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Previous: >>483346463

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Ground invasion officially underway, confirmed by IDF
>Artillery preparation taking place in Lebanon ahead of Israel's ground invasion
>Israel is planning a limited ground operation in Lebanon that could start imminently
>Hezbollah attacks Gesher Haziv, Sa'ar & Cabri with rockets
>Yemen shoots down 11th mq9 drone
>Syrian air defence activated, blasts heard in Damascus
>Iranian Foreign Minister: The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
first for peace
It's happening
Goyim lose.
Who do you think will emerge victorious in this battle?
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>Zionist aggression targeted the Mazzeh area in the vicinity of the capital, Damascus
Israel will have success at first but will get bogged down after a few days
So far Israel is losing so badly that we're starting ro realize that they didn't actually have a plan.
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thx for bake, "FREN" !
You're Barred!
They had to invade because Hezbollah was bombing the shit out of them. They're blindly rushing into this.
Israel. I guarantee once we do "glorious Hezbollah" will suddenly become a bunch of goatfuckers in sandals and "ofc you won with your Americans toys".
>BREAKING: Senior Israeli officials said that the cabinet decision emphasized that the operation was focused and limited in time and space and was not intended to occupy southern Lebanon
fuck you
see >>483352402
dasrite just like gaza
do we believe them, bros?
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Is Hezbollah strong at guerilla and attrition warfare? It's kinda hard to imagine them getting the short end of the stick here, when Hamas alone gave Israeli army this much trouble.
i will not believe this during the media blackout.
Hezb oviously, kikes have no strategy
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>They had to invade because Hezbollah was bombing the shit out of them. They're blindly rushing into this.

Deeeeeeeeeep sucks on the cope bong
ayoooo here comes the knesset kope
>Is Hezbollah strong at guerilla and attrition warfare?
it's their entire military doctrine and planning mindset
Jews are inside my country I repeat Jews are in
As long as they stay away from Banks and Courts it's fine
Hello from Southern Lebanon /pol/
Imagine believing a single thing they say.
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So passive aggressive
Why are indians so feminine and bitch made?
Fucking midwits. Checkers player.
grab the rifle, imagine having a once in a life time opportunity to shoot at jews legally
haiiiii :3
>Limited in time and space
it puts the log on the beach or else it gets the saar again
How do you feel?
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>we didn't need it anyway
Sounds like we are in for some grade a kino then. I'm mostly worried about IOF potentially having mapped out their tunnel system and blowing them out before they get their shit kicked in.
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>Israel incursion in Lebanon
cant mossad the assad
man i love you syrians
even if they pull out now hezbollah will bait them back in
Israel's mission isnt accomplished unless they can stop the rockets and drones from coming in
>once in a life time opportunity to shoot at jews legally
Or just wait a year or two like the rest of us
No way they have already started damage controlling not even 4 hours into the operation. I refuse to believe they are that stupid, sounds like classic israeli propaganda/psyop
they will never invade. they know it will end badly. but why all this shilling about it?
This lol
Hey friend. I'm from Tripoli in the north, let me know if you need a safe place to stay.
Where are you now? In what village? I will send aid your way.
man i'm so jealous
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Stay safe, brother
>idf trying to murder this lebanese guy ITT
are hezb going to mobilize all shia men or are they going to act arrogant and retarded like hamas and stay volunteer only
>“We recognize that, at times, military pressure can enable diplomacy. That’s true. It is also true that military pressure can lead to miscalculation. It can lead to unintended consequences,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller has said.
>An unnamed US official, meanwhile, told the Times of Israel that Washington “understands and accepts what Israel is trying to accomplish with a limited ground incursion into Lebanon” but is concerned that the IDF could be forced to expand the mission once it is set in motion.
White house fears that they have to rescue kikes.
This>>483353029 gay nigger wants to rape your ass Leb anon, do not interact with him
conscripted fighters are near worthless
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Here, you Shitslims are gonna need this....
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hamas not conscripting is the most retarded thing they've ever done.

they missed out on 300k+ extra soldiers
Pray for peace
Prepare for war
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>US troops having to clean up after Israeli's oopsie and gathering their corpses back to Israel
Would be the best ending to this fiasco and give us some nice keks
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someone tell this ziocel the latest cope, he's getting uppity
>retard forgot to turn on his memeflag
LMAO pajeet gypsy nigger
Trade ya
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France's next president says that he wants to arm and send aid to Lebanon to fight the jewish terrorists
literally every successful insurgency employed conscription.
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Someone important just got taken out in Damascus.

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For dickless Hezboclucks...
t. literal jeet in canada
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i turned it off actually deepak
you forgot your memeflag jeet.
Based thank you ya hob
I will stay put my town is above the Litani river in the south you take care too
melenchon has no power retard
Car accident incoming
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Shitrael is using internationally banned white phosphorus on civilians
even if you win, you'll lose
my bad sreepak, what ever would i do without you
Hamdella morale is up ya habib el alb
>"We're aware and understand the aims of Israel when they reduced the world to rubble, drove us all to war and caused a billion deaths, but we are concerned it could lead to a further escalation to Mars."
It's always the next incident or escalation, never the current and every growing destruction, death and atrocities.
We determined last thread that it's not a war crime when Israel does it
There are other outside forums that have noticed hasbara on 4chan. I knew something was up with /pol/ when so many jewish posters appeared.
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> Initial reports of martyrs and wounded as a result of the Israeli aggression on Damascus
it has begun..
yippee we're getting bombed
This. He will get haidermöllemanned.
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>jeet doesn't know what the colorful strings of numbers and letters are
They're that desperate for competency, huh?
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>Israel is using internationally banned white phosphorus on civilians

Imagine thinking any Non-Muslim or axe-wound commietranny gives a solitary fuck.
no point in putting it on down brownoid. its obviously been screenshotted.
nigga they're inside of Lebanon as we speak
He just signed his own death warrant.
Stay safe Syrianon
It has since 2006, probably even earlier than that
Shitrael already lost support of the western youth. Meaning that in the next 10-20yrs they will control the governments. It doesn't metter if they flee to ukraine as an exit strategy. As the west now hates kikes and has learned their tricks
i'm literally RomAryan, make sure to include that in your scrum session dalitpak
hamdella. i dont suspect personally that the ground forces will come because...... theyre israelis. But the fighters are incredibly motivated so they will take care of them.
they're already retreating kek
Not much to run down just certain forums that still exist have noticed that /pol/ is unusually jewish right now.
they're absolutely right, i thought you were gonna drop some names
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yeah its pretty obvious theyre shilling here as well
Btw. Iran still won't do shit or what's their latest statement? Kinda hard to believe they'll just let Lebanon be run over like that
many other chans are also experiencing shills. however 4chan experiences the most.
Same for you Leb-chad.
Are you guys ready for Iran to continue to do nothing?
>i thought you were gonna drop some names
And accidentally kill off the last few remaining forums?
fair point, dont drop nothing ITT, too many kikels
Good God I wished the US wasn’t so fucking controlled by these faggots.
I just want the whole region to go apeshit on the Jewish retards. They’re nothing but trouble
Go to Basra if you can. It should be easy for syrians to cross the borders to iraq.

And most of all, stay safe ya akh al aziz
no such thing as a slavic aryan. rope yourself sukhdeep
Have to agree, US' presence there is robbing us of peak entertainment
I don't even know why. Also they are shilling on subreddits with less than 10000 posters.
How bad is it ? Do you think Hezbollah is in control?
Someone should look up the rate of increase of israeli flags on /pol/.
What the fuck are they talking about? They have smoked to much of their Talmudic fumes they cannot even say something coherent anymore.
>Btw. Iran still won't do shit or what's their latest statement? Kinda hard to believe they'll just let Lebanon be run over like that
Hezbollah is their ally, not Lebanon. Best outcome for iran would be if this leads to a lebanese civil war because of the behavior of the lebanese government and army.
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>multiple explosion in Tel-Aviv
Lebanon ain't being run over. they are at the border and apparantly afraid. but yes the iranians are annoying af with their talking. better stop. shut up
They literally shilled on a palestinian discord group with 9 people. Theyre everywhere for some fucking reason.
Iran did jack shit nothing in 2006. No one should expect them to do anything this time either.
its tuesday..
>n-n-nooo its not fairrrrr
stay safe dude
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>no such thing as a slavic aryan
lmao whats that top right?
nigger stfu about war crimes this is chip we already hate kikes
>they will never enter lebanon lol!!!!
>t-they are just at the border... w-waiting...
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA we in this bitch cuck get mad
But holocaust.
I'll probably be fine but thanks <3
fuck if i know desu
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Maybe the goal isn't so much about Lebanon but to get world attention away from Gaza so they can starve a million Palestinians while no one is looking.
jeez calm your tranny tits no one is falling for your crap
face it anon. you're brown, you'll always be brown, and once again a memeflag has proven that its a jeet.
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I actually like Lebron too bad he turned the terrorism now he finna get quick scoped baka
A poopjeet costs $0.50/day for 16+ hour shifts. Poos are cheaper than bots, so they just send them anywhere they find out about
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Honestly Iran has damaged their image beyond repair among the hezbollah/shia community. Many people are enraged that Iran just sat there and did nothing while pissrael killed SHN.
you should really stop giving the bongjeet (you)s
hes in the shelter. the reason it takes a long time for him to reply with 4chan pass is because hes not getting the desired internet speed inside the shelter. hes hiding in some corner where hes leeching off of crumbs of internet from a cafe or smth
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>we in this bitch
and out in body bag
>They literally shilled on a palestinian discord group with 9 people.
it'll be over before Christmas
>gloating about using willy pete
heebs are 14 years old mentally
>An intercept over the Tel Aviv coast without an alarm and the echoes of explosions were clearly heard in the area of Gush Dan and Sharon
"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" Matthew 3:7 KJV
That too. And distract with another war against Iran.
You're already retreating. Lol. You're fucking done for. This is awesome! I knew you guys would all be killed the moment you were dumb enough to invade with 4000 FUCKING SOLDIERS!
Pollacks have always been known for their clever decisions. I'm sure this Pollacken kike will lead you to victory.
imagine the webm of dead kikes
imagine thinking the IDF is going to commit resources to have spergs sit and argue with noboodys on 4chan
>The israeli army asks you to ignore this video, the barrage was intercepted and fell in open areas
Dont qorry, its just the tip.
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they're already pre-coping by saying they're already on a 2nd front with gaza
The fact that there's a media blackout and Israel is just desperately bombing civilians, tells me that this isn't looking good for Israel.
i dipped immedietly since i didnt want them to grab my personal info. this was months ago btw.
Israel should totally double or even triple down this operation
Hezbollah isn't finished!
Yurop s have been rattling about Gaza but Lebanon is gonna make many more of them chimp out at Israel.
good observation mountain kike
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kek, indeed. My thoughts exactly.
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>they're scared!
>they're not going to invade!
>they're already retreating!!!!!!!!
Getting deja vu here
They also keep changing their objective.
least pajeet looking jew
But the kikes said Hizbollah was finished? Lmfao
>Israel should totally double or even triple down this operation
>Hezbollah isn't finished!
Don't forget Egypt. Time for a new front.
>Meaning that in the next 10-20yrs they will control the governments
They will first try to impose totalitarian dictatorships first. Its necessary for the golems to be exposed and removed from power.
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Is anything happening?
What is happening right now? Objectively I mean.
delightful kek
Damn, their leadership killed, Iran not doing shit and they still rape your corpses? Fuck me, must be devastating being a kike right now
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Our pro-israel brampton leafs/memefags just got flooded by god!!!!! Pray for our poopjeet bothers, thst they make it to the street in time to have a shit
how about winning kike? try dat
Short term, Isn'treal, long term Hezbollah, it's already that way in Gaza
Yeah, shades of 2006. The crazy part is that Israel waited for 32 days to begin blindly bombing civilian infrastructure in Beirut. They didn't even last two hours this time. Lol
Kikes are getting butt-raped
>Died from heart atack
this, iran currently proxyMAXXing
Unironically too early to say, Israel is apparently getting support from naval and air forces while Hezbollah is sitting back and waiting for the enemy to come within striking range
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The cum extraction team is gonna have a very long night ahead
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Jews have the chance to win the internet if they pose with this guy burned corpse and make a waving sign with his hand with the caption; "Hello my enemies!"
you say this then islamists never ever win, at best they survive...........................
Ancestors of Lebanese and Palestinians are proud Ottomans.
Isn't Israel invading Lebanon good for Iran? They get to shit on the Zionist Hive without having to commit their own arsenal. Meanwhile the entire Zionist narrative of self defense becomes mute.
hi Syrian anon is assad going to do anything or what?
what is this, reddit?
don't post retarded shit like this ever again
formerly vaxxed
israel begun an incursion into southern lebanon
hezb and the idf have been exchanging fire, lots of airstrikes and hezbollah rockets
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you'd kill for that mutty
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>proud ottomans
What's this anon?
Dumb gypsy we're crushing them as we speak.
didnt erdogan say he would help lebanon if Israel invaded?
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Will he post his dick now?
how many hezbochads with huge boners to avenge nassrallah
watermelon seller will not do shit
Hahahaha! Oh no, no, no, no! Israel now considers losing to be winning! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Goalposts status? MOVED!
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Yes YES! Let the seethe begin!
I hope you die
>10-20yrs they will control the governments
Nobody with these opinions is getting on even the bottom rung of the ladder of power, that I know for sure.

Who got blown up in Syria?
erdogan is all talk
who is we? lmao
We can't even confirm that they invaded because of a media blackout. I'd wait. So far it sounds like Israel is getting absolutely fucking ass raped.
Forgot meme flag Marius
>buck broken by irans betrayel, save us turks!
>without having to commit their own arsenal
Who do you think supplies Hezbollah? But yes, the midwit kikes have been played since October 7. They have now double downed so far that we are on the verge of a necessary deployment of the mutts. Then it will get really fun.
Nasrallah died by his own self confidence. He underestimated how bloodthirsty these kikes are, and he lives just beside them.
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name's Codreanu
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>obsessed with cock
who'd thunk it

if you demogracy faggots 'rebels' shit out arab twitter with your feefees im gonna start raping your filthy mother
get a life
Dont expect anything from that dog, hes still supplying israel with oil
>Didnt erdogan say he would help lebanon if Israel invaded?
He didn't say he would help Lebanon, he said he would send troops. Didn't say what for or whose side.
maybe he is anti-assad
No one has retreated because no one has crossed the border yet. neck yourself nignog.
may god watch over you syrians
That guy is pro ISIS shvester.
I dont see GI's going in until hezbollah starts actually taking territory in Israel, which wont be in the near future
Well, I guess we have to wait.
They shouldn't invade. The bombing campaign seemed like the more rational strategy.
same bestie
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>t*rk comes in
>immediately starts asking for cock pics
Why are you like this?
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Monsoon season for Bramladesh
God's punishment for putting up that giant golden monkey idol
I posted here a week before his death that he'd be assassinated soon. You could just look at the man and tell that he was tired and didn't care about this shit anymore. He'd been fighting since he was a kid, had been through multiple wars, and had lost most of his friends and family. He was ready to hand it all over to someone who gave a shit, but he couldn't step down. It's why he stayed on the top floor of a highrise condo in Beirut during 2006 and even let israel know.
Nasrallah knew as well as any Arab how sadistic and barbaric the Israelis are and he knew he was likely to be killed. He died because they dropped 85 bombs on his location.
Idk, Turkey likes to play both sides and it looks like they want an excuse to pull out from NATO plus Turkey is mostly muslim, I think he's serious.
>instantly shows up
HAHAHAHHAAHAHA actually demented
Damn they are pounding Damascus, third time now apparently.
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truly the greatest of Gayreek genes are concentrated in Turanistan
He'd have to kick all the NATO troops out of Incirlik first
This guy does type like a Pajeet.
they said it's air defences
some news reporter in a car was targeted idk but she's dead
Israel finally realized that greater Israel wasn't realistic anymore and this is their final attempt at such a gay ass idea.
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>Damn they are pounding Damascus
>He died because they dropped 85 bombs on his location.
Don't forget that he held that meeting think Bibi was on his way to negotiate a ceasefire in new york.
It's like a toddler throwing a tantrum after being denied an ice cream from their parents. Pitiful kikes
>they said it's air defences
Is that in Syria?
The US and Israel are at war with Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon and some elements within Iraq and Syria. It's a total mess and they cannot win until they do at least three genocides.
Israel has now activated over 5% of its population. That's a lot, especially for a population that is used to first world living. Not for nothing >>483353144
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>were going to move troops into lebanon!
>airstrikes a news reporter in syria
most israeli shit ever
That's exactly what they are good at. They embarrassed the IDF in 2006 when they invaded in the exact same way they are doing today. Limited ground invasion because they can't achieve their gains with just airstrikes and bombings. Once they occupy they start taking losses to guerilla warfare and attrition and start crying about it.
yea around damascus
And don't forget we had to give up on Afghanistan just to maintain the other three
>His body dissolved in acid, and placed under seven tons of concrete
Damn nigga thats a fancy name for Chaufer taxi
source or didn't happen
>invade Lebanon
>get pounded with rockets and missiles by Hezbollah
>fire missile at Syria aiming for a reporter
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>Report in Syria: The Syrian TV presenter, Safaa Ahmed, was killed in an attack in Damascus.

Thot patrolled
AA has got to be the most dangerous job in your army by now
As you replied I just saw it posted as being Meron, another angle of the strikes by Hezbollah from earlier.
It will just be a meatgrinder then. Hez may suffer some casualties but for the israelis, welp, most of those can be assumed dead if all the 5% are on the battlefield now.
She looks right Hezbollahish
>Beirut is Khamas
>Hodeidah is Khamas
>Damascus is Khamas
They are forcing the Iranians to do something and then will get America in on an air campaign.
watermelon seller.....
>she’s allowed to show her hair
the east has fallen
zamn thats highly specific
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thatd be funny
These kikes have their priorities in order
kek why
id bet my 50 shillings that she said something to rub one jew the wrong way
>if all the 5% are on the battlefield now
Not how it works. Nevertheless demotivating and detrimental to the economy. Even if they are sitting in a barracks somewhere.
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Can’t wait for Hungary to take back their rightful clay
>Turban niggas claim they are all Khamas
>Get droned
whats difficult ti understand tropical nigga ?
i just got it from some random group so idk but I've been hearing shit
The idea is probably that they can use Starlink, drones and other new tech to make up for their troop and supply shortages just like on Ukraine.
odd choice. Rest in peace
I was aware of the war in 2006 but I haven't properly looked into, but one can only imagine how many more advanced weapons they have accumulated since then all supplied by Russia and Iran/China. I think Israel really hoped they would respond more harshly after the assassination of their leaders to drag US into this war, but they stayed composed and didn't let themselves get baited. And now Israel is throwing a little hissy fit
> Don't forget that he held that meeting think Bibi was on his way to negotiate a ceasefire in new york.
Ok but that's his fault, all is fair in love and war.
The watermelons...
this video is the reason turkey is rangebanned on 4cuck
We will have to see.
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Unrelated to the war but still funny: kikes poisoning a well in Ukraine with their body odor
has it worked well in ukraine?
Rest in peace Safaa.
But not unexpected by israelis.
1 to 1 with gypsies truly
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>Ok but that's his fault, all is fair in love and war.
Yeah, it was a grave miscalculation on his part. But you could still tell in his latest speech that he was tired and that he was expecting to be assassinated. He even says his goodbyes at the end of the speech.
I dont understand why Nasrallah (and Iran) thought you can negotiate with kikes.

The only language they understand is the language of force (which in classic kike projection exactly what they accuse their enemies of)
Satellite surveillance does seem to help but that's for more open areas.
holy fucking coping kek lmao
This woman isn't even Syrian, she's a Saudi
no one is saying this JIDF. please get better material
Post designated shitting street.
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>According to Syrian reports, she was accompanied by someone important.
Prob was aiming for someone else she was with
They didnt think they could, they wanted to show to the whole world that it was impossible no matter how much they tried EVEN with the western-cucked iranian president.

The death of Nasrallah was what it took for europeans to realize what a monster israel was, and now theyre starting to become vocal about it on twitter.
>VPN jeet
They are really not sending their best
query: describe five best selling ovens that would fit a human sized object
coping immigrant ahmeds lmao
This will make normalfags just hate Jews even more
i was gonna say it but didn't want to give jews material.. its said that assad gives alawite girls to his sugar daddies kek
we'll see tomorrow
They mistakenly think america controls israel, so they're always focused on the wrong target.
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Are these supposed to be those arbaic women for whom, according to poems, thousands of men have ruined themselves just for a kiss?
btw we just bombed syria too in the middle of all this shit, cry about it chippies
I think Iranian president at least definitely believed in it. Dude is a doctor with barely any political experience.
/r/ non-jewish stream on jewtube about whatever is it that's going on
So when are we actually gonna get some news that aren't more fucking airstrikes. I might as well go to sleep if we get nothing by morning.
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oops. wrong picture
it's getting windy and cold so the sound of the bombs is kinda cozy thanks
You will not make it out alive this decade
Ofc he did. But now i hope he sees the truth. That corruption is corruption no matter how beautifully it is disguised.
then go to sleep, too many cowards in the IDF
good final lay bud
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>his sugar daddies
How does one become this? Asking for friend
digits dont lie
I thought kisses were haram
guns n shit
NEW >>483356976
main thing holding back resistance is unironically lack of antisemitism.

- constantly sucking off any vaguely non zionist jew

- refusing to name the jew and using the "zionist" euphemism

- refusing to believe that jews control america

We need some real antisemites in charge, not these bums
>if we get nothing by morning
Go to sleep and tomorrow your enlistment will be in your mailbox.
Very based Syrian
Keep bombing shit to no avail, retard. See what happens (nothing)
you know if it was a rumor and not true it'd be started from some rebel fag lurking twitter 24/7 and giving his cunt a bad name
>Israeli troops enter the town of Yaroun
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Lion of Damascus, I pledge my six-shooters to thee.
The based Syrian strikes again
youre welcome. and now you dont get to see that ugly ass news broadcasting lady no more
>assuming we have power to watch tv
wow, dead fucking coping general
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