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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Political implications?

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Good, fuck them sand niggers.
That includes the kikes right?
Chemical weapons are next.
Good, fuck you Muhammadniggers
Why are whites being silenced on pol?

Are we not allowed to talk about this?

Are whites not welcome here any longer?

If our community cannot speak about the issues that are important to our community then it is clear we are not welcome
she cute
Greater Israel means more than just Palestine. Looks like the Lebanese are next on the genociding block. Shame, I quite like the Lebanese as they are much more chill than all the other sand niggers in the region
They are just fucking slaughtering everyone around them indiscriminately.


Thread was deleted when anons started figuring out which buzzwords are being zapped

K I l l was one of the words that it would not let post. Worked fine when removed though
Awww cute!
Checked and they aren't stopping here
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They have nowhere to live and no possessions now. How could this end badly for you?
Why does the Lebanese government let Israel do this with impunity?
>Political implications
the western continuing support for the zionist oppressor proves once and again to the rest of the world NATO is not about peace, freedom and democracy but about money and power for the elites.
they have been doing that for months. Where is the KINO sauce? Don't give us shitter links, web, or catbox only
Lmao, Israel could annex Washington DC and nobody would say shit.
that's not what your mother said last night
Yeah, they're chimping out because they're currently getting mopped up By Hezbollah. They did this every time Hamas blew up one of their tanks. This is the last, desperate chimpout by kikes.
if you need proof after one example (yugoslavia) then you aren't playing with a full deck of cards
They destroyed beruit in 2006 too

Who cares about warring sand people?
I'm sure this will end Israel's problems in the region and not guarantee that hamas and hezbollah will be in fresh recruits til the heat death of the universe
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Yeah, but only after losing to hezbollah.
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they did it back in the 80's too. and the 70's. and ...
Umm, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...
>t. verified x*tter user sarah
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They're bombing Syria right now too in Damascus.

What color flag do we have left? Pink?
how is this legal?
oh shit Iran is going to light up something red now
Erdogan the only sunni nation stepping up to the plate. How cucked are saudi, egypt, and jordan? Sunni terrorist get all crazy about a guy drawing pictures of Mohamed in france but are no where to be found when mosques and sunni families are being blown to smithereens . Almost like sunni extremists are controlled by a third party…
braidead biden keeps asking them to stop... well his handlers do
Who cares omg dude. Like who gives a FUCK about these little retard islam countries that don't do anything.
But the boomer tv guy said that Israel is our best ally.
>muh appeal to emotion tweet!
honest question: when will muzzies/arabs/whatever learn, that nobody cares?
zionists had an alliance with Hitler to transport Jews to Palestine so who knows what other alliances they've made.
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Let's fucking go!
Politically, Beirut could always use a good shelling. It comes around quite often in this area of the quicksand.
the primary implication is even more shame for judeomuttoids that pay for all this
Yes anon, remember that time where ZOG bombed Turkey and Morocco?

tl;dr: Eat shit commie
>Good, fuck them sand niggers.
This. Dead browns is good.
>That includes the kikes right?
Jews are whiter than you. Israel is a racist European settler-colonial project. Killing browns is always a part of colonizing their land. Cope and seethe, brownoid.
There is no powerful force of "justice" in this world that's why most leaders get along or stay silent. Anyone can see it. Even non profit organization are spy organization and get their salaries a percentage from donations it's all scam.
fyi, only kike glownigger bots make the
>/pol/ should love it when sandniggers that live where they belong get bombed!
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Enjoy your enrichment!
>Political implications
>They are just fucking slaughtering everyone around them indiscriminately.
Based. Might makes right. Brownoids are getting selected right out of the gene pool.
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don’t be so anti semitic
>Political implications?
Lebanon will be sanctioned for provocating Israel
Washington DC should annex Israel-Palestine and force feed everyone in the region processed cheeseburgers and gender politics.

Your an inbred kike your not white kill your self hasbara shill
they're Christian right?
>using browns as cannon fodder is bad
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Do it again
>losing to hezbollah
Bold claim after the last month, abdul
There is not a single brown chromosome in my body. Fuck muslims and fuck kikes. Say the same please, shill.
They are powerless critters. When the invasion plans leaked earlier today the lebanese army retreated back to Beirut
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Good point
White Jews will rule from the Nile to the Euphrates and you won't do shit, brownoid.
how many flags of revenge are we at right now
>mutts sucking off and praising jews
Looks like I picked a bad time to come on /pol/, I wasn't looking to cringe this hard tonight
how the fuck do they do this and then wonder why everyone fucking hates them? now every lebanese will hate Israel and you'll never be able to install a zog government. dumb evil kike rats
Any bread with keywords related to the israeli bloodthirsty invasion are immediately spammed by Unit 8200. It's been like this for since december, but now it's fucking unbearable, literally 90% of the posts are kikebots spamming one liners about "israel greatest nation on earth", "kikes best allies" and "fuck towelheads". Most inorganic rabbinic vomit ever, but the spam is so intense most anons simply gave up months ago and are going elsewhere to discuss the matter.
Why would they be heading to Europe ?????!?!??!??!

So we'll get Lebanese refugee waifu at 50% off now?
>Jews are whiter than you
5/10 bait from the meme flag larping tumblr faggot. I thought you niggers could do better than this
>Jews are whiter than you.
who is asking, faggot?
Jews aren't human you have no soul moshie
You say that like it is surprising. They have always been like this
>Political implications?
Time to send billions and even more billions in aid like we are forced to do to ukraine so lebanon can withstand the aggression... Oh my bad, jews are somehow allowed to do what ever they want.
fucking based as shit
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Is this the part where you give us the propaganda line about how the sandniggers never put military targets in civilian buildings to create civilian casualties?
What did you stupid faggots think the kikes were going to do after October 7th? Just curl up in a ball and give up?
You should have known they would go full scorched Earth and prepared accordingly. But the mudslimes don't care about women and children getting blown up and you know it, so stop with the whining.
me gusta
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we are better than you. keep seething, pleb
I'm with you, brother. Nothing but glowniggers, faggots, and retards here as usual
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They've been using white phosphorus on civilians for decades, and it's been a banned chemical weapon for a long time.
But don't worry. It's ok when jews do it.
Why is the lebanese army so cucked? They could be fighting israel, but instead just let their citizens die. Do they really think this "war" is just against hezbollah?
No implications. Israel are untouchable. The world won't do shit for fear of being called Nazi sympathizer or terrorist sympathizer. They'll just neet in parliament and speak words while Israel's continues to bomb people and that's the truth of it. You can't touch the country that holds all the Epstein islands tapes. All the billionaires, politicians and members of royal families that went there. Not to mention the dozen or so other ops they run. Israel owns you all.
Israel's genius foreign policy is to preemptively stop their enemies from retaliating against their attacks, by preempting their own preemptive attack and attacking first before anything has even happened.
Inbred bloodlines usually think that hard to think you'll rule when your women were kidnapped and raped just last year by a stone age army
what a sad day to be mudslime right
What game is this?
I don't know who this fucking whore is, but doing a quick search of her account shows that she only invokes the death of White children when it's to invoke whataboutism. Furthermore, she has complained about ICC charges against Putin.

So, to summarize, fuck you, fuck your brown whores, fuck your brown children. God punishes you because you are evil and deserve it. Do better. It's not my problem.
Shadow President
where did all the syrians end up after the israeli led war on assad?
would you prefer another tranny thread instead of actual news
>You can't touch the country that holds all the Epstein islands tapes.
Good. Are you telling me you wouldn't collect blackmail to control your allies if you could? How embarrassingly naĂ¯ve. White intelligence always beats brown brawn.
Every single one of them thought the K-word at least once in the last two weeks. None were innocent.
They’ll all end up in Western Sydney with their cousins. I won’t say no to some more sxc Lebo sharmutas coming over here tbf
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ICC charging Putin for evacuating children from Ukrainian artillery fire is just plain stupid. it's political as shit and probably organized by the same people who managed the mh17 project.
You can't even say something bad about mudslimes anymore without being called a kike.
Never again should Israel mention WW2, Hitler or the Holohoax.

It's clear that everything Israel accuses others of, they do themselves. Everything they ever claimed the Nazis did, they themselves do today. And of course the more you look into WW2, the more you learn that it was all bullshit. All of it. We fought the wrong people. The Jew created the fabled "Hitler". Their "Holocaust" has been repeatedly proven to be a steaming load of bullshit. The real "evil dictator" isn't Hitler. It's Netanyahu.

You can hate the Palestinians, the Lebanese or Muslims in general. But that's not the real issue here. The real issue is Israel.

How many billions, if not trillions of dollars have these parasites fleeced out of the worlds pockets? How many American and European boys have been sent to their deaths in order to "protect Israel"? How many kids have been forced to sit thru bullshit "Holocaust" classes? How many military secrets has Israel stolen from the world? It's proven that they stole nuclear secrets from America. And yet every American politician trips over themselves to bow at the feet of Israel.

So Israel can go fuck themselves. Fucking baby dick sucking parasite demons. Every time I see some absolutely faggot shilling for Israel I want to bash their skulls in like a baby seal. I hope that Iran and Russia and China all unleash hell on that little patch of dirt. Thousands of fucking years, millions of fucking lives over a fairy tale. They aren't gods chosen people. God didn't give them Israel. They are lying, manipulating little weak diseased cunts and I hope Israel burns while their God Baphomett jerks off on their Shylock faces.
These countries near Israel need to cozy up to Russia or China to provide them with a security umbrella. Or at the very least bribe Pakistan into providing a few nukes
There's gonna be a lot of new openings at UNRWA soon
>full of Lebanese families
how many terrorists were there though?
and if they were harboring terrorists why would they do such a thing?
were they terrorists?
We the Jewish Master Race will do whatever the fuck we please to do, goyish piglet.
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I remember the name. Mathew Sephard was killed because he was faggot and they told us not to call anyone faggot from thereon.
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I dislike kikes and sandniggers equally.
How is this jidf shilling worse than discord tranny shilling. So many shills defending Kikes.
i dont know about china but russia cant do shit and their word is worth less than shit when you consider armenia.
Hezbollah is like a cartel. Most of their money comes from selling heroin to teenagers.
why do the moslems lie about things like the jews do?
i don't trust liars. seems to me like they deserve each other's company.
Terrorists use human shields.
I want to post this on youtube but I am not allowed to. It is total tyranny at this point.
Did the Muzzies really think they could keep trying to terrorize Israel without consequence and that they can hide behind ceasefire by playing the victim after they started shit?
Jews aren't White you filthy semite
Death to the muslims, the niggers and kikes
A cancer on earth, a curse and a blight
And soon your hooked noses, Wotan will smite
>Did the Muzzies really think
They're brown. They don't think.
>. Everything they ever claimed the Nazis did, they themselves do today
Zionists literally had a pact with Hitler to deport Jews to Palestine. Just search Haavara and see for yourself.
Imagine cheering on jews. Disgusting. Imagine taking sides in semite vs semite violence. Cuck zogmutt faggot.
same, anon. the meme isn't even funny. it's about as funny as the 2016 cope -> seethe -> dilate -> cope response cycle, yet that's the only shit people/bots post anymore
>inb4 ok kike
>inb4 ok achmed
they banked on outraging the world with muh children and the general hatred towards jews. what these shitskins didnt realize is that people hate them more than jews at this point.
They're your cousins Chaim.
Political implications are when some israelis are killed in retaliation your politicians will race to suck them off for shekels
Empty, south Beirut has been abandoned.
Jews killing thousands of muslims and christians in Lebanon. Keep worshipping them, USA.
Its been happening to me as well. If the system thinks its spam
Incorrect. What they don't realise is that jews now completely control the USFG aka ZOG.
Those sand people are taking your money. And they will take your life
I don't think they hate them more people definitely hate jews more then anybody Muslims just don't own everything and make your life hell for hating them jews do so npc faggots by default just don't speak out against jews
Top kek, when they came here they become drug dealers and rapists. Browns gonna brown Fuck em all.
i dont know why but i keked so hard the the fucking image and youre comment
>semite vs semite
I don't care, death to all semites
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>Be in civil war
>Be starving
>Have collapsed society
>Fire missiles at Israel
>Reee in copium and satanic chicken clucking when Israel finally has enough of your crap and slaps the ever living shit out of you with precision strikes and overwhelming power.
>Have the audacity to cry and claim innocence at "Israeli aggression".

Typical muzzie. Always playing the victim when they are always the aggressor since the death cult first emerged.
>Good, fuck them sand niggers.
hope you are ready to host 10 lebanese refugees into your house
Legality only applies to goyim
Lol. Lmao, even.
isn't this how the final battle starts in the bible or whatever
here in europe the general perception of muslims changed drastically over the years, so i will disagree with you.
>not taking sides
Good. Even though white Jews are the good guys in this conflict, it helps that antisemites stay neutral.
Protip: the bible is schizo jewish horseshit
No soul dial 8 to cope about it satanic jewish faggot
this is how I feel about euros. hopefully you fags get dragged into a war too.
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>white Jews
No such thing Moshe.
>the good guys
Your criminal mafia zionist state was founded on terrorism against my nation. You rat faced subversive vermin are never the good guys. It just so happens that your current opponents are filthy semites too.
>this is how I feel about euros
Are you a shitskin or just a race traitor mutt?
I cant beleive an american is sucking jewish dick. I am just so shocked..... the greatest goys. Americans are literally known for butt stuff, trannies and an undying love for jews. Murca mazaltoz
Lol white jews. Get a load of this goy
Kike honeypot

There is no such thing as a "white Jew". If the kikes in Israel believe they are semetic, then they are "sand nigger Jews" or "dune coon Jews" or "Towel Head baby dick sucking parasite Jews". But NEVER call a Jew "white".
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All Arabs need to be completely submitted and humiliated. Crawl on the ground beneath Jewish boots you maggot. This planet has only one King and you must obey them.
>anti-white blather
Just let Israel take care of business in brownland. You'll be getting a lot of brown rapefugees as Israel expands her borders to encompass Lebanon. Take them and shut the hell up. Hopefully their antisemitic rage sends your Jews on aliyah to greater Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai
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They were told to leave like a week ago.
After it's all ruble, guess where they'll go? That's right, your country. Them, those jews that are doing this will call you racist and throw you in jail for trying shit agains the poor refugees fleeing the war. Ne refunds, faggot.
Shalom rabbi
>We told you we were going to blow up your house, so it is ok that we did!
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>Terrorism has no place in this world
>pagers go beep, beep, noom!
>/pol/ hates a nation capable to turn browns into civilized people.
It's war.
This is what annoys me the most about all of this, they will simultaneously make their homes into craters but then expect the West to rehouse them into our own countries and flag you as racist for having any qualms about it.
All refugees should be sent to Israel for them to take care of if they want to engage in warfare like this, the West is not Israel's bin to toss whatever they want into.
Browns aren't human
>>anti-white blather
Excuse me? I'm Anglo Saxon. You're a hook nosed semite. Semites are caucasoids but they can never be White - a classification which applies exclusively to the indigenous European races.
>Just let Israel take care of business in brownland. You'll be getting a lot of brown rapefugees as Israel expands her borders to encompass Lebanon. Take them and shut the hell up.
You kikes never learn
Every 80 yrs there is a major backlash against jewry because you retards never learn. Furthermore you are merchant caste shtetl trinket dealers and completely unfit to govern either yourselves or anyone else. Protip: the next major backlash approaches and there's nothing you can do about it except spew chutzpah into the ether. This current madness in the levant is not a sign of strength. It is an act of desperation. The behaviour of a cornered rat.
As for your diaspora jews in the West - theyll be leaving alright along with their sandnigger import cousins.
why wont iran take them in? :)
uhhhh Iran's response sisters?
Protip most funded science is schitzo Jewish horseshit and/or propaganda.
its happening to me too dont go full schizo
probably should be displaying a prompt but it isnt and just exiting
Lebanese have a large white population, but regardless of that, why on earth would we want to legitimize making targeting civilian buildings a legitimate target?
This is not how the civilized world fights.
I pray they are welcomed into God's embrace.
If the West is willing to do this to one group of people, then easily they would do this to any other group of people. Even their own.
This should not be allowed.
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>the West is not Israel's bin to toss whatever they want into
That's where you're wrong. They trained us for this.
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>most funded science is schitzo Jewish horseshit and/or propaganda.
Anything jewry becomes involved with inevitably becomes polluted with lies.
They know that escalating will only give Israel an excuse to expand their killing campaign.
By not striking back, they figure they're saving lives. That's the precedent that Israel and the world has allowed, regretfully.
It also speaks to how well armed Israel and the US are.
God help us all.
arab countries must step in and destroy the israeli airforce (and then what's left)
Jews are shitskin kikes
It's not supposed to be, but Israel and the world knows that any nation that speaks out against it will have economic warfare waged on them.
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i kno, right?
I don't think comparing Israel to modern Iran is a very flattering comparison.
Christianity compels its believers to help others, but that doesn't mean throwing your children and loved ones to the proverbial wolves of a gutted society from rampant immigration. You can help people without letting them burn the soul of your country to the ground.
Where is the comfy live stream like when they were bombing the fuck out of Palestine?
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its happening chads how are we feeling
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i didnt compare anyone. i simply asked why iran, or any other muslim country for that matter, wont take refugees. its almost like muslims couldnt give less of a shit about what israel is doing in the grand scheme of things.
>give your money to israel
>accept endless muslim rapefugees
>get ethnically replaced in your own country
There aren't any political implications, I don't really know a single person who gives a shit outside of twitter, even Lebanese expats have had enough.
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The Christians (Maronite) are more towards the north of Beirut, the south is full of Muslims.
>2 billion of muslim are fine with this and gaza
>jews are stoopid and will eventually find out
Lebanon wont exist if this keeps up

It appears so anon.
Checked. Also holy shittttttt
what is the US's excuse for not stopping Israel?
Also the weather is cooling soon :O
>it's almost like muslims couldnt give less of a shit about what israel is doing in the grand scheme of things.
I agree, that doesn't discredit by main point though. I'm not here to defend Muslims, my problem is with Israel dehousing them and expecting the West to foot the bill.
Find Christ while you still can anons
Most Christians don't even read the Bible anon, you don't have to convince me that most "Christian" organizations aren't following the Bible's teachings. Charity is good, mass resettlement is not.
We're helping drop the bombs what do you mean anon?
Plenty of muslim countries accept refugees. Maybe it's time you do your part, Guptan, and accept this lovely family of 10 arabian rapists
The past year has basically confirmed all of the ancient accusations against Jews, well poisoning, blood libel, they unquestionably did all that shit in Europe, they have inbuilt urge to kill and destroy
Is Israel a bigger power than Russia now?
Russia couldn't take out the Kyiv government and cant defeat the Ukrainian army while Israel has already destroyed the Hezbollah leadership and easily taking out there army.
>all the seething mudshits itt
It’s called war. Seems we’ve grown soft and forgotten about it. Thank the Jews for reminding us.
>my problem is with Israel dehousing them and expecting the West to foot the bill
i dont think that they expect anything from anyone. its the white savior complex in western societies thats at fault here.
Because the Talmud and Quran are in agreement, you can lie to goyim/kaffir.
Islam however demands they be killed or converted once muslims are the majority and have government control.
Everyone does, only the Jews get away with it because they’re the best.
Most of the New Testament was written by a Pharisee who never met Jesus, who stated his mission was to teach (Judaize) the goyim. The whole this was a PSYOP to weaken white people.
Just move to the Middle East, it will be the new centre of civilization when the Jews finish taming it. Europe is finished because the Jews found a new home.
The jews hate white people just as much m8, eventually it will be us. Keep worshipping them you cut dick golem.
Yes but when the beating comes from Jews you can feel God in it so it’s righteous.
Checked and your trips counter OPs trips
Kinda based NGL
>they started it
>10,000 years ago they were called elamites
And for 10,000 years you kept falling for the same endless cycle of violence
Honestly, I admire Israel's will to power.
Our enemy is hez, not Lebanon
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not my heckin leborinos
It's probably a bad idea to be supporting islamists or tolerating them anywhere in your vicinity.

Either you remove them or they bother others until those guys remove them while causing a lot of collateral damage.
Some Pharisee Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah, Jew vs Christian were still being figured out during the times of Paul. If I remember correctly even Jesus ordered his followers to teach to Jews first because the Gentiles were not ready to hear the word at the time.
I also think it is important to understand the differences between Hebrews and modern Jews. Call me a Christcuck or whatever but I do trust in Christ and I don't think he approves of how the Jews have infested Western leadership to warp the countries toward sin for monetary gain.
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Ahmed won't do shit.
Jesus was likely referring to John's upcoming visions of Heaven and Christ, where he saw these things.
Why do they hate Beirut so fucking much? I'm starting to think the king of Beirut may be in possesion of a sphere...
Yes, we're seeing the difference in execution between an actual modern military and the leftover dregs of the decrepit late-Soviet shithole that is Russia. They are STILL coasting off of the military achievements of their grandparents in WW2 as if it has any relevance at all in today's world.

How history repeats itself. Russia also got cocky after the defeat of Napoleon and fell behind in technology and military theory and then got embarrassed in the Crimean War when they were totally outclassed by their enemies.

They never learn.
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>Beirut is getting blown up
Because their religious leaders have ordered it. They get fucked in their own countries so they head to Europe in a kind of jihad. They know they are coming to take over. It’s kind of like their best option for getting back at le western countries
your destination is Hell, kike
corpses and giblets cannot emigrate, muhammadan filth. Israel is doing the needful by completely annihilating pisslam from the near and middle east.
make aliyah moishe
Its been like this since zog killed the iranian general. The bbc posts stopped for a minth zionist gloating replaced it. Then overnight is was back to bbc spam and open zionism was less active.

I am sure they were evacuated
OH NO :(, Anyway yesterday i've...
I made that thread lol.
First they came for the Palestinians... etc etc.
They will do it to White people, like they did in WW2 / Bolshevik Revolution
>Political implications?
israel going ham before the pool's closed again
quiet jew
explain pls
...in self defense
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Why are Muslims so bad at fighting?
how do you fight a bomb dropped on your house?!
Nice its ok to shoot kikes in the street then. Also checked.
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>two threads about this
>one shitting on bloodthirsty jews, and lamenting the soon to come rapefugee crisis, blaming the jew like /pol/ has been doing since the stormfront days
>this one licking israels ass and sucking circumcised cock like crazy
>same topic entirely different replies
So, which thread has the shills? i cant really tell, im too low iq to spot shills and federal agents
Muzzies are getting absolutely VIOLATED. They can't even fight back at this point.
Thread theme.
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this, fuck lebanon,palestine,muslims and arabs.more dead bodies, the better.i hope kikes will go full force on them like in gaza and return them 50 years behind in development
Lebs are a filthy pack of scamming and cheating fuckwits, they commit fraud like no other ethnic group. No one likes them
Electronic intifada guys the pizzraelis edit out real casualties advisors mercs sub uimannunits based on caste race structure of satanist thinking they are jewish
Behead you juden
isnt jordan also apart of "greater israel" according to jews? expect idf to invade there next.
Vommunidt sionidt non clerical Bolshevik marxiet zionidt ussr necer fell stupid chirstian no council keep fucking over Christianity becsude you canjot see and hear straight Jewish are running circles arounsnyou with cnanibal ball shog communism and zog when you depend on romanias iton will of weapona and bnd substations in fucking russia
Hezbollah is basically a foreign-controlled mafia with its own private army that's slowly choking Lebanon's government out. Lebanon largely hates them, but are powerless to do anything about them because they can't compete with Iran's resources.

When Israel fights back against Hezbollah, it strengthens Lebanon's position relative to them. Most Lebanese blame Hezbollah for the ensuing collateral damage, because they don't want to live as subjects of Iran. Just like the Houthis in Yemen and Hamas in Gaza. In each case the legitimate government is weak and unstable so they just find some bandits willing to kill for a wife and arm them to challenge the government.
No they did nit destriy that 1975 when pozzraelis also had to retire too many casualties and too many idf suicies and he's asswipe all the idf kikes do is bokshevize the child slaughter 2006 a dramatic idf defeat and total himilation of that garbage cowardly 20 shit merkavas
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The killed a luthetan girl and replaced with tranhy suot mouthed cannibal anti chrodt comoramented infofaggera dod banned shit
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So what's Dr. Gad Saad have to say now?
war in lebanon means more lebs here
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Yebamoth 98a: All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.
Sanhedrin 59a: Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.
Abodah Zara 26b: Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.
Hilkkoth Akum X1: Do not save Goyim in danger of death.
Hilkkoth Akum X1: Show no mercy to the Goyim.
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Nothing will happen, Jews have been doing genocide for years, their golem always protects them.

Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq's non existent WMD's

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>2023: israel kills palestinian civilians and says its at war
>2024: israel kills lebanese civilians and says its at war
who will the jews go after in 2025?
Why would citizens still be in Lebanon? Israel told them to leave so they wouldn't be there when the bomb are dropped. Anyone that stayed is a terrorist.
go back home, chaim
>Political implications?
none. let them glass eachother. also checked
Good. About time if they did. However, it seems like Iran continues to be baited into retaliation and they continue to not take it. They are in a prisoners dilemma.

But maybe they nuke Isreal? Does that put them back in the game? All I see is that Isreal has Iran backed into a corner, whatever action they take could easily land them in a war with Isreal/US, which then invokes Russia?

What I am certain is that nothing good will come from Isreals actions and it will affect all of us soon. Mother fuck.
Nobody will do shit, because it will make anyone look hypocritical, because the escalation in Ukraine precedes the Levantine one and nobody intervened out of fears of muh ww3 escalation
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Mudslimes are evil
This guy gets it. I hope after Israel is done with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbullah, they will finish the job with the West Bank. Fuck arab muslims
Who added the mouth lol?
If retaliation was an option they already would be doing it by now, and israel wouldn't trade blows on a fair fight if given the option
This only can mean they have good intel on the inability to fight back of their ememy, in other words, it's joever.
The muslim league not only doesn't have the means to fight back but also has been playing against their own interests with the rapes and pillage of europe.
After those repeated attacks they cannot become allies or even show sympathy for them.
Even if they wouldn't help Israel directly, they won't get involved against them either
China and Russia have too many troubles in their hands and they also have ties to ((them)), so iran cannot count with their full support in a world war
Dey killin mah bredren!
Kekked! That fuckin picrel
American appeals to active military to STOP fighting wars for Israel
>Political implications?
That was always there anon
Even Fraser admitted bringing them here was a massive mistake
Checked! pedo Jews, glowies and zogbots will be fun target practice!
Anti aircraft artillery, surface to air missles, a functional airforce, need i go on?
Full support saaaars, unironically.
Also anti missile defense systems.
Good that Israel has abundance of those. Fuck Palestine and Lebanon.
classic case of FAFO
It's funny how you shit skins were screeching, "TOTAL KIKE DEATH" a few months ago, but are getting TOTAL MUSLIM DEATH now.
Yahweh is with us.
It’s built for BIC
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>they did have it all along
Nice drawling
Every evil committed by Israel is done with the full knowledge they OWN 99 percent of US politicians and the US Military will back them up. Lebanon knows this as well. The US would back up Israel if Israel kidnapped US children and sold them into sex slavery.
Where do you think the sandniggers go when israel bombs them?
To Hell
LEBANON is about 40 percent Christian.
Obviously. Kikes are anti-White sandniggers
False. Jews are middle eastern which is why Israel is their homeland.
Kikes are pathological psychos kek
>Muttmerican pagancuck or atheist don't know any shit about christianity but still DARES to babble
Paul preached agains the Judaizers and the Council of Jerusalem considered Jewish traditions like Circumcision as unnecesary and even a sin.
Who cares, they are still arab scum that needs to be erased. We don't claim them.
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>haha so funnay brazil so far away!
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> macacao defends a semitic/abrahamic originated desert retard religion

have you taken a look around your gay country lately? all of europe is a fucking dump, FULL of sandniggers anyway. it hardly fucking matters at this point. the issue is open borders and europe letting them in.
How many US VPN's do you guys have?
Bots can shill FAFO all night long.

The world sees you.
>pathological psychos

redundant english, just say psychos, psychopathy is already a pathological condition, the pathology is implied

you are probably talking to some well poisoning kike, at the very least he is extremely ignorant, christianity as you said has nothing to do with "judaizing" the goyim, its ethos is counter jewish in every sense of the word and it's not christianity's fault that american evangelicals took the faith and made it some weird zionist platform for jews and dumb white american retards who don't know better

at least he's honest enough to show his real flag and geolocation, you fucking memeflag piece of shit.
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RIP to those innocent little terrorists and women terrorists and daddy terrorists. Bad people.

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