices
hey retard, actually reply to this, dont just sheepishly ignore it or suddenly pretend you can't read. When supply stays the same, and demand suddenly goes up, and prices are prevented from correspondingly rising, what happens to the supply?

what happens dummy?

Cmon dumbfuck. ANSWER.

Just gonna sit there silently and seethe because you know you're wrong? That's what I fucking thought, fuck off now.

>But the law says
I dont care if God himself fixes the prices. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SUPPLY?!?!
Price gouging during an emergency is just a form of rationing. If the price was the same as it is in fucking Delaware that whote woman would be filling barrels full for herself. It's called supply and demand.
Stealing from poos is justified. They don’t belong in the USA
What's worse is that is an actual white kid that is so fucking retarded from running away from an education they assume this is a not only a viable business strategy (its illegal) but they're also to big of a zoomer pussy to put it to the test. An all around worthless sack of shit.
To summarize, there is no such thing a civilized society with this shit happening. There is no applicable social contract amongst the third world hordes. The leftist jew niggers in the thread espousing muh capitalism are leftism jew nigger faggots. Augusta is literally a disaster zone.
There's virtually no lolberts on here anymore retard.
How dumb are you? It’s called rationing. Limit each customer to X gallons of gas. During a natural disaster governors enforce rationing as well as curfews.
Hang jeets and their lolbertarian dick suckers
Complete newfag.
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actually no u, you fucking nigger. Kikes fix prices, you wanna see the kike, look in a mirror. God damn it, every single hurricane you slimy jew niggers crawl out of the woodwork to betray your economic illiteracy, I have grown to hate you.
Indeed. That jeet will end up strung up on the price signage and be a message for others. That's what people would do if they were allowed to figure it out for themselves.
>There is a shortage of X product
Extant of government regulation, raising the price is what a rational and moral actor would do in this situation. I am aware of a regulation that applies pricing as it concerns nearby gas stations prices (that it should not be to dissimilar).
As far as the community turning against him, whatever lmao. The force of convenience will overpower any attempt at relation from would-be boycotts. Guarantee that.
the other alternative is mobbing the owner, locking him in the closet and just taking all his gas for free, which would be a fairly rational response to a price gouger in a natural disaster but obviously comes with some issues...
The south of today is not the south of 100 years ago. 100 years ago they would have strung this jeet up from the nearest tree. Nowadays they just whine on xitter and then drive off blasting Jellyroll wood-hood shit from their lifted F-150s.
What the fuck are you talking about? The lolberts either fucked off years ago or gradually realized their austrian/chicago school nonsense is 100% jewish, right down to Ayn Rand and Mises.
The supply goes away and never comes back because this isn't a vaccum anf instead an emergency situation you absolute mongoloid retard.
Here. Have a read since to btfo your entire retarded argument you histrionic high-school drop out.

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not reading, heres some dinner you subhuan negroid consider it your final meal
they could, but someone who needs more for whatever reason and would have paid a premium for it otherwise, may be prevented from acquiring what they need. someone could also go to other stores to bypass a limit on quantity "allowed."

This is actually how capitalism works and its why libertarianism and the NAP fail.
He's gonna be in a world of shit.
Cool. Now fuck off back to the economically illiterate corner to be molested by tim walz's gigantic retarded son.
And Trump's promising us even more jeets.
Hitler would not stand by as Indians grow fat off of Whites caught up in misfortune.
NatSoc controlled private industry if deemed it was for the good of the people; there is a reason why in horseshoe theory it is pointed out that Communists and Nazis mirror each other and this wasn't entirely lost on Hitler even when he commented on the connection.
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>posts retardation
>calls others economically illiterate
Pottery. Read my post that links the fucking federal statutes making this illegal, retard. Or run away like the found out retard you are.
You sound like Zimbabwe niggers eating all the farm animals that they stole from whites before promptly starving to death. The fucking Pajeet is the one bringing the shit in while white gas Karens kvetch and queef
He's correct
And this is also correct.

>t. Former lolbert
No. The American population is chock full of Spiritual Kikes. They would break this rule by repeat purchase.
Yes, I want what is best for my people. This means no written law is above reality and all is in flux.
Beat the Indians with whips, take over the gas station, only sell the fuel to Whites with a limit per family at a price that is no more than 1.5x market rate.
The pajeet isn't bringing fuck all in retard. The supply is what it is. He's profiteering and price gouging. He's taking full advantage of a tragedy of the commons coupled with a natural disaster. He's lucky he's still sucking air.
>only the government is allowed to bring relief, by contracting the giant corporations, which charge 10 times of what the hustler would be charging
>but it's okay, cause it's free (paid by tax payers)
same thing, you dumb kike
I can't because the government will steal all of my money, and put me in prison if I did. I can't sell it at a price higher than the non-emergency locals price, so anyone who tries to ship gas in loses money.
Issue being whites turning into socialist niggers and throwing civilization out the window the second times get tough. Gonna be interesting when ubs collapses and mountain Jew faggots such as yourself get to show us what Switzerland is really about
His Gas, His Station. So what. why not make 2-3 times as much. Isn't Capitalism an American thing to do?
>what if
Do you think making things affordable only for the rich is a better alternative?
Regardless, price gouging fuel is a felony and I've already posted the bill. These jeets are fucked.
ok anarcho-lolbertarian, I disagree with your idea, bench 225, have a rifle and 10 of my friends are in the crowd.
Price gouging is NOT rationing. Actual rationing is rationing/limiting amount of sale. Price gouging takes advantage of desperate people. Price gouging also prices poorer people out. You’re just making sure only wealthier people have access to a necessary commodity.
>What the pajeet doing is highly illegal and will be slapped with a six-figure fine if just handful of people report his ass
Nothing will happen to him because he's brown and one of the many "hard working immigrants" our government, robber barons and slumlords want to import to fuck over the average American citizen.
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I honestly hope someone comes in a gun point and forces them to give their fuel away for free.
Oh good so you've passed econ 101.
now let's see if you pass econ 102
What happens when the government passes laws (like the one you linked) fixing prices and ignores the natural laws of supply and demand.

What happens?

let's go, keep answering.

Don't ignore.

Tell ya what, educating you is symphisian, this will take forever. The answer is they cause shortages, which is what has happened in every socialist country since the dawn of time. And will happen in America if you keep shilling for communist laws like S.3920

so you're wrong. I dont care if you personally arrest and shoot every "price gouger" for being so very very VERY mean to all the poor poor people that you dont actually give a shit about and wont lift a finger to help, and who also had a week to prepare and refuse to.

EVERY. SINGLE. HURRICANE. This exact fucking argument. Every time bro! I remember dunking on some ignorant nigger about this exact thing during Katrina. It never ends.
If you want to help these people, go fill up some barrels full of gas, drive it over there and give it away. You'll go bankrupt quick, so maybe, just maybe, it may make sense to sell it to them? You'll go bankrupt slower that way, unless of course you sell it for a dirty dirty profit, but then you'd be doing exactly what you demonize.

Fucking hell.
They will quietly have all of their extra profits taken away and seethe endlessly.
Trump wants to import MORE pajeets because he's utterly controlled by the Dark Enlightenment technololbers like Thiel. He wants to replace spic immigration with jeet immigration. He's as scummy and worthless as every other politician and hates Americans as much as the rest of them do.
Oh right stinky Pajeet used his honorary Jew magic to make the gasoline magically appear for sale. Not like he invested anything beforehand into delivering it to the market. Not like higher prices could help deliver more to the market faster either. Also, the tragedy of the commons is when retards like you claim common ownership of things like what you gas Karens are doing with pajeet’s gas. Stay retarded, asshole
It's not just poor people. Lolberts get the rope, you're a tool of the jew and are as bad as any scum sucking communist, you're just too stupid to admit it.
The fucking supply was there before the disaster. His profiteering after the fact he was connected to an enormous supply chain is irrelevant. Fucking jewish golem.
No they won't. If he was white, yes. If he was Asian, probably. If he was black, possibly. But brown, either of the spic or jeet variety? Forget it. Our government worships shitskins.
damn bro I'm impressed
you really typed all that out with a pair of brown nuts slapping your chin the whole time
Am i supposed to believe that you can't afford that? You lying rat.
So when white people at Uber do surge pricing thats fine
But when Indian people do surge pricing its bad?
ok, fucking racists shits
What a weak bench holy shit, i hope your 14
The gas station cleark should limit the amount of gas sold. He can easily do it with the flip of a switch with modern gas pumps. The downside is if he does this, he is far more likely to get mugged by an angry mob if he overcharges.
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Symphisian isn't a word and you type like a boomer having a stroke. You're a butt ugly retard and you suck off dogs in your spare time. The supply and demand argument is solved by rationing and price gouging is fucked because everyone knows the average shortsighted scumbag that gouges doesn't give a shit about supply and demand they just want to abuse a situation to get quick cash off of desperate people. 99 times out of a hundred they get fucked up by Uncle Sam anyway, which by the way you will never be able to do shit about. Because like with all things you won't do shit. Ever. Lolberts are a joke.
>lmao you went to college!!!??? Well I didn't
I can tell. You can't even read on-the-books laws. Best of luck, retard.
damn your cousin coming to visit over the summer holiday in a new AMG got you that seething?

What is civilised about putting law and economics above personal well-being in exceptional circumstances?
Laws are made for the benefit of people, not the other way around.
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He already paid for that gas 10 days ago
Fuck him. Burn his store down.
even easier to just raise prices. wrf is wrong with you?
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>What a weak bench holy shit, i hope your 14

guarantee these guys have white wives too. Georgia been been taken over.
>ITT: Subhumans seethe at helping your fellow man.
Mighty non-white of a lot of you. Kek.
I won't explain why, but yep. Fuck you, I hope you are murdered in the street.
Easy to act like this when all your neighbors are Swiss and you likely trained with them unless you're just a VPNigger.

I'm a Fascist. Every lolbertardian I have seen defends the Indians.
fire fixes all things
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amazing how many economically illiterate, feel-good retards there are on /pol/. might as well be right-wing reddit in here.
people can go to another gas station, or store, or whatever sells the products being "rationed" and double-dip, or triple-dip, or send family members to essentially do the same thing. increasing the price is the only way to conserve supply and ensure that those who really need it can get it. the increase in price also typically leads to an influx of supply from out of state which helps increase supply and lower cost.
Doesn’t fucking matter if it was. Either way Pajeet is the one who invested in making it available and if the community wants Pajeet to continue to make it available then they’d better show some god damn appreciation and fucking work with him instead of acting like ungrateful and feral niggers!
Wowzzers from 13% to 52% in 10 years. The porn addict problem in India is going to get worse.
so much for the noble spirit of the Brahmin pajeet. They are just as bad as dalits.
>people can go to another gas station, or store, or whatever sells the products being "rationed" and double-dip, or triple-dip, or send family members to essentially do the same thing.
Sounds like jeet behavior to me
all the white trash have exposed themselves ITT
Fuck off Pagans. I'll fucking stab your face off if given the legal right to do so.

Shit fag
Easy to be a fascist when nobody is telling you what to do.
The point in my previous post is that without any common authority, whether derived from law or civic virtue, only might makes right. So unless you mog me I decide what happens and you shut the fuck up and do as I say.
It’s the nanny state bullshit calling for communism when the filthy stinky Pajeet is actually the one who is working to rebuild civilization in a moment that it has crumbled
I don't mean to be rude but FUCK OFF NIGGER
Shut the fuck up. you're no whiter you fucking Gypsie Slavic Faggots

Broke ass bitches
not my problem
You'll do fuck all. Go and get your toy guns out you cuck haha
Might makes right is right.
That's why Switzerland cucks to EU law despite not even being in it.
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Can someone explain how the fuck pajeets get the starting capital to purchase gas stations, Subways, motels, etc?

I've never understood how these retarded curry niggers magically own all these brick and mortar businesses
Excuse me but I don't mean to be rude however FUCK YOU NIGGER
Theres no 'we', everyone here hates you shit eating cockroaches
in your situation the pajeet dies and several fathers go to prison for life for the crime of looking after their family's well-being. Its a lose-lose
go suck pajeet's dick for gas, kike
>> I've never understood
and you never will, Failure Whiteboi
At least I don’t have white trash niggerbrain telling me that I gotta punish the guy who won’t gibmedat gas cause I dindu nuffin

preferential treatment in the lending process
its not even big enough to get past my juicy lips
Just work with the guy and don’t be a nigger. It’s not fucking complicated
Most American born citizens do not want to work those jobs, government incentives them. Can't believe I have to explain this to you, you need to be deported possibly
Shut your mouth you filthy shit eating nigger that wasn't a question for you bottom feeders to answer
Dirty pajeet is picking over the bones of civilization because that's all they know how to do.
Ask me how I know you're a dumb impulsive nigger who doesn't understand what it takes to build a lasting "community".
this is based as fuck. poor people getting rekt makes the world a better place. gas should 10x and so rent.
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Im the Kike who would tower over you and beat your ass while fist raping your entire family and they'de love me for it, Poor Boy. You can't even get a girlfriend outside of your own fat cousin, FAGGOT. DO SOMETHING. MEET ME RIGHT NOW. I LIVE IN NYC IN THE UPPER EAST SIDE IN A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR PENTHOUSE


white trash rednecks seeethe

your daughters will suck our dicks for gasoline now
>two jeet invaders with European flags posting from countries they don't belong in runing defense for their fellow shitskin by talking down to whites
I hope racists curbstomp your heads into pulp you repulsive subhumans.
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Their entire culture is centered around scamming and shitting. They offer nothing else to society.
This leaf is correct. Bury these scum.
Disgusting why are you indian, absolute trash society and country
Remember that the only thing jeets, in their long history, have ever accomplished is being a burden on their betters. They're not even good as a slave race. They're truly useless.
Good morning...
They pool their money and have share ownership based on verbal agreements. It works but when shtf they start killing each other.
No you just need to have your socialist eyes gouged out.
wait till the Pajeet are moved into the Cousin Fucking Appalachian region. forcing Rent up and buying out properties that have defaulted on land Tax

HAHAHA they'll all be living in trailers
once again

the fuck timmy gonna do?
Hahahahahaaa an indian nigger safely talking shit here color me surprised when we meet in real life you do nothing but worship the ground we stand on
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for me it's white women...
There is no difference between a fascist and a socialist.
if he can't restock, then $10 a gallon makes sure to spread the gas around to as many people as possible so the horders at the front of the line don't take it all tho.
That's not how rationing works
so much for southern hospitality.
Their whole village chips in and they will slowly bring them in with immigration visa scams. Remember that there are billions of these retards.
No, he can simply impose a limit of how much gallons you can buy. He’s being a Jew.
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Us Muslim aryans warned you for thousands of years that there is only one solution to the Hindu rape rat problem. They are already past 2 billion in population and they shit out 25 million ugly inbred cockroach male babies every year. Either join us in exterminating Hindu rape rats wherever you see them, or hand over your wealth, your land, your countries, and your females to the Hindu rape rats, because they are coming for everything you have.
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This could have easily backfired on him with some redneck snapping his neck and opening the gas line for everyone for free lol.
but you're willing? thought so
Not true. he can limit 2 gallons per car. get in and get out and move onto the next stopping point. filling your tank is a waste of gas because it adds weight which you lose about 2-3 miles Per Gallon. so Hit 2 gallons and move to the next station. distribution that way.

but whatever. I'd be pissed but I'd get it and go. I was paying 8 dollars out in the bay area near SFO South of San Francisco during pandemic
Average price hit close to 7.
We see you all the same stupid fucking muslim, shut your mouth
You didnt explain anything, you shared your retarded opinion and walked out

I'm guessing you're brown
spics dont scare me. i work during siesta time
I hear that talk but dont see the walk.
Do it if you're so fucking bold
Isn't it amazing how free market capitalism is no longer a solution on /pol/ when it's about $10 gas?
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Simple fact is that stinky Pajeet is the one getting it done real American style while gas Karens seethe.
I don't care about free markets I just hate jeets
same thing,.dummy
One of the leaf flags is probably a jeet too because he's talking about gujaratzis or whatever like anyone cares about gay jeet caste shit, same way they try and deflect to Pakis. Here's a hitn: you're all the same smelly worthless jeet and need to fuck off.
lol why complain
white people wont do shit about it
>buy a bunch of gas in one state, drive it over there, and flip it for a profit.
I'm sure it's perfectly legal to sell gas directly out of a tanker truck.
You fucking retard.
Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN
please see response below
looks like croatia is the vpn of choice today for the hindoo internet defense force
>price gouging by shartmartson
That's supply and demand, get used to it
>price gouging by poojeetassstation
same, i hate jeets especially the men
/pol/ mostly hasn't been Libertarian "muh free market" delusionpilled since 2016 at the latest.

and yes that's a good thing.
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Nope, everyone who is actually whites knows that whites and Muslims are allies against you Hindu rape rat parasites. Your pathetic larping isn't going to fool anyone, Hindu shitskin rape rat.
Lmao all the useless cretins of human civilisation, spics, niggers, sandniggers, muzzrats seething at pajeets. We could exterminate all of them and nothing of value will be lost
Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN

Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN
This is an arab that is price fixing and is now mad that his host family will know and they cannot play stupid like they did when they came to this country. Yes abdul mohammad, it wasn't enough that you got housing vouchers for 5 years. It wasn't enough that you worked under the table for your host family for 5 years while collecting 5 thousand a month in food stamps and welfare cash assistance. It wasn't enough that you gamed the system by bringing in kids to maximize that handout bringing you total monthly gibs to 10,000.00 usd. It wasn't enough that you got a vehicle voucher during that time and didn't pay taxes on any of it. Not to mention the clothing voucher. Yes , oh yes. The pendulum swings both ways. Just as surely as mohammad piss upon him is getting his ass plapped by jewish rabbi's so too, will you in turn, face down and get your cheeks spread. Those irs agents are for you and your kind. Those new laws permitting them to carry guns to deal with unruly tax dodgers, are for you. Didn't you know. We have new refugees and they just sorely need that money more than you. Thank you for posting all of your ill gotten gains on social media to be archived for all time. Cops love dumb criminals. A picture is worth a thousand words but an arab isn't worth a thousand turds.
>one or the other goy
Nah, rather be a human and get judged accordingly by God.
Lots of people on that twitter thread getting red pilled on pajeets. Tag elon musk or something to make it on CNN
Fuck off pigfucking nigger i'm not even reading that drivel you're born from the same turd as a jeet you're all the same
Shut up nigger, gross
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damn people thought they had the highest average salary in the USA because they work hard?
You are a fucking Paki and thus a jeet. You are also muslim. You are the same worthless piece of trash.
that's not a free market it's a monopoly.
Musk, like the rest of the technololbs orbiting Trump, doesn't want this shit out there because he wants lots of cheap jeet "labor" (they don't actually do any work) imported into the US.
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they haven't imported jeets for a while now, less labor laws in their home country you can legally treat them as slaves
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Either kill them or file a report of price gouging
>Disgusting poo parasites in GA charging 10 dollar a gallon for gas.
Technically illegal there, but mutts are desperate for gas and will pay. I hope every jeet does this. It'll ignite a fierce racism that will somehow unify white and black against the anus of Asia.
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you have to unite to fight us otherwise you not even standing a chance lol
Gasoline has protections against price gouging in many states. They're supposed to either ration it or just let it run dry. Bottled water also has the same natural disaster protections.
he meant sisyphus-ian
The point is that Musk, Thiel, Vance, Vivek, Trump, etc. are not your friend. If you are an American citizen, they hate you just as much as Biden and Kamala do. This is America in Current Year +8. Everyone in a position of even moderate power hates you because you're not foreign.
raising prices IS rationing. jesuz christ, even a jeet is smarter than you
WRONG. The state of Florida WILL stick a regulatory broom up this guy's ass. Texas went after HEB after Harvey, Michigan went after Menards during covid shit.
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Musk and Thiel hate you, as does every CEO in the current day. Trump is a bafoon who surrounds himself with the wrong crowd and Vivek is a scammer. Nice try though still voting Trump
Well yes, flushing a particularly pernicious poo problem takes precedent over preconceived prejudices.
Then you're a faggot. Don't vote for any of them. Do the ol' Mickey Mouse write-in. They're all worthless scumbags.
Nah still voting Trump. You missed (twice)
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>raising prices IS rationing
Not according to Georgia law.
and... how is he going afford the next shipment that cost $10/gal? retard.
raising prices just means the rich get more
rationing makes sure everyone, rich and poor, get some
It would make sense though to charge $10+ per gallon on the next shipment since it will have to be helicoptered in... yes?
Raising prices incentivizes the delivery of more product to the area faster! Rationing prolongs and spreads out the suffering!
>gas station franchisees from India have to "pay" for their products
Their turn-key stores, dingus. They get a percentage from the refinery. Gas stations don't buy gas. They are essentially depots. Also, pajeets get tax free businesses then sign the business over to a cousin after 5 years before they have to start paying taxes and do this forever. Fuck them.
>socialism is bad except when capitalism doesn't benefit me
Americans are so stupid
>pump gas
>dont pay
Its not like they can call the police since what they're doing is illegal.
the government being retarded has nothing to do with how sound the actual economics of it is.
Obviously only White people would be prosecuted, but isn't this a pretty serious federal crime?
You have to pay before using the gas gump in the US.
It is.
>Its not like they can call the police since what they're doing is illegal.

I've had jeets threaten me with the police over cash work lmao, once they see you don't want charges over muh free work Saar you aren't getting paid Saar.

Out of the 5 times I've done work for jeets in the trades they fucked around or "one more thing Saar you do for me" or just didn't pay.

Don't work for jeets, even if your boss wants too.
I bet a dollar on every cousin a jeet has fucked they were only running this scam for like an hour hoping no one would catch on. I went into this jeet bodega a while ago that was selling Arizona ice tea cans for $3. He just stuck a fucking sticker over the .99c stamped label. I was like "bitch, if you're selling Arizona then you have to sell them at .99c because that's the agreement". No, bro. I sell for what I want. $3 or leave.
That's the thing with Arizona, if you sell the shit you can't sell it for more than .99c because the owner is militant about that and won't let his product in your store if you try to sell it for more. Fucking rats.
Sounds like socialism, Americans hate that btw. We have a ruggedely individualistic society, the rich should get more because they worked hard to get more money. Sucks to suck if youre a poorfag, but its your fault in the end.
Damn it would be a shame if something bad happened to him
on 9-11 i lived in a medium sized city in kansas. they spiked the gas price 4X. retards lined up for it. later the state prosecuted everyone for price gouging. point being PEOPLE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS. the end.
now define "gouging" kike. they also say niggers are human
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consider their ass reported. Any profits gained will be forfeited, and the fine imposed will prevent them from ever doing it again.
Welcome to America, bitches.
I had some jeets trying to get me intall microphones in their gas station because "I know these bloody bitches are talking SHIT!!". I told him it's illegal to have mics without signs everywhere and he tried to say he wasn't going to pay me my $100/hr so I started dismantling my work. Kek. "Why can't you just put the mics up and I'll connect them". Because it's fucking illegal you stupid piece of shit and I care more about my money than these niggers talking shit on you lmao.
Which is why communism is superior, that and state atheism
Burn them alive and laugh as they struggle
Playing "fair" and "by the rules" kind of got everyone into this situation, since the enemy doesn't play by the rules. They flaunt their hypocrisy, so you have to weigh in whether the high ground is worth it.

I couldn't steal personally, but neither will I judge a man who has a family to feed, and has to get desperate.
Not if you own a gun. Just about everything can be free if you have a gun.
>enslaves himself to the government out of spite
Japs and north koreans are white enough for me, south koreans are trash.
The economics of price gouging aren't sound unless you think it's OK for citizens to string them up and steal the fuel which. They're violating the NAP without armed soldiers to enforce their egregious act.
where? i know how to install microphones in a public place and i could use $100
There isn't a single person who doesn't answer to a government; your 'gotcha' doesn't even sound intelligent.
I answer to mine just slightly less than you would to yours though.
Seething statist fools replying.
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Go roll the dice at some shitty Indian bodega, I guess. Anymore they just do it themselves, I imagine. This was a long time ago. I moved on to higher tech stuff. Also, you can get into serious shit messing around with commercial security that infringes on people's rights.
No price gouging laws there? Burn the place
Just never work for them lmao.
Price gouging is indeed illegal.
why do you think india is such a shit hole? the country is full of insects who only know to exploit each other as much as possible to benefit themselves
Only POO say that
And other replies demanding the government steps in:
You can simply remember who did price gouging and who did not, once the emergency is over simply boycott them.
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You have to go back to your shithole. I’m sorry,
exactly this
if the gas station can't bring in any more gas, selling it for some meaningless national average will only restrict supply, since it will enable someone to buy up the supply, and set their own (much higher) price
if a hurricane comes through and shuts down essential items, i will gladly pay $10 for gas or a gallon of water
/pol/ has been infested by statists for a decade. They can’t realise that the government is the common denominator which assholes use to ruin things for everyone. Source of intense frustration for me.
Fuck people and fuck society.
We saw it with masks and hand cleaner and toilet paper
The government came down hard on everyone who profiteered.
jesus, this sounds so fake, but its so randomly stupid, wasteful and fully aligns with all the weird superiority (or lack therof) complex all indians have it totally tracks. I live in an area with a lot of blacks and you can tell when their talking shit about you and you what? I don't give to flying fucks lmao.
State correction is required for you libertarian brats
Free market of ideas deems that communism is superior
>if this thing that has never happened to me before occurs I will use my current perception predicated on it never having happened to me to predict the way I will act if it does
Damn, you're kinda dumb. Incredible lack of forethought.
The jeet grindset, go back
That's always how gas stations operate even during regular price fluctuations
>oil price increase: instantly jack up prices of gasoline
>oil price decrease: sorry sar my last shipment was more expensive so price stay same for next month
Capitalism doesn't work in times of crisis. The system only works in times of excess where the lower classes are content enough to not make any ruckus over inequality.
It’s a terribly stupid thing as you’re just constructing a larger government which will work against you. Perhaps you think so long as your guys are in charge it won’t. Unfortunately natural selection decides who is attracted to government; it’s the bureaucratic assholes, so even if you stated with your guys being in power they’ll be replaced eventually.

America even started with a semi-decent bunch of people (albeit with a few assholes mixed in), yet it only took until the 1860s for it to go to ratshit. This demonstrates my point; it always has and will fuckup over time.
That’s “fair” in a way, but it doesn’t solve the problem. There are going to be people with almost full tanks and people with almost empty tanks, and everything in between. Generally, the higher price is going to discourage people who have nearly full tanks. Most of them will go ahead and drive onward, expecting they can get to their destination or at least a cheaper filling station, while those who really need it will pay the elevated price.
Now, a wealthier person may stop and top off his tank anyway, and a poor person may just risk running in fumes to get to the next place, but generally that’s how it will shake out.
Of course, if we had a more ideal society where everyone always retuned their shopping carts and thew their car batteries in the ocean then the full tankers would never even consider toppling off, and they would save the fuel for those who need it, but few places are like that anymore. Unless you are going to argue dumping those stupid rental e-scooters into irrigation ditches counts as both, but I say it’s actually the opposite.
You can report them to the GA attorney general here:

>muh browns!!!
>enslaves himself to spite the browns
You are low IQ and impulsive; dysgenic.
Well their yelp reviews are... not very good. I bet they were always not very good anyway, but this place is absolutely getting raided all over the internet now lol
To be fair, if he didnt, then some boomer would fill his truck bed up with gasoline and noone else could get any
Mental illness. Only stupid or evil people can believe communism is a good idea.
Accuracy in media, right there.
I don't think they realize how much worse things can still get. Isn't the power still out for a ton of people? If it gets bad enough, the first people roving bands of niggers will target are the ones who charged them 10 dollars a gallon for the gas for their generator.
Very reasonable for him to say he’d pay a high price for water rather die of thirst in such a situation.
>Only stupid or evil people can believe communism is a good idea.
Das rite jeet i am coming to loot your price gouging gas station owning ass
That was a 100% true story. I used to install cameras and set up DVR boxes my friends built from pallets of old library and school PCs we got on the absolute cheap. High quality cameras. Air-gapped recording storage was what all the poorfags wanted. Lots of jeets and muslims with convenience stores. We had the perfect hardware and I was an autistic carpenter with xray vision for old newengland buildings.
The jeets and their insecurity was hilarious. They would ask me to hide cameras to keep tabs on their fucking brother kek. That shit is illegal. At least back then.
Afford gas? He should be forced to take his shitskin leach family back to whatever hovel they are from. Fuck you, smooth brain. Buy more gas he says.
>There isn't a single person who doesn't answer to a government
Imbecile. You actively desire this. That’s what I’m pointing out. Typical statist stupidity on display.
Hence why we all need guns; to shoot criminal morons.
Look, there's either a stable power called a government that people can sort of steer or influence with their own guys and hope for the best, or have a fucking anarchy power vacuum where several warlords compete to regain that position.

If your government is that bad, then yes it makes sense to advocate anarchy but only if you really expect the "warlord" you prefer to be able to seize power.
If they can't then there's just nothing else to be done in that situation other than pack up or learn to live with it.
>Price gouging is illegal, and the Office of the Attorney General has authority to prosecute any business that engages in price gouging after a disaster has been declared by the governor or president
Jeet is a criminal
>ctrl+f replace meet with white
How does this change your directive?
You are a total delusional fucking moron man. I'm done replying to you.
Thank the stars you live in the UK where your naivety can be coddled instead of beaten out of you by force.
Shoot yourself then, price gouging is illegal lil kike
So capitalism is having shitskin invaders scam and rip people off in times of crisis? Guess I’m a commie now time to make the jeets face the wall in the name of the people’s revolution
I think it's more reasonable to shoot someone in the face and take their water if they are trying to profit on a natural disaster in the community that it happened. Especially when the supply isn't affected.
>Disgusting poo parasites in GA charging 10 dollar a gallon for gas.

This is no different than what mcdonalds did to the American public when the gouged everyone during the pandemic and the economic recovery afterwards. Same crime. Poo should get deported and charged with price gouging.
Someone bake new bread. I like getting all the midwits and their hot takes on le free market.
>there's either a stable power called a government … or a government.
Alternatively we all have guns. Each man has a significant capability to do violence, and thus the ability for one entity to amass enough capability for violence that it gains a practical monopoly is eliminated.

If it were the 1300s and all we had were swords and bows I’d be more likely to agree with you. However the invention of modern automatic firearms makes it possible for the above due to their ease of use and low cost.
No one needs mcdonalds to go to work or power their house, retard
>If they can't then there's just nothing else to be done in that situation other than pack up or learn to live with it.
Same logic the chinks live with. You advocate for principles that lead to tyranny.
>ease of use
You've never been in a fire-fight, smoothbrain.
>Thank the stars you live in the UK where your naivety can be coddled instead of beaten out of you by force.
Says the freedom loving America. Bizarre. Yet you wonder why your government has deteriorated so.
Anti-trust laws are basically the only laws that protect consumers in anyway. This isn't the hill a smart man wants to die on.
>price gouging is illegal
Appeals to legality in place of morality is very stupid; typical of statists. What is law changes from time and place, it’s illegal to stone gays in the US but not in Afghanistan, its legality is useless for inferring such an actions morality.
>lil kike
>enslaves himself to spite jews
Fuck your small business
How can I replace a word that isn't there? Is English your fist language? Are you currently a non white residing in a white land? Beep Boop.
>I think it's more reasonable to shoot someone in the face and take their water if they are trying to profit on a natural disaster
Without a government you’d be able to do that. However a person predisposed to such impulsive acts is likely to get themselves killed than someone more reasonable; natural selection selects against impulsiveness in a well armed society without strict laws on using their arms.
>Especially when the supply isn't affected.
Then buy it elsewhere you dolt.
>Help! I’m being oppressed by this paki selling $30 water bottles outside Walmart!
No one needs to "power their house" either. Thats a luxury in a time of crisis.
It’s relative you utter fool. You’ve never trained from childhood in using a sword.
Strength, size, age, sex, skill are all much less important in a gunfight than using medieval weaponry. That reduction in requirements is significant enough that a stable productive society without a government is viable.
Overwhelming majority of monopolies exist because of government intervention.
Consider USA insulin prices; all high. Because the government mandates copyright laws, safety regulations, planning laws etc which ensures only 3 companies can produce insulin. More blatant still is you can’t even import insulin from Canada or even Germany to subvert these big 3 companies. I hope you understand someday.

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