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Why did American weapons fail in Ukraine?
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Russian drone footage is such garbage compared to the stuff the Ukrainians put out. I don't understand it.
>Why did American weapons fail in Ukraine?
they didnt fail, they got destroyed in combat
any machine can get destroyed if your shoot at it enough
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This guy neutered the military because his agenda was never about the success of America, it was about dismantling America. While he was doing that, his secretary of state Clinton and his VP Biden were selling state secrets and weapons at massively discounted rates.
poor strategic moves, inexperienced soldiers using foreign equipment, flat terrain filled with mines, drones/rocket barrage can easily take out soldiers coming out of an apc, etc.
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EIGHT fucking Bradleys. Seriously?
It melts because it is aluminum alloy, but mostly aluminum
They downgrade all footage as part of opsec to the point that it becomes impossible to know if it's a complete fabrication or real.
The Russians are successful and not reliant on propaganda. The Ukraine stuff is released pow's to be used for propaganda fodder and it often exposed their methodology. Russians are winning and they don't need to send videos every day because they can just show the map to the news.
Slavs aren't known for their warfighting capabilities.
They succeded in making some kike a lot of shekels.
Ukraine fights the war by means of PR, Russia fights the war by actually taking land
No, Clinton did it when he allowed the MIC to monopolize.
If you hit it with enough explosive everything burns
Imagine replacing low profile and reliable Humvee's with this oversized LEGO toy car
one side prioritizing operational security, one side prioritizing propaganda
Remember ATACMS wunderwaffe? *PLOP*
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Yeah, sure bro. That's what it is for sure.
Why can't Russia take it's own land then? It's been 2 years since the annexations.
beep bop
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Russia has such good opsec don't they? All those unencrypted Baofengs and soldiers using cell phones that go through Ukrainian cell towers lmao. How did the CIA know Russia was going to attack Ukraine months in advance?
There are over 20 geolocated Stryker IFV's from USA in Kursk region alone. They cost 12-14 million USD each.
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There are 18 geolocated M1 Abrams wrecks in one area near Avdeevka alone.
Russians have captured at least one example of each US vehicle fully intact. Museum stonks.
Self fulfilling prophecy. They've been yapping about a russian invasion for decades. I bet you tards don't even remember the march 2021 buildup
True. The CIA is the one who forced Putin to invade Ukraine by telling the world that he was preparing to do so. If he didn't do it then, people would laugh at him and call him a chicken and might even make chicken noises!
I often wonder why our military gear doesnt explode into hamburgers and hotdogs. Only in this regard could they be considered failures. It's not like russian stuff explodes into vodka. So whatever.
Who knows who cares
Why is Russia advancing if Russia isn't taking any land
>Why does stuff explode when you shoot it with things designed to make things explode? Can't you just build something that doesn't explode when you shoot explosives at it?

Truly a mystery.
Because they're just weapons and disposable. The only people that act like they're some sort of mysterious alien technology are Russians and Chinks. They're the only ones who feel the need to parade them like some sort of fallen god.

So, which are you? Puccian or chink?
All of our media was hyping up abrams, challys, etc. as invincible game changers.
>They downgrade all footage as part of opsec
No they don't, they just have shit optics as all the good optics are made in the West.
They aren't.
Hi-mars was supposed to get the ukies into Moscow within two weeks, remember?
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HIMARS has been wreaking havoc since it first arrived two years ago
Bradley's have killed more Russian BMPs and tanks that Russian incompetence has.
Holhols waste anything, but Bradley’s can’t even cross water. What a stupid vehicle
Lol what, america watched world war 2 for the most part
Do you mean the low quality of the footage?

Ideally, you want to keep your drone as far away from the target as the drone's optics allow. You want to avoid alerting the target to the drone's presence, which would let the target know he is being observed. You also want to avoid risking the drone being shot down. However, if your side has a morale problem and there are standing orders that propaganda footage is more important than anything else...
Taking land? The maps looked the same for almost 3 years and they have Ukrainians on Russian soil for almost a month now
Then why is northern Nigeria leakier than your faggot assholes and losing land it had before the war?
Ukraine turned off its propaganda during its massive failed blitz and you barely saw anything from it, no consequences except for those involved in it directly.
Russia randomly gets exposed and blown out at rates so bad it’s pretty much unimaginable for any country that isn’t Arab or African.
2 more weeks until keev
Then why aren't you in Moscow yet?
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When you use fighting vehicles some are going to be lost, the russians are very familiar with this concept
Citation please.
Lol yeah we were sissy faggots. A single Russian could kill like 20 americunts with his bare dick , nevermind the testicles ...
And a soldier of the great War ? Not a chance !
A combination of things, but I thing the main one is "You can't take a (probably censored) crash course in maintaining and operating an M1 Abrams."
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Maybe if the US wasn't such constant fucking FAGGOTS to the whole world, the money used for the military could instead be used FILLING THE FUCKING POTHOLES.
They spammed the board with that shit for a month, look at the archives. Or don't. Idc.
Some of them but you gotta admit, Ukraine is one hell of a proving or testing ground. And no one dies...oh wait. You guys do. But you got to admit, pretty good testing method. Gotta make sure to get the biggest bucks for the bang.
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>go ahead and find evidence of what doesn't exist

You made the claim, you back it up. It's interesting that Russian was claiming days or weeks but here you are, absolutely not a Russian shill, accusing the other side of doing exactly what you're doing.
belomo mogs western optics
Because america is a fallen empire and their useless wanderwaffen are another example of america's collapse
We're always hyping up the next shipment because it lulls normies back to sleep. They all think to themselves
>Well okay the next wunderwaffe will fix it
and then they don't demand as much escalation, but remain interested in the conflict. Nobody wants the normies to notice too much or too quickly that the Ukrainians are intentionally being tortured for as long as possible, despite the American machine certainly understanding at this point that there is no hope of victory. We would need to take serious risks to save them and we're just not going to.

This was the goal all along. We knew back in the 90s when we convinced them to give up their nukes that we were going to use them this way, that's why we took their nukes, so they wouldn't be able to escalate to a nuclear conflict when and/or if they failed to destroy Russia. But if the average American understood the conflict that way, they would understand that we're the bad guys, not the Russians.

America is constantly hit with false flags and trumped-up media narratives to convince blueberry Fox News voters to go along with war plans they would otherwise see as obviously evil.
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I was happily posting Nazi anime girls when all you faggots came here with your bullshit. /uhg/ faggots wouldn't shut the fuck up about javelins, or hi-mars, pr challengers, or any wunderweapon until they got btfo'd. And then they say they were never excited at all. It's all very gay.
There is only one correct stance for a white nationalist to have on this conflict, and that's picrel. Now hmu when you're in Moscow or fuck off
Because ukrainians are retarded and yeet them into the nearest minefield.
>How did the CIA know Russia was going to attack Ukraine months in advance?
1. Spacecraft
2. Putin wasn't exactly being subtle about it
Why would amercia give good weapon to their enemy ?
I could actualy see it happen, but sending your 50 year old inventory to a shithole for a lifelong debt was the obvious move here
best optics is literally made in japan, which is as east as it gets
No, they not. Gemany and the US produce the best optics.
Those were some delicious seething essays little dude, but unfortunately nobody read them
To be fair the passenger compartment survived quite well, while a humvee would have disintegrated.
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>One of Russia's most numerous IFVs, the BTR-82, is vulnerable to 30mm on the front
>While the bradley is not
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anti tank weapons outpaced vehicle defenses. i dont know how you incorporate armor against an enemy that has modern weaponry. same goes for aircraft that try to do anything except launch cruise missiles from way out of AA range.
the future is a US Stryker burning in a bombed out field forever
Most things go kaboomie when you shoot missiles at them. For some reason NAFOtrannies got the idea that this doesn't apply to NATO weapons.
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And the crew/occupants of said Stryker will most likely survive.
Meanwhile BTR occupants:
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How did Russian weapons fail IN RUSSIA?
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Ziggers are really seething tonight.
What happened?
Did the ukies fuck something up.
It’s going to be really funny when Russia wins. I’m going laugh so hard at all the cope threads that will pop up. I’m not even a zigger (auto correct to zinger, need a zinger box) but seeing you trannies loose more on more ground is funny as fuck. I hope trump cuts funding :)
l bet there are jews itt masturbating to these videos if Whites killing each other
the only future for russia is to stop existing and none of you shitskins will be able to do anything about it. cope and seether forever.
Their own countrymen maybe, but i guess one thread that isn't made by someone on a payroll counts as seethe
>American weapons
Nope. The Stryker is made by GDLS-Canada in London Ontario. But why would a shill know basic things like that?
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have a decapitation friendo
russia doesn't need drones to produce propaganda.
america is a paper tiger. every war post-ww2 has been fake.
Its getting a point of robotic dogs and robot tank drones.
So you do not lose manpower on the ground, while the war is decided with long range missiles.
True. Watching the mighty trillion dollar army fail this bad with their average at best wunderwaffen is a lot of fun.
I hope Iran kicks off, I want to see F35 exploding.
Consume wunderwaffe
Be excited for the next wunderwaffe
>Why did American weapons fail in Ukraine?
1) Ukrainians can't read the training manuals that are in English.
2) They're made to be sold, not for actual combat. MIC has to make a profit.
Now this is what i call cope

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